Mary Valley Voice, 14 October 2009 - Vol.19 No.19

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14 October 2009 Vol.19 No. 19

connecting communities

Features KENILWORTH Sisters raise for charity Pirates Grand Final Tom Quilty Champions_________ 3 Historical article Senior class reunion____________ 4 Kenilworth Show results_______ 5-6 Kenilworth Celebrates! Winners___ 7 Kenilworth Pony Club news Blond Breeders open day___ 18 COOROY Christmas photo competition Lifeline fashion parade PROBUS news_ ________________ 8 Mill Site architecture award___ 13 The photo of the dust storm that hit the South East Queensland on the 23 September was kindly supplied by our very talented photographer Birgit Kehr. It has been taken in Kenilworth area.

POMONA Pomona Community Kitchen__ 13 Carer’s support group Railway Gallery activities Dabble and Paint workshop___ 14 MARY VALLEY Board the Bullet for Mary______ 14 Dam evicts koalas Mary Valley Shotokan Karate__ 15 OUR COMMUNITY Belli Hall news Wellington’s Way Climate change call to action__ 16 Rainfall Mary Valley Trader The Strahlend Quintet_________ 17 Silly Bits_______________________ 18 Boxsells Real Estate________ 10-11 Kenilworth Realty_____________ 20

DIGITAL SPECIALISTS HOME THEATRE SPECIALISTS FIVE YEAR WARRANTIES TV & DVD TUNING TELEPHONE DATA SATELLITE SYSTEMS Need a new antenna? There’s a new Jim’s Antenna technician in the Mary Valley. Call for a free quote today.

131546 from the editor Australia certainly is a country of extremes and the dust storm that hit the Eastern Coast on the 23 September just reminded us how vulnerable we are when it comes to climate changes. Nevertheless it was a great opportunity for photo hunting and I would encourage anyone who took great shots of the storm to email me so we can feature some of the best ones in the next edition of the Mary Valley Voice. Mother nature is the artist and Australia is its canvas! Laetitia Hoffmann Photos from Kenilworth Art Celebrates! by Birgit Kehr: from left to right: Bollywood dancers • Brett Cambell • Street artists • Doc Eckley from Kenilworth P&C catering for poets’ breakfast

Girls Night Out! Sat Oct 24 Cocktails from 8pm Live Music duo

Yellow Belts

Melbourne Cup Day 2009 Tuesday, 3 November reserve your place!

SWEEPS t TAB OPEN 8am Seafood Buffet $35 p/head pre-paid tickets only - book now

2 | October 14, 2009


$1 from every cocktail sold will be donated to Pink Ribbon Breast Cancer Research opposite pub 5472 3359

18 Elizabeth St. 5446 0206 e:


KENILWORTH Davis sisters raise $6889.00 for charity


annah Davis (13) and Chloe Davis (7) are both local girls who entered The Sunshine Coast Show Princess Awards. Hannah chose the National Breast Cancer Foundation as her charity and Chloe her younger sister fund raised for the Sunshine Coast Childrens Therapy Center. The girls started fundraising from April. Emailing,visiting and phoning businesses for sponsorship or donations to raffle. They had lots of raffles: Cheese platters from Kenilworth Country Foods, Navi-man donated by Gary Crick Auto, Vouchers donated by Australia Zoo and Aussie World, dinner vouchers from Poets Cafe and toy voucher from Toy World. Hannah also auctioned a cow that was donated by her grandparents Jim and Shirley MacIntyre of Lynward Jersey Stud. Glen Echo Jersey Stud was the highest bidder for the cow. This brought in a huge $3500 for breast cancer research. In total the girls raised close to $7000 for their charities. The National Breast Cancer Foundation received $4300 from Hannah and the Sunshine Coast Childrens Therapy Center received $1300 from Chloe. Good job girls! Chloe was crowned Sunshine Coast Show Miss Junior Princess and Hanna was sashed Sunshine Coast Miss Charity Princess.

Brook joins Meg Wade from Victoria as the winner of most Tom Quilty Gold Cups. Both have won four times. Last year Matthew was third across the line. It was then that the two brothers made their plan for 2009. The Sample family operates their endurance enterprise and stud breeding program on properties bordering Kenilworth. The mares, foals and stallions are often admired by motorists who stop and “talk” with them. As well as the Kenilworth river flats land, Brook and Leigh Ann also have a property in Booloumba Creek Road, with ideal access to training trails in the Kenilworth forests. This allows them to condition their horses to an elite level. When you read this article Matthew would be gone to the USA on October 9 to compete in a ride on the course proposed for the 2010 World Championships. Both Brook and Matthew have represented Australia before, and hope to be selected to do so next year.


Thank you to all the generosity and support from the local businesses and people that supported Hannah and Chloe on their fundraising journey.



enilworth b r o t h e r s Matthew and Brook Sample recently crossed the finish line hand-in-hand to jointly win the Tom Quilty Gold Cup 160km endurance ride. They had ridden the entire course together to win over more than 200 entrants, on a course east of Melbourne, Victoria. Brook’s wife Leigh Ann was not far behind to finish in 5th place. It was an amazing result for the Sample family, as they won the coveted Team Trophy, and Matthew’s horse, Brookleigh Ricardo, won the Best Conditioned Horse Award.


ots of travel and training has paid off for two of our local boys that both won their grand finals for Noosa Pirates this season. Under 14’s Corey Alexander didn’t miss a conversion all game with the final score being 22 – 20 against Kawana. Under 13’s win was hard fought against Caloundra with lots of injuries occurring early in the game. Front Rower Ben Henderson playing with a fractured hand stood up with his team to bring home the 20 -18 win in a nail biter. The boys would like to say a big thank you to their coaches and trainers who they look up to. Go the Pirates! October 14, 2009 |




WHO Were the MURRAYs?

eptember 4, 2009 Main Roads Minister, Craig Wallace announced Belli Creek Crossing No 2 would be named Murrays Flat Crossing. Who were the Murrays? a. John Murray, grazier, Belli Creek, Yandina, was listed in the 1874 Post Office Directory. b. A diary entry of 1875 by Mr Patrick Lillis who resided on Kenilworth. Run: 11 June: Mr & Mrs Conway left for Gympie. Took them to Murray’s. Murray returned with me and bought two cows. Note: Murray’s was a pub situated at Belli Creek and was a horse change stop for Cobb and Co’s coaches. (Hinka Booma to Kenilworth, 1950, 2005).


ixteen members of the Class of 59, seven spouses and seven members of the Junior Class of 57 were present at the 50th Reunion Senior Students of 1959 of Gympie State High School held in the Library at the G.H.S. on 12 September 2009. The room was set up with tables decorated in the school colours. Invited guests all enjoyed a very tasty morning tea prepared by the Grade 11 Home Economics students. Ms. Calvert their teacher had made this an assignment to provide us with something special. We were asked to give feedback on the food prepared. All comments were favourable. The Principal Mr. Murray Wegner showed us a powerpoint presentation of the school at work. This was very well received by all. As Bob Warrick the original agricultural teacher was present Mr. Wegner accompanied several members on a tour of the farm. As many of us had not seen each other for 50 years there was a good deal of talking and laughing going on and it was obvious that all present really enjoyed the comaraderie, and expressed a wish to keep in touch and maybe even try to catch up yearly, if not, at least for the Centenary Celebrations in 2012. Each of the members of the class had provided us with a story of their lives since high school and also with a photo which we turned into a souvenir book with the help of Janine Heyer and Felecia Long at the print room, which will be a great memento of the occasion. Robyn Cook had set up a marvellous display of historical information and photos. Our sincere thanks go to all those who made this occasion the resounding success that it was, principal and staff of the Gympie High School, Marjorie Leitch, Jeff Shepherd and Northa Burnett of the Centenary Committee. Win Burnett (Sims), Joan Britnell (Dakin), Muriel Mc Mullen (Lister)

