Teton Family Winter 2016-17

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16/17 —

Issue № 23


Old-school goes trendy with this belly-warming elixir


Local ladies talk guns for food, guns for sport, and family firearm safety

LIBERATED FROM INCONTINENCE Learn how to curb the leak

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16/17 Issue № 23









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Politics aside, one local mother gets schooled by her peers on guns for food and sport, responsible gun use, and family firearm safety.

Protein-packed superfood or toxic phytoestrogen? Controversy surrounds a bean found in many favorite dishes and grab-and-go convenience foods.

By Christina Shepherd McGuire

By Kate Hull


Teton Family ¤ Winter 2016/17

Departments A Note From the Editor Mountain Style WINTER SPORTS: RENT VS. BUY Snow sliding made easy with local options that suit kids’ needs. HOT YOGA Sometimes it takes a sweat fest to achieve a deeper release. Mamasphere FOR SANITY’S SAKE Holiday reminders for family magic-makers (aka Moms). Cabin Fever DIGITAL PRESERVATION Clean up your quagmire of family photos with tips from the pros. Conscientious Cook BROTH FROM THE BONE Old-school goes trendy with this belly-warming health elixir. Ask the Expert LIBERATED FROM INCONTINENCE Learn how to curb the leak.

On the Cover: Quincy Becker and dog, Max, ready themselves for an evening bird hunt. Photo by Camrin Dengel

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Photography by (top) Paulette Phlipot (bottom) Camrin Dengel

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Welcome to

A note from the EDITOR

“There is no ‘I’ in team,” says Dr. Norene Christensen in her incontinence article on page 22. And I believe her. In fact, I’ve been relying on my team of women in Teton Valley a lot lately (you know who you are). Without them, frankly, my clock wouldn’t tick. You see, as women we have this unrelenting pressure to do it all ourselves. Add to that the “tough it out” personalities that brought us to the mountains in the first place—piled with the pressure of the holiday season—and you have a recipe for burnout disaster. And that’s why I created the Mamasphere column, which Jeannette Boner has so graciously taken on, in the first place. It’s for those times when we need to put it all into perspective—those times when we’ve hit a wall from too much juggling and we feel like we’re out on an island, having a nervous breakdown by ourselves. Admittedly, there’s some comfort in knowing that others are secretly breaking down around you, too. So, as I count the issues of Teton Family that I’ve been involved with (one, two … eleven), I think about the team it takes to not only put the editions together, but also to make this publication fly. And that includes our readers.

So, once again, my tribe has created some sanity soothers for you—the Teton Family family—this winter. And I foresee it going something like this: First, read Jeannette’s article on page 12 and realize that you’re not the only one overburdened with holiday cheer-making. Next, head over to our “Winter Sports: Rent vs. Buy” article on page 8 for tips on making snow sliding great for your kids. (And if they’re not into it, don’t push it. Remember, the skis are just rentals.) Then put the magazine away until after New Year’s, when you bust out Melissa Snider’s article on digital photo preservation, followed by our hot yoga story. Make it your mission to clean up your photograph clutter and then reward yourself with a centering trip to a hot room. Then come, let’s say, February, you can sip on Annie Fenn’s bone broth (page 18) while enjoying our two thoughtprovoking features (we know you’ll be up to it by then). So, I thank you. Because we’ve increased our magazine distribution this year and they’re still flying off the shelves! That makes ME feel like I’m not on an island all by myself. It’s a reminder that Teton Family is actually contributing to community vitality and it’s YOUR valuable input that helps us continue to serve your needs. Together, we make a team whose spirit can’t be broken. Happy New Year!

After practicing medicine for twenty years, Annie Fenn, MD, retired to the kitchen to write about the place where whole foods, health, and sustainability meet. Her current passions include educating people about how to cook and eat to prevent dementia. Find her stories and recipes at jacksonholefoodie.com.

Melissa Snider is an elementary school librarian who lives and works in Jackson Hole. As a child, she often stayed up way past her bedtime reading books. As an adult, she continues this habit. When not immersed in books, Melissa can be found on family adventures in the mountains with her husband and two young daughters.

Molly Absolon writes to support her outdoor habit. She’d rather be hiking, biking, or skiing in the mountains than just about anything else. A former outdoor educator and current mother of a teenager, Molly lives in Victor, Idaho, with her husband and daughter.

Dr. Norene Christensen, PT, DSc, OCS, owns Four Pines Physical Therapy in Jackson and Alpine, Wyoming. She is a member of the #pelvicmafia, an international collaboration of health professionals interested in women’s and men’s pelvic health, and a national speaker on the neurological system for continence.

A Texas native, Kate Hull moved to Teton Valley, Idaho, in 2012. Her work has appeared in Women’s Health, Texas Monthly, Teton Valley Magazine, TASTE of Sun Valley, and Teton Home and Living, to name a few. When she’s not writing, Kate can be found exploring her surrounding Teton mountain home with her husband, Kenny, and cattle dog, June.

Jeannette Boner continues to create a sweet little Teton life for herself and her family. Having worked as a publisher, editor, business owner, and journalist, Jeannette now focuses her attention on family and freelance writing. When she’s not weaving together local stories, she can be found along the trails and slopes with her kids, her dog, and her man.


Teton Family ¤ Winter 2016/17

Editor photograph by Kisa Koenig

Contributing WRITERS


Savannah Korpi, age 9, loves gymnastics and practices with her team several days a week. She also enjoys skiing with her family. Then she fell and broke her leg near her growth plate, and both activities came to an abrupt end.


“I was nervous having a little one going under anesthesia for the first time, but they made us feel very comfortable,” said Tina, Savannah’s mom. Savannah’s surgery with Dr. David Khoury got her back on her feet. “Our experience couldn’t have been better. I was impressed beyond belief with the care and attention to detail and the particular needs of a child and a worried mom.” After physical therapy, Savannah is back to tumbling and flipping. “When I did my first back handspring, I was really excited — just really happy that I could actually start doing all the flips that I like to do,” said Savannah. For #ICanAgain stories and videos, visit tetonhospital.org/stories.

tetonhospital.org/stories . #ICanAgain

tetonfamilymagazine.com Publisher Kevin Olson Associate Publisher Adam Meyer Editor Christina Shepherd McGuire christina@tetonfamilymagazine.com Art Director Kathryn Holloway Copy Editor Pamela Periconi Contributing Photographers and Illustrators Savannah Raye Brady Ryan Dorgan Camrin Dengel Paulette Phlipot Advertising Sales Deidre Norman, deidre@jhnewsandguide.com

Lydia Redzich

Ad Production Sarah Grengg

Natalie Connell

Distribution Kyra Griffin Russell Thompson Hank Smith Jeff Young

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Teton Family ¤ Winter 2016/17

Teton Family is published three times a year and distributed at more than seventy-five locations for free throughout the Tetons. To request copies, call (307) 732-5903. Visit tetonfamilymagazine.com for additional content and insightful blogs. © 2016 Teton Media Works, Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this magazine’s original contents, whether in whole or part, requires written permission from the publisher.

