HAKOL - July/August 2018

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The Voice of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Community



Issue No. 411


July/August 2018


Tamuz/Av/Elul 5778


Relive the celebration of a successful Year 1 in the LIFE & LEGACY program p16-17

Learn about our active older adult community in this month’s special section.


JCC celebrates 100 years By Amy Sams JCC Centennial Weekend Coordinator

I’m honored to write about the Jewish Community Center’s centennial year. One hundred years. I have been around for just a little bit over half those years. I sit here in my office on the second floor of the JCC, thinking of how our agency has touched the lives of so many, including my own and those of my family members. The JCC has served the Jewish community and the community at large in various and critical ways. The JCC has touched people’s lives past, present and future. Our community has a lot to celebrate. In the present day, the JCC is a dynamic and vibrant place to connect, grow and learn. On any given day, I can see the infants and children in the building thriving, growing and being loved. I see parents and children re-connecting at the end of the day and see how important the JCC is in the lives of families. The children at the JCC are learning to cook, sing, play instruments, act and create, all while making friends and socializing. Children and teens are bonding with others at Camp JCC, exploring the outdoors and building confidence. Throughout this centennial year, so many individuals have shared their memories and stories through our website, podcasts, e-mails

and letters, and more recently in our Centennial Facebook Group. Wow! Many have shared stories about the people who inspired them and taught them life skills. We have heard repeatedly about Carol Rose, Hal Grossman, Ed “Mr. Ed” Rourke, Dennis McGinley, Len Gurvitz, Selma Telles, Miss Judy (Freeman) and Miss Marlene (Finkelstein) just to name a few. More recent memories about the JCC have been shared by 3rd generation JCCers. Ross and Wendy Born’s grandchildren shared their memories through one of the fantastic Centennial Podcasts recorded and produced by Steve Mittman. Listening to the podcasts, there is a recurrent theme: the JCC matters. Whether the memories are of doing calisthenics to the “Chicken Fat” song, appearing on stage, or learning how to save a life in the pool, the JCC matters. The JCC matters not only to those with fond memories of growing up here, but also to those who count on the JCC today for social, educational, arts, cultural and wellness opportunities. Adults today are making personal connections through programs such as Yiddish Club, Mah Jongg, Friendship Circle and mosaics, as well as in the fitness center and at the pool.

JCC Centennial Continues on page 22

Culture, comedy and doughnuts to highlight Israel trip By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing Been there, never done that? Here’s an opportunity for a week of behind-the-scenes experiences that highlight Israel’s innovative culture at its 70th anniversary. The trip, departing Dec. 2, will include wine and food tours, exclusive briefings and the opportunity for hands-on social action. It will be a trip that showcases the Israel of

today – its culture, people and land. “We’re creating an itinerary that will appeal to firsttimers and people like Larry and myself who’ve been there many times on many missions,” said Eva Levitt, Federation president. “We’re looking forward to having as many people in the Lehigh Valley come as possible because we think it will be an unforgettable experience.” Become a doughnut conNon-Profit Organization

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noisseur during the week of Chanukah in Israel! The trip will explore Israel’s cultural and culinary scene, with planned stops including the buzzing Nachalat Binyamin Arts & Crafts Market, Carmel Market, the Tishbi Winery and The Museum of the Jewish People, including the museum’s newest exhibition, “Let There Be Laughter – Jewish Humor Around the World.” Travelers will also have the chance to stroll along the new Independence Trail in Tel Aviv, visit the Leket Israel National Food Bank and the Neve Michael Children’s Village and tour the Western Negev. “This is a unique opportunity for this Lehigh Valley to go together on an exceptionally important mission to Israel at Israel’s 70th anniversary,” said Larry Levitt, Eva’s husband and co-traveler. “Eva and I can promise you that if you’ve been there before or you’ve never been

to Israel, you will look back on this as being a trip of a lifetime.” If you want to light Chanukah candles in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem this year, join the Jewish Federation for an ice cream social at the home of Vicki Wax on Tuesday, July

31, at 7 p.m., to learn more. Sign up that night and receive $100 off! To learn more, contact the Federation at 610-821-5500 or mailbox@jflv.org or visit www. jewishlehighvalley.org/ discoverisrael.

Let’s not stop caring about each other By Richard Sandler Jewish Federations of North America EDITOR’S NOTE: The following is a guest column from Richard Sandler, chair of the Board of Trustees of the Jewish Federations of North America. A note from Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley President Eva Levitt: I believe that Mr .Sandler’s words ring very true. We are much stronger working together. Whatever our positions may be when it comes to Israel, we all want Israel to be strong and to grow as a remarkable success in the world today. Exactly two years ago, I stood beside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and opposition leader Member of Knesset Isaac Herzog, at Israel’s first celebration of American Jewish contributions to the state of Israel. A full day of events sponsored by the Ruderman Foundation and hosted by MK Nachman Shai allowed the world to marvel at the strength and cohesion of the Jewish people. I spoke about my father and the unconditional love he had for the Jewish State, and I spoke about my hope for the future and my concerns. I was so proud to represent The Jewish Federations of North America at this event. It is hard to believe that it has been two and a half years since you honored me with the position of chair of the JFNA’s Board of Trustees. As I reflect on this period and the challenges we face as a community and a people,

I remain optimistic, but also concerned. While the Jewish people share many things in common, we are upended by divisions that impede our central task of building a strong, cohesive community, one that engages Jews of all backgrounds – especially our young people – in our sacred work and the joys of our tradition. Please understand me: differences of opinion are healthy. They help us to learn more about complex problems and reach solutions. It is when we stop listening to each other and caring about one another that I get concerned. I am optimistic, because so many lay leaders and professionals, whom I have had the honor to meet and work with these past several years, represent the best of Jewish values. They are committed to making sure that we preserve those values to ensure a vibrant Jewish future for our children and our grandchildren. To me, those values are based upon an understanding that each and every one of us has a responsibility to one another and to the world at large; to continue to repair the world consistent with the values in our Torah. And I never forget the lessons of the great teacher Rabbi Hillel who, when asked to explain the meaning of the Torah while someone stood on one foot, said “What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. Everything else is commentary. Go now and study it.” Two weeks ago, both my concerns and my optimism crystalized in one moment. My

optimism was reflected by the opportunity and privilege I had to attend the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. My concerns were manifested in the reaction by so many to what took place at the Gaza border with Israel. Witnessing the opening of the Embassy was an extraordinary privilege. Jerusalem has been the center of Jewish life from biblical times and the capital of Israel for the past 70 years. It is where the Knesset, the Supreme Court, the Prime Minister and the President are located. Yet Israel has been the only allied nation, in which the American embassy was located outside the country’s capital. Israelis were overwhelmingly positive about the opening of the embassy, with some 73 percent in favor of the move. (I think we all know that 73 percent of Israelis rarely agree on anything.) I looked around the crowd and was struck by the excitement of everyone who had come together to witness the event. The crowd included many friends from both Israel and the United States – all people who care about Israel and the Jewish people. At the same time, there was provocative violence along the Israel-Gaza border. Hamas had spent months orchestrating a mass-scale attempt to infiltrate into the State of Israel to mark what Palestinians called “a day of rage” with specific instructions to go into Israeli communities located several hundred yards from the border and kill Jews. As a result unfortunately there were more than 60 Palestinian deaths. The loss of any

LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Readers, On a large cruise ship at the beginning of the summer, I stood on the precipice of a dangling platform 10 decks above the ground, waiting for the final signal to step over, where the zipline would then carry me across to a waiting mat. The idea was terrifying. But as I stood behind the line, I remembered something from a recent interview for this issue’s Senior Living section: “You’re just in awe, and you forget to be scared” was what Marlene Finkelstein, who went on a heli-hiking tour to celebrate her 55th anniversary, said of the

helicopter rides. As it turned out, Marlene was right: the wonder of the air rushing around me and the heartpounding thrill of adrenaline made me forget my fear. This year’s Senior Living section will introduce you to active seniors who take life by the horns at whatever age, from 100-year-old Lillian, who livens up the room with her quick wit and easy camaraderie, to Nurit, whose volunteer work at age 80 earned the recognition of Israel’s president. This summer, I hope you get inspired by one of our local seniors and find a way to try

Shalom, Michelle

We gratefully acknowledge those individuals who have offered expressions of friendship by requesting that trees be planted in the Yoav--Lehigh Valley Partnership Park. ROBERT HAMMEL Being elected JCC Honorary President The Fraenkel Family ALEX HORNSTEIN AND DEBORAH DEGANI Marriage of Shira to Jonathan Roberto and Eileen Fischmann NATHAN PATRIKS KAPANS Danny Sinsley LISA KIRSHNER Speedy Recovery Partnership2Gether JESSICA AND KYLE LEWIS Birth of their daughter, Madeline Etta SHALOM BABY AMY AND MARTIN OSELKIN Birth of their son, Owen Luke SHALOM BABY

BRUCE REICH Happy Father’s Day Zachary, Zander and Sophia CANTOR KEVIN WARTELL Schiff Award for Prejudice Award Roberto and Eileen Fischmann VALESKA ZIGHELBOIM George Feldman Achievement Award for Young Leadership Roberto and Eileen Fischmann IN MEMORY ROLF FRANKFURTER (Brother of Roberto Fischmann) The Fraenkel Family Michael and Cooky Notis HELEN RUTH GLAZER (Mother of Cynthia Wroclawski) Jeff and Jill Blinder Partnership2Gether Committee

TO ORDER TREES, call the JFLV at 610-821-5500 or visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org. 2 JULY/AUGUST 2018 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY


HAKOL is published 11 times per year for the Jewish communities of Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and vicinity by the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley.

COMMUNITY SUBMISSIONS Submissions to HAKOL must be of interest to the entire Jewish community. HAKOL reserves all editorial rights including, but not limited to, the decision to print any submitted materials, the editing of submissions to conform to style and length requirements, and the placement of any printed material. Articles should be submitted by e-mail or presented as typed copy; “Community Calendar” listings must be submitted by e-mail to hakol@jflv.org or online at www.jewishlehighvalley.org. Please include your name and a daytime telephone number where you can be contacted in the event questions arise. We cannot guarantee publication or placement of submissions.

Phone: (610) 821-5500 Fax: (610) 821-8946 E-mail: hakol@jflv.org

something new, borrowing a zest for life from one of our most long-lived and accomplished community members.

winds down, my hope for all of us, as we look to the future, is that we work harder to hear and understand one another. We have survived and made a significant difference in this world for over 3,000 years because of our common values and tradition. It is also what propels us to do the sacred work of caring for people in need all over the world. The very best in us is imperiled when we let grievances and disagreements rise to the level of disrespect and enmity. Our people look to us as leaders to guide them through this wilderness. Let’s be true to our task of being a light unto the nations – and to our own people. HAKOL STAFF

MAIL, FAX, OR E-MAIL TO: JFLV ATTN: HAKOL 702 N. 22nd St. Allentown, PA 18104

JEWISH FEDERATION OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY IN HONOR MICHAEL ALTERMAN AND LYNN WILSON Birth of their son, Noah Shea SHALOM BABY PETER AND KAREN COOPER Birth of their grandchild David’s engagement Roberto and Eileen Fischmann HON. CHARLIE DENT President’s Award Roberto and Eileen Fischmann MARTIN AND MARSHA FALK Marriage of their daughter Jessica to Jeff Segal Jay and Evelyn Lipschutz BRIAN AND EMILY FORD Pomerantz Award for Campaign Excellence Roberto and Eileen Fischmann

human life is tragic. By Hamas’s own admission, 90 percent of those killed were militants. It is clear that the violence at the Israel-Gaza border is the fault of the Iranianfunded terrorist group Hamas; and the world must hold them accountable. I understand there are different views in our community with respect to Israel and its relations with the Palestinians. There are also different views with respect to whether or not this was a good time to move the Embassy. Regardless of your opinions on these matters, we must strive to better understand the complexities of the issues surrounding Israel and our relationships with Israel. We have to be open minded and understanding enough to allow ourselves to find merit in the decisions of those we may otherwise usually disagree with. These are complex and emotional issues; caring, informed and intelligent people can and do have different views, all acting in good faith, and with deep love for Israel. At JFNA, we bring together the whole community, left, right and center. As my term as chair

MICHELLE COHEN Editor ALLISON MEYERS Graphic Designer DIANE MCKEE Advertising Representative TEL: 610-515-1391 hakolads@jflv.org

JFLV EXECUTIVE STAFF MARK L. GOLDSTEIN Executive Director JERI ZIMMERMAN Assistant Executive Director TEMPLE COLDREN Director of Finance & Administration JIM MUETH Director of Planned Giving & Endowments AARON GORODZINSKY Director of Outreach & Community Relations EVA LEVITT JFLV President

EDITORIAL BOARD Monica Friess, Acting Chair Barbara Reisner Judith Rodwin Sara Vigneri

Member American Jewish Press Association

All advertising is subject to review and approval by The Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley (JFLV). JFLV reserves the right to decline, withdraw and/or edit any ad. The appearance of any advertising in HAKOL does not represent an endorsement or kashrut certification. Paid political advertisements that appear in HAKOL do not represent an endorsement of any candidate by the JFLV.


