Could You Live By Yourself? /livebyself/ By Jie ZHENG Posted by Jie ZHENG on December 5, 2016 in Living in USA | 0 comments
“Could you live by yourself?” When things come up, this question plays again in my head. If I let it go further, it would be like a wild horse. It could lead me to “no hope, no future”, which is only illusion. It serves me no good. It gives me depression.
Example? Yesterday (Dec. 3, 2016), I found out that the back tire pressure was low. I went to have it fixed after the church service and before my team meeting at 12 pm. My friend is going to help me watch my car while I am away. I wanted to check it before I hand it over to him. I ended up asking a guy at Firestone to do a general quick checking for my car after he fixed the air issue. He found out that the front rack bushing was out of shape. He gave me a rough quotation: rack and pinion + alignment service would be around USD1000. I cannot go this one. This is not right. I left. The most important thing for me at that particular moment was to go home to attend my team meeting at 12 pm.
I had a few minutes before the meeting. I called L. He fixed my rear window before and charged me in good price. He told me to call him again tomorrow. After the meetings, I also talked with two more friends, one of them said he could come check my car tomorrow. The third one said his mechanist could help me and charge me fair.
I am so lucky to have more friends now in Columbia, not only my church friends, but also gym friends and old neighbor that still contact with me. I could live by myself here. While with me having them in my life now, it is just much easier for me. When I have difficult times, I know some of them are there that I could reach out for help.
This is the same in the online marketing business. Can I do this alone? Not really. It surely will take me longer by myself. We have the system, we have a great community, why still many struggles are there? I joined two groups before I joined the third one. This is the one that fits me the best. It is consistent and persistent, at least for now. This is the time that I am thankful to have this team on my back. Yes, many times, I am still by myself, do what I must do. It is the life. For certain paths in life, we have to walk alone. 1/4
I cannot believe I have a team now. They accepted me. Two nights ago, Friday night, I had a good time with local friends to celebrate C’s birthday at California Dreaming. No matter how nice it was, it would end. I came home and it was just me. I did not let the feeling get the best of me. I said to myself, I must do something. I was so happy that I chose to listen to Rob’s webinar recording. He brought me smile. That replay was funny. Rob is our head of the team. You know you are in the right team when you think about them, you smile. You want to work harder and do what you must do.
After you join us, if you are my referral, make sure you connect with me, I will walk you through the first 90 days and help you team up. You can learn, earn and have friendship with each other, including with me.
Jie Zheng Dec. 4, 2016 At Columbia, SC P.S. Dec. 5, L came help me on my car today. He found out that the bushing is okay. He checked my car. He pointed out that I need to replace 6 spark plugs. I could have it done after I come back from China. I chose to have it done today. He is a really nice Christian. He charged me in fair price. He simply is love. Something good is going to happen today. For my today, that was him. Thank you, L!
Jie Zheng
Could You Live By Yourself? (Top of the Page)
Membership : Freedom Entrepreneur
About me: My Journey
Inspiration: “ Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” – Napoleon Hill
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