How many resources are available through the Jerry Falwell Library (JFL)?
The library has approximately 3.2 million resources in physical and electronic formats. These include books, e-books, journals, DVDs, CDs, streaming video, and more. The library also has approximately 450 databases with millions of additional resources.
Can I place items on reserve for my classes?
You can place materials on reserve for either three hours, one day, or three days. Contact borrowingservices@liberty.edu or stop by the Customer Service Center to place items on reserve.

How many items can I check out, and how long can I keep them?
You can check out up to 50 items from the general collections for a period of 60 days, and items can be renewed online. You can make delivery requests by completing an Interlibrary Loan (ILL) form on the library website. Learn more at Liberty.edu/Library/Faculty.
Can I send my graduate assistant to check out materials for me?
You may create proxy patrons to check out materials on your behalf by emailing borrowingservices@liberty.edu or by visiting the Customer Service Center. Only those listed as an official proxy patron on your library account will be allowed to check out materials for you. You are responsible for all items checked out to your accounts.
How can I access items stored in the robot?
You can request materials stored in the Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS) directly from the library website. The materials are typically ready for pickup at the Customer Service Center in about 10 minutes.
How can I access electronic resources?
You can access electronic library resources at Liberty.edu/Library. When off campus, you will be prompted to log in before accessing full content.

What can I do if I need something that the library doesn’t own?
The JFL is often able to obtain materials that the library does not own through Interlibrary Loan (ILL) services. Visit Liberty.edu/Library/ Interlibrary-Loan for more information and to submit requests. Additionally, since the JFL is a member of the Center for Research Libraries (CRL), you can borrow materials from that collection through ILL. You can explore CRL collections at CRL.edu.
Can I request that the library purchase materials to be added to the collection?
Anyone can make personal suggestions for items to be added to the collection by visiting Library.edu/Library/Suggestions. Additionally, each academic department has its own set of procedures for making requests to support academic programs. Please check with your department chair about the preferred procedure for those requests.
How can the library help me find Open Educational Resources?
Open Educational Resources (OER) are free educational tools with a Creative Commons license that can be used for educational purposes. Examples include course assignments, projects, syllabi, handouts, textbooks, and tutorials. The JFL assists with finding OER and hosting faculty-created or adapted OER in the institutional repository, Scholars Crossing. Email scholarlycommunications@liberty.edu for more information.
How can my students get research assistance?
Research assistance and instruction are available in person as well as by phone, email, or chat. Visit Liberty.edu/Library/Contact-Us for information and hours. Students can also explore discipline-specific research guides on the library website.
Do you have resources to help my students improve their research skills?
The JFL offers live research webinars. A complete listing of upcoming and previously recorded workshops is available at Liberty.edu/Library/ Events. Students can also watch research tutorials and videos created for specific assignments or for general research skills by visiting Watch. Liberty.edu/JFL . To request a custom tutorial, workshop, or webinar on a specific topic for your students, please complete the Instruction Request Form at Liberty.edu/Library/Faculty or email research@liberty.edu.
Can a librarian teach my class about using the library and how to conduct research?
Library faculty are available to teach information literacy skill sessions to your classes. To discuss your needs or arrange a presentation for your class, please submit an Instruction Request Form found at Liberty.edu/Library/Faculty or email research@liberty.edu.
Does the library have any special collections?
The JFL has several special collections to meet unique needs:
• Archives & Special Collections — Historical materials related to the university and associated entities, special collections such as hymnal and Sunday school collections, and rare books
• Beyond Books — Items for personal enjoyment or classroom enrichment such as games, electronics, tools, and outdoor equipment
• Curriculum Library — Pre-K through grade 12 textbooks, teaching resources, juvenile literature, and English as a Second Language materials
• Scholars Crossing — Institutional repository of scholarly works created by Liberty University students and faculty