Annual Report 2017

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Thank you for being the impact Dear Friends, This year, we asked many of our supporters a question: What inspires you to be the impact? The answers – all different, all important – have not only educated the community about the work of Federation, but have inspired us to continue to strive for greatness in the work that we do. And the impact from our supporters was felt far and wide this year, starting right here at home as we faced growing anti-Semitism the likes of which we haven’t seen for a long time. In response to this wave of anti-Semitism and bomb threats to JCCs and other Jewish institutions across the country, we kept

the community informed, raised money to help with the clean-up from vandalism at the Mount Carmel Cemetery and took a bus load of community members and day school students to Philadelphia to Stand Against Hate. And as we responded to the current situation, we also celebrated our past, prepared for our future and helped Jews in need and inspired Jewish life and learning here and all over the world. We celebrated the 40th anniversary of HAKOL, our community’s only Jewish newspaper, and took home another award for best niche publication from the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association. We saw the ambucycle that our

Maimonides Society donated in honor of its 30th anniversary last year put into action saving lives in Israel.

Through this partnership, we have brought 10 local community organizations together to strengthen our endowments and our future.

We continued to innovate with our campaign, promoting a month of Impact in November and a March Madness-style tournament for campaign workers in the spring.

None of this would have been possible without your support. We thank you for being the impact that strengthens our community now, tomorrow, the next day and every day after that.

We launched a brand new leadership development program called Israel Next Dor. Through this program, we brought 12 young Jewish adults to Israel and have watched them bring the lessons of the trip back home. And we began this year the first in a four-year partnership with LIFE & LEGACY, a program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.


Mark H. Scoblionko President 2014-17

Mark L. Goldstein Executive Director

MARK L. GOLDSTEIN Executive Director



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to oney . m g n value nati o t d n a d t an or nd ropy y i m p fa m i l y a h r t e n v a l y a e phi ses was el with m periences r e h w , ex ra au family Jewish c rth to Is my Israel and Elliot a n i o b f up and nd e in hus n of I grew overseas ng back a ulminatio I met my ow we liv el I s ra ere he c aveli ey. N l and Israe rew up tr d trips. T Israel wh ehigh Vall ection to wish g e in L ze nn I also on organi er I lived from the trong co h Valley J tion g a s m i e Leh sum educ ng to b ill have a e e s d i h h t e h t n o t was o happe e st on to can star and a str y w s , r y u e h l w go he es sm Val high ’re sendin r so that wish valu And that’ me. e L e e e l. Je s th and w nity Cent h strong n to Israe at inspire u t wi ectio story th Comm conn 3

To build connections with Israel, we were on the front line. We’ve helped send

120,000+ YOUNG JEWS

for a year in Israel through the Jewish Agency’s Masa program since 2004

We’ve brought hundreds of

LEHIGH VALLEY JEWS to Israel on Federation missions through the years

We’ve helped send

600,000+ YOUNG JEWISH ADULTS on a 10-day trip to Israel through Birthright since 1999


have signed up since 2007 to experience Israel through our VISIT Israel Savings Partnership

bringing Israel and the Lehigh Valley together through our partnership with Yoav 4

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to go d e t wan and t she said OK a h t s d us . And we g. She ha l o t e nd in t day a e 9th grad life-chang able abou e n o h e dg has een in t ome has b re knowle ment she ve me h This was r a c e h r ’ o r p l. te ce fo le. We me m choo evelo augh My d ish day s e experien has beco th and d measurab make a im th he to row Jew to a t her. And h values, s credible g has been I decided her own n d in is ily for we se aced Jew for all the n our fam y wife an excited n and it’s r pe dm ing to ly nd emb r l d , a h e i m p a c g e a b l e a n h t e r g e t t g s t o h a p m y fa m i o w e h t led th aug thin ose ed, bot rienc more know lt of my d nt these ppen for why I cho g e p x e a a u in come el as a res d that I w ke them h and that’s y support al all be e b a a l annu act o Isr nd I realiz lity to m rs as wel s p t ’ n m p i i o . i r i n t re. A esponsib othe o make a d e ra t c a m p a i g n e r e h o F f t d r p t an tri my 5

To secure our Jewish future, we instilled Jewish values. We’ve sparked Jewish conversations at home for


in the Lehigh Valley through PJ Library since 2011 We make Jewish education


through programs at local synagogues We support a quality Jewish and general studies education for

PRE-K THROUGH 8TH GRADE at the Jewish Day School We’ve helped


remain connected to their Judaism and each other at the JCC 6

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The world is an unstable place. We brought security.

We brought


and day school students to Philadelphia in March to stand against hate

We raised money for


after destruction at the Mount Carmel Cemetery

We brought community agencies together for a


We hosted a forum on

COMBATTING BDS for students and their parents



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rtant o p m e ly i dous t, from th n e m os tre my been me the m ah box in n, s a h io ak ed ty muni has inspir ittle tzed r Federat ve m o c r fo at his o gi ral t of t about wh remembe a solicito d need t ng a r a p a s k an ki s Being and I thin d I alway early on. A firmation Jew is as akah n e d an ning, chen from ied my co t said ‘on what tze out. n i g e f a t b ly h ab di ki t soli tement t hat is tru tion is all her’s a t h o t m t a t a grand tatemen is the st ew.’ And nd Feder J s a k s d e th hir oa and t o help a t e r o m wt nd Je o c e s 9

Millions of Jews find every day a struggle. We were a lifeline.

We helped feed


here in the Lehigh Valley through the Jewish Family Service food pantry

We helped


in the Lehigh Valley receive regular visits from JFS

We’ve provided


of Holocaust survivors in the U.S. —one of four of whom live in poverty— with home health care, housing, nutrition and transportation services

We’ve helped over


survive winter in the fomer Soviet Union with warm clothes, blanket and heating assistance



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To build a welcoming community, we brought people together.

We brought hundreds of community members together for


More than 200 volunteers joined us for our


We hosted


for Yom HaShoah, Yom Hazikaron and Yom Ha’atzmaut

We published

SHALOM LEHIGH VALLEY and distributed it in 60,000 copies of The Morning Call’s Indulge Magazine


In May, we brought 12 emerging leaders ages 27-35 on a nine-day trip to Israel. The cohort is continuing to participate in a leadership development program through the Federation and bringing what they learn to the Lehigh Valley Jewish community. Here, some of the participants reflect on their trip.


“It didn’t really hit me until I got back how much it really impacted me and how much I feel like coming back from Israel and being a part of Israel Next Dor, that Judaism has now jumped up in the level of priorities of my life.”



“This trip was special because I got to go with people not only just my age, but also people who live in my area that I can actually come back to and reminisce and become life-long friends with after the trip.”


“Going to Israel was something I’ve always wanted to experience, but was never able to prior. So it was really amazing to be able to have that opportunity and I think we all learned a lot, but me in particular. I feel like I have a greater connection to Israel now and bringing that back to the community.”


“Going on the trip with my husband Howie was a very special experience. We just moved here a little less than a year ago into Nazareth, which is not a very Jewish area, so we are still trying to figure out our Jewish identity. So being able to go on this trip and meet locals from this area that we now live in – I’m really excited to see what the future holds when we are able to participate with them.”


“With Israel Next Dor, we are part of a very unique group of young professionals who created a special bond. We are continuing to meet and learn the leadership skills needed to become the next leaders in the Jewish community right here at home.”



2017 Campaign for Jewish Needs Together, we raised


Fundraising expenses: $314,000

through the 2017 Campaign

We were able to distribute


including unrestricted endowment grants, interest, HAKOL income and Pomegranate Pin income


Overseas distributions: $590,811

Local distributions: $1,451,470 (see graph at right)

Reserve: $19,000

Local distributions: $1,451,740 Jewish Federation Community Development: $288,228

Jewish Community Center: $321,798

Jewish Family Service & Jewish Fund for Human Needs: $94,000

Jewish Education Services & Jewish Continuity Grants: $47,500

University Hillels: $28,000 Muhlenberg College Lehigh University Lafayette College Moravian College

Jewish Day School: $312,000

Bethlehem and Easton Community Grants: $29,000

Jewish Federation Administration: $240,992

Designated Gifts: $74,250

Other: $15,702

Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding, Lehigh Valley Kashrut Commission, Orphan Cemeteries, etc.


Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley 2017 Campaign for Jewish Needs

Thank you for being the impact Because of your support of the 2017 campaign, we are able to help when help is needed, provide a safety net for those who must rely upon it, and nurture the core institutions that are the fabric of a rich and dynamic Jewish community.


