Welcome to Civics and Economics

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Welcome to Civics and Economics jlzuber@fcps.edu Teacher: Ms. Jillian Zuber Email for Parents: jlzuber@fcps.edu

Email is the fastest and easiest way to get in touch with me during the school day.

Google: jlzuber@fcpsschools.net Class Information: http://fcps.blackboard.com

Class Description: The objective of the course is to teach students how to participate effectively and responsibly in a government “of the people, by the people, for the people.” The 8th grade civics and economics curriculum introduces students to the concept of citizenship, the structure and function of the United States’ government, and basic principles of economics, as identified in the Virginia Standards of Learning and the FCPS Program of Studies. Students will examine the United States’ system of government at its various levels and basic economic concepts through the use of online discussions, simulations, blogs and other methods learn to value not only the power of their participation, but also the importance of difference and compromise in today’s world. Technology and NETS Integration: This class is a Web 2.0 classroom which means that our classroom is virtual. Every student will use a net book or small/mobile computer that is connected to the internet in class almost every day. In class we will have high expectations and emphasize responsible and respectful “Digital Citizenship.” Parent and student ACCESS to 24/7 and google.com/a/fcpsschools.net will be critical to participate in class. Students will create and sign contracts for the use of technology.

Class Supplies • • • • • •

EARBUDS Pencils 1 Highlighter Box of Tissues 1 Skinny DRY ERASE MARKER 1 Package of POST IT Notes

Class Requirements: Mastery Learning

Service Learning:



Missed Work:

Afterschool Help Netbook USE:

Students will be expected to complete all assignments to the best of their ability. Students will be expected to remediate to achieve a passing score on all tests and quizzes. Based off peer and teacher feedback students should correct and create products that show their best ability. Every student must complete 15 hours of community service this year. To fulfill these hours’ students must complete a log sheet provided by the teacher by the due date that must be signed. Students will be expected to use their agenda every day to write down their assignments in class and due dates. Students are expected to prepare in advance with study guides/class notes. Any test may be made up with after after-school remediation and parent notice within 1 week after the test. Any test where the student scored 70% or lower must come for after-school remediation and a test retake. Students are responsible for collecting their make-up work from the designated “Make-up Work Wall Organizer” in the classroom and check 24/7. Students are responsible for scheduling make-up tests and quizzes. Make up work is due 1 week from missed assignment. I will be available every Monday afterschool from 3:15-4:15. Students must sign up in the classroom in advance for any other time.

Civics Grade Scale Service Learning: (10%-Hours 5% Reflection) Homework Class work/Projects Tests




10% 15% 40%

FCPS Scale Letter Grade

Grade Average

















Service Hour Due Dates Quarter # Hours

Service Hours Due Date



October 22th



January 14th



April 1st



June 3rd

Class Expectations:

Diamond Rule: “Treat others as you would treat someone you love” Ready

When the bell rings, students should be in their seats, with a pencil, their netbook, AGENDA BOOKS and working on their warm-up.


Treat others in the classroom as you would treat someone you love. School property should also be treated with respect, meaning take good care of it.


Students are responsible for completing all assignments on time. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to check 24/7 and complete the work that needs to be made up.

Risk Taker

We learn from our mistakes, don’t be afraid to take risks, express your opinions, and participate, because your participation helps everyone learn! Be INDEPENDENT; be ready to be responsible for your learning!

Textbook Information Textbooks are available for students for CHECK-OUT by request only. Our textbook is online via the web.

Civics and Economics Signature Form_____________________ Please read this syllabus over with your child, sign below and return this to school with your child the following day. This will count as a homework assignment. I have read the syllabus over with my child and discussed the importance of following the guidelines presented. _______________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian

___________________ Date

Email:_____________________________ Phone #:_________________________________

___________________________________ Signature of Student

___________________ Date

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