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WINTER SPORTS: Rent vs. Buy By Molly Absolon



Teton Family ¤ Winter 2016/17

by leasing ski or Above, left: Eli and Sam get ‘er done at the snowboard equipment top of The Ghee. each winter. “It is so easy and economical to Above, middle: Zoe and Ivy enjoy après ski rent for the season,” says with hot chocolate, friends, and stylish ski Scott Sanchez, the store outfits. manager of JD High Above, right: Fletcher waits on the tram dock, Country Outfitters in eager to rip the Bowl. Jackson. High Country Outfitters leases roughly four hundred ski and snowboard packages a year. “Kids will even outgrow their gear during the season. If they’ve leased it, then they can just come in and trade it for the next size up,” he says. Peaked Sports in Driggs, Idaho, leases a similar number of packages each winter. According to store manager NOSO PATCHES Tricia Hoesel, the advantage — of leasing is that kids can try You don’t have to be a domestic goddess to artfully personalize your snowboards, skis, and even kids’ winter gear. Jackson-based NOSO Patches make fashionable Nordic gear as they begin to fabric patches for those allergic to sewing machines. Ripped develop their interests. pockets? Frayed seams? Leaking down puffy coat? No worries! Just Most lease packages feature peel off the back and stick to the affliction. Or use them inside recreational equipment— jackets for one-of-a-kind garment labels (Sharpie not included). as opposed to performance From on-the-slope Band-Aids to playground head-turners, the equipment—making this a NOSO Puffy Patch is a stocking stuffer must (psst … who’s gonna better option for beginner tell Santa?). Note: You can rock them on adult garments, too. or intermediate levels. But nosopatches.com – Christina Shepherd McGuire competitive racers, aggressive skiers, or upper-level snowboarders may grow out of

Photo: Courtesy Photos and NOSO Patches

ost kids that grow up in the Tetons spend time sliding on snow. And with the start of each ski season, parents around the region pull out last year’s gear only to discover that skis that once fit perfectly now come up short, and last year’s boots look small enough to dangle from a car’s rearview mirror. So, with the ski season upon us, it’s time to assess our equipment needs. Parents know that kids sprout fast, but to put it into perspective, kids grow about two and a half inches and six pounds per year between the ages of two and ten. During puberty, girls grow nine inches and gain fifteen to fifty-five pounds. And pubescent boys, on average, grow eleven inches and gain sixty-five pounds. No wonder it seems as if they burst out of their gear almost overnight! Around here, most parents tackle these rapid growth spurts


• Jackson Hole Sports jacksonhole.com/jh-sports.html 307-739-2687 • JD High Country Outfitters jdhcoutfitters.com 307-733-3270 • Hoback Sports hobacksports.com 307-733-5335 • Hole in the Wall Snowboard Shop jacksonhole.com/hole-in-the-wall.html 307-739-2689 • Grand Targhee Resort grandtarghee.com/lesson-rentals/rental-repair/ski-snowboard-leaseprogram 307-353-2300 • Snow King Mountain snowkingmountain.com 307-201-KING • Teton Village Sports tetonvillagesports.com/jackson-hole-ski-rentals 307-733-2181

In Idaho: • Peaked Sports peakedsports.com 208-354-2354

• Headwall Sports


headwallsports.com 307-734-8022 New kids’ gear is also available at most of the listed locations.

rental equipment and need more specialized gear. “When the boys were young and growing fast, we leased gear,” says Kathy Rinaldi, a Driggs resident and mom to two boys, ages eight and eleven. “Leasing works great when they are little, but purchasing makes more sense when they need higher-performing gear.” Some families try to cut costs by buying their children’s gear in a slightly larger size so that it will last longer. Others plan to pass down the equipment to a younger sibling in future seasons. But the trickiest option for finding kids’ winter equipment is shopping for used gear online or at swaps. People who have the most luck are skilled shoppers who can evaluate the gear’s condition and accuracy of fit. Abby Warner, of Victor, Idaho, whose two children now ski race, has tried everything from renting, to buying, to scoring hand-medowns. “Ultimately, [for us] it has not really been a financial decision, but more of a ‘right gear for the fun factor’ decision,” she explains. tf Winter 2016/17 ¤ Teton Family


HOT YOGA The Hardest Part is Just Showing Up By Molly Absolon // Photography by Ryan Dorgan


step into the yoga room at Inversion Yoga in Jackson and am hit by a wave of damp, hot air. People line up their mats without speaking. Some lie on the floor; others begin stretching. I move to the back of the room where, as a newbie to hot yoga, I can get a good view of others. Our teacher comes in, introduces herself, and we begin. Five minutes into the class I start to sweat. At first, small beads of perspiration layer my skin. Then, as the poses became harder, the sweat begins flowing, dripping down onto my mat and soaking through my T-shirt. My class lasts an hour. When it is over, I leave the room feeling empty and light. It could be dehydration (no one told me to hydrate the day before), or perhaps I am experiencing the cleansing effect that many people seek in hot yoga. In the 1970s, a yogi from India named Bikram Choudhury 10

Teton Family ¤ Winter 2016/17

designed—and tried unsuccessfully to patent—a practice of twentysix poses and two breathing exercises conducted in a studio heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit with 40 percent humidity. The heat and humidity of the studio mimicked the environmental conditions found in India that allowed practitioners to go deeper into their poses, enhancing flexibility. The heat also was said to help people release toxins through their sweat. And that’s not all: Bikram Yoga’s website claims that “these twenty-six postures systematically work every part of the body to give all the internal organs, all the veins, all the ligaments, and all the muscles everything they need to maintain optimum health.” These claims have little scientific backing, but hot yoga enthusiasts aren’t bothered by the lack of hard data. For them, they just feel the difference. Today, hot yoga is one of the most popular forms of yoga practiced in the United States. Still, not all hot yoga follows the rigid Bikram

model, and many studios have moved away from the Bikram name. Some of Inversion’s classes follow Choudhury’s model, but they also offer other forms of hot yoga, such as Vinyasa Flow, Power, and Maui Yoga, to name a few. These classes are conducted in a room with a slightly cooler temperature and offer something much different than the twenty-six-posture format. Still, the idea of using heat to deepen people’s practice runs through all the options. “What draws me to hot yoga is the great workout,” says Jackson local Virginia Schrader, who tries to make it to at least three classes a week. “I can get into the postures with time and correct alignment, and really work toward my edge. The mind-body connection for me is huge, as it relaxes me immensely.” Debi Thompson, another Jackson local, also takes hot yoga classes at Inversion regularly. When Thompson, who practices a variety of yoga styles at home as well, decided to try a formal class, she was drawn to the sense of security she’d get from doing the same postures every time. Now she knows what to expect, allowing her to concentrate on the poses without thinking about what comes next. As for me, I’m not much of a yogi (in the literal sense). My body is tight and inflexible, making me frustrated by my inability to get into poses. But hot yoga seems different. Maybe the heat really did loosen my muscles. Maybe the poses were easier for tight bodies like mine. Regardless, I found the class more accessible than other ones I’ve taken, and I loved the feeling of emptiness I got from sweating it out for an hour. Inversion offers a sixty-minute hot yoga class that is ideal for beginners like me. For more information on their offerings, check out inversionyoga.com. tf


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By Jeannette Boner Illustration by Savannah Raye Brady