* Indicates an individual woman’s gift to the 2017 Campaign for Jewish Needs ° Indicates members of the Silver Circle who have contributed for 25 years or more.

PRIME MINISTERS CIRCLE $100,000+ Ross and Wendy* Born° Just Born Inc°


Robert and Bonnie* Hammel° Charles and Figa* Kline Foundation° Anonymous (1) THEODORE HERZL SOCIETY $50,000 - $99,999 Fischmann Family Fund° Roberto and Eileen* Fischmann Lewis and Roberta* Gaines° Master Family° Richard and Susan* Master MCS Industries Harry Louis Yanoff & Jeanette Master Yanoff Charitable Fund The Wax-Goldman Family Funds Vicki Wax* Robby and Laurie* Wax Steven and Nancy Wax Goldman KING DAVID SOCIETY $25,000 - $49,999 Tama Fogelman* and Family° The Fraenkel Family°

Dr. Harold and Sandra* Goldfarb° The Deanne* and Arnold Kaplan Foundation Joseph B. and Rita* Scheller° Lisa Scheller* and Wayne Woodman Shelley Stettner*° The Mortimer S. Schiff Memorial Golf Tournament TREE OF LIFE SOCIETY $18,000 - $24,999 Leonard Abrams° KING SOLOMON CIRCLE $10,000 - $17,999 The Philip and Muriel Berman Foundation Dr. Jeffrey and Jill* Blinder° Charles Cohen and Rebecca Binder* The Martin Cohen Family Foundation° Jonathan and Iris* Epstein Gary Fromer and Dr. Carol Bub Fromer*

Mark L. Goldstein and Shari Spark*° Robert & Judy Auritt Klein Family Fund Kobrovsky Family Fund Elaine Lerner*° Dr. Richard and Barbara* Reisner° Mortimer S. and Vera M.* Schiff Foundation° Dr. Stuart A. and Janice Schwartz° Seidel Cohen Hof and Reid LLC° Daniel and Nancy* Cohen Phillip and Ellen* Hof Chris and Tara Reid Jean Weiner*° Anonymous (1) BUILDERS OF ISRAEL $5,000 - $9,999 Dr. Marc and Aliette* Abo Hon. Alan and Donna* Black° Dr. Sam and Sylvia* Bub° Peter and Karen* Cooper° Arnan and Marlene* Finkelstein Dr. Peter Fisher and Kathy Zimmerman*

Louis and Shirley* Furmansky° Susan Gadomski *° Dr. Jeffrey Gevirtz° Murray Goodman Richard Green Family and Firstrust Bank Robert J. and Susan* Grey Allen and Patricia* Gribben° Barry and Carol R.* Halper° Nat and Erica* Hyman Bernard and Flo Kobrovsky Special Fund Dr. Wesley and Beth* Kozinn° Dr. Jeffrey and Kim Kramer Stuart and Lynda* Krawitz Dr. Lawrence and Eva* Levitt° Stanley R. Liebman Estate Dr. Moshe and Lisa* Markowitz Dr. William and Jane* Markson° Michael and Linda* Miller° Dr. Alan and Judith* Morrison° Sylvia Perkin Perpetual Charitable Trust Daniel Poresky° Rhoda Prager*° Sylvia and Herb Rosen Foundation

Dr. Alex and Robin* Rosenau° Shaoli Rosenberg* Drs. Jarrod and Nicole* Rosenthal Sadie Berman Lion of Judah Endowment Lorrie Scherline*° Irwin and Ellen* Schneider° Mark and Deena* Scoblionko° Elizabeth Scofield* Larrie and Judy* Sheftel Edith Simon*° Spira Family Foundation Dr. Frank and Tama* Tamarkin Dr. Michael and Eileen* Ufberg° Dr. Robert and Carol* Wilson Ilene Wood* Dr. Israel and Valeska* Zighelboim Jeri Zimmerman* Anonymous (2) SABRA CIRCLE $2,500 - $4,999 Alan and Marsha* Abraham Dr. Houman and Lori* Ahdieh Leonard and Beverly* Bloch Foundation° Nathan and Marilyn* Braunstein° Dr. David and Sarah-Jane* Bub Dr. Ian and Patricia* Carlis° Dr. Mitchell Cooper and Rebecca Axelrod-Cooper* Scott and Beth* Delin

Glenn and Jan* Ehrich Veronica Fischmann* Stewart and Carol* Furmansky° Dr. Gene and Ann* Ginsberg° Dr. Mark and Carmyn Gittleman° Dr. Lawrence and Vicki* Glaser° Dr. David Greenberg and Bonna Sue Burtt-Greenberg* Andrew and Dr. Lisa* Ellis Dr. Eric J. and Amy* Fels Dr. Jay and Fran* Fisher° Dr. Gene and Ann* Ginsberg° Dr. Ronald and Emily* Freudenberger Dr. Arthur and Jane* Kaplan° Martin and Judy* Krasnov° Dr. Harold and Linda* Kreithen° Robert and Roberta* Kritzer Dr. Howard and Beth* Kushnick Donald and Lois* Lipson° Dr. Richard and Roberta* London° Ryan and Claudia* Mattison Dr. Jay and Marla* Melman° Dr. Holmes and Jeannie* Miller° Dr. Michael and Cary* Moritz Dr. Michael and Ruth* Notis° Drs. Steven and Nancy* Oberlender Dr. Noah Orenstein and Diana Fischmann Orenstein* Dr. Robert and Joanne* Palumbo Rabbi Seth Phillips and Marge Kramer* Dr. Robert and Lota* Post°

Judith Rodwin* Dr. Abraham and Nancy* Ross and Family Cathy Sacher*° Frances & Abraham Schwab Memorial Fund Dr. Darryn and Lorey* Shaff Dr. Elliot Shear Jack and Amy* Silverman Dr. Arthur and Audrey* Sosis° Martin Spiro Dr. Jay E. and Margery* Strauss° Dr. David and Barbara* Sussman° Dr. Kenneth and Alla* Toff° Arthur and Barbara* Weinrach° James and Linda* Wimmer° Dr. Michael and Miriam* Zager and Family Larry and Carolyn Zelson Anonymous (1) GATES OF JAFFA $1,500 - $2,499 Alan and Sandy* Abeshaus Dr. Howard Altman Richard J. Mongilutz and Kelly Banach* Dr. Alan Berger° William M. and Peggy* Berger° Dr. Marc and Lauren* Berson° Dr. Michael and Nancy Busch Lawrence Center

Marilyn Claire*° Natalie Coleman*° Dr. William and Gail* Combs Helen Cook*° Dr. Karen Dacey* Hon. Maxwell Davison° Norman Falk Dr. Bruce Feldman° Dr. Hal and Kimberly Folander Jerome and Sally Frank Dr. Ronald J. and Linda* Glickman° Neil and Edyth* Glickstein° Dr. Gordon and Rose Lee* Goldberg° Mitzi Goldenberg* Drs. Zach and Andrea* Goldsmith Dr. Marsha Gordon* Dr. Robert M. Gordon° Morris & Dyna Gorfinkel Memorial Fund Dr. Robert and Tracy Grob Dr. Paul Gross° Bennett Grossman Esther Halperin*° Hausman Family Dr. Jonathan and Marjorie* Hertz Dr. Howard Horne Dr. Howard Israel° Dr. John Jaffe° Dr. Jeffrey and Nancy Jahre Roland and Dorothy Joseph Rabbi Allen and Toby* Juda° Dr. Robert and Janice* Kaplan

Dr. Barbara Katz* Drs. Andrew and Deborah* Kimmel° Mark and Patty Klein° Dr. Robert and Stephanie* Kricun° Dr. Michael and Fay* Kun Ferne Rodale Kushner*° Dr. Michael and Carole* Langsam Dr. Brian LeFrock Dr. Paul and Diane* Lemberg and Family Mort & Myra Levy Phil Fund Dr. Jay and Evelyn* Lipschutz° Dr. Gerald and Ethel* Melamut° Robert and Betty* Mendelson Katherine Molinaro* Dr. Robert and Amy* Morrison Dr. Richard J. and Amy* Morse Taffi Ney*° Dr. Mark and Alice* Notis° Frank Penn Family Fund Drs. Andrew and Flora* Pestcoe The Ringold Family* Dr. Marvin and Janet Rosenthal° Selma Roth* Dr. Michael and Lynn F.* Rothman Ronald and Martha* Segel° Milton and Ronnie* Sheftel° Ruth Sheftel* Howard and Susan* Sherer Dr. Bruce and Donna Silverberg Dr. Raymond and Bonnie* Singer


