Ch anges f or New Hope Humani tari an M agazi ne Bringing Compassionat e Peopl e Around The Worl d Toget her Sept ember 2018 Vol . 2 Issue 9
FEATURES; The Power of the word...Yet Youth Will Always Know the Path Towards the Future What a Senseless, M urderous Attack Taught M e About Inner Strength and the Value of Li fe Based i n Purpose
1 | Ou t d oor M agazi n e Oct 20 16
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2 | Ou t d oor M agazi n e Oct 20 16
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Her e i s What You Wi l l Be En j oy i n g i n Thi s I ssue The Power of the W or d...Yet Add the word..Yet to any negative voice and suddenly you reverse the negative effects into a solution seeking positive life-force
Youth Will Always Know the Path Toward the Future Article by Bertrand Hebert
What a Senseless, Mur der ous At t ack Taught Me About I nner St r engt h and t he Value of Life Based in Pur pose
When What You Own Now Owns You It's Time for a Reality Check
Gr at it ude, Tenacit y and t he Power of Hands Joining Hands for t he Benef it of t he Dest it ut e
White Savior Complex? Really?
Julian Lennon makes it happen
Great people do great things. Greater people do greater things. Small people criticize them.
Th is Way In ....... En joy!
Editor 's Corner
Jim Killon
Recipient of the David Chow Humanitarian Award 2017
Welcome to the September issue of our magazine, it almost wasn't going to happen. You will be reading an article about a senseless and brutal attack that almost took my life in July, that I not only survived, but bounced back with a positive enlightenment to all of it. A life lived with purpose can never be killed. Bertrand Hebert shares a new article that will inspire and encourage those who are on the brink of doing something wonderful for the benefit of humanity themselves. Youth Will Always Know The Path To The Future which you will certainly enjoy. Also in this issue are a few articles that you may consider wake up calls for the complacent and apathetic. Sprinkled with a touch of humor so as not to be too rattling. We also recognize and share the support and compassion of Julian Lennon, son of Cynthia and John Lennon for his kind support of humanitarian and environmental issues around the world. Nobody actually changes the world but we all can influence the positive changes around the globe starting right where we are. Some make that a joy, and others, well, not so much, as you will see in our article about White Savior Complex. However, just as a fire truck does not stop to address the barking dog running alongside of it, we can not be stalled by buzz phrases intended to derail our compassion. If it were easy, we would all be masters of success. Obstacles separate those who make sincere altruism their Must in life from those who tinker around until the glitter falls off . This magazine is for you who believe that the best is due to you and want it also for those who currently are disadvantaged but by your example and compassion will become their very best selves too. Live large my friends, live deliberately.... ~~~ JimKillon
Let t er s t o t h e Edit or
Dear Editor,
Dear Editor, I had no idea that parasites were such a prevalent problem in 3rd world countries. Fortunately, there are solutions as simple as Albendazole that you wrote about. Hopefully, you will reach many thousands of children so their lives can be as normal as possible. ~~ Austin T. Plano, Texas
I had to laugh at your comment on the Before Long You'll Belong page which said, "If we just wanted everyone to like us, we'd be giving away ice cream cones." Your articles are motivating and upbeat but with some things it is necessary to wake up those of us who are asleep drifting through life. Thanks for the nudge. ~~ Karen F. Tunis, Tunisia
Dear Editor,
Dear Editor,
Your article , The Value of Everything is a Matter of Perception Including Education, is another example of how we only value what personally affects us. People are selfish, by nature, change is hard especially when it benefits others, not ourselves. The scary part is that uneducated, desperate, 3rd world children can become terrorists that affects us where ever we might live. ~~ Sean H. Zandvoort, The Netherlands
Dear Editor,
Make Us Ordinary, Please! was wonderful. You, and those who you share articles about, are extraordinary, heroes and the unique among us. Those of us sitting in front of televisions and texting all day on social media, could and should step up to be extraordinary with you. We promise to start today. Thank you! ~~~ Dave and Rebecca J. Leeds U.K.
