The Watchmen’s Journal | Vol.37 - No.1/2022

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12 D ay s g l o b a l UPPER ROOM IN THE 12 GATES

24 Hour Zoom for 12 Days Upper Room, from Great Commission Ascension Day until Pentecost/Shavuot

Golden Gate (May 26 – 27, 6am-6am) We received and experienced great testimonies. Many churches and families were invited to participate in this prayer session from their homes and churches, and the anticipation and excitement of many was overwhelming. It was a perfect season for the Word of God to be fulfilled, from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth and back to Jerusalem, and due to the prayer support from Jerusalem, many found it easy to participate. Various Prayer Altars were raised during this time from the nations and the churches. We received videos of different families and churches in prayer and worshiping the Lord. During this session we believe many more Watchmen were actually awakened because of the spirit of prayer on this day, all Glory to God! There was an unveiling as to the importance and need of praying for Israel. It is important to acknowledge Jerusalem House of Prayer For All Nations for availing this platform for prayer over Israel and the Nations of the earth, but also many Watchmen from around the world joining together for the cause of the Kingdom of God. May the Spirit of God continue to fan a flame, the fire for prayer for Jerusalem and the Nations and many Watchmen to stand and keep watch.

Bethlehem Gate (May 27-28, 6am–6am) Numerous nations in Bethlehem gate came together to pray 24 hours from their homes, churches and even via Zoom/Online. These nations included Chad, DRC, Gabon, Lesotho, Namibia, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe. Intercessors from Uganda where particularly blessed to have a prayer team join with them from UAE, praying into the fulfilment of the Isaiah 19 prophecy from Uganda, at the source of the Nile. As they prayed for revival they even participated in taking holy communion whilst in boats on the water. During the 24hour prayers, there was a sense from the Lord to return to the first love, calling people to a greater and higher levels of dedication and consecration. Also there was a sense for the churches to be collaborated in deeper unity. Coming together from different church streams for the 24hour prayer brought a taste of this unity. We receive the blessing for our nations that comes with unity! Psalm 133

Ein Kerem Gate (May 28-29, 6am–6am) Brazil, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Togo and Cameroon where among the many nations that participated. The prayer points given by JHOPFAN, as well as prayers from Ps. Tom Hess’ book “House of Prayer for all Nations” helped to facilitate the spirit led prayers on a 2-hour rotation for the nations in Ein Kerem gate, Israel and the Isaiah 19 Highway. We believe that the faithfulness of God and a great outpouring of God’s spirit has been released upon the nations of our gate as we prayed. Glory Hallelujah!

Bethel Gate (May 29-30, 6am–6am) We are seeing a Revival at the Bethel Gate now! The Lord calls us to prayer, gives revelation about Israel, strengthens, instructs, shows visions, and puts Watchmen on the walls for our countries! We have prayed and proclaimed Revival, Revelation about Israel, increased anointing and the spread of the Word of God in countries such as Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan. Bethel Gate belongs to Jesus Christ!

Samuel’s Mt. Gate (May 30-31, 6am–6am) This year during the “last days upper room” we focused our prayers on Divine Breakthroughs in the war between Ukraine and Russia, and proclaimed Peace and Shalom at all levels. We blessed Aliyah from these nations and thanked God for His perfect will and plan for the people of Ukraine and Russia!



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