6 minute read
By Rabbi Mayer Rabinowitz, The Jacksonville Kollel
As we prepared for the high holidays, the Kollel was privileged to bring some holiday spirit to our friends at River Garden and The Coves. COVID-19 didn’t manage to separate us, and we were lucky to have a series of virtual programs.
Rabbi Sammy Kahn lead a shofar blowing presentation, while explaining the meaning of the Shofar and the customs we follow during this time of year.
Rabbi Yosef Chaim Cohen brought the familiar holiday tunes to life, in a musical presentation of the high holiday songs and prayers. This was accompanied by an explanation of the special
prayers we recite on Rosh Hashana.
It was an amazing experience for us, and we hope to continue bringing light and joy to all parts of our wonderful community.
THE IMPORTANCE OF EARLY CHILDHOOD SOCIALIZATION By Penny Bolt, Jewish to many other parts of your Friendship is also vital to a Eventually children start to Community Alliance baby’s overall development, child’s development in the use these skills at home too. which is why it is important early years. By playing with What you may see as “just
Socialization is a to start socialization with other children, they learn playing” is so much more. It fundamental part of your other children at a young skills that stay with them is hard work and is necessary child’s development in their age. Social interaction helps their whole life. Sharing, for a child’s development. early years. It starts when young children start to setting boundaries, problem For parents, it may be hard your baby is born and develop their sense of self solving, and learning to to let your little one go, but continues into adulthood, and start to learn what compromise all come from they will love it and will shaping each stage of others expect from them. socializing and interacting. It prove to have lifelong development along the way. Sending your child to also helps improve language benefits. Every single interaction your preschool can give them the skills, grow confidence, and For more than a dozen years, child has, no matter how big social skills and interaction develops a positive sense of Penny Bolt has educated or how small, helps them that they need with other self. Children learn to have three-year-old children at the learn language skills, cope children and help them reach empathy for other people, JCA’s Michele Block Gan with emotions, and work other developmental recognize when their friends Yeladim Preschool and within social norms. milestones. are sad, mad, or happy. Kindergarten.
Social development is tied 17
By Sarah Perfido, Jewish
Community Alliance
As the coronavirus pandemic continues, many of us struggle to cope with anxiety and stress. Some of us joke about gaining the
COVID-19—nearly twenty unwanted pounds added to our waistline. While many of us do our best to minimize our risk of infection and the spread (washing our hands, covering our face, and physically distancing), let’s not forget about one of the greatest defenses we have: exercise!
If exercise were a pill, it would be regarded as a wonder drug. Exercise is proven to improve everything from general wellbeing, musculoskeletal disease, cardiovascular problems, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, mental health, anxiety, and depression!
Exercise can boost our immune system and prepare the body to fight disease.
Exercise increases blood flow and mobilizes white blood cells, one of the main defenses against harmful microbes. Moreover, when we exercise, our body releases a powerful antioxidant called extracellular superoxide dismutase (EcSOD). It helps prevent disease by hunting down free radicals. And it’s linked to surviving
COVID-19. Research shows that patients with higher 18
levels of EcSOD in the body can prevent or reduce the severity of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) one of the worst possible outcomes of COVID-19. ARDS is a major cause of death amongst COVID-19 patients. Forty-five percent of those who develop ARDS will die. 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise each week is recommended. This may sound like a lot, but it can be broken down to 20 minutes daily or 30 minutes over 5 days. You can even break up your activity into multiple daily sessions of at least 10 minutes.
Here are three big reasons to keep (or start) exercising during this pandemic. 1. Support your immune system 2. Reduce your risk of chronic illness 3. Improve your mental health.
Mention this article for a free two-week trial at the JCA.

Safely tucked away on 40 acres in Mandarin is a special place that many people call home, including June & Steve Meinstein. After 32 years trekking from Upstate NY to Jacksonville each year, these snowbirds traded in their tire chains for bike pumps. Their 30-year history with River Garden has culminated in an active lifestyle at The Coves for nearly four years.
Visit RiverGarden.org or call (904) 260.1818
By Jamie Kennedy, Jewish Community Alliance
In November, the JCA Jewish Cultural Arts Festival returns, virtually with an outstanding line-up of dynamic author programs, far beyond what has been offered in the past.
Our first author event is on November 2 at 7 pm with Ben Sheehan’s "OMG WTF Does the Constitution Actually Say?" In preparation for election day, this promises to give information about how to be an effective voter in the upcoming election.
The festival continues November 4 at 7pm with a double feature book event featuring authors Jo Ivester and Mimi Lemay, who are both parents of transgender children and LGBTQ activists. This panel discussion will address their families’ journeys to gain acceptance for their children. "Red Sea Spies," by Raffi Berg, on November 5 at 6 pm, tells the true story of a luxury resort on the Sudanese coast in the early 1980s where staff were undercover Mossad, or Israeli secret service.
Our book club returns on
GET READY FOR MITZVAH DAY By Rhoda Goldstein, Ronald McDonald House. Jacksonville Jewish Center These pillowcases need to be December 25 is Jacksonville Jewish Center's annual Mitzvah Day. This year may look a bit different, but we will still be out in our community helping and supporting others. Details about the day will be determined by the status of COVID-19. Our local hospitality houses including Ronald McDonald House, Helen’s House, and Gabriel House are in the process of planning how volunteers and meals will be done. Center Sisterhood will be making and collecting handmade or decorated pillowcases for children who are in Jacksonville for treatment and staying at cotton and washable. They can be purchased and tie-dyed or appliqued or embellished anyway, but no glitter can be used. Fabrics can be printed or solid and we encourage you to be creative. For more information contact rhodagoldstein@hotmail.com. Temple Sisterhood is going to be collecting packaged and wrapped snacks and candy for our first responders. They will be delivered to the stations in our area. For more information contact rlondon@aol.com. We will be collecting men’s socks for our homeless shelter, Sulzbacher Center. Several projects are still being planned and more info detailed will follow. November 16 at 7pm with "The Watergate Girl," by Jill WineBanks, the only woman on the team that prosecuted the highestranking White House officials. The festival closes on November 17 at 7pm with "Wandering Dixie" by Sue Eisenfeld, which explores how the history of Jewish southerners converges with the region’s complex, conflicted present.
The festival also includes events for young professionals ("The Newish Jewish Encyclopedia" on November 9 at 7pm), middle-schoolers ("The Book of Secrets" on November 8 at 2pm), parents

of young children ("When the World Feels Like a Scary Place" on November 11 at 8pm) and a girls’ night in ("The Genius of Women" on November 12 at 7pm).
All festival events are free and open to the community thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. To find out more about the festival, contact Lior Spring at 730-2100 ext. 318 or visit jcajax.org/jcafest.
Leading faculty, programs and facilities.