Dear Editor,
In The Final Thought, you write about being Limitless and not being average. It inspires me and I am sure many others. I hope you will write more about being limitless in the future. Obviously, you found something that can help us all. ~~ Janet H. Belfast, Ireland
Thank you for sharing with the readers that we can all be heroes. I have decided that I need to reach out to others in need. I am finding it is making my life more fulfilling and passionate. Who knew? I am serving in a homeless shelter and I feel great about it. Now I am living large too! ~~ Bella N. San Jose, Costa Rica
Have a com m en t abou t ou r ar t icles or a su ggest ion ? Let 's h ear f r om you . Con t act u s at cn h m agazin e@gm
You r Healt h an d Welln ess A m an t ak es a dr in k , t h e dr in k t ak es a dr in k , t h en t h e dr in k t ak es t h e m an . A closer look at alcoh ol an d ou r con su m pt ion in t oday 's w or ld. I like an occasional drink as much as the next guy. Back in the day, I drank enough to keep Anheuser-Busch stock profitable. I was fortunate enough to never end up with a D.U.I., a stint in rehab, jail or in a mangled wreck on the side of a road. I knew far too many people who were not that fortunate. Some will never walk again. Some will never see their children again after their spouses left them for a better, drier life. Some never saw age thirty. Alcoholism is a major health issue. In this article I want to share some ideas about alcohol abuse. Unless you have been living in a Shintoist monastery on top of a Tibetan mountain retreat, you probably have a few alcohol fueled stories to share as well. I want to rather share the effects. What is alcoholism actually and why is alcoholism such a pervasive issue in society? There is enough information available of course to fill many volumes but for the purposes of this article I want to touch some highlights. There are misconceptions about alcoholism that you might find surprising. Let's take a look.
Misconceptions about alcoholics and alcohol; 1. Beer and wine are less intoxicating than mixed drinks. In reality, a standard glass of beer, glass of wine or distilled spirits contain the same amount of alcohol. A 12 ounce can of beer, a 4 ounce glass of wine or one mixed drink will register the same blood alcohol content on a breathalyzer. 2. Drinking coffee is a quick way to sober up. In reality, alcohol dissipates from your blood at a rate of .015% per hour. Age, sex weight or coffee can not speed up the process. 3. Alcoholics are skid row bums usually. In reality, 90%+ of alcoholics get up and go to work everyday. Many are professionals and responsible. 4. Alcoholics drink hard liquor, beer drinkers are not commonly alcoholics. In reality, the amount of alcohol, regardless of the source is what is toxic. 5. Alcohol is a moral problem. In reality, alcoholism is a medical disease which crosses every socio-economic, cultural, religious and geo-political boundary. Any human being can become addicted to alcohol.
You r Healt h Issu es Af f ect Ever yon e Ar ou n d You
6. Teen drinking is not alcohol abuse. In reality, any underage drinking is considered alcohol abuse. When young people drink they often consume five or more drinks in a row in a single day. This type of alcohol drinking is called binge drinking and almost certainly leads to greater problems later including a risk for developing alcoholism. 7. Alcohol abuse only affects the individual drinker. In reality, alcohol abuse affects many more people than the individual drinker alone. Alcoholism is a major factor in societal problems, child neglect and abuse, domestic violence, auto accidents and deaths, criminal activity, loss of income, job productivity, health issues and suicide.
8. After years of sobriety, I can safely drink again. In reality, your body's deterioration picks up where it left off. An alcoholic for 10 years who stops for 5 years and begins drinking again will have the health issues of an alcoholics who has been drinking for 11 years continuously.