Eat. Drink. Roll.


ur first big holiday in a home that we owned—a place where we were establishing roots—provided an insight into the future of the Boner household structure. (Brad, my willing partner, acknowledges that this marked a shift in our celebratory practices.) Still newly married, we invited my in-laws for Christmas. While this may seem like common practice to some, for me, it was my big debut. You see, my mother set the holiday bar high. Starting at Thanksgiving and running through the second day of January, my childhood circled around tradition and the dinner table. From the cookie making, to the Festa dei Sette Pesci on Christmas Eve, to the pork and homemade sauerkraut on New Year’s Day (and a baked pretzel for good luck), our holiday season was dipped in butter and gift-wrapped in a magic that I lapped up eagerly, and, most of the time, thoughtlessly. That first holiday in our new house, I sweated through menu details and took mild offense when I opened a FedEx box to find that my mother had, lovingly, packed me cookies of all shapes and sizes. Another box arrived with her perfectly wrapped gifts. My mother was always on top of it, even when she was 3,000 miles away. Come on, I thought, I’ve got this covered. I have the food on lockdown, and the tree and the lights up. Check, check, off my list they go. The snow was deep that season and Brad was covered in it when he walked through the door after work one evening—skis in one hand, a six-pack in the other. I was busy at the kitchen table searching for my wedding invitation addresses to send out the grown-up Christmas cards that would surely arrive after December 25. “You know your family is coming in two days?� I said. “What? Already?� he answered. “Yes,� I said calmly (surprising even myself). “Christmas is Sunday.� “Does UPS deliver on Saturday?� (When I opened Brad’s gift Christmas morning and pulled out the sweater that had been dropped off the day before, my sister-in-law cocked her head and said, “It probably looks better on.�) If there is one thing I have learned through years of holidays with family, it’s that no one is going to make the magic for you. You have to grab Tinker Bell by the wings and shake that pixie dust all over the place if magic is going to happen at all. But while you’re shaking, keep these few points in mind, not only for the enjoyment of the season, but also for your own sanity. You Are Not Your Mother I am proud to be cut from the same cloth as a woman who can put up spaghetti sauce, jelly, and pickles, and turn around and hem my jeans in the same day, but I am not my mother. I spent the first half of my eleven years of marriage trying to be her each holiday season. It’s an easy and young mistake to make, and, at the same time, a huge compliment to the woman who created the magic and wonder I felt as a child. If I could get a redo on some of the earlier years, I would have taken a big, huge sigh and saved myself some deep disappointment by taking baby steps into our own traditions instead. I have borrowed a lot from my childhood traditions, but it still takes years of practice to make it look easy, like my mother

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continues to do every year. She’s stopped mailing me cookies, but I have yet to master the baklava.

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Teton Family ¤ Winter 2016/17

Carve Out a Space for Yourself In the rush of the season, inevitably there are going to be some things that fall by the wayside—you simply CAN’T get to everything on your list. I have always been amazed by the ladies who find the time—amidst all the chaos—to go skiing, mix up a favorite holiday cocktail with a few friends one night, and sit quietly, listening to the sounds of the season. Listen, this isn’t going to “just happen.” You have to make it happen! Schedule some time, put yourself on your list, and make sure it gets checked off. We are making the magic—gifts and cards, food and fun—happen for everyone else. C’mon, no one thinks through the details quite like women do. So put yourself on your list, shake up your favorite holiday drink, and don’t forget to breathe. Keep the Flame Alive (Or Not) I don’t know about you, but I have always felt pressure to keep the flame of tradition alive, willingly taking the baton from my mother and running hard until I pass it on to my daughter. Again, it’s what women do. And in my family, there is a lot of pride that comes with re-creating that expectation every year. A few years ago, Brad and I decided we wanted to make our own holiday traditions. We didn’t have children yet, but there were a few seasonal happenings—like cutting down the tree in the forest up the road, skiing on New Year’s Eve in the mountains to punctuate the year and usher in the year ahead, White Russians, football and tree decorating on a lazy Sunday afternoon—that we started looking forward to every year. This was how the Boners were going to roll. Along with friends’ families, we also started attending events in the community that have become a mainstay on our list of holiday traditions, like holiday light parades and high school concerts, which add to the swell of the season. While I always look forward to visiting my parents and playing the usual part in my childhood traditions, when I do, it makes me miss the mountain home that Brad and I have created. That’s a new feeling of homesickness, and I like it. Finding Merry in the Making I have no real advice for navigating the uncertain landscape of the family dynamic. I have spoken at great length to my tribe of friends—some who have children, some who do not—who all deal with the emotional roller coaster of the in-laws and siblings, cousins and grandparents, and the general stress of bringing people together over the holidays. I’m a firm believer in seeing a good mental health counselor around this time of year and have started scheduling a pre- and postholiday appointment around the family rush. Seriously. This is what I do. But at the end of the day, when you strip it all down and stand there among the garland and twinkle of lights—feeling a little spent—remember that any control you thought you had over the holiday magic is as real as pixie dust. Relax your shoulders, take another small sip of your Christmas cocktail, and see that the magic has been in front of you the whole time. It’s found on the faces of the people who simply want to be with you during this wonderful time of year. Save everything else for your shrink’s couch. tf

DIGITAL PRESERVATION Making Sense of Memories By Melissa Snider

Photo: Halfpoint


here are 12,976 photos residing on my iPhone. I count 219 selfies (including many floor shots snapped surreptitiously by my two- and four-and-a-half-year-old daughters), twelve panoramas (one is a view of our living room after playtime—an SOS to my husband), and 435 videos (multiple attempts to re-create some cute moment, while my youngest daughter—who wants to see it— reaches for the phone). “Make baby albums” has been at the top of my to-do list for years. But the days of developing photos in manageable rolls of twenty-four are long gone. It’s not a unique problem. Today’s families are busy—our days are packed, and so are our memory cards. So the question is, why (and how) should families fit photo organizing into their schedules? I spoke with local photographers Kisa Koenig, Flo McCall, and Jay Goodrich to get their thoughts on this modern-day digital dilemma. “It took me three years to make a family photo album,” says McCall, a Jackson-based portrait photographer (flomccall.com). According to McCall, “It’s either your time or your money,” when it comes to creating photo albums for your family. Time, to sift through thousands of images and make albums, or money, if you hire a professional. Koenig, McCall, and Goodrich also share a common concern: Why are we taking so many photos in the first place? “We’re taking pictures of life events as an observer, rather than a participant,” says Driggs, Idaho-based family and newborn photographer Kisa Koenig (kisakoenig.com). “Being present in what we’re experiencing is so important,” she says, since we often get caught up in our cameras (or phones) instead of the moment. Adventure photojournalist Goodrich (jaygoodrich.com) thinks we’re trying to capture “the heritage of the world,” or, rather, the heritage of OUR world and our place in it. So, how can we strike the right balance between enjoying the moment and preserving our memories?

