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Jhanz Neef
i love my fAmily n my dear Friends,... ...Live without hepiness is life like a zombie <3 mlm2 suke jiwang huhu aku seorang standard org je,xbaik sgt orgnyer,but jHat tu biasa lah tp ganggu org mcm org gila xde r xpnah dibuat haha..ok pape hal u be my fren n i be urs.. 3:) |\_____=__________,:,__ ../`â||||||||ââââââââ] ./_==o_- â __________| â¦),â.(_(__) /⦠..// (\) ),âââ. .//___// /`â-â// âââ seorang yg pendiam sgt2,mudah dtegur,mudah respect orang jika seseorang tu memang logik tuk di respectkn...hmm...easy to be friend with me if u know me i'm just a normal person as regular human being not perfect...you say peace i'm say peace! wokay tu jer..n insyaallah add lah klaw sudi n xpnah remove org lagi stakat,mgkin klaw yg gila2 ak akn remove n ban.. ©[Original & Legal !] ââââââââââââââ ALL RIGHT RESERVE