Mary Valley Voice, 4 Feb 2009 - Vol.19 No. 2

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04 February 2009 Vol.19 No. 2

from the editor Dear readers, Holidays are sadly over and the kids are well and truely back to school. The rain came back with Australia Day just in time to give us a bit of relief with the drought and not having to water the garden for a little while. We hope that you are enjoying the new look and feel of the Mary Valley Voice. We are calling the community for more submissions so please don’t hesitate to report us with relevant information that you would like to share with the people around you. PLEASE NOTE that I will be away from home for a couple of weeks from the 13 February to the 1st of March. If you need any help regarding the editorials during this time please get in contact with Jill on 5494 9918 or


Our front cover photograph has been provided by our very talented local photographer Birgit Kehr.

Need a new antenna? There’s a new Jim’s Antenna technician in the Mary Valley. Call for a free quote today.


o 10am t


Features Kenilworth Community Pool_________ 3 Kenilworth Township Christmas Tree__ 4 Oaky Creek Road__________________ 5 Kenilworth Living Treasures Boxsells stock report_ _______________ 6 Cooroy PROBUS Club Cooroy Noosa Genealogical & Historical Research Group_ _______ 7 Mary Valley Karate Academy_____ 8-9 Boxsells Real Estate___________ 10 & 11 The Spring Hillbillies________________12 Upper Mary Valley Care_ __________13 Gympie Community News Gympie Hockey Sign On___________14 Imbil Police briefs Green Corner_____________________15 Local markets, rainfall, Silly Bits Kenilworth spraying_________________16 Solar water heater & Plant a tree___17 The Mary Valley Voice info_________18 Kenilworth Realty__________________20

MARY VALLEY SPORTS EXPO Sunday 8 February 2009 at Mary Valley State College NEW MULTI-PURPOSE FACILITY

• Learn about all your local sports clubs in the Mary Valley • Sports Locker Room Forum - 1pm to 3pm Meet Australian Olympians Duncan Free, rower and Olympic medallist and Justin Anlezark, shot putter


BE INVOLVED! SIGN-ON & JOIN A CLUB! MEET THE COACHES! This initiative is being supported by Mary Valley Inc., Valley Rangers Soccer Club, Dept of Sport & Recreation Queensland, Kandanga One Stop Shop and CFTF.

Family day with activities, free sausage sizzle and plenty of sporting action Details call Community Futures Task Force 1800 133 258 2 | February 04, 2009


Kenilworth Community Swimming Pool

New council brand Whether you join a community focus group or fill out a survey, make sure you have your say on council’s new brand when the community engagement program starts next week. Visit council’s website, listen to the radio or visit our libraries from 9 February to find out how you can get involved.

Rates discount


antastic weather has seen Kenilworth Community Swimming Pool very busy over the school holidays. The swimming lessons are in full swing. Children and parents took the opportunity to keep their fitness level up which is great to see. School has just started so we have adjusted our opening times since the 26th of January as follows: Monday – Friday Saturday and Sunday

2 pm – 5 pm 12 pm – 5 pm

Swimming Lessons will be run from Monday 2nd February 2009 to Wednesday 8th April 2009

Ratepayers are encouraged to pay their rates by Friday 20 February to take advantage of the rates discount offer. Council continues to make it as convenient as possible for payment of rates and a variety of methods are available - just check your rates notice for more details.

Cleaning up the Coast Council is supporting clean up Australia day. 1 March is your opportunity to make a difference on the Sunshine Coast.

Monday & Wednesday:

3.15 pm to 4.00 pm (Squad) 3.15 pm to 3.45 pm (Learn to swim) 4.00 pm to 4.30 pm (Learn to swim) 4.30 pm to 5.15 pm (Squad)

If you would like to find a clean up in your area or would like to register a new site, log on to the Clean Up Australia Day website

Wednesday Mornings:

11 am to 11.30 am (Learn to swim) 2 years old to 4 years old


Kenilworth Community Swimming Pool is run on volunteer basis so times can differ. More volunteers more hours opened. So please if you have a couple of hours spare, a week, take the opportunity and support our community, the kids will thank you.

Service Delivery Committee Tue 10 Feb 1.30pm at Nambour Strategy & Planning Committee Wed 11 Feb 9am at Nambour General Committee Meeting Mon 16 Feb 10am at Nambour Ordinary Meeting Thu 19 Feb 10am at Nambour Sunshine Coast Regional Council T 1300 00 72 72 or 07 5475 7272 E

Call pool on 5446 0326, Treena 0427 122 170 or Diane 0432 348 717 Photos by Birgit Kehr Treena teaching ‘Learn to Swim’

Org Performance Committee Tue 10 Feb 9am at Nambour

MVV_Feb_09.indd 1

22/01/2009 3:03:26 PM

February 04, 2009 |


KENILWORTH The History of the Kenilworth Township Christmas Tree


ifty-eight years of Christmas Eve Celebrations in Kenilworth began with: After taking over the Newsagency, at Kenilworth on December 1, 1949 the new owner gave the following description “a lovely clean little town in a farming community, where every Saturday night most of the families would come into town and the shops would open and most of the women would do their shopping before going to the pictures” (p 110).

This first Christmas Tree was reported on page 13, of the December 15 edition of The Nambour Chronicle : All the local business places are gay with Christmas decorations. All manner of useful and decorative gifts are on sale. Mr. Cosgrove, the local newsagent is having a Christmas tree at his shop on Saturday, December 23. Also reported in The Nambour Chronicle 4/1/1952, page 8:

“Christmas Eve in Kenilworth was celebrated in gay and jolly fashion by the very large crowd who gathered round the gaily decked Christmas tree in front of Mr Cosgrove’s shop. Father “The first Christmas, just after Christmas arrived in the “1905 taking over the shop, I noticed Reo” to the accompaniment of that on Christmas Eve there ringing bells and happy cheers was nothing else on in the of the many children. Bright town except the pictures, even seasonal music was broadcast though practically everyone in from Mr. Dillworth’s public the district came in. So the next address systems, all adding to Christmas Eve we ran a Christmas the general air of festivity. After Tree – the customers brought the Christmas tree celebrations their presents, or put them on large crowd attended the local lay by – and we wrapped and picture show where, as in other labelled them for Santa Claus years, the picture company to give out from a big Christmas proprietors, Messrs Lester & Sims, tree we had outside the shop. donate a cake to a lucky ticket Santa had something like three holder. This year the cake was hundred gifts to give and it was won by Tom Miles” very successful.”(p 127). From Remember the Good I spoke to Mr Terry Cosgrove in Times (1992) written by Terry Toowoomba when seeking his permission to use quotes from his Cosgrove.