In order to unite, sustain, and enhance the Lehigh Valley Jewish community, and support Jewish communities in Israel and around the world, the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley is dedicated to the following core values: • Supporting Jews in need wherever they may be. • Supporting Israel as a Jewish homeland. • Supporting and encouraging Jewish education in the Lehigh Valley as a means of strengthening Jewish life for individuals and families. • Supporting programs and services of organizations whose values and mission meet local Jewish needs. To accomplish this mission the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley is committed to the following operating guidelines: • Raising and distributing funds to support the core values. • Developing Jewish leaders. • Building endowments to support implementation of core values. • Committing to ongoing Jewish community strategic planning. • Fostering cooperation among organizations and community building. • Evaluating all decisions with respect to fiscal responsibility. • Identifying unmet needs and investing in community initiatives to help get them started. • Coordinating and convening a community response as an issue or need arises. • Setting priorities for allocation and distribution of funds. • Acting as a central address for communication about events, programs and services of the Jewish community as a whole. Approved by the JFLV Board of Directors on November 15, 2000

Charlie Dent: Community ‘punches above its weight’ By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing Two hundred people joined the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley to celebrate a year of accomplishments at its Community Celebration & Annual Meeting on June 14. Many who took to the podium remarked on just how special this Jewish community is. “For me this was just another move. Another town, another address. However, very shortly thereafter, we knew that something about this place was different,” said Valeska Zighelboim, recipient of the George Feldman Achievement Award for Young Leadership, who immigrated to the United States from Venezuela and moved to the Lehigh Valley five years ago. “People would invite us for Shabbat dinners, par-

ties, playdates with the boys, everybody was kind and welcoming. The kids started their school year at the JDS and JCC and after only a few months, I realized that even though my children would never walk the hallways of our beloved school in Caracas, they would walk the hallways of a magnificent school. That it would be part of a fantastic, kind and bighearted community.” Upon receiving the President’s Award, former Rep. Charlie Dent said of the local Jewish community, “I always like to say it punches above its weight – politically, socially, philanthropically and in so many ways.” “So I really just want to say thank you for this wonderful award, this President’s Award,” he added. “It’s the only President’s Award I’m going to get these four years.”

Above left, participants in the Israel Next Dor leadership development program. The group members received their diplomas for completing the program that evening. Above right, former Rep. Charlie Dent speaks after receiving the President’s Award. Right, Sandra Goldfarb receives a gift from Federation Executive Director Mark L. Goldstein for her five years serving as endowment chair.

Above, Brian and Emily Ford receive the Pomerantz Award for Campaign Excellence. Below left, Cantor Kevin Wartell is presented with the Schiff Award for Prejudice Reduction. Below right, Valeska Zighelboim accepts the George Feldman Achievement Award for Young Leadership.

HELP OUR ISRAELI SHLICHA MAKE THE LEHIGH VALLEY HOME! We are looking for new or gently used items that our Israeli emissary, Rotem Bar, will need while she is here for the next year. Items include: • Compact Car* • Pillows and bedding • Flat-screen TV • Lamps • Small kitchen appliances • Dishes • Pots and pans • Couch

• Coffee table • Kitchen table and chairs • Book case • Anything else that may be needed to outfit a 1-bedroom apartment *Can be eligible for full charitable deducation. Contact the Federation.

Items may be dropped off in the Nearly New shed at the JCC, or pick-up may be arranged. Contact the Jewish Federation at 610-821-5500 or mailbox@jflv.org to learn more. HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | JULY/AUGUST 2018 3


Women learn how to ‘bake a difference’ Lion of Judah and Pomegranate women had the opportunity on May 31 to hear from and bake with Carly Zimmerman, CEO of Challah for Hunger. Zimmerman talked to the women about innovative Jewish ideas before helping them braid their own challah to take home. “We’ve been really lucky to be able to bring together organizations that have such a rich history of giving and experience in the Jewish community and those in the Jewish innovation world that aren’t afraid to take risks,” Zimmerman said of her work with Challah for Hunger. “I’m really optimistic about the Jewish future and what we will all do together,” she continued. “I think it’s incredibly vital ... that the conversations continue between those who are really excited to invest in the Jewish community and have given so much of their time and those who are excited to continue that work for the next generation and beyond.”

Campaign Co-Chair Carol Bub Fromer talks to the group about the impact they have on the Jewish community through their giving.

Beth Kozinn, Martha Segal and Marilyn Claire enjoy the evening.

Above, Carly Zimmerman, CEO of Challah for Hunger, helps the Lion of Judah and Pomegranate women to braid their own challahs to take home. SPONSORED BY THE JEWISH FEDERATION OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY’S WOMEN’S DIVISION


to the Lehigh Valley MADELINE ETTA LEWIS daughter of Jessica and Kyle Lewis


son of Lynn Wilson and Michael Alterman


son of Amy and Martin Oselkin If you’re expecting, know someone who is, or have a new baby, PLEASE LET US KNOW! Contact Abby Trachtman, 610-821-5500 | abbyt@jflv.org SPONSORED BY

Right, Amy Fels, Pomegranate Division co-chair, speaks at the event.

HAKOL at any age Micah Billig enjoys a recent issue of HAKOL. With its pages full of bright colors and familiar faces, HAKOL is great reading for the whole family. If you don’t already receive HAKOL in your home and you would like to, or know someone who should, call 610-821-5500 or visit jewishlehighvalley.org to join the Federation’s mailing list.

Handmade Afghans


All proceeds benefit projects in Israel:

Food Banks in Israel Neve Michael Youth Village

For prices or to place an order, call Eva 610-398-1376.

All payments are made payable to the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley 4 JULY/AUGUST 2018 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

Eight more Lehigh Valley women experience the beauty of Israel with Federation and JWRP

Travelers Dana Cohen, Emily Ford, Rachel Shurman, Caren Lowry, Naomi Schachter, Carol Wilson, Kimbery Valuntas and Lora Vaknin kick off their trip at the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange on July 11.

Traveling with the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley and the Jewish Women’s Renaissance Project, the group heads to the top of Masada.

The women visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

After a fun trip, the group prepares for a farewell dinner with hundreds of other JWRP women.

Cousins Caren Lowry and Emily Ford at the wall.

Reflections from Israel By Naomi Schachter JWRP Participant The beauty of Israel is that it’s really a microcosm of the world. There’s everything here! Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, Neve Tzedek, the beach, art, dance, music, mountains, history and not to mention a diverse population. On my way back to the hotel, I spent my time speaking with the van driver in English, Hebrew and Arabic. The cab driver asked to look at pictures of my family while driving. I spent the day captivated by all of the speakers. Learning about Emunah, listening for G-d’s whisper and a gentle tap on the shoulder. I think I know what my “Lech Lecha” is, but I honor the journey that we are all on and will wait until the end of the trip to be open to the possibility of other whispers or taps. Words translate into thoughts and beliefs and should be chosen carefully, wisely and with loving kindness. I woke up in the middle of the night with a few additional thoughts. The pioneers of Israel were so incredibly brave. They risked their lives getting here and then they fought to make this land a Jewish state against insurmountable odds. I am truly

humbled by them. I listened to the stories of Golda Meir and David Ben Gurion with tears in my eyes and a profound sense of pride in the Jewish people. Like our Allentown group, Israel is small, but mighty and poised for even better things to come. Thank you to all who came before and made this a possibility.

The group prepares to celebrate Shabbat.

Group leader Jeri Zimmerman with Naomi Schachter.





Above left, Erica Hyman celebrates after winning the $5,000 grand reverse raffle prize. Above top right, Fred Fensalau, president of Working Dog Press, and his golf buddy get ready to hit the links. Above bottom right, Barnet Fraenkel putts in the qualifying rounds of the putting contest.

Above, Rabbi Seth Phillips enjoys brunch with the ladies before they hit the links. Below, Sam Bub, Houman Ahdieh, Gary Fromer and Joe Scheller enjoy a day on the course.



Above, clergy members come together to offer a blessing before dinner. Below left, putting contest finalist Rick Buss in deep thought before attempting the final putt.


Left top, Donald Senderowitz, Carol Bub Fromer and Bill Markson enjoy cocktail hour. Left bottom, Vicki and Richie Schiff at dinner.

Fun and fundraising at the Schiff Tournament By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing Golfers beat the heat and had a great time on and off the links on June 18 at the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley’s seventh annual Mortimer S. Schiff Memorial Golf Tournament in support of prejudice reduction and bringing people together. Despite the blazing sun, the foursomes set out for a full 18 holes at the beautiful Lehigh Country Club after enjoying a decadent brunch in the clubhouse. Out on the course, they stopped for additional chances to win prizes, including by getting the longest drive, closest to the pin and into the pot of gold. At Hole 16, each golfer took a shot at a hole-in-one that would come with a lease on a Lexus. Throughout the day, players took putts to try and qualify for the semi-final round of the putting contest. Eight golfers sunk their putts in the qualifying rounds, but only Rick Buss sank his in the semi-finals, leading him to the final round. His attempt to make the 50-foot putt for $10,000 came just so close, but he still walked away with a great consolation prize. Back in the clubhouse, golfers and additional guests enjoyed cocktail hour before making their way to the dining room. Over a meal of prime rib, tournament cochairs Barnet Fraenkel and Richie Schiff pulled tickets and announced reverse raffle prizes. With the last ticket in the basket, the grand prize of $5,000 went to tournament committee member Erica Hyman, who generously donated half of her winnings back to Federation. After receiving the Schiff Award for Prejudice Reduction at the Federation’s annual meeting days before, Cantor Kevin Wartell was again honored with the award at the tournament. He was presented with a proclamation that attested to his efforts to build bridges in the community. The tournament is made possible through the support of Lexus of Lehigh Valley, the Mortimer S. Schiff Family Foundation and all of the sponsors and players whose efforts help fund prejudice reduction programs in local public schools and support the Federation’s broader mission of helping Jews and non-Jews all over the world.

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Above, Schiff Award for Prejudice Reduction winner Cantor Kevin Wartell receives a proclamation. Below, Herb Levy waits for his next turn to golf.

A special thanks to the 2018 Golf Tournament Committee: Honorary Co-Chairmen Leonard Abrams Mark Klein Chairmen Barnet Fraenkel Richard Schiff Committee Houman Ahdieh Patty Carlis Scott Delin

Stewart Furmansky Erica Hyman Richard Lerner Herb Levy Bill Markson Peter Pettit Donald Senderowitz Larrie Sheftel Jay Stiver Scott Waldman Jean B. Weiner

To see more photos from this year’s tournament, “like” Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley.


IN HONOR 2018 JWRP Women’s Mission Wishing them well on their trip Kira Bub MARC AND ALIETTE ABO Birth of their granddaughter, Alex Maxx Ross and Wendy Born Karl and Sara Glassman BOB BLACK Speedy Recovery Karl and Sara Glassman CHARLIE DENT President’s Award Ross and Wendy Born Roberta and Alan Penn Thank you for his years of leadership Vicki Wax JEANETTE AND EDUARDO EICHENWALD Bar Mitzvah of their grandson, Gideon Vicki Wax Arthur and Barbara Weinrach EILEEN AND ROBERTO FISCHMANN Birth of their grandsons Gary and Carol Bub Fromer EMILY AND BRIAN FORD Pomerantz Award for Campaign Excellence Rita and Mike Bloom Ross and Wendy Born Gary Fromer and Carol Bub Fromer Beth and Wesley Kozinn Suzanne Lapiduss and Tracey and Jason Billig Elaine and Leon Papir Roberta and Alan Penn Vicki Wax BARNET FRAENKEL Thank You Sandy Engel

JEFF GEVIRTZ Graduation of his daughter Rachel Iris and Jonathan Epstein RON AND LINDA GLICKMAN Happy 50th Wedding Anniversary Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald SANDRA GOLDFARB Happy "Special" Birthday Bobby and Bonnie Hammel MARK GOLDSTEIN Speedy Recovery Mark and Deena Scoblionko Arthur and Barbara Weinrach MELISSA AND HARVEY HAKIM Graduation of their son, Max Gary Fromer and Carol Bub Fromer CHELSEA AND ERIC KARP Graduation of their son, David Gary Fromer and Carol Bub Fromer PAUL AND DIANE LEMBERG Graduation of their son, Josh Gary Fromer and Carol Bub Fromer JAY AND EVELYN LIPSCHUTZ Birth of their granddaughter, Jordana Ross and Wendy Born JOY AND BOB MILLER Birth of their three grandchildren, Syamakanti, Arthur, and Luke Ross and Wendy Born SANDY NEWMAN Birth of her grandson, Derek Ross and Wendy Born Carol and Stewart Furmansky Barry and Carol Halper Suzanne Lapiduss and Family MIRIAM PITKOFF Graduation of her daughter, Joelle Gary Fromer and Carol Bub Fromer BARBARA AND MICHAEL PLATT Birth of their grandson, Ezra Ross and Wendy Born