Dr. Frederic A. and Gilda Stelzer° Fred and Barbara K.* Sussman° Dr. Adam Teichman Dr. Ryan and Carah* Tenzer Marsha Timmerman*° Dr. Edward Tomkin and Sandra Wadsworth Dr. Darren and Stefanie* Traub Dr. Michael and Janet Ulman Dr. Marc and Susan* Vengrove° Dr. Andrew Wakstein Dr. Benjamin and Ellen Weinberger° Steven and Margo* Wiener° Gail Wolson*° Dr. Eric and Helaine* Young Dr. Larry and Debra Zohn° Anonymous (8) CHAVERIM $500 - $1,499 Richard and Karen* Albert° Steven Aronsky Dr. Richard and Judith* Aronson° Marietta Banach* Tama Lee Barsky* Richard and Joan* Bass Sanford and Patricia* Beldon Dr. Harry and Donna Berger Steven Bergstein and Nanci Goldman Bergstein° Larry and Susan W.* Berman°


Carol and Kenneth Bernhard* Joseph and Sharon* Bernstein Dr. Robert and Linda Bloch Ronald and Linda* Black° Rance and Sheryl* Block° Michael and Rita* Bloom° Akiva and Rachel* Boonswang Dr. Stuart and Joan* Boreen Dr. Jeffrey and Nan* Bratspies° Harry and Edna* Brill° Evelyn H. Brown*° Dr. John and Ingelise* Brown Richard and Kira* Bub Harvey and Elizabeth* Cartine Charles L. Fletcher Memorial Fund Robert Cohen and Michelle Hindin Richard and Ruth* Derby° Gail Ehrens*° Eduardo and Jeanette* Eichenwald° Dr. Mark and Ellyn* Elstein° Joan Epstein*° Finkelstein Family Fund Jules and Tama Fogelman Fund Dr. Ari and Mia* Forgosh Neil and Marjorie* Forgosh Hon. Robert and Ronnie Freedberg° Dr. Henry and Monica* Friess and Family Gerson Lazar Family Fund Leonard and Rhoda Glazier*° Dr. Brian Goldberg

Dr. Eric Goldman Lance and Ellen* Gordon Alan Greenberger° Dr. H. William and Ruth* Gross° Shirley F. Gross*° Drs. Harvey and Melissa Hakim Jay Haltzman° Ronald and Joan* Harrison° Aron and Julie* Hochhauser Arthur and Susan* Hochhauser° Dr. Arthur and Barbara* Hoffman° Roslyn Holtz* Dr. David and Susan* Hyman° Gwen Jacobs* Dr. Joseph Jacobs Andrew and Nancy Kahn Dr. Binae Karpo* Seth and Kathi* Katzman° Dr. Jay and Phyllis* Kaufman° Dr. Corey and Lisa* Kirshner Drs. William and Susan* Kitei° Maxine S. Klein*° Dr. Elwood and Marilyn* Kolb° Dr. Mark and Iris Koshar Paul and Dore Kottler Joshua and Danielle Kroo Karen Kuhn*° Dr. Hartley Lachter and Dr. Jessica Cooperman* Lawrence M. Lang and Elaine N. Deutch*

Dr. Paul H. and Elaine* Langer° Martha B. Lebovitz*° Dr. Henry and Susan* Lehrich Bernard and Laurie Lesavoy--Lesavoy Butz & Seitz LLC Dr. Edward Levy Dr. Lisa* and Rivki Lindauer Dr. Sheldon and Paula* Linn Scott and Allison* Lipson Eric Luftig Jean Mandel*° Dr. David and Robyn Meir-Levi Edith Miller*° Dr. Gary and Debbie* Miller° Judy Miller*° Morton Miller Michael Molovinsky° James and Shelah Mueth Dr. Jonathan Munves Jay and Bobbi* Needle Marc Nissenbaum° Dr. William and Marjorie Ofrichter° Dr. David and Ann* Packman Leon and Elaine* Papir° Alan and Roberta* Penn° Henry and Phyllis* Perkin Allen and Sandra* Perlman Edward and Beth* Posner° Alison Post* Sandra Preis*° Michael and Ilene Prokup°

Dr. Mitchell and Carol Rabinowitz° Elaine Rappaport-Bass*° Bruce and Enid Reich Dr. Richard Roberts Nan Ronis* Dr. Howard and Lisa* Rosenberg° Adam and Penny* Roth and Family Sheila Saunders*° Marcia Schechter*° Nathan and Rusty* Schiff Dr. Michael and Heidi* Schiffman Michael and Brenna Schlossberg John Schneider Bernard and Sara* Schonbach Lillian Schwab Memorial Fund Schwartz Family Fund Dr. Andrew and Jacqueline Schwartz Dr. Howard and Tamara Selden Donald and Randi Senderowitz Sally Shapiro*° H. Sheftel Memorial Fund Elliot and Linda Sheftel° Dr. Andrew and Rachel* Shurman Dr. Howard and Diane* Silverman° Marshall and Nina* Silverstein° Rabbi Michael Singer and Alexis Vega-Singer* Lynda Somach*° Marcy Staiman* Richard and Allison Staiman Lenore Stecher*

Dr. Phil and Diane* Stein Dr. Richard and Arlene* Stein° Dr. Ronald and Melissa Stein and Family Hon. Robert L. Steinberg Cheri Sterman* Sterman-Goldin Family Fund Aimee Stewart* Dr. David and Laurie Strassman Dr. Michael F. Stroock° Sussman Family Fund Ron Ticho and Pam Lott* Dr. Mark and Abby* Trachtman Dr. Stephen and Beverly* Volk° Dr. Stanley and Judith* Walker Dr. Ronald and Beverly* Wasserman° Robert and Sandy* Weiner Rosalyn Weingrod * Louise Weinstein* Deborah Weiss* David and Deborah* Wiener Jerry and Flossie* Zales° Richard and Cherie* Zettlemoyer Debbie Zoller* Anonymous (24) SHORASHIM $250 - $499 Herma Abramson* Alfred T. Gifford Family Fund Isabella Alkasov*

Vivian Appel* Dr. Mark Auerbach Miriam Bandler*° Dr. Peter and Barbara Barbour Randy and Jodi* Barson Fran Bassett* R. Bill Bergstein° Andrew and Dr. Christy* Block and Family Samuel and Ann Born Foundation Ilya Borshansky Dr. Marianna Borshansky* Sally Brau*° Allen and Marjorie* Carroll Marcia K. Cohen*° Temple and Ann Coldren Helena Coleman* Howard and Catherine* Coleman Coleman Family Fund Roger and Sharon* Collins Dan Pomerantz Fund Donald Denburg° Dr. George and Roberta* Diamond° Eduardo and Jeanette* Eichenwald° Fred and Gail* Eisenberg Henriette Engelson*° Jack and Shirley* Engelson° Dr. Thomas and Roni* Englert and Family° Eleanor Extract* Melissa Falk*

Dr. Alex Feig° Marcia Felkay*° Brian and Emily* Ford Phyllis Ford* Ronald Gelber Gerald and Selma Roth Family Fund Dr. Eric and Debbie* Gertner and Family Alfred T. Gifford Family Fund Renee Gittler*° Dr. Barry and Sharon* Glassman Ann Goldberg* Amy Golding* Libby Golomb*° Nathaniel and Joanna Golub Allan and Mary Goodman° Lothar and Wendy Gumberich Etta Heller* Ricky Hochhauser* Lisa Jeffery* James and Andrea* Jesberger Stacey Kandel* Irving Kaplan° Carolyn Katwan* Iris Klein*° Lillian Kobrovsky*° Hilary Koprowski* Teri Krassen* Merry Landis*° Suzanne Lapiduss*° Olivier and Alice* Level

The Eva Levitt Knitting Project Gilfrid and Michele* Levy Eileen Lewbart* Herbert Litvin Robert and Shirley* Malenovsky° Marvi Family Fund Sandy Newman* Dr. Michael and Martina Obenski° Carole Ostfeld*° Papir Family Fund Stephen and Marianne Phillips Raab Fund Julian Rappaport and Toby Brandt° Rabbi Moshe and Adina Re’em Dr. Daniel Relles Jeffrey and Rabbi Rachel Rembrandt Harry and Carole* Rose° Rosenau Family Fund Michael and Linda Rosenfeld° Cary Rothstein* Dr. Matthew and Keren* Saltz Joel and Linda Scheer Jane Schiff* James and Sandra* Schonberger° Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schuman* Renee Schwartz*° Stuart and Susan* Shmookler° Dr. Laurence and Mimi* Silberstein° Rabbi Melissa B. Simon* and Rena Fraade* Dr. Roger and Marna* Simon°