Mary Valley Yoga and Tai Chi

Yoga classes held in:Kenilworth on Mondays 1.00-2.30pm Ridgewood on Thursdays 9.30-11.00 Imbil on Fridays 10.30-12.00 and on Wednesdays 7.00-8.30pm For further information please ring Amrit (Lynne) on 5484 5006

4 | February 04, 2009

book. He is delighted that the event he began so long ago continues to bring the community of Kenilworth together in the spirit of Christmas. Kenilworth Museum remains closed for the summer months. Keep watching for the launch of the website in 2009. Lenore Meldrum President Kenilworth & District Historical Museum



n 1891 when closer settlement began in the locality now known as Gheerulla the area was traversed by two creeks and a river. The name of Yahoo Creek was officially changed in 1910 to Gheerulla, upon the recommendation of the Kenilworth Farmers’ Association. The Mary River, as we all know, has retained the same spelling and place in the district history. But the Creek between Moy Pocket Road and McGinn Road was identified in the map from the early 1900’s as O-A-K-E-Y Creek

Mysteriously some time in the 1970s the spelling changed to O-A-K-Y Creek. This spelling appeared on land map documents through to the 1980s which apparently caused the road signs to be changed.

When enquiries were recently made to determine when the official place name changed had occurred it was found that the alteration to the original name had never been approved by the Governor in Council. The map released by the Department of Natural Resources, under QPN plan number 1012, on July 4, 2008 showed the original spelling.

Sunshine Coast Regional Council has advised that the signs at Oakey Creek will, in the near future, be changed to the official and original correct spelling. So if you live on that road or near that creek – for your information the correct spelling is Oakey. Should any of your official documents (driver’s licence/passport etc) have the 1970’s/80’s spelling you might like to make an adjustment. Lenore Meldrum President. Kenilworth & District Historical Assn Inc.


Keep watching for the website!

KIDAMAN CREEK PLUMBING & GAS Phone 5446 9298 • 0413 012 398

200 acres at Conondale Suit 50 head of cattle + horses Good feed / water / fencing $500 per month Ph Lil 0418 796 199

All hours & Emergency Tel 5472 3085 Consultation by appointment Mon - Fri 8.30 - 5 pm Sat 9 am - 12 noon Elizabeth Street Kenilworth

Residential • Rural • Commercial New work, Repairs, Renovations • Drainage • Septic Tanks • Trenches Gas Appliance: Installation & Pipe work

Proprietors: John & Jo-Anne McKenzie Q.B.S.A Lic # 040206

Marcus Anstey BVSc (Hons) BSc Susan Anstey BVSc

Professional care for the animals of our valley February 04, 2009 |




he Kenilworth Chamber of Commerce & Citizens Inc had the pleasure to present Living Treasure certificates to two worthy recipients at their Christmas Function on the 10 December 2008. CARMEL MARY DOBSON In the Kenilworth community she has always been evident in all kinds of involvement for the benefit of residents of our township. 1985-86 assisted in compiling Kenilworth Community directory; one of a team of stalwarts who succeeded in having the library up and running and now still a librarian there; strong involvement with St John Bosco’s Church; Kenilworth Village Units and still involved in the management team; Kenilworth Arts Council claimed her attention being a member for a number years and still “rolls up the sleeves” at the annual Arts Festival; Show and Rodeo and The Chook Chase.

THE WILCOX FAMILY A most active family in the Kenilworth district for many years, with this tradition of working for the community being carried on through the generations. No matter what the occasion, Cliff and Elma Wilcox gave freely of their time and labour in working toward improving community projects including Kenilworth Hall & Showgrounds; Show & Rodeo; the Anglican church; school tuckshop. So well respected was the family in the district, Wilcox Road was named after them. Their children from a young age became involved in community affairs, Neil an active member of Kenilworth Rural Youth and together with his siblings, Narelle, Anne and David worked for the community. Neil held the position of President of Kenilworth Chamber of Commerce & Citizens, here ably assisted by his wife Colleen (nee Miller) as Secretary. The Wilcox Family ever willing to provide assistance, but true to their nature in a quiet and unassuming manner without any thought of recognition or praise.

Carmel Mary Dobson a very worthy recipient to be named a Kenilworth Living Treasure.

It was indeed a pleasure to name this family as a Kenilworth Living Treasure.


She is also involved in the establishment of the “Shed the Light Inc” Op Shop, an organization providing care for children and elders living in Nepal.

NEW YOGA CLASSES begin in Kenilworth Wednesday 28 Jan., 6:15 - 7:45pm 9 week term - $117 PH JANI

Prevention and treatment of stress related illness with

ative Health e r C

YOGA MASSAGE 5488 4859 or CREATIVE 0403 546 938 AUSTRALIA ARTS & ORGANIC Weekly Classes, Workshops, Retreats & Corporate LIFESTYLE Groups & Massage Therapy (mobile service avail)

6 | February 04, 2009

LIVESTOCK REPORT week ending 24th January 2009 EUMUNDI CALF SALE • 19th January 143 calves yarded. Market fully firm to dearer for all descriptions. Light yearlings Heavy splitters Light splitters Heavy trade Light trade Top bobbies Medium bobbies Light bobbies Underweights

sold to $534.50 to $509.50 to $419.50 to $380.50 to $249.50 to $187.50 to $94.50 to $49.50 $11.50 to $38.50