CAROLE AND HARRY ROSE Birth of their great-granddaughter, Claire Ross and Wendy Born PENNY AND ADAM ROTH Happy Anniversary Audrey and Jerome Cylinder LINDA SILOWKA Birth of her granddaughter, Anna Lisa Engagement of her son Jeffrey Colfer to Morgan Spence Ross and Wendy Born ARTHUR AND AUDREY SOSIS Marriage of their daughter Ellen to Scott Roberta and Jeff Epstein Margie and Jonathan Hertz Arlene and Richard Stein RON AND MELISSA STEIN Birth of their grandson, Jack Marla and Brian Strahl ROBERT SUBIN Happy 80th Birthday Sybil and Barry Baiman CANTOR KEVIN WARTELL Schiff Award for Prejudice Reduction Jeff and Jill Blinder Joan Brody Gary and Carol Bub Fromer Barry and Carol Halper Beth and Wesley Kozinn Don and Lois Lipson Roberta and Alan Penn ROBBY AND LAURIE WAX Graduation of their son, Ben Marc and Aliette Abo Gary Fromer and Carol Bub Fromer Suzanne Lapiduss JDS Graduation of their son, Danny Gary Fromer and Carol Bub Fromer VICKI WAX Graduation of grandsons Marc and Aliette Abo ARTHUR AND BARBARA WEINRACH Birth of their grandson Bobby and Bonnie Hammel ABBY WIENER Happy "Special" Birthday Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald BOB AND CAROL WILSON

Graduation of their son, Ben Gary Fromer and Carol Bub Fromer VALESKA ZIGHELBOIM George Feldman Achievement Award for Young Leadership Ross and Wendy Born Sam and Sylvia Bub Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald Gary Fromer and Carol Bub Fromer Sandra and Harold Goldfarb Barry and Carol Halper Beth and Wesley Kozinn Suzanne Lapiduss and Family Elaine and Leon Papir Roberta and Alan Penn Mark and Deena Scoblionko Ron and Martha Segel Vicki Wax IN MEMORY BROTHER (of Judith Rodwin) Ross and Wendy Born MOTHER (of Linda Wiener) Ron and Martha Segel ROLF FRANKFURTER (Brother of Roberto Fischmann) Jeff and Jill Blinder Sam and Sylvia Bub Gary Fromer and Carol Bub Fromer Carol and Stewart Furmansky Jay and Evelyn Lipschutz Mark and Alice Notis Vicki Wax ELAINE GERMAN (Mother of Sandi Teplitz) Jeanette and Eduardo Eichenwald Suzanne Lapiduss and Family Roberta and Alan Penn HELEN RUTH GLAZER (Mother of Cynthia Wroclawski) Judy Alperin SIDNEY GREENBERG (Partner of Joani Lesavoy) Shirley and Bob Malenovsky (Father of Jake Greenberg) Diane and Paul Lemberg Shirley and Bob Malenovsky Ron and Martha Segel

JOEL LEONARD ROTH (Brother of Jean Mandel) Adam and Penny Roth and Family HELEN AND SOL KRAWITZ HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL FUND IN HONOR LEON DUBIN Marriage of his grandson, Jake Joani Lesavoy LYNDA AND STUART KRAWITZ Thank You and Happy Anniversary Susan Engelson Friefeld MITCH AND ROBERTA KURLANDER Thank You Susan Engelson Friefeld SHIRLEY AND BOB MALENOVSKY Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter Zoe Joani Lesavoy GEORGE MILLS Marriage of his son, Jake Joani Lesavoy SANDY NEWMAN Birth of her grandson, Derek Susan Engelson Friefeld STUART RADER Graduation of his daughter, Sasha, from SCAD Joani Lesavoy MURRAY AND MARLENE SALTZMAN Marriage of their daughter Susan Joani Lesavoy IN MEMORY SIDNEY ENGELSON Miss You, Daddy Susan Engelson Friefeld

We gratefully acknowledge those individuals who have offered expressions of friendship through recent gifts to the Lehigh Valley Jewish Foundation. The minimum contribution for an Endowment Card is $10. Call 610-821-5500 or visit www. jewishlehighvalley.org to place your card requests. Thank you for your continued support.

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Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits a kindergarten in Sderot, an Israeli city that borders Gaza, on July 16. Two days earlier, Hamas rockets struck a nearby home and synagogue. Jewish Telegraphic Agency Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visited Sderot on July 16, where at least two rockets from Gaza caused serious damage and injured a family of four, and warned of a “a prolonged Zionist struggle.” Netanyahu met in Sderot with the heads of the local municipal councils of communities located in the Gaza border area. “I have just finished an excellent meeting with the heads of councils in the area adjacent to the Gaza Strip. I told them that we are in a prolonged struggle,” Netanyahu said in a statement following the meeting. On Saturday, July 14, more than 170 rockets and mortars were fired from Gaza at southern Israel. Israel responded by striking some 40 Hamas terror targets in Gaza. In addition, in recent weeks thousands of acres of farmland and woodland have been burned by kites and balloons set alight and sent over the border from Gaza to Israel. “There is an exchange of blows here. It is not over in one go,” Netanyahu said, “and I cannot comfort those who have

taken the most difficult losses. This is very hard to take, but we know that we are in a prolonged Zionist struggle.” In a warning to the terrorist organization that runs Gaza, Netanyahu said: “It is important that Hamas understand that it faces an iron wall and this wall is comprised, first of all, of a determined government, of strong local leadership and Zionist settlement, and that we will continue to strengthen it and – of course – the IDF.” Netanyahu said he is “proud of the marvelous local residents who are facing difficult days.” He added that he is “convinced of our common strength to rebuff, deter and, in the end, defeat this Gaza-based terror.” Netanyahu visited a kindergarten in Sderot. “We are committed to them,” he said of the children, “and this is a continuous process. I do not want to tell anybody that it is over.” He met with the municipal heads of Sderot, Shaar Hanegev Regional Council, Sdot Negev Regional Council, Eshkol Regional Council and Hof Ashkelon Regional Council.

Israel to launch moon mission from Florida in December Jewish Telegraphic Agency Israel will launch a rocket from Florida in a bid to become the fourth country to reach the moon. Israel Aerospace Industries and the nonprofit SpaceIL announced in July that they are planning a December launch from Cape Canaveral to land on the moon on Feb. 13, 2019. The landing would culminate eight years of collaboration on the $88 million project. Private donations mostly paid for the project, including from the American businessman and Jewish philanthropist Sheldon Adelson. SpaceIL’s president, Morris Kahn, has provided about $27 million. The United States, Russia and China are the only nations to have landed on the moon. The spacecraft’s journey to the moon will last about two months. The Israeli craft will be the smallest to land on the moon, weighing only 1,322 pounds or 600 kilograms. Upon its landing, the spacecraft plans to take photos and video of the landing site while also measuring the



Netanyahu warns Jewish leaders in Gaza area of ‘prolonged struggle’ following rocket barrage

The first Israeli lunar spacecraft is to be launched in December from Cape Canaveral, Florida. moon’s magnetic field as part of a Weizmann Institute scientific experiment. “After eight challenging years, I am filled with pride that the first Israeli spacecraft, which is in its final construction and testing phases, will soon be making its way to the moon,” Kahn said. “I have experienced numerous challenges in my life, but this was the greatest challenge of all.” He added: “The launch of the first Israeli spacecraft will

fill Israel, in its 70th year, with pride. It is a national accomplishment that will put us on the world’s space map.” The CEO of Israel Aerospace Industries, Josef Weiss, expressed similar thoughts. “As one who has personally brought the collaboration with SpaceIL to IAI, I regard the launch of the first Israeli spacecraft to the moon as an example of the amazing capabilities one can reach in civilian space activity,” he said.


Pigs go kosher for 5th Annual Jewish Heritage Night



Thinking of teshuva in the month of Elul

RABBI YAACOV HALPERIN Chabad Lubavitch of the Lehigh Valley We are about to enter the threshold of the most auspicious time of year. It is a time that is totally different from the rest of the year where G-d is removed from us and set aside as a King to come meet with and speak to. Now however, as we are about to enter the Hebrew month of Elul, commonly referred to as the month of teshuva, meaning “return.” It is taught that in this month, the “King is in the field,” and G-d is readily

accessible, willing to hear our requests and listen to our fervent prayers for the coming new year. It is the month that G-d brings Himself closer to every individual and gives them the necessary strength to get closer to Him as preparation for the High Holidays. He waits for us in His "field" to come to Him and speak with Him. He is open to our requests and our desires to do teshuva and return to Him. We understand the depth and meaning of the month of Elul from the Torah portion read prior to the beginning of the month of Elul. The Torah portion of Re'eh which begins with the words, "See as I am giving in front of you the blessing and the curses." With a deeper look we find that the words in the verse are alluding to how G-d is hinting to us with every single word how He is giving us the strength and ability necessary for repentance and return. It takes this strength to face a difficult part of teshuva – resolving not to commit the sin again. So, when the same challenge


arises again, it is Hashem asking us to show him that we really did do teshuva. He trusts you right away when you commit not to do it again. It's just an opportunity to show Hashem that you're worthy of His trust and it helps you create a relationship with Hashem. To refer this to the Torah portion, we read the first word in the Torah portion "Re'eh," which translates to "seeing." This can be viewed as a message from G-d to us that our obligation is to see. The difference between seeing and hearing is that by seeing, you perceive the complete picture with no place for doubt. Not the same regarding speech. Perhaps the same applies to all of our service of G-d. It should be in a way of seeing, meaning to follow G-d's path with complete conviction as if we see him clearly with our own eyes. But this begs a question; how can I reach the level to serve G-d with the sense that I actually see him? After all I am a human being, and I don't see G-d's continuous guidance? The verse continues and says

"anochi" (I am), referring to G-d's own essence, the one that gives us all the strength and ability to overcome everything in life and to follow G-d in a way of seeing. The following word in the verse is "noten" (giving), referring to the help that G-d is giving us from his own essence. Hashem takes from himself to give to us in a way of a present or gift, even to those that we would deem undeserving. In addition, even if one might accept that G-d is giving us the strength, a skeptic would perhaps say "this happens only once in a while. I do not feel that Hashem helps me every day." The Torah continues and tells us the word "hayom" (today), written in present tense to show to us that every single day G-d is giving us the strength once again in order for us to be able to serve him with the sense of clarity. However, even when we think we are following in Hashem’s ways with His guidance and help, it is always a battle to know for sure if we are doing the right thing. We take

validation that we are in fact doing the right thing by looking into the laws of kosher and observing that which separates a kosher animal from a non-kosher animal. The Torah teaches us of two signs we need to identify in order for an animal to be considered kosher – chewing cud and splitting of the hooves. The chewing of the cud is symbolic to the idea behind it which represents us going through challenges in our everyday lives. When we go through these challenges, especially when we are uncertain if it coincides with God's will, we should chew it over and over to identify if it's kosher, if it's really right for us. And if we choose a path in life, we want to make sure that we walk with split hooves, not be one-sided, but have the ability to walk with the proper balance. As we prepare for the high holidays, may we sense and see G-d in everything in our life and may G-d accept our teshuvah. And may we be blessed with a good and sweet new year. Shana Tovah.

Four new Israel-themed programs coming to the Lehigh Valley this year In celebration of Israel's 70th birthday, and with the help of generous donors, the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley is supporting four new innovative Israel-related programs that will debut in the community this year. The Jewish Day School will collaborate with The Jewish Lens, an online education curriculum that will provide their teachers with the materials needed to conduct a yearlong elective class. This class, entitled “The Israel Lens,” will be taught by a photographer along with teachers from two different disciplines. The program is designed to enhance students’ understanding of Israel, its meaning and its importance in Jewish life and tradition. The class’s main tool will be photography, which will help engage students with their Jewish identity, values and community, as well as deepen their connection to Israel. The class will culminate with a student-created Israeli photo exhibition reflecting Israel’s values, culture and heritage. The Jewish Community Center will be enhancing the Partnership2Gether program and the summer program at the JCC. In addition to enabling more teens from Yoav to visit the Lehigh Valley and work at Camp JCC, teens in the Lehigh Valley will be able to go to Yoav for the first time. They will experience home hospitality and a similar experience to the teens who visit the Lehigh Valley, including the ones here this summer. While in Yoav, the teens will implement an English immersion program, coordinate efforts between the two communities and help to establish and en-

hance Israeli programming back in the Lehigh Valley. The JDS and JCC will also be teaming up for an early childhood program for Israel education entitled “Food, Culture and Peoplehood.” Students from both schools will engage with these topics, which were chosen specifically to cultivate and enhance their connection to Israel. Students from the JCC and JDS will visit each other during the year for joint programming. These classes will also benefit from the expertise of the shlicha coming to the Lehigh Valley in September who will bring Israeli perspective, knowledge and experience to the classroom. Last but not least, Congregation Keneseth Israel is bringing “Am Echad, Lev Echad,” which translates to "One People with One Heart," an event led by Israeli singer-songwriter Ritasue Charlestein. “With guitar in hand, a ready smile and a heart filled with love, I will introduce you to my Israel,” Charlestein said of the day’s program. “I will warm your soul and move you to tears. The tales I tell and the songs I sing present a unique glimpse into the lives of those who protect and defend the State of Israel.” The program will be open to the entire Jewish community; young adults from education programs in the Jewish community will be invited to attend. These programs are made possible by the generosity of Lewis and Roberta Gaines and the many donors whose gifts to the 2018 Annual Campaign were matched dollar for dollar.

