Local Print Ad Opportunities
Local Digital Ad Opportunities
National Ad Opportunities
International Ad Opportunities
Exclusive and guaranteed in-jet and in-room placement in upscale lodging partners, regional newstands, private jet travelers, and online with top subscribers from CA, WY, NY, TX, CO, ID, FL, IL, UT, MA.
Summer 2025: Ad sales close March 7, 2025
Winter 2025/2026: Ad sales close October 3, 2025
Contact: Alyson Klaczkiewicz, alyson@jhmagazine.com
By using your contact list data, we can target your contacts or those similar to your contacts within a defined area.Alternatively, you can leverage broader geo-targeting.
● Mansion Global
Weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly.
Ateam of experts creates and manages each campaign, ensuring your target audience receives thoughtful and beautiful branding that is unique to you.
Rates vary per type of ad and duration.
Buckrail is Teton County’s leading free online news platform, connecting organizations with locals and visitors who are interested and engaged with all things Jackson Hole.
Buckrail offers real estate specific packages, where you can buy into a featured listing as seen here.
All featured listings are also shared in a property scroller that lives at the bottom of every post.
Digital advertising exclusively made for and used by Compass agents
Lead Gen Lab digital ads use granular targeting to reach potential buyers based on sites they visit, their Google Search history and the apps installed on their phone. By narrowing down to personal-specific sites and apps, we can effectively target a likely buyer that fits your listing’s demographics.
Campaign duration:
● Listing ads run for one month but can easily be extended.
● Brand ads automatically renew each month but can be canceled
Artwork: Work with your Marketing Advisor to create up to four custom ads tailored to your campaign’s goal or choose Lead Gen Lab pre-made templates.
● You can A/B test up to four images to see which creative performs the best during the campaign.
Most popular add-ons: Enhanced targeting and geofencing are available as add ons or are included depending on the listing or brand package you choose.
● Enhanced Targeting 101 – Go beyond location, allowing you to target consumers based on personal profiles. Share any insights into the qualities of who you think a potential buyer or client are. We’ll take your insights that map it back to sites, apps and search queries that match the profile.
● Geofencing can be an effective way to target locations or events (we can target as narrow as a tenth of a mile or as wide as a mile).
Go wide with the targeting to reach a huge number of eyeballs and get hundreds of potential buyers back to the listing. Go narrow with the targeting if you’re looking to reach a small, but very curated and exclusive group of potential buyers in Ultra High-Net-Worth communities.
There are four types of listing packages to match your budget and buyer profile.
There are four types of brand packages to match your budget and buyer profile.
Scan the QR code to see national print and digital ad opportunities (pages 12-38).
Compass luxury properties reach Chinese nationals directly from a mainland Chinese website, social media, email newsletters, and digital ads built behind the Chinese firewall that typically blocks foreign companies from reaching Chinese nationals. Building relationships and an organic presence over the last 10 years, our China Concierge program isn't just a suite of services, it's a completely unique solution to expose our listings to qualified Chinese audiences. A unique social offering includes Weibo basic post and article post with paid promotion, private WeChat post, and Youku video post.
Financial Times’ House & Home is the only global must-read weekly print and online real-estate section dedicated to property, interiors, architecture, and gardens for a passionate affluent global audience. Distribution reaches 265K subscribers worldwide, 55% Europe, 26% Americas, 19% Asia.
Bloomberg Media is designed to make global business leaders smarter, faster with breaking news, expert opinion and proprietary data-powered insights distributed on every platform, across every time zone. Their mission is to empower business leaders and brand partners by inventing the solutions, knowledge and connections they need to thrive across 120+ global news bureaus and 70+ countries.
The Wall Street Journal reaches active real estate enthusiasts who not only have the ability to participate in the market, but also have the desire to consume quality content. Regarded as the #1 platform for reaching ultra high net worth investors, 2 in 5 of readers sit in the C-Suite.
Juwai IQI specializes in marketing international properties to Asian buyers. Get exposure for your properties by reaching a wider audience of active affluent property investors. Reach 5.5MM monthly active users who are searching the USA for properties. Demographic reaches Asian consumers, 5.5M monthly active users.
Compass luxury properties can deploy global digital display advertisements directly tailored to a select audience of ultra-high-net-worth consumers worldwide. Concentrate digital advertising efforts on international luxury markets and prominent global wealth hubs via Lead Gen Labs.
With an unparalleled reputation for its premier collection across ten different categories including homes, jets, yachts, cars, jewelry, even private islands; JamesEdition provides a singular destination for the international, ultra high-end luxury enthusiast. A leader in capturing international buyers, with 55% of our audience coming from Europe, Asia, and the Middle East.
Our syndication partner, ListGlobally, is equipped to promote your luxury listing worldwide through a global network of portals that reach millions of potential buyers. Your listing will be published across their premium network of up to 100 portals in 60 countries. Plus, all listings will be elevated in placement for increased exposure.