Nobody wants to think of themselves as an alcoholic and in fact many who do enjoy a drink occasionally are not alcoholics. The key is moderation and attitude. When you take a drink, remember the drink is also taking you. Like anything, knowing your limits will go a long way to preventing situations that, in many cases, alter the course of your life forever. You can't un-ring a bell. In my personal experience, I was a victim of an abusive alcoholic who experienced black outs, a complete denial of her problem, she drove her daughter out of the house and after a murder contract on my life was planned, drove me out of the country to Peru where I now reside. Solutions exist. People do come back from the edge, if they want to. The alcoholic needs to understand that it is for them, a personal decision that they assume responsibility for and not because they were nagged by a family member. There is no shame in getting help at rehab centers any more than going to get chemotherapy if you had cancer. As I wrote in my e-book,"The Changes That You Deserve", we change when we have good reason to change. Nothing you have read here is to be intended as medical advice or replace current medical treatment. Be well Live large and live deliberately my friends. *
What a Senseless, M urderous Attack Taught M e About Inner Strength and the Value of Li fe Based i n Purpose
Article by Jim Killon
The night of July 18th was a typical evening ... until about 10 PM. I had just finished a meeting with the directors of the local state university and the school for special needs children in Yungay and was walking home. Huaraz Peru has never been known to be a dangerous place. I have walked around here day and night with no issues. Until this particular night. As I approached my front door, two men, neighbors who sit a few doors away drinking most evenings, rushed to block my entrance, saying to me, "No pasa", meaning, you are not going in. As I excused myself and tried to push past them, I was shoved back and immediately attacked. Fists, karate style kicks, a beer bottle smacking into the side of my head, a glass thrown shattered against my head and a relentless flurry of fists pounding my face and head in this unprovoked attack. They had seen me pass by them for a year that I had lived there without as much as a threatening word. They did not demand money, so I assume they were not
interested in robbing me. As neighbors, I could easily identify them to the police... unless I wouldn't be around to identify them. It was at that point I realized that these vicious individuals, for whatever reason, were going to kill me. Karate dude was landing powerful kicks and strikes to my head from one side as beer bottle dude used his weapon to try to flatten my head. No where to run, no way to fight two larger men on opposite sides of me, the beating was relentless. I was losing consciousness and in a last attempt to protect myself, I pulled out a small knife I carry as a tool that I use almost daily. I began swinging the knife wildly, blinded by blood in my eyes I couldn't see where they were but I assumed they would stop with the possibility of being cut. I was wrong, they kept on coming into me from both sides, furiously smashing me with the bottle and sucker punching me, following with powerful kicks. I finally went down but not before slashing the closer one enough times to leave a reminder of the incident.
Few will ever know the incredible feeling of seeing hundreds of kids with new, well fitting shoes because you found the funds to buy them
Then their family came out of the house, and joined in the attack as I lay nearly unconscious on the ground, beating and kicking me while rifling through my pockets. Apparently, beer bottle dude was bleeding from several facial slashes and a stab wound to his abdomen, his family dragged him away to get help, though he protested and kept trying to come back at me. As I tried to sit up, karate dude threw a final, hard, front snap kick to the side of my head and I dropped to the street laying in a pool of my own blood. The rest is anti-climatic. Stop the bleeding, get to the police station only to be informed that karate dude has a record for this type of violence in the past, and beer bottle dude was an off-duty police officer. Investigation pending, criminal charges will be filed, people will heal. Lovely. At the time of this writing, I am almost 100% recovered with a new apartment away from the murderous neighbors and possible retaliation or witness elimination. >>>
So, why is this story in a humanitarian magazine? As I lay there in the cold Andean street in a pool of my own blood, fully believing that these two psychopaths were literally going to kill me, I had the deep satisfaction; that my life was ending, knowing that I had given everything to the children I came to serve, who live everyday in destitution and despair. I was going to die on empty, I had used every gift, every bit of compassion and love within my heart to make this piece of the world a better place. If this was going to be the final exit, there would be no regret about plans that I never got around to implementing. People talk a great game. "I want to help your project, volunteer with your children or send material support. I want to make the world a better place too." When it becomes reality, people seem to realize the sexiness and glitter of their altruistic fantasy was merely a novelty. The checks stop coming, volunteers miss home. Being a compassionate human being isn't a hat that you put on and take off whenever it is convenient. Supporting a charitable project, isn't a hobby. It becomes a part of you, if you are real. Passion pulls you like a sail upstream against the tides. Obstacles are challenges to conquer and it feels damn good when you do. Few will ever know the incredible feeling of seeing hundreds of kids with new, well fitting shoes because you found the funds to buy them. Our project will soon embark on our greatest challenge yet; providing 10,000 Peruvian children, infested with parasitic micro-organisms, with medicine and provide presentations to stay healthy and safe. Why should you or I care, after all, they aren't our kids? I care because, out of those 10,000, someone is a future doctor that will heal thousands of sick people, some in that crowd will be community leaders to guide their people to opportunities that will support hundreds of families. Some are future teachers that will educate thousands who will opt for a professional life instead of becoming criminals that beat people in the dark streets at night. There are future heroes among those that we reach out to and influence. Maybe unrealized just yet but until we open the doors, no one will pass through. Just one last question; If it were you lying in that cold, dark street that night, would you have died there with bitter regrets of unfulfilled dreams? *
Doi ng Good Feel s Great!