TIP 1: TAKE FEWER, MORE MEANINGFUL PICTURES. Cutting down on photo clutter reduces anxiety about moving photos from the digital realm into printed reality. Pause and think, “Will I share this shot on social media, or is it one for the ages?” The more you leave your phone in your pocket, the choosier you become. Snap a couple of photos and get back to living life. Speaking of phones, I often wonder if using mine as a camera is cheating. “If I want a quality picture, I have to take it with a real camera,” McCall says. This is especially important if, later on, you want to enlarge or frame the photo as a gift for a holiday or other occasion. TIP 2: HAVE FAMILY PHOTOS TAKEN. MOMS, THIS MEANS YOU! Moms, make sure you get into the photo! I know I struggle to ignore the toll sleep deprivation takes on my appearance, but you and your family will be glad to have documented special moments together. Also—I’ll let you in on a big secret—no one else will notice. To ensure quality shots (with mom included), hire a professional. Keep in mind that Koenig and McCall both recommend letting your photographer guide you through the entire process, including printing and framing the images from the shoot. TIP 3: TAKE TIME TO ORGANIZE AND TAG, AND THEN BACK IT UP. As a librarian, I thought I’d be awesome at managing my photos. Wrong! I rarely make time to edit or organize pictures. Goodrich adds tags to make photos searchable, and recommends “mastering” shots by playing with your software’s editing tools. McCall agrees. “Take some time each year to edit, toss, collect, and print,” she says. Winter 2016/17 ¤ Teton Family


Consider it a New Year’s resolution. If you’re on a Mac, the easiest management system is iPhoto, with iCloud storage automatically backing up your memories. Other online storage choices include Flickr, Dropbox, Amazon Cloud, or Google Drive. Charges for additional storage can be worth the peace of mind to know your photos are safe. TIP 4: FIND A PRINTING METHOD THAT WORKS FOR YOU. Our pros agree that photo books will become as much of a mainstay as the old-school albums with peel-back pages. “It’s a big time investment with a big payoff,” McCall says. Goodrich concurs. “I love being able to flip through the pages of a book that tells a story,” he says. “I love the smell of the ink and the paper.” But true to their photography roots, these pros also love the classic look of a framed image. When printing, choose archival or acid-free paper and albums to ensure the photo will stand the test of time. Also remember that the low-resolution photos from your phone should be printed 5 x 7 inches or smaller, to maintain quality. As with all things nowadays, you’ve got too many choices and not enough time when it comes to options for printing and displaying your photos. Consider the following ideas for inspiration: Annual Photo Books My friend Addie Pascal makes a narrative photo book for every year of her marriage. I especially love her idea of gluing an envelope into the back of each book to store that year’s family Christmas

card, kids’ class photos, and other clippings worth saving. Framed and Canvas Prints Many companies will print the photo and frame it for you; just order and check it off your list. If you’re looking for a polished but unframed piece, try printing on canvas (blossompix.com). Canvas prints are more expensive than paper, but “they’re classic,” according to Koenig. “They’re ready to hang, there’s no glass so they’re easier to ship, and they’re a bit forgiving if you try to print something bigger than it can handle.” Digital Frame My colleague Grace Hammond displays more than 2,000 photos in her home with a single Wi-Fi-enabled frame called a Nixplay (nixplay.com). She texts favorite photos to the frame and, voila, they’re on display. Her twin toddlers love reliving adventures and waving to grandparents as they watch photos flash by. For the Kids Koenig, Goodrich, and McCall all recommend getting photos of your kids up on the wall, and have tried to do this in their own homes. McCall says her children love it when she puts photos in their rooms. “It makes them feel good,” she says. “It helps them form an idea of who they are and what their life is; it makes them happy.” ——— Images transport and inspire us, and can be a touchstone to the past. Taking time to mindfully record your family’s life in photos is an important investment, one that you can enjoy now and pass on to future generations. tf


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Teton Family ¤ Winter 2016/17

Jackson Hole Classical Academy


Unique Ideas for Printed Keepsakes … Accordion Minis

Our small class sizes ensure student success in Latin, Chess, Music, Art, Singapore Math, Spalding Phonics, History, Literature, and Science.

Miniature (2.5 x 3.5 inches), and adorable, accordion minis make super keepsakes or gifts. Design with six to fifteen photos; prices start at $19.99. mpix.com Photostrips Photostrips offer a retro way to showcase your favorite shots. Nine strips (measuring 1.9 x 7.3 inches) with thirty-six photos total cost $10. Or try a giant photostrip (9 x 36 inches) for your high-resolution shots—eight photos on two strips for $20. socialprintstudio.com Board Books Think first birthdays, family photos, or favorite places. Your kids will proudly reach for these again and again. Work with templates or customize from scratch. Prices range from $24.95 to $34.95, plus shipping. pintsizeproductions.com or pinholepress.com

There’s an App for That … Mpix (mpix.com) Mpix offers a range of high-quality photo keepsakes, gifts, and prints. Chatbooks (chatbooks.com) Set up a subscription to automatically print inexpensive books from your Instagram, Facebook, or Camera Roll photos.

Or Go Local …

“Education is teaching children to desire the right things.” - Plato

The Academy develops within its students the intellectual and moral foundations upon which responsible, independent, and productive lives are built.

Photo: Social Print Studio

D.D. Camera Corral, Jackson (ddcameracorral.com) Prints and other photo products are available in-store, or send files for pickup through their website or the D.D. Camera Corral app. Peak Printing, Driggs, Idaho (peakprinting.net) Photo printing and products available in-store.

For more information, call us at 307-201-5040 3255 W. High School Road, Jackson, WY www.jhclassical.org|info@jhclassical.org Winter 2016/17 ¤ Teton Family



Good to the Bone By Annie Fenn, MD Photographs by Paulette Phlipot


emember when your grandmother tossed bones into a pot, added vegetable scraps and water, and simmered it on the back burner all day long? She probably called it “stock,” but nowadays, it’s the hottest new health trend: bone broth. I doubt your grandmother sipped her stock from a cup throughout the day, but that’s what many bone broth enthusiasts are doing now—as a sports recovery drink, as a substitute for afternoon tea, and as the ultimate health elixir. So, what exactly is the difference between bone broth and stock? Most chefs and dietitians agree that bone broth is just stock that has been simmered anywhere from twelve to forty-eight hours. This long cooking process breaks down the bones, releasing the nutrients, minerals, and gelatin from the marrow, making it easily digestible. Now, no one denies that homemade broth is a nutritious, comforting food, but does it live up to all its purported health claims—as a bone-building, anti-inflammatory, immunityboosting elixir? Well, bones contain collagen, which is essential for healthy joints and beautiful skin. But after a long simmer on the stove, collagen breaks down into amino acids. So, while the broth may not actually smooth your wrinkles, the amino acids still provide the building blocks for muscle and many other bodily tissues. Also, according to a study published in the medical journal CHEST, chicken broth, specifically, has the ability to bolster your immune system. “Chicken soup may contain a number of substances with beneficial medicinal activity,” the study states, such as reducing inflammation of the upper respiratory system during a viral infection. We already knew that, right? Still, studies are lacking for bone broth’s ability to help athletes recover from intense workouts, even though dietitians claim it is an excellent restorative drink full of amino acids and electrolytes. Health gains aside, having a bone broth recipe in your repertoire provides a perfect go-to ingredient for many dishes and also makes for a good use of scraps. Plus, a long-simmered broth made from scratch is bound to have benefits beyond what science can measure. I have a few simple techniques for making homemade broth. First, and most importantly, find great bones with marrow. In the marrow are vitamins and minerals that, when given enough time, will seep into the broth; but it’s also where toxins reside. So, source beef and pork bones from local ranchers who raise animals