EUMUNDI CATTLE SALE • 20th January 419 cattle yarded. Market for store stock dearer with processing cattle firm on the opening sale of 2009. Heavy bulls sold to $1096 Medium bulls to $986 Light bulls to $786 Bullocks to $900 Store steers to $786 Weaner steers to $576 Heavy cows to $851 Medium cows to $721 Light cows to $641 Store cows to $546 Store cows & calves to $856 Trade heifers to $731 Splitter calves to $476 Stock drawn from Woodford, Maleny, Sexton, Woolooga, Widgee, Pomona, Imbil, Kandanga, Conondale, Kenilworth and local areas


call Rob 5484 5959

or Mike 5484 5871

mobile O414 412 671



pology. The dates I published for the Probus meetings for February and March were incorrect. The date for the February meeting was advertised for the 9th of February instead of the 2nd and the AGM will be held on the SECOND MONDAY IN MARCH – THE 9TH not the 2nd as published at the Cooroy RSL. I apologise for any inconvenience this mistake may have caused. Has anyone noticed that the months of February and March both commence on the same day of the week – this caused the mix up when I check the calendars. The latest social activity for the local Probus members was an outstanding success. The Anglican Church hall was the venue for our very own “Antiques Road Show” and members supplied the most remarkable assortment of interesting items to talk about which ranged from antique clocks, shearing equipment, jewellery, photographs and many more with interesting histories. The recreation committee planned the programme to include a great lunch and all members agreed that another such day should be planned for the future incorporating a different theme such as ‘the written word’. Stay tuned. Liz Agerbeek Publicity Officer

Cooroy Noosa Genealogical & Historical Research Group


he next monthly meeting of the Cooroy Noosa Genealogical & Historical Research Group will be held at 1.30pm on Saturday 7 February 2009 in the rooms at 41 Miva Street, Cooroy. Guest speaker at this meeting will be Vicky Blackall. Vicky was born in England and will talk about her journey through life from England to Queensland via interesting and exotic places where she has lived such as Tanzanika, Pakistan and South Africa.

On Saturday 28 February 2009 the Group will hold an Open Day featuring basic procedures for using the internet to access websites such as ‘’ and ‘findmypast’. Cost is just $7.50 per person with morning tea and a light lunch included. Bookings are essential. For further details phone 5442 5570 during opening hours which are 9.30am to 1.00pm every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday or email: Madeline Ide Publicity Officer Cooroy Noosa Genealogical & Historical Research Group Inc. Ph: (07) 5449 1346


Custom Cabitnetmaking 35 Years experience

Fred Galea Kitchens, Robes, vanities, Wall units, furniture, shop fittings etc

Ph 5447 0237 Mob 0412 966 287 Fax 5447 0267 1248 Kenilworth Rd Belli Park 4562

Troy Troy Hanly Hanly

PAINTERS PAINTERS 0408 0408734 734 782 782 0409 136 680 0423 619 542 A/h A/h5446 5446 0409 0409

February 04, 2009 |


MARY VALLEY A valley of karate world champions!


he Mary Valley Karate Academy was started in February 2006 by Sensei Steve Gorlick 5th Degree Black Belt Former World Full Contact Karate Champion and Australian Army Unarmed combat instructor. In a short period of time the academy has produced outstanding results and the students are a shining example of discipline and heart. The Mary Valley can lay claim to four international champions, sixteen Australasian champions and twelve State champions as well as numerous regional Titleholders, not bad for a little town called Imbil. The members ages range from four to fifty-seven with some members travelling from as far as the Gold Coast to train in Imbil. For members it is not compulsory to fight in tournaments (not everyone wants to be a fighter) so the academy offers other activities such as camping and trips away.

In October 2008 some of our club members travelled to Mandaluyong City, Manila to attend the first International Philippines Goodwill Games, held under the direction of the Japan Karate-Do Organization. Seven countries competed at the first international tournament held in the Philippines in 23 years. The city gets it’s name from the rolling landscape resembling giant waves of the sea and is located in the middle of their country’s borders. Results were clearly outstanding with every member of the Mary Valley Karate Academy placing either first, second or third and Sensei Steve Gorlick was awarded Best Coach. It was world standard level of competition but our Mary Valley students proved once again that they could handle it and fight well under the pressure. Everyone, including the parents made lifelong friendships as well as experience a different culture and they all now realise how lucky they are to live in Australia. Sensei’s Steve Gorlick, Peter Maddocks and Andy Dudas would like to thank all the parents (especially the mothers club and you know who you are) for working tirelessly to make this excellent experience happen.

We would like to thank Mr Ian Stubbins who supported us from the start and travelled with his wife Denise to the Philippines to support Team Australia 08. The trip would have been impossible without the efforts of all these people mentioned and without the generous support from businesses and the whole of the Mary Valley. “ Thank you Imbil - the small town with the world’s biggest heart.” The Mary Valley Karate Academy also congratulates 13 year old Mitchell Connolly, on achieving his black belt after a 5 hour grading in nearly 40 degree heat, he performed extremely well and should be highly commended for his fitness and this sporting achievement. Also in the news and a feather in the cap for the local team, the Mary Valley Karate Academy has been asked to host the 2010 Goodwill Games in Australia and there will be at least seven countries attending. You can visit and talk with the friendly coaches and members of the Mary Valley Karate Academy as they will be at the Sports Expo (Mary Valley College Multi-Purpose Facility) on 8 February, 2009. Everyone and anyone is welcome to join the club on the day or contact Sensei Steve on 07 5488 6862.

LONG’S FUEL SUPPLIES Pty Ltd Suppliers of Bulk Petroleum Fuels & Oils Servicing the Sunshine Coast Hinterland & Mary Valley for over 25 years

Neville & Margaret Long Ph 5447 0175 or

8 | February 04, 2009

Team Australia 2008 at Mandaluyong City, Phillipines, October 2008


KENILWORTH GARAGE 5446 0214 Elizabeth St, Kenilworth



Ethan and Amellia holding the team’s Australia flag

Lyn & Mark Gilroy, Proprietors

★ Mechanical ✰ Australian Youth Ambassador for Health Research and Imbil’s karate champion Francesca Dudas, Sensei Steve Dorlick and Sensei Peter Maddocks.

Repairs ★ Oils & ✰ Batteries ★ Gas Refills ✰ ★ RWC’s & Tyres ✰ ★ Panel Beating ✰ ★ Spray Painting ✰

Insurance Membership Break-down Service Towing Third Party Insurance Maps

February 04, 2009 |




19 Elizabeth St, Kenilworth

5446 0222 | 5446 0205 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK

Garry Braden 0410 815 941 ah 5446 0914

Call Gary or Tonia now to arrange your personal inspection KENILWORTH - AFFORDABLE VACANT LAND

FROM $145,000

Town blocks just under 1/4 acre with all services connected. North-east aspect with great views.