Beth El Sisterhood° Keneseth Israel Sisterhood° Sons of Israel Sisterhood° Adam and Stephanie* Smartschan Michael and Jane* Spitzer° Dr. Mark Stein and Sharon Albert* Stephanie Szilagyi*° Dr. Jonathan Tenzer Family Fund Selma Tomkin* Sharon Trinker* Robert and Marcia* Weill Martin and Frances* Weinberg Joseph and Kristina* Weiner Michael Weinstein° Rabbi David and Dr. Rachel Wilensky* Bruce and Alicia* Zahn Zelickson Family Fund Dr. Robert and Susanna* Zemble Debby Ziev* Anonymous (12) KEHILLAH $100 - $249 Richard and Maria* Ain Florence Applebaum* Elaine Atlas*° Pnina Avitzur* Dr. Marsha Baar*° Karen Bader*° Karen Bardawil* Don and Robie* Barga


Michael and Barbara* Bassano Belman Family Fund Dr. Neil Belman Millie Berg Memorial Fund Elaine Berk* Neal Berkowitz Scott Berman Dr. Jason and Roslyn* Birnbaum Dr. Joan Bischoff* Randi Blauth* Glenn and Melisa Block° Amy Born Fund John Botzum and Miriam Harris* Botzum Joan Brody*° Victor and Leslie* Bunick Robert and Gail* Burger Chelsea Busch* Sara Camuti* Muriel Charon* Audrey Cherney*° Zachary and Ginny* Cohen Jerome and Audrey* Cylinder° Edwin and Rabbi Melody* Davis Brooke Dietrick* Arianna Delin* Ben Delin Noah Delin Leah Devine* Amy Douglass* David and Vikki* Dunn


Dr. Abbott and Judy* D’ver° Barbara Einhorn* Howard and Shirley Falk Lisa Ellis Fund Michael Finley and Audrey Ettinger* Samuel and Lynn* Feldman° Brad and Robyn* Finberg Harris and Sandi* Fine Vivian Fishbone* Harry and Amy* Fisher Lance and Marian* Flax Eric and Rebecca* Fleisch Jeffrey Fleischaker and Dr. Ophira Silbert* Andrea Denny Foucek* Julie Paige Fraenkel Fund Bette Friedenheim* Murray and Linda* Garber° Arnon and Hagit* Gavish Jerome and Gloria* Ginsburg° Gary and Pat* Glascom Becky Goldenberg* Julia Goldberg* Brian and Judith* Goldman° Nathaniel and Joanna Golub Mark Kennedy and Arlene Gorchov* Aaron Gorodzinsky Donald Greenberg Jeff and Elizabeth* Greenberg Arlene Griffin*° Merle Grollman*

Tom and Rita* Guthrie° Marion Halperin*° Rabbi Yaacov and Devorah* Halperin Suzanne Harris* Dr. Leo and Marilyn Heitlinger Alvin and Arlene* Herling° Syman and Anita* Hirsch Stuart and Hope* Horowitz° Stacy Hortner* Michael and Tina* Imerman Charles and Dale Inlander° Baron and Marjorie Jasper Alexa Karakos* Chelsea Karp* Katz Family Dr. Lewis and Joan* Katz Daniel and Anne* Kaye Ludmila Khodorkovsky* Kimmel Family Fund Renee B. Kleaveland* Jerry Knafo Dr. Arnold and Barbara* Kritz° Ruth Kugelman*° Gary and Jennifer* Lader Dr. Samuel and Sharon* Land Gilbert and Judy* Lappen Mary Laronge* Dr. Judith Lasker*° Frederick and Sherry Lesavoy° Paul Levy and Helen Mack-Levy Joan Lichtenstein*°

Dr. David and Elizabeth* Lischner Dr. Zalman Liss° Dr. Henry and Pat Luftman Reba Marblestone* Steven Markowitz° Matt and Allison* Meyers Janis Mikofsky* Gary and Diane* Miller° Norman and Maxine* Miller° Natalie Millrod* Rabbi Alan and Patricia* Mittleman° Steven and Judy Molder Gladys Morgenstein*° Alex and Elaine* Morrow Judith Murman* Hank and Jill* Narrow Dr. Douglas and Ruth* Nathanson Howard and Jill Nathanson Norma Neff*° Paula Nelson* Audrey Nolte* Robert Orenstein Debbie Ovitz*° Joseph and Eve* Peterson Dr. Peter Pettit Linda Piesner* Jay and Marlene* Plotnick Dr. Matthew and Denise* Pollack Patti Price* Abram and Alyssa Pure Dr. Jason Radine

Martin Rapoport Eric Rappaport and Choty Andres* David Reiff Reitars-Braunstein Family Fund Ruth Reiter* Charles Richter and Lynda Pollack* Ira and Erica* Robbins Dr. Joel Rosenfeld Myra Rosenhaus* Debra Ross* June Rothkopf* Wendy Rothstein* Fae Safer* Alan and Mary* Salinger° Gerald and Etta* Salman° Richard and Amy* Sams Dr. Norman and Jett* Sarachek° Helene Rae Scarcia* Seith Schentzel Ivan and Jill* Schonfeld Leon Schneider Mark and Joyce Schuman* Dr. Arthur Levine and Dr. Janet Schwartz* Dr. Michael Schwartz Brian Segel Lynne Shampain*° Stanley Shrager Barry Siegel° Sheldon and Lolly* Siegel Serita Silberg*

Linda Silowka*° John Silverberg° Abigail Silverman* Jessica Silverman* Ruth Skoglund* Jonathan Smith Dr. Yehuda and Victoria* Smooha° Anne Snyder-Lyons* Susan Sosnow* Morgan Stanley Dr. Stanley and Manya Stein Michael and Sybil* Stershic Rabbi Danielle Stillman* David Vaida and Cantor Ellen Sussman* Matthew and Tracy* Sussman Kenneth Szydlow Norman Tahler Julie Thomases* Alan and Enid* Tope° Sharon Trinker* Dr. William and Rae Tuffiash° Sharone and Lora* Vaknin Chris and Kimberly* Valuntas Dr. Steven Vale and Dr. Jennifer Gell* Volk Family Fund Dr. Arkady and Ilana* Voloshin Marcia Weingartner* Philip and Lynn* Weinzimer Marjorie Weiss* Alfred Wiener Family Fund Norman and Sandra* Wruble

Anonymous (27) GENESIS $1 - $99 Marvin and Sylvia* Adler Joseph Aflalo Aaron Alkasov Gregory and Seli* Allen Richard and Regina* Angel Scott Appleman Harris Apsell Max Averbach Zoe Averbach* David and Carmit* Bach Terrence Baker Jayson and Nurit* Baron Dr. Susan Basow* Marla Beck* Delores Bednar* Michael Benioff Arthur and Phyllis Berg Stephanie Berman* Jeffrey and Lisa* Bernfeld Jason and Tracey Billig Jerome Block Igor and Alla* Bolotovsky Gerald and Audrey Brandis Mark Breitbart Tammy Breslin* Lawrence and Rebecca* Brisman Ron Brodsky Jenna Brody*

Neil and Diane Brown Jerry and Wilma Brucker Betty Burian* Ivan Buyum Joyce Camm* Dena Cedor* Linda Chmielewski*° Dr. Barry and Robbie* Cohen Brad and Sharon Cohen Elena S. Cohen Charity Fund Michelle Cohen* Dr. Karen G. Cook* and Caity Kanengiser Marjorie Danciger* Eric and Joanne* Daniels Betty Diamond* Roberta Diamond*° Linda Dietrick* Marilyn Doluisio*° Sandra Dror* Vicki Duerr* Helen Ebert* Wendy Edwards* Stewart Eichelbaum David Eiskowitz Alyssa Emswiler* Ben and Abby* Feinberg Joseph Epstein and Sheryl Feinstein Rabbi Mordechai Eskovitz Anita Evelyn* Inna Eyzerovich* E.G. Jerry Farris*