Cr awling up t he side of a st eep, cr umbling hill t o our Rio Seco, (Per u) gr oup of childr en, we encount er ed t his woman wear ing t hese shoes. When your feet hur t , your whole body aches aft er a shor t while. We could have walked on by because t his wasn' t our focus. Making it par t of our focus meant expending r esour ces, doing somet hing off t he schedule and moving a few pieces ar ound t he boar d t hat wasn' t planned. She got her new pair of shoes. And did her childr en. And her husband. Then we bought shoes for t he childr en all ar ound t he communit y. The feeling t hat we could br ing necessar y help t o t he communit y was indescr ibable. I was par t icular ly gr at eful t hat ot her s ar ound t he wor ld car ed enough t o make t he funds possible t o pr ovide t hese solut ions. Just a small st or y wit h a big mor al. We just didn' t change out shoes. We changed lives. Now many of t hem ar e r eaching out t o help ot her s, like t hey wer e helped. I nspir at ion came in t he for m of a hike up a cr umbling hill. You just never know wher e or when or how gr eat t hings can and will happen. You just have t o be open t o ever yt hing, ever yday in ever y way. We can all be her oes.
The Power of t he Wor d ....Yet
I am not smart enough to do that. I don't have enough money to buy that. I am not strong enough to run that marathon. I can't draw. I am not able to help others. These are the things we tell ourselves with self defeating attitudes everyday. We seem to believe the negative words we say to ourselves and then we act upon them with the same small mindedness and wonder why our lives are so dull, without passion or impact. We take refuge in local watering holes, plant ourselves in front of big screen televisions and stream NetFlix for the entire weekend. We turn thirty, then forty, another zero year comes along and we wonder where the years are going? Wasted. Consider the power of the word ...Yet. I'm not smart enough to do that..yet. I don't have enough money to buy that... yet. I'm not strong enough to run that marathon...yet. The word yet changes your focus entirely. Yet means that you are looking for a solution, a path of some enlightenment, that you are looking for a door to walk through. Add the word yet to the end of your sentences and your brain hears it. Your brain believes everything that you say to it. More importantly, your brain acts upon it and starts looking for ways to make your words true. I haven't traveled
anywhere exciting..yet. I haven't shared my personal interests with anyone else..yet. I haven't found my purpose in life...yet. Trust me, say this to yourself, frame your words with yet as a suffix and positive changes will automatically start to transpire. Is it magic? A blessing? The energy of the Universe? Call it what you want, if it works. Call it Oooga-booga if you want to. We use only a very small percentage of our brains. Usually, not much more than the part that is designed to keep us alive and follow the routines that we have adapted to feel comfortable, no different from when our ancestors lived in caves. The world has transpired into an amazing place in the last hundred years, we deserve the life that takes advantage of everything available to us, and share it. The reason you haven't done it already is because you haven't taken the leap....yet. *
Article by Bertrand Hebert
You t h Will Alw ays Kn ow t h e Pat h Tow ar d t h e Fu t u r e There is no age to help if we want to. At the same time we can all agree that it?s better to start young before you can make up a list with too many excuses. It?s uplifting to see young adult start right away to be a better person while trying to bring the planet towards a path where everyone will have everything they need. Salaberry-de-Valleyfield is another community on the south shore of Montreal in Quebec, Canada. At the local college they have a program for an international bachelor degree in cognitive science. One of the tasks that is part of their curriculum is to get involved in a project that will help develop personal qualities like integrity, communication, an open mind and altruism among others. This project must respect three criteria: creativity, action and service. From the start, 17 years old Marianne Parent wanted to undertake a project that would help people. First she needed to find partners who would be interested in going in that direction with her. She quickly found two souls with the same objectives in Celia Petit and Roxanne Turcotte. One of them had a friend
embarking in a project to help people in Cuba with another college in Montreal. The main objective was to help a farming community in Santa Clara and Trinidad still recovering a year after the major hurricanes that left major damages. In such a project there is always a need for more people, it was possible for three more students to join the group from the other school. Then they had to go to work. As always, financing was important to get everyone ready. The three young ladies worked very hard to put this together. One of them came from France to study in Canada so without a family support immediately available, her resources were more limited. They worked extra hard and raised all the money necessary. They also took part in information meetings to learn everything about Cuba, including its history and culture. Students were surprised to learn that Cuba is not a communist country but defines itself as a socialist state. It is so important to go in with an understanding of the people rather than trying to tell them what to do or not to do. It was eye opening to witness what the embargo forced the country to do to survive. Of course Spanish needed to be learned as well ,to communicate and for Marianne it was easy: ?I had classes in Spanish but I could always practice with my boyfriend?s parents who are originally from Peru.? They also listened to a lot of music from Latin America and once in Cuba they had an easy connection with the people they worked with because they listened to the same music. > >>>
