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feel I can’t be the only one to get excited when they go to a place they’ve seen in a movie right? This magazine sets out to find these places for film connoisseurs far and wide to be able to go and visit for themselves.
We’ve curated a wide selection of film locales from various genres and franchises. Including Star Wars, Nightmare on Elm Street, Batman, Blade Runner, and Bond James Bond.
These films are all ingrained into film culture and being able to visit these locations, helps us feel as though we are visiting film history. While some may seem ordinary at a glance, they’re more than meets the eye.
For example, jsut by being in famous movies some places can sky rocket in val ue. Such as the house featured at the end of the first Nightmare on Elm Street film. Moreover, in this issue we have chosen to write an article detailing various shoes,
boots, and sneakers throughout movie pop culture over the years. That way you the readers can wear and take film history with you wherever you go. We here at Dolly are all about self expression here, and what’s more expressive than the shoes on our feet!
Now me personally, I’m a huge super hero fan. While I’m more of a Spider-Man guy myself, Batman will always have a place in my heart. Now our writting team went the extra mile on this one and did not just one location, but every live action Wayne Manor that was a real place. We really spoiled you guys rotten with this one, so you better enjoy it.
Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner was an absolute game changer not just in terms of sci-fi films, but cinema as a whole. Thus it was our pleasure to do a feature dedicated to the location of the climactic final confrontation of the film as well as the famous bone chilling monologue from Rutger Haur.
I’m sure you’ll love what we have to of fer this issue. If not you can always put it back on the rack where you found it. Un less you already bought it, cause if so then you’re kinda screwed. However, if you bought it then would you mind buying some more? Or better yet, do us a favor and sign up for a subscription will ya?
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It took nearly a century for the
to acquire pop-icon status. While its stunning Victorian atrium appeared in film noirs – Shockproof and D.O.A in the 1940s – and thrillers like the remake of Fritz Lang’s M, it wasn’t until 1982 that the world really honed in and took note. At the heart of director Ridley Scott’s cult classic BLADE RUNNER loomed this edifice, a maze fit for a gruelling chase scene, the setting of the film’s stun ning climax, baked into the gritty landscape of future Los Angeles. Short of giving it top billing, Scott turned ‘The Bradbury’ into a star.
The building looks far from Scott’s vision of a dystopi an 2019. Today, the red Romanesque façade on revital ised Broadway draws less attention than the revamped landmarks surrounding it, such as Million Dollar Theatre and Grand Central Market. Yet the five-storey exterior, its entrance embossed simply with ‘Bradbury’ (not associated with the sci-fi novelist Ray Bradbury, by the way) is the oldest of them all. Opened in 1893, nearly 80 years before being listed on the National Register of Historical Places, it was later landmarked in 1977, and safely harbours an interior that no other has been able to replicate. The controversy surrounding its rightful designer reads a little like a Hollywood script. In the 1890s, when LA was coming into its own, millionaire mining tycoon Lewis Brad bury commissioned local architect Sumner Hunt to design a commercial building on the corner of South Broadway and 3rd Street. Unmoved by Hunt’s designs, however, Bradbury turned over the job to Hunt’s draftsman, George Wyman, who sought inspiration from the utopian novel Looking Backward: 2000 to 1887, by Edward Bellamy. The blueprint
is rumoured to be based on this passage: “It was the first interior of a 20th-century public building that I had ever beheld… I was in a vast hall full of light, received not alone from the windows on all sides, but from the dome, the point of which was a hundred feet above.”
Entering The Bradbury from Broadway, you’ll walk through a nondescript corridor that suddenly opens to a court soaked in sunlight. Rectilinear balconies – some cantilevered – made of ornate wrought iron imported from France wind their way up 50 feet to a roof of plate glass. In addition to stairwells, two hydraulic-powered birdcage ele vators glide between floors. Janet Jackson used these to full effect when music videos were still a thing. After an immac
ulately choreographed Rhythm Nation dance sequence sheathed in smoke, she makes her dramatic exit.
