Architectural Design Studio 6 Detailed Design Report

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Content page 1.0 Introduction Abstract 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Project aims and objectives


2.0Site Investigation and Contextual Studies 2.1Site introduction 2.2 Urban studies 2.3Historical Background 2.4 Macro site analysis 2.5 Significant issues 2.6 Texture of the city 2.7 Socio- economic network


3.0 Project background and Design Intentions Strategies 3.1 Micro Site Analysis 3.2 Precedent Studies 3.3 Design Position 3.4 Programme and Project Brief 3.5 Site Response 3.6 Spatial Planning 3.7 Form Design


4.0 Environmental and Technology strategies 4.1 Site Planning Strategies 4.2 Solar analysis 4.3 Wind analysis 4.4 Rainwater Harvesting 4.5 4.6 Acoustic Consideration 4.7 Materiality 4.8 Structural Concept


5.0 Design Summary


1.0 Introduction Abstract The public culture of food brings vitality and conviviality to urban life. To celebrate the liveliness and uniqueness in our food culture, the program is themed as food to establish the identity of food in our society. In the proposed food+ hub, food is in the collaboration with other elements to encourage public to celebrate this social event -meal. This is also increase the interests to the target user group and trying to accommodate the diverse range of urban life.

“Fromalized spaces being appropriated for informal use by different actors to produce different meanings and persue different agenda at diffferent time.� In the compact urban grain pattern, a defined plaza is introduced to relieve the hustle and bustle. The characterized and eventful of public realms could help the current one shift civic space to two shifts, anchoring the other civic spaces together. For example,The current Klang river is acting as a separator to the districts but by the injection of new programe to the site , it can activate the linkage to the spine of the River of life. Besides The city is resilient, the agenda of building could be changed from time to time. But the purpose for a food hub itself is to foster the interaction among people and building, also helps to generate surrounding activities to synergize the communities.


1.1 Introduction Meal is a social event that celebrate by everyone. The food hub is promoting the vitality and liveliness of the site, emphasizing on the engagement of all range of groups and activities. The typical food comprises production, and market. But in the Food+ Hub, the food itself derived few types of hybrid programme to increase the interests from public. Throughout the programme designed, interaction among people will be maximized hence to generate more surrounding activities to vitalize the place. In the compact urban grain pattern context, any open spaces is appreciated for public to utilise it well. To transform the original site, which is an monotonous and undifferentiated open space, the proposed food hub with multi- active layer assist to react and echo with the open spaces, which are the fronting of Central Market, the transit area of the main road, Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lok and the area adjacent to Klang river. The issue of absence of greeneries in the compact urban blocks is tackled by introducing the big portion of landscape extended from the riverside to the building hence to relieve the urban stress ambience among people. The Food+ Hub is comprises a variety of programe whcih is derived from the basic element - food. The spaces are deisgned in the concept of high permeability and flexibility to adapt to different agenda persued by different user at different time.

1.2 Project objectives and aims The proposed food+ hub is aiming to sustain the living environment of the place , not only in the green environment but also assist in the growth of economics of the place. Moreover , the character of food is disticnt and understandable enough for anyone. The proposed programme is also aiming to develop the character of the site which is fading as in the cultural heriatge and turning to be an mix-commercial preinct. The proposed food hub is sort of enriching the texture of the place by highlighting the public food culture. i. Urban synergy programme Food as themed program helps to draw in people and increase people attention to central market. ii. Address the role of food in society Providing platform to demonstrate the uniqueness of local food and foster the collaboration of artist and food profession. iii. Participatory programme Using food as medium to engage all communities and accommodate diverse range of living culture.


2.0 Site Investigations and Contextural Studies 2.1 Site Introduction

2.2 Urban Studies

The proposed site is located in the city block surrounded by four district which are the heritage district, finance district and mix-used commercial district. It clings on the demands on food and transport. It is a very prominent site as our immediate neighbor is Central Market , a landmark of the place and the site is near to Pasar Seni LRT station and also Bus Station which carries a big capacity of passengers on and off on the site. Due to the high intensity of tourist hotspot nearby, our site has the advantages to achieve high exposure to public.

