Teton County Fair 2012

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Equestrians trot their stuff Big pig love Not so sheepish

Teton County Fair 2012

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Stock on the block Blue-ribbon berries Loopy for lemurs Dog show returns Archers stay focused

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Favorite fair photos Pigs take fall in wrestling Jackson’s got talent Tons of fair results Watermelon makes a meal

August 1, 2012


Pig wrestlers Katrina Mendizabal, Kelli Taylor, Lexi Strader and Jacey Jones celebrate their victory Thursday at the Teton County Fair.

2 - TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Keith Holmes, 16, and his horse lope Saturday during the 4-H Horse Show. Holmes was named grand champion in the senior division for Western horsemanship.

Age is no excuse not to saddle up Young equestrians trot their stuff during two days of intense fair competition. By Taylor Williams


hirty-two riders, none older than 18, participated in the Teton County Fair in a variety of horse events, including showmanship, riding and dummy roping. Riders were split into three groups based on age: seniors (14-18), intermediates (11-13) and juniors (8-10). The contest also included a “walk and trot” division for younger kids just starting out. The show began, appropriately enough, with showmanship. Riders led their freshly bathed and groomed horses around the corral, gently working the reins as they attempted to convince the judges that they and their animals were on the same page. While the horses’ appearance and the condition of the equipment were important factors, judges’ final decisions reflected more on the riders, show organizer Gwen Hansen said. “Kids are judged on how well they handle their horse,” Hansen said. “Like if the horse stands still during the leading, which is bad, or if he squares up instead of standing with one leg cocked, which is good. But it’s not really on the horse, and they can tell if the kids have practiced.” Participants then saddled up for performance classes, where their skills were put to a more complex test. Riders began with Western horsemanship, maneuvering their horses through a pattern of circles and turns laid out before the show. Each rider’s routine was also evaluated on the smoothness of the horse’s stride and


Emily Smith hopes to impress the judges with her horse, Teton, during the 4-H horse showmanship event on Saturday.

the ease and relaxation of its gait, known as “Western pleasure.” Judges included a separate category for reining skills, also tested through pattern duplication. “It’s technical,” Hansen said. “They have to do the pattern correctly, or they’re disqualified. But we try to concentrate more on the child than the horse.” The Western riding competition saw kids dart their horses around a series of cones. The key factor was changing leads between cones, or alternating the set of legs — left or right — that advance farthest during a gallop or canter. Riders also recreated a trail ride

on the grassy arena as a performance class, and capped the show with some ground and dummy roping for kicks instead of points. Performance classes were scored on a six-point scale and combined with showmanship scores to determine highpoint winners for each age group. Jamie Lucas won among seniors. Tanner Colson topped the intermediates. Ryley Hasenack was first among juniors, and Derek Grant took first in walk and trot. All first- and second-place finishers were invited to compete Aug. 11-18 at the Wyoming State Fair in Douglas.

TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide, Wednesday, August 1, 2012 - 3


4-H Swine contestants Brad Riotto and Wyatt Chapdelaine keep Riotto’s 271-pound hog happy Thursday before the 4-H Swine Showmanship competition at Heritage Arena.

Kids and their pigs dance for the judges 4-H kids shine at swine shows. By Brielle Schaeffer


irby Castagno’s pig, Steve Urkel, became a little sluggish in the arena Thursday during the showmanship contest at the 4-H Swine Show. Steve Urkel, the 253-pound Yorkshire Cross, did not want to parade around for the judge despite all of Kirby’s tapping of his jowl. But Kirby still dazzled the visiting judge with his composure and confidence. Dressed in a white button-up and black bolo tie, he was ready for his show. The 10-year-old Moran resident won a coveted lavender rosette as reserve champion in the showmanship contest’s

junior division. “I’m happy,” Kirby said. “He got a little lazy on me though. ... I’m usually always the winner.” Kinzie Castagno, 9, took the grand champion showmanship award in the junior division. She also took the grand championship award for the market contest, in which the pig’s body is judged, beating out her cousin, Brayden Castagno, 14. He took the reserve champion award for market. “I’m glad my little cousin won,” said Brayden, Kirby’s older brother. “She was so excited. I’m glad she beat me.” For four months, dozens of 4-H kids readied for the contests. The kids spent hours every day feeding, cleaning and grooming their pigs, 12-year-old Kylie Wilson, of Jackson, said. “You just really walk them and get them used to being around other pigs,” she said about her


Jack Vosika moves a pig off the scale during the livestock weigh-in on July 25.


Andy Techies, 4-H livestock judge, coaches Lexi Daugherty during the intermediate division of the Swine Showmanship contest.

two competitors, Rasckal and Roger, both “Blue Butts.” The pigs like to eat, sleep and drink, she said. It can be hard to convince them to do much else. “They really don’t want to do any extra work,” Kylie said. But her hard work paid off. Kylie received fourth place in intermediate showmanship and third and fourth places in her two weight classes in the market contest. Judge Andy Thies, of Roggen, Colo., said he looks for kids who present themselves and their animals as best they can for showmanship. These showmanship

contests are like dancing, he said. “If your partner doesn’t want to dance, you ain’t dancing,” he said. For the senior showmanship division, Kinzie’s sister, Reegan Castagno, 14, took grand champion and Jed Christensen, 19, took reserve. In the intermediate showmanship contest, Brayden was the grand champion and Derek Grant, 8, was the reserve champion. For market, Thies said he looked for productive hogs that gain weight quickly. “They should be balanced, they should be heavy muscled,”

he said. “The fewer dollars we can put into a product, the better it is for producer and consumer.” After the contests, unless awards qualify kids for the Wyoming State Fair in Douglas the pigs went up for sale at the livestock auction. Selling their pig pets can be hard, Kylie said, but “the more you do it, it gets better.” Plus, if their livestock sells, they can make a profit. Lexi Daugherty, 13, of Alta, received $1,500 at the auction for her pig last year, she said. The profit goes right into her college fund, Lexi said.

4 - TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Whitley Beard is named grand champion in the market lamb competition at the Teton County Fair on Thursday afternoon.

Sheep show contestants learn to let go Contestants displayed toned, well-trained lambs. By Benjamin Graham


or the past six months, Avery MacFarland had fed and trained her lamb, Jimmy, for this very moment — the 4-H Sheep Showmanship/ Market contest. The only problem was that she had grown a little attached. “He’s a lot more like a dog,” MacFarland, 14, said of her 136pound lamb. While MacFarland didn’t go so far as to let Jimmy sleep in her room, she and her sister, Leah, did raise their two lambs in their backyard in Wilson. The sisters took them on walks and trained them to behave. “He can be really annoying, but I’m going to be sad to see him go,” MacFarland said. For some participants in this year’s sheep show, the idea of raising a lamb for six months only to have it become someone’s dinner can be difficult. Others find it easier to let go. “That’s what they’re raised for,” contestant Justin Rowe said. “That’s what we tell ourselves.” Rowe, a 15-year-old who attends Jackson Hole High School, was participating in his sixth consecutive sheep show. The show took place at the Heritage Arena on Thursday. The sheep were auctioned off Friday and loaded into the back of a truck destined for the slaughterhouse. At the show, participants in

Sydnee Dieckmann, the only contestant in the goat show, presents one of her two goats to judge Andy Thies on Thursday afternoon.

three age groups marched their lambs around the livestock arena. A judge critiqued the contestants in two categories: showmanship and marketability. “We’ve got to judge the sheep on what we put on the consum-

er’s table,” judge Andy Thies said of the market contest. Participants had to “brace” their lambs by leaning into them. When the animal pushes back, it flexes, showing off the muscles in its legs and back.

Thies ran his hand down the back and legs of each lamb. “I’m looking for trimness and toned muscle,” Thies said. Seventeen-year-old Whitley Beard, of Alta, won this year’s grand champion prize for her market sheep. She said her secret was “lots of exercise.” The showmanship contest allowed contestants to display how well they trained their sheep. “What’s actually being judged are the kids and their ability to present their animal,” said the show’s announcer, Jeff Daugherty. Rowe took first place in showmanship for the senior age group, while Leah MacFarland took first place for the intermediate division. Amelia Wilson won the junior division. Thies said he looks for contestants who maintain eye contact with the judge and show control over their lambs. Overall, he was impressed by the lambs presented at the show. “You are kind of isolated up here in Jackson, but this contest was very competitive,” Thies said. Sydnee Dieckmann, a freshman at Jackson Hole High School, was the only participant in the fair’s goat show. Dieckmann, who entered two goats into the contest, believes raising goats is more difficult than raising lambs. In previous years, she participated in the lamb show but opted to do only the goat show this year. “Goats are a lot more stubborn and mischievous,” Dieckmann said. “Lambs are more content and easier to train.”

TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide, Wednesday, August 1, 2012 - 5

Year of work ends with livestock auction Four-H’ers see the animals they’ve raised, cared for and shown auctioned in the Heritage Arena. By Emma Breysse Just fewer than 60 yearlong partnerships ended Friday as Teton County youths and teens sold their lambs, steers and swine at the 2012 Teton County 4-H Livestock Sale. Heritage Arena at the Teton County Fairgrounds was filled with animal cries, hollered bids and the patter of an auctioneer as 4-H participants sold the animals they spent the past year raising. Animals named Snort, Sausage Link and Sharpy waited in their pens for their turns in the ring. “I’m kind of excited that it’s going to be over,” 17-yearold Whitley Beard said. “It’s really cool to get to see all my hard work end and pay off.” Whitley sold her grand champion market lamb for $5.75 a pound, a little less than $900 total for a 155pound lamb. “That’s about what they usually go for,” she said. “Maybe this year was a little higher than some.” A nine-year 4-H veteran, Whitley was all business before and after the auction, dropping off her lamb and moving right on to the swine she also raised. The livestock auction represents the culmination of a 4-H project year. By the time auction day comes around, program participants have already raised, cared for and showed their animals. All that’s left is to sell them to be a bidder’s meal. “I’ve gotten used to watching them go,” said 12-yearold Kylie Wilson, a four-year 4-H participant. Kylie sold a blue-ribbon swine and a blue-ribbon steer at Friday’s auction. She said she hopes to put the money her animals earned toward a new rodeo horse. Getting both a swine and a steer in shape — and teaching her 4-H rookie brother how to do the same for his swine — was hard work, she said. But when you’re in 4-H, it’s business as usual. Sometimes, though, the fair and the auction go beyond business to become a dream come true. For 13-year-old Leah MacFarland, this year’s fair was a miracle week, said her mother, Carolyn MacFarland. The second-year 4-H participant received grand


Shane Lucas walks his award-winning stock through the Earl Hardemann Livestock Auction Ring during this year’s 4-H livestock auction. Shane had already won the Intermediate Beef Showmanship competition. Raising and showing the animals is an accomplishment for all 4-H’ers, and winners get money to put toward their college educations.

champion honors for her showmanship and capped the week by selling her market lamb for a higher-thanaverage $7-a-pound bid. For a 132-pound lamb, that meant $924. Leah sported an ear-to-ear grin after bidding closed, all but sprinting into her mother’s arms. “I’m really, really happy,” Leah said. “I was nervous she wasn’t going to do very well in the bidding. We’ve had a lot of surprises this week, and I’m just so, so happy and excited.” She said she might save up for an iPad but was too revved up to think even as far as tomorrow. Leah’s mother teared up a little bit as she talked

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about what the weekend meant for her ordinarily shy daughter. “She, most importantly, is filled with pride in herself and her accomplishments,” she said. “She’s taken this for her own, and I am just so proud to see it.” After their big night, the 4-H participants of Teton County went home, their hard work rewarded. That is, until it’s time to begin again with next year’s project. “It’s a great opportunity and a chance to put something in the college fund,” said 11-year-old Casey Budge, who brought a market steer to this year’s auction. “And every year is a little different from what you got the year before.”

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6 - TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Agronomy judge Ron Cunningham, of Lander, carefully considers the quality of the green onion entries while judging in the 4-H Exhibit Hall.

Exhibit Hall unmasks closet artisans Farmers endure brief summer, photographers come out of the darkroom. By Angus M. Thuermer Jr. Pity the Jackson Hole farmer, tasked with growing crops at elevation in a valley where the time between frosts might stretch as long as a month. Yet they persevere. Every year, they emerge at the Teton County Fair to show off their green thumbs. This year, Pam Bade’s strawberries earned Best of Show, but not until after a bit of competition. She had to do better than Elizabeth Rinn, who grew elegant romaine lettuce. And Sean Haling, whose symmetrical carrots drew the eye. And Carolyn Daily, who cultivated a real head of broccoli


above 6,000 feet. Judges had a hall full of decisions to make before handing out ribbons. And who wouldn’t want food judge Susan Hindman’s job? “Good flavor, nice color and clearness,” she wrote about Merlene Long’s best-ofshow red currant jelly. Anita Nilsson won Best of Show for her pieced machine-sewn quilt. With a tan and green color theme, it revealed a pinwheel pattern with purple and red highlights. Judge Laurel Murphy was impressed with Nilsson’s fine work on the quilt’s corners. Her comments sent anybody who read them through the large class of entries looking for quality stitching and attention at those critical points. Jeremy Budge won only a first place for a fish sculpture so lifelike it looked as if it were under water. Lacquered to a sheen, it depicted a trout in its environ-

ment, complete with river-rock bed. Elementary school artist Griffen Anderson’s clown also drew the attention of painting and photo judge Gail Hahn. “Best clown ever,” she wrote in declaring him division champion. Addie Hare borrowed from the palette of the familiar in choosing a subject for her pencil artwork. She won Best of Show for a drawing of the Chapel of the Transfiguration. Patricia Reed Pistono won Best of Show in the competitive photography pool with a picture taken from an unusual angle depicting a coastline. The straightdown view revealed swirling surf and currents along a rocky shore. Spencer Berezay constructed the Grand Champion poster titled “Plink to Kabloom.” It showed a variety of calibers of ammunition and various game animals, offering a guide to what bullet is best for what critter.

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TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide, Wednesday, August 1, 2012 - 7

Fairgoers go loopy for lemurs from Texas Kids, adults get acquainted with more than a dozen furry creatures made famous by Disney film series. By Kevin Huelsmann Growing up on the bayou in southeastern Texas, Tammy Thomson wanted to be a marine biologist or an oceanographer. Her friends and family, however, talked her out of it. They questioned what she would do in Texas with that kind of training, Thomson said. She moved on, eventually becoming an emergency room nurse. Her passion for animals never faded, though. “I hope I can show these kids that there’s more out there than what’s in your local community,” she said while keeping a watchful eye on Linus, the 14-monthold lemur siting in the chair across from her during the Teton County Fair. Thomson was at the fair with more than a dozen lemurs. Most were in a large, caged area, though one was out with Thomson, meeting all the children who came to get a real-life peek at one of their favorite characters from the “Madagascar” movies. “They’re pretty cool,” Diego Hernandez, 8, said after petting Linus. “They feel really soft. Their paws are squishy.” Though she still works as an emergency nurse, Thomson has spent the past 14 years caring for rescued animals. She has 88 species — more than 200 animals — at her 75-acre rescue center in Beaumont, Texas. She spends nearly half the year on the road, traveling between schools, libraries and fairs to present educational programs about her animals. “After 14 years, it’s really heartwarming to see kids come back and say, ‘I became a veterinarian because of you’ or ‘I became a marine biologist,’” Thomson said. Children crowded around Thomson one afternoon during the fair, hoping to pet Linus or feed him a marshmallow, a special treat for the animal. They asked questions about the striking golden


Katie Lewis, Sage Bloomer and Anita Lewis discover a baby lemur attached tightly to its mother’s belly at the Lemur Land exhibit of the Teton County Fair. Lemur Land offered the chance for the public to get a close look at, and in some cases touch and interact with, the creatures made famous in Disney’s “Madagascar” film series.

color of the lemurs’ eyes, what they like to do and how she takes care of them. “Study and get good grades,” Thomson said to one child who asked about how to get a lemur. “Then you could be a wildlife biologist or game warden or anything else.” Linus, meanwhile, was crawling around the chairs Thomson had set out, testing the limits of his leash, which was wrapped around his belly. He peered out from the arm of one chair to get a better look at a green snowcone coming toward him in the hands of Jordan Meager, 4.

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Meager liked the lemurs, her mother said, but she had been looking for the lion from the “Madagascar” movies. Aside from teaching children about lemurs and giving them an up-close look at the real-life inspiration for a famous animated film star, Thomson also breeds them, some species of which are considered critically endangered. While at the fair, Thomson had an 11-day-old baby with her. In another small cage, two 3-month-olds groomed each other. Three of her lemurs have given birth this year, she said.

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8 - TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Girls, dogs show off training, teamwork

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Twelve-year-old leads black mutt to top of charts as grand champion.