When all that was said and done, the hard yet fun part was next. It was now time to work, to help and to learn with the people of Cuba. Their trip was a prime example that you need to be flexible because you never know what is going to happen on a trip. Inundations during the first week of their 14 days stay in the city threw a wrench in their plans. The first few days were very challenging. They were sent to Mantanzas, a city not on the original schedule. Instead of staying with families as scheduled they were first send to an Art school to live and interact with the students. That didn?t stop them from finding a way to help. They did some research on what could be done and settled on helping a community garden where they sent out 300 boxes of produce. They also volunteered to help clean the beach still in disarray and fill with garbage from the hurricanes. This was a surprising endeavor for them. At first look, the beach seemed fine but once they got closer they picked up pounds of glass and plastics in the sand. It?s a small thing but necessary because the last hurricane season destroyed most of it. Finally for their second week they were able to go to Santa Clara. Each set of two students were assigned to live with a local family. All of those families are part of a cooperative where they all share equally in the profits of their farming operation. ?We worked for them trying to remove the entire bad weed infestation in the field that grew everywhere strangling the good plants that were trying to grow. Those things were taller than me.? explained the young Miss Parent so we could understand the challenge they faced. It was hard and physical work mostly in the morning as later in the day it was too warm to be properly effective. It gave them time to understand and really learn to know the
culture. There were 18 students and 2 teachers in the final group each one bringing an extra suitcase with products ranging from simple soap to school furniture. So we are talking about 20 suitcases of about 50 pounds each. The families would benefit from the contents and was intended as a thank you for letting them stay under their roof. On top of being a service to the Cubans, the students learned about what is truly important. If you compare to our North American lifestyle, they have next to nothing in material possessions in Cuba. Yet they are happy, maybe even more than us who are always looking for something else that is missing from our life. Being poor is not being miserable, being poor is not lacking money you can only be poor if you are unhappy. It?s quite a lesson for a soul so young to see these people never complaining and always with a good heart ready to share everything they have. She even adds: ?I didn?t have hot water or Wi-Fi yet it was the best experience of my life.? Next year she hope to go to a different country and continue what she started and has decided to make this kind of initiative part of her life in the coming years. There is hope for our future if we all do what we can to help. It doesn?t have to be big, it just needs to push us forward to a world where social justice is stronger and more important than people's petty ways. *
If yo u o nl y do nat e t o c h ar it y o nc e a mo nt h ... Pl ease Remember us next t ime ... o k ? an gesfor n ewh
Join u s in ou r pr ogr ess an d devel opm en t to br in g sol u tion s to th ose wh o wou l dn 't h ave a ch an ce with ou t u s. W e can al l be h er oes... Now is your tim e. Th is is a Social M ovem en t! Lear n h ow at an gesfor n ewh
What we ar e accomplishing wit h t his magazine?
1. To recognize humanitarians and like minded individuals for their selfless work in the field. 2. To raise awareness for their projects by sharing their stories and projects with the world. Hopefully this will encourage fund raising efforts and support. 3. To draw corporate sponsorship to our program for mutual benefit. Corporate PR can be enhanced by their association. Funding will support the projects throughout the world that meet criteria we believe is critical. 4. To develop an alliance among individuals to share ideas, challenges, "how to" support and stories of progress. To be there for each other in good times and bad. We are no longer alone. 5. To provide independent credibility to individuals leading projects for their further development. 6. To give you a platform and a forum for your ideas and thoughts. What you have learned, you can share. 7. To provide transparency for NGOs so that donors and sponsors understand that each partner is fully vetted and contribution can be sent with confidence. 8. To melt the indifference and apathy in the world that enables suffering in 3rd world countries to continue. 9. To present nominated NGO leaders with a humanitarian award for their selfless service toward the disadvantaged, under-served and destitute. 10. To ultimately alleviate the desperation, the destitution and suffering that countless thousands endure which we encounter each day and restore human dignity, compassion in action and well being for everyone.