Susan Fegley* Sharon Feldman* Brenda Finberg* Fredda Fischman*(z”l) Claudia Fischmann Fund Diana Fischmann Fund Veronica Fischmann Fund Adele Fisher* Diane Fisher*° Keith and Randi* Fraley Mark and Lauri* Franko Michael and Sandra Freeman Emily Freudenberger* Ann Friedenheim* Dr. Michael and Traci Gabriel Fran Gaines* Laura Garber* Linda Garber*° Dr. Debra Garlin* Gail Gelb* Nancy Gevirtz Memorial Fund Samuel Gevirtz Mitzvah Fund Cathy Gilbert* Lauren Glick* Caroline Goldblat* Shelley Goldberg* and Family Anita Goldman* Susan Goldman* Dr. Malvin and Lillian* Goldner David and Tova* Goldstein Martin Goldstein°

Nissa Gossom* Deena Gottlieb* Ronald and Ann* Gould Betty Greenberg*°(z”l) Judith Greenberg* Rabbi Zalman Greenberg Rosaly Greenberger* Harry and Paula* Grines Marcel Guindine Sharon Guindine* Samuel Guncler William and Sharon* Hamilton Bernice Harris* Dolores Heller* Philip Heyman° Rima Hirsch* Carolyn Hoffman* Dorothy Hoffman*° Dr. Michael Hortner Robert and Arlene* Hurwitz Michael and Donna* Iorio Dr. Lubov Iskold* Nina Jackson* Sondra Jacobs*° Rabbi Janine Jankovitz* Harry and Grace* Kagan Dr. Susan Kahlenberg* Honey Kandel* Sidney and Helene* Kaplan Harriet Karess* Lorraine Karess*


Gary Kaskowitz Francine Katzman* Chaim and Carol Kaufmann Ilena Key* Noah Kirshner Nathan Kline Rosine Knafo*° Blanka and Walter Knie Holocaust Education Fund Jeffrey Koch Deborah Kohler*° Dr. Elwood and Marilyn* Kolb° Paul and Dore Kottler Dr. Neal Kramer Dr. Ronald Krisch David and Jordan Kurlansik Peter and Madeline* Langman Andrea Lass* Ellen Lebowitz* Daniel and Daniella Leisawitz Maur and Doe* Levan° Myron Levenson Bob and Ilene* Levin-Dando° Lee and Mary Jane* Levine Barbara Levinson* Nancy Levy* Julian Lewis Doris Lifland* Marylou Lordi* David and Marilyn* Louick° Jodi Lovenwirth*


Rebecca Lovingood* Rochelle Lower* Caren Lowrey* Gloria Lowy* Art Lukoff Leonard Lutsky° Ronald and Patricia Malvin Yitzhak and Elvira* Mana Eli and Rikki* Mandel Silvia Mandler* David and Susan* Manela Louise Mapstone* Beth Marquardt* Aliza Martin* Chahine Marvi* Robert Mayer and Jan Muzycka* Debrosha McCants* Diane McKee* Ruth Meislin*° Susan B. Mellan Memorial Fund Eugene Meyer and Dr. Lisa Jean Todes* Dr. Robert and Ellen Miller* and Family Robert and Joy* Miller Stanley Miller Susan Mohr* Daniel and Larisa Morgenbesser Anne Morris* Rene Moskowitz* Joseph Mozes Memorial Fund Jane Much* William and Sharon* Mullin

Michael Mylnarsky Myra Needle* Terry David and Shirley* Neff Richard Nelson Maurice and Sandy* Ojalvo Robert Prichard and Ellen Osher* Cantor Jill Pakman* Dr. Alan Parker Mark and Nina* Pinsley A. Jane Pitkoff* Mildred Poliner*° Anna Polonsky* Adina Preis* Aron Preis Alan Raisman Kevin and Lauren Reuther Linda Rich* Dan and Mary* Rockman Theresa Romain* Jodie Rosenblum* Phyllis Rothkopf* Pamela Rozsa* Barbara Rudolph* Michele Salomon* Deborah Sarachek* Mary Lou Scarf* Andrew Schaeffer Jon Schaeffer Lynn Schiavone* Ellyn Schindler* Rachel Schmeidberg*

Melvin and Pearl* Schmier Nolie Schneider* Lewis Schor° Rabbi Rebecca Schorr* Donald Schwartz Joy Scott* Eugene Search Lorraine Secouler* Philip Segal Marlee Senderowitz Fund Randi and Donald Senderowitz Fund Rissa Senderowitz Philanthropic Fund Robert and Maryanne Appleby-Shaffer Adrian Shanker Alan Shapiro Ezra Shapiro Shay and Allison* Shimon Dr. Stephen Shore Dr. Carl Shulze Silverman Family Fund Abigail Silverman Fund Jessica Silverman Philanthropic Fund Debra Skinner* Michael Smith Rabbi Aryeh Spera Danielle Staiman Mitzvah Fund Alan and Lori Starr Levgen Sukhar Norman and Cindy* Sussman° Donald Thaler Sandi Teplitz*°

David Teumim Harriet Theodore* Howard and Marilyn* Tokosh Earl and Sondra* Toland Judy Toubin* Alex Tsikanovsky Wendy Turner* Ufberg Family Fund Inna Vishnevetsky* Nicholas and Jessica* Volchko Lynn Waite* Dori Wallace*° Eugene and Alice Ward Cantor Kevin Wartell° Les and Anita* Weintraub Dr. Brian and Joy* Wernick Neil and Judith Wetcher Barbara Wolfgang* Gladys Yass* Herman and Jessica* Ytkin Anonymous (28)

Lions of Judah Aliette Abo* Sadie Berman Lion of Judah Endowment* Rebecca Binder Donna Black Jill Blinder Wendy Born* Carol Bub Fromer Nancy Cohen Karen Cooper* Iris Epstein* Roberta Epstein* Eileen Fischmann* Tama Fogelman* Lisa Fraenkel* Jane Kay Friedberg Susan Gadomski Sandra Goldfarb* Susan Grey Bonnie Hammel* Ellen Hof Erica Hyman Deanne Kaplan* Judith Auritt Klein Lion of Judah Endowment*

Beth Kozinn Elaine Lerner* Eva Levitt* Rhoda Prager Barbara Reisner Shaoli Rosenberg Lisa Scheller* Rita Scheller Lorrie Scherline Vera Schiff Janice Schwartz Elizabeth Scofield Edith Simon Shari Spark Shelley Stettner Vicki Wax* Jean Weiner Carol Wilson Ilene Wood* Jeri Zimmerman

Lions of Judah are at the pinnacle of our Women’s Division, donating $5,000 or more to the Annual Campaign. *Endowed Lion of Judah

Pomegranates Sandy Abeshaus Marsha Abraham Rebecca Axelrod-Cooper Kelly Banach Sheila Berg Beverly Bloch Marilyn Braunstein* Sylvia Bub Patty Carlis Marilyn Claire Helen Cook Karen Dacey Beth Delin Tamar Earnest Lisa Ellis Amy Fels Marlene Finkelstein Veronica Fischmann Shirley Furmansky Ann Ginsberg Linda Glickman Edyth Glickstein Norma Goldenberg Nancy Goldman Marsha Gordon Patricia Gribben

Carol Halper Esther Halperin Barbara Katz Deborah Kimmel Lynda Krawitz Roberta Kritzer Ferne Kushner Beth Kushnick Lois Lipson Lisa Markowitz Jane Markson Claudia Mattison Jeannie Miller Linda Miller Judith Morrison Taffi Ney** Nancy Oberlender Diana Orenstein Lota Post Judith Rodwin Robin Rosenau Nicole Rosenthal Selma Roth Cathy Sacher Deena Scoblionko Martha Segel Judy Sheftel

Ronnie Sheftel Ruth Sheftel Amy Silverman* Audrey Sosis Margery Strauss Tama Tamarkin Eileen Ufberg Janet Ulman Laurie Wax Barbara Weinrach Gail Wolson Valeska Zighelboim Kathy Zimmerman *Endowed Lion of Judah **Endowed Pomegranate

Proud pomegranate women donate $1,800 or more to the Annual Campaign.

Did you know? The Pomegranate Pin originated in the Lehigh Valley and is now used by more than 125 Federations throughout North America.


Maimonides Society Karen Dacey President Marc Abo Houman Ahdieh Michael Alterman Howard Altman Marcus Averbach Alan Berger Marc Berson Jeffrey Blinder David Bub Sam Bub Carol Bub Fromer Michael Busch Ian Carlis William Combs Mitchell Cooper Beth Delin Tamar Earnest Lisa Ellis Bruce Feldman Eric Fels Jay Fisher Peter Fisher Hal Folander Ronald Freudenberger


Henry Friess Jeffrey Gevirtz Gene Ginsberg Mark Gittleman Lawrence Glaser Harold Goldfarb Andrea Goldsmith Zach Goldsmith Marsha Gordon Robert Gordon David Greenberg Robert Grob Jonathan Hertz Eric Holender Howard Horne David Hyman Howard Israel John Jaffe Jeffrey Jahre Arthur Kaplan Robert Kaplan Barbara Katz Deborah Kimmel Wesley Kozinn Harold Kreithen Robert Kricun Michael Kun

The Maimonides Society is made up of donors in the health care profession who give $1,800 or more to the Annual Campaign.