Yoav teens enjoy summer in Lehigh Valley



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Above, the four teens from Yoav working at Camp JCC this summer celebrate the start of Israel Week. Top left, the teens take off for a boat ride with Marc Berson. Bottom left, the teens enjoy a trip to Washington, D.C.. Below, the teens meet Dani Dayan, Israeli consul general in New York.


Shalshelet gears up for a new year By Alicia Zahn Temple Beth El Join us for Shalshelet, a multi-denominational youth program in a great environment where Jewish teens can gather to talk about issues that affect their lives and futures as both Jews and citizens in the global community. We strive to foster cooperation and offer multiple viewpoints. Some of our themes are about Israel, social justice, Jewish identity, teen issues and more. All are looked at through the lens of Jewish ideals and values. Topics change every year based on participant interest and current events. Some of the topics from our last Shalshelet academic year were: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, values in relationships,

LGBT rights, prevention of gun violence, knowing Israel, Jewish identity in the modern world, Constitutional rights, the Holocaust and many more. Sessions are held two Monday evenings a month beginning at 6:30 p.m. with a social dinner followed by an interactive session from 7 to 8:30 p.m. We also offer a mitzvah day and an optional trip. Each session is self-contained so when a busy teen needs to miss a session, the next one is still just as meaningful. You do not need to be a member of any synagogue to participate in this community program. For more information, contact me at school@ bethelallentown.org or contact Shalshelet coordinator Ofer Shimoni at shalsheletbethel@gmail.com.

JCC campers harvest food for JFS Community Food Pantry


By Michelle Cohen HAKOL Editor On a hot morning in July, campers from the JCC joined with Jewish Family Service volunteers to harvest food for people in need as part of JFS’s Plant a Row initiative. The children traveled to Monocacy Farm in Bethlehem, an organic farm run by nuns that has one section for a farm share program and another for donation. They were met by farmer Bob Drake, who told them about the history of the farm before taking them on a tour. In the shed, the kids tried kale, the first vegetable they would be harvesting; they then saw the greenhouse, where the 14 JULY/AUGUST 2018 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

plants begin their lives, and the fields with different kinds of crops. JFS volunteers Albert Derby, who delivers food from Monocacy Farm to the JFS Community Food Pantry once a week, and his wife Eva, who volunteers in the pantry, told the kids about how their volunteer jobs work and what a difference their contributions were making. The kids were then given their instructions: to pluck the largest leaves of kale from the bottom of the plants, place them in a basket, and then return to the shed to wash the leaves once they were done. The kids later harvested cabbages and scallions with a similar

process. Other vegetables JFS clients will receive later in the season include tomatoes as well as hot and sweet peppers. During the harvesting, the kids eagerly asked questions and munched on fresh kale. “The kale is really fresh and good,” one boy said. “It’s generous that [Drake] is taking all the kale and giving it away” to people in need. Everything the kids harvested was brought to JFS by Albert Derby the following day. In the end, the project was about doing a mitzvah and serving others. “You should see the happiness on the faces of the people we serve because they’re getting fresh produce,” Eva said.


LEHIGH VALLEY SMASHES L LEGACY COMMUNITY GOAL By Stephanie Smartschan JFLV Director of Marketing Supporters of the 10 local Jewish organizations working together to assure Jewish tomorrows came out in force on June 20 to celebrate a successful first year in the LIFE & LEGACY program. With the backing of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, the Lehigh Valley brought in 244 commitments in the first year of participating in the national planned giving program. Those commitments represent an estimated $4.7 million. “When we applied to the LIFE & LEGACY program, I knew the Lehigh Valley would succeed. I had confidence that every one of our participating organizations would reach its goal of 18 commitments,” said Jim Mueth, director of planned giving and endowments for the Jewish Federation and the lead community coordinator. “What I didn’t expect is that our community would smash through the goal of 180 commitments and collect 64 more.” For reaching or exceeding their goals, each of the participating organizations received an incentive check from the Grinspoon Foundation. That money will be used to propel the organizations into Year 2 of the four-year program. LIFE & LEGACY motivates Jewish organizations to secure legacy gifts, steward donors and integrate legacy giving into the philanthropic culture of the Jewish community. The Jewish Federation is the lead community sponsor, in partnership with Congregation Am Haskalah, Congregation Brith Sholom, Congregation Keneseth Israel, Congregation Sons of Israel, the Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley, Jewish Family Service of the Lehigh Valley, the Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley, Temple Beth El and Temple Covenant of Peace.

Attendees at the LIFE & LEGACY Year 1 Celebration raise their glasses for a champagne toast in honor of a succ

Interested in supporting one or more of these organizations with a gift in your will, trust, retirement account or life insurance policy? Contact Jim Mueth at 610-821-5500 or jim@jflv.org.

Supporters of Jewish Family Service gather together.

Gwen Jacobs, Rabbi Melody Davis and Edwin Davis

Jane and Bill M

Congregation Keneseth Israel receives an extra incentive for securing the most gifts for partner organizations. 16 JULY/AUGUST 2018 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY


cessful first year.


Houman Ahdieh and Bob Post.

The Jewish Federation gifts all supporters with Shabbat candles, thanking them for “lighting the way.”

Dena Kaufman from the Grinspoon Foundation speaks with attendees.

THANK YOU TO OUR DONORS FOR ASSURING JEWISH TOMORROWS IN OUR COMMUNITY Rony Ackerman Dr. Houman and Lori Ahdieh Karen Albert Richard Albert Dr. Scott Berman Dr. Marc Berson Lauren Berson Hon. Alan and Donna Black Rance Block Ross Born Wendy Born Dr. John and Ingelise Brown Jerrold L. Brucker Dr. Wilma Krause Brucker Dr. Ian Carlis Patricia Carlis Elizabeth Cartine Harvey Cartine Lawrence Center Dr. Jessica Cooperman Edwin Davis Rabbi Melody Davis Risa Dorfman-Thomas Vikki Dunn Brion and Nancy Ebert Glenn and Jan Ehrich David Eiskowitz Iris Epstein Rabbi Mordechai Eskovitz Elizabeth Fear Amy Fels Dr. Eric Fels Eileen Fischmann Roberto Fischmann Dr. Jay and Fran Fisher Brian and Emily Ford Rena Fraade Renee D. Gittler Jordan Goldman Gary and Patricia Glascom Leonard Glazier Rhoda Glazier Neil and Eydie Glickstein Sandra Goldfarb Amy Golding Anita Goldman Mark L. Goldstein Martin Goldstein Allan B. Goodman Harold Grinspoon Foundation Ben Grossman Dr. Harvey and Melissa Hakim Robert and Bonnie Hammel Jerome and Florence Hausman Diana Hirsch Arthur Hochhauser Charity Hyde Dr. David and Susan Hyman Gwen Jacobs Rabbi Allen Juda Andrew Kahn Dr. Kenneth and Marilyn Kalnitsky Irving Kaplan Alan Kares Ethel Kares (z”l) Dr. Barbara Katz Marty Katz Anne Keller-Smith Ken and Sue Kirshner

Dr. Nelson and Andrea Kopyt Lucy Korsky Stuart and Lynda Krawitz Ferne Kushner Jennifer Lader Scott Leiber Ina Levin Larry Levin Mary Jane Levine Dr. Larry and Eva Levitt Dr. Marc Levitt Dr. Jenni Levy Edward Levy Ursla S. Levy Pam Lott Dr. William and Jane Markson Jeannie Miller Linda Miller Michael Miller James Mueth Jeff Murdoch Sandra Newman Audrey Alexander Nolte Dr. Michael Notis Dr. Michael A. Obenski Martina A. Obenski Eve Peterson Rabbi Seth Phillips Dr. Robert and Lota Post Gary Preis Sandra Preis Patti Price Bruce Reich Dr. Richard and Barbara Reisner Carol Robins Robert Rockmaker Judith Rodwin Dr. Alex and Robin Rosenau Amy Sams Richard Sams Ivan Schonfeld Mark and Deena Scoblionko Joy Scott Eileen Segal Lynn Shampain Dr. Mark Shampain Adrian Shanker Rabbi Michael and Alexis Singer David L. Smith Elaine Snyder Ann K. Stehney Peggy A. Stettner Aimee Stewart Ron Ticho Marsha Timmerman Richard Timmerman Arthur and Barbara Weinrach Rachel Zane Larry Zelson Dr. Israel Zighelboim Valeska Zighelboim Kathy Zimmerman Drs. Lawrence and Deborah Zohn Debbie Zoller Anonymous (20) *As of 6.8.18 **z”l of blessed memory

Enid and Bruce Reich HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | JULY/AUGUST 2018 17




JCC kindergarten class finishes a year of values-based education

By Michelle Cohen HAKOL Editor On June 13, eight young graduates proudly walked onto the JCC stage, each holding a painting representing lyrics from “What A Wonderful World.” When they left the stage in their caps and gowns, they had graduated kindergarten, and were ready to take on the world with the tools provided to them by their Jewish values-based education. Holly Hebron, the kids’ teacher, coordinated the ceremony with the help of teaching assistant Debbie Weber, whose sons performed the “What A Wonderful World” tradition years ago. “I learned so much from them. This class had a lot of

ideas to give,” she said, and the graduation ceremony reflected the creative energy they brought to the classroom with ideas like the Charlotte’s Web fair. The ceremony featured lessons that the children learned throughout the year. These included basic principles of mindfulness – the class practiced yoga and rang a mindfulness bell to begin their days – as well as English and art. The graduates sang in Hebrew and American Sign Language to music played by Cantor Jeff Warschauer of Congregation Keneseth Israel and his wife Debora. They also sang “The JCC Song,” which includes lyrics like “my favorite place to be is at the JCC.” They practiced for the ceremony with music teacher Lena Sandulova.

Among the day’s speakers were JCC acting managing director Sandy Newman and Alexa Karakos, the director of early childhood education. They were joined by Chelsea Karp, volunteer coordinator at Jewish Family Service, who gave the children volunteer certificates. As part of their curriculum, they walked to JFS once a month, brought donations for the food pantry and helped with a variety of organizational tasks. “They did inventory, stocked shelves, had a board meeting, and learned how JFS is someone to talk to if they need someone,” Hebron said. After the slideshow of photos from the year, Hebron left the children with a quote from Dr. Seuss – “You’re off to great places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting so get on your way!” – and individual awards based on areas where the children excelled, like creativity, good memory and kindness. After the ceremony, Hebron reflected, “I just truly love teaching at the JCC and enjoy being able to support the kiddos in their creativity and expression. They teach me so much and I’m a very lucky teacher to work with these amazing children and their supportive, kind families.”

Words of wisdom from Jewish Day School eighth grade graduates

By Amy Golding Jewish Day School An official hearty Mazel Tov to our Class of 2018: Aaron Goldstein, Ilana Goldstein, Zachary Goldstein, Chana Halperin, Avi Hochhauser, Dovi Hollinger and Daniel Wax. These wonderful students planted our new school garden as well as a donated honeycrisp apple tree before their commencement on June 11. During the ceremony, they presented their reflections on graduation and their bright futures ahead. Here are some excerpts from the day: Chana Halperin: “Here at the JDS, all I have done is grow. The experiences I had at the JDS and the Jewish community

have helped shape me and will continue to do so for the rest of my life.” Avi Hochhauser: “We hope that the fruit which will grow on this tree will serve as a symbol of the many students who will walk these halls and eventually graduate from the JDS, nourishing the Jewish community and those they meet with sweet words, kind thoughts and strong leadership.” Ilana Goldstein: “Someone once taught me how to judge people in terms of whether they are a good friend or not. If they are kind to you, if they stick by you when no one else will, and if they push you to do your best, they are a good friend. If they judge you, if they put you down, if they don’t believe in you, then they’re not worth your friendship. I’ve taken this advice with me throughout my life and used it whenever I have had to decide whether I should be friends with someone or not. As you can see from the graduation class of 2018 sitting beside me, I have chosen well and I like my choices.” Danny Wax: “The JDS has taught me more than algebra and the ABCs. It has taught me who I am and what matters most in

life. I have been at the JDS for 10 years. I cannot imagine a better educational experience. I am proud to call myself a lifer of the Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley.”