Martha Berkesch Lewis, M.S., is making...

bone broth & healthy soups this winter Buy weekly or become a member! Call Martha at 307.690.1502 for more info or to sign up

Why Drink Bone Broth? • heals the gut • has collagen for healthy skin, hair & nails • high in minerals including calcium, magnesium & phosphorous • great for bone health • anti-inflammatory

m a rt h a@ m ot h e r n at u r e n u t r i t i o n .c o m w w w. m ot h e r n at u r e n u t r i t i o n .c o m 1 49 0 g r eg o ry l a n e | 3 0 7. 6 9 0 .1 5 0 2

Winter 2016/17 ¤ Teton Family


humanely, poultry bones from farmers who let their animals forage, and bones from your last wild game hunt (if you’re a hunter). Once you’ve gathered the ingredients, roast the bones and the aromatics (onions, garlic, herbs) in the oven until caramelized. Next, never boil your bone broth! Instead, bring it up slowly to just below a simmer. And lastly, (yet less importantly) skim the scummy foam that forms on top during the first hour of cooking. Here’s the hardest part—determining the cooking time often

depends on how much Roast bones until caramelized. Simmer, never time you’ve got. You can boil, broth, and enjoy! make a delicious and nutritious soup from broth that has simmered five to six hours. But if you can wait it out—more than twelve and up to forty-eight hours—you’ll reap additional benefits. My broth making typically begins in the morning and finishes after supper; I have yet to do the forty-eight-hour marathon. tf


Makes approximately 8 quarts

For both nutritional purpose and taste, seek out bones from grass-fed, pastured cows or organically raised bison. 5 2 6 6 6 2 12 1 1

pounds bones with marrow yellow onions, unpeeled, cut into quarters cloves garlic, unpeeled carrots, unpeeled, cut into 6-inch pieces ribs celery, cut into 6-inch pieces bay leaves black peppercorns teaspoon kosher salt tablespoon apple cider vinegar

1. Preheat oven to 400º F. Wash and dry the vegetables. Place the bones, onions, and garlic on a rimmed baking sheet. Bake for 1 hour, until browned and caramelized. 20

Teton Family ¤ Winter 2016/17

2. Scrape the contents of the baking sheet, including the crispy bits, into a large stockpot. Add remaining ingredients and cover with 8 quarts cold water. 3. Bring broth to just below a simmer; do not boil. Adjust heat until bubbles slowly rise to the surface. Simmer on stovetop, or in the oven (at about 250º F), or in a large crockpot for a minimum of 6 hours and as long as 48. Skim the foam as needed. 4. As broth reduces, add water to keep contents submerged. 5. Remove and discard the bones. Strain broth through a fine mesh sieve and into a large pot. Let cool to room temperature, cover, and refrigerate. Skim fat and portion into airtight containers. 6. Store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days or in the freezer for up to 6 months.


Serves 4

This rendition of traditional Vietnamese pho uses turmeric, a potent anti-inflammatory that researchers claim helps prevent sicknesses from Alzheimer’s disease to the common cold.

5 1 3 1 5 1 1/2 1/2 1 2 2 1/4 1


pounds beef or bison bones with marrow large yellow onion, unpeeled, cut into quarters 2-inch pieces ginger, unpeeled handful turmeric root, unpeeled cloves garlic, unpeeled teaspoons kosher salt teaspoon ground white pepper cinnamon stick pods star anise whole cloves cup fish sauce tablespoon light brown sugar

— FOR THE TOPPINGS: 1 pound wild game tenderloin, beef sirloin, or round steaks, grilled or slightly seared, and cut into thin slices 16 ounces rice noodles or rice sticks, prepared according to package 3 scallions, thinly sliced 1/2 cup cilantro, chopped 1/2 cup mint leaves, torn 1/2 cup basil leaves, torn 2 cups mung bean sprouts 2 limes, cut into wedges 2 jalapeños, stemmed and thinly sliced into rings

Sriracha hot sauce (optional) Beef fat (optional)


1. Preheat oven to 400º F. Wash and dry the onion, ginger, turmeric, and garlic. Place on a rimmed baking sheet with the bones. Bake for 1 hour, until browned and caramelized. 2. Scrape contents into a large stockpot, including the crispy bits, and cover with 6 quarts of cold water. 3. Bring broth to just below a simmer; do not boil. Adjust heat until bubbles slowly rise to the surface. Simmer for 3 hours. Skim foam as needed. 4. As the broth reduces, add water to keep contents submerged. 5. Add salt, white pepper, cinnamon, star anise, and cloves. Continue cooking for 1 to 2 hours. 6. Add fish sauce and brown sugar. Remove from heat and cool slightly. 7. Remove and discard the bones. Strain broth through a fine mesh sieve and into a large pot. Let cool to room temperature, cover, and refrigerate. Skim fat and discard or set aside for pho.


1. Return broth to simmer and warm the serving bowls in the oven. Season the broth with brown sugar or fish sauce, as desired. 2. Prepare the noodles and the toppings, as directed. 3. Fill bowls with a handful of noodles, cover with hot broth, and allow guests to choose their toppings. Drizzle with Sriracha and stir in fat, if desired.


Incontinence By Dr. Norene Christensen, PT, DSc, OCS

t’s easy to think that putting up with a little leak when you laugh, cough, or jump is just a part of life—but it’s not. Many people suffer in silence due to the embarrassment of not only urinary leakage, but also bowel leakage, an overactive bladder, pelvic organ prolapse, and pelvic pain that leads to sexual dysfunction. So, let’s start a conversation … Most women think incontinence is a natural consequence of having babies, but if that is true, then why are some women who have never had a child struggling with incontinence, too? Take Jodi, for example, a twenty-three-year-old NCAA track and field athlete who experiences incontinence while running and cross-training. For Jodi, it started in high school, but she never told anyone. You see, people are incontinent for different reasons. Some have muscles that are too tense to work properly. Some women cannot contract their pelvic floor muscles (PFMs) at all. And there are others who have superstrong muscles that still leak—often due to muscle incoordination.

Here are some stats to consider: One in three women, one in two female athletes, and one-third of all men leak urine. Plus, half of the women doing Kegel exercises do them improperly. So, unless there is an underlying medical issue, LEAKING IS NOT NORMAL! Big Industry The estimated annual cost of incontinence in the U.S. is $19.5 billion, of which 50 percent to 75 percent is attributed to self-care items (pads, diapers, deodorants, and skin care). One company’s marketing even tells you to “embrace your incontinence” (and buy their pads)! Amazon carries PFM trainers of all sorts. Women use vaginal weights—yep, weight lifting for your vagina. Fun, right? And there are apps reminding you to do your Kegels, as well as Kegel trainers that link to an app on your phone, that supposedly tell you if they’re done correctly (but not really). These get-rich marketing schemes capitalize on incontinence, rather than educate people about how to resolve it.