Urban grain pattern

The site is originally used as the parking lots of central market thus parking lots replacement is a main concern to plan. The size of the site is approximately 4000sqm. The building height of the proposed site is recommended to remain in 3-4 storey height as not to obstruct and overwhelm the meaningful cultural piece of land. Due to the heavy traffic load of the Jalan Tan Cheng Lok, the ingress and egress of site and the pedestrian through site link currently are crashing each other results in low pedestrian friendly environment.

The compact urban grain pattern showing the dense of the urban blocks and there is lack of the vibrant communal spaces in the surrounding context. Our site is one of the open spaces but it has no identity and monotonous although its location is so prominent and signifiant.

Location plan N.T.S

Major activities arround the site The site is involved diverse range of activities. It is located at the junction of mix-commercial zone and heritage zone. So the cultural and festival events are regularly held.Moreover, there is a minority group of artists exists at the street behind the Central Market. Those events and activities benefit the small-medium business to have certain quantity of customers source to sustain their business.

Site plan N.T.S

2.3 Histrorical background


2.4 Macro site analysis User movement pattern

District and Edges Klang River act as a separator between financial district and administrative district. The proposed site is located at the intersection of three district so it is an important puzzle to link to other preincts.

Diverse range of activities are idenified in the surrounding context. Based on the analysis, several grouops are analyzed with their movement pattern. The following groups have been identified:

The strategic location also results the proposed site in the involvement of multi-communities and activities. People are showing hight interest to this particular city blocks.

Vendors Tourists White collars Blue collars Artists When their movement pattern and the target nodes overlap together shows the intensity degree of the vitality of the place and demands of public could be identified which mostly on food and transit.

Legend Food Telecommunication shop Kedai Runcit Heritage building Financial building Hotel

Klang River

Jln Tun Perak

Food truck


Blue Collar


Jln. Tun Tan Cheng Lok



2.5 Site significant issues Hidden sights

One shfft civic space The city blocks is a one shoft civic core with only one specific strong programtourisim. When the KL city shrink at night, the shop begun to close due to the decreasement of custormers source at night time.The site become dormant at night and being taken over by the hidden groups.

Our city blocks is with multi active layers but there is no active core. The poly nuclear network lies in between the intertisial showing the important of the streets in the local context. Not only the access to the places , but also filled with lifes on-going. The trace of the undercover lifes could be found in the alleys and corners which is closely bound up to the surface of socio-economic layers. They enrich the urban lifes and becoming the unique scenario in asian city. The eateries and kiosks hide in the alleyway is kind of urban exploration to the peopleand this should be highlighted by proposing a progromme which gather the kiosks to exposed them top the public.

Absence of greeneries



eateries in alley


social ills

The city is extremely lack of greeneries as the city blocks has filled the ground area in the development from time to time. This ihas led to the unpleasant urban experience in the The new development project River of Life starting to raise the awareness of urban greeneries . As the adjacent

2.6 The texture of the city Complex patching urban pattern A senses of a place is built up from so many little things , so does to this site. This texture mapping infroms the intricacy and liveliness of the place, illustrate the richness of the journey of pedestrians.

2.7 Socio-economic network The socio econimoc structure of the site indicate the position on the stakeholders.Every stakeholder is interrelated to the rest . From the diagram , several group is identified to the key to sustain the whole socio-economic networking. While feeding the demand of eating and shopping , the minority group of artists could be have a collaboration with the vendors to gain the public exposure. The arrival of mid-income , hipster group and youth are predicted to derive new catalyst of activities thus the programe proposed need to be adaptive to the changing society.

