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Purim fun

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At Chabad Naples

At Chabad Naples

By Rabbi Mendel Gordon

Purim started with an exciting celebration in costumes with the Megila reading, dancing and lots of fun. Purim day, students joined in a second Purim celebration with a jungle themed sit-down dinner, bringing the spirit up to new heights.

Rabbi Sholom Wechtor joined us for Purim to ensure that we would also be able to have megillah readings and celebrations for the local seniors that students visit on a regular basis.

Jeffery Schour, Preston Cohen and Emily Glick participate in Hamentash bake-off

Shternie and Carley having Purim fun on campus.

The week following Purim, we had parents Shabbat with many of the students’ parents joining us for the Shabbat experience. It was so nice to see so many parents coming in from the east coast to celebrate Shabbat with us.

FGCU a source of Torah

Always looking to bring Jewish life at FGCU to new heights, we recently printed the Tanya, a base book of Jewish and Chasidic philosophy on campus. Making FGCU not just a place where Judaism is celebrated but a source from where Torah can spread to other places.

The Tanya, written by Rabbi Shnaor Zalman of Liadi, was first printed in 1798 in Russia and fast became a comment book in many Jewish homes. An inspiration to thousands, it has since been reprinted all over the world, making it the most printed Jewish book in the world. FGCU was print number 7,874.

Keith Goldberg was excited to get a FGCU Tanya.

The Tanya is being given out to every Jewish student at FGCU as a start for their personal Jewish libraries.

We would like to thank Shmuel Forshner, who helped arrange and sponsor the printing.

A big mazal tov to our seniors graduating in May. We wish them well in all their future endeavors.

Chabad at FGCU caters to all Jewish students at FGCU and other local colleges.

For more information regarding student programing or to connect, please reach out to Rabbi Mendel Gordon at 347- 452-0489 or Rabbi@chabadfgcu.com.

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