Howard Kushnick Brian LeFrock Paul Lemberg Howard Levin Lawrence Levitt Richard London Moshe Markowitz William Markson Gerald Melamut Jay Melman Michael Moritz Alan Morrison Robert Morrison Richard Morse Mark Notis Nancy Oberlender Steven Oberlender Gary Oxfeld Robert Palumbo Robert Post Richard Reisner Daniel Relles Michael Ringold

Alex Rosenau Jarrod Rosenthal Marvin Rosenthal Nicole Rosenthal Abraham Ross Michael Rothman Andrew Schwartz Stuart Schwartz Howard Selden Darryn Shaff Elliot Shear Amy Silverman Ray Singer Arthur Sosis Frederic Stelzer Jay Strauss David Sussman Frank Tamarkin Adam Teichman Ryan Tenzer Kenneth Toff Edward Tomkin Darren Traub Michael Ufberg Marc Vengrove Stephen Volk Andrew Wakstein

Robert Wax Benjamin Weinberger Robert Wilson Eric Young Michael Zager Israel Zighelboim Larry Zohn

Ambucycle #709 Update In honor of its 30th anniversary in 2016, the Maimonides Society funded an ambucycle, an emergency vehicle that can weave quickly through Israel’s crowded streets. That ambucycle’s driver, Daniel, is now hard at work responding to calls at all hours of the day and night. He recently saved a 6-month-old boy from choking after responding to a scene in just two minutes.

Maimonides Society members Andrea Goldsmith, Karen Dacey and Bob Wilson get ready to make phone calls on Super Sunday. More than 200 volunteers joined the Federation to help raise money for the Annual Campaign and participate in a community mitzvah project.

Seasoned campaign volunteer Vicki Wax helps guide Amy Golding and Hartley Lachter as they prepare for a March Madness-style competition to raise money for the Annual Campaign.

Campaign volunteers Amy Fels Eric Fels Eileen Fischmann Peter Fisher Brian Ford Emily Ford Barnet Fraenkel Jeffrey Gevirtz Gene Ginsberg Lawrence Glaser Vicki Glaser Sandra Goldfarb Amy Golding Nathaniel Golub Ellen Gordon Harvey Hakim Barry Halper Yaacov Halperin Robert Hammel Hillel Students Lafayette, Lehigh, Muhlenberg Susan Hochhauser Allen Juda Martin Katz Lisa Kirshner Beth Kozinn Roberta Kritzer

Danielle Kroo Beth Kushnick Hartley Lachter Merry Landis Suzanne Lapiduss Paul Lemberg Eva Levitt Lawrence Levitt Edward Levy Henry Luftman Moshe Markowitz William Markson Betty Mendelson Jeannie Miller Michael Miller James Mueth Sandy Newman Taffi Ney Mark Notis Mark Pinsley Nina Pinsley Lota Post Elaine Rappaport-Bass Jeffrey Rembrandt Judith Rodwin Carole Rose Jarrod Rosenthal Nicole Rosenthal

Iris Epstein Campaign Chair Lynn Rothman Stuart Schwartz Mark Scoblionko Amy Silverman Nicole Smith Mark Stein Ellen Sussman Frank Tamarkin Tama Tamarkin Eileen Ufberg Michael Ufberg Robert Wax Vicki Wax Arthur Weinrach Barbara Weinrach Carol Wilson Robert Wilson Israel Zighelboim Kathy Zimmerman


This year, the Jewish Federation embarked on a four-year partnership with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation in a community-wide effort to secure our Jewish future. We’ve brought together 10 local Jewish organizations who are working together in this effort for the benefit of each organization and the community as a whole.






PATTY’S STORY When Patty’s mother was diagnosed with Altzheimer’s in 1995, she turned to Jewish Family Service of the Lehigh Valley for caregiver support. “It was the first time I had close contact with JFS and it was the best thing I could have done,” she says. Now, Patty wants to make sure that support will continue for her own children and for anyone who needs it. That’s why Patty plans to support JFS and Congregation Keneseth Israel – where her children are fourth generation members – through the LIFE & LEGACY program. It’s her way of assuring Jewish tomorrows.



Donor Advisory Funds

Assets held:


*as of June 30, 2017


Donor Advisory Funds provide many of the advantages of a private foundation while eliminating on-going legal and accounting costs, as well as excise taxes on investment income. The Jewish Federation offers two types of Donor Advisory Funds. The first, called “Legacy Philanthropic Funds,” permit donors to recommend distributions of a percentage of the fund’s value annually. The second, called “Donor Advised Funds,” allow donors to make use of liberal distribution

policies, including quarterly distributions. Legacy Philanthropic Funds Baiman Family Fund Belman Family Fund Millie Berg Memorial Fund Harry & Shirley Berman Fund Elaine & Ernest Boas Fund Amy Born Fund Sam & Ann Born Foundation Aydele Brenner Tzedakah Fund Benjamin Brenner Tzedakah Fund Pearl S. Brooks Family Fund Elena S. Cohen Charity Fund Edward & Natalie Coleman Family Fund

Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley

Peter Cooper Fund Arianna Rachel Delin Fund Benjamin Foster Delin Mitzvah Fund Noah Ryan Delin Fund Lisa Born Ellis Fund Finkelstein Family Fund Claudia Fischmann Fund Diana Fischmann Fund Veronica Fischmann Fund Tama & Jules Fogelman Family Fund Fraenkel Family Fund Julie Fraenkel Fund Frank-Penn Family Fund Ji-In Friess Mitzvah Fund Samuel Gevirtz Mitzvah Fund Nancy Gevirtz Memorial Fund Alfred Gifford Family Fund

Goldfarb Family Fund Aleah Goldin-Israel Project Fund Maia & Zev Gould Mitzvah Fund Samuel Harris Fund Kimmel Family Fund Robert & Judy Auritt Klein Family Fund Mark & Patricia Klein Family Fund Kobrovsky Family Fund Kuhn Family Fund Morton & Myra Levy Fund Barbara & Robert Margolis Fund Dr. David Marvi Family Fund Susan Mellan Memorial Fund Jamie Mellan Fund Harry & Ethel Miller Memorial Fund Joseph Mozes Memorial Fund

Taffi Ney Mitzvah Fund Maurice & Bess Orgler Family Fund Papir Family Fund Pomerantz Family Fund Adina Poresky Fund Daniel Poresky Fund Raab Fund in Honor of Father Jonathan David & Catherine Elizabeth Rau Fund Reitars-Braunstein Fund Ruth Markus & Alexander Wolf Rosenau Family Fund Gerald & Selma Roth Family Fund Ryan Sacher Fund Alexandra Sacher Fund Elana Michelle Schettini Fund Noah Daniel Schettini Fund Frances & Abraham Schwab Memorial Fund Stuart Schwartz Family Fund Randi & Donald Senderowitz Fund Rissa Senderowitz Fund Marlee Senderowitz Fund Harold Sheftel Memorial Fund Amy & Jack Silverman Family Fund Abigail Silverman Fund Jessica Silverman Fund Spiro-Weinberger Fund Danielle Staiman Mitzvah Fund

Sterman-Goldin Family Fund Fred & Barbara Sussman Family Fund Sol A. Taffet Memorial Fund Tenzer Family Fund Ufberg Family Fund Stephen & Beverly Volk Family Fund Arthur & Barbara Weinrach Family Fund Alfred Wiener Family Fund Renee Zales Family Fund Zelickson Family Fund Donor Advised Fund Danielle Goren Memorial Fund B&B Hammel Fund Markson Family Fund Linda & Michael Miller Donor Advised Fund Stein Goldstein Geffner Family Fund Weinrach Family Fund DAF James A. and Linda P. Wimmer Charitable Fund