JDS offers kosher food program during the summer

JCC Centennial Continues from page 1

A poignant memory was shared about a rally at the JCC when the Six-Day War in Israel broke out. Joyce Kitey said, “I think everyone in Allentown was there. It was an incredible evening — the speeches, the donations, the extraordinary gathering and common feeling that each and every one of us was involved and united in our stand for Israel’s survival — we were one in thought and action. The Center was the place where this historic night took place. It was an event that made an imprint on my life and the lives of many of my friends.” The JCC continues to be a place of gathering for important times in our national and local history, as well as a place to celebrate our Jewish holidays and connection to Israel. The JCC matters to people like Kimberly Valuntas who graduated from the JCC preschool back in the ‘70s and had

the good fortune to have the JCC available for her three kids for preschool and today as teens. Kimberly shared that as a young mom, she loved having a place to go with her babies and toddlers and continues to enjoy the JCC as a community for all of us. We heard from people like Rella Bindell, who moved away to Florida 24 years ago. Some of her fondest memories were working at Camp JCC and teaching at the JCC nursery school. It doesn’t matter if you fondly call it nursery school, preschool or Early Childhood Education (ECE), the JCC has been making a difference in children’s lives for a century and beyond. The JCC is not only a hub for the community, but we are a key partner with the Lehigh Valley Jewish agencies, synagogues, universities, artists and businesses. The Lehigh Valley has enjoyed Jewish and Israeli films at a variety of venues such as Lafayette College, ArtsQuest, Muhlenberg College, Civic Theater, Congregation Brith

JCC CENTENNIAL WEEKEND With the Noshery, Muhlenberg College’s kosher dining hall and one of the only kosher food options in Allentown, closed for the summer, the Jewish Day School took the initiative to help kosher families find food for the summer with their Sunshine Café Summer Meal Series. Each week, kosher meals are prepared by JDS kitchen staff in their LVKC-certified kosher kitchen and are available for ordering and pickup. “Feeding people is an act of nurturing, and we love feeding people delicious, healthy food,” says JDS Head Chef Feather Frazier, who, with husband and fellow JDS parent Ron Sunshine, runs the JDS kitchen. In addition to each week’s featured meals, basic dishes like hummus, Caesar salads and kosher baked goods are available as supplements. To order food from the Sunshine Café, call Adrienne Manger at 610-4370721, email her at amanger@jdslv.org or visit the JDS office.

Sholom, Congregation Keneseth Israel, Lehigh University and more. The JCC continues to partner with Jewish Family Service, Jewish Federation and the Jewish Day School for a variety of programs and events. We are a community that enjoys coming together to learn, remember, grow, observe, support and celebrate! The JCC is more than just a building. We are a community. Throughout our 100-year history together, we have grown roots that reside in the loving and welcoming nature of our community. It is in these people that we continue to branch out. This is a place where you can share your memories and connect with others in the community -- whether they moved away long ago or live right next door. The JCC of the Lehigh Valley has a lot to be proud of, so we are throwing a weekend-long celebration, and everyone is invited! The party is for kids, adults, family and friends. Join us to honor 100 years of memories and look forward to 100 more.

Sunday Family Fall Fest

Friday Evening Community Shabbat

5 to 8 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Services led by the Lehigh Valley Jewish Clergy Group, Shabbat dinner and family activities.

11 a.m. - 3 p.m., Camp JCC in Center Valley Reconnect with camp friends, jump in the moon bounce, hop on a hay ride, play kickball and tetherball, decorate a pumpkin, run in the relay, enjoy a barbecue with all the fixings, apple cider, cotton candy and more! Come early and kick off the day with the JDS Fun Run at 10 a.m.

Saturday Night Birthday Bash

*All events will be supervised and LVKC approved.

OCTOBER 5 - 7, 2018

7:30 p.m. to 12 a.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley It’s a party for the 21 and older crowd. Musical entertainment by Ron Sunshine and DJ Dharak. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, dinner stations, dancing and more.

For more about the celebration, including pricing and sponsorship opportunities, contact Amy Sams at 610-435-3571 ext. 182 or asams@ lvjcc.org or visit www.lvjcc.org/celebration.

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Rabbi Klein returns to Am Haskalah Congregation Am Haskalah will be welcoming back Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein as their part-time rabbi this fall. She served the congregation, which is affiliated with Reconstructionist Judaism, from 2002-09 and, during that time, brought her love, creativity, and leadership to the greater Lehigh Valley Jewish community. Among her contributions to the community was serving as chair of the Jewish Clergy Group, co-founding a monthly Jewish healing service in collaboration with the clergy of Temple Beth El, leading pre-holiday mikvah rituals for women and teaching at community programs. You may remember her as Rabbi Melissa Klein. When asked about her name change, she explains, “When I entered my 40th year, I decided to more fully embrace my Hebrew name, Malkah Binah, which means ‘Queen of Wisdom.’ I believe that the world needs us to bring our fullest, most vibrant selves to our relationships and to the work we do, and

TBE educates Country Meadows re: Judaism Temple Beth El’s Cantor Kevin Wartell and Executive Director Michelle Rohrbach welcomed eight residents of Country Meadows to the synagogue on July 16. Wartell took them on a tour of the synagogue and told stories of Jewish history in the world and in Allentown before introducing Jewish concepts like mitzvot and the Torah. He left plenty of time for asking questions, and the residents, half of whom were Jewish, enjoyed learning more about Jewish culture.

Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein, Tani Nevins-Klein and Jacob Oshins at Camp Havaya in the Poconos, July 2018. Jacob grew up at Am Haskalah and is serving as assistant camp director. my Hebrew name calls that forth from me.” Klein now lives with her wife Neysa and their 11-year-old son Tani (who was born in Allentown) in the West Mt. Airy neighborhood of Philadelphia. During the last nine years since she left the Lehigh Valley, she has been studying and integrating a number of modalities for opening the heart, bringing more authenticity to relationships and

deepening spiritual practice, which she looks forward to sharing with the Lehigh Valley community. Her writings can be found on her website blog at www.thrivingspirit. org. Klein will be leading Am Haskalah’s 2018/5779 High Holiday services at the JCC, as well as monthly Shabbat services, which are held in the chapel at Congregation Brith Sholom, 1190 West Macada Road in Bethlehem.

JIm Gaffigan


august 2

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Jason Mraz august 12

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Sands Steel Stage on PNC Plaza musikfest.org HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | JULY/AUGUST 2018 23


Isaac Herzog elected Jewish Agency chairman

Outgoing Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky and Chairmanelect MK Isaac Herzog share a moment following Herzog’s election at the Jewish Agency Board of Governors’ meetings in Jerusalem on June 24.

The Board of Governors of The Jewish Agency for Israel has unanimously elected Member of Knesset Isaac Herzog to succeed Natan Sharansky as Chairman of

The Jewish Agency. The vote by Jewish leaders from around the world took place on June 24 at the opening plenary of the Board's meetings in Jerusalem.

In electing MK Herzog, the board accepted the recommendation of the Leadership Nominating Committee, composed of the leaders of The Jewish Agency's constituent organizations – the Jewish Federations of North America, Keren HayesodUIA and the World Zionist Organization. Chairman-elect Herzog addressed the gathering shortly after his election and was congratulated by outgoing Chairman of the Executive Natan Sharansky and Chairman of the Board of Governors Michael Siegal. Sharansky concluded his tenure at the organization's helm during the course of the week's board meetings. Chairman-elect Herzog will step down from the Knesset in the coming weeks and will enter office on Aug. 1. “I’d like to thank Natan for his nine years of outstanding leadership and direction and hope and am confident that Isaac Herzog will lead The Jewish Agency in the same honorable and compassionate fashion as Natan Sharansky,” Siegal said. Herzog, son of former Israeli President, Chaim Herzog and grandson of Israel's first chief rabbi, Yizhak Isaac Halevi Herzog, was born in Israel in 1960. When his father served as Israel’s ambassador to the UN from 1975-78, Herzog studied and

graduated from The Ramaz Jewish High School in New York and attended Jewish youth camps, Ramah and Massad. He continued his education in the U.S., studying international relations, English literature and Arabic at Cornell and New York University. Herzog has worked with world Jewry all his life. From 2007-09, he was the minister of the Jewish diaspora, society and the fight against anti-Semitism, taking a major part in anti-BDS activities following the Second Lebanon War, leading the international forum against anti-Semitism and chairing Taglit-Birthright. “We are the only organization whose leadership includes representatives of both the coalition and the opposition, of Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jewry, and of Jewish communities around the world. We are the independent voice of the Jewish people and, at the same time, our main partner is the government of Israel. It is essential that we preserve both our independence and our partnership, and I wish you much success in that crucial endeavor,” Sharansky said. As government secretary, Herzog laid the foundation for the historic compromise on egalitarian prayer at the Kotel that was adopted for

all religious streams. Over the last 20 years, he has been a regular speaker and participant at The Jewish Federations of North America’s General Assembly. An attorney by profession, Herzog was elected chairman of the Labor Party in November 2013, making him leader of the opposition. In 2014, Herzog led the alliance between the Labor Party and MK Tzipi Livini's Hatnua Party creating the Zionist Union, Israel's largest centralleft political party. In addition to minister of the Jewish diaspora, Herzog was the minister of housing and construction (2005), minister of tourism (2006-07) and minister of welfare and social services (2007-11). Prior to that he served as government secretary (1999-2001). He also served as the Israel government coordinator for the provision of humanitarian aid to the population of Gaza in 2008-09. “A Jew is a Jew is a Jew, no matter his denomination or the type of kippah he chooses to wear or not to wear on his head. I promise to work hard to promote Jewish unity and to partner with the Prime Minister and the government to achieve this crucial goal,” Herzog said. Herzog lives in Tel Aviv with his wife, Michal, and they have three sons.

Kids shop for backpack drive After raising funds through the Carly’s BirthdayBackPACKS drive, 5-year-old Carly Kudryk and her friends had the opportunity on July 11 to shop for school supplies that will be donated to students in need. Carly and her parents, Robin Coleman Kudryk and Michou Kudryk, partnered with Jewish Family Service to fundraise in honor of her fifth birthday. On the big day, Carly was joined by several friends at Target. The kids were in charge of counting the supplies for the backpacks, and everyone checked off the items on his or her own checklist. Accompanied by their parents and JFS Volunteer Coordinator Chelsea Karp, the kids filled over a dozen boxes with these items vital to school success. With the supplies in hand, Carly and her friends will gather again on July 25 to stuff 150 backpacks, which will then be distributed to local schools.



Hoops for a cause Nina Iorio became a Bat Mitzvah on April 28 at the Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley. Cantor Ellen Sussman of Temple Shirat Shalom officiated. The Springhouse Middle School student, who is very competitive, decided to plan a mitzvah project similar to the one her older brother Sam Iorio held several years ago when he became a Bar Mitzvah. Sam had a basketball tournament and he wore a shirt that said “I Will Lead by Example.” Nina’s initial response to his shirt was “I AM the example” but she decided on “I AM the change” instead. Nina’s basketball tournament will take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 19, at the JCC. Local hot shots attending will be Kyle Stout and Matt Kachelries, big brother Sam, along with local basketball favorite and proud papa Mike Iorio. “There will be shooting contests with prizes, basketball, dodgeball and kickball, something for everyone,” said Nina’s mom, Donna Iorio, who is helping with the planning. The family is asking for a $20 per participant donation, but you may donate any amount you are comfortable with. No one will be turned away. Sam’s tournament benefited Turning Point of the Lehigh Valley; and in her competitive style, Nina’s tournament will benefit not one organization, but three. “I was born in Guatemala,” Nina said, “I want to honor my birth country. I’m a Jew, so Israel is where it starts, Israel means something to me. I live in the Lehigh Valley, so taking care of my community is important too.” Proceeds of the tournament will go to The Phoenix Projects (www.thephoenixprojects.org), Israeli children’s home Neve Michael

(www.nevemichael.com) and the Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley (www. lvjcc.org). The Phoenix Projects provides primary, secondary and college education to over 1,000 children and teenagers in several indigenous communities across Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Ecuador and Peru. In addition to supplying daily food, fruit and school materials, they offer education to children without other options simply because of their backgrounds. The Phoenix Projects are dedicated to implementing sustainable long-term incomegenerating plans and small local businesses. Neve Michael Children’s Village is the only multidisciplinary children’s home in Israel to offer a wide range of professional services on one site, such as psychiatry, psychology, occupational therapy, social work, conventional and para-medical therapies and education. The campus is a safe haven for children 5 to 18 years of age who have been removed from their homes by Israel’s Welfare Department due to extreme traumatic circumstances. Neve Michael’s mission is to provide each child with the love, care and professional treatment to overcome the abuse they have endured and to offer them a chance at a better future they so deserve. The Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley is a home away from home. Members join together in celebrating Jewish values, cultures and traditions, and welcome all who walk through the doors. The warm atmosphere caters to all walks of life through an array of programs for children, teens, adults and seniors alike. From the early childhood center, camps and preschool, to fit-

ness and recreational options, the JCC strives to proactively engage with every generation through social, educational, arts, cultural, and wellness opportunities. Donna and Mike Iorio are thrilled by Nina’s passion. “We are so proud of her commitment to her project. She is as enthusiastic and committed to planning and doing a great job with her mitzvah project as she was for her bat mitzvah party, which as parents means so much because you know they know what really matters and they are “getting it.” If you’d like to make a donation to any of the listed organizations in honor of Nina’s Mitzvah Project, you may write a check to the organization of your choice and mail it to Donna Iorio at 5911 Meadow Drive, Orefield, PA 18069 In addition to her mitzvah project, Nina has made her first adult gift of tzedakah to the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley Annual Campaign for Jewish Needs. For help developing your mitzvah project, contact Abby Trachtman, program coordinator, at abbyt@jflv.org or call her at the Federation office at 610-8215500.