On the photo. Back row: Barry Shepherd, Bill Lindsay, Ray Fittell, Arthur Begeda, Cliff Mallet, Nola Warrick (Menzies) • Middle row: Brian Turnbull, Graham Mc Cauley, Barry Fitzhenry, Roy Finselbach • Front row: Joan Britnell(Dakin), Win Burnett (Sims), Muriel Mc Mullen (Lister), Lorraine Adcock (Usher), Lexie Jones (Hook), Joy Berry (Kenman)

4 | October 14, 2009

c. John Murray selected Portion 984 on 28.9.1877 d. Murray’s was synonymous with Belli Creek in 1886 when a report on page 2 of December 2 Brisbane Courier, stated that the mail coach was stopped at Murray’s at Belli Creek. The article further states that: Belli Creek, now the boundary between portions of the Widgee and Conondale divisions, is likely to be a great obstacle to regular mail communication overland between Brisbane and the Wide Bay district in an ordinary rainy season, unless it is bridged. e. Pugh’s almanac lists Mrs Murray in charge of Belli Receiving Office from 1881 to 1889. (Note: Receiving Offices were the early version of today’s Post Offices.) It was not until October 1923 that Maroochy Shire called for tenders for the Belli Creek Road Bridge (Nambour Chronicle online). Because of the service the Murrays provided to the community of Belli Creek and the Hinterland as well as pioneer families of the district it is fitting that the bridge bear their family name. Lenore Meldrum President of Kenilworth and District Historical Assn. Inc.



ommittee members convey a big thank you to sponsors, competitors, volunteer workers, stall holders, Showman’s Guild, stock contractors and the National Rodeo Association and all, for the huge effort that was put in for a very successful event. The weather was with us, the gate takings were up and a smooth running day was enjoyed by patrons and competitors. Show Jumping and Show Horse nominations were up on the previous year and again the quality of the horses and presentation of riders was as good as you would witness at the RNA Brisbane, in fact several of the competitors having competed there this year. Our crowd does come from far afield like a lost document found and duly returned to a Tinana patron. Show Jump and Show Horse competitors came from Childers, Bundaberg to as far South as the Gold Coast. A total of 265 Rodeo nominations were received in the Rodeo arena and competitors here were from as far away as Western Australia, not sure if a special jet was diverted or they just happened to be near Kenilworth. The pavilion setting was excellent with a huge display of cookery, craft, photography and juvenile competition. Woodchop competitor numbers were down, however this seems a trend that is happening in this circuit at all shows, not as many axeman around. However we were fortunate to have 91 year old Vic Summers present and competing, with the display of chopping as entertaining as ever. Once again thank you!

(See results below)

Bill Morris President; Des Rough Vice President; Clem and Olive Hassall Treasurers; Lolie Murtagh Secretary; Graeme Miller and Carol Miller.


QUARTER HORSE: Quarter Horse Champion Exhibit Sandra Heeb “Bar H Master James”; Reserve Anita Bryant “Bellbrook Jewels”. LED GALLOWAY: Led Galloway Champion Nici Jamieson “Rathowen Envy”; Reserve Newman Family “Sheldene Arcade”. GALLOWAY HACK: Nici Jamieson “Rathowen Envy”; Reserve Charlotte Drew “Oaklands Park Edge of Darkness”. MINIATURE HORSES: Miniature Champion Exhibit Raechell Perriotte “Killarney Classic Design”; Reserve Raechell Perriotte “Tyronne Park Denim & Lace”. SHETLAND PONY: Shetland Pony Exhibit Gayle McDermott “Glen Fine Carlotta”; Reserve Gayle McDermott “Glen Fire Cooper”. NON REGISTERED PONY: Non Registered Pony Champion Exhibit Lee McDonald “Polly”; Reserve Emma Waller “Tabaluke”. REGISTERED PONY: Registered Pony Champion Exhibit Ainslie Davies “Pleasant Creek Pendragon”; Reserve Christensen Family “Astral”. Champion Ridden Exhibit Christensen Family “Astral”; Reserve Maxine Schlebusch “Samson Starlyte”. PONY HACK: Pony Hack Champion Newman Family “Sheldene Chance”; Reserve Sarah Ryan “Sunfield Sterling”. JUNIOR RIDER: Junior Rider Champion Shoshona Newman; Reserve Klowie Stewart. SUPREME CHAMPION LED IN EXHIBIT: Amanda Christensen “Vanity”. SUPREME CHAMPION HACK: Nici Jamieson “Rathowen Envy”. JUDGES COMMENDATION an award for girls under 17 years: Shoshona Newman.

PLACINGS • SHOW JUMP 2009 JUNIOR 14 yrs and under. 75cm: 1st Courtney Tincknell “Bold as Brass“; 2nd Courtney Tincknell “Prince Syd“; 3rd Courtney Tincknell “Nikki Noodle“; 4th Deanna Hatten “Simba”. UNOFFICIAL 75 cm: 1st Courtney Tincknell “Bold as Brass“; 2nd Sophie Mead “Split Link“’; 3rd Courtney Tincknell “Prince Syd“; 4th tie Nicky Meredith “Xmas Holly “ and Deanna Hatten “Simba”. UNOFFICIAL 90 cm: 1st Sandra Harris “Zircon“; 2nd Deanna Hatten “Simba“; 3rd Beau Cunning “Just Eddie“; 4th Courtney Tincknell “Prince Syd“.

1.05 AM3: 1st Nicky Meredith “Altitude”; 2nd Tim Bowman “U.S. AUSTRALIAN STOCK HORSE: ASH Exhibit Champion Kimball Family Flamboyance”; 3rd Beau Cunning “Just Eddie”; 4th Ashton “Yarramine Fascination”; Reserve Belinda Croton “Benabella Stallan “Something Royal”. Power Play”. OFFICIAL 1.20 AM3: 1st Brett Warren “Amici”; 2nd Ron Parlevliet A.N.S.A: ANSA Exhibit Champion Amanda Christensen “Vanity”; “Flood Waters”; 3rd Ron Parlevliet “Full House”; tie 4th, 5th, 6th Reserve Ella Bennett “Bells”. Nicky Meredith “Altitude”, Katrina Parlevliet “Flood Prone”, Ron THOROUGHBRED: Thoroughbred Exhibit Champion Amanda Parlevliet “Flood Christensen “Vanity”; Reserve Ella Bennett “Bells”. Girl”, Natalie Burns LED HACK: Led Hack Champion Amanda Christensen “Vanity”; “Lacona Anna”, Reserve Amy Warren “KS Carnivale”. Peter Agnew B.V.M.S. Natalie Burns HACK: Champion Hack Shari Baldwin “Rossellini”; Reserve Anna BELLI PARK - BY APPT “Sapphire”. Phillis “Yarradene Fascination”. All equine services: ARABIAN: Pure Bred Champion Exhibit Mandy Doyle “Karn”; Reserve Julie Kemp “A Fire Night”. Ultrasound Stud & AI Arabian Derivative Champion Kylie UNDER & OVER ELECTRICAL Freeze Branding Raymont “Langtree Just Cause”; Reserve Are your powerlines safe enough? X-ray Nici Jamieson “Rathowen Envy”. • Supply & install either underground Dentistry WARMBLOODS: Champion Exhibit Peta or overhead powerlines • Maintenance checks on existing lines • Free quotes Blood tests Fenton-Anderson “Carrington Lodge Martin 0412 321 197 Licence # 69449 Welt’s”; Reserve Toni Fenton-Leslie Call Peter (07) 5447 0325 email: “Highhaven Park Welt’s Ceasar”. jgMVV_SEP09


October 14, 2009 |


KENILWORTH WOODCHOP PLACEGETTERS 250mm Standing Block Handicap: 1st Clayton Read, 2nd Dwayne Hooper, 3rd Mike Osborne. 300mm Underhand Handicap: 1st Dwayne Hooper, 2nd Clayton Read, 3rd Pat Murray. 300mm Standing Block Handicap: 1st Lindsay Hewitt, 2nd Dwayne Hooper, 3rd Clayton Read. 300mm Sunshine Coast Mary Valley Underhand Championship: 1st Dwayne Hooper, 2nd Dean Adams, 3rd Clayton Read. 300mm Tree Felling Handicap: 1st Lindsay Hewitt, 2nd Allan Draper, 3rd Peter Winkel. 275mm Underhand Handicap: 1st Dean Adams, 2nd Peter Winkel, 3rd Cameron Corbet. 250mm Two Man Combination: 1st Lindsay Hewitt & Clayton Read, 2nd Dwayne Hooper & Cameron Corbet, 3rd Mike Osborne and Alan Draper. 250mm Veteran Underhand Handicap: 1st Daryl Read, 2nd Max Krogh, 3rd Vic Summers. Special Event – 400mm Relay Standing Block 2 man event: 1st Lindsay Hewitt and Tom Willis, 2nd Dwayne Hooper and Cameron Corbet, 3rd Dean Adams and Clayton Read.

