GR365_Final Graphic Standards Guideline

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Brand Identity Guideline 2021

Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0

Copyright © 2021 Lufthansa All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without permission of copy right holder


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0


Letter From CEO The Lufthansa Group is an aviation group with operations worldwide. With 110,065 employees, the Lufthansa Group generated revenue of EUR 13,589m in the financial year 2020. The Lufthansa Group is composed of the segments Network Airlines, Eurowings and Aviation Services. Aviation Services comprises the segments Logistics, MRO, Catering and Additional Businesses and Group Functions. The latter also include Lufthansa AirPlus, Lufthansa Aviation Training and the IT companies. All segments occupy a leading position in their respective markets. We are committed to creating added value for our customers, employees and investors and to meeting our responsibilities toward the environment and society. For these reasons, we continuously improve our measures to safeguard the climate and the environment, maintain responsible and fair relations with our employees, and as a company actively engage in numerous social concerns. We also try to offer corporate and business travelers numerous benefits and worthwhile offers that tailored to the company’s individual requirements. Our goal is to surprise customers with our solutions time and time again. We have experience, quality and innovation are what sets us apart. We want to use these attributes to inspire our customers and create a foundation for lasting success. We constantly search for the best solution for them and frequently review our processes, services and technology. We are truly grateful that you choose to travel with us. It is your privilege to host you. Sincerely,

Carsten Spohr Lufthansa German Airline CEO



Table of Contents 1.0 Brand System

4.0 Application

1.1 Previous Brand Edition


Aircraft Fleet

1.2 Preferred Brand Edition


Credit Card

1.3 Brand Variation

4.3 In-Flight Merchandis Bag

1.4 Clear Space

4.4 App

1.5 Logo Size

4.5 Website

1.6 Incorrect Usage

4.6 Shuttle Bus

1.7 Color Palette

4.7 Promotional Magazine

1.8 Graphics and Patterns

4.8 Corporate Pen 4.9 Paper Cup 4.10 Food Container

2.0 Typography 2.1 Primary Typeface 2.2 Secondary Typeface 2.3 Typography Hierarchy 2.4 Typography Setting

4.11 Food Menu 4.12 Natural Water Bottle 4.13 Food Cart 4.14 Packaging Tape 4.15 Carry-on Luggage 4.16 Luggage Tag 4.17 Seating Headrest 4.18 In-Flight Pillow

3.0 Stationery System 3.1 Stationery System 3.2 Business Letterhead 3.3 Business Envelope 3.4 Business Card


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0

1.O Brand System

1.1 Previous Brand Edition 1.2 Preferred Brand Edition 1.3 Brand Variation 1.4 Clear Space 1.5 Logo Size 1.6 Incorrect Usage 1.7 Color Palette 1.8 Graphics and Patterns


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0 Brand System

1.1 Previous Brand Edition

Previous Brand Edition The logo of Lufthansa airlines was adopted in 1953. It was a yellow crane placed above the yellow logomark on a dark blue rectangle with all capitals and executed in a strong and solid serif typeface. The logo reflected the purpose and main principles of the German air carrier, progressiveness, creativity, and speed, protection and reliability. 3

In 1964, the logo was redesigned. It kept the iconic symbol and main color palette. But the crane was enclosed crane in a circle and placed words in the right side. Words were changed and written in a bold and modern sans-serif vtypeface. In 2018, the lines of circle was more thinner.

Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0 Brand System

1.2 Preferred Brand Edition

Preferred Brand Edition The new logo maintains the original typography style and color palette, but re-adjusts the logomark. The logomark combines “L” shape and crane elements to not only convey the purpose and main principles of Lufthansa Airlines.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0 Brand System

1.3 Brand Variation Black and White Version



Brand Variation A. Black version on white background B. White version on black background


C. D. E. F. G. H.

Prefered color on white background Reversed white out of blue background Yellow version on white background Reversed white out of yellow background Grey version on white background Reversed white out of grey background

Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0 Brand System

1.3 Brand Variation Color Version







Brand Variation Our brand identity system includes different logo formats. These are our brand identity in black and white versions and different color variations. They represent the visual embodiment of Lufthansa airline company. They are applied in all of brand visuals and applications.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0 Brand System

1.4 Clear Space


0.45 height of emblem

Clear Space To the most effective, The visual identity of Lufthansa airline should always be surrounded by the precisely minimum amount of clear space. Importantly, there are no other visual elements interfere with the logo clear space. Graphics, layouts, photos, and illustrations should avoid


the space areas shown so that the brand identity can be seen clearly on all collateral. The recommended minimum distances of space defined here are 0.45 height of emblem.

Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0 Brand System

1.5 Logo Size



0.75 in

2 in



54 px

144 px



1.25 in

90 px

Logo Size Standard logo sizes help ensure that the logo is reproduced with the best clarity.

