En obra negra JUAN FERNANDO COBO Black builds
JUAN FERNA Su obra actual es una reflexión sobre los momentos que considera debe plasmar como documento testimonial en sus “muros”, o paredes que recuerdan las de las viejas calles de algunas ciudades en las que pegan avisos, informando sobre obras de teatro, o películas, o algún concierto, o mítines políticos, uno sobre otro formando al final un collage con diferente información, cada una actual en su momento. Su obra se ha vuelto permeable a los acontecimientos políticos y sociales que ocurren a diario en un país como Colombia. En su obra han cobrado mucha importancia las texturas y la materia, para lo cual está trabajando con materiales no tradicionales en la pintura artística, logrando mediante una alquimia creativa un resultado que siempre sorprende de alguna manera al espectador, el cual se encuentra con algunos grafismos, titulares de periódicos y frases no buscadas que pueden llegar a sugerir inter-
ANDO COBO pretaciones de la obra. Cobo se recrea, disfruta verdaderamente la ejecución de sus obras de texturas rugosas, granulosas, fuertes, en donde prima la materia contrastando con superficies lisas y collages, matizando así los diferentes colores, y mostrando otra faceta de la obra de este pintor vallecaucano con más de 30 años de trabajo en el arte, y varios países del mundo recorridos mostrando sus obras, en donde siempre se ha caracterizado por su particular uso del color. Los “Muros” de Cobo, con seguridad serán testimonios silenciosos de su tiempo, del momento que estamos viviendo en estos primeros años del siglo XXI en esta Colombia de fuertes contrastes y marcadas texturas como la actual obra de Juan Fernando Cobo.
EN OBRA Cobo’s current work is reminiscent of those walls in old streets that are plastered and covered over and over with signs and advertisements for plays, films, concerts, political meetings, or other events. Each poster is replaced or covered by another, forming a collage of information, each item current in its own time. His work is the result of a reflection on those moments that he considers ought to be imprinted on his paintings, on his metaphorical walls, in a series that has become permeable to the political and social developments that occur every day in his native Colombia. Textures and matter have become essential components of Cobo’s work: his paintings are the result of a creative alchemy of non-traditional materials that always surprises their observer, who might find unexpected newspaper headlines or tantalising phrases and symbols that may hint to interpreta-
A NEGRA tions of Cobo’s current work. Cobo thoroughly enjoys the creation of these works where textures, rugged and granular, stand out in contrast to smooth surfaces and collages, and come together with his pallet of colours to show yet another facet of the work of this Colombian artist, whose career in art has spanned over thirty years and several countries, throughout which he has stood out for his very particular use of colour. Cobo’s ‘walls’ will undoubtedly be silent testimonies of their time, of the moments that his countrymen and others are living in these first few years of the twenty-first century, in this Colombia of contrasts as strong, and of textures as deep, as the current work of Juan Fernando Cobo A.
TĂŠcnica mixta / Tela - 80 x 100 cms - 2008 Mixed media on canvas - 80 x 100 cms. - 2008
TĂŠcnica mixta / Tela - 100 x 80 cms - 2008 Mixed media on canvas - 80 x 100 cms. - 2008
TĂŠcnica mixta / Tela - 100 x 80 cms - 2008 Mixed media on canvas - 100 x 80 cms. - 2008
TĂŠcnica mixta / Tela - 80 x 100 cms - 2008 Mixed media on canvas - 80 x 100 cms. - 2008
TĂŠcnica mixta / Tela - 50 x 70 cms - 2008 Mixed media on canvas - 50 x 70 cms. - 2008
TĂŠcnica mixta / Tela - 50 x 70 cms - 2008 Mixed media on canvas - 50 x 70 cms. - 2008
TĂŠcnica mixta / papel / madera - 95 x 70 cms - 2008 Mixed media on paper on wood - 95 x 70 cms. - 2008
TĂŠcnica mixta / papel / madera - 95 x 70 cms - 2008 Mixed media on paper on wood - 95 x 70 cms. - 2008
TĂŠcnica mixta / papel / madera - 95 x 70 cms - 2008 Mixed media on paper on wood - 95 x 70 cms. - 2008
TĂŠcnica mixta / papel / madera - 95 x 70 cms - 2008 Mixed media on paper on wood - 95 x 70 cms. - 2008
TĂŠcnica mixta / papel / madera - 95 x 70 cms - 2008 Mixed media on paper on wood - 95 x 70 cms. - 2008
TĂŠcnica mixta / papel / madera - 95 x 70 cms - 2008 Mixed media on paper on wood - 95 x 70 cms. - 2008
JUAN FERNANDO COBO A. www.juanfernandocobo.com jfc@juanfernandocobo.com jfcoboa@uniweb.com.co Cali, Colombia