Rutherian The
Molding Minds with an Edge
VOL. 2 NO. 1
June-December 2015
REESMII Academe sets off to the Nationals 8th Foundation Day Jemima Lizabeth de Leon The Foundation day happened in Ruther E. Esconde School of Multiple Intelligences Inc. (REESMII) last October 20-21 in all its campuses. This is done every year to celebrate the birthday of Sir Ruther E. Esconde, the director of REESMII when almost 12 booths were held by the teachers and staff of the school. The Supreme Student Council (SSC) headed by Mr. Jeniel De Leon, adviser of SSC, handled the Caught on Cam (C.O.C) booth, Medyo Extreme booth, Film Showing booth, and the Science booth.
Other teachers from both Alima and Poblacion campuses of REESMII organized the lounge room, party games booth, trampoline booth, shooting booth, chibi booth, horror and the photo booth. Almost the same booths were held also by the other campuses, the Cavite City and especially the Main campus in Dulong Bayan. Some of the parents inside the school were given the chance to have their own booth wherein they chose to promote their business in marketing foods,
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Nutrition Month By Bjorn Gerona
REESMII celebrated Nutrition Month last July 31 to August 1, where the students underwent games with energy points as prizes, which can be redeemed to increase one's test scores, and the students per grade level prepared a zumba dance routine, promoting fitness. On the first day, the students performed their zumba routines one by one on the school grounds, after which they are given an opportunity to rest, as parents took over, following routines prepared by REE teachers. The students, both elementary and high school, played in games afterwards, and the games involved a fit player, such as running through an obstacle course, and eating the vegetables at the end.
The teachers had a posting pasted in the student's handbook, asking the students to bring fruit and vegetable containing dishes, and would be eaten, all on the 2nd day. High school students had played games near the end of the 2nd day, wherein the students competed by section. The first game involved having five boys and five girls line upper section, then doing ten push-ups, twenty jumping jacks, jumping over a meterstick, duck-walking with a basketball between their legs, and shooting the ball into the ring. The second game is a simple game of dodgeball, and the children were given energy points as rewards, whether they won or not.
REE Clubs REESMII has clubs revolving around specific areas, and these clubs initiate activities during Fridays, as the club members are free to choose which club to spend time in during the allotted time. There are four clubs to choose from, and the students are
by Bjorn Gerona
obliged to join at least two. These clubs are the Arts and Theatre Club, English Club, Math Club, and the Science Club, advised by Mrs. Maria Gina Bayot, Ms. Diana Rose Fusin, Mr. Darwin Santor, and Mr. Jeniel De Leon respectively.
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Ruther E. Esconde School of Multiple Intelligences, Inc. (REESMII) successfully picked a spot in the Regional Academic Competition conducted by the National Alliance of Private Schools-Philippines, Inc. (NAPSPHIL) as they brought home medals from different subject categories. NAPSPHIL once again, gathered to promote academic excellence in Calamba, Laguna for the Regional Academic Competition last November 28 at the Lyceum of the Philippines (LPU) whereas joined by the different private schools of the region. As per our school, the REESMII Dulong Bayan Main Campus completed the set of delegates respectively from Grades 4 to 6 students to represent the school in Mathematics and General Information Quiz Bees. Towards the end of the
competition, the school's pride got a hold the 1st place in General Information Quiz Bee joined by Chriscel Jesiah DG. Banawa, Andrea Gayle P. Lopez and John Carlo D. Ramos under the supervision of Ms. Julie Ann C. Saguinsin; and 3rd place in Mathematics Quiz Bee with the
participation of Jan Vince R. Petras, Hannah Erika A. Mendoza and Nathaniel Kurt D. Reyes under Mr. Fernando E. Bernardino's and Mr. Elwyn Mar R. Salvador's supervision. Concurrently, the school's Director Mr. Ruther E. Esconde,
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RSPC cliniquing: Bacoor readying themselves in the fight By Dana Alyssa Lontoc
The Division of Bacoor conducted cliniquing in different venues for the campus journalists who will be advancing for Regionals. This is to accommodate all the delegates in pursuing to perform excellent in the upcoming Regional Schools Press Conference (RSPC) 2015, wherein various schools from the region of CALABARZON will compete. The heads and officers-incharge spearheaded the event in various locations that started
DSPC BACOOR City Department of Education held the Division Schools Press Conference (DSPC) 2015 last Oct. 8 and 9, in Talaba Elementary School (for elementary level) and Bacoor
from Nov. 9 (Monday) to Nov. 13 (Friday) at 8 o'clock in the morning until 4:30 in the afternoon. Three schools were chosen to be the venue for this event. The eight individual categories were divided into two groups: Talaba Elementary School accommodated the participants from news writing, feature writing, editorial writing, and photojournalism. Bacoor Elementary School for the science and health writing, copy reading and
By Bjorn Joenrique Schen Gerona Elementary School (for secondary level), wherein various schools have come to compete in different categories of newspaper articles in both English and Filipino medium.
headline writing, sports writing, and editorial cartooning; while the group categories, the broadcasting and collaborative publishing were at the Molino Elementary School. The opening ceremonies happened in each designated school, wherein the officers, school paper advisers (SPAs) and campus journalists (CJs) attended. Each category had its finest speakers, who became also to be the outstanding SPAs here in Bacoor. The competition was split in two days, with the Awarding Ceremony held in the 2nd day, Oct 9, after all the categories have finished and the judges had arrived with the results. REESMII entered the competition with a winning 5th
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