The Most Important Thing You Need To Understand For Your Own Sake: What Is Your USP? /usp/ tobefull The Most Important Thing You Need To Understand For Your Own Sake: What Is Your USP?
What is your USP? USP is unique selling proposition. In this case, I am talking about you, yourself. When you come to our education, the very first thing you will notice is that you need to know yourself. Sounds familiar for me, when I went to Al-anon in 2013, I hoped to go to that weekly meeting to learn something, some knowledge or skills to solve the problems in that marriage. I thought the drinking problem was a big problem between the qualifier and me. You know when you go to Al-anon, they teach you to focus on yourself. And you probably questioned at the first several meetings, is it right? I am not the one who drinks, why me? Why to focus on me? The more you learn there, the more you agree on the 12 steps, 12 traditions and the slogans. Why? Because you started seeing changing. When change happens from within, you also change life around you. Now, this is the very common thing you need to know in the marketing business, to know your USP.
Why you need to know yourself before you even start the online marketing?
You, are unique in this world. You carry the original version from the moment you were in your mom’s body. Any and every experience you have, I am telling you, there is no one else that is the exact same one as you. Now, with knowing this, I hope you gain more confidence in yourself. Do me a favor, please close your eyes for a few minutes. I want you to reflect on your life and what stories you can share with the world. Only you know. While, please do not rush, before you tell your story, I need you to check about your value. Check out the example of what I wrote on my value.
Why I told you so before you learn our marketing? We offer proven steps in our education. We highly recommend students to follow the steps. You need to go through the modules to understand yourself first. That is the foundation before we go further and implement them, whether is for marketing business or any successful business you hope to build. For example, if the step asks you to take certain action, just do the work. If the step asks you to join the webinar, register and attend. If you want the result, listen to what the top achievers said and copy what they did. When I said copy, I am not asking you to copy exactly, I 1/3
am asking you to learn about what they think, how they work, what procedure they went through. No one, can replace you when you go through these training. You must sit down and do them for yourself.
Get your ebook “Internet Cash Genie�, learn more about how to use your USP. Plus, video series about digital marketing skills and update will follow up. Get Your Ebook Now >>
Jie Zheng May 24, 2017 at Columbia, SC
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