PLACE GETTERS – PAVILION COOKERY: Apple Pie 1st J Woods, 2nd D Pratten; Pikelets 1st J Woods, 2nd S Law; Small Cakes 1st J Pearce, 2nd S Law; Cheese Biscuits 1st T Heath, 2nd M Law; Scones D Pratten, 2nd C Wilcox; Shortbread 1st J Habermehl; Fruit Cake 1st D Pratten, 2nd C Wilcox; Carrot Cake 1st J Pearce, 2nd D Pratten; Date Loaf 1st J Pearce, 2nd J Woods; Plum Pudding 1st C Wilcox, 2nd C Wilcox; Bar Cake 1st M Law, 2nd J Woods; Sponge Cake 1st J Woods, 2nd M Law; Peach Blossom Cake M Law, 2nd B Laffey; Chocolate Cake 1st J Peace, 2nd M Law; Slice 1st F Miller, 2d D Pratten; Choco Fudge 1st C Wilcox, 2nd D Pratten; Lemon Butter 1st D Pratten 2nd C Wilcox; Pickles or Chutney 1st D Pratten, 2nd C Wilcox; Jam or Marmalade 1st A Jennings, 2nd B Laffey; Banana Cake 1st J Woods, 2nd S Law; Coconut Ice 1st J Woods, 2nd C Wilcox. Overall Top Point Score Colleen Wilcox.


23 Elizabeth Street Kenilworth

Ph 5446 0500 • Fax 5446 0444

6 | October 14, 2009


JUNIOR COMPETITORS: Vase Flowers 1st J Gillis, 2nd E Atkins; Decorated Saucer 1st E Atkins, D Bucciarelli; Fruit Vege Sculpture 1st H Fabbro; Dec Arrowroot Biscuits 1st A Buccarelli, 2nd Melody; Anzac Biscuits 1st B Law, 2nd E Atkins; Chocolate Cake 1st R Law, 2nd I Pfeiffer; Small Cakes 1st B Duke, 2nd Matilda Law. Leggo Construction 8-11 yrs 1st E Atkins; 12-16 yrs 1st A Peiper;

Lets the Meter Reader in but t! keeps others ou

Crafts Machine Made 1st I Pfeiffer; Written Work Prep to yr 1 1st S Cleveland, 2nd W Brown; Yr 4 & 4 1st A Hollran, 2nd C Hopkins; Yrs 5 to 6 1st A Gillis, 2nd B Pfeiffer; Yr 7 1st D Brown, 2nd C Seaman. FLORA HORTICULTURE: Native Flowers 1st P Gillis, 2nd K Taylor; Green Arrangement 1st L Vanzanden, 2nd P Gillis; 3 Flowers 1st L Vanzanden, 2nd P Gillis; Bark 1st L Vanzanden, 2nd P Gillis; Miniature 1st P Gillis, 2nd L Vanzanden; Mixed Flowers 1st P Gillis, 2nd J Habermehl; Berry Red 1st L Vanzanden, 2nd P Gillis; Posy 1st P Gillis; Arrangement 1st P Gillis, 2nd L Vanzanden; Native Spike 1st P Gillis, 2nd K Taylor; Gerberas 1st N McKillop; Rose 1st B Laffey, 2nd M Murtagh; Mixed Flowers 1st N McKillop, 2nd N McKillop; Single Bloom 1st S Bochow, 2nd N McKillop; Orchid Bloom 1st N McKillop, 2nd P Gillis; Pansies 1st A Houston, 2nd N Mckillop; Sweet Peas 1st A Houston, 2nd A Houston; Potted Plant 1st J Habermehl, 2nd A Houston. Most entries Ann Houston; Champion Bloom Paula Gillis PHOTOGRAPHY: Landscape 1st P Grogan, 2nd S Huth; Portrait 1st G Lawler, 2nd H Grogan; Nature Shot 1st G Lawler, 2nd S Drake; Photo Essay 1st G Lawler, 2nd R Deardon; A Happy Snap 1st S Drake, 2nd B Kehr; Junior Photographer 1st T Lenz, 2nd J Taylor; Action Shot 1st G Lawler, 2nd B Kehr; Then and Now 1st C Wilcox, 2nd J Paulger; Champion Photograph Greg Lawler. TEXTILE ARTS: Hand Knitted less than 8 ply 1st D Gomersall, 2nd L Ferriday; Hand Knitted 8 ply and over 1st K Wilson, 2nd D Gomersall; Machine Knitted 1st M Perry, 2nd K Wilson; Hand Knitted 1st L Meldrum, 2nd L Meldrum; Crochet less than 8 ply M Perry, 2nd L Feriday; Crochet 8 ply and over 1st J Woods, 2nd N McKillop; Crochet Centre 1st M Perry, 2nd D Gomersall; Crochet edging 1st F Miller, 2nd M Perry; Coat Hanger 1st F Miller, 2nd C Wilcox; Soft Toy 1st J Woods, 2nd A Paulger; Soft Toy Fabric Fur 1st S Perel, 2nd J Paulger; Embroidery hand 1st D Gomersall, 2nd M Perry; Embroidery machine 1st M Murtagh, 2nd M Murtagh; Garment machine 1st L Tulk; Applique machine 1st J Paulger, 2nd J Paulger; Fabric Craft Quilts 1st D Gomersall, 2nd D Gomersall; Fabric Craft Wall Hanging 1st L Tulk, 2nd S Perel; Fabric Craft patchwork 1st J Paulger, 2nd J Paulger; Cross Stitch 1st J Woods, 2nd T Hibbard; Greeting Card 1st J Woods, 2nd J Woods; Beading Jewellery 1st C Wilcox, 2nd K Wilson; Beading Garment 1st L Ferriday; Any Item 1st M Perry, 2nd M Perry; Shopping Bag 1st J Woods, 2nd L Meldrum; Any Other Item 1st M Perry, 2nd N McKillop; Kenilworth Challenge Apron 1st C Wilcox, 2nd N McKillop. Most Entries Lenore Meldrum. Best Overall Pavillion Exhibitor 1st Colleen Wilcox, 2nd Joyce Woods. Special Class – Afternoon Tea at Grandma’s Place 1st Fay Miller, 2nd Colleen Wilcox, Highly Commended Janene Habermehl.

ENERGEX LOCKS Enquiries call Eric

5447 0100

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ere you in Kenilworth for the Kenilworth Celebrates! Arts Festival, 25 September - 4 October ? What a great event little Kenilworth, with a population of fewer than 300 people, was able to put on!