Tonia Murtagh 0407 135 797

Auctioneers • Livestock Agents • Livestock Transport Livestock 0428 136 893 Terry & Lolie Murtagh Stock Transport 0428 711 102 Clinton Murtagh

Eumundi: Calf sales every Monday Cattle sales every 2nd Tuesday


This country style timber home is shaded by a small Moreton Bay fig tree and consists of three bedrooms (master opens onto verandah and has room to create an ensuite), office/nursery, easy to work in solid timber kitchen with electric hot plate and wall oven and pantry.


The lounge also opens onto the verandah and has reverse cycle airconditioning plus a wood heater (great for winter months). The bathroom has a separate shower and bath with room to renovate. The verandah surrounds the house on three sides which is great for outdoor entertaining. Polished hardwood flooring throughout adds to the character of the home. For the extended family and guests there is a self contained cabin with its own carport overlooking a beautiful inground pool. The pool is fully fenced with colorbond panels. A large machinery shed/workshop provides excellent space for the handyman or could be used as an art studio with more windows. There is ample water storage with 11500 gallons of storage. All linked by a pump system. There is even a chook pen to create the ideal rural retreat. The 1.5 acre block provides enough room for a horse. Small general store nearby plus school bus to front gate. Don’t miss out inspect today. MUST BE SOLD!!!



This magnificent grazing property caters for both horses and cattle. There is a modern six year old Queenslander with five bedrooms, formal dining and lounge, family room, timber kitchen with walk-in pantry, polished timber floors throughout and airconditioned. The second home is a ninety year old Queenslander with three large bedrooms all airconditioned, high ceilings, T&G walls, modern kitchen and bathroom, formal dining/ lounge and verandahs. Other features include forty acres of creek flats with irrigation licence and pump, fourteen hardwood stable complex, foaling paddocks, vet crush, two equipped bores, lots of tank storage, cattle yards, macadamia and mango trees, weekenders and shed on creek flats. Fencing in good order. 3-phase power throughout the property. This is a must see property with lots of potential. Inspections by appointment please. $1,200,000






Fenced on two sides. Gentle slope. Half acre. Large acreage on back boundary, Small residential area - not suburbia. Situated in village of Brooloo (15kms north of Kenilworth and 8kms south of Imbil). Tank water and septic will be required when you build. No covenants. Excellent northerly views. $110,000

This well presented property is located down a secluded country lane just a short drive off the main road between Kenilworth and Imbil. Its bordered by tree lined Coonoongibber Creek on one side and hill side on the other with pastured creek flats in between. The property is well fenced with 5-barb front fence, 4-barb internal fencing, 4-plain around horse paddock (two of which can be electrified) plus new steel gates to every paddock and a set of steel holding yards at the front entry. There is also a large 4-bay triple lockup shed with phone connected. Water is accessed from creek which has several water holes plus a trough is gravity fed from tank. Ideal weekend retreat, horse/cattle property or even growing small crops/orchard. Even a farm forestry project (tree farm). Has lots of potential. Will look at offers over $499,000.





Hillbillies head for the Hills!

Russell’s Building & Carpentry 25 years experience Service • New Home • Extensions • Renovations small or big jobs Ph|Fax 5472 3214 Mobile 0439 724 436

HIA member

the best in the business

2008 Sausage King 100% Pork Multi Award winning Sausage Kings Plus a full range of top quality chemical free, free range beef, lamb and poultry

Memorial Ave Pomona 5485 1256


n Saturday 21st of February The Return of the Spring Hillbillies are loading up the Dodge and heading up our way from Brizvegas to play the Crystal Waters Community Café Deck. Lead singer and wanna-be guitarist Booger Tee explains that the Hillbillies are a fun tribute band, where no song is sacred and no music is safe! “We play tribute to all the great songs, but in full tilt, thigh slappin, and in a toe tappin way” Think Sensitive New Age Cowpersons with a touch of the Kransky Brothers, covering songs from U2, the Stones, Amy Winehouse, Angels, 10cc, Blur, The Doors and Beyond. Supporting the Spring Hillbillies are there good pals and look-a-likes ‘Big Willy and the Lazy Boys’. To get you in the mood Crystal Waters’ own Kit Cotter will start the night rolling. All this and more will cost you only $10 for workers and $8 for nonworkers. Kids 15 and under in for free. Food, beer and wine will be on sale from 6.30pm. If you want to have a real good time and stay the night; camping, bunkhouse and B&B accommodation is available. You can find Crystal Waters off Kilcoy Lane Conondale. For more info contact Tom on 5494 4590 or email


Wether you are a sc ho ol, club or any other co a sporting mm organisation please se unity nd us your submissions.

We want to hear from you.

12 | February 04, 2009

MARY VALLEY Upper Mary Valley Care in full swing


entacare Upper Mary Valley has started the year in “full swing”. The majority of staff had a couple of weeks off over Christmas and New Year. Several of our staff worked diligently during this time to provide services to our clients who were without family support. We provide home and community care services to frail aged people, younger people with a disability and carers. These services include domestic assistance, Meals on Wheels, Respite in the home, Social Support, Transport, Allied Health. We also provide services to Veterans Home Care clients and have a small number of Aged Care packages. The service is currently “at capacity” so we can’t take any more referrals for domestic assistance, transport and social support. We have recently applied for increased funding through HACC (Home and Community Care) and are hoping that later in the year we will get an increase. Our Aged Care packages are all full as well and we are waiting to hear if we will be successful in getting more packages in the next 6 months or so. Aged Care packages are generally for clients who have more complex health needs and require extra services to remain in their homes. The office is officially opened from 8am-3pm Monday to Friday.