Bequests & Unrestricted Funds Through a Bequest, donors demonstrate an enduring commitment to the Jewish

community and may reduce estate taxes. Unrestricted Funds and Bequests ensure the survival of the Jewish community by providing a funding “safety net” and easing unforseen emergencies and changing community needs. Frances Altstadt Estate Herman Bloom Estate Call Chronicle Fund Meyer Cohan Estate Catherine Cohen Estate Robert D. Edwards Estate Melvin Friedman Memorial Fund Hertzmark Family Fund Irvin Jacobson Memorial Fund Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley General Fund T. Barbara Kernis Estate Robert D. Klein Estate Joseph P. Klein Estate Lilliam L. Larkey Memorial Fund Cecil Lipkin Estate Aaron Litwak Fund Judith Margolis Memorial Fund Edith Mellner Fund Beryl Oppenheimer Estate Sylvia Pelson Estate

Alma Stoler Perlis Memorial Fund Francis Philip Estate Martin H. Phillip Charitable Remainder Unitrust Nathan & Rose Pisarev and Charles & Mollie Lutz Memorial Fund Maurice Praid Estate The Purple Fund Wharton & Miriam Schneider Fund Philip & Blanche Schwartz Memorial Fund Harry Simkowitz Estate Sam Smith Estate Jack Warsaw Estate Renee Zales Memorial Fund

Designated & Restricted Funds Restricted or Designated Funds are created by donors for a special purpose benefiting a specific program, agency, organization or field of interest. These funds can be established through a lifetime or testamentary gift. Agudas Achim Cemetery Fund

B’nai B’rith Charities of Allentown Fund Rochel Baleh Free Loan Fund Sadie Berman LV Jewish Education Fund Chevre Kadisho Fund Congregation Agudas Achim Fund Tara Epstein Fund George Feldman Memorial Fund Yeremy and Dora Feldman Charitable Fund Melvin Goldberg Memorial Fund Hebrew Home Association Fund Jewish Fund for Human Needs JFLV Tax Credit Scholarship Fund Blanka & Walter Knie Holocaust Education Fund Samuel Kobrovsky Memorial Fund Helen & Sol Krawitz Holocaust Memorial Fund Ferne & Jack Kushner Fund Gerson Lazar Family Fund Morton & Myra Levy Hillel Award Fund Orphan Cemetery Fund Sylvia & Morris Perkin Fund Daniel Pomerantz Campaign Excellence Award Fund Jack & Mollie Robins Family Fund Janet West Rosen Fund


Mortimer S. & Vera M. Schiff Family Fund Abraham V. Schwab Memorial Fund Lillian Schwab Memorial Fund Jewish Community Center Lillian Schwab Memorial Fund Temple Beth El Morris & Lena Senderowitz Cultural Fund Ned Shulman Archives Fund Spiro Special Gift Fund Spiro Jewish Family Service Seniors Fund Spiro Temple Beth El Religious School Fund VISIT Israel Special Projects Fund

Supporting Foundations A Supporting Foundation is a charitable corporation which, by affiliating with the Jewish Federation, obtains tax-exempt status as a public charity - earning maximum tax deductibility. These foundations can be created by donors, families, nonprofit organizations, businesses


or from an existing private foundation for the purpose of distributing grants to support causes in line with the Federation’s mission. Leonard & Enid Abrams Family Foundation Fischmann-Berman Family Foundation Goldman Family Foundation Alvin & Rosalind Mishkin Foundation Sylvia & Herb Rosen Foundation Wax Family Fund

PACE/LOJE Funds A Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) Fund is a lasting legacy that will continue to make an annual gift to the Federation’s Annual Campaign. A Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE) Fund enables a woman to be perpetually recognized as a Lion of Judah-level donor to the Annual Campaign. Phoebe Altman LOJE Fund

Cindee Belman LOJE Fund Sadie Berman LOJE Fund Wendy G. Born LOJE Fund Martin D. Cohen Fund Charlie Fletcher Memorial PACE Fund Sandra Goldfarb LOJE Fund Morris & Dyna Gorfinkel Memorial Fund Bernard & Flo Kobrovsky Special Fund Elaine Lerner LOJE Fund Lisa Scheller LOJE Fund Lillian Schwab Memorial Fund

Trusts & Charitable Gift Annuities Charitable Remainder Trusts and Charitable Gift Annuities are creative and tax-wise ways for donors to create a lasting legacy in their names and receive income for life or for a specified number of years. Upon expiration of that term, the remainder goes to the Federation or a Jewish organization to establish a permanent endowment.

Marvin Holtz MemorialAnnuity Fund Roland & Dorothy Joseph Annuity Fund Elliot Marcus Charitable Remainder Trust Linda S. and Michael R. Miller Deferred Charitable Gift Annuity Morton Parmet 1999 Annuity Fund Morton Parmet 2005 Annuity Fund Morton Parmet 2007 Annuity Fund Morton Parmet 2008 Annuity Fund

Organization Funds Agency Funds are the assets of various organizations who choose the Jewish Federation’s investment and managerial services. Beth El Memorial Park Fund Congregation Am Haskalah Congregation Brith Sholom

Congregation Keneseth Israel Congregation Keneseth Israel Cemetery Association Fund Congregation Sons of Israel Congregation Sons of Israel Frank & Ada Segal Family Fund Hebrew Family League Jewish Community Center of Allentown Fund Jewish Community Center Friendship Circle Jewish Community Center of Easton and Vicinity, Inc. Jewish Day School Endowment Foundation Jewish Day School Supporting Foundation Jewish Family Service Fund Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley Lehigh Valley Clergy Group Fund Temple Beth El Sisterhood Fund

Heritage Society The Heritage Society is for people of vision who remember the past and understand the importance of investing in the future. Each has made a commitment of $100,000 or more through the Lehigh Valley Jewish Foundation to strengthen, support and ensure Jewish continuity. Leonard & Enid (z”l) Abrams Dr. Marc & Aliette Abo Dr. Arthur & Phoebe Altman (z”l) Tara Epstein Baiman Cindee Belman Dr. Neil Belman Sadie Berman Estate Bob & Pat Born Ross & Wendy Born Nate & Marilyn Braunstein Pearl Brooks Meyer Cohan Estate Daniel & Nancy Cohen Martin & Beth Cohen Peter & Karen Cooper Jonathan & Iris Epstein

Jeff & Roberta Epstein Finkelstein Family Roberto & Eileen Fischmann Fogelman Family Tama Fogelman Barnet & Lisa Fraenkel Fabian (z”l) & Anna (z”l) Fraenkel Dr. Harold & Sandra Goldfarb Steven & Nancy Wax Goldman Morris & Dyna Gorfinkel Estate Robert & Bonnie Hammel Marvin Holtz Memorial Arnold & Deanne Kaplan Mark & Patty Klein Robert Klein (z”l) & Judy Auritt Klein (z”l)

Bernard (z”l) & Florence (z”l) Kobrovsky Kobrovsky Family Martin & Judy Krasnov Leslie (z”l) & Elaine Lerner Dr. Lawrence & Eva Levitt Morton (z”l) & Myra (z”l) Levy Dr. Aaron Litwak Estate Michael & Linda Miller Alvin & Rosalind (z”l) Mishkin Taffi Ney Beryl Oppenheimer Estate Joel Orgler Family Dr. Morton (z”l) & Dorothy Parmet Sylvia & Morris Perkin Estate Martin H. Philip Estate

Maurice Praid Estate Sylvia & Herb Rosen Lisa Scheller & Wayne Woodman Mortimer (z”l) and Vera Schiff Philip (z”l) & Blanche (z”l) Schwartz Dr. Stuart & Janice Schwartz Milton (z”l) & Ronnie Sheftel Jack & Amy Silverman Martin Spiro (z”l) Dr. Michael & Eileen Ufberg Stanley (z”l) & Vicki Wax Ilene Wood Renee Zales (z”l)


$3,167,683* total grants, distributions & allocations

Annual Campaign & Endowment Beneficiaries

COMMUNITY AGENCIES AND SERVICES Bethlehem and Easton Community Grants Chabad of the Lehigh Valley Friendship Circle Holocaust Resource Center Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding Jewish Community Center of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Education Services Jewish Family Service of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Fund for Human Needs


Lehigh Valley Jewish Clergy Group Lehigh Valley Kashrut Commission Orphaned Jewish Cemeteries Pennsylvania Jewish Coalition Pinemere Camp HILLELS JEWISH STUDENT UNIONS Lafayette College Hillel Lehigh University Hillel Moravian College Hillel Muhlenberg College Hillel SYNAGOGUES Bnai Abraham Synagogue Congregation Am Haskalah

Congregation Brith Sholom Congregation Keneseth Israel Congregation Sons of Israel Temple Beth El Temple Covenant of Peace Temple Shirat Shalom CAMP AND TEEN SCHOLARSHIPS Alexander Muss High School in Israel BBYO Camp JCC Camp JRF Camp Moshava Camp Ramah in the Poconos Camp Young Judaea/ Tel Yehudah