That smoke-and-mirrors technique was perfected by Blade Runner a decade earlier. Ridley Scott initially copped flack for choosing the Bradbury Building as a live filming location: “‘The Bradbury Building? But everyone on TV uses it!’” said Scott of the reaction. “But I said, ‘back off! I’m gonna use it and I’m gonna shoot it in a way you have never seen before.’” To the exterior, he added a canopy and twisted columns made of Styrofoam to achieve a comic book effect. Inside, budget constraints forced him to use smoke, trash and revolving spotlights – even the light looks wet – to reflect the hellish world outside. The last part of the movie takes place here, home to genetic scientist JF Sebastian, and ends on top of the building with Roy Batty, played by the amazing Rutger Hauer, delivering an emotion
al “tears in rain” speech. Today, you’ll find fan material about The Bradbury’s role in Blade Runner posted inside and outside the building.
Sadly, Bradbury never saw his monument realised – he died before it opened. Ageing into decrepitude, the building was purchased in 1989 by lawyer-turned-developer Ira
Yellin and restored with the help of the Community Rede velopment Agency. After Yellin passed, his widow sold the building for 6 million to Downtown Properties Holdings.
Efforts to revitalise downtown LA have been underway for years now, and in 2017, hip Blue Bottle Coffee took over The Bradbury’s prominent street-level corner. At last count, the tenants’ directory was down to four, though the sunlit court is always bustling with tourists. But in this city of tomorrow, the Bradbury stands triumphantly, a cache of moments captured through time.
All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
It might not be on Elm Street, but the notoriety of this house lead it to be sold for nearly $3 million!
THE HOUSE that anchored the 1984 horror classic A Night mare on Elm Street has been sold after nearly three months on the market, going for $2,980,000. Despite its nightmarish movie ties, the house can be seen as a dream home, with 3 bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms, along with a pool and a guest house.
It’s “a beautiful Dutch Colonial with a modern twist,” according to the listing on Realtor.com. The house sits just off of Sunset Bou levard in Los Angeles, a few blocks east of the legendary Chateau Marmont hotel. A Whole Foods is also nearby.The house, located at 1428 N. Genesee Ave., went up for sale last October, a week before Halloween. Its initial asking price was listed as $3.5 million.
While director Wes Craven set his film in the small (and nonex istent) town of Springwood, Ohio, he filmed the exterior shots in Hollywood, in the neighborhood of Spaulding Square. The Los Angeles Times notes that the area’s lack of palm trees and quaint vibe have long made it a favorite for directors shooting movies and TV shows set in small-town USA.
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Whether used as a plot device or had an iconic look, these shoes are apart of cinematic history!
Tom Hanks as Forrest Gump wears leather Nike Classic Cortez shoes in the 1994 American comedy-drama film Forrest GumpTom Hanks as Forrest Gump wears leather Nike Classic Cortez shoes in the 1994 comedy-drama film Forrest Gump.
The most iconic by far is the scene in which Forrest devotes himself to running across the country causing Jenny, to purchase him a pair of new Nike Cortez sneakers, which feature a light blue sole and the logo in a splash of bright red. Forrest continues to wear the Cortez sneakers on his run across the nation, establishing their place in the cinema lexicon of shoes.
Of all of the sci-fi-influenced shoes featured in cinema, these are perhaps the most iconic of the bunch. hese shoes are depicted as a future release, as Marty McFly trav els into the future, from 1985 to 2015. Self-lacing Nike Mag sneakers worn by Marty McFly in the 1989 American science fiction film Back The The Future II. Nike later released a limited run of replicas of the shoes in 2011, with only 1,510 pairs produced. The proceeds went to the Michael J. Fox Foundation, which provides funds for Parkinson’s Disease research.
A central plot device of this iconic fantastical film, Dorothy (famously played by Liza Minnelli’s mom Judy Garland) wears these magical ruby slippers to return back home from Oz, doing so by clicking her heels three times and saying the famous phrase “There’s no place like home.”
The ruby slippers worn by Judy Garland in the 1939 Ameri can musical fantasy film The Wizard of Oz are now among the most treasured and valuable film memorabilia in movie history. The ruby slippers worn by Judy Garland in the 1939 American musical fantasy film The Wizard of Oz are now among the most treasured and valuable film memorabilia in movie history.