On Friday night, 25 September, the Kenilworth Hall, which was transformed into a superb art gallery with almost four hundred spectacular art works, was a-buzz with excitement for the naming of the winner of the $15 000 Kenilworth Art Prize and the section winners in the 12th Annual Art Exhibition. Congratulations to Neil Taylor of NSW whose winning work, “The Deep Forest”, has been acquired by the Sunshine Coast Regional Council. The art exhibition was open for nine days and drew many visitors. The ever popular Poets’ Breakfast on Saturday attracted the usual large, appreciative audience while band music, stilt walkers, buskers, market stalls, Bollywood dancers and Charlie Chaplin entertained locals and visitors alike. For those who liked to see art in the making, Master Artists held watchers captivated as they produced wonderful pictures which were later auctioned to lucky art lovers. Bikers love to come to Kenilworth and they also had a feast of art work at the Bike Art X-posed at Kenilworth Hotel. Once again, the hills were alive with the sound of music as the Sunshine Coast Symphony Orchestra performed a delightful program at Kenilworth Homestead on Sunday evening, followed by a well attended gala dinner. And for those who liked a little wine with their music, Blind Man’s Bluff Vineyard again put on a very enjoyable musical Sunday. A series of art workshops, led by master tutors, kept eager artists busy during the week till the 2 October. However, there was time for relaxation at a pizza night at Another Time Another Place, a Happy Hour at Kenilworth Artspace Gallery, a dinner at McGinns, a barbeque at Bellbird Teahouse and some sight-seeing.

Prize Winners 2009 The Kenilworth Art Prize: Winner Neil Taylor - The Deep Forest acrylic Sculpture: Winner Carol Forster - House of Miro House of Mondrian. Highly Commended - Jane Welsh - Oh to be Alive! Highly Commended - Barry Rosenberg - Mr Blinky Grasps Bird’s Tail. Mary Valley View Point: Winner Wolfgang Lammle - The Last Basket Highly Commended - Diane Somers-Cook - Magic of the Mary Valley Landscape: Winner James McKay - Camping Noosa North Shore Highly Commended - Sue Needham - River of Gold ll Highly Commended - Chris Postle - Island Tracking Highly Commended - Wolfgang Lammle - Lake Macdonald Still Life: Winner Helen Lawson - Nature’s Prima Donnas Highly Commended - Tricia Reust - Pungent Highly Commended - Patricia Blee - A Very Still Life The Human Form: Winner Pauline Adair - Handle with Care Highly Commended - Guiliana De Witts - Lifestudy Highly Commended - Jackalyn Archibald - Mamselle D’Argent Animal Life: Winner Sandra Temple - Sunlight and Shadows Highly Commended - Jan Hodgson - Secrets Highly Commended - Gail Higgins - Stretched Out Contemporary: Winner Nan Dingle - Flight Pattern Highly Commended - Kym Barrett - Silence in the City Highly Commended - Jacqueline Hill - Busy Waiting Youth Art: Winner Marina Haycroft - Pinto Stallion Highly Commended - Amber-Rose Richardson - Pussycat Highly Commended - Sian Foster - You Know I am no Good Encouragement Award: Sue Needham - River of Gold ll 4.1 6yrs and Under: 1st Synegee Cleveland • 2nd Jacob Trace • 3rd Eleanor Anstey. HCs to Ethan Slaney, Tyler Fenton-Leslie, Josie Brown and Megan Smith. 4.2 7/8 Yrs: 1st Kylie Engle • 2nd Kody Hellen • 3rd Jashka Thompson. HCs to Will Brown and Chloe Nutter. 4.3 9/10 Yrs: 1st Jacob Hock • 2nd Jack Trewick • 3rd Kaleb Lysaght. HCs to Taniah Reinhardt and Conor O’Rourke. 4.4 11/12 Yrs: 1st Jordan Taylor • 2nd Morgan Hill • 3rd Jai O’Hara. HCs to Edward Atkins, Alex Nisbet and Delaney Hoyes. 4.5 12/13 Yrs: 1st Casey Ripper • 2nd Jack-Smart • 3rd Wesley Caragay. No HCs in this section. Judge praised the creativity and the developing skills of the young artists and commended all those involved in teaching these entrants.

Once again, Kenilworth Arts Council, with the support of the Kenilworth community, local businesses and sponsors has been able to show that a little town, tucked away beyond the beach and the range, can more than live up to the Sunshine Coast Regional Council’s encouragement to be “green, vibrant and diverse”. If you missed Kenilworth Celebrates! Arts Festival this year, make sure you come next year! You’ll love it! Shirley Moreland Photos from Birgit Kehr. Above: Charlie Chaplin and Publican Steve. Bottom right: from left to right Jean Sandell, Viv and Rod Bloomer.

October 14, 2009 |



Wildflower Fashions and offers a myriad of cup day outfits especially stocked for the big event, lucky door and random prize draws and a scrumptious afternoon tea. At $7 to attend the parade and high tea, Cooroy residents are invited to the affordable fashionista affair to make an impression on Melbourne Cup Day and not on their wallets. Once the parade wraps up for the afternoon and guests have viewed the selection of high society style on the catwalk, all pieces will be on sale across the road at the Cooroy Lifeline shop. Cooroy Lifeline and the Cooroy Uniting Church would like to extend an invitation to all residents of Cooroy and surrounds to attend their Melbourne Cup Fashion Parade and High Tea. For more information please contact Debbie at Cooroy Lifeline on 5442 6464.


he Probus Club of Cooroy took a step back in time with their recent trip to the Pioneer Cottage in Buderim. A fascinating collection of furniture, crockery, clothing and tools gave an excellent insight into how our early settlers lived during the late nineteenth century. The day also included a visit to the Manawee Garden Centre followed by a delicious luncheon at the Buderim award winning Tavern. Our members are looking forward to our next adventure - a four night stay at Mt Tambourine, where we will be exploring the surrounding district - all in the name of good fellowship and above all fun ! Anyone interested in joining the Cooroy Probus Club should ring Carol 5442 6671 or find us at the Cooroy RSL on the first Monday morning of each month at 9.30am Photo: Lawrie Pashley, Liz Agerbeek and Rudi Agerbeek in the yolk.

Patsy Fayne


High Tea and Fashionista’s Fashion Parade in Cooroy

ooroy Lifeline in conjunction with the Cooroy Uniting Church proudly present their Melbourne Cup Fashion Parade and High Tea being held in the CWA Hall on Maple Street, Cooroy on Saturday 24 October at 2 pm. The Melbourne Cup fashion spectacular introduces C o m p é r e Janette Harkins of

Carly Buxton

Photo Competition Offers Great Prizes


he prize pool for the annual Christmas in Cooroy Photographic Competition sponsored by Cooroy Central Guardian Pharmacy is better than ever this year. Prizes up for offer are a camera for the winning entry, second prize of a $50 Cooroy Guardian Pharmacy voucher and third prize of a $25 Cooroy Guardian Pharmacy voucher. And the first three winning entries also receive a 12” x 12” canvas print of their entry. “The theme for this year’s competition is “Looking Out My Back Door” which is only limited by your imagination. You don’t need to literally stand at your back door and take a photo but anything of interest in the region can win you a fantastic prize. Winning entries from past years have included scenery, birds and people. And this year we’ve already seen entries submitted including a white possum, lizards mating and some great scenery shots. It’s worth digging through your photo albums to see if there is anything relevant or get out there and take some new snaps,” explained Christmas in Cooroy event manager, Danielle Taylor. Entry is free and Cooroy Central Guardian Pharmacy is also offering half price prints to anyone who enters and Fuji dollars (spend $10 to $30 receive a $5 voucher, $30 to $50 receive a $10 voucher, $50 to $70 receive a $20 voucher and $70 to $100 receive a $50 voucher). Entries can be submitted at Cooroy Central Guardian Pharmacy, 26 Maple Street Cooroy. More information is available online at on the Christmas in Cooroy page.


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8 | October 14, 2009

Christmas in Cooroy is a free non-for profit event hosted by the Cooroy Chamber of Commerce Inc. and the Rotary Club of Cooroy Inc. Danielle Taylor Event Manager 0403 023 802 or 5447 6250


Utribe Festival - September 2009 - Green Park, Conondale Photos by Jill Guldbransen

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Left: Amelia Connolly • Above: Kyle Gorlick, Josh Carter, Shane King Right: Alana Connolly

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October 14, 2009 |




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Perfect blocks of land each only $225,000 neg.


