AIESEC Medina Marketing Manager Application 14-15

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AI ESEC Medi na 201 4/ 201 5

I M&COM Team


DearCandi dates Co gra ts o p res e t g ours el ff or the p os t of ma ager. . .tt akes deed a l ot of courage a d comm tme tt ot ake charges uch res p o sbltes a df ortha twes al ute ourbraver. Keep m dwhl e fl l g ths ap p lca to tha t o ce ou' re accep ted ou' l lbethel eaderofa e treteam of oursa d ou' l lhavet o beame t orasmuchasal eadera da f ac lt a t or,we are cou t g o our crea tvt as muchas ours es eofl og cbothofthemw l lcome ha d t o outhroughoutthsma da te.

Herearesomedetai lstokeepi nMi nd abouttheappli cati on

Thsap p lca to mus tbefl l edout

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