Jordan Brand is celebrating the release of Spider-Man: Into the SpiderVerse with a special edition Air Jordan 1 Retro High OG ‘Origin Story’. Matching the pair seen in the film on Miles Morales, this AJ1 puts a twist on a classic colourway. Like Morales’ character, the AJ1 is known for defying the norm. Like the mask, the AJ1 can be worn by anyone and empower those who wear it to be heroic.
Bates Shock Side Zip Boot BLADE RUNNER 2049
They’re supposed to be from 2049, but K’s boots feel distinctly 2017. Across the menswear market, military-inspired boots can be found from brands like Yeezy, Nike, and Fear of God. Gosling’s pair are made by Bates, a company that makes the kind of tactical styles favored by SWAT teams. They have the kind of features a detective in a damp, vaguely apocalyptic Los Angeles would need, like a waterproof upper and breathable mesh panels.
The monochromatic color scheme and mesh paneling give the boots a slightly futuristic vibe. In the film, Gosling wears a pair through dirt, rain, and rubble, giving them a worn-in look. And frankly, if you’re going to pick up a pair of boots that are built so practically, there’s no sense in being too precious with them, whether you’re hunt ing replicants or just heading out for a hike.
“My mama always said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes…”
will leave you breathless, with beautiful terraced gardens and picturesque struc ture. Located on the tip of the Lavedo headland, in the locality of Lenno (part of Tremezzina), the villa provides a stunning view of Isola Comacina and the western shore of Lake Como.
The villa is now home to private events such as weddings, ceremonies
and even film or photographic sets.
You cannot, therefore, sleep at the villa, but if you’re looking for an accommo dation in the surroundings take a look at the best places to sleep near the villa!
The whole complex consists of two residential buildings, a church, and a portico that overlooks a little dock.
The main building of Villa Balbi anello hosts some English and French
furnishings. The interiors are embel lished by many glass paintings and a rich collection of ethnic sculptures and artifacts. There you will see a lot of pictures, flags, and honors belonging to the famous Italian explorer, in addition to one of the eight sleighs he used.
Villa del Balbianello was built at the end of the 18th century by Cardinal Angelo Maria Durini, on the site of an
ancient Franciscan monastery. In the 19th century, after the cardinal’s death, the villa would become property of Count Luigi Porro Lambertenghi, his grandson. After ward, Villa Balbianello was purchased by Marquis Giuseppe Arconati Visconti. He would later host some of the great italian intellectuals such as Alessandro Manzoni, Giovanni Berchet, Giuseppe Giusti, along with many more.
Gianmartino Arconati Visconti made some improvements to the villa’s gar dens and loggia, but the decline of the noble family eventually led to a state of neglect. In 1919, Villa del Balbianello was purchased by Butler Ames, an American soldier and businessman, who restored the villa to its original splendor. Eventually, in 1974, his heirs gave it to the famous and explorer Guido Monzino.
The Villa has a delightful landing stage from where a flight of steps leads up to the garden. The garden’s structure follows the natural form of the terrain. At some points there are steep rocks, that form terraces at various heights where lawns and hedges succeed each other. After the death of Cardinal Durini the villa was sold to Giuseppe Arconati Visconti. After a period of neglect, the villa was bought.
GEORGE LUCAS has hardly changed this location! You know imme diately where he shot which shot. The only exceptions were the two dome-like buildings that you see in the film from the lake. There really isn’t any.
The island that you see from the ter race in the film does not exist either. But otherwise everything is the same from the trees to the fountain. Villa Balbianello is an approx. 350 square meter large garden with three buildings.
In the film you only see the wall when Anakin and Padme walk from the boat to the terrace. The second building is where Anakin stands and thinks the night after his nightmare. This building only consists of two rooms which are separated by a passage with arches. The third building does not appear in the film. Allegedly the recordings of Padme’s family were shot in it. But the most iconic scene this location was used for was the court where Anakin and Padme were get married.
JAMES BOND has been here too in “Casino Royale” by Martin Campbell (2006). In his first mission as “007” Daniel Craig discovers that the baddle in the film, Mr White (Jesper Christensen), is staying on Lake Como and confronts him there in the final, decisive duel. Mr White’s hideawayis Villa La Gaeta. Bond shoots Mr White Bond steps forward, then says the line: “The name’s Bond, James Bond” for the very first time.
