2 minute read

Reflection and gratitude

By Rabbi Ariel Boxman, Director of Lifelong Learning

As our preschool year comes to a close, the halls quiet down (temporarily) and the summer heat rolls in, I finally get a moment to reflect on the year that’s passed … and, boy, what a year it’s been! Our school has undergone some major changes and improvements and we can all feel the positive vibes.

This year, we built a sports field for the children to enjoy soccer and other outdoor games, we began offering the state-recognized VPK program and introduced a monthly Moms Night Out for preschool parents to form meaningful connections. It has been a fun and busy year filled with lots of joy!

Soccer enrichment with amazing athletes on our new field

Our school is growing and improving every day and it continues to be a place of fun, laughter and learning; however, none of it would be possible without our unbelievable staff. Our teachers and enrichment specialists show up every morning with smiles on their faces, ready to instill knowledge and a love of learning into our students’ hearts and minds. Their work is priceless, and their words are unforgettable. Our teachers especially deserve immense gratitude. They are truly responsible for ensuring that there is a next generation of educated, happy and fulfi lled children in our world. Thank you to all our preschool teachers from the bottom of my heart. We couldn’t do it without you!

Temple Shalom Preschool Moms Night Out

To my assistants, Julie and Mary, Mr. Eric and all our wonderful volunteers, thank you for your unbelievable dedication and commitment. Without your support, your ideas and positivity, our school would not run. Thank you for the hours and hours you pour into the school, from sending emails to making flyers to doing the tedious tasks required for art projects, festivals and more. I am grateful for each and every one of you and thank you for being my “people.”

We have a wonderful educational program, and I am so proud to be called director. I am blessed to work in a school like Temple Shalom and be surrounded by so much joy and happiness!

We look forward to welcoming many students back for summer camp beginning in June, with the rest returning in August for the new school year.

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