Invest or move in - $279,000


This very tidy two bedroom home has been tastefully renovated by its current owners. • It is semi lowset on concrete stumps, timber floors, high ceilings with ceiling fans, modern kitchen combined with dining and lounge, large laundry adjoining a modern bathroom with shower over bath. • The fully fenced backyard has a small amount of landscaping but there is plenty of grassed lawn for the kids or entertaining and a new covered BBQ area has been built. Or just shelter under the shade of your own mango tree. • Two garden sheds provide storage for the mower etc. • Adjoining the home is a single lockup carport. There is nothing to do but move in. The hotel, liquor shop, butcher, post office, general store, bakery, cafes and art galleries are all just around the corner. • This home is located on an easy care 506m2 level town block with town water and sewerage. Price $279,000



Prestigious property offering a very appealing rural lifestyle, features 98 acres of gently undulating land, approx. 40% cleared and perfectly suited for livestock or horses with prime soil and pasture. • Beautiful stands of white gums, silky oaks and cedars. • Excellent water supply from a huge dam (almost a lake) that enjoys a great catchment and natural springs. Dam is an outstanding feature on this property. Plus added advantage of having a Legal Access Easement to pump from Obi Obi Creek if needed. • Set well back into the block with complete privacy is an immaculately presented two storey home, approx. 10 years old. • Upstairs provides and open living area complete with floor to ceiling glass to take advantage of this property’s spectacular views. • Polished floors throughout. • Brand new timber kitchen. • Master bedroom is also located upstairs and has a spacious walk-in closet and huge ensuite. • Surrounding this octagonal shaped home is a large timber verandah with glass panels designed specifically for that uninterrupted view. • The downstairs section of this beautifully appointed home provides complete separate living quarters if required for extended family or guests. • Large living area and separate bedroom, brand new bathroom and huge solid timber kitchen. • Another dwelling is located on the property quite a distance away from the main home. • This building is constructed of colorbond external walls on a concrete slab. • Gyprock internal walls freshly painted. • Kitchen and bathroom, living and dining area plus two bedrooms. • Large colorbond machinery shed with power. • New timber stockyards. • Good fencing. • Two timber horse stables with day yards. • Excellent access to all improvements on the property.


This 37 acre property would be ideal for the family or group wanting to get away for the weekend for horse or bike riding or bushwalking as it adjoins the large Imbil State Forest. It has enough pasture for a few horses and a dam for water. Good location for a second dam. The elevated ridge, accessed by a track through the middle of the property, offers excellent views of the surrounding valleys and orchards on neighbouring property. Located between Imbil and Kandanga, it is close to the Borumba Dam for fishing, skying, canoeing etc. Fencing is in good order and neighbouring farmer runs cattle on the property to keep the grass down. Small acreage properties adjoining State Forest are rare so call today for an inspection.


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How do you want the Coast to look in 20 years? Council is committed to the Sunshine Coast becoming Australia’s most sustainable region – vibrant, green, diverse. You have told us very clearly you want to: ► retain our much envied laid back lifestyle and character as a community of communities ► protect our region’s natural assets ► diversify the economy to ensure there are genuine and sustainable job opportunities for the Sunshine Coast to continue to prosper. Council is working towards this, starting with a series of strategies and discussion papers, addressing these issues. We are taking these on the road and out into the community, with staffed and static displays, visiting locations across the Sunshine Coast. So have your say – look out for the our place, our future newsletter in your letter box and get involved by visiting a display, council library or customer service centre, and council’s website. Submissions close 4pm, Monday 7 December 2009. our place, our future Roadshow – visit a staffed display 17 Oct 9am-1pm Nambour Civic Centre Centenary Square, Currie St, Nambour. 19 Oct 3-7pm Noosa Junction – The J 60 Noosa Dve, Noosa Heads. 21 Oct 9am-1pm Buderim War Memorial Hall Cnr Church St and Main St, Buderim. 22 Oct 3-7pm Millwell Road Community Centre 11a Millwell Rd East, Maroochydore. 23 Oct 9am-1pm Beerwah and District Community Hall Peachester Rd, Beerwah. 24 Oct 9am-1pm Sunshine Plaza Maroochydore. 26 Oct 3-7pm The Events Centre 20 Minchinton St, Caloundra. 27 Oct 9am-1pm Bi-Lo Shopping Centre Cnr David Low Way and Menzies Dve, Pacific Paradise. 28 Oct 9am-1pm Eumundi Markets Memorial Dve, Eumundi. 30 Oct 9am-1pm Coolum Civic Centre Park St, Coolum Beach. 31 Oct 9am-1pm Kawana Shopping World Nicklin Way, Kawana. 4 Nov 3-7pm Cooroora United Soccer Club Black Mountain Rd, Cooroy. 6 Nov 9am-1pm Kenilworth Hall Elizabeth St, Kenilworth. 7 Nov 9am-1pm Maleny Community Centre 23 Maple St, Maleny. 8 Nov 9am-1pm Caloundra Markets Bulcock St, Caloundra. 9 Nov 3-7pm Nambour Civic Centre Centenary Square, Currie St, Nambour. 12 Nov 3-7pm Beerwah and District Community Hall Peachester Rd, Beerwah. 14 Nov 9am-1pm The Events Centre 20 Minchinton St, Caloundra. 16 Nov 9am-1pm Currimundi Market Place Cnr Nicklin Way and Bellara Dve, Currimundi. 16 Nov 3-7pm Lake Kawana Community Centre Sportsman’s Pde, Bokarina. 17 Nov 3-7pm Noosa Junction – The J 60 Noosa Dve, Noosa Heads. 19 Nov 3-7pm Millwell Road Community Centre 11a Millwell Rd East, Maroochydore. 21 Nov 9am-1pm Yandina Markets Old Bruce Highway, Yandina. 24 Nov 9am-1pm Palmwoods Memorial Hall Main St, Palmwoods. 26 Nov 9am-1pm Mapleton Community Hall 31 Obi Obi Rd, Mapleton. 28 Nov 9am-1pm Innovation Centre – SC University 90 Sippy Downs Dve, Sippy Downs. 29 Nov 9am-1pm Cotton Tree Markets King St, Cotton Tree. Sunshine Coast Regional Council Locked Bag 72 Sunshine Coast Mail Centre Q 4560 Enquiries T 07 5475 7272 E

12 | October 14, 2009

08_RSP Community Engagement Ad_Mary Valley Voice1_60x260mm_Pub141009.indd 24/09/2009 9:06:57 AM 1

COOROY & POMONA Landscape architecture award for Cooroy Lower Mill Site

Pomona Community Kitchen Cooks up a Storm


hree weeks into the first Community Kitchen and the participants are loving the results of their own cooking. Jim Farr, who describes himself as being someone who hesitates to do anything he is unsure of and who, in his own words, knew “virtually nothing about cooking”, says the Community Kitchen has been a giant learning curve. Jim says that the Community Kitchen has given him the confidence to follow recipes and to experiment with different tastes. He is also impressed with the way each participant brings something vital to the group. “Like flavours in a recipe”, he says, “everyone blends together to bring out the best in each other.”


he new community precinct at the Cooroy Lower Mill Site has been awarded a prestigious Queensland landscape architecture award. Place Design Group and landscape architect Shaun Walsh, who worked closely with the community’s Cooroy Lower Mill Board to undertake the project, were awarded the 2009 Queensland Landscape Architecture Award in the Land Management category. The award recognised the project’s community engagement process, resolution of environmental issues, sympathy to the site’s heritage and resourcefulness in design approach. Division 12 Councillor Lew Brennan said the award was well-deserved recognition for the project and for the community who had played an active role in its development. The judging panel for the award noted the precinct’s imaginative re-use and rehabilitation of its former industrial sites. The panel noted that while this practice is not new, it is not commonplace in Queensland.

So far the group has cooked Chicken Stir Fry with Hokkien Noodles, Cottage Pie with Salad and Veal with Ham and Sage for main courses. Desserts have included Apple Crumble, Fruit Salad with Lime and Banana and Pecan Muffins. Both Kate Moroney, the Community Kitchen facilitator, and Deirdre Tietjen from Meals on Wheels are thrilled at the enthusiasm and level of willingness of participants to try something new. Kate says, “I love to see everyone working together as a team and having so much fun.” The Pomona and District Community House and Pomona Meals on Wheels would like to take this opportunity to thank HiWay1, Kunda Park for their generous sponsorship of the Community Kitchen. The next Community Kitchen will be starting on Thursday 5 November from11am to1pm. To enquire or to register your interest please call Pomona and District Community House on 5485 2240.