Marilyn Jeffrey is the Office Coordinator and she is generally always here during those times unless she is away sick or she has had to transport a client to the doctor or to an appointment urgently. This comes up fairly often so you may ring to find that you get a “message bank” or the phone just rings out. Lisa Price, the Service Manager is in the office most days but in and out doing home visits or attending meetings on the Sunshine Coast or Brisbane. We are aware that it can be frustrating not being able to get hold of someone immediately, but do leave a message and we’ll get back to you. For older people who are struggling to maintain their toe nails and keep their feet in good health we contract the services of a podiatrist to come to Kenilworth once every six weeks. We pay the podiatrist in full for each consultation. HACC (Home and Community Care) clients contribute $10 per consultation to us. If you are not a client of our service then you would need to pay for the consultation or test your eligibility with us by talking to the staff at the centre. Dept of Veterans Affairs clients don’t pay as the Commonwealth Government pays the podiatrist directly. Private Counsellor, Mick Devlin continues to make himself available to any of our clients for counselling on a weekly basis. There is no cost for this service since it is paid for by Medicare as long as you have a referral from Summer & Winter rugs made to measure. Repairs to any canvas, vinyl and leather goods.

your GP. If you are struggling with everyday life or finding it hard to cope with the smallest of things then you may be assisted by counselling. Phone the staff at the centre and we can arrange an appointment for you. Mick is also happy to do home visits for people who would prefer the anonymity and comfort of being at home rather than at the centre. Tai Chi classes start again on Monday 9 February from 10.30 and 11.30am at the centre and run weekly. The cost is minimal at $5 per class. Tai Chi provides proven and researched benefits in lowering blood pressure, relieving stress symptoms, benefiting the heart, relaxing and toning the muscles, improving posture, balancing, the lymphatic system and breathing. From 1.00-2.30 on Mondays, yoga is held for beginners or those who haven’t done it for a while. The first yoga lesson is free so that you can decide whether it is for you or not. The instructor will tailor the lessons for you individually depending on your needs. Either come along on the day or ring the office beforehand for more information. We are celebrating in appropriate style Friday the 13th this month. There will be a suitably scary movie shown with a scrumptious lunch at the centre on that date all for $7. Come along if you dare! For further information about this service phone 5446 0820 or email

MARY VALLEY LIFE DRAWING We are looking for like minded people to start a life drawing group (untutored) in the Mary Valley area. If interested please ring Vit or Anna on 5488 6376 February 04, 2009 |






ary and I would like to wish everybody all the very best for the New Year. I feel that 2009 will be a very busy, yet fulfilling year for all of us, and hopefully we have a lot to look forward to. Financial Assistance Grants funding is coming up for not for profit groups in the Gympie Regional Council. Advertising commences in Jan. and applications close on 16th March 2009. The information can be found on our website at In December council was visited by representatives from Dept of Main Roads, I raised the issue of the condition of the Mary Valley Highway and commented on how the increased truck usage was having a major impact

Cooran Trading Post

Trading Hours Wed - Fri 9am to 5pm Sat - Sun 9am to 4pm Buying & Selling quality antiques, secondhand furniture, fine china, collectables and Estates 28 King Street Cooran

5485 2312

14 | February 04, 2009

on the road. I also aired my concern at the lack of passing lanes on the road to Tin Can Bay and Rainbow Beach. Jenny Millers, Area Manager for Qld Emergency Management Services, spoke to members of the Imbil Neighbourhood Watch group at the December meeting, about “Disaster Preparedness”. Jenny was well received by the group and she handed out pamphlets to help with the many aspects of Disaster Management. The committee meets on the first Monday night of each month and usually meets at Kandanga Public Hall. The “Save the Mary River” group had their AGM meeting and congratulations go to Glenda Pickersgill who was voted in as their new chairman. Work on Stage 3 of the Bruce Highway upgrade, Cross St to Pine St, in Gympie will begin in mid 2009 and expected to finished in 2010 depending, of course, on the weather. A “Non Urgent” phone number has been added to the list of Police phone contact numbers. This number is to be used for people to report non urgent offenders and will free up the 000 number for urgent calls. The new number is 131 444 and will be manned 24/7 The traffic Advisory Committee has recommended to Council that the following roads should be included in the 80km zone. They are Dagun Rd, AmamoorDagun Rd, Kandanga-Amamoor Rd and Diamondfield Road. Imbil First Response group meet at 6.30pm on 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month at the Fire Brigade building at Imbil, everybody most welcome, “the more the merrier”! Mary Valley Heritage Rail is calling for volunteers. So if you have a passion for talking to people about our beautiful

area or you are eager to help out a very worthy cause please contact MVHR on 54822750. Did you realise that over 30,000 WHAT'S IN SPOTLIGHT WHAT'Senjoy IN THE THE SPOTLIGHT people the train every Kiosk now open year. Cr Reserve Julie Walker Mary Cairncross Scenic Gympie Regional Council Kiosk has re-opened after recent renovations. The Kiosk is open E: weekdays (except Mondays) M: 043 from 754 3035 9.00am to 4.30pm and weekends from 8.30am to 4.30pm.

2009 Gympie Hockey

The Kiosk serves delicious homeSign made food and great On coffee. It is located at 148 Mountain View ome and join ourthe fun family Road, Maleny, overlooking sport on Friday 13 Feb from Glasshouse Mountains.


5pm and Saturday 14 Feb from Australia Day Awards 10am to 2pm at the Hockey Club, Power Road, Southside. Council would like to congratulate the

winners of its inaugural Day New players are Australia welcome! Awards. The nominations were of a For information visit the verymore high standard and the judging Gympie homepage panel had Hockey a challenging time making at their choices.

orCongratulations enquiries totoShelley 5486 7210 all nominees and winners. You have made extraordinary contributions to our community and we thank you for your dedication to the Sunshine Coast.

What goes in your bin? Join a free tourTHE of the Sunshine Coast Natural Resource Management WHAT'S WHAT'S IN IN THE SPOTLIGHT SPOTLIGHT

