Before long.... You'll belong... Nelson M an dela didn?t alw ays look lik e a vision ar y. In fact, for 27 years, he simply looked like a prisoner, locked up in South African jail cells for his Anti-apartheid activism. However, after his release in 1990 he became his country?s president, and today he?s celebrated not as an outlaw but as an icon of commitment and compassion. Fortunately, visionary thinkers aren?t always imprisoned, but they are often ridiculed, marginalized, or just plain dismissed for proposing big ideas that may sound outlandish to others. Eradicating anemia for ten thousand children in the Peruvian Andes? Right, sure you will. Use a simple message "Do the Right Thing" to shift the thinking of entire communities and suggest success can be simple? Who do you think you are? Whether it is Elon Musk's vision to rocket himself to Mars, Bill Gates providing immunizations for