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Eight-year-old Faith Shaw didn’t place in the overall category, but she was happy to be named reserve champion in the obedience category. Rusty, Shaw’s gregarious golden retriever, was mostly well behaved, although his unwillingness to By Mike Koshmrl stay seated prompted a few tears. “For all the tears before, this one did It wasn’t quite Westminster. good,” one 4-H mom walking by said to By nature of being mixed-breed pound offer some encouragement. pups, most of the eight four-legged conRusty improved “lots and lots” since testants at the Teton County Fair’s 4-H Shaw started training once a week in dog show fell a bit short of the strict stan- formal 4-H practices back in January, dards set forth by the American Kennel she said. Club. And their handlers ­— a group “When we started, he dragged me of 8- to 12-year-old girls — didn’t quite across the whole arena,” Shaw said. match the description of the obnoxious Following a ribbon ceremony for the dog fanciers from obedience catthe mockumentary egory, Calbert, a “Best in Show.” 30-year 4-H dog After a one-year show veteran, crihiatus, the 4-H tiqued the group Pet Partners Dog as a whole. She Club was revived was pleased by the this year by Kelly girls’ overall form Clark, which led but took issue with to a return of the how they were fair’s dog show. holding leashes. The motley crew “I had a few – Carrie Jo Calbert safety concerns,” of pups compet4-H dog show judge Calbert ing Friday ranged said. from a sleek mini “Wrapping leashes dachshund to a around hands is regal golden retriever to an obstinate not good. I’ve seen broken fingers.” Chihuahua-mix-looking thing. Girls who excelled in Friday’s event Under the careful eye of judge Carrie will have the opportunity to move on to Jo Calbert, the 4-Hers were assessed in the competition at the state fair, Calbert four categories: obedience, showman- said. But the 4-H’ers stand to gain more ship, agility and confirmation. than just trophies and ribbons. Twelve-year-old Macie McCormick “We want the kids and the parents to led a black mutt to the top of the charts, go home with a better dog,” the judge taking home the honor of grand champi- said. “It makes life easier for mom and on. The reserve champion overall, Emily dad at home and gives the kids some Mahood, led her dog, Buster, to second. responsibility.”

“We want the kids and the parents to go home with a better dog. It ... gives the kids some responsibility.”

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TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide, Wednesday, August 1, 2012 - 9


Muy Lim, a 4-H senior, competes in the Senior Archery Shoot on Friday afternoon at the Jackson Hole Gun Range.

Razorbacks nock arrows in competition Archers get in the zone for 4-H shooting exhibition. By Miller N. Resor


ith the Olympics under way and one of Wyoming’s two athletic contributions to the U.S. team being an archer, the 2012 Teton County Fair Archery Shooting Exhibition took on added significance. Jennifer Nichols, the three-time Olympic archer from Cheyenne, started at age 12, right around the same age as many of the competitors in the July 20 exhibition. Members of the Razorbacks Archery Club, which is run by Teton County 4-H, range in age from 8 to 18. Emma Bode, a high school junior, won the senior grand champion in the traditional bow division. She joined the Razorbacks Archery Club four years ago. “I always thought it would be cool to go hunting in the woods with a traditional bow,” Bode said. In the competition, the 4-H archers were given four rounds to score as many points as possible. In the first three rounds, each archer shot five arrows at a traditional bull’s-eye target 25 yards out. In the final round, contestants shot three arrows at five targets arranged at varying distances. The targets were posters of a bobcat, a mule deer, an elk, an antelope and a caribou. Points were awarded for the proximity of the arrows to the bull’s-eye and, in the case of the posters, to the kill zones. “You have to let go of everything and focus,” Bode said. “If you are thinking about anything else, it will

Kyle Brimeyer, a 4-H senior, earned grand champion honors in the compound bow division.

Ben Linn judges the Senior Archery Shoot. He also is a mentor to many of the young shooters.

show in your shooting.” Kyle Brimeyer, who will be a senior next year, won the grand champion ribbon for the compound bow division. He got his first bow in third grade and has been a 4-H archery member ever since. He credits his success to his instructors, Ben Linn, Roger Banks and Scott Sanchez. They meet once a week for an hour. “Ben and Roger are both very experienced and are both happy to share their knowledge with people in the club,” Brimeyer said. Linn learned to shoot as a child and started helping out with the club when his sons joined. His sons have long since moved on, but Linn remains a mentor to many in the club. “I have learned more through teaching than I ever knew before,” he said. “Sometimes just shooting alongside the kids is the best way to teach.”

Archery results Senior Grand Champion Traditional Bow: Emma Bode Senior Reserve Champion Traditional Bow: Muy Lim Senior Grand Champion Compound Bow: Kyle Brimeyer Senior Reserve Champion Compound Bow: Keegan Bommer Senior First Place Compound Bow: Garrett Spencer 15 Yards Intermediate Grand Champion Compound Bow: Conor Deiter 10 Yards Junior Grand Champion Compound Bow: Coy Abel Junior Reserve Champion Compound Bow: Tipton Wilson The Razorbacks begin to gather again in January. For information about the club and how to join, call Pam Bode at 413-6941.

10 - TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Ty Hawks clings to the side of a sheep Saturday during the Teton County Fair Rodeo.


Misty Vicente, 14, passes through the revolving tunnel Saturday at the Whacky Shack, a fun house on the midway.

Fraiser Shows illuminates the county fairgrounds Sat

Fair shots

News&Guide photographers offer their favorite images from the 2012 Teton County Fair.


Over at the fishing pond Saturday afternoon, one tries to get away from Mallory Reisbeck. The Cody Wyoming Trout Ranch releases the fish into the inflatable pool for youngsters to try to catch using only their hands.

Hailey Hardeman, 10, toss of preparing and showing

TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide, Wednesday, August 1, 2012 - 11


turday night as the lights of the Ring of Fire, Starship 2000, Cliff Hanger and other midway carnival rides are turned on.


sses a toilet seat Saturday during the 4-H Redneck Olympics. The event gives 4-H kids a chance to unwind after a week g their animals and competing in other events.


Lily Lonneker gets a hug from her grandmother CJ Burt on July 25 after her rabbit won a best of breed award.

12 - TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Peter Can’t Fish teammates Matt Bahn, Ben Pullar, Peter Werth and Kurt Stoeffregen struggle with their swine Thursday during the pig wrestling competition.



Human grapplers best Greybull pigs, mostly, in watery muck. Text by Johanna Love Photographs by Jaclyn Borowski


n a pen filled with a slick mixture of bentonite clay and water, Teton County’s pig wrestlers bested the porcine athletes from Greybull in about three-quarters of the matches Thursday. For their appearance at the Teton County Fair, the pigs of Double D Pig Wrestling were about a third of the way through a 27-city tour, said owner Donna Dalin, but they didn’t seem fatigued, and all played by the rules. “We haven’t had any jump over the fence yet and have to stay home,” Dalin said. After every match, a porky grappler got a quick bath with a high-pressure hose and then a meal before its ride to the next competition in Plentywood, Mont. But the pigs would rather be rolling in the ring, Dalin said. “The pigs love mud,” Dalin said. “It’s the only way a pig has to cool off.” In a pig wrestling match, four humans face off with a pig of similar athletic ability. Children wrestle a 15-to25-pound piglet, juniors face a 50-pound pig, and adults grapple with a full-grown hog, 150 to 250 pounds. The humans try to pick up the pig, walk it over to a sawdust-filled barrel and plop it in, rump first, in a minute or less. Peewee competitors, ages 8 and younger, took the ring first. The muck appeared a bit overwatered, more like a pond than a mud pie, but the kids didn’t seem to mind. Announcer Rex Hansen is a pro at filling the gaps between play-by-play with color commentary. “Any other place in the world, this would be child abuse,” he said as members of the Pork Chop Posse put the pig in their sights. “Catch ’em in the corner,” he advised team Bacon in the Sun. “That’s kinda hard to do in a round pen.” Important to the wrestlers’ self-esteem and mettle in

A pig wiggles away from the Texas Rangers, the team made up of Casey Budge, J.T. Statter, Kade Cook and Connor Cook.

battle are elaborate costumes. For the peewee division, those ranged from orange hats on the Hog Hunters to that rare Latin humor — “Carpe Bacon” — on the Bacon Busters’ T-shirts. The Star Hogs wore Star Wars outfits. The peewee Wyoming Pig Pokes wore basic University of Wyoming brown T-shirts and jeans. Star wrestler Gracie Hardeman grabbed the pig solo and stuffed it in the barrel for a time of 13.13 seconds. Solo stuffing got harder as the night went on and the pigs got big, but industrious wrestlers in the junior division (ages 9 to 14) still did it. Rodeo family member Kylie Wilson of the Swine Superheroes put the pig in the barrel in 19.62 seconds, mostly alone. Tanner Colson of the Baconators said he had a simple strategy: “Grab the pig!” The junior Wyoming Pig Pokes team tried cajoling. “C’mere pig!” wheedled Hailey Hardeman, three times picking it up before finally making it to the barrel. Raslin for Justice drew an easy pig, team member Annaliese Fleck said. “He looked pretty calm,” she said.