recycling centre in Nambour, Saturday

Landholder Incentive Program 7 February, 9-11am. Kiosk now open

Rural landholders within theput former Find out if everything you in your Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve Caloundra City Council local government bin makes it through the recycling Kioskare has re-opened after area to apply forrecent a small grant process.invited renovations. The Kiosk is openresource to assist in undertaking natural weekdays (except from Kids will love all theMondays) machinery, management works on their property. 9.00am to 4.30pm and from demonstrations and theweekends free sausage Projects such as fencing riparian 8.30am to 4.30pm. sizzle. Bookings are essential please vegetation, environmental weed control, call 5475 The Kiosk8501. serves delicious revegetating degraded areashomeor installing made foodwatering and great coffee. off-stream points will Itbe COUNCIL MEETINGS is located atTo 148 Mountain considered. obtain a fact View sheet and Road, Maleny, overlooking expression of interest form orthe for further Org Performance Committee Glasshouseplease Mountains. information, contact Council’s Tue 20 Jan 9am at Caloundra Conservation Partnerships Officers on Australia Day Awards Service Committee (07) 5420Delivery 8200 or visit our website at Tue 20 Jan 1.30pm at Caloundra and the Council would like to congratulate Strategy &itsPlanning follow theoflinks from theCommittee Environment winners inaugural Australia Daytag. Wed 21 9am atforms Caloundra Awards. TheJan nominations were of a Expressions of interest should very high Committee standard and the to judging General Meeting be completed and returned Council’s panel had challenging Mon 26aoffice, Jan 10am at time Caloundra Caloundra PO Box 117,making their choices. Caloundra Qld 4551 by 4.00pm on Ordinary Meeting Friday, 27 February, 2009. Thu 29 Jan 10am Caloundra Congratulations to all at nominees and winners. You have made extraordinary Sunshine Coast Regional Council contributions to our community and we Tthank 1300you 00 for 72 your 72 ordedication 07 5475 7272 to the E Sunshine Coast. What goes in your bin?

Join a free tour of the Sunshine Coast recycling centre in Nambour, Saturday MVV_26_Jan.indd 1 8/01/2009 2:40:47 PM 7 February, 9-11am.




appy New Year to everyone and we hope that 2009 brings you all that you deserve. The Christmas / New Year period was fairly good in the Police Division with only one traffic crash and very few incidents. Santa was good to us and delivered us a new radar. It has been put to good use and has shocked a few people who didn’t know we had it. 2008 was not a good year on the roads in the Imbil Division – or the Gympie District or North Coast Region for that matter. We had a total of 39 traffic crashes for the year in our Division – 3 fatal with 8 people killed, 16 injury crashes and 20 noninjury crashes. Traffic is the primary focus of the Queensland Police Service at present and will be for some time. We will be targeting the fatal four – speeding, seat belts, drink driving and fatigue, but not exclusively. Traffic fines increased 33% as from January 1 and the cheapest fine for speeding is less than 13 km/hr over the limit which is $133. Fail to stop at stop sign and fail to wear a seat belt are now $300, cross double lines is $180 and using a mobile phone while driving is $300. We make no apologies for enforcing the traffic laws and will do all within our power to make the roads safer in the Imbil Police Division. If people want to break the law, we will deal with it in any manner possible. We have been asked a number of times recently how much leeway is allowed on the speed limit. The simple answer is none. The Queensland Police Service does not have a set tolerance level and it is up to each individual Officer how much tolerance they allow. It depends on a number of factors – the area, the type of road, the amount of traffic, the time of day, complaints received, the type of vehicle and the attitude of the driver towards Police. Poor attitude means less tolerance. Most people believe that there is a tolerance of 10km/ hr, meaning that you can travel 9km/hr over the speed limit and not get booked. If you deliberately travel 9km/hr over the speed limit and your speedo is out 2 km/hr, you are then 11km/hr over.

TJ Gaylard

RURAL FENCING CONTRACTOR specialising in rural fencing and post driving

0439 415 039 0408 076 557

prompt, quality service

The speed limit is the maximum allowable speed that can be lawfully done on that road. It is not the speed that you must travel at. If you don’t speed, you can’t get booked. We have attended too many accidents in the past year to show any leniency. Get caught and you will be booked and we won’t feel guilty about it no matter how much you complain. Hopefully, the Police Service will have wasted their money with the new radar we were given as we won’t get many people speeding but the last month has shown that it probably won’t be wasted. Everyone has an opinion on the new 90km/hr limit on the Highway. The limit is there and has to be obeyed whether you agree with it or not. Since it has been in place, there have only been a few minor crashes but time will tell if it will work. We have been told a number of times that it will cause impatience. Impatience is the fault of the driver, not the speed limit. Just accept that it is there and allow yourself an extra five minutes when travelling the road. Terry Kennedy Sergeant

Bill Greer Senior Constable

Green Corner ... SOME Green Bathroom Tips Changing up your habits and greening your bathroom will help make the planet greener & your home healthier.

• Don’t let so much water down the drain. Install low-flow showerhead, a low-flow faucet aerator and a dual-flush toilet.

• Ditch those disposables. Paper towels & other disposable wipes should be replaced by reusable rags or microfiber towels.

• Think about what goes in your sink. Turn off

the water while you’re brushing your teeth. You’ll save many litres of water each day!

• Clear the air with green cleaners. Use green, non-toxic cleaners like common household ingredients: baking soda and vinegar

• Shower yourself with a safe curtain. If your

shower has a curtain, be sure to avoid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic, lookout for PVC-free plastic or go for a more permanent solution, like hemp, which is naturally resistant to mould, as long as you keep your bathroom well-ventilated February 04, 2009 |


Local Markets COORAN MARKETS Every 1st & 3rd Saturday morning 7 am – 1 pm  Enquiries to 5485 0088 COOROY HALL MARKETS Every Thursday 8 am – 1 pm  Cooroy Memorial Hall COOROY COUNTRY MARKETS 3rd Sunday of the month from 7 am Cooroy State School Oval CRYSTAL WATERS BIG MARKET 1st Saturday of the month 8 am – 12 noon  Stall enquiries: Kathryn 5494 4725 CRYSTAL WATERS WEEKLY MARKET Saturday 8 – 12 am EUMUNDI MARKETS Every Wednesday 8 am – 1.30 pm Every Saturday 6.30 am – 2 pm Stall enquiries: 5442 7106 GYMPIE MUSEUM MARKETS At the Duckponds every 1st & 3rd Sunday GYMPIE SOUTHSIDE MARKETS Every 2nd & 4th Sunday IMBIL SUNDAY MARKETS Operated by Imbil Mary Valley Boy Scouts Assn. Every Sunday 8 am until 2 pm. Mary Valley Rattler steam train arrives at noon. Stall enquiries: 5484 5109 KANDANGA STATION MARKETS Wednesday & Sunday 10.30 am – 12 noon Stall enquiries: 5484 3382. MALENY HANDCRAFTS MARKETS Community Hall Maleny Sundays 8 am – 2 pm Stall enquiries: 5445 7911 or 0418 733 013 NOOSA FARMERS MARKET Noosa AFL grounds, 155 Weyba Rd Noosaville 2nd & 4th Sunday month Stall enquiries: 0418 769 374 NOOSA HARBOUR MARKETS Noosa Harbour Marina, Noosaville Every Sunday 8 am – 2 pm Stall enquiries: 5473 0166 PEREGIAN BEACH MARKETS Kingfisher Drive Peregian Beach 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday month, 7 am – 12.30 pm Stall enquiries: 5448 1728 or 0428 190 055 POMONA COUNTRY MARKETS Stan Topper Park, Pomona 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month 6.30 am – 12 noon Stall enquiries: Lex Curtis 5485 0141 YANDINA MARKETS Yandina Sportsground Every Saturday 6 am – 1 pm

