2 minute read
Naples teens elected to regional board
Jessica Zimmerman, Regional Director, North Florida Region
Shalom Naples!
BBYO Naples has had another great month. A group of Naples teens joined us at Spring Regional Convention in Orlando, April 1-3. The highlight of our year, SRC is where teens compete for the highly coveted spirit stick.
At SRC this year, we hosted a speaker, Jonah Fisher, who encouraged teens to think about tangible ways to help with Ukrainian relief. We hosted a casino night and dance, celebrated our graduating seniors and learned about all BBYO has to offer over the summer. Teens are already looking forward to our next convention, Fall Con, Nov. 4-6.
We are also very excited to announce that two Naples teens have been elected to North Florida’s Regional Board: Kylie Bell, NFR’s 19th Regional N’siah (BBG President) and Jacob Samuel, NFR’s 19th Regional Shaliach (Vice President of Jewish Engagement and Social Action). It’s been three years since we’ve had Naples representation on the regional board.
This month, BBYO Naples is heading to Busch Gardens for an exclusive member-only experience! This will close out our year. If you are interested in learning more about Busch Gardens or our summer experiences, reach out to me directly.
Have a lovely summer, Naples, and we hope to see you soon!