Summer Strawberry Rhubarb Pie BY SANDI TEPLITZ INGREDIENTS FOR PIE: 1 1/2 c. rhubarb cut into 1" pieces 2 1/2 pints strawberries, washed and quartered 1 lemon, juiced 1/2 c. sugar 3 T. cornstarch 1/8 t. kosher salt

Dr. Gwen S. Greenberg Podiatric Medicine and Surgery

INGREDIENTS FOR TOPPING: 1 1/3 c. unbleached all purpose flour 1 t. b. powder 3 T. sugar 3 T. coarse sugar 1 lemon peel, grated 1 stick + 3 T. salted butter, melted TECHNIQUE: Mix pie ingredients together and place in 10 inch deep dish pie plate. Make the topping by combining all of the ingredients by hand until large and small clumps are formed. Refrigerate for 15 minutes. Place topping on pie, spreading evenly. Bake in a preheated oven at 375degrees for 45 minutes. Cool slightly, then serve with butter pecan ice cream.


5 Jewish baseball players hit home runs on the same day By Ron Kaplan Jewish Telegraphic Agency June 8 was the most productive day for Jewish batters in Major League Baseball history. Five members of the tribe combined for six home runs on Friday to help their respective teams to victory. Here’s the scorecard: Ryan Braun, “The Hebrew Hammer,” hit two home runs, driving in five runs to lead the Milwaukee Brewers to a 12-4 win over the Philadelphia Phillies — who have a Jewish manager in Gabe Kapler. Braun’s three-run shot with two outs in the first inning broke a scoreless tie. His two-run homer, again with two outs, left Philadelphia’s Citizens Bank Ballpark with an exit velocity of 112.9 miles per hour, according to the new high-tech analytics. It’s the hardest ball Braun has hit since they started measuring these things in 2015. Kevin Pillar, the Toronto Blue Jays outfielder who is known more for his outstanding defensive play than his skills at the plate, hit his sixth homer of the year and third in seven games in a 5-1 win over the Baltimore Orioles. His eighth-inning solo shot gave the Blue Jays their final run. Danny Valencia, the third baseman for the O’s that night, was the only Jewish position player not to hit one out on Friday. Alex Bregman hit his eighth home run, a solo drive, in the Houston Astros’ 7-3 win over the Texas Rangers. The Astros selected his younger brother A.J. in the recent MLB draft, so it’s conceivable they could become the first set of Jewish brothers to play on the same team since Norm and Larry Sherry were members

of the Los Angeles Dodgers from 1959 to 1962. Ian Kinsler’s seventh homer was good for two runs and gave the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim the cushion they needed in their 4-2 win over the Minnesota Twins. He hit his eighth home run (and fifth in June) the next day to give the Angels their first run in a 2-1 win, their sixth straight. Finally, fellow Angelino Joc Pederson launched lucky No. 7 — his sixth in June — as the Dodgers beat the Atlanta Braves, 7-3. Pederson gained some national distinction last fall when he set a new record for homers by a Jew in a World Series by connecting three times against the Houston Astros. That surpassed Detroit Tigers Hall of Famer Hank Greenberg, who had two in the 1934 Fall Classic against the St. Louis Cardinals. All told, Braun, Pillar, Bregman, Kinsler and Pederson accounted for 29 percent of their teams’ RBIs on Friday. To give this a little historical perspective … On May 23, 2002, former All-Star Shawn Green of the Dodgers hit four home runs – along with a double and single — in a 16-3 win over the Brewers. Fewer than 20 batters in baseball history have managed that feat. Green also set a single-game record that day with 19 total bases. On Aug. 20, 1938, Morrie Arnovich and Phil Weintraub of the Phillies hit home runs in an 8-7 win over the New York Giants. Harry Danning, the Giants catcher, also hit one out. According to the Jewish Major Leaguers 2009 card set, this marked the only time that three Jewish players accomplished the feat in the same game.


KI Sisterhood bonds over brunch

By Michele Salomon Special to HAKOL Camaraderie, connections, caring and sharing – it’s what KI Sisterhood is all about. Connections to each other, to KI, to Judaism, to Israel. Sisterhood is a path toward all of this and the 2018 Donor Brunch had all of this plus bagels, lox, mimosas and Boody Mary’s. A great morning all around. In addition to the $1,500 we raised this year for Scholarships (way to go, ladies) to send our students off on their Jewish journeys, we set out to deepen the connections between ourselves. Women in attendance were asked to fill out a “getting to know you” survey about where they grew up and went to school, what their Jewish background was like, where their parents were born, about their favorite book and color, who they’d most want to have dinner with and who they were named after. We were in search of that magical moment that happens

when we are getting to know someone for the first time – or even someone we’ve met many times – a moment when we discover we have something in common, something we didn’t know about before – it’s the moment that has the potential to change everything. It’s the moment when we remember our humanity and the humanity in others; it’s the moment when our defenses come down, when a stranger has the potential to become a friend. And it’s often as simple as sharing where we grew up, where we went to school, or finding out we share an interest in music, books or movies. After a delicious brunch, everyone was sent on a scavenger hunt, of sorts. We started out as a group and several sorority sisters, previously unknown to each other, were identified. Then, each woman was given the survey of another woman in the room and, based on the information provided, had to find her. The room buzzed with conversation as sister found sister

to explore the connections between them. Among the 35 women in attendance here are a few highlights: We’re from here, there and everywhere: • Nine of us were born or raised in the Lehigh Valley • Nine were born or raised in other parts of Pennsylvania including, Philadelphia and suburbs, Harrisburg and Jim Thorpe • Seven were born or raised in New York City or surrounding suburbs including Long Island and Rockland County • Eight were born or raised in Ohio, Indiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey or Connecticut With regard to our Jewish background a full 30 of 35 of us grew up in fully Jewish households, with both parents who are Jews. Of the few who did not, two have a Jewish mom, two are Jews by choice and one is one is not Jewish herself but raising four Jewish children. We are a learned group – nearly all went to college, and about two-thirds completed graduate school. And we are a group that reads – nearly all were able to name a favorite book or author covering every genre with selections ranging from Goodnight Moon to Agatha Christie, Jane Austen, Erma Bombeck, Judy Blume and more. Connections to the past are equally important to us. Among those who could name someone they’d like to have dinner with, about half wished for it to be with a parent, grandparent, spouse or sibling who had passed away. Well known dinner guests would include the likes of Eleanor Roosevelt, Michelle Obama, Shirley Temple, Nikki Haley, Barbara Streisand, Golda Meir, Ellen DeGeneres and more. We’re all connected, after all. That magic moment is always there, waiting to be discovered.

Local teen honored for helping others with Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Award By Michelle Cohen HAKOL Editor The Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Awards recognize young changemakers who are committed to undertaking the most urgent and pressing challenges faced by communities around the globe. Now in its 12th year, the awards have given more than $4 million to 114 Jewish teens who are tackling global issues and creating lasting change through tikkun olam. One of this year’s recipients of the award is 20-year-old Daniel Zahn, son of Allentown residents Alicia and Bruce Zahn, for his project of F.O.R.M. Consulting. Zahn’s project, which he runs alongside fellow Penn State student Cory Steinle, recruits college studentmentors to conduct one-onone sessions with prospective students from underserved communities. The program offers writing seminars to educate students on what admissions professionals look for in personal statements and helps students identify their writing styles. Mentors then review mentees’ writing, offer feedback on college applications and provide information on scholarship opportunities. To date, F.O.R.M Consulting has successfully impacted more than 100 students and partnered with six high schools. Mentees have been accepted to colleges and universities across the country, including many highly ranked institutions.

Zahn first became inspired to work on this project after talking with Steinle about their experiences applying to college. Whereas Zahn’s parents and older siblings all attended college and were able to give him help and advice, Steinle was a first-generation college student whose family didn’t understand the college application process and was unable to help him. F.O.R.M. Consulting came about as a way to alleviate the divide between college students with different levels of family experience. The money from the award will help Zahn and Steinle bring F.O.R.M. Consulting to more colleges and create a national 501c3 organization. “Trying to get it to as many people as possible” is important for Zahn, who believes that “there’s no concept to me of starting too early in tikkun olam.” When asked why he was interested in starting this organization, Zahn replied, “This implies the question of: why shouldn’t young people do this? Everyone should work to find their own unique way to give back to the world and repair the world, and you can’t do that early enough and can’t continue that late enough. It’s a lifelong thing.” For young people especially, “young people have the time and the passion to really cultivate something that they care about. Kids are able to solve problems by looking at them in a new light, which is incredibly important.”

PJ Library Family of the Month:


“It’s such an honor to get this award and read about the other recipients to see how much people are working toward a better tomorrow,” Zahn added. “I am very grateful to the [Helen Diller Family Foundation, a supporting foundation of the Jewish Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties] for putting their faith in Jewish teens and carrying on the tradition of tikkun olam.” Jackie Safier, president of the Helen Diller Family Foundation, shares a similar sentiment: “This past year has clearly demonstrated the power of youth and their ability to engage in helping repair our world. The 2018 Diller Teen Tikkun Olam Award recipients are confronting some of the most complex and divisive issues of our time with a passion, determination and courageousness that we can all admire and hope to emulate. These teens continue to remind us that individuals of any age can be leaders and advocates who seek to positively impact the world in a significant way.” Anyone interested in helping F.O.R.M. Consulting reach new colleges is welcome to email formatpsu@gmail.com.


We love PJ Library because we love reading with our 2.5 year old son Liav. When Elliot and I get home from work late at night, reading is a nice way to spend time with Liav that also helps to settle him down and get ready for bed. Liav loves the PJ Library books, and we love that we can spend time with him reading books that communicate the importance of Jewish holidays and traditions and make Judaism part of his everyday life. - CHELSEA AND ELLIOT BUSCH To learn more about PJ Library and register to receive free Jewish-themed books for children from 6 months through 8 years, visit www.pjlibrary.org.


Would you like s’more babka?

By Shannon Sarna Jewish Telegraphic Agency Babka is an Eastern European yeasted cake with deep Jewish roots and also great American popularity. One of babka’s most notorious moments was in an episode

of “Seinfeld”: Jerry and Elaine head to Royal Bakery to pick up babka for a dinner party, and when there is no more chocolate babka, they are somewhat devastated to be forced to bring cinnamon, “the lesser babka.” Meanwhile, babka has

been experiencing quite a resurgence in the past few years since the launch of Breads Bakery in the U.S., which boasts one of the most decadent babkas, made with a European-style laminated dough (i.e. with lots of butter). These days you can find sweet and savory babkas across the country and all over the internet, a trend I am proud to embrace. I’ve experimented with lots of babka flavors: sweet, savory, Latin-inspired and just about everything in between. This s’mores babka, which is ideal for summertime or brunch or dessert or just because, is featured in my cookbook “Modern Jewish Baker” along with several other flavors. But the s’mores is still my favorite. It’s not the chocolate babka; it might be a little better. I think even Jerry and Elaine would agree. INGREDIENTS: For the dough: 1 tablespoon dry active yeast 1/3 cup plus 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/2 cup lukewarm water 4  1/2 cups unbleached all-

purpose flour 2 teaspoons vanilla 1/2 cup whole or 2% milk (or almond milk) 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted butter (or margarine), melted 2 large eggs For the filling: 1/3 cup chocolate hazelnut spread 1/2 cup marshmallow fluff 1/4 cup crushed graham cracker crumbs For the topping: 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1/3 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, melted 1  1/3 cups unbleached allpurpose flour 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt Suggested equipment: stand mixer, 3 medium sized (8  1/2 x 4  1/2) loaf pans. DIRECTIONS: 1. To make the dough: Place the yeast and 1/2 teaspoon sugar in a small bowl. Add the lukewarm water and stir gently to mix. Set aside until foamy, 5 to 10 minutes. In a stand mixer fitted with a dough hook, mix together the flour, 1/3 cup sugar and 2 teaspoons vanilla.