“I don’t think he’d been in the ring before.” The Pink Pigsters, first-generation swine wrestlers, got skunked, barely laying a hand on their opponent. Second-place team The Baddest of Them All celebrated its 11.16-second time with a slip and dip in the mud pond before exiting the ring. The men’s teams looked confident when facing a 250-pound-plus hog, but the very first team in the ring, Peter Can’t Fish, was bested. In a sleeveless button-down shirt, one of the Peter team tried to move the barrel closer to the action, the others leapfrogging each other to get a hand on the pig. Moving the barrel is against the rules, Hansen said. “Your mama’s gonna be mad atcha,” he said. “It’s evidently your first time, right?” It wasn’t the first time for the Jackson Hole High School Bronc Bacon Busters, but they fared no better. “Sydney, I’ve seen you hug cowboys tighter than that,” Hansen chided team member Sydney Judge. “That’s halfhearted.” The Swine Society, which earned the costume trophy, See WRESTLERS WIN on 13

TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide, Wednesday, August 1, 2012 - 13

WRESTLERS WIN Continued from 12

dressed in pink pig suits with sport jackets on top. The team also put the pig in the barrel swiftly. “Not letting go and never giving up” was the strategy, James Blackburn said. The Mudder Buddies drew the short straw in hog selection, facing a massive beast that even has a name — President — pig coach Ron Dalin said. “That one’s big enough to ride outta the arena,” Hansen said. Team Utah, dressed in mock missionary uniforms of short-sleeved white shirts, black slacks and too-short ties, turned in a decent time of 21:34 before group-hugging a hapless reporter. A team of men at least 20 years older than the other competitors was dressed as The Jackson Four with short gold jogging shorts and sparkly gloves on one hand. Hansen was impressed by the team’s failed attempt to best a hog. “When I was that age,” he said, “I had

to get reading glasses.” Costume competition was fierce in the women’s division. The Harlem Hogtrotters brought along a coach and referee to complement the team’s oldschool basketball motif. But Bridezillas took the costume trophy. The bride and her three attendants wore satin. The hog nosed under bride Laura Dempsey’s gown and took her for a ride 15 feet across the ring. Prospective groom Ben Hinkle, slated to marry Dempsey on Saturday, celebrated his bride’s effort by carrying her across the rodeo arena. The women’s winning team, the Sexy Splashes, caught a lucky break when their unsuspecting pig wandered close to them when the clock started. Thirteen seconds later, he was in the barrel. Of course, after their matches, the human wrestlers got a quick and dirty bath, too, on the other end of a fire hose. Arne Carter of Team Dirty Bacon said the woman wielding the hose was “almost as aggressive as the pig.”

Who hogged the honors Peewee (ages 8 and younger) Hog Hunters 11.38 Wyoming Pig Pokes 13.13 Star Hogs 17.23 Best dressed: Sweat Hogs

Men Iron Men of Teton Valley 11.05 Team Utah 21.34 Redneck Wranglers 23.96 Best dressed: Swine Society

Juniors (ages 9-14) Baconators The Baddest of Them All Pigalicious Best dressed: Pigsters

Women Sexy Splashes 13.72 Army Brats 15.44 Dirty Boars 16.09 Best dressed: Bridezillas Source: Teton County Fair office

10.28 11.16 13.54

With the bacon in the barrel, the Wyoming Pig Pokes — Brody Hasenack, Gracie Hardeman, Henry Berezay and Aden Bybee — throw their hands in the air. The team placed second to the Hog Hunters in the peewee division.

Harper Hollis, Wynn Bowden, James Blackburn and Billy Cormier of The Swine Society get washed down with a fire hose after their match. Their pig-wrestling proficiency wasn’t enough to give them a spot in the top three of the men’s division, but they did get the nod for Best Dressed.

14 - TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Aspen Jacquet performs to a crowded big top audience Friday during the Rita Case Memorial Talent Show at the Teton County Fair.

Sing out strong Vocalists dominate fair talent show. By Thomas Dewell


ackson Hole has got talent. That was apparent Friday afternoon when three junior and eight senior competitors sang, played and danced at the 2012 Rita Case Memorial Talent Show. Vocalists dominated the competitions in number — nine of the 11 contestants sang — and in taking home ribbons. The event was held under the big top at the Teton County Fair. Tara Lee Larsen, accompanied by her guitarist brother, Coby, won the senior division and grand champion ribbons with her version of Jason Mraz’s “I Won’t Give Up.” Tara Lee starred in the Jackson Hole High School production of “My Fair Lady” and delivered a memorable performance last year in Off Square Theatre Company’s version of “Annie.” She delivered pitch-perfect singing, engaged the audience with a warm smile and seemed

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2012 Rita Case Memorial Talent Show Senior division 1. Tara Lee Larsen 2. Alise Prestrud 3. Christian Barrera 4. Alli Wolf Makina Waatti Nancy Garcia Aspen Jacquet Brianna Mossbrocks Junior division 1. Isabella Gwilliam 2. Coby Larsen 3. Ava Ulmer cles with just the audience clapping time. The lyrics were almost prescient: “You can pour your soul out singing a song you believe in / That tomorrow they’ll forget you ever sang / Sing it anyway.” Wolf delivered a memorable, gutsy performance by singing it anyway.

Makina Waatti belts one out during the talent show. Out of 11 contestants, nine sang, many of them accompanying themselves.

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more than comfortable on stage. Isabella Gwilliam belted out Queen’s “Somebody to Love” to take home junior division honors. The show opened with Ava Ulmer’s rousing performance of Miley Cyrus’ “The Climb.” Dressed in black cowboy boots and hat and a blue dress, Ulmer stirred the audience with her range. She was followed by guitarist and singer Coby Larsen, who blended able guitar playing with good singing. The judges must have had a tough time picking a clear winner. Alise Prestrud broke the singers’ grip on the awards with a dance routine homage to Michael Jackson. Prestrud took second in the senior division. Christian Barrera wrote and sang “All for You” to take third. Alli Wolf showed the power of perseverance with her unplanned a cappella version of Martina McBride’s “Do It Anyway.” Just verses into the song, Wolf ’s accompanying music stopped. She had to sing the song about overcoming obsta-

TETON COUNTY 4-H Thanks All Our Loyal Fans

For Supporting The 4-H Lemonade Stand, Silent Auction and Livestock Sale. A Special Thank You To All Volunteers, Parents, Award Donors and The Teton County Fair Board.


TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide, Wednesday, August 1, 2012 - 15

Horse Classes Open Class English Horse Show

Division # 3 Class # 8 12 & Under Musical Chairs Heat One – Casey Budey Heat Two – JT Statter

Junior High Point Jhett Jenkins

Division # 3 Class # 9 13 & Older Musical Chairs 1. Emma Maceachern

Reserve Junior High Point Grayson Jenkins Senior High Point Stephanie Abbey

Division # 3 Class # 10 Peewee Pop The Can 1. Jackson Moss 2. Emerson Gieck 3. Ashlyn Chamberland

Reserve Senior High Point Kirsten Reinhardt Sportsmanship Lily Duquette

Division # 3 Class # 11 Jr. Pop The Can 1. Sydney Jordan 1. Hailey Hardeman (tie) 2. Gracie Hardeman 3. JT Statter

Division # 1 Class # 1 Sr. Hunter Warm Up 1. Kirsten Reinhardt 2. Mona Sobeiski 3. Emily Smith 4. Deedee Sorsby 5. Stephanie Abbey

Division # 3 Class # 12 Sr. Pop The Can 1. Emma Maceachern 2. Sydney Judge 3. Emily Smith

Division # 1 Class # 2 Jr. Hunter Warm Up 1. Maggie Hill 2. Jhett Jenkins 3. Cecilia Williams 4. Sidney Roubin 5. Katherine Paschen 6. Molly Sullivan Division # 1 Class # 3 Sr. Hunter Under Saddle 1. Stephanie Abbey 2. Kirsten Reinhardt 3. Emily Smith 4. Deedee Sorsby 5. Natalie Winmill 6. Rodger Nye Division # 1 Class # 4 Jr. Hunter Under Saddle 1. Hanna Brigham 2. Maggie Hill 3. Cecilia Williams 4. Sidney Roubin 5. Jhett Jenkins 6. Katherine Paschen Division # 1 Class # 5 Sr. Equitation On The Flat 1. Catherine Tallichet 2. Rodger Nye 3. Deedee Sorsby 4. Stephanie Abbey 5. Kirsten Reinhardt 6. Mona Sobeiski Division # 1 Class # 6 Jr. Equitation On The Flat 1. Grayson Jenkins 2. Cecilia Williams 3. Maggie Hill 4. Hanna Bringham 5. Katherine Paschen 6. Molly Sullivan Division # 1 Class # 7 Short Stirrup Under Saddle 1. Elizabeth Jenkins 2. Hanna Palmer 3. Karly Merriot 4. Sammy Schmidt 5. Whitney Ball 6. Tove Christensen Division # 1 Class # 8 Short Stirrup Equitation 1. Hanna Palmer 2. Elizabeth Jenkins 3. Claire Dewitt-Costa 4. Annie Batchen 5. Karly Merriot 6. Sammy Schmidt Division # 1 Class # 9 Short Stirrup Walk/Trot X-rails 1. Hanna Palmer 2. Karly Merriot 3. Elizabeth Jenkins Division # 1 Class # 10 Short Stirrup Equitation Over X-rails 1. Elizabeth Jenkins 2. Hanna Palmer 3. Karly Merriot 4. Whitney Ball Division # 1 Class # 11 Sr. X-rail Hunter 1. Emily Smith

Division # 3 Class # 13 Rescue Race 1. Sydney and Tanner Judge 2. Abby and Emily Smith 3. Bridger Brengle Division # 3 Class # 14 Peewee Down & Back 1. Jackson Moss 2. Emerson Gieck


Shaeli Funk, 12, leads her horse Storm to retrieve a ribbon after being named winner in the 4-H Intermediate Horse showmanship division. Funk and Storm were awarded reserve champions by judge Tiffany Mead in the Teton County Fair contest.