Villa del Balbianello is located next to Lake Como, Italy. Casino Royale was filmed in the front of the villa where it doubles as a hospital where James Bond (Daniel Craig) is recovering, together with Vesper (Eva Green) and where the Swiss banker comes in order to get the code to transfer the money. The Villa stands on a steep overlooking Lake Como.
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The exterior shots for Wayne Manor in the campy 1960’s Batman TV series were filmed at a real mansion located at 380 S. San Rafael Avenue in Pasadena, California. The interiors, however, were shot at Culver City Studios. One of the more memorable scenes from the show is the Batmobile roaring from a hidden tunnel entrance of the Batcave and those scense were shot in Bronson Caverns in the Hollywood Hills. You may also recall Wayne Manor’s hid den entrance to the Batcave was behind a bookcase and the switch to open the door was hidden inside a bust of William Shakespeare. Rumor has it that upon entering this home you are compelled to say aloud, “Same Bat-time. Same Bat-channel” and then start humming this song.
Just up the street from the Just Married mansion which I blogged about yesterday is the residence which stood in for Wayne Manor, aka Batman’s abode, in the 1966 television series and movie of the same name. As I mentioned in yester day’s post, the Batman mansion and the Just Married mansion are quite often mistaken for each other due to a myriad of rea sons. So, to set the record straight – and since we already were in the area a couple of weeks ago doing some Just Married stalking- I decided to drag my fiancé a few hundreds yards up the road to also stalk Bruce Wayne’s pad. Sadly, though, not very much of it is vis ible from the street.
BATMAN is a cultural icon. Wayne Manor is possibly one of the most notable fictional homes in comics.
Let’s look at the various residences that have played home to Wayne Manor on television and in the movies.
confused with the Just Married mansion that burned down in October of 2005. Not only are both houses gargantuan, set far back from the road, and Tudor/Gothic Revival in style, but both were constructed almost entirely out of brick by the very same architect, Paul Revere Williams, and bear a striking resemblance to each other. Adding to the confusion between the properties is the fact that they are located within blocks of each other on the same street, San Rafael Avenue, in Pasadena and have both been featured in countless productions over the years.
The Knebworth House is a country estate in Hertfordshire, England and is used as the outside of Wayne Manor in the Tim Burton direct ed Batman movies. This home to Wayne Manor is owned by the family of the Early of Lytton and it’s been used in a number of movies includ ing most recently The King’s Speech. The interior scenes for Batman and Batman Returns were filmed at the Hatfield House which is also in
This private college in Glen Cove, NY played home to Wayne Manor in the Joel Schumacher directed Batman films (both of which were pretty for gettable in my opinion save for Jim Carey as The Riddler). Only exterior shots were used on location and the interior of Wayne Manor was filmed at studio lots. The silver closet holds the secret entrance to the Batcave as the back wall rotates allowing you to chute down to the Batcave in a capsule. “What’s different about this building compared to others is that it’s feels sort of like a school building,” Wyetzner says about the building used in the 1995 Batman Forever. The school building went on to play Bruce’s home in future Batman adaptations including Gotham and Joker.
Located in Buckinghamshire, England, Mentmore Towers is the most recent Wayne Manor and was used for both interior and exterior shots in Batman Begins. This estate had plans of being turned into a hotel until legal issues arose that halted its progress. The grounds also play home to Mentmore Golf & Country Club which has two 18 hole golf courses. Wayne Manor was burned down in Batman Begins and is never actually seen in The Dark Knight although reference is made to the fact that work is being done to rebuild it. In this version of Wayne Manor, the secret passage to the Batcave is accessed by playing three notes on a piano.
This place is found in Nottingham, England. Wollaton Hall plays the newly rebuilt Wayne Manor is the final installment of the Christopher Nolan trilogy. While the home has been around since the late 1500’s one of its more famous uses was as a holding ground for U.S. paratroop ers in World War II as they waited to be dropped over the mainland of Europe. Oddly enough, Wollaton Hall is also home to one of the larg est antique tractor collections. No official word on whether the secret access to the Batcave will con tinue to be the three notes on the piano, but we shall find out soon enough. In The Dark Knight Rises, Christian Bale has left the high-rise and is back to the more a castle-like estate that we are used to.
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