NOTE: If you have any alterations to this guide, please email the editor:

16 | February 04, 2009



We’ll be sprayed again...


icholas Coluccio, Manager, Parks & Bushland Services wishes to advise that spraying in the KENILWORTH region has been scheduled to be carried out on Wednesday 18 February 2009. This spraying will commence no earlier than 6am and finish no later than 4pm, however it will be weather dependant. Should the weather be inclement on 18 February, it will be rescheduled for the next fine day after that date. For more information on the types of sprays being used, contact Nicholas on nicholas.coluccio@


WANTED TO RENT Clean two bedroom cottage or unit, close to Kenilworth. Quiet single, no pets (up to $180)

Diane 0429 956 640 CARETAKER

Fit, active gentleman seeks rural post Mary Valley area. Experienced domestic animals, livestock incl. horses & cattle, fencing, machinery maintenance and gardening... HONEST • RELIABLE • TIDY

Excl. refs. Murray 5447 7143 • 0438 428 388



is brought to you by

PORTERS RURAL SUPPLIES Elizabeth St Kenilworth Phone Brian 5472 3100

Children’s science exam answers

Q: Name the four seasons. A: Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar. Q: Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink. A: Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes large pollutants like grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists. Q: How is dew formed? A: The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire. Q: How can you delay milk turning sour? A: Keep it in the cow. Q: What causes the tides in the oceans? A: The tides are a fight between the Earth and the Moon. All water tends to flow towards the moon, because there is no water on the moon, and nature hates a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins in this fight. Q: What are steroids? A: Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs. Q: What happens to your body as you age? A: When you get old, so do your bowels and you get intercontinental.

of quality LLarge argerange R ange of quality

N ativ ePlants P la nts Native

P ricPrices e s frofrom m $2 $2

Av ailable in in Kenilworth K enilworth Available S aSaturday tu rd a y 14 15 February F ebru a ry 8am to 12.30 8am to 12.30 PPhone hone 5446 54460350 0350

Q: What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty? A: He says good-bye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery. Q: Name a major disease associated with cigarettes. A: Premature death.

Affordable solar with simplicity


uring the last 10 years the lower income countries have been flooded with low cost non–pressure solar water heaters incorporating evacuated tube* technology. Over two million of these systems were sold last year, bringing affordable running hot water to millions of farmers and ordinary people living in remote regions of the world. The systems are both simple in design and simple to install. The solar cylinder has welded fittings and a series of punched holes with high temperature silicon seals for the tubes to slide through. Between the inner cylinder and the outer shell a thick insulation layer maintains the water temperature. A frame then supports the cylinder and tubes. To allow for automatic filling, a ball float contained in a small tank screws into the top of the unit, when the system is full the ball rises and cuts off the cold water supply. The water in the cylinder falls into the tubes, it becomes hot when exposed to solar radiation, it naturally rises into the solar tank, this hot water is then replaced with cooler water, this thermosiphon process continues until all the water in the tank becomes hot. On a sunny day, winter or summer, the whole tank takes around seven hours from cold to boiling point; the steam escapes through two separate vent pipes. The hot water can then be gravity fed to the place of use or an inline thermal pump can be used to create extra pressure. * Evacuated Tube Technology: In the early 1980’s, the solar energy research team at the University of Sydney developed an all-glass evacuated tubular collector for solar hot water heating. Known globally as the ‘Sydney Tube’. The quality of the Sydney tube is consistent and is 10-15% more efficient than cheaper copies. It is now estimated that the Sydney Tube holds a 90% world market share. Courtesy Andrew from Run On Sun (02) 6734 6322

Table Corner ... This is another healthy lunch box filler or as an entree in an Asian dinner menu. A very basic and easy way to make sushi rolls.

EASY SUSHI 2 cups Japanese sushi rice • 6 tablespoons rice wine vinegar 6 sheets nori (dry seaweed) • 2 tablespoons wasabi paste 1 avocado sliced • 1 cucumber, peeled & sliced 250g smoked salmon, cut into long strips

• Soak rice for 4 hours. Drain & cook in a rice cooker with 2

cups of water until cooked and water absorbed. Remove from heat and immediately stir rice vinegar through. Spread rice on a plate until completely cool.

• Place 1 sheet of seaweed on bamboo mat and spread a thin layer of cool rice on top, leaving about 1 cm of the seaweed uncovered at the top and bottom edge.

• Dot a little wasabi across the rice and arrange cucumber, avocado and smoked salmon in a line on top, about 2.5cm from the bottom edge of the seaweed.

• Roll tightly from bottom to the top edge, with the help of the

bamboo mat, dampening the top edge of the seaweed and pressing to seal. Repeat for remaining ingredients.

• Cut each roll into 8 equal pieces and serve.

Cooroy Join the Fun, Plant a Tree! As part of the regeneration of the creek area at the Cooroy Lower Mill Site, a community planting day is being held on Saturday 21st February at the Cooroy Lower Mill Site from 8.00am to 11.00am. The tree planting is being held by the Sunshine Coast Regional Council and the Cooroy Lower Mill Board and will include a Breakfast Sausage Sizzle. Everything you need will be supplied but don’t forget to bring a hat and sunscreen. By planting a native plant you’ll be able to come back in the future and see the progress and know that you’ve contributed to what is going to be a fantastic community space for everyone to enjoy. Chairperson of the Cooroy Lower Mill Board, Seb Vecchio can be contacted for any queries on 5442 6884.

Just Ask ...