It also commended the minimalist approach taken by the landscape architect to the remnant industrial buildings of the Cooroy Lower Mill, which evocatively tells the history of the state’s timber industry; the restraint shown to the industrial heritage; and project’s community-based approach. The first stage of works at the site included restoration and contemporary reuse of the remaining sawmill buildings, revegetation of Cooroy Creek and the creation of a forecourt space that provides the entry point to the interpretation walkway. The restored kilns are now being used by the Cooroora Woodworkers, and the boiler house is currently being fitted out with an exciting audio visual display to enable self guided heritage tours of the attraction, which is scheduled to be opened private towards the end of this year. The new hinterland library is also being constructed at the Mill Site and is well underway to being fully operational in early 2010. Lisa Anthonisz

From left to right: Brad Smith, Rick Drake, Kate Moroney.


1) COTTAGE: two bedroom unfurn $200 per week 2) S/C GUESTHOUSE: two bedroom $160 per week

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POMONA Pomona Railway Gallery Activities • Ceramic Chooks and Cats. One day Ceramic workshop with Moriarty. • Portraiture painting. Four half day. Tuesday workshops with Don Milner. • Hebel sculpting. One day workshops with Lisa Davis. • Oil Painting. Four half day. Saturday workshops with John Lodge. • Watercolours. Four half day. Wednesday with Bob Silver. For more info call Liz 5472 0852 or Jocelyn 5485 1571 or 0417 514 015 Visit or the Pomona Railway Gallery at 10 Station St. Pomona from 10am to 2pm seven days a week.



omona and District Community House is presenting Dabble and Paint an action painting workshop on Thursday 22 October from 9am to 3pm at the Pomona Memorial Hall. For only $15.00 come and use all the colours you want and a variety of tools to create a dynamic and vibrant artwork. Bring a plate to share for lunch and some old towels. Wear your painting pyjamas or some old clothes (prize for the craziest pyjamas!) Places are limited so bookings are essential. For more info and to book a place call 5485 2427 All welcome! Morning and afternoon tea are provided.



re you interested in forming a carer’s support group?

Do you want to be able to ... • Share your experiences with others who understand • Talk to someone who knows how you feel • Share information and resources • Find out how others have coped • Know that you are not alone.


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14 | October 14, 2009

Come at Pomona and District Community House (1 Memorial Avenue, Pomona) on Thursday 29 October, 10.00am and share your ideas and let’s make this happen! Representatives from Carers Qld and Disability Services Queensland will be attending. Please RSVP if attending 5485 2427. Tea and coffee are provided



he Mary Valley community has issued an open invitation to celebrate the Mary Valley with a special “Board the Bullet for Mary” train ride on Saturday 17 October 2009.

“Central to our whole campaign, has always been a celebration of the uniqueness of the Mary River and the resilience of its people. The Board the Bullet for Mary train ride is another event which will give the broader community a chance to enjoy the beautiful countryside, delicious food and local musical talent,” explained David Kreutz, secretary of the Save the Mary River Coordinating Group. “The events of the last couple of weeks have only served to heighten our resolve to fight on and prevent the death of our internationally significant river. Saturday 17 October will be a chance for us to put the politics aside and have a fun night,” concluded Mr Kreutz. The celebration begins at 4pm with a performance by the James Nash string quartet and a complimentary champagne at the Mary Valley Heritage Train Station in Tozer St Gympie. The train will depart at 4.30pm, destined for Kandanga. “Just before dusk we will arrive in Kandanga where a delicious alfresco dinner will be served, accompanied by local musicians including Alan Kelly from the Barley Shakes,“ explained event organizer Adrienne McVerry. The cost of the evening is $40 which includes complimentary pre-dinner drink, musical entertainment, train fare and dinner. A bar will be open at Kandanga to purchase drinks. The train will depart Kandanga to arrive back at Gympie station by 11pm. For tickets and enquiries please ring Adrienne 5485 5046 Save The Mary 5488 4800 or Moi 0438 835 051.

MARY VALLEY Proposed Dam evicts Koalas


undreds of protesters rallied outside of State Parliament House Friday 25 September, delivering five dead koalas to highlight fears the animals are on the brink of extinction in urban southeast Queensland. A hearse delivered five coffins each bearing a dead koala, which were collected by Vanda Grabowski in the Moreton Bay region. Save the Mary supporters joined with other community groups to highlight concerns that over 22 percent of the proposed inundation area for the Traveston Crossing dam is uncleared land and hosts a diverse range of flora and fauna including koalas. President for the Save the Mary River Coordinating Group, Glenda Pickersgill said proposed inundation would impact on stands of forest redgums, (Eucalyptus tereticornis) which provide favoured habitat for koalas in the Mary Valley area. Mitigation measures for koalas outlined in the supplementary Environmental Impact Study refers to using environmental offsets for cleared vegetation. The Green Invest Program proposed to be run by the Queensland Government is set to provide an environmental offsets exchange facility that would be established to help project proponents, such as Queensland Water Infrastructure (QWI), find offsets for vegetation they need to clear as part of major projects. No state or federal approval has been given for the proposed damming of the Mary River at Traveston crossing, although the state Coordinator General awaits feedback from Canberra on draft mitigation measures prior to completing his assessment report on the proposal.

in a tournament and they done themselves and the Mary Valley proud. Ethan Tu”akoi won first place in fighting and third place for kata, not to be out done Ethan’s big sister Lepeka Tu”akoi who is only 13 years old came second in the under 16 years black belt division as well as placing third for kata. Kyle Gorlick won first place in the under 13 years fighting in just his second tournament in a very large and hard fought division. Josh Carter won 3rd place in kata and fought two outstanding matches, James Dudas placed third in fighting in the under 15 years brown belt division. The sister act of Amellia and Alana Connolly both placed 2nd in fighting and 3rd in kata. Alana was in the under 6 years girls division while big sister Amellia fought in the under 10 years girls brown belt division. Their dad Steve fought in the men’s novice division and done us all proud. Caroline Maddocks placed first in her kata division and third in fighting. Our two new additions to the team Izac Leacy and Gus Nye in their first tournament shook off the pre fight nerves to prove that these two boys have what it takes to be future champions. Izac came 4th in kata and 4th in fighting in a huge division and should be highly commended. Gus Nye done outstanding to take 3rd place in the kata division. Young Shane King had four fights to only lose by half a point to take out second place in fighting for the under seven years boys. In what was fight of the day our young black belt Mitchell Connolly fought the Japan Karate Champion in his first match. Mitch threw every kick in the book and at the end of the fight the two fighters could not be separated. The fight then went to an extension round with Mitch narrowly losing by just a half point. Senseis Steve and Andy couldn’t be prouder of their young students. The club has just launched its new website at http://www. Anyone wishing to join the school can contact Sensei Steve on 5488 6862.

“Within the SEQ Bioregion, koalas are listed as vulnerable under the state Nature Conservation Act. Its simple, koalas need trees - No trees, No koalas - Stop cutting down trees! Its not good enough for the Bligh Government to continue to give lip service to “green” policies and push full steam ahead with massive clearing though inundation and fragmenting the Mary Valley“ said Ms Pickersgill. Photo by Kent Hutton

Mary Valley Shotokan Karate


he Mary Valley Shotokan Karate Club competed in the 2009 Australasian Karate titles held at Runaway Bay Sporting complex on the Gold Coast. The Club took down 10 fighters and won 18 trophies. Mary Valley Shotokan karate is run by Sensei Steve Gorlick 5th Degree Black belt and Sensei Andy Dudas 3rd Degree Black Belt. For some of our students it was there first time competing

Photo: Back row left to right: Sensei Andy Dudas, Steve Connolly, Josh Carter, Sensei Steve Gorlick, James Dudas, Sensei Madonna Daly – Zacnic. Middle row left to right: Mitchell Connolly, Lepeka Tu”akoi, Gus Nye, Izak Leacy. Front row left to right: Shane King, Alana Connolly, Amelia Connolly, Ethan Tu”akoi. More colour photos on page 9.