National Federation of Temple Youth NCSY Summer Programs New Jersey Y Camps Pinemere Camp URJ Camp Harlam USY VISIT Israel Savings Partnership NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee Anti-Defamation League Birthright Israel Ethiopian National Project Israel Action Network JAFI Lone Soldiers Program

Jewish Agency for Israel Jewish Council for Public Affairs Jewish Federations of North America Jewish Telegraphic Agency Meir Panim Neve Michael Childrens Village ORT-Maalot High School/Israel ORT Shaare Tzedek Medical Center Western Galilee Hospital - Nahariya Israel World ORT World Zionist Organization Yad Sarah Yoav Regional Council

2017 Designated and Advised Endowment Grants Albert Einstein Medical Center Alexander Muss High School in Israel American Associates of Ben-Gurion University American Friends of the IDF American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee American Technion Society Anti-Defamation League Association for the Blind Barrack Academy BBYO - Allentown AZA BBYO - Allentown BBG BBYO - Central Region East Bergen County YJCC Birthright Israel Foundation Bnai Abraham Synagogue Camp Ramah in the Poconos Chabad of the Lehigh Valley Chance Cosgrove Foundation Charles Kline B’nai B’rith Lodge Community Action Committee of the Lehigh Valley

Community Music School Congregation Am Haskalah Congregation Beth El Congregation Brith Sholom Congregation Keneseth Israel Congregation Keneseth Israel Cemetery Association Congregation Mikveh Israel Congregation Sons of Israel Friends of Ethiopian Jews, Inc. Friends of Kol Ha Neshama Good Shepherd Home Hadassah of Greater Philadelphia Hebrew Family League Hillside School Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding J Street Education Fund Jaffa Institute JESPY House, Inc. Jewish Cemetery Association of Allentown (Agudas Achim) Jewish Community Center of the

Lehigh Valley Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Family and Children’s Services of Southern Arizona Jewish Family Service of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia Jewish Federation of Lee County Jewish Federation of Northeastern PA Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona Jewish Federation of Southern New Jersey Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley Holocaust Resource Center Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley PJ Library Jewish Federations of North America

Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs Jewish National Fund Jewish Resource Center Jillian Loyden Foundation Kehillat Israel KidsPeace Lafayette College Hillel Lehigh University Hillel/Jewish Student Advisory Board Maccabi USA Meals on Wheels Moravian College Hillel Society Muhlenberg College Hillel National Museum of American Jewish History National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Assoc. Neve Michael Childrens Village New Israel Fund Northeast Middle School PA Breast Cancer Coalition Phoebe Home

Pinemere Camp Resurrection Community Development Salvation Army Scleroderma Foundation Second Harvest Food Bank Simon Wiesenthal Center SOS Children’s Village of South Africa Temple Beth El Temple Beth El Sisterhood Temple Beth Israel Temple Covenant of Peace Temple Emanuel of the Pascack Valley United Hebrew Institute United States Holocaust Memorial Museum United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley Valley Youth House World Jewish Congress Foundation *Annual Campaign, earned interest, endowment grants and designated gifts. Excludes agency transfers/withdrawals.


Corporate contributions Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program Through its participation in Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program, along with the new Opportunity Scholarship Tax Credit (OSTC) program, the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley has been able to distribute over $2 million in scholarships benefitting low-income families at the Jewish Community Center and the Jewish Day School of the Lehigh Valley. The scholarships are awarded to children from families whose household incomes meet the Commonwealth’s guidelines. Businesses can donate to the program at virtually no cost. Pennsylvania provides generous tax credits, upwards of 90% to 100%, for participation in the program. The charitable contributions also qualify for the Federal tax deduction. DISTRIBUTED IN 2017 JCC: $21,025 - Pre-K & Kindergarten JDS: $121,162 - Pre-K, Kindergarten & Grades 1-8 PARTICIPATING BUSINESSES IN 2016 AND 2017: American Bank Diagnostic Center Avalon Insurance Company Embassy Bank BB&T Bank Lexus of Lehigh Valley BHC Holdings, Inc Manufacturers and Traders Cardiology Associates & Trust Company For more information, visit


Suntex International Inc. UHS of Pennsylvania UPMC Health Plan Wealth Strategics Management Weis Markets

Super Sunday sponsors Lehigh Valley IronPigs Patient First Balloons by Paulette Boscov’s Ala Carte Catering Concannon Miller & CO., P.C.

Enter.Net Five Thousand Forms Giant Just Born Scherline & Associates Sprint Whole Foods

Mortimer S. Schiff Memorial Golf Tournament sponsors The following individuals and businesses contributed to the 2017 Campaign for Jewish Needs by serving as sponsors of the 6th Annual Mortimer S. Schiff Memorial Golf Tournament. This year’s tournament generated $63,000 in revenue. TITLE SPONSOR Lexus of Lehigh Valley EVENT SPONSOR Mortimer S. Schiff Family Foundation SUPPORTING SPONSORS Morgan Stanley - Fraenkel-Cichocki Group BIRDIE SPONSORS 99.9 The Hawk BB&T Institutional Investment Advisers The Morning Call PUTTING CONTEST SPONSOR Morgan Stanley - Scott Waldman GOLF CART SPONSORS American Bank Bobby & Bonnie Hammel Jay & Paulette Stiver

DRIVING RANGE SPONSORS Gross McGinley - Stuart Shmookler Mike Guman RKL Working Dog Press HOLE SPONSORS Adams Outdoor Advertising City Center Investment Corp.​ ​Concannon Miller & CO., P.C. Congregation Keneseth Israel​ Heather Gogal Photography JLS Realty Association Just Born Knopf Automotive Lehigh Valley Center for Sight Phoebe Floral The Sokol Family Jean B. Weiner



2016-17 leadership & board of directors OFFICERS

PRESIDENT Mark H. Scoblionko VICE PRESIDENTS Karen Cooper Carol Bub Fromer, MD Sandra Goldfarb Nan Ronis Nicole Rosenthal, DO Robert Wilson, DO SECRETARY Lawrence Center TREASURER Iris Epstein




Aliette Abo Marc Berson, OD Jeffrey Blinder, MD Wendy Born* Richard Bub Karen Dacey, MD Lisa Ellis, PhD Eric Fels, DO Peter Fisher, MD Vicki Glaser Robert J. Grey* Ellen Hof Stuart Krawitz Beth Kushnick Hartley Lachter, PhD

Eva Levitt Michael Miller Michael Notis, PhD Lynn Rothman Frank Tamarkin, MD Michael Ufberg, MD* Robert L. Wax Ilene Wood Larry Zelson Israel Zighelboim, MD


Rabbi Melody Davis Rabbi Yaacov Halperin Rabbi Seth Phillips Rabbi Moshe Re’em Rabbi Michael Singer Cantor Ellen Sussman Cantor Kevin Wartell

Rabbi David Wilensky


Alvin Mishkin Rosalind Mishkin (z”l) Vera Schiff Max Stettner (z”l)

HONORARY OFFICERS PRESIDENTS Ross Born* Bernard Kobrovsky* (z”l) Morton Levy (z”l) VICE PRESIDENTS Leonard Abrams* Bob Born Nathan Braunstein* Daniel Cohen*

Barnet Fraenkel* Murray Goodman Robert Hammel* Stanley Wax* (z”l) Martin Zippel TREASURERS Roberto Fischmann Fabian Fraenkel (z”l)

HONORARY BOARD MEMBERS Hon. Matti Sarfatti Harcavi, Yoav Rita Scheller Ronnie Sheftel Jean B. Weiner

Staff of the Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley MARK L. GOLDSTEIN Executive Director

MARLENE K. OZARK Executive Assistant

JERI ZIMMERMAN Assistant Executive Director

ALLISON MEYERS Senior Graphic Designer & Director of Electronic Communications

TEMPLE COLDREN Director of Finance & Administration STEPHANIE SMARTSCHAN Director of Marketing JIM MUETH Director of Planned Giving & Endowments AARON GORODZINSKY Director of Outreach & Community Relations

MICHELLE COHEN Editor/Marketing Associate WENDY EDWARDS Office Manager/ Administrative Assistant

DIANE MCKEE* HAKOL Advertising Representative ABBY TRACHTMAN* Project Coordinator SHARI SPARK* Holocaust Resource Center Coordinator *Denotes Flex or Part Time

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