A. B. C. D. E. F.

Maximum logo width of printing application Minimum logo width of printing application Maximum logo width of digital media Minimum logo width of digital media Logo symbol on printing application Logo symbol on digital media 8

Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0 Brand System

1.6 Incorrect Usage







Incorrect Usage Correct and proper logo usage examples are shown in previous pages. Please do not alter or modify the logo in any way. This page shows a variety of incorrect ways to use the logo. It is by no means a compre- hensive list.


A. B. C. D. E. F.

Never strech or compress logo Never strech or compress logomark Never outline logo Never rotate logo Never flip logomark Never change the proportions of logo

Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0 Brand System

1.6 Incorrect Usage







Incorrect Usage G. H. I. J. K. L.

Never shift the position of logo and logotype Never change the space between words and logomark Never use other typeface for logotype Never adjust opacity of logo Never use unacceptable color Never use gradient color to the logo 10

Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0 Brand System

1.6 Incorrect Usage







Incorrect Usage M. N. O. P. Q. R. 11

Never use colors in an unacceptable way Never use drap shadow Never use inner glow Never add texture and noise in the logo Never blur logo Never repeat logomark several times

Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0 Brand System

1.6 Incorrect Usage







Incorrect Usage S. Never change the fixed postion of the logo T. Never change the graphics in emblem U. Never add any extra graphics on logo V. Never change weight of emblem and font W. Never use dark color logo in dark background X. Never use logo on same color gradient background 12

Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0 Brand System

1.7 Color Palette Primary Brand Color PENTON: 533 C RGB: (30, 40, 75) CMYK: (100, 89, 40, 38) HEX: #1e284b

Secondary Brand Color PENTON: 1375 C RGB: (245, 160, 37) CMYK: (0, 44, 90, 0) HEX: #f5a025

PENTON: 4276 C RGB: (155, 155, 155) CMYK: (40, 31, 32, 10) HEX: #9b9b9b

Neutral Brand Color PENTON: 000 C RGB: (255, 255, 255) CMYK: (0, 0, 0, 0) HEX: #ffffff

PENTON: Black C RGB: (0, 0, 0) CMYK: (91, 79, 62, 97) HEX: #000000

Color Palette There are colors used in Lufthansa Airlines visual identity and its various applications. The color palette displays the specific color code of each color, including HEX, RGB, and CMYK. The use of color palette will make the branding consistent and organized. These colors can be applied in all of visuals and applications.


PENTON: 4281 C RGB: (177, 177, 177) CMYK: (33, 25, 26, 5) HEX: #b1b1b1

Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0 Brand System

1.8 Graphics and Patterns Graphic Pattern

Pattern Color Combination

Graphics and Patterns The graphic patterns can make the brand identity more consistent and show the personalities and characteristics of the visual identity. These patterns are flexible to apply in various applications. There are many choices of color combinations can be applied in different applications.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0

2.O Typography

2.1 Primary Typeface 2.2 Secondary Typeface 2.3 Typography Hierarchy 2.4 Typography Setting


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 2.0 Typography

2.1 Primary Typeface

Aa Aa Aa

Helvetica - Light

A N a n 1

B O b o 2

C P c p 3

D E F G H I J K L M Q R S T U V W X Y Z d e f g h i j k l m q r s t u v w x y z 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Helvetica - Regular

A N a n 1

B O b o 2

C D E F G H I J K L M P Q R S T U V W X Y Z c d e f g h i j k l m p q r s t u v w x y z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Helvetica - Bold

A N a n 1

B O b o 2

C D E F G P Q R S T c d e f g h p q r s t u 3 4 5 6 7 8

H U i v 9

I J K L M V W X Y Z j k l m w x y z 0

Primary Typeface - Helvetica The Lufthansa wordmark features a simple sans-serif type, Helvetica. It lends an air of lucid efficiency to any typographic message with its clean, no-nonsense shapes. The original typeface was called Neue Haas Grotesk, and was designed in 1957 by Max Miedinger for the Haas’sche


Schriftgiesserei (Haas Type Foundry) in Switzerland. In 1960, the name was changed to Helvetica, adapted from the Swiss Latin name Helvetia. Although the name in Helvetica is not unique and impressive, it is easy to remember and recognizable.

Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 2.0 Typography

2.2 Secondary Typeface

Aa Aa Aa

Adobe Garamond Pro - Regular

A N a n 1

B C D E F G H I J K L M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z b c d e f g h i j k l m o p q r s t u v w x y z 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Adobe Garamond Pro - Semibold

A N a n 1

B C D E F G H I J K L M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z b c d e f g h i j k l m o p q r s t u v w x y z 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Adobe Garamond Pro - Bold

A N a n 1

B C D E F G H I J K L M O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z b c d e f g h i j k l m o p q r s t u v w x y z 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Secondary Typeface - Adobe Garamond Pro An Adobe Originals design, and Adobe’s first historical revival, Adobe Garamond is a digital interpretation of the roman types of Claude Garamond and the italic types of Robert Granjon. Since its release in 1989, Adobe Garamond has become a typographic staple throughout

the world of desktop typography and design. Adobe type designer Robert Slimbach has captured the beauty and balance of the original Garamond typefaces while creating a typeface family that offers all the advantages of a contemporary digital type family.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 2.0 Typography

2.3 Typography Hierarchy

Headline - Helvetica Bold 24pt

Lufthansa Airlines

Subtitle - Helvetica Regular 18pt

I want to explore the world Body Paragraphy - Helvetica Light 8pt Tis accaectiam dolupta sperum nonsed que disqui conem fuga. Int delitemquia nosam accus, si dolo et et as apis si quasit quist et facepro eturehenis molupta temque non remporumet, omniatu rionseri ipsam eatempore porum sa et, inverum volupta quiate saped maximi, non re vel is dit eost, sumquias sit quia volo et fugiandit lique seriorp orisqui atatquis a simperes ea niet iunt doloreh enimus adissini voluptat. Rioribus endam, et alignam, occusae cumque mil inulpar chillupid quibus.Sapiendi voleseque deliciae es as quam unt et eum volorem quiantem aruptios audictam et aceperundis ratur, sae nonsedi commodi beritat. Delit lam nesto volum experro dolo qui quam volum quatiusam, exeribus quos conem que reserume cus eaquas simusa net eium sit eicilibea explia qui cusciusdae. Nemquodi ommo omnissi ntotaest, ut odi am, ilite pratem doloria

Typography Hierarchy The consistent use of fonts and styles make our customers to easily identify our brand and materials. The typography hierarchy make layout organized and the communication in our material readable.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 2.0 Typography

2.4 Typography Setting

Large Point Size - 24pt | Leading 28.8pt | Tracking 25pt

Lufthansa Technik

Subtitle - 18pt | Leading 21.6pt | Tracking 5pt

Travel around the world Body Paragraphy - 8pt | Leading 10pt | Tracking 0pt Tis accaectiam dolupta sperum nonsed que disqui conem fuga. Int delitemquia nosam accus, si dolo et et as apis si quasit quist et facepro eturehenis molupta temque non remporumet, omniatu rionseri ipsam eatempore porum sa et, inverum volupta quiate saped maximi, non re vel is dit eost, sumquias sit quia volo et fugiandit lique seriorp orisqui atatquis a simperes ea niet iunt doloreh enimus adissini voluptat. Rioribus endam, et alignam, occusae cumque mil inulpar chillupid quibus.Sapiendi voleseque deliciae es as quam unt et eum volorem quiantem aruptios audictam et aceperundis ratur, sae nonsedi commodi beritat. Delit lam nesto volum experro dolo qui quam volum quatiusam, exeribus quos conem que reserume cus eaquas simusa net eium sit eicilibea explia qui cusciusdae. Nemquodi ommo omnissi ntotaest, ut odi am, ilite pratem doloria

Typography Setting In typography, leading is the space between adjacent lines of type. Tracking adjusts the spacing between letters evenly across the whole word. Suitable space of leading and tracking can make the information readable and legible. The space of leading and tracking is different when words are applied in different font size. 20

Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0

3.O Stationery System

3.1 Stationery System 3.2 Business Letterhead 3.3 Business Envelope 3.4 Business Card


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 3.0 Stationery System

3.1 Stationery System

Stationery System Professional stationery system is a necessary component for Lufthansa Airline Company. It represents the visions and mission of the company. It is a formal and profession way for the company to express itself to the audiences. The stationery system consist of letterhead, envelope, and


business card. Each of them can show the visual identity for the company.

Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 3.0 Stationery System

3.1 Stationery System


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 3.0 Stationery System

3.2 Business Letterhead

8.5 inches

11 inches

Business Letterhead The overall size of the letter is 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches high. All stationery should be printed full color on white paper. Never print on color paper.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 3.0 Stationery System

3.2 Business Letterhead

2.3 inches


1.2 inches


Business Letterhead Follow the measurements details and guidelines shown above for information placement.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 3.0 Stationery System

3.3 Business Envelope

9.5 inches

4.1125 inches

Business Envelope The overall size of the letter is 9.5 inches wide by 4.125 inches high. All stationery should be printed full color on white paper. Never print on color paper.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 3.0 Stationery System

3.4 Business Card

3.5 inches

2 inches

Business Card The overall size of the letter is 3.5 inches wide by 2 inches high. All stationery should be printed full color on white paper. Never print on color paper.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0

