February 2022
Federation Star
International Convention
BYO Naples is thrilled from all our 60 countries. to be heading to InternaSignage and programming tional Convention (IC) are offered in a variety of in Baltimore this February! An languages. American sign lanevent that teens look forward guage interpreters are availto all year, IC has become an able, and all accommodations unparalleled convening — offerare made to warmly host ing a powerful, strategic and guests of all abilities. BBYO inspiring platform from which strives to create a pluralistic Jessica the best and brightest teen and environment where everyZimmerman adult leaders from across the one can explore or express Jewish world (and beyond) unite to celtheir Jewish identity. To that end, every ebrate, dream and take action to continue consideration is taken regarding ritual, strengthening the future. kashrut and Shabbat. BBYO has a full-service approach to Teens at IC have the opportunity accessibility and inclusion for all attendto take part in community service and ees. We are ready to welcome delegations social action, gain exclusive access to concerts featuring the likes of Steve Aoki, Surfaces and Tai Verdes, along with special panel moments hosted by teens with leaders in world politics and social justice champions alike. Feel free to contact me with any questions about IC! There is still space available. BBYO Naples gathers biweekly for chapter programming. We’d be happy to share our calendar with you for the remainder of spring. Simply send an email to and we’ll be in touch.
“Stand Up For Justice”
Application Deadline: February 11, 2022 For the 12th year a grant has been established by the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish Federation of Greater Naples. The 2022 STAND UP FOR JUSTICE Educator Grant recognizes High School, Middle School and Elementary school educators who are innovative in bringing respect for others’ differences into their activities with students in a transformative, impactful, and caring way. The goal is to create a resource for educators of any discipline to incorporate strategies that promote understanding and respect among students, countering bigotry and bullying. This grant recognizes teachers, guidance counselors, school librarians, media specialists, school psychologists, administrators etc.
Go to: For additional information please contact:
Grant Coordinator, Beth Povlow 239-363-6306