Bef or e Long , You' ll Belong Do you want to know why?
One evening, somewhere between the 5th and 6th seasons of the series you are streaming on NetFlix, you get the pop of a realization that you never see a television show of people watching television. Everybody on the show is out doing something, living a life, exploring opportunities and possibilities and getting into a variety of adventures. You, by contrast, are living your life vicariously through the lives of characters that are only actors. You laugh at their jokes, you get excited by their relationships and you cry at their tragedies. All made-up. How long until you want a real life of your own? How about your own action adventures and excitement? Do you want to see what that might be like? We are right here. If we can do it, so can you. Reach out to us, we will reach back. Let's jump start your own life.
What Di d You Mi s s i n our Pr evi ous I s s ues? How Do We Get Our Empathy Back?
Empowering Women When women are enabled the whole family benefits
It Always Seems Impossible Before It Is Accomplished
Wri te For Us
You have somet hing t o say about t he wor ld and t he life you exper ience in it ? You have someone who inspir ed you t o be a bet t er human being? You r ead somet hing t hat would inspir e ot her s t o go t o t he next level? You want t o shar e why life is gr eat , power ful and beaut iful? Well t hen, don' t keep it a secr et ...shar e wit h us, t he wor ld wait s t o see good news, gr eat st or ies and shar ed inspir at ions. Wr it e it , send it and r ead it next mont h. Send your ideas, st or ies and exper iences t o us at
When What You Own St ar t s Owning You- Time For A Realit y Check Article by Jim Killon
I w as on ce of t he op in ion t hat b ein g a b illion aire is ab out as im m oral as p edop hilia, Nazis an d t raf f ickin g hum an organ s on t he b lack m arket . Un t old m illion s are suf f erin g in t he w orld an d t hese p eop le are sit t in g on a solut ion , con t en t in t heir ap at hy, un t ouched b y t he w orld' s suf f erin g. How ever, m on ey, in an d of it self is n ot evil, it ' s on ly dirt y p ap er. An d t ool f or good? I t cert ain ly can b e, it dep en ds on how it is used. Like f ire, How much is enough? On ce it can keep you w arm or it can b urn your m on t hly b ills are p aid, your house dow n . t he house is p aid of f , you are car, As jackp ot lot t o w in n ers an d drivin g your dream m an y of t he an n ual m ult i- m illion vacat ion an yw here in t he dollar p rof ession al at hlet es have w orld you choose t o go, dem on st rat ed, w ealt h does n ot com p let ely deb t f ree an d st ill chan ge a p erson , it just m akes have en ough t o live in t he lap t hem a larger version of w hat t hey of luxury f or t he rest of your already are. There are b illion aires lif e, even if you live t o b e 40 0 , an d m illion aires t hat have m on ey is n o lon ger a t ool or a p rom ised t o share t heir m assive m ean s t o achieve com f ort . I t w ealt h over t heir lif et im es. Man y do b ecom es a b lack hole t hat it in a p rivat e w ay t o b en ef it t he b egin s t o suck you in an d dest it ut e of t he w orld t hrough t akes on a f orce of it s ow n . I t organ izat ion s t hat dist rib ut e ow n s you an d every dollar m at erials t o t he p oor. They realize you sp en d, is on e less dollar how m uch can b e accom p lished t hat you have. That sick sen se w it h a sm all con t rib ut ion . Mosquit o of p an ic in t he p it of your n et s f or m alaria in f est ed areas cost st om ach is called "Bag Lady a f ew dollars an d can save (or m an ) Syn drom e." The sickn ess f orces you to t housan ds of lives, f or exam p le. em b race t hat f eelin g of Do you w an t t o kn ow w hat I f in d havin g it all an d yet f eel it is m ost dist urb in g? Peop le w ho are n ever en ough. Forget t he havin g an af f air w it h t heir m on ey. I p oor. Af t er all, it ' s n ot your act ually b elieve t hat t hey lay in b ed f ault , n ot your p rob lem . n aked an d roll aroun d on t op of Mon ey on ly m akes you m ore hun dred dollar b ills.