*Licensed Plumber/Drainer *Carpentry*Tiling *Bathroom Renos *Bush Cabins*Plus more

5488 6239 0400 297 678 QBSA: 1055723


any farm machinery cars earthmovers containers

Up to 10 tonne ~ 8.5mt long tray Based in Pomona Mark Waters Ph: 5485 0897 Mobile: 0418 850 423 February 04, 2009 |


The Mary Valley Voice 2009 editorial

Editor, Laetitia Hoffmann 37 Lingara Avenue Palmwoods Qld 4555 Ph: 0424 132 929 E:


Sales & Copy Art Director & Website Manager Jill Maree Guldbransen Ph: 07 5494 9918 E: Web:

web advertising

$45 p/month with a direct link to your business website and a Google map. Payable three months in advance. Call Jill on 5494 9918 for further info. runs on the online magazine Ezyzine platform (

invoice enquiries Treasurer, Kathleen Redman Office: 07 5446 0909 Email: ADVERTISING PAYMENTS

Mary Valley Community News Association Incorporated PO Box 158, Kenilworth Qld 4574 DIRECT DEPOSIT

Mary Valley Community News Commonwealth Bank Nambour BSB: 06 4424 • ACCT: 1002 9795 Please use inv. no., ad description or advertiser’s name for reference and notify the Treasurer by email:


Please advise in writing via email or post to the Treasurer or the Art Director. If notification is received after deadline, your advertising will still run and you will continue to be charged.

Account terms Strictly 7 days publisher

Mary Valley Community News Association Incorporated ABN: 61 781 267 568 MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE

President Veronika Spicer 07 5446 0427 Vice President Blair Meldrum 07 5472 3090 Secretary Shirley Moreland 07 5446 0171 Treasurer Kathleen Redman 07 5446 0909


FEBRUARY Deadline Fri Feb 6 Publication Wed Feb 18 MARCH Deadline Fri Mar 6 Publication Wed Mar 18 Deadline Fri Mar 20 Publication Wed Apr 1rst APRIL Deadline Fri Apr 3 Publication Wed Apr 15 Deadline Fri Apr 17 Publication Wed Apr 29


Deadline Fri May 15 Publication Wed May 27

Office: 07 5441 1611

SURF 2 TURF 0418 878 923 Australia Post & MVV committee volunteers PLEASE NOTE:

The MVV is a not-for-profit community organisation. The MVV is not registered for GST. Artwork for ads must be supplied in high resolution for quality reproduction. Advertising artwork created by the MVV may be charged at $60 per hour.

For the removal of fatty bulges that can not be removed by dieting or exercise. Lower abdomen after child birth Inner and outer thighs Behind the arm pits Double chins Lipomas and other fatty bulges.

All done at the Pomona Pain Clinic For appointment and other information about Lipolysis please ring Dr Bill Maitland on 5485 2111

18 | February 04, 2009


MAY Deadline Fri May 1 Publication Wed May13


We cannot guarantee publication of ads or copy received after deadline. The MVV is written by the community for the community.

JUNE Deadline Fri May 29 Publication Wed June 10 Deadline Fri June 12 Publication Wed June 24

Office hours 9-5 Monday to Friday



A group of artists are interested in starting LIFE DRAWIN G sessions in the Kenilworth area.. W e have a small grou p of interested folks, bu t would like more people to get involv ed. The larger the group the smaller the cost. If you are interested and would like more information please co ntact Veronika Spicer on 54 46 0427

Lisett Mobile Engineering Craig Lisett

mb 0427 100 622 ph 07 5447 0178 PO Box 218 Eumundi 4562

u Fitting u Welding u Machinery Repairs u Machining Facilities u Factory Maintenance uSpecialising in Truss Factories

eastonlawyers your local lawyers 62 Maple Street, Maleny | T 5494 3511 6B/3 Obi Obi Road, Mapleton | T 5478 6500 P.O. Box 255 Maleny Qld 4552 | F 5494 2477

Need inspiration for Valentine’s day? Visit Kenilworth Artspace filled with great affordable gift ideas!

February 04, 2009 |


Carol Gilmour

0417 603 451

Kenilworth Realty

7 Elizabeth St, Kenilworth • Office 5446 0164 • Fax 5446 0742 email• website•

Absolute Bargain Buying Acreage!

A Commanding View - Kenilworth



Here is your opportunity to purchase 47 acres of prime grazing land in the Obi Obi Valley. This property must be sold due to owner commitments elsewhere. Coolabine Creek runs through the front of this property and there are also four dams. All the boundaries are fenced and there are four internal paddocks. Ideally suited to cattle or horses, this property comes complete with a large eight-bay timber stable and tack room. The home is a low set brick with three good sized bedrooms, family room and separate lounge room and private in-ground, salt water pool. The home has been rented for several years with reliable tenants who currently have a lease in place, so inspections are by appointment. Endless views from the front of the home; you can see all of the property which is handy for keeping an eye on your stock.

$1,250,000 A visit to this home is a definite must if you are looking at moving to the country. A unique 98 acre lifestyle block comprising of 38 acres of grazing and the balance natural bush. The interior of this two bedroom pole home is quite stunning: the main living area upstairs is spacious and open, polished timber floors and cathedral ceilings, plus large glass panels to capture the endless views. The upstairs kitchen is a gourmet cook’s delight with granite bench tops, quality fittings and fixtures. The ground level of this home is also fitted out with a beautiful hardwood timber kitchen, modern appliances, bedroom and bathroom as well as polished timber floors. A big bonus here is a separate two bedroom self contained dwelling returning $190.00 p/w. Other extras include: 9m x 6m Colorbond shed and twobay horse stables. Water is not a problem with a five hectare irrigation license from Obi Obi Creek, good size dam and 20,000 gallon holding tanks.

Quiet Street Location - Brooloo

Renovators Delight – Kenilworth town

Nice cleared East sloping block close to Imbil; approximately 3/4 acre, no covenants build your dream home here. Sealed roads, two street frontages, power at top of block and phone close by. Only thirty minutes to Gympie. Make your move to the country and enjoy the serenity. Invest now!

This original home is on 1770m2 of land with well established trees and plenty of room to improve or expand. It is located in an elevated area right in the heart of Kenilworth. There are three good sized bedrooms, separate dining room and reverse cycle air-conditioning in main bedroom and lounge room. This home is very original with plaster walls, hardwood frames and flooring — ready to be polished! At the rear of the property is a large block garage with separate workshop. Ideally this home could be an investment property as it is currently rented and returning $255.00 p/w.



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