This unique texture of the place orient the place to be vibrant and lively. Thus, in the proposed building , the programme is targeting on reinforce the texture and maintain the texture, to sustain the color and texture in the passage of time.



Project background and Design Intentions Strategies

3.1 Micro Site Analysis Nodes


Human activities

Street analysis

Potential visual cue spot to public from Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lok towards the direction of Pudu. Cooperate with the street movement with the building form.

The immediate neighbour , Central market itself is a significant nodes and there are series of nodes along the road thus our side ha spotential to reinforce th e legibiliy.

The major traffic road and the main pedestrians through site link is oevrlapping and results in the low quality of walking exoerience.

The main activities that dominated the site are shopping , sight-seeing , office workers and painter/artists.

Series of visual obstruction looking into site. Considerations are given to handle the messiness of the streetscape.


3.2 Prcedent Studies Programe studies- OMA Food Park

Form studies -The third place

The design of FAB Park was conceived as a celebration of Los Angeles’ diversity through the themes of food, art and land. A split-level restaurant designed by OMA opens up to the park via a sweeping staircase, and will serve as a new lunch spot for employees of nearby government buildings and locals alike. To provide respite from the hot California sun, the park will feature native oak and sycamore trees alongside an array of OMA-designed sculptural shade canopies. Beneath the canopies, shaded outdoor rooms will give park-goers a space for small group gatherings, food fairs, art installations, and other community events. “FAB park will be a meeting point for civil servants, journalists, arts patrons and DTLA residents. Our design for the restaurant is a dynamic building that facilitates two distinct levels of service: quick and casual on the ground, refined and elegant above. Each level activates diverse experiences ranging from café to test kitchen to amphitheater seating”, says OMA partner Jason Long.

The third place is a landscape buidlding which is designed by PENDA architect firm. It is located in Seoul, South Korea. The concept of urban response to the site is to create landscape in the urban context. To let the lanscape become the building as well. The message wants to be delivered behind the design is the method of store the info in this era. The key point is how to design building that can adapt in the future , the co-existance of reality and virtual world. The building nowadays not only function as the room to keep books but also foster the interaction among people.

The concept of park intergrated with the food and other dynamic program.

At night , it also serve as the vibrant civix platform for the communities and encourage different genres of activities.



Design Position

The design position is set to firstly reinforce the nodes for the civic spaces. By engaging with the project ROL , the civic network is not only spread vertically bt also horizontally towards the river. Next, using building mass as a core but internally create curvature to detach from the urban blocks in site context. Lastly, building core to react to the surrounding areas to generate more activities and hence to vitalize the piece of land.

3.4 Programe and project brief Programe synthesis

Programe objectives

To transform the indifferentiated and monotonous to an eventful and characterized open space. Building mass itslef is used to defined the plaza and filter the crowd, and also providing spaces for users to have interaction.

It is sort of like urban synergy programme which assists Central Market to sustain and also providing platform for food professien and artists to gather and exchange their idea. To enhance the senses of place. Moreover, it also benefit the stakeholders in the socio-economics of the site. For example , the vendors could have larger place to have business and when people attratcted by the food to visit the building, the exposure to public of the minority artists is increased. Target user group

food community

Vendors The monotonous and indifferentiated craftman

Food Community



eventful and characterized pg09


Programme structure

Diiferent user scenario of plaza

Program is started with food as the basis and collaborate with other elements . The collaboration of the main idea of food with different plus idea encourage the interaction of people and thus to generate more activities.

Different user (actors) persue different agenda in different time. The plaza provide the possibilities for the public to have variety of events which derived from the programme of Food+Hub and Central Market. As a mutual open spaces for both buildings, it has increased the intimacy and sense of space to the users.