2. Bridget Jenkins 3. Melanie Dewitt

4. Natalie Winmill 5. Rodger Nye

Division # 1 Class # 13 Lead Line 1. Lucianna Dewitt 2. Elsie Hall 3. Tristan Montesanto 4. Brynn Abbey

Division # 1 Class # 20 Jr. Hunt Seat, 2-foot-3 1. Jhett Jenkins 2. Grayson Jenkins 3. Kate Paschen 4. Sidney Roubin 5. Molly Sullivan 6. Amber Hunger

Division # 1 Class # 14 Sr. Low Hunter Over Fence, 2 feet 1. Natalie Winmill 2. Stephanie Abbey 3. Suzanne Wilbrecht 4. Catherine Tallichet Division # 1 Class # 15 Jr. Low Hunter Over Fence, 2 feet 1. Molly Sullivan 2. Grayson Jenkins 3. Maggie Hill 4. Jhett Jenkins 5. Amber Hunger 6. Sidney Roubin Division # 1 Class # 16 Low Hunter, 2 feet 1. Katherine Paschen 2. Jhett Jenkins 3. Grayson Jenkins 4. Maggie Hill 5. Stephanie Abbey 6. Suzanne Wilbrecht Division # 1 Class # 17 Sr. Hunter Over Fence, 2-foot-3 1. Sylvia Diprisco 2. Suzanne Wilbrecht 3. Catherine Tallichet 4. Stephanie Abbey 5. Scottie Pavlick 6. Matalie Winmill Division # 1 Class # 18 Jr. Hunter Over Fences, 2-foot-3 1. Molly Sullivan 2. Kate Paschen 3. Jhett Jenkins 4. Grayson Jenkins 5. Amber Hunger 6. Sidney Roubin Division # 1 Class # 19 Sr. Equitation Over Fences, 2-foot-3 1. Sylvia Diprisco 2. Stephanie Abbey 3. Scottie Pavlick

Fun Night Division # 3 Class # 1 Peewee Costume Class 1. Braxton Lees 2. Gracie McNeel Division # 3 Class # 2 Jr. Costume Class 1. Amber Hunger 2. Bridger Brengle Division # 3 Class # 3 Jr. Sack Race 1. Sarah Andrews 2. Amber Hunger 3. Stevie Taylor Division #3 Class #3 Jr. Sack Race 1. JT Statter 2. Hailey Hardeman 3. Dylan Grant Division # 3 Class # 4 Senior Sack Race 1. Claire Andrews 2. Emma Maceachern 3. Niki Lynes

Division # 3 Class # 15 Jr. Down & Back 1. Sydney Jordan 2. Hailey Hardeman 3. JT Statter Division # 3 Class # 16 Sr. Down & Back 1. Sydney Judge Division # 3 Class # 18 Peewee Head-To-Head Pole Bending 1. Taylor Hooper 2. Gracie McNeel 3. Jackson Moss Division # 3 Class # 19 Jr. Head-To-Head Pole Bending 1. Sydney Jordan 2. Sarah Andrews 2. JT Statter (tie) 3. Gracie Hardeman Division #3 Class #20 Sr. Head-To-Head Pole Bending 1. Courtney Antillion 2. Claire Andrews 3. Sydney Judge

Turn ’N’ Burn Sunday NBHA Open 4-D Barrel Race 1-D 1. Karson Bradley 16.967 2. Karson Bradley 16.991 3. Sara Amerine 17.016 4. Mckenna Schroeder 17.347 5. Kodee Williams 17.419 2-D 1. Pam Romsa 2. Kelly Holmes 3. Jamie Morley 4. Mari Allen 5. Kristen Williams

17.510 17.530 17.533 17.631 17.691

3-D 1. Kateri Vanpatten 2. Tammy Marshall 3. LJ Coen 4. Sarah Andrews 5. Mari Allen

17.992 18.147 18.175 18.223 18.244

Division # 3 Class # 6 Jr. Cream Pie Eating Contest 1. Hailey Hardeman 2. JT Statter 3. Dylan Grant

4-D 1. Niki Lynes 2. Rae Scott 3. Jamie Lucas 4. Sorrel Sutton 5. Yvonne Robertson

18.983 19.127 19.447 19.560 20.142

Division # 3 Class # 7 Sr. Vanilla Pie Race 1. Sydney Judge 2. Niki Lynes 3. Emma Maceachern

NBHA Junior 4-D Barrel Race 1-D 1. Karson Bradley 16.967 2. Karson Bradley 16.991 3. Mckenna Schroeder 17.374

Division # 3 Class # 5 Peewee Cream Pie Eating Contest 1. Taylor Hooper 2. Gracie McNeel

16 - TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Horse Classes 2-D 1. Jamie Morley 2. Caden Colson 3. Kristen Williams

17.533 17.578 17.691

3-D 1. Kateri Vanpatten 2. Sarah Andrews 3. Hailey Hardeman

17.992 18.223 18.517

4-D 1. Niki Lynes 2. Jamie Lucas 3. Rylee Colson

18.983 19.447 19.852

2. Morgan Schwab 3. Cheyenne Wilcox 4. Hannah Weston 5. Raegan Wilcox 6. Peyton Gieck #6 Western Equitation 40+ 1. Laure Lamere 2. Leslie Watkins 3. Pam Wright 4. Deedee Sorsby 5. Pam Marboe 6. Priscilla Marden #7 Western Equitation 18-39 1. Chad Hamilton 2. Kayla Key 3. Tanya McNeel 4. Maarissa Mason 5. Jennie Jensen 6. Crystal Wright

NBHA Senior 4-D Barrel Race 1-D 1. Pam Romsa 17.510 2. Kelly Holmes 17.530 2-D 1. Barbara Kitchen


3-D 1. Debbie Guthrie


4-D 2. Mindy Mckay 3. Yvonne Robertson

19.705 20.142

Open 3-D Pole Bending 1-D 1. Jamie Morley 2. Pam Romsa 3. Sarah Andrews

21.888 22.463 22.694

2-D 1. Mindy Mckay 2. Kelly Holmes 3. Hailey Hardeman

23.730 23.734 23.822

3-D 1. Morgan Seeton 2. Lora Colson

24.820 24.899

Junior 3-D Pole Bending 1-D 1. Jamie Morley


2-D 1. Tanner Colson


3-D 1. Morgan Seeton


Cutting Cow Cutting – Any Horse 1. Jane Golliher 2. Jerry Rankin 3/4. Grant Golliher 3/4. Mark Hendrickson 5. Gerald Dorros 6/7. Jerry Rankin 6/7. Sharon Waggoner Cow Cutting – Non Pro 1. Jerry Rankin 2. Jane Golliher 3. Gerald Dorros 4. Dan Mortensen 5. Gerald Dorros 6. Jane Golliher

Showmanship, Lead Line & Walk/Trot Peewee Showmanship Ages 7 & Under Grand Champion – Gracie Hardeman Reserve Champion – Jordan Davis JHTRA Lead Line – Class A Grand Champion – William Carlson Reserve Champion – Stephanie Sosa Lead Line 6 & Under Grand Champion – Avery Calder Reserve Champion – Charley Peterson JHRTA Lead Line – Class B Grand Champion – Marcus Olson Reserve Champion – Miriam Sanchez Youth Showmanship Ages 8-12 Grand Champion – Sarah Andrews Reserve Champion – Maggie Hill 1. Jordan Lutz 2. Cecilia Williams 3. Grace Ballard 4. Megan Tucker 5. Stevie Taylor 6. Sophia Steglich JHTRA Class C Grand Champion – Victoria Muse


Jamie Lucas, 17, shows her horse Wrangler before judge Tiffany Mead during the senior division of the 4-H Horse Showmanship contest. Lucas went on to place as reserve champion in her division.

