American Dream Will Come True Serie : Commitment /commitment Jie ZHENG Posted by Jie ZHENG on April 10, 2017 in Living in USA | 0 comments Email Tweet Reddit Share Buffer Vote +11 Share2 Share6 Pin Pocket Stumble Flip WhatsApp Shares 9
American Dream Will Come True Serie : Commitment Do you really mean what you want? Do you do what you say? Really? Promise then, promise yourself that you are going to commit it till you make it.
Below is from article I find it helpful: By Harvey Mackay, Make a Commitment to Succeed Oct 06, 2014 ========================================= To determine whether you are honestly prepared to make a commitment, Rosabeth Moss Kanter of the Harvard Business School suggests testing yourself with these questions: — Do you feel strongly about the importance of your goal — why it’s necessary to achieve? — Does your idea match your values and beliefs? 2/6
— Is this something you’ve dreamed about for a long time? — Is your goal vital to the future of people you care about? — Does your goal get you excited when you think about it and share it with others? — Is it realistic? Are you sincerely convinced that your goal can be achieved? — Are you willing to put your credibility on the line for it? — Can you make your goal the primary focus of your activities? — Are you willing to devote your personal time — evenings, weekends, vacations — to bringing your goal to reality? — Will you be able to reject criticism and negativity? — Are you committed to the long term as you work toward your goal? If you can answer yes to those questions, your chances for success improve dramatically. It’s the difference between wanting and succeeding. ================================================== We all know wanting and making it happened are two things. I request myself to commit to every role and every thing I said I will do. From every little commitment, I build my character. Commitment is not only applied in business goals, career goals, it is also applied in your every day. Rome was not built overnight. Through those commitments, looked back how far we have come, we will build more confidence to move forward.
3 tips to keep your commitment: 1. Write it down clearly. Put it where you can notice it every day, just to remind yourself.
2. Ask someone to hold you accountable. That someone should be like your mastermind
group that you all share same value and know your dreams and goals. 3. Set up rewards and punishment. If you get to accomplish something in 60 days, you
could reward yourself something you desire. It could be some experience that you did not do often, that you save for a while to realize them. If you failed in your commitment, punish yourself or say this at the beginning of commitment. Like, you can say, “I am going to donate to a charity USD1000 if I do not keep my promise of doing ….. for …. days.” And you state it in public.
Commitment is not easy. Once you observe that, value it. Own your commitment to your best self, not for anyone else. Commitment has to come before success and be prepared for long term commitment. Like my blog? Please send me some love and tips by sharing the social media buttons on the page! Thank you!
Jie Zheng April 9th, 2017 At Columbia, SC
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