of w hat you already are. Com p assion at e? Charit ab le? Or ap at het ic? Som e st raddle t he f en ce an d do just en ough t o say t hey did som et hin g. A con scien ce b uf f er. Dip p in g your t oe in t he w at er is n ot sw im m in g, is it ? The m en u is n ot t he m eal. The w orld n eeds viab le solut ion s. Why n ot st ep up ? You can if you w an t t o. Wealt h is n ot alw ays coun t ed in m on et ary t erm s. Peop le laughed at m e, scof f ed t hat I used m y lif e savin gs t o set up Chan ges f or New Hop e t o reach dest it ut e kids. They saw p hot os of a p oor m an in t he out b acks w earin g m y coat or m y shoes an d asked m e w hat w as w ron g w it h m e. I didn ' t give an yt hin g aw ay, I exp lain ed, I just shared. Just shared a lit t le b it of m y ab un dan ce. I ron ically, I quickly b ecam e w ealt hier, hap p ier, f ree an d f ully alive. Are you ready t o join m e?
W hile w e are advancing children's f ut ures by assuring t hem educat ional opport unit ies, w e are simult aneously guiding t hem aw ay f rom t een pregnancies, drug addict ions, criminal behavior and dest it ut ion. Educat ion is a pow erf ul t ool and a w eapon t o def eat impoverishment .
Gr at it ude, Tenacit y and t he Pow er of Hands Joining Hands f or t he Benef it of t he Dest it ut e
When I first created Changes for New Hope in 2009, I realized, as my own life savings were quickly being used up, that I needed to find more support if this project was going to last beyond the year 's end. I was pretty sure my friends and family would step up and help me, knowing that this means a lot to me and years of friendship would serve as my credibility. I have never been more wrong about anything in my life. "Good luck" was about as far as anyone was willing to go to help these destitute children in the cold Peruvian Andes. I believed in my project, I knew that this could not be allowed to fail and if help was out there, I would find it. Literally fifteen hundred plus emails went out to financial institutions, embassies, social organizations, grant making organizations and celebrities that support charitable causes. Most never even acknowledged my contact. How many responded ? About a dozen, but only one said, "YES, we would be happy to help you." Julian Lennon, son of Cynthia and John Lennon of The Beatles, who had created The White Feather Foundation in London England, stepped up. He supports humanitarian and environmental organizations. He even missed a massive 50th anniversary concert celebrating the Beatles coming to America because he was visiting a water system being built in Africa. He walks the walk and talks the talk. The financial support could not have come at a better time. Stories of our project's progress are posted on the White Feather Foundation website. People read it, write to us and offer to support us as well, based on the credibility and awareness that Jules provided us through his site. Changes for New Hope was taken from an obscure, micro-charity tucked away in the Peruvian Andes and brought into international awareness because Jules has over a million followers to his fan pages. It was my tenacity and belief in my cause to reach out. It was Julian Lennon refusing to pull the ladder up behind himself that reached back. Today, thousands of children are living better lives as a result. We can all be heroes. We are grateful to Julian Lennon and each supporter that helps us.
Cor por at ion s, Bu sin ess Ow n er s, We n eed you ! One of the biggest issues in today?s business world is Corporate Social Responsibility, with companies focused on how they can support charities whilst also maximizing benefits for their business. Below are some ideas on how your company can help Changes for New Hope raise funds and boost its public image! Ch ar it able cor por at e even t Organize a charitable corporate event! Treat your staff and customers to a memorable social occasion whilst raising much needed funds for the charity. Whether it?s a black tie dinner or a workplace sporting competition, there?s something out there for everyone to enjoy. Payroll Giving Implement a payroll giving plan deducting a small amount from the pay of your employees and choose Changes for New Hope as a charity to which you wish to allocate your donations. Payroll giving is usually set-up with a government agency and is known to be one of the most-tax efficient ways to donate. Cau se M ar k et in g Donate a percentage of your sales to Changes for New Hope! Enhanced public image, boosted staff morale and increased sales and productivity can all be achieved from a meaningful and well managed corporate-charity partnership. Your business may introduce various creative, interesting and lucrative promotions, part the proceeds of which would go to Changes for New Hope. Jean s Fr iday f or Ch ar it y Many businesses allow their employees to wear jeans on Fridays, but only if they donate to a charity. Pick Changes for New Hope as a charity you support and spread the word among your colleagues! Oftentimes the business will
match employee donations. Contact us at
"The two most important days in your life are the day that you were born and the day you find out why." ~~ Mark Twain