Reserve Champion – Eve Dupont Youth Showmanship Ages 13-17 Grand Champion – Claire Andrews Reserve Champion – Bridget Frank 1. Niki Lynes 2. Rachel Tucker 3. Emma Ballard Walk/Trot Ages 6 & Under Grand Champion – Gracie McNeel Reserve Champion – Bryce Judd Walk/Trot Ages 7-10 Grand Champion – Jordan Davis Reserve Champion – Sophia Steglich 1. Peyton Gieck 2. Grace Ballard 3. Charlotte Ballard 4. Lulu Worthe Adult Showmanship Grand Champion – Dan Winder Reserve Champion – Maarissa Mason 1. Becki Peterson 2. Kayla Key 3. Jeff Lutz 4. Karin Sieber 5. Emily Smith 6. Lisa Mcmillan Halter – Quarter Horse Geldings & Stallions Grand – Sarah Andrews Reserve – Becky Bateman 1. Cecilia Williams 2. Lisa Mcmillan 3. Maarissa Mason 4. Morgan Schwab 5. Lance Bateman Halter – Quarter Horse Mares Grand – Adrienne Jarvis Reserve – Emma Ballard 1. Tally Key 2. Jackson Moss 3. Claire Andrews 4. Mindy Mckay 5. Sophia Steglich Halter – Paint Geldings Grand Champion – Dan Winder Reserve Champion – Bridget Frank 1. Debbie Lutz 2. Karin Dieber 3. Jeff Lutz 4. Whitney Ball 5. Becky Bateman Halter – Geldings And Stallion All Other Breeds Grand Champion – Margie Boyd Reserve Champion – Kathryn Bloom 1. Adre Fiedler 2. Jim Gosnell 3. Shari Meeks 4. Stevie Taylor 5. Alesia Gosnell 6. Emily Smith Halter – Mares All Other Breeds Grand – Niki Lynes Reserve – Mindy Mckay 1. Adre Fiedler Open Ranch Horse 1. Joey Budge 2. Joey Budge 3. Lance Bateman 4. Mike Buchanan

Ladies Ranch Horse 1. Nicole Budge 2. Brit Roberts 3. Shyann Lucas 4. Kathy Lucas 5. Tanya McNeel 6. Betsey Gieck Youth Ranch Horse 1. Jordan Bauer 2. Colton Cook 3. Casey Budge 4. JT Statter 5. Genevieve Worthe 6. Adrienne Jarvis

Trail/Obstacle Course 12 & Under 1. Megan Tucker 2. Jordan Lutz 3. JT Statter 4. Amber Hunger 5. Genevieve Worthe 6. Tanner Colson 13 to 17 1. Devan Lamere 2. Caden Colson 3. Bridgett Frank 4. Emma Macearchern 5. Kayla Key 6. Brianna Mossbrooks 18 & Over 1. Catherine Tallichet 2. Laurie Lamere 3. Trudy Funk 4. Deedee Sorsby 5. Tim Oakley 6. Sheri Keechaw Division #7 Western Performance Classes Class #1 Jackpot Western Pleasure 1. Chad Hamilton 2. Leslie Watkins 3. Jennie Jensen 4. Laurie Lamere 5. Kathy Jasperson 6. Hannah Weston #2 Jr. Western Pleasure 1. Chad Hamilton 2. Leslie Watkins 3. Lance Bateman 4. Pam Marboe 5. Crystal Wright 6. Pam Wright #3 Ranch Pleasure 40+ 1. Mindy Mckay 2. Priscilla Marden 3. Ann Wright 4. Laurie Lamere 5. Jeff Lutz 6. Richard Uhl #4 Ranch Pleasure 18-39 1. Maarissa Mason 2. Jennie Jensen 3. Tanya McNeel 4. Betsy Palmer 5. Shari Meeks 6. Kayla Key #5 Ranch Pleasure 17 & Under 1. Shaeli Funk

#8 Western Equitation 13-17 1. Cheyenne Wilcox 2. Claire Andrews 3. Morgan Schwab 4. Rachel Tucker #9 Western Equitation 12 & Under 1. Shaeli Funk 2. Peyton Gieck 3. Hannah Weston 4. Maggie Hill 5. Sarah Andrews 6. Gracie Hardeman #10 Western Pleasure 18+ 1. Maarissa Mason 2. Jennie Jensen 3. Chad Hamilton 4. Laurie Lamere 5. Kathy Jasperson 6. Pam Wright #11 Western Pleasure 13-17 1. Cheyenne Wilcox 2. Morgan Schwab 3. Bridget Frank 4. Rachel Tucker 5. Claire Andrews 6. Annie Grant #12 Western Pleasure 12 & Under 1. Shaeli Funk 2. Peyton Gieck 3. Hannah Weston 4. Raegan Wilcox 5. Adrienne Jarvis 6. Maggie Hill #13 Reining 1. Kayla Key 2. Kathy Jasperson 3. Becky Bateman 4. Lance Bateman 5. Laure Lamere 6. Betsey Gieck #14 Western Riding 18+ 1. Crystal Wright 2. Emily Smith 3. Deedee Sorsby 4. Pam Wright 5. Jeff Lutz #15 Western Riding 17 & Under 1. Jordan Lutz 2. Sarah Andrews 3. Hannah Weston 4. Adrienne Jarvis 5. Cheyenne Wilcox 6. Claire Andrews Trail Class 18+ Grand – Laurie Lamere 1. Lance Bateman 2. Deedee Sorsby 3. Tim Oakley 4. Priscilla Marden 5. Alan John 6. Lance Bateman Trail Class 13-17 1. Cheyenne Wilcox 2. Niki Lynes 3. Bridget Frank 4. Bella Martin 5. Hannah Rigsby 6. Joshua Grant Trail Class 12 & Under Grand – Hannah Weston 1. Jordan Lutz 2. Reagan Wilcox 3. Stevie Taylor 4. Gracie Hardeman 5. Megan Tucker

TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide, Wednesday, August 1, 2012 - 17

Fiddle, Figure 8, Rodeo, Pet Show, Diaper Derby 2. Bailey Chamberland 3. Mick Butner

6. Adrienne Jarvis

Fiddle Contest

Tie Down Roping 1. Riley Milward 2. Wade Tibbits 3. Shawn Butner

Peewee Division 1. Kate Christensen Jr.-Jr. Division 1. Grace Christensen 2. Alexi Byrnes 3. Russell Christensen

Miniature Bull Riding 1. Dylan Grant 2. Trinton Ross 3. Rauley Johnson

Jr. Division 1. Shelby Rae Russell 2. Andrew Nelson 3. Payton Polson

Breakaway Roping 1. Kelsi Burchett 2. Kasey Winkle 3. Kendal Tibbits

Sr. Division 1. Lynn Ferrell 2. Jim Wilson

Pet Show

General Division 1. Jacie Sites 2. Tim Hodgson 3. Keith Niehenke 4. Joe Sites


Brooke Sears tries to coax her 10-month-old daughter Chloe into crawling down her lane Saturday during the diaper derby. Chloe came in second place overall.

No Holds Barred Division 1. Jacie Sites 2. Tim Hodgson 3. Lisa Messick

Figure 8 Best Painted Car 1. Kevin Blair 2. Sayde Garvin 3. Jake Vosika Final Results 1. Michael Wold 2. Joel Tate 3. Corey White

Bareback Riding 1. Chris Hawks 2. Tristan Hansen 3. Cash Hill

Parent/Child Team Roping 1. Clay and Jake Mangis 2. Chris and Dallas McGhee 3. Larae Branham and Kelsi Burchett

Saddle Bronc Riding 1. Mark Nelson 2. Clint Andrews 3. Tanner Butner

Open 4-D Barrels 1-D Barrels 1. Trina Wheeldon 2. Jessica Thompson

#13 Team Roping 1. Pete Fuez and Brian Anderson 2. Clay Shannon and Tyler Daughtery 3. Tyler Daughtery and Clay Shannon

2-D Barrels 1. Amy Hindman 2. Shyann Lucas

Rodeo Results

#9 Team Roping 1. Buckskin Wilson and Duane Allen 2. Jessica Thompson and Chris Mcghee 3. Russ Moses and Riley Milward

Bull Riding 1. Buskin Wilson 2. Daniel Poole 3. Landon Smith

#8 Team Roping 1. Jim Maher and Alex Renova 2. Hayse and John Childs 3. Emily Feuz and Bill Hansen

3-D Barrels 1. Caden Colson 2. Tori Duerr 4-D Barrels 1. Becky Peterson 2. Kathy Lucas