2. In a medium saucepan, scald the milk (bring almost to a boil, until milk is just simmering). Allow to sit for 1 minute to cool just slightly. 3. With mixer on low, add the water-yeast mixture, milk and melted butter. Add eggs one at a time. 4. When the dough begins to come together after 2 to 3 minutes, turn off the mixer and scrape down the sides. Raise the speed to high and mix for another 5 to 10 minutes until the dough is shiny, elastic and smooth. It may seem like a long time to mix, but the result is worth the wait. (You can also knead vigorously by hand for 10 minutes if you don’t have a stand mixer.) 5. Place dough in a greased bowl with a damp towel on top. Allow to rise 1 to 2 hours. 6. Prepare the 3 greased loaf pans. 7. To make the crumb topping: Place all ingredients in a bowl. Using a wooden spoon, mix until crumbs form. 8. Cut the dough into 3 equal parts (use a food scale for precision). Roll out one part into a rectangle. Spread with one-third each of the chocolate hazelnut spread, then marshmallow fluff, and then sprinkle with graham cracker crumbs and roll up along the shorter side. 9. Once the dough is formed into a swirled log, cut it straight down the middle so the filling is exposed. Cut 1/2 inch off each end. Layer each cut piece on top of one another and twist. Place in a greased loaf pan. 10. Repeat with the other 2 pieces of babka dough. Lightly drape a kitchen towel over the top of pans. 11. Allow to rise another 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 350 F while the dough rises. Top with crumb topping. Bake for 30 minutes. Cool for 5 to 10 minutes. Using a butter knife, loosen sides of the babka from the pan and place on a wire rack to cool. Makes 3 babkas. (Shannon Sarna is the editor of The Nosher.)


This woman is studying to be the first female rabbi from Uganda By Josefin Dolsten Jewish Telegraphic Agency

of tunes of our own that we have composed to the various Hebrew songs,” she said. “I think it’s really nice, and I would like to bring together these two worlds.” The majority of Ugandans are Christian, but the country has a significant Muslim minority. The Jewish community makes up only a tiny portion of the country’s population, which is about 40 million. But visits by Jews from other parts of the world made her feel more connected to the global Jewish community. “We were always so happy,” she said, “and it was [a source of] pride for us that there are other Jews in the world, this community is not alone.” Nambi was also able to meet Jews from other parts of the world through participating in various programs in the United States. Kulanu, an organization that supports Jewish communities in the developing world, paid for her to attend the American Jewish University’s Brandeis Collegiate Institute, a California-based program that brings together young Jewish adults from around the world, and brought her to the U.S. twice on fundraising speaking tours to synagogues. Kulanu also helped cover some of her expenses to study at Pardes. Nambi had visited Israel prior to attending Pardes last year, but staying longer and living there was eye opening: It helped expand her view of the country beyond what she had learned in Uganda. “Israel is not what you think of when you’re back home,” she said. “It’s a modern-day reality, it’s a day-to-day living situation, and people and stuff. It’s not only the Bible.” Nambi can’t wait to start her new journey there. “I’m just so excited to start,” she said. “It’s something that I’ve been looking forward to for a really long time.”


Growing up in Uganda, Shoshanna Nambi was active in her small Jewish community. She taught songs and the Torah portion to younger children and was a member of her community’s youth group. Learning Hebrew also seemed to come easily. So it seemed obvious to her that she would consider becoming a rabbi. But even though her community is egalitarian and affiliated with the Conservative movement, some were not aware that a woman could be a rabbi. “One kid said to me that she would want me to be a rabbi, but I’m a woman,” Nambi, 29, recalled in a phone interview from Mbale, a rural town in Uganda’s east. That incident was one of the reasons she decided to attend rabbinical school, Nambi said. “I just feel like it’s something that we should have in the community,” she told JTA. “We should have different leaders and people should know that women can be rabbis, and men can be rabbis.” Nambi believes the community is now “open to having a woman rabbi.” This fall, she will start her first year of studies at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, the Reform movement’s seminary. She hopes to return to her community one day and serve as a role model for other women and girls, but anticipates that she won’t be able to do so in the near future. Her home community struggles with issues such as access to clean water and electricity, and Nambi worries whether they would be able to financially sustain a rabbi. The current rabbi, Gershom Sizomu, is a member of the country’s parliament who works in Kampala during the week and travels home to Mbale on the weekends. The Ugandan Jewish community, which is called the Abayudaya, traces its roots to the early 20th century, when a former leader read the Bible and embraced Judaism. Most of the community’s 2,000 members were converted under the auspices of U.S. Conservative rabbis in the early 2000s and thus are not recognized as Jewish by Israel’s Orthodox Chief Rabbinate. Nambi says her grandparents started practicing Judaism, and her immediate family has been doing so ever since. Nambi’s journey to

rabbinical school wasn’t straightforward. After graduating from the University of Kampala in 2011 with a degree in business administration, she worked in health care and for an agricultural company. She applied to study at Hebrew Union College last year, but says she was rejected because her Hebrew skills were not sufficient. So she spent the past year studying Hebrew and Jewish texts at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies, a nondenominational yeshiva in Jerusalem. That meant living with a host family in the Israeli city and leaving her 9-year-old daughter, Emunah, with family members in Uganda — an experience she described as “hard for both of us.” This time Emunah will join her both for her first year of studies in Jerusalem — HUC requires all its students to spend their first year at its campus there — and her remaining studies at the New York campus. The rabbinical school is covering her tuition and providing a living stipend, and she and her daughter will live with the same family that hosted Nambi last year. Many in her home community are “surprised” that she is attending a Reform institution rather than a Conservative one, but they are welcoming nonetheless. “People are really happy that somebody is going to study to be a rabbi,” she said. “They’re always very excited that somebody is pursuing and taking more Jewish education.” Nambi said she was drawn to the Reform movement because of its openness to questioning Jewish tradition, such as the idea of Jews being God’s chosen people and the observance of matrilineal descent. That differs from her home community, which is more rigid in its practices. “[In] my community a lot of things are, ‘This is the right thing to do, this is the right prayer, and this is how you memorize this one,'” she said. The Reform movement’s embrace of diversity in its communities also resonated deeply. “I think it’s one of greatest things that they do,” she said. In addition to learning more about Reform practice, Nambi hopes to introduce her fellow students to Ugandan Jewish traditions, such as the melodies used for prayers. “Our services are very musical, and we have a lot

In anticipation of the construction of a new synagogue in Nabagoye, Uganda, the women and children there were given the honor of transferring the Torahs from the old synagogue to a temporary home.


Community Calendar To list an event in the Community Calendar, submit your information on our website, www.jewishlehighvalley.org, under the “Upcoming Events” menu. All events listed in the Community Calendar are open to the public and free of charge, unless otherwise noted. Programs listed in HAKOL are provided as a service to the community. They do not necessarily reflect the endorsement of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley. The JFLV reserves the right to accept, reject or modify listings.

THROUGH AUGUST 16 JDS Sunshine Café Don’t feel like cooking this summer? Where can you get kosher food in the Lehigh Valley, with the Noshery closed for summer? Have you been hearing the students of the JDS kvelling about how good the food was this year, and you wanted to try it? Here is your answer. Introducing the JDS’s new Sunshine Café Summer Meal Series. Order lovingly prepared kosher meals, freshly made by our kitchen staff, by Tuesday at 2 p.m. by phone with Adrienne at 610-437-0721, by emailing Adrienne at amanger@ jdslv.org, or in person at the JDS office. Pick up your food every Thursday between 3 and 5 p.m. at JDS. Simple! Pay when ordering by cash or check payable to the Jewish Day School. Meals are $15 per person and are prepared fresh every Thursday in our LVKC-certifed kosher kitchen. Also available every week are home-made Sunshine Café specialties like creamy, delicious hummus, Caesar dressing, yummy kosher baked goods, and more. Program runs from through Aug. 16. FRIDAY, JULY 20 Your Zaydie’s Shabbat 7:30 p.m., Temple Covenant of Peace. Friday night Shabbat service at Temple Covenant of Peace. All welcome. FRIDAY, JULY 20 KI Torah Service 7:30 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Torah Service during Shabbat service. FRIDAY, JULY 27 Early Shabbat Service/Potluck Dinner 6 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Early service followed by a potluck dinner. Enjoy a casual, early service and then plenty of time to eat, visit and shmooze. Online potluck sign up at kilv.org or call the office at 610-435-9074. FRIDAY, JULY 27 Meditative Chanting Shabbat 7:30 p.m., Temple Covenant of Peace. Friday night Shabbat service at Temple Covenant of Peace. All welcome. SATURDAY, JULY 28 Farewell Kiddush for the Wilensky family After Shabbat morning services, Congregation Sons of Israel. Congregation Sons of Israel invites the community to a special Kiddush presented in honor of Rabbi David, Rachel, and Moshe Wilensky, wishing them well as they leave to begin the next chapter in their life journey. TUESDAY, JULY 31 Ice Cream Social & Mission Information Night 7 p.m., home of Vicki Wax. GET THE SCOOP! Enjoy a tasty ice cream treat and learn more about the Federation’s exciting mission to Israel departing Dec. 2. Sign up that night and receive $100 off! Whether you’re a first-timer or repeat visitor, you’ve never seen Israel like this. To learn more or RSVP, contact the Jewish Federation at 610-821-5500 or mailbox@jflv.org or visit www.jewishlehighvalley.org/ discoverisrael. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2 Happy Hour, Happy Life 5:30 p.m., Whole Foods. Looking for ways to enhance your knowledge of Judaism? KI is introducing a new opportunity for members to come together to learn and get to know each other. A monthly Happy Hour (1st Thursday of each month) where we can share our thoughts and reflection on URJ’s podcast, “10 Minutes of Torah” with Rabbi Rick 30 JULY/AUGUST 2018 | HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY

Jacobs (reformjudaism.libsyn.com). The best part: no advance preparation needed. You can listen to the podcast while you drive over to the bar or restaurant where we’ll meet. We promise a little study, a little socializing, lots of fun! WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 15 13th Annual Brith Sholom Golf Outing 1 p.m., Locust Valley Golf Course, 5525 Locust Valley Rd., Coopersburg. Shotgun start, scramble format. $120 per person includes cart, greens fee and delicious kosher steak or chicken dinner catered by Boscov’s at 6 p.m. Dinner only $45, foursome $450, dinner sponsor $1,000 (including foursome), drink sponsor $750 (including fourseome), hole sponsors $250. Mail your check payable to Congregation Brith Sholom to Jerry Hausman, 1201 Butztown Rd. #24, Bethlehem, PA 18017. FRIDAY, AUGUST 17 KI Torah Service 7:30 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Torah service during Shabbat service. SUNDAY, AUGUST 19 Young Adult Division BBQ 3 p.m., private residence, Allentown. Join the Young Adult Division of the Jewish Federation for an endof-summer barbecue. Kosher style. Kids welcome! RSVP by Aug. 13 to Aaron Gorodzinsky at 610-8215500 or aaron@jflv.org. SUNDAY, AUGUST 26 KI Welcome Back BBQ Bash 5 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Hotdogs, hamburgers, chicken, salads, brownies and watermelon! Featuring clips of music and videos by Noah Aronson. RSVP to the office at 610-435-9074 or online at www.kilv.org. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Happy Hour, Happy Life 5:30 p.m., Whole Foods. Looking for ways to enhance knowledge of Judaism? KI is introducing a new opportunity for members to come together to learn and get to know each other. A monthly Happy Hour (1st Thursday of each month) where we can share our thoughts and reflection on URJ’s podcast, “10 minutes of Torah” with Rabbi Rick Jacobs (reformjudaism.libsyn.com). The best part: no advance preparation needed. You can listen to the podcast while you drive over to the bar or restaurant where we’ll meet. We promise a little study, a little socializing, lots of fun! FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 KI Dedication Ceremony 7:30 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Dedication ceremony for our newly repaired Torah. All welcome. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 KI Harvest 5k Run/Walk 3:30 p.m., Lehigh Parkway, Allentown. Join Congregation Keneseth Israel for the 4th Annual Harvest 5K Run/Walk at Allentown’s beautiful Lehigh Parkway. The beneficiaries of this event are: The Fund to Benefit Children & Youth and The Literacy Center. Please visit helplehighvalleychildren.org and theliteracycenter-lv.org for details on these two organizations. Special awards await first time 5K racers and most improved racers! Please register via the KI website at www.kilv.org, or at www.runsignup.com, or stop by the KI office to pick up a flyer.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 JCC Centennial Weekend: Community Shabbat 5 to 8 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley. Services led by the Lehigh Valley Jewish Clergy Group, Shabbat dinner and family friendly activities. $18 per person or $54 per family, 5 and under free. To register, stop by the JCC Welcome Desk, call 610-435-3571 or visit www.lvjcc.org/celebration. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 JCC Centennial Weekend: Birthday Bash 7:30 p.m. to 12 a.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley. It’s a party for the 21 and older crowd. Musical entertainment by Ron Sunshine and DJ Dharak. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres, amazing dinner stations, dancing and more. Don’t miss this spectacular night of the JCC through the decades. Re-live some of your fondest JCC memories and make new ones with dear friends! $180 per adult, $72 per young adult (21-35). To register, stop by the JCC Welcome Desk, call 610-435-3571 or visit www.lvjcc.org/celebration. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7 JCC Centennial Weekend: Family Fall Fest 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Camp JCC in Center Valley. Reconnect with friends from Camp JCC, jump in the moon bounce, hop on a hay ride, play kickball and tetherball, decorate a pumpkin, run in the relay, enjoy a barbecue with all the fixings, apple cider, cotton candy and more! $18 per person or $54 per family, 5 and under free. Come early and kick off the day with the JDS Fun Run at 10 a.m. ($25 additional per person). To register, stop by the JCC Welcome Desk, call 610-435-3571 or visit www. lvjcc.org/celebration. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10 Noah Aronson Band Concert 7 p.m., Congregation Keneseth Israel. Noah Aronson and his band will be performing a concert at Congregation Keneseth Israel. Sponsored by the Dr. Ray & Bonnie Singer Education Fund. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11 8ish Over 80ish 10 a.m., Temple Beth El. Join Jewish Family Service for its 3rd annual brunch to honor role models and mensches in our community. Visit www.jfslv. org/8ishOver80 to learn more. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2 JCC New York City Broadway Private Bus Trip: ‘Once On This Island’ 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Join the JCC for a New York City Broadway experience. Depart from the JCC on a private motor coach and head to the theater district. There will be free time to shop and have lunch before meeting at the theater to see the Broadway musical, “Once On This Island,” at the intimate Circle in the Square Theater with all orchestra-level seats. An optional group dinner with a celebration of the first night of Hanukkah will be offered before heading back to the Lehigh Valley. Arrive at the JCC at 8:30 a.m. for light breakfast and to board the bus. Arrive in New York City at approximately 11 a.m. for free time. Matinee begins at 3 p.m. Depart from New York City 7 p.m. Arrive at the JCC approximately 9 p.m. Cost inclusive of private door-to-door motor coach transportation and ticket to “Once On This Island.” Member price: $145, community price: $195. Contact Tracy Sussman at tsussman@lvjcc.org to learn more. Register online at www.lvjcc.org, call 610-435-3571 or stop by the Welcome Desk in the JCC lobby.