4.O Application


Aircraft Fleet


Credit Card

4.3 In-Flight Merchandis Bag 4.4 App 4.5 Website 4.6 Shuttle Bus 4.7 Promotional Magazine 4.8 Corporate Pen 4.9 Paper Cup 4.10 Food Container 4.11 Food Menu 4.12 Natural Water Bottle 4.13 Food Cart 4.14 Packaging Tape 4.15 Carry-on Luggage 4.16 Luggage Tag 4.17 Seating Headrest 4.18 In-Flight Pillow


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.1 Aircraft Fleet

Lufthansa Aircraft Fleet There is a new design of Lufthansa aircraft fleet. Company name and fluent color lines are displayed on the airplane body. The choice of colors and typeface is based on the color palette and font used in Lufthansa Airline company.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

Lufthansa Aircraft Fleet The new design of airplane show a new and contemporary style of Lufthansa Airline company. And it also give audiences a refreshing feeling.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.2 Credit Card

Credit Card There is a new design of Lufthansa credit card. The company name and its emblem are displayed on the card. This is a travel rewards credit card associated with Lufthansa. It offers a whole lot of bonus miles, extra travel rewards, and doesn’t charge for foreign transactions.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.3 In-flight Merchandise Bag

In-flight Merchandise Bag The Lufthansa in-flight merchandise bag is printed with the new visual identity and color palette as background.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.4 App

App The Lufthansa app is designed with clean and mordern layouts. The app icon is designed by the updated logomark in primary color with white background.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.5 Website

Website The Lufthansa website is designed with clean and mordern layouts. The website homepage shows the latest flight information. Passengers can find the flight they want here directly and rapidly.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.6 Shuttle Bus

Lufthansa Shuttle Bus There is a new design of Lufthansa shuttle bus. The company name and fluent color lines are displayed on the body. The choice of colors and typeface is based on the color palette and font used in Lufthansa Airline company.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

Lufthansa Shuttle Bus The new design of shuttle bus show a new and contemporary style of Lufthansa Airline company. And it also give audiences a refreshing feeling.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.7 Promotional Magazine

Promotional Magazine Lufthansa promotional magazine is a German inflight magazine which is the leader among European inflight magazines reaching over million readers in European countries. And it is the perfect travel companion as well.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.8 Corporate Pen

Corporate Pen The updated Lufthansa visual identiy is engraved on the pen. Corporate pens are available for everyone, including employees, and passengers. It is a good way to introduce the company to everyone.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.9 Paper Cup

Paper Cup The Lufthansa paper cups are printed with the new Lufthansa visual identity and color palette as background. They can be used before, during and after the flight.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.10 Food Container

Food Container The Lufthansa food conatiner are printed with the new Lufthansa visual identity and color palette as background. The label of food container marked eacho fo food and flight class, so that flight attendants and passengers can easily

and clearly know what in the container. The food containers are normally used during the flight.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.11 Food Menu

Food Menu On Lufthansa short and medium-haul routes, different food and beverages are served on the trip, depending on the length and destination of the flight. The food menu are printed with the new Lufthansa visual identity and color palette as background.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.12 Natural Water Bottle

Natural Water Bottle There are a varied selection of free hot and cold beverages. The label of natural water is printed with the new Lufthansa visual identity and color palette as background.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.13 Food Cart

Food Cart There are a varied selection of free hot and cold beverages during the flight. The food cart is decorated by the new Lufthansa visual identity and choice of color palette.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.14 Packaging Tape

Packaging Tape The packaging tape is printed with the new Lufthansa visual identity and color palette as background. It is available for passengers to package.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.15 Carry-on Luggage

Carry-on Luggage The carry-on luggage is printed with the new Lufthansa visual identity and color palette as background. The item will be available for purchase to our passengers. The VIP passengers can receive this free gift during their flight.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.16 Luggage Tag

Luggage Tag The luggage tag is printed with the new Lufthansa visual identity and color palette as background. The item will be available for purchase to our passengers. The VIP passengers can receive this free gift during their flight.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.17 Seating Headrest

Seating Headrest Whether it’s a short flight or a long one, Lufthansa has comfortable seats waiting for passengers. The headrest of seat is printed with the new visual identity. Because of the slim structure of the seatback, there are more rooms provided so that passengers can sit more comfortable.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 4.0 Application

4.18 In-flight Pillow

In-flight Pillow The in-flight piloow is printed with the new Lufthansa visual identity and color palette as background. The item will be available for purchase to our passengers. The VIP passengers can receive this free gift during their flight.


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0

About This is a student project for 2021 Spring GR 365 Strategies for Branding taught by Thomas McNulty at Academy of Art University. This is a student project. No part of this book or other part of the project was produced for commercial use. Typeface Akzidenz-Grotesk Next Helvetica Adobe Garamond Pro Tools and software Adobe Creative Cloud InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop Photography Sourced from Unsplash


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0


Lufthansa Airline | Branding Identity Guidlines | 1.0


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