Small Dogs Annie Estes Kinzie Castagno

Little Bear Kamie

Medium Dogs Desmond Concannon Brent Offutt

Pirate Albert

Reptile Kirby Castagno Nevin Griber Tom Offutt

Cocoa Feaggo Norbert

Rodent Landon Lucas

Nickel & Thunder

Horse Ashlyn Chamberlain


Best Costume Kinzie Castagno Desmond Concannon

Kamie Pirate

Diaper Derby Gold – Bode Hansen Silver – Chloe Sears Silver – Burke Adams

Peewee Barrels 1. Hailey Hardeman

4-H Exhibit Hall and Livestock Open Class Agronomy & Gardens Hay Bales Vegetables Fruits Herbs Best of Show

Mark Stelzer Carolyn Daily Pam Bode Robin Christensen Pam Bode

Floriculture Cut Flowers Tillie Roberston Centerpieces Robin Christensen Interpretive Robin Christensen Dried Flower Arrangements Marlene Lang Potted Plants Marlene Lang Best of Show Robin Christensen Foods Breads and Rolls Cookies, Doughnuts, Bars Cakes Pies Candies Market Eggs Best of Show

Linda Delgado Dennis Provost Linda Delgado Molly Kingsley Susan Pilgrim Hailee Brinton Deanna Luton

Food Preservation Jelly Kate McLaren Jams, Marmalades, Preserves Marlene Lang Pickles and Relish Sue Hall Misc. Wine, Salsa, etc. Marlene Lang Best of Show Marlene Lang, Red Currant Jelly Needlework Kitchen Accessories Purses Knitted Articles Crocheted Articles Tapestries and Wall Hangings Miscellaneous Needlework Best of Show

Sandra Rodeck Sandra Rodeck Patti Roser Ashleigh Walker Anita Nilsson Marie Truman Anita Nilsson

Quilts Hand Quilted Machine Quilted Group Effort Best of Show

Nancy Henderson Anita Nilsson Sandy Vehar Anita Nilsson

Clothing Construction Children’s Garments Adult Clothing Best of Show

Carolyn Daily Diana Brown Diana Brown

Home Furnishings Original Woodwork Woodcraft Best of Show

Will Jaeger Marc Antrobus Anders Rae

Youth Paint/Draw Div. 1 – Ages 2-7 Div. 2 – Ages 8-12 Div. 3 – Ages 2-7 Refrigs Art Best of Show

Griffen Anderson Aspen Waldron Amelia Green Taryn Paradis

Painting Adult Acrylic Adult Watercolor Adult Pastel Int. – Age 13-18 Oil Int. – Age 13-18 Pastel Best of Show

Susan Porter Susan Padley Brown Carolina Johnson Sarah McIntosh Keith Holmes (Austin Holmes) Rachel Oelsen

Drawing Adult Pencil Ages 13-18 Pencil Best of Show

Sharon Marx Ezekiel Nelson Angela Burton

Youth Photography Ages 12 and Under Ages 13-18 Best of Show

Kate Frederick Alex Moreno Alex Moreno

Open Class Photography People Place Things Photoshop Best of Show

Bonnie Koeln Al Reneissen Judith Thompson Bonnie Koeln Judith Thompson

Professional Photograph People Place Things Photoshop Best of Show

Patricia Read-Pistono Neal Henderson Cody Brinton Patricia Read-Pistono Patricia Read-Pistono

Sculpture & Metal Class Sculpture – Any Type

Jo Parson

Pottery & Ceramics Pottery Emma Bode Ceramics, Pottery and China Emma Bode Best of Show Emma Bode Leathercraft Leather Craft

McKenna Brinton

Arts and Crafts Holiday Crafts Best of Show

Melanie Schwabacher Sandra Brewer

Miscellaneous Crafts Best of Lego Best of Show

Muise Crafts Calvin Nowicki

Computer Work Computer Work Best of Show

Cathie Fisher Cathie Fisher

4-H Exhibit Hall Grand Champion 4-H Cake Decorating Analeise Mayor Reserve Champion 4-H Cake Decorating Bailie Wefl Grand Champion 4-H Citizenship, Intermediate Shaeli Funk Reserve Champion 4-H Citizenship, Intermediate Emily Glocke Grand Champion 4-H Citizenship, Junior Ashlyn Funk Grand Champion 4-H Clothing Construction Zoie Dayton Reserve Champion 4-H Clothing Construction Olivia Wilson Grand Champion 4-H Fashion Revue Zoie Dayton Reserve Champion 4-H Fashion Revue Olivia Wilson Grand Champion 4-H Foods, Senior Wyatt Christensen Grand Champion 4-H Foods, Intermediate Monte Beard Grand Champion 4-H Group Project Citizenship Club

Grand Champion 4-H Livestock Companion Emily Jennings Reserve Champion 4-H Livestock Companion Clark Buchenroth Grand Champion 4-H Poultry, Junior Wren Buchenroth Grand Champion 4-H Photography, Senior Mckenna Brinton Reserve Champion 4-H Photography, Senior Emma Bode Grand Champion 4-H Photography, Intermediate Henry Horstmann Grand Champion 4-H Quilting, Senior Isabella Wilson Grand Champion 4-H Quilting, Intermediate Abigail Brazil Grand Champion 4-H Quilting, Junior Lillian Brazil Most Adapted 4-H Quilt Amber Budge Grand Champion 4-H Shooting Sports Spencer Berezay Reserve Champion 4-H Shooting Sports Henry Berezay Grand Champion 4-H Sportsfishing Kyle Brimeyer Reserve Champion 4-H Sportsfishing Ashley Brimeyer Grand Champion 4-H Wildlife Spencer Berezay Reserve Champion 4-H Wildlife Henry Berezay Grand Champion 4-H Youth Leadership, Senior Mckenna Brinton

4-H Livestock Grand Champion Horse Showmanship – Junior Hailey Hardeman Grand Champion Horse Showmanship – Intermediate Tanner Colson Grand Champion Horse Showmanship – Senior Abigail Smith Reserve Champion Horse Showmanship – Junior Ryley Hasenack Res. Champion Horse Showmanship – Intermediate Shaeli Funk Reserve Champion Horse Showmanship – Senior Jamie Lucas

18 - TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide Wednesday, August 1, 2012

4-H Exhibit Hall and Livestock

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Lynnette, Marilyn, Monique, Kay, Pam

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Grand Champion Horse All Around – Junior Ryley Hasenack Grand Champion Horse All Around – Intermediate Tanner Colson Grand Champion Horse All Around – Senior Jamie Lucas Grand Champion Horse All Around – Walk/Trot Derek Grant Grand Champion Rabbit Showmanship – Junior Jordan Lutz Grand Champion Rabbit Showmanship – Intermediate Emily Jennings Grand Champion Rabbit Showmanship – Senior Katelyn Coleman Reserve Champion Rabbit Showmanship – Junior Heather Budge Res. Champion Rabbit Showmanship – Intermediate Emily Mahood Reserve Champion Rabbit Showmanship – Senior Kelly Flickinger 4-H Best of Show, Rabbit Olivia Roberts 4-H Reserve Best of Show, Rabbit Ben Flickinjer Grand Champion Poultry Showmanship – Junior Mylee McCool Gr. Champion Poultry Showmanship – Intermediate Emily Mahood Reserve Champion Poultry Showmanship – Junior AJ McCool Res. Champion Poultry Showmanship – Intermediate Clark Buchenroth 4-H Best of Show, Poultry AJ McCool 4-H Reserve Best of Show, Poultry Julia Mahood Grand Champion Overall, Poultry AJ McCool Reserve Champion Overall, Poultry Mylee McCool Grand Champion Overall, Dog Lilly Duquette Reserve Champion Overall, Dog Emily Mahood Grand Champion Dog Showmanship – Junior Lilly Duquette Grand Champion Dog Showmanship – Intermediate Emily Mahood Reserve Champion Dog Showmanship – Junior Faith Shaw Res. Champion Dog Showmanship – Intermediate Abby Devine Champion Rifle Marksmanship – Senior Sophie Mattson Champion Rifle Marksmanship – Intermediate James Raube Champion Rifle Marksmanship – Junior Josh Bednar Reserve Champion Rifle Marksmanship – Senior Alexa Daugherty Res. Champion Rifle Marksmanship – Intermediate Zane Dayton Reserve Champion Rifle Marksmanship – Junior Dean Shaw Champion Archery Marksmanship, Compound – Senior Kyle Brimeyer Champion Archery Marksmanship, Compound – Int. Connor Deiter

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Financial assistance available. Callers during the month of February will be entered to win a $200 gas card.

Spit Tobacco: Not a Safe Alternative.

First Warning Sign of Cancer: Spit Tobacco: Not a Safe Alternative.

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Financial assistance available. Callers during the month of February will be entered to win a $200 gas card.


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The top finishers in the market beef competition wait for judge Andy Thies to name the grand champion Friday morning. Ryder Marshall took the title home this year.