As from food to art, it is providing a platform for the local artist to exposed to the public. This is a synergized program to support the minority group of artist in th Central Market.For food and education, it aims to letting public to exchange their ideas and promote unique food culture.Meanwhile , green is introduced as a social fabric to encourage to seeding and also relieve the compact urban context.


open air cinema

green is introduced as a social fabric to encourage to seeding and also relieve the compact urban context.



spice garden

social seeding

sky terrace

providing a platform for the local artist to exposed to the public. This is a synergized program to support the minority group of artist in th Central Market.

outdoor exhibition

food art display

food kiosk

food photography

art cubical

FOOD+EDUCATION it aims to letting public to exchange their ideas and promote unique food culture.

events/ gathering/ bon-fire

food truck

food library

recipe exchange

cooking studio

3.5 Site Response

Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lok The side facing main road is treated to be the transit area , giving capacity to accomodate the public transportation route and taxi station which shifted from the original location to inner side.Plus, pedestrain route is separated with vehicular route to minimize the clash.

Project ROL Landscape is extended to the riverside to receive the crowd and increase the public participation to this urban project. It is a engagement with other project to sustain the liveliness of the place. Recreational activities

Central Market Fronting is designed for the use to mark th edge of both buildings and also create a more defined space to assist the derivation of the activities from central market and Food+ Hub.


3.6 Spatial programming Space typology

Spatial orgainization

Formalized spaces consists of core function while the corner allows to the informal activities.

Spaces are arranged following the basic space typology. The sequence of spaces are meant to filter the crowd by the transiton area then heading to the core function and finally people are meet each other at the “corner�

room transition and circulation

corner core function

open space programme nooks

high permeability on ground floor level to allow people to fill in.

the circulation is accompany with a series of core programme

streamlined deisgn wall partition leading to the other end

maximize the portion of core active area

core programe is stretching to the other end of building to encourage movement

core function space in free partition design

open spaces treated to generate surrounding activities

program nooks is sandwiched with the core function

act as social fabric for public to hang out

3.7 Form design

Layering programme and high permeability on every floor


Split into three sandwhiched layers to manipulate the volume of spaces

Shaping the massing of the building to control the volume and also create movement to the streetscape.

Sectional diagram Food as basis at the ground floor , when going up level by level, the programme combine with other elements to attract more interest groups to participate in the programme. FOOD +ART Exhibition area and food art studio + food Photography wall

FOOD + EDUCATION Spice Garden, Food library and cooking studio + social seeding wall

FOOD Food kiosk ,dining area + art cubical



Environmental and Technolgy strategy

4.1 Site planning stratergy Orientation

Wind rose diagram The strongest wind crossing the site are from south west direction and eastern-north east in the specific months in a year.

Sun path diagram Although building is not in the south- north orientation to avoid the direct sunlight. The adjacent high rises in the surrounding context has partially shade the building to prevent from th edirect sunlight.

Sun and shadow

The lobby of the building is orient to the direction of receiving most prevailing wind from sout west and south. Large openning is designed. Meanwhile, in order to receive prevailing wind from north east side, the social fabric with turfing and vegetation is positioned to increase the cooling effect to interior spaces. In the morning , morning sunlight is welcomed to the building and it helps to maintain the growth of plants in the social fabric and spice garden.While in the afternoon and evening, the west side of building is partially shaded by the highrises. pg13

9am ,22th June South- east facades of the bilding is exposed in 75%to the sunlight.

12pm ,22th June The position of the sun is at the middle high of the site. Plaza is exposed to the sun.

4pm ,22th June The highrises nearby such as Dayabumi Complex has partially shaded the building.

4.2 Solar analysis

Upscaled five foot way

Skylight at staggered roof


4.3 Wind analysis




5.0 Design Summary The building is trying to maximize the effectiveness in passive design to maintain the performance of the building. Due to the high exposure to sunlight , passive shading deivice , natural ventilation and cooling effect brought by vegetation are applied to ease the heat received. Besides, to enhace the sustainability of environment in the urban context, natural landscape are utilise d. The noise pollution from the adjacent LRT flyover is buffer by the vegetations to neutralize the obstruction of view.


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