Photo: Shutterstock - gpointstudio


Incontinence and pelvic pain are also hot topics in major media sources like Elle Magazine, Prevention, and Cosmopolitan. The conversation is starting, but you can’t go it alone. A pelvic health physical therapist will ask questions and perform a full evaluation to figure out exactly why you leak, since just doing Kegels usually doesn’t help. It’s Not Just Your PFMs Sufferers of constipation or those who have difficult bowel movements (sometimes requiring toilet gymnastics) can also experience pelvic floor dysfunction. This means the PFMs stop helping the way they should. If you have to bear down or really work hard to defecate, your PFMs become tense in an effort to fight back against internal pressure. This response inhibits the relaxation of your PFMs for easy elimination. Some people combat this by reducing their fluid intake to prevent urinary leakage, but this only concentrates the urine, creates drier and harder stools, and makes the bladder more sensitive or overactive over time. Maintaining good fluid and dietary management is imperative for a healthy pelvic floor. Managing your bowels and positioning yourself on the toilet the right way is equally important. There Is No ‘I’ In Team Many people will say, “Oh, Kegels don’t work. I’ve been doing them for years and I still leak.” True—because no muscle in the body works in isolation, including PFMs. In the past, people were told to do Kegels—maybe two hundred to three hundred a day— or use a fancy gadget and, voila, you’ll be continent! We now know that doesn’t work. Current research shows that PFMs are actually part of the neurological system, tied to other regional muscles, including the diaphragm. When there is a weakness in the system, we may experience a myriad of symptoms, including incontinence, lower back pain, pelvic girdle pain, pelvic organ prolapse, hip pain, knee pain, and neck pain. Research also tells us that body alignment contributes to our ability to access our neurological system. Differentiating between chronic holding patterns, versus being weak or just uncoordinated, is key information for therapists. Eating habits, fluid intake, toileting behaviors, and constipation all play a role. PFMs need to be able to function through a full range of motion in order to have the elastic recoil to respond to pressure (i.e., sneezing). Understanding an individual’s unique PFM issues dictates his or her rehab program. Some women look at me like I have five heads when I tell them they need to learn to breathe and relax their abdomens to be continent. So What’s A Girl (or Boy) To Do? Seek out a specialized pelvic floor physical therapist, put in some effort, and results will come within three weeks to three months. I liken PFM physical therapy to orthopedics in a cave. We are dealing with muscle, nerves, and a neurological system. Okay, so there are also a few organs involved, but they are all connected by fascia and are closely integrated. We don’t just assess strength, coordination, and tissue tone. We look at the whole enchilada: postural alignment, breathing patterns, regional strength, movement patterns, intraabdominal pressure management, bowel and bladder habits, and an internal assessment of your PFMs. After that, we develop a program for you, and only you, that will lead you down the path to dryness. So, save your money on incontinence products and instead put it toward a permanent fix. Don’t settle. You are worth it! tf

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Winter 2016/17 ¤ Teton Family



Teton Family ¤ Winter 2016/17

Girls on Guns A Fish-Out-Of-Water Perspective By Christina Shepherd McGuire Photographs by Camrin Dengel


he steel barrel glistens in the golden light of the setting sun up Horseshoe Canyon in the Big Hole Mountains. The smooth maple stock of the Franchi twenty-gauge shotgun has probably been polished to perfection by a recluse gunmaker in some high-mountain cabin (or so I imagine). To me, its retro look and intricate carvings deem it more a work of art than a tool of sustenance. “I sometimes get a bruise on my side boob,” says my friend, hunter, and year-round fishing guide, Quincy Becker, as she shows me how to position the butt of the shotgun at the forefront of my armpit. “Set your cheek on it and line the sight up with that dead tree over there,” she says. “Shoot the tree?” I ask, trembling with nervous anticipation. “Just shoot a branch.” And so I bend my knees, as if in some type of awkward snowboard stance, lean forward, and just go for it. The shot rings out through the valley, and I choke back unexpected tears, trying to act like a tough guy. Needless to say, my shot doesn’t go anywhere near the tree. This isn’t the first time I cry while writing this article. I basically bawl during my interview with Lynn Sherwood of Jackson Hole Shooting Experience and High Caliber Women as she recounts her lifelong fear of guns. And tears stream down my face while completely relating to Anna Lindstedt’s advice to parents on firearms: “We only ski, climb, or recreate with people we know and trust, and the same goes for hunting,” says Lindstedt, a hunter and mother to Ava, age three. You see, I grew up seven miles from Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, and although that tragedy struck when I was more than fifteen years settled in the Mountain West, all I wanted to do was go home and help. Guns had become a part of my culture, and I felt guilty for it. But I was mad at suburban gun owners, housewives who took their kids to the shooting range, and our federal mental health policies, or lack thereof. But mostly, I was mad at a young man who had no respect for life, not even his own. From far away For Victor resident Quincy Becker, hunting is I banned together more about hiking with her dogs, Max and with regional New Scrub, than shooting her dinner. Winter 2016/17 ¤ Teton Family


Englanders committed to setting up a healing center for those involved in the tragedy. And even though I didn’t directly know the people affected, I felt like I at least did something. Those kids! Those families! Those teachers! But during that emotional outpouring of empathy, what I didn’t realize was that, as a mother, I needed to heal myself. And more importantly, I needed the tools to respectfully teach my children to honor firearms. So I enlisted the experts.

Guns For Food Being an advocate for clean food, I secretly wish my husband were a hunter (note I say “my husband,” not “I”). How nice would it be to stock a freezer full of unprocessed, antibiotic- and nitrate-free meat from an animal that grazed solely on forest finds? But when I actually experience a bird hunt—in theory for food—I realize hunting isn’t only about getting your limit. “I don’t feel like I have guns,“ Quincy says, as we sit on our respective tailgates after our aforementioned hunt. “I have this implement that I bring on hikes with the dogs. I could have a stick and probably kill as many grouse.” Quincy, a Victor, Idaho, resident and Jackson native whose parents were vegetarian hippies from San Francisco, didn’t start hunting birds until she was twenty-eight. She went grouse hunting once with 26

Teton Family ¤ Winter 2016/17

friends and was enamored by the way the dogs worked, the beautiful setting, and the shooting. “It’s very challenging to shoot the birds,” she says, chuckling at our lack of luck that evening. Quincy, who hunts ruffed grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, and ducks, does so for the clean source of nourishment. But for her, hunting is even more about the well-being of her dogs, Max and Scrub, who were bred to locate birds, point, and retrieve them once they are shot. “It’s very primal,” she says, “and it’s a release to focus solely on hunting. It’s meditative. It’s my yoga.” Similarly, bird hunter Anna Lindstedt, who grew up fishing, sees guns as a tool—partly for sustenance and partly for recreation. She had never touched a gun until she moved to Teton Valley, Idaho, as an adult. Now married to Nick, a hunter, Lindstedt and her family not only enjoy the recreation that hunting allows, but also get to bask in its rewards. “When I take my gun and dog into the woods, sometimes we just end up going for a walk and not a single shot is fired,” Lindstedt says. “While shooting a gun is more consequential than picking up a fishing rod, a hook, and a line, I see the purpose as much the same. It is a tool with which we are going out to enjoy the outdoors and be appreciative of its beauty and [sometimes] its bounty.” Hunting has always been part of the territory for Victor resident Kimberly Mills. Growing up in rural northwestern Connecticut, her single dad supplemented their food supply with venison. She would