October 14, 2009 |





elli’s next old time dance is Saturday 17 October. Spring is here and Christmas not far away. Our Christmas dance will be 21 November and then we look foward to our New Years Eve Dance Thursday 31 December. This year has been a great year for our dances and next March we celebrate 10 years of dancing with our present band, Sunshine Swing and vocalist Rex Eggmolesse. If you have never been to an old time dance at Belli, now is the time. Learners and children are always welcome and you will always have a great night. A traditional super with tea and coffee is served. For further information ring Margaret on 5447 0175. Margaret Long

Climate Change Wake-up Call


ith world leaders meeting for critical talks on climate change, local residents took part in a Climate Action Brunch to show their support for a fair, ambitious and binding new treaty. The gathering held at the Bellbunya Sustainable Community and Eco-Conference Centre in Belli Park was one of more than 2000 gatherings held world wide as part of a synchronised wake-up call to world leaders. Spokesperson Karyn Maher described the Bellbunya event as a “fun, peaceful call to action.” “People all over the world are ringing bells, sounding alarms and contacting politicians to let them know we want to see more being done to address climate change and create sustainable, green economies,” she said. Experts say a UN climate pact in Copenhagen in December risks failure unless world leaders revive boggeddown negotiations. The meeting at Bellbunya is part of international TCKTCKTCK campaign by major environmental and charitable groups to promote the ticking-clock urgency of climate change. “Arising out of our gathering, a number of local environmental groups are collaborating to organise a Climate Change night next month at Bellbunya. The night will feature speakers, a film presentation and a low-food mile dinner,” she said.

FOR TOP AUCTION PRICES consign your cattle to


EUMUNDI SALEYARDS MARKET ADVICE & INSPECTION Mike Wheeler 5496 1203 or mobile 0417 320 590 Clint Murtagh 0428 711 102

16 | October 14, 2009

People interested in becoming involved in the event should contact Karyn at the Bellbunya Sustainable Community and Eco-Conference Centre 5447 0181 or email Karyn@

Wellington’s Way


evegetate Kulangoor dump site I strongly support a State Government proposal to purchase the former Kulangoor dump site from Sunshine Coast Regional Council for revegetation as a wildlife corridor. I have sought the support of the Minister for Infrastructure and Planning on behalf of the local community. The land was originally purchased by Council for a dump site, which never eventuated due to the strong opposition from the community. I understand the Council had considered using this land for a possible noisy sports complex. The Northern Network Alliance is due to start work on its pipeline (Eudlo to Lake MacDonald) on part of this property soon, and I understand an access road is in place and other pipeline-related infrastructure and tanks will be build on this land. I support members of the Kulangoor Anti-Dump Action Group and the local community in their call for the government to purchase this land and accept the Northern Network Alliance offer to revegetate any cleared land for a wildlife corridor once the pipeline works are completed. This treed corridor would join onto Ferntree Creek State Forest and Mapleton National Park. New child restraint laws Parents should be made aware that children aged from birth to seven will need to be correctly fitted into ageappropriate capsules or boosters from 11 March 2010, or risk a fine. The Transport Minister announced that drivers will be fined $300 and lose three points for travelling with an unrestrained or incorrectly restrained child in a vehicle, from March 2010. The statistics show that children in appropriate booster sets have a 50% better chance of surviving a serious crash than they would if restrained only in an adult-sized seatbelt. For more information on correct restraints, hire options and other queries, visit childrestraints or phone 12 23 80. Gambling Community Benefit Fund I have recently been advised that the Nicklin Electorate has received more than $301,000 in the latest round of funding from the Gambling Community Benefit Fund. Jupiters Casino Community Benefit Fund It was great to see the Kenilworth First Response received $33,300 to purchase an emergency response vehicle through the Jupiters Casino Community Benefit Fund. There have been major changes made to the application process for Gambling Community Benefit Fund and Jupiters Casino Community Benefit Fund, with applications now being completed on line. To apply for community benefit fund grants, visit the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation website at

OUR COMMUNITY Young talent bring premiere sounds to regional QLD


ive of Queensland’s most promising musicians will bring sumptuous harmonies of strings and clarinet to regional audiences when 2009 Gertrude Langer Ensemble Award winners, The Strahlend Quintet tours to regional towns from 14 to 25 October with Queensland Arts Council’s Ontour onstage. Travelling from Childers in South East Queensland to El Arish in the North, this talented ensemble break away from intensive study at the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University to present an evening of music that classical first-timers and connoisseurs will love. Bringing together the warmth and harmony of four string instruments with the lyrical qualities of the clarinet, the quintet perform a stunning repertoire that includes great classical composers Mozart, Brahms and Gershwin and new music never before heard live in Australia. Regional Queenslanders who see this performance will be among the first to hear Australian premieres of Gumboots by British-American composer David Bruce and Aires Tropicales by Grammy Award-winning Cuban jazz composer, Paquito D’Rivera. Violist Lachlan O’Donnell says the performance offers a rare opportunity to experience accessible new music that is vibrant and engaging. The Strahlend Quintet are the 2009 winners of the annual Gertrude Langer Ensemble Award which each year sends one of Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University’s finest ensembles on a debut regional tour. The gifted 2009 Award Winners will create a captivating landscape of sound for local audiences from mid-October. For tickets and info visit • Friday 16 October in Nambour at the Civic Centre Theatre. For tickets ring 5475 7777 or visit • Sat 17 October in Maleny at Braeside B&B. For tickets ring the Maleny Bower Bird on 5494 3277 (For credit card bookings only, phone 5494 3677) Photo by Marisol da Silva. Francesca Hiew - Violinist, Caroline Hopson - Violinist, Lachlan O’Donnell – Violist, Alex Morris - Clarinettist, Andrew Chamberlain - Cellist.

September 2009 Moy Pocket 18mm. Only 36mm for the last 3 months. For comparison it was 200mm last year! Report kindly submitted by Graham Brennan


Laetitia Hoffmann Ph: 0424 132 929 E: maryvalleyvoice@aanet.

NEXT DEADLINES Friday, midday October 16, publication due out Wednesday, October 28 Friday, midday October 30, publication due out Wednesday, November 11 Published on behalf of the Mary Valley News Inc. Committee All copyrights 2009

Our place, Our future How do you want the Coast to look in 20 years? Do you want vibrant communities, a green environment and a diverse economy? Council is working towards this sustainable future and wants to know what you think. There will be a display near you so you can find out more and have your say. Visit council's website for details. Citizenship Ceremony Come along and welcome more than 70 people from around the world into the Australian family at the Citizenship Ceremony on Saturday 17 October at the Beerwah Community Hall. The ceremony starts at 1.30pm and will be hosted by Mayor Bob Abbot. The Heat is On! The search for the Coast’s Senior Superstar for 2009 comes to the Nambour RSL on Saturday 17 October at 2pm - and you can be part of the audience and cheer on the contestants! The grand final is at the Caloundra RSL on 7 November from 2pm. Visit council’s website for details. Are you up to speed? Test the speed of your home computer by connecting to and check your upload, download and ping speeds. Within minutes, this free test will give you an independent test of your connection, where you can check and confirm if you’re receiving the service you’re paying for.



Jill Guldbransen Ph: 07 5494 9918


for sale Four Droughtmaster cross heifers, 18 months old, quiet to handle and in very good condition. $400 each. Moy Pocket 0419 742 571 or 5446 0795

Org Performance Committee 20 October 9am, Nambour Service Delivery Committee 20 October 9am, Nambour Strategy & Planning Committee 21 October 9am, Nambour General Committee Meeting 26 October 10am at Nambour Ordinary Meeting 29 October 10am at Nambour T 1300 00 72 72 or 07 5475 7272 E October 14, 2009 |


KENILWORTH Kenilworth Pony Club

Congratulations Rachael!


ur members are still getting out and about... a number of riders participated in events at the Kenilworth Show and Rodeo demonstrating their versatility in jumping great heights.

