The Saga of Political Conflict of Korea and US

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The Saga of Never Ending Political Conflict of Korea and US


The Democra c People’s Republic of Korea is popularly known as North Korea. It is surrounded by China and Russia to the north and South Korean region and Demilitarized zone to the south .To its east lies Japan while in the west you can find the yellow sea. The capital of North Korea is Pyongyang. The economy here is very weak and poverty is a common phenomenon.

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North Korean Poli cal History: North Korea was ruled by Korean Emperors. Earlier accounts record reveals that a U.S merchant ship sailed in North Korean region and anchored in Pyongyang. However it was ordered to leave. Before leaving, US engaged them in skirmish and killed few Korean military. Eventually, Korea was annexed to Japan giving rise to 35 years of military rule. The Japanese brought in a dras c change, in Korea, by discouraging Korean educa on. They also suppressed Korean culture and heritage.

USA and North Korean Poli cal Ties: Korea-U.S. es had never been smooth. A er the ini al incidence of animosity, trade rela on between the two na ons was established in 1882.However it turned sour when USA became a spectator to Japan’s torture of North Korea. A er the World War II, USA occupied South Korea. This me saw some poli cal ac vity between the two na ons, although it was never very cordial. On September of 1948 Kim II Sung declared the people’s republic of Korea. It was immediately recognised by Russia but not by USA. On January 1968, the pueblo incident was unfolded when US coastal freighters, sta oned in South Korean Coast, were mercilessly slaughtered by the North Koreans. A er this, USA severed all poli cal es with this na on. Sweden has been ac ng as a mediator for USA consular needs with North Korea.

North Korean Staggering Economy: North is an isolated economic na on. It is state-controlled and centrally planned. It remains an unreformed and closed economy ll now. Despite reforms in the last decade, this economy is very weak. The Worker’s party control all the sector of the economy. It heavily depends on the government for food and ra oning. Lately significant change has been observed in the closed door economy of the na on. Yet most of the na ons are s ll very suspicious to trade with this underdeveloped country due to its poli cal instability.

Recent Nuclear Programme: Recently major decision on nuclear weapon programme undertaken by South Korea has ushered in animosity in th e Korea-U.S. es. Nuclear missile has always been in the agenda of North Korea’s military built-up. USA somehow persuaded North to sign The Non prolifera on treaty in 1994. This treaty enforces the na on to suspend

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