Celebrate the beauty of Shabbat

with Cantor Wartell

FRIDAYS 8-9:30 AM WMUH 91.7 muhlenberg.edu/wmuh 484.664.3456

Shabbat & Yom Tov Candlelighting Times Friday, July 20

8:09 pm

Friday, Aug. 10

7:47 pm

Friday, July 27

8:03 pm

Friday, Aug. 17

7:38 pm

Friday, Aug. 3

7:56 pm

Friday, Aug. 24

7:27 pm

Ongoing Events SUNDAY to FRIDAY DAF YOMI 7:30 a.m., Congregation Sons of Israel Meeting all year long, this class covers the gamut of Talmudic law, studying one page of the Talmud each day, and completing the Talmud over the course of seven and a half years. Basic Jewish background is recommended. SUNDAYS JEWISH WAR VETERANS POST 239 2nd Sunday of the month, 10 a.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Veterans and their significant others are invited as the guest of the Ladies Auxiliary. Come and enjoy comradeship; we’ll even listen to your “war stories.” A brunch follows each meeting. Questions? Contact Commander Sheila Berg at 610-360-1267 or sh-berg1@ hotmail.com. TEFILLIN CLUB & ADULT HEBREW SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. Tefillin; 10 to 11 a.m. Adult Hebrew, Chabad Tefillin is for Jewish men and boys over the age of bar mitzvah, to learn about, and gain appreciation for, the rich and enriching Jewish practice – the mitzvah – of donning tefillin. Contact 610-3516511. TALMUD CLASS FOR BEGINNERS! 10 to 11 a.m., Congregation Beth Avraham of BethlehemEaston For information,contact Rabbi Yitzchok I. Yagod at 610-905-2166. TUESDAYS TORAH STUDY 12:30 p.m., at the home of Cindy Daniels, 3630 Corriere Rd., Apt. 100, Easton Join Rabbi Melody of TCP to delve into the heart and soul of the Torah and how it applies to your life! No knowledge of Hebrew is necessary, nor is registration. Contact 610-253-2031 for information. PIRKEI AVOT (THE ETHICS OF THE FATHERS) 1:15 p.m., home of Cindy Daniels, 3630 Corriere Rd., Apt. 100, Easton Join Rabbi Melody of TCP for this wonderful class. Contact 610253-2031. YACHAD TORAH STUDY GROUP 1:30 to 2:30 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley It doesn’t matter how much you know, it matters how much you want to know. Bring your curiosity to Yachad’s Torah study group and discover the wonders, adventures and meaning of the Torah. Moderated by lay leaders. Held in the front gallery at the JCC. Email barbart249@aol.com for information. J-DAYS: CONNECTION CORNER AT THE J – YIDDUSH CLUB

1:30 to 3 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Enjoy fun, fellowship, stories and more. Discuss topics like cooking, humor, music and all kinds of entertainment in the Yiddish language. Join other adults to experience similar interests. Register for the year and participate in as many of the weekly activities as you would like. $5/season or register for a full year: $18/year. JCC members: free. Register with the JCC Welcome Desk or call 610-435-3571. Contact Amy Sams for more information about J-Days at 610-435-3571 ext. 182 or asams@lvjcc.org.

TORAH STUDIES: A WEEKLY JOURNEY INTO THE SOUL OF TORAH 7 p.m., Chabad of the Lehigh Valley Torah Studies by JLI presents: Season Four 5778: A 12-part series. Cost is $36 for the complete series (textbook included). For more information contact 610-3516511or Rabbi@chabadlehighvalley.com.

100,000 MILES/YR FOR KOSHER! First Tuesday of the month, 7 p.m., Congregation Beth Avraham Open to all. Fascinating vignettes from a mashgiach who drives approximately 100,000 miles/year (yes, per year!) to keep the kosher supply chain intact. From rural Arkansas to frigid Nova Scotia, winter and summer, the demands are always there. Contact Rabbi Yitzchok I. Yagod, Kashruth Hotline (24/6), 610-905-2166, rabbiyagod1@gmail.com.



TORAH ON TILGHMAN 12:15 p.m., Allentown Wegmans Cantor Ellen Sussman of Temple Shirat Shalom leads a lunch and learn on the Torah. RSVP to contactus@templeshiratshalom.com or 610-820-7666.

101 JUDAISM CLASS 10 a.m., Temple Covenant of Peace Join Rabbi Melody for the 101 Judaism Class. All welcome! Contact 610-253-2031 for information.

ORTHODOX JEWISH LIVING: WHAT IS IT & HOW? 8 p.m. Contact Rabbi Yizchok I. Yagod, 610-905-2166, rabbiyagod1@gmail.com.

CHRONIC CONDITIONS GROUP 2nd Thursday of the month, 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., Jewish Family Service The group is open to anyone that is coping with living with a chronic condition and looking for others to share life issues and garner support. Co-led by Susan SklaroffVanHook and Rebecca AxelrodCooper. Call 610-821-8722 to learn more. There is no charge for the group.


J-DAYS: CONNECTION CORNER AT THE J – MAH JONGG 1 to 3:30 p.m., JCC of the Lehigh Valley Drop in for a friendly game of mahj and conversation. Join other adults to experience similar interests. Register for the year and participate in as many of the weekly activities as you would like. $5/season or register for a full year: $18/year. JCC members: free. Register with the JCC Welcome Desk or call 610-435-3571. Contact Amy Sams for more information about J-Days at 610435-3571 ext. 182 or asams@ lvjcc.org.

BEGINNER’S GEMARA 8 a.m., Congregation Sons of Israel Facilitated by Dr. Henry Grossbard, this is an excellent primer for developing the analytical tools necessary for in-depth study of the Talmud.

HADASSAH STUDY GROUP Every other Wednesday, 1:30 p.m., Temple Beth El Allentown Hadassah presents a stimulating series of short story seminars. All are welcome to attend these free sessions in the Temple Beth El library. The group will be reading selections from anthologies available from Amazon.com. For dates and stories, contact Marilyn Claire, mjclaire@ gmail.com, 610-972-7054.

CBS WISDOM OF THE TALMUD 1 p.m., Congregation Brith Sholom Join Rabbi Singer in a lively discussion about Jewish law, ethics, customs and history, as found in the pages of the Talmud. Focusing on the roots of the Sh’ma and Amidah, foundations of Jewish prayer, found in Masechet Brachot. Books are available for order. No previous Talmud study required.

BETH AVRAHAM TORAH STUDY 7 p.m. Torah: It is the common heritage that binds all Jews together. Explore the ancient wisdom of Torah together. All are welcome. RSVP: Rabbi Yitzchok I. Yagod, 610-9052166, rabbiyagod1@gmail.com.

CHAVURAT TORAH STUDY Each Shabbat following kiddush lunch, Temple Beth El Taught by Shari Spark. No sign-up needed. Length of each class will vary. Enrich your Shabbat experience by studying the parashat hashavua, the weekly Torah portion.

BNEI AKIVA 5:45 p.m., Congregation Sons of Israel An Israel-centered fun program for kids ages eight to 14. This program is free and open to the public. For information and to RSVP, call 610-433-6089.

Congregations BNAI ABRAHAM SYNAGOGUE 1545 Bushkill St., Easton – 610.258.5343 Conservative MORNING MINYAN services are Thursday mornings at 7:25 a.m., SHABBAT EVENING services are Fridays at 8 p.m., SHABBAT MORNING services are Saturdays at 9:30 a.m., RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes are Wednesdays at 4:15 p.m. and Sundays at 9:30 a.m. CHABAD OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY 4457 Crackersport Rd., Allentown – 610.336.6603 Rabbi Yaacov Halperin, Chabad Lubavitch SHABBAT EVENING services are held once a month seasonally, SHABBAT MORNING services are held Saturdays at 10 a.m., RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes are held Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. and Sundays at 10 a.m. CONGREGATION AM HASKALAH 1190 W. Macada Rd., Bethlehem – 610.435.3775 Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein, Reconstructionist Weekly Shabbat services and a monthly family service with potluck dinner. Religious school meets Sunday mornings. Email am.haskalah.office@gmail.com to learn more. CONGREGATION BETH AVRAHAM 439 South Nulton Ave., Palmer Township – 610.905.2166 | Rabbi Yitzchok Yagod, Orthodox SHABBAT EVENING starts half an hour after candle lighting. SHABBAT MORNING starts at 9:30 a.m., followed by a hot kiddish. CONGREGATION BRITH SHOLOM 1190 W. Macada Rd., Bethlehem – 610.866.8009 Rabbi Michael Singer, Conservative MINYAN is at 7:45 a.m. on Mondays and Thursdays, 10 a.m. on Saturdays and 9 a.m. on holidays. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes every Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. at Brith Sholom and Sundays at 9:30 a.m. CONGREGATION KENESETH ISRAEL 2227 Chew St., Allentown – 610.435.9074 Rabbi Seth D. Phillips Services begin at 7:30 p.m. every Friday night. The first Friday of the month is a FAMILY SERVICE and celebration of birthdays and anniversaries. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes are held Tuesdays at 4 p.m. and Sundays at 9:30 a.m. CONGREGATION SONS OF ISRAEL 2715 Tilghman St., Allentown – 610.433.6089 Orthodox SHACHARIT: Sundays at 8:30 a.m., Mondays and Thursdays at 6:30 a.m., Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6:45 a.m. MINCHAH/MAARIV: 20 minutes before sunset. FRIDAY EVENING: 20 minutes before sunset, 7 p.m. in the summer. SHABBAT MORNING: 9 a.m. SHABBAT AFTERNOON: 90 minutes before dark. TEMPLE BETH EL 1305 Springhouse Rd., Allentown – 610.435.3521 Rabbi Moshe Re’em | Cantor Kevin Wartell Conservative WEEKDAY MORNING minyan services at 7:45 a.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m. SHABBAT EVENING services at 7:30 p.m. with the last Friday evening of the month featuring our Shira Chadasha Service. SHABBAT MORNING services at 9:30 a.m. followed by kiddush. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL classes every Tuesday at 4 p.m. and Sunday 9 a.m. Midrasha school classes Monday at 6:30 p.m. Shalshelet meets bimonthly on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Shalshelet (the chain) is open to ALL 10th, 11th and 12th grade students in the Lehigh Valley. For more information, contact Alicia Zahn, religious school director, at school@bethelallentown.org. TEMPLE COVENANT OF PEACE 1451 Northampton St., Easton – 610.253.2031 Tcp@rcn.com; tcopeace.org Rabbi Melody Davis | Cantor Jill Pakman Reform TCP holds Shabbat evening services every Friday night at 7:30 p.m. and a Renewal Style Shabbat morning service on the 4th Saturday of the month at 10:30 a.m. A family Shabbat service is held on the second Friday night of each month at 6:30 p.m. Religious school meets on Sunday mornings from 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. For more information about our Temple and activities, see our website at www.tcopeace.org or look us up on Facebook. TEMPLE ISRAEL OF LEHIGHTON 194 Bankway Str. Lehighton – 610-379-9591 Pluralistic Shabbat evening services are held monthly beginning with potluck at 6:30 p.m. followed by services at 7:30 p.m. All other regular monthly events can be found at templeisraeloflehighton.com. TEMPLE SHIRAT SHALOM 610.706-4595 Cantor Ellen Sussman TSS meets in congregants’ homes once per month and at Cantor Sussman’s home once per month. Call Cantor Sussman for details. HAKOL LEHIGH VALLEY | JULY/AUGUST 2018 31

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