4 minute read
By Mauri Mizrahi, River Garden Senior Services
Millions of people have been infected with COVID-19 and have recovered. The exact number of By Torah Academy of Jacksonville Parshat Noach really came to life here at Torah Academy. To help the students understand the enormous structural undertaking of the Ark, Rabbi Binyamin Levin, our 2nd and 5th grade Judaic studies teacher, the length of the ark.
recovered people is elusive there are a lot of unanbecause of the absence of a swered questions about standard defi nition of COVID-19 and we continue coronavirus recovery and an to remind staff & families to inability to track recovery remain careful especially without a standard defi ni- when planning seasonal or tion. We are grateful that holiday activities with many River Garden residents friends & family. and Coves members who had been diagnosed with The CDC remains the COVID-19 have resumed most reliable resource for their lives. COVID-19 information. Based on current corona- rus/����-ncov/hcp/faq.html virus data, a person who has https://www.cdc.gov/coronavibeen symptom free for 24 Our best defense against hours and was diagnosed 10 spreading COVID-19 and days prior, does not pose an protecting ourselves contininfectious risk to others. But, ues to be wearing masks when around people, washing our hands frequently, and maintaining a physical distance of six feet (6’) from others. We are hopeful for a vaccine to be approved soon, and look forward to greater health and wellbeing in

assisted the students in stretching a string across the schoolyard to demonstrate Students stretch a string across the yard to get a sense of the ark's length. 2021.
Because of space restrictions, (or approximately 600 ft., It was really amazing to see we were able to create a according to some sages). the dimensions of the ark length one-sixth the length To demonstrate the height of and imagine all the animals of Noah’s ark. The total the ark, we suspended a 60ft boarding two by two. actual length was 300 cubits ribbon from helium balloons. 22

Helium balloons demonstrate to students the height of Noah's ark.

By Rhoda Goldstein, Jacksonville Jewish Center
Our annual Jewish Community Mitzvah Day on December 25 is almost here and because of COVID-19 will be a bit diff erent this year. We need the community’s help and involvement to make this day a success. Here’s how we will be helping: • We plan to cook between 500 and 600 meals on December 24 at Congregation Ahavath Chesed from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. • Packaging also will be on December 24 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. • Delivery is planned for December 25 with pick up beginning at 11 a.m. • We are collecting toothbrushes and toothpaste for our JFCS’s Foster Care program.
CHABAD OF ST. JOHNS of St. Johns at Cteen U Private College Credits. But Yeshiva University and the Chabad Teen Network (CTeen). Crafters and sewers, this project is for you! We will be making and donating new cotton pillowcases for children in local hospitals. You can embellish ready-made cases or create new ones. Information at https://caseforsmiles.org/ get-involved/ • We can help Jacksonville by cleaning up trash at city parks. The park facilities will be available for our use during the day. This will be a great time to spend outdoors with friends and family. We will have six to eight adults and unlimited teens and children at each location. We will visit

Teens study Jewish Philosophy with Rabbi Mendel Sharfstein of Chabad

By Devorah Hamford Chabad of St. Johns County
Chabad of St. Johns is off ering a course on Jewish Philosophy for high school students in grades 10-12 in Northeast Florida called CTeen U, a joint initiative of Students taking the course will earn 2 Elective
MITZVAH DAY, cont. pg. 42
more importantly, they will study the basic tenets of Jewish thought, covering such ideas as, how do we ascertain that the Torah is true? Should I marry for
By Gitty Cohen, Children get a chance to Etz Chaim Synagogue win great prizes. In this program Children Etz Chaim Synagogue have the opportunity to stay recently introduced a new connected to the Synagogue and exciting youth program. and their friends in a safe Children meet virtually way. every Sunday morning for To join the program or an interactive, fun trivia for more information please game related to the weekly email: gitty.etzchaim@gmail. torah portion. Each week com