accompany her father every weekend to the shooting range, where he’d practice his archery and gun skills. Today, Mills hunts elk with a compound bow and shot a bull elk at twelve yards out the week before our interview. While the art of hunting is her passion, Mills is equally concerned with the food she’s feeding her family, which includes her husband, Jay, and four-year-old son, Dillon. “We eat elk meat twice a week. It’s important that it’s organic and lean, and not full of antibiotics,” Mills says. She wants her son to grow up with the knowledge of the food cycle and educates him through example. “The meat we eat, we harvested,” she explains. “We didn’t buy it in the grocery store in a Styrofoam container with plastic wrap. We want Dillon to understand that there is a responsibility that comes with eating food.” Lindstedt concurs, saying that her husband, Nick, has a deep respect for the big game animals he hunts. Nick performs a ritual before he field dresses his game, giving thanks to the animal for giving its life to nourish his family

Guns For Sport Okay, so I get it. We reside slightly up the food chain from the bigger animals in our surroundings (thanks to our advanced intellect). But shooting for pleasure—when just one shot scared the hell out of

me—isn’t a concept I can Above and next page: Hunter and fisherwoman completely wrap my head Anna Lindstedt never even touched a gun until she moved to Teton Valley. Now she uses them around just yet. “I was a city girl, and partly for sustenance and partly for recreation. I had a lifelong fear of guns,” explains Sherwood, the owner of High Caliber Women in Jackson. “I was thirty-eight years old when it dawned on me that it wasn’t the gun that I was afraid of, it was the bad guy behind the gun.” So, terrified, she took a gun safety course and realized how empowering it was to move past her fear—an accomplishment that she wanted to share with others. So, in 2010, Sherwood and her husband, Shepard Humphries, opened Jackson Hole Shooting Experience, whose mission is to provide a luxury shooting experience with a focus on gun skill development. “We foster a healthy respect for the gun and what the individual behind it can do with it,” she says. Sherwood’s ladies-only sister business, High Caliber Women, provides a safe haven for women and families to learn gun handling, self-defense, and prehunt skills. “Women come from a different place in their lives [than men]. We are media-biased, and sometimes react to the gun rather than the bad guys,” she explains. Furthermore, women learn differently. “We want to handle the gun without it being loaded first, to get that comfort level,” she adds. Winter 2016/17 ¤ Teton Family



Teton Family ¤ Winter 2016/17

So this is where I am stuck. I have a boy who loves Nerf guns. I allow him to own them and play with them, but he faces the consequence of the guns being taken away should he point them at a person or family pet. Still, I have friends who don’t allow gunplay and others whose children responsibly practice with real guns. I wonder: What teaching is right? When should we start? And how do nongun owners teach the difference between play and the real thing? Sherwood believes that firearm education should begin at a very early age and that the language used should be made contextually appropriate as kids grow older. Families come to her to learn gun safety, maybe because they have guns in the Quincy’s gun safety practices are as habitual house, or because their as tying her shoes. Here, her disengaged gun hangs like a fifth appendage. children are going on a

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Family Gun Safety

sleepover with someone who does. By familiarizing older children with the parts and functions of a gun, they become better equipped to safely handle one (or to not handle one at all) should they encounter a stray. It’s important for kids to have an instructional person whom they trust; this could be a parent, grandparent, instructor, or mentor. Mills believes that the responsibility lies with parents to really get to know the parents of their kids’ friends: “We have friends that don’t hunt or own guns, but we’ve built a relationship with these people and they understand that we are responsible.� As a responsible gun owner with a toddler, Mills’ guns at home are always locked in a safe. As for Quincy, well, her safety practices are as habitual as tying her shoes. As we hike down the trail, her disengaged gun hangs on her shoulder like a fifth appendage. When the dog is on point and she is engaged, the faint sound of a dirt biker causes her to immediately disengage. “If I have any question, I just don’t shoot. I’m familiar with the trails and don’t shoot near them. And when I walk up to a hiker, I always disengage my gun,� she says. Additionally, she hangs bells on her dogs and wears her blaze-orange hat. The journey I took with this article (and the evening walk in the woods with Quincy) helped me develop a healthy perspective on gun use—one that may differ from my suburb-residing friends, yet one that is shared, I believe, by most Teton families: “Shooting does not have to be about fear, and religion, and politics, and hunting, and conservation. It can be about fun,� Sherwood explains. �As we change our communication about firearms, we alleviate some of the fear for the nonshooter.� I can’t wait to go bird hunting again with Quincy; this time I’ll bring my ten-year-old daughter. To Olivia, it’s really about hiking in the woods and spending time with animals—all guns aside. tf


And while you might paint a picture of her clientele in your mind, Sherwood can assure you the interest is varied. In the summertime, 95 percent of her business is from “upper-class, East Coast liberals� who approach the experience with a “what happens in Jackson stays in Jackson� mindset. And then there’s the seventy-two-year-old woman from California who trains on High Caliber Women’s dynamic tactical course, which helps teach muscle memory and forethought. As for the competitors, well, “It’s supergratifying to hear the plink of the target,� Sherwood says. “Competition is both satisfying and physical.� For Sherwood, competition has also given her the confidence to turn a fear into a hobby and living, one that offers a unique and supportive environment to others wanting to foster shooting skills.


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Winter 2016/17 ¤ Teton Family


Superfood o Story by Kate Hull

or Superfib? Photographs by Paulette Phlipot


rom tofu to veggie burgers, edamame to vegan milk and cheese, as a substitute for meat, or an ingredient situated in a long list of not-so-recognizable items, soy seems to pop up just about everywhere. Proponents swear by it, while adversaries say leave it in the dust. This proteinpacked food, derived from the soybean plant, conjures up a love-hate debate that’s gaining real steam, or at least fogging the window. The soy dispute is loaded and chock-full of dos and don’ts. Can we eat too much? Are we eating enough? So, let’s dive in.

The Bean Soy is a legume widely grown throughout the Midwest. Each flowering plant contains pods with pea-sized beans. Once harvested, the tiny protein-packed beans can then be used for anything from biodiesel fuel and crayons, to animal feed and protein supplements. In the grocery aisles, soy can be found in its whole form or as a filler ingredient used in many processed products. In its whole form, the bean is commonly consumed as edamame—immature green soy beans, usually in the pod—or fermented to make miso, tofu, or tempeh, a product originating in Asia and predominantly used in 34

Teton Family ¤ Winter 2016/17

the West by vegetarians to replace meat. A soy protein isolate is the extracted form of soy used to boost protein levels or enhance texture in everyday foods, like breads, cereals, and salad dressings. “Soy protein isolates can be found in items like bars, shakes, and pills. The soy proteins are taken out of the bean or re-created in a laboratory to make supplements that claim certain benefits,” says Mary Howley Ryan, a registered dietitian and the founder of Beyond Broccoli Nutrition Counseling and Education, based in Jackson, Wyoming. For Howley Ryan, the conversation begins with the type of soy: whole versus processed or genetically modified. “If we are talking about whole food—dry soybeans that you soak and cook or edamame—I have zero problem with that,” she says. “But the majority of soybeans grown in our country [to make ingredients for processed food and animal feed] are genetically modified [GMO]. I am not comfortable with that.” Howley Ryan recommends, as with all foods, to enjoy soy in moderation and pay attention to organic and non-GMO certified labels. “I don’t think it is a superfood, although I do think that whole or minimally processed soy can be very beneficial for vegan diets,” she says. “I would much rather people eat food than food products.”