"When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be." ~~ Lao Tzu
"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can." ~~ Arthur Ashe
Wh it e Savior Com plex? Really? Com m en tary by Jim Killon Recently, a rather bumptious individual threw the phrase "White Savior Complex" at me. Hell, I thought it was a compliment. I am 61 and such phrases weren't invented yet, back when I was a 20-something. Hatred wasn't as popular as it is today. Since it only showed up in movies and social media over the last twenty years or so, millennials think it always existed. I looked it up. According to Wikipedia, the term white savior, refers to as a white person who acts to help non-white people, with the help in some contexts perceived to be self-serving. Lovely. I was initially prepared to tell this pugnacious individual that her native Puerto Rico would happily embrace some white savioring right about now, but I thought it would be more constructive to design an intelligent response. Not for her, but for the open minded. At age 19, she already has the world figured out. She is sure that I suffer from White Savior Complex. What can I say? Haters gonna hate. Why try to change a closed mind? On the other side of the equation, I have the confidence to know that almost 4000 children and their families are living better lives because of what my project, Changes for New Hope, has done for them. Not one of them considers White Savior Complex a real thing and actually laugh at the notion that others throw such a phrase around. I am told by many, "We need help, opportunities, direction and education. We are grateful that you have the compassion to help us, why would anyone put you down for helping the destitute?" Granted, there are tinkers showing up in 3rd world pueblos where electricity hasn't yet reached, with gifts of blenders, Bibles and laptops.
These are not humanitarians, these are volun-tourists looking to pad their CV with photo ops, whose primary interest is to smooth over a youth mis-spent with some kind of Karmatic balance. How do I know this? Of the hundreds of volunteers and visitors to our project, only a handful stay in touch. I refer to this as a Reverse Julius Caesar Syndrome, "They came, they saw, they forgot everything twenty minutes after they were back home sipping a smoothie." Likewise tinkers are forgotten as well, never having left a footprint behind. You don't have to be white to be a tinker. Compassion is a matter of the heart. Either you care deeply and want to make positive developments or you criticize those who do. Over fifty years ago, President John F. Kennedy created the U.S. Peace Corps for this express purpose. Today, they are not white saviors, they are compassionate people helping others who need and appreciate their help. The world suffers less. There are a few hundred excuses not to empower those in destitution. White Savior Complex is a racist buzz phrase attempting to legitimize one of them. A heart that wants to support the disadvantaged in the world has no color, agenda or ulterior motive. Most of us serve in quiet dedication and simplicity. The world is a better place because we are in it. Period. Jim Killon is an ordinary man that gives an extraordinary damn. Nothing more, nothing less. Some may still disagree, but what can I say? Why try to change a closed mind? There are 785 million hungry people living in the world today. How dark is the heart that would protest our help for them? We can all be heroes, regardless of our color.
Changes for New Hope is a registered NGO, non-profit organization with the Peruvian government since 2010. Our focus is to help children living in destitution and inadequacies in the Andean region. This magazine is expanding that focus to partner with other NGOs and their leaders around the world. The project creator is Jim Killon, an American born humanitarian, author/writer, exhibited artist, and life enhancement speaker.
His writings, articles and publications can be seen on The Good Men Project, Living in Peru magazine, Inspire Me Today, as well as self publishing: "A Gringo in Peru-A Story of Compassion in Action," "Living Large- Living
"The Changes That You Deserve" .
and the newly published "Infringe Me?" Jim Killon is a 2017 recipient of The David Chow Humanitarian Award. He is available for speaking engagements and interviews. For more information, contact him through our email at cn h m agazin e@gm Changes for New Hope is a 100% donation supported NGO project and is not affiliated with any religious or political organization.
Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved. Photo: Cecilia Falco Hirt
The Fin al Tho ught
Don't wor r y, b e unhappy... Satisfaction and contentment is for those who are no longer dreaming, stopped creating and finished imagining how incredible things around them could actually become. A pebble thrown into a lake is a tiny action but the ripple effect that it makes stirs up everything swimming in that lake. Be unhappy with the status quo, the ordinary, the standard operating procedures. Let's reach for limitlessness. Let's find out just how great life can be, for ourselves and those who have no dreams yet.
Ch anges f or New Hope Humani tari an M agazi ne
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