Twelve of our riders have attended the Zone 6 camp during the school holidays with the majority sitting for their certificates on the last day. Congratulations to Jessie Falconer, Amy Loertscher, Maddison Lashmar, Matthew Kargar, Sarah Reardon, Romy McCullough, Ella Skoupy, Kate Lisett, Maddison Janke, Megan Lisett, Caitlyn Boon and our adult rider Bret Lashmar. A tiring but rewarding experience for intensive lessons in flatwork, jumping and theory. A number of our volunteer instructors also helped out through providing theory lessons throughout the camp as well as being examiners for the certificates on the Saturday. Well done riders and instructors!!! Months of practice and hard work paid off for Rachael Law at the State Campdrafting, Sporting and Mounted Games Championships held at Gympie on 25, 26 and 27 September. Riders from throughout Queensland, New South Wales and even New Zealand competed in a variety of events with Rachael competing in: • State Gymkhana placing 17th in presentation, 12th in Time Trial, 7th in Bending, 22nd in Flagging and 20th in Barrels in a field of 38 riders. • Mounted Games placing 4th overall from a field of 32 in the Junior Teams aged 16 and under. Places included 2nd in Ball and Bucket, 4th 5 Flags, 5th Pyramid, 7th in Stepping Stones and Stick Pegging, 9th Rope Race, 12th Ball and Cone and 13th Tyre Race.

Rachael may be the first State Championship award winner from KPC but she certainly will not be the last with a host of terrific riders coming through in the next couple of years. A testament to the great volunteer instructors that we have at our club who willingly give up their time to teach our local children the joys of owning and caring for their ponies/horses, forming strong partnerships and fostering good sportsmanship and horsemanship. Go KPC! On the photo above left: Rachael Law and LJ

Blonde and Droughtmaster Stud Bull and Female Open Day in Kenilworth


ell the first open day was a great success for Blonde Breeders and Droughtmaster Breeders displaying their stud cattle. The open day was held at John and Carol Gilmours farm in Coolabine “Diamond Blondes” with other Blonde Breeders coming from Maleny - Zarina Blondes, Gympie - Boulevard Blondes and Kilkivan - Bottle Tree Blondes and Droughtmaster Breeders from: Yandina - Eastern Downs Droughtmaster Stud and Imbil Imbil Droughtmaster Stud. Some of the cattle sold on the day went to Maryborough, Witta and Byron Bay. The open day wouldn’t have been a success without the support of the other breeders and sponsors: MLA, Porters Rural Supply, Kenilworth Realty, and the volunteers cooking the sausage sizzle for the two day event were from the Kenilworth Cheese Wine and Food Committee. A competition for “Guess the combined weight of Zack and Zapple” went to Graeme Mickelberg with the winning weight being: 474kg. Prize donated by MLA. Thank you to all who participated, this event will be an annual event.

• Sporting held on the Sunday amongst a very competitive field of 54 riders, Rachael recorded some of her best times to place 27th in Diamond Flag, 29th in Bondfield Bend and Running T, 32nd in Barrels and 40th in the Sporting Figure of eight. Congratulations Rachael on a job very well done, a very tiring three days (in the saddle from 7am to 7pm) but also an extremely rewarding competition. Rachael has also applied for an exchange program with New Zealand and it was announced at the Zone 6 meeting on 30 August that not only has Rachael been selected, she has been bestowed the honour of being named team captain. Six riders from Zone 6 will travel to Auckland in January 2010 for ten days of riding, sightseeing and lots of fun.



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Ester Ruffo with Zarina’s Blonde Bull “Rex”


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An old Australian battler lies dying in his bed. He calls over Shirley, his faithful wife of 60 years, and says, “Shirl, when we started out, tried to buy a business in the depression, went bust: you were with me” “Oh, yes, Bruce”, she says. Then the war started, I joined up, and was sent to the front line, where I lost me legs. You stayed with me.” “Oh yes, Bruce” she says. “Then, came home, couldn’t get a job, yb uoy ot thgudue orb to si me disability, and bought a farm.” “Oh, yes, Bruce”, she says. “The farm flooded, then just when we got over that, there SEILPPUS LARUR SRETROP was a bushfire, and then the drought, which wiped us right out: you still stayed with me.” “Oh yes, Bruce,” “Now here I am, in htrowlineK tS htexcruiating ebazilE pain, about to die, useless and you’re still with me.” “Yes Bruce.” “Shirl.” “Yes, Bruce?” “You’re bloody bad luck”


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5447 6133



Johnnie Walker Red Label Scotch Whisky & Cola or Bundaberg UP Rum & Cola 10x375ml Cans.

Black Douglas Scotch Whisky, Bundaberg UP Rum, Bundaberg Red Rum or Russian Standard Vodka 700ml.



Any 3 for



10 pack

Hahn Super Dry 3.5 24x330ml Stubbies.


Any 2 for



24 pack

Tooheys Extra Dry 24x345ml Stubbies.

Houghton Stripe or Wolf Blass Red Label Wines 750ml. SAVE UP TO $19.97 ON 3 BOTTLE BUY



Any 2 for

Riccadonna Asti Spumante 750ml. SAVE $15.98 ON 2 BOTTLE BUY



Any 2 for

Killawarra Sparkling Wines 750ml. SAVE $12.98 ON 2 BOTTLE BUY

Single $32.99


Close to you.

Single $9.99


Single $12.99

Single $8.99

Bottlemart supports the responsible service and consumption of alcohol ID 25.


18 Elizabeth Street, Kenilworth Tel 5446 0206

Beer specials available Saturday October 17th. All other specials available until Saturday October 24th, 2009 or while stocks last. Images are for illustrative purposes only. Prices may vary in remote far North Queensland areas. Savings are based on Bottlemart recommended selling prices and may vary in some outlets. Specials available only in the state of Queensland.

October 14, 2009 |


Kenilworth Realty

7 Elizabeth St, Kenilworth • Office 5446 0164 • Fax 5446 0742 email• website•

Carol Gilmour

0417 603 451


VACANT ACREAGE IN TOWN - KENILWORTH • 6.3 acres of vacant land in town (yes it • Power at front of property, town water on does flood) block and sealed road to front • Approx 80mtrs walk to the Mary River • Walk to town for your local supplies • Ideal spot for weekend retreat – camping, • 40 minutes to the coast fishing, swimming.

RENTALS AVAILABLE NOW from $195 We currently have rentals available from $195.00 per week. Please call our office to discuss.

BIG VIEW AT A SMALL PRICE - LARGE BLOCK - IMBIL • Two bedroom timber cottage with great views on 1012m2 • Polished timber floors and high ceilings throughout • Sunroom at front that catches the morning sun and beautiful views...


• Renovated kitchen and bathroom • Roof has been recently replaced and house re-stumped • The house still needs some work – looking for a renovators hand • Close to school, shops and township

... three bedroom - available now!

NEAT AND TIDY HOME WITH POOL - KENILWORTH • Highset three bedroom family home • Lockup garage under with workshop • Rear verandah overlooks the pool and • Great location with full town services rear yard area • Currently returning $290.00 per week • Polished timber floors to main living areas rent

$230,000 ... picturesque views from the deck



...Mary River frontage


Sunstrip Printers 07 5441 1611

• Three bedroom home on 6915m2 with • The area under is enclosed and comes Mary River frontage complete with second shower and toilet, • Features: large open plan living and this is a great area for teenagers and dining areas with sun-room artist workshop. • Covered front and back verandahs also • This is a perfect property for families with opening out from the living areas direct access to the Mary River where you • There is air-conditioning to the main can swim, canoe or just relax at the edge. bedroom and living areas • Located in a quiet area of Conondale: • The bedrooms are all spacious with two of close to local shops, primary school and the bedrooms with large built-in robes only 20 minutes to Maleny

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