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The Science Over the past five years, scientific studies have added fuel to the soydebate fire, showing conflicting research that the phytoestrogens found in soy—a naturally occurring source of estrogen similar to what’s found in our bodies—might be harmful to women’s bodies, either delaying menstrual cycles or even linking excesses to higher breast cancer risks. Still, others see it as an estrogen-blocking mechanism. Because soy contains a plant-based estrogen that is the closest naturally occurring form to our own, questions are raised about what this does to our cells. (Need a quick biology refresher? Me, too.) Our body’s cells have estrogen receptor sites that are made of proteins and activated by the hormone to communicate growth. The receptor sites work like a sewing needle, taking thread in and out of a piece of fabric and leaving messages inside the cell as it goes. Once the receptor site receives its message, the cell changes and adapts. “The cell begins to change its basic structural sequence if it is continually bombarded by signals from high amounts of estrogen,”

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Winter 2016/17 ¤ Teton Family



Serves 6

Perfect as a side, a protein-packed lunch, or a simple entree. Just make sure to grab certified-organic shelled edamame for this wholesome, tangy meal.

1 package frozen organic edamame 1 cup canned organic garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed 1 cup canned organic black beans or pinto beans, drained and rinsed 1/2 red onion, thinly sliced 1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved 1/2 cup cilantro, chopped 1 clove garlic, minced Juice from half a lemon 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil 1/2 tablespoon Dijon mustard Salt and pepper 1 avocado, diced 1. Prepare the edamame based on package directions. 2. Combine all veggies in a medium bowl. 3. Mix the lemon juice, olive oil, mustard, and salt and pepper in a small glass bowl. Pour over vegetables and toss with thawed edamame. 4. Top with avocado and salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy right away or cool in refrigerator. * Recipe adapted from yummyhealthyeasy.com


Teton Family ¤ Winter 2016/17

says Kevin Meehan, a Jackson-based biochemist and nutritionist, and the founder of Meehan Formulations. “High amounts of estrogen can begin to influence that cell, and, in many cases, in a negative fashion. That is why you see it attributed to cancers and things like that.” But Meehan says this is not the case with soy. He explains that the phytoestrogens contained in soy mimic your body’s own estrogen intake and block the receptor sites, stopping additional estrogen from being metabolized into the cell. “If you have receptor sites or pores that are occupied or satisfied, there is no need for the additional estrogen,” he says. “The estrogen can’t respond to these pores, so it ends up in the circulatory system and is metabolized to become fuel. “Many people believe soy is bad because it increases estrogen. But it increases estrogen in the circulatory value only because it blocks the receptor sites,” he says. With this concept in mind, Meehan has developed soy-containing supplements as a way to combat certain imbalances in his patients, from premenopausal symptoms to hyperthyroidism. “In premenopausal situations, there is a fluctuation of the hormones. Soy can be effective at balancing that receptor site and can be used efficiently to stabilize the way a woman goes into menopause,” he says. A 2014 study published by Oxford University Press found that adding soy supplements to women’s diets led to an increase in the expression of genes that are linked with cancer growth in a small group of women. Still, Meehan looks to centuries of low instances of cancer in Asian women, whose diets relied heavily on soy in its purest form—whole or fermented—to support his claims. Research from the Shanghai Women’s Health Study (conducted



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Teton Family ¤ Winter 2016/17


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From the Farm to the Aisles Dale Sharkey, farm manager at Victor’s Cosmic Apple Gardens and a mother of three, only feeds her family whole or fermented soy.

Th E M TE u



on 75,000 Chinese women) in 2014 found that timing and consumption levels are everything when it comes to soy. Women who consumed high amounts of soy protein throughout adolescence and early adulthood had nearly a 60 percent lower risk of premenopausal breast cancer than women with low consumption. “We have the best trials in front of us, and that is history. Let’s follow those trials,” Meehan says. “Look at centuries of indigenous societies that have lived a specific way, and look at their health record.” The studies and claims are constant, so for those without time to spend researching the data, Howley Ryan turns to metaanalysis, a scientific overview of multiple studies that looks for trends, inconsistencies, or conclusions. The Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China, analyzed thirtyfive studies on soy isoflavones intake and breast cancer risk. The findings? Soy consumption could lower breast cancer risks in preand postmenopausal women in Asian countries. But in Western countries, those effects are marginal and fairly neutral. “[These findings] are more positive to me than negative. In Asia, they eat a lot of soy. If it was a toxin, we wouldn’t have millions eating it on a daily basis,” Howley Ryan says. “But at the same time, we can’t assume the data we see in Asian countries will apply to every ethnic group.” She encourages her clients to look at research with a critical eye and explore other opinions. And she considers the large amount of genetically modified soy in the United States to play a role in the less positive results as compared with Asia.

“We are big proponents of unprocessed and non-GMO food. The only soy my family eats is naturally fermented soy sauce, tempeh, and edamame,” she says. Her reasoning? The high percentage of genetically modified soy that is available. According to 2014 statistics from the Department of Agriculture, over 90 percent of the soy grown in the United States is genetically modified. So, if you’re having a hard time locating organic soy, critics say to blame it on big industry. Federal subsidies back big farms with a goal of producing mass amounts of soy, most of which is genetically modified. It’s sold to feed cows that we use for burgers, or dairy cows whose milk shows up in our refrigerators, or it’s converted into biofuels. Unfortunately, you won’t find certified-organic soy in your local Community Supported Agriculture share just yet (but you can find it at Jackson Whole Grocer, Lucky’s Market, and Barrels & Bins). Sharkey says the temperamental crop doesn’t thrive in the unpredictable Teton Valley weather; it’s mainly grown in Midwestern states like Iowa and Illinois. The great soy debate has sprouted many branches. For some, like Sharkey and Howley Ryan, soy spawned from genetically modified crops is not so great. For Meehan, soy, when used correctly, can effectively halt imbalances. But one thing all three can agree on— soy is best in its whole form. Read food labels, make educated decisions, eat in moderation, and, when in doubt, ask experts like Howley Ryan or Meehan. “If you are concerned about GMOs, buy organic. But you can also eat a whole-food diet without buying organic,” Sharkey says. “Start making your own salad dressings [to avoid oils processed from GMO soybeans]. Make things from scratch and you eliminate the worry.” tf


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“Real mothers don’t just listen with humble embarrassment to the elderly lady who offers unsolicited advice in the checkout line when a child is throwing a tantrum. We take the child, dump him in the lady’s cart, and say, ‘Great. Maybe you can do a better job.’ ” —Jodi Picoult


Teton Family ¤ Winter 2016/17

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