Champion Archery Marksmanship, Compound – Jr. Coy Abel Champion Archery Marksmanship, Traditional – Senior Emma Bode Reserve Champion Archery Marksmanship, Traditional – Jr. Tipton Wilson Reserve Champion Archery Marksmanship, Traditional – Sr. Muy Lim Reserve Champion Archery Marksmanship, Compound – Sr. Keegan Bommer Champion Shotgun Marksmanship Tanner Judge Reserve Champion Shotgun Marksmanship Jake Davidson Champion Beef Showmanship – Senior Ryder Marshall Champion Beef Showmanship – Intermediate Brayden Castagno Champion Beef Showmanship – Junior Hailey Hardeman Reserve Champion Beef Showmanship – Senior Reegan Castagno Res. Champion Beef Showmanship – Intermediate Shane Lucas Reserve Champion Beef Showmanship – Junior Kinzie Castagno Champion Market Beef Ryder Marshall Reserve Champion Market Beef Brayden Castagno Champion Teton County Market Beef Hailey Hardeman Champion Swine Showmanship – Senior Reegan Castagno Champion Swine Showmanship – Intermediate Brayden Castagno Champion Swine Showmanship – Junior Kinzie Castagno Reserve Champion Swine Showmanship – Senior Jed Christensen Res. Champion Swine Showmanship – Intermediate Dylan Grant Reserve Champion Swine Showmanship – Junior Kirby Castagno Champion Market Swine Kinzie Castagno Reserve Champion Market Swine Brayden Castagno Champion Sheep Showmanship – Senior Justin Rowe Champion Sheep Showmanship – Intermediate Sarah Andrews Champion Sheep Showmanship – Junior Amelia Wilson Reserve Champion Sheep Showmanship – Senior Isabella Wilson Res. Champion Sheep Showmanship – Intermediate Sarah Andrews Reserve Champion Sheep Showmanship – Junior Wren Buchenroth Champion Market Sheep Whitley Beard Reserve Champion Market Sheep Justin Rowe Champion Market Goat Sydnee Dieckmann Champion Goat Showmanship – Intermediate Sydnee Dieckmann

TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide, Wednesday, August 1, 2012 - 19

Watermelon munchers gobble for glory Reporter has competition mopping up his juice in 16-and-over division. By Miller N. Resor Watermelon-eating contests are a time-honored American tradition. The very idea is an ode to sun, summer and fun. A human smile is implied in the discarded rinds, and the idea alone is enough to make one chuckle. Teton County Law Enforcement, a joint task force made up of the Jackson police and Teton County Sheriff ’s Department, hosted a watermelon-eating competition Saturday in honor of the lighter side of life. “It’s a nice way to reach out to the community,” said Pat Goe, a member of the sheriff ’s department and the organizer of the competition. First up were the 6- to 10-year-olds. In front of each contestant was placed a plate with two quarter slices of watermelon. At the word “go,” the contestants lifted the watermelon to their small mouths and dug in. Juices dripped across cheeks and off the ends of chins. Brows furled with concentration as the kids devoured the red flesh. Hailey Hardeman, 10, who had already shown her 4-H cow and her horse and competed in barrel racing and pig wrestling, capped off her 2012 Teton County Fair with a watermeloneating title. Next up were the 11- to 16-year-olds. The amount of watermelon on each plate was doubled. Out of the gate, heads plunged into the sweet fruit. There was a shower of juice and pulp. When it was all over, red liquid pooled on the plastic-covered picnic tables


Watermelon-eating competitors in the 16-and-over division finish their fruit or try to force their friends to eat it after the event. At left, Brayden Castagno gets a grip on Reilly Raube while Jake Bednar tries to impress Reegan Castagno.

and dripped to the green grass beneath. Shane Lucas, 13, took the championship, beating his twin brother by a matter of mouthfuls. Last up was the 16-and-over division. Again the amount of watermelon on each plate was doubled. In the spirit of deeper understanding and true comprehension of the trials of extreme watermelon consumption, your reporter fearlessly entered

the competition. Having been born in a watermelon patch and raised solely on its sweet nectar for the first seven moons of his life, even sleeping in the shelter of the hollowed shells, the author knew he would be a formidable opponent. At the green flag, he buried his face in the melon, tearing and slurping all at once. It was hard to tell, even from a firsthand point of view, whether chew-

ing was really part of the process. Then, before anybody knew what happened, including yours truly, his watermelon had disappeared and he had won the coveted championship 2012 watermelon-eating title. Although there was surely some strong competition, there was no watermelon eater equal to this intrepid reporter. Followers of the sport wonder if there ever will be.

A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR 2012 HORSE SHOW SPONSORS JH Therapeutic Riding Ranch Horse Ranch Horse Ranch Horse Ranch Horse Cutting Cutting Reining Ranch Pleasure - 17 & Under Ranch Pleasure - 18 to 39 Ranch Pleasure - 40 & Over Western Pleasure - 12 & Under Western Pleasure 13 to 17 Western Pleasure 18 & Over Western Equitation - 12 & Under Western Equitation - 13 to 17 Western Equitation - 18 to 39 Western Equitation - 40 & Over

Brigid Rossolo/Teton Kids Russ and Penny Asbell/Ace Hardware Joey & Nicole Budge/JC Excavation Snake River Ranch Bill & Gwen Hansen Dick Mulligan/Mulligan Law Office Betsy Talermo/JH Clothiers Steve & Renee Harrington Doug & Krista Schupman/Teton Trash Removal, Inc. Pam Carter Shervin’s Independent Oil Katie & Rob Carr/Teton Tile & Design Wyoming Adventure Melody Hereford Ranch Mike Knori Lou Scarlett & Pam Marboe Frazier Shows of America Catherine Tallichet

A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR 2012 FAIR RODEO BUCKLE SPONSORS Bareback Riding Saddle Bronc Riding Bull Riding Tie Down Roping Pee Wee Barrel Racing 1D Barrel Racing 2D Barrel Racing 3D Barrel Racing 4D Barrel Racing Parent/Child Roping - Header Parent/Child Roping - Heeler #13 Team Roping - Header #13 Team roping - Heeler #8 Team Roping - Header #8 Team Roping - Heeler Miniature Bull Riding Mutton Bustin’ Breakaway Roping

Grand Teton Lodge Company Cody Brinton WW Productions/Jackson Hole Rodeo Frazier Shows of America Jackson Land & Cattle Family First Health, P.C. Intermountain Roofing, Inc. Jim Rose Painting Jackson Hole Playhouse Todd Wagner Family Fish Creek Excavation Bill Lewkowitz and Natalie Raines Putnam Horsemanship Rammell Refrigeration & Electric Anvil Motel Hunt Construction, Inc. Teton Kids Lazy Moose Ranch

Trail Class - 12 & Under Trail Class - 13 to 17 Trail Class - 18 & Over Showmanship, Lead Line, Walk/Trot Halter Best of Show English Jr. High Point English Sr. High Point English Show Prizes Added Money Barrels & Poles Added Money Barrels & Poles Added Money Barrels & Poles Added Money Barrels & Poles Added Money Barrels & Poles Added Money Barrels & Poles Added Money Barrels & Poles Junior Western Pleasure Western Riding - 18 & Over Western Riding - 17 & Under

Catherine Tallichet JHREA/Brad & Barb Andrews Family Bill & Martha Best Doug & Krista Schupman/Teton Trash Removal, Inc. Big O Tires Mike Knori Ace Hardware David & Kathryn Bloom Canvas Unlimited Rammell Refrigeration and Electric Teton Barrel Racing Association Will & Cindy Martin Doug & Krista Schupman/Teton Trash Removal, Inc. Coby, Devon & Brody Wheeldon Frazier Shows of America Tim Oakley Canvas Unlimited Doug & Krista Schupman/Teton Trash Removal, Inc.


IS TRULY APPRECIATED! THANK YOU TO OUR 2012 GOLD MEDAL SPONSORS Jorgensen Associates, P.C. • Jackson Lumber, Inc. • JH Mountain Resort Teton Orthopaedics • Macy's Services • Bank of Jackson Hole • Dornans Inc. Modern Lighting & Electric • Flat Creek Saddle • Bar J Chuckwagon Wells Fargo Bank NA • Frazier Shows of America • Wolf Dodge • Yellow Iron Excavating

BLUE RIBBON SPONSORS Jackson Land & Cattle, LLC • Timothy J. Raver Construction Nelson Engineering • Evans Construction • Intermountain Roofing, Inc. First Interstate Bank • Richard Trefren Builders, Inc.

• and to all our volunteers! •


20 - TETON COUNTY FAIR Jackson Hole News&Guide Wednesday, August 1, 2012

RegisteR to win a $200/$100/oR $50 gift CaRd! dRawing septembeR 14, 2012




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