Ch anges f or New Hope Humani tari an M agazi ne Bringing Compassionate People Around The World Together April 2018 Vol.2 Issue 4
I Lov e M e That is Why I Can Lo ve Yo u Yo ur f eel go o d ar t icl e f o r Apr il
Ho w d o we g et o ur empat hy bac k ?
I nfringe Me? A Solution to Consider for Gun Violence in America A new e- book now available for you
For 2017 presented to Ji m K i l l on
Dun can Nzan gi an d his chil dr en o f Light o f Ho pe Yo ut h In it iat ive
Editor 's Corner
Jim Killon
I m ake list s. I organ ize m y t hought s in an orderly f ashion so t hin gs are very clear. What is an d w hat isn ' t w orkin g f or us. Where w e succeeded an d w here w e f aced hard challen ges t his t im e. Then , like a m elt in g b lock of ice, I allow everyt hin g t o f low in t o a f ree st at e an d recon st ruct it again , addin g m ore ideas, b et t er t han yest erday, an d m ore ef f ect ive each t im e. I t af f ect s t he lives of t he children w e serve. The ot her hum an it arian s, f eat ured in every issue of t his m agazin e, st ep in t o t he un kn ow n f rom w hat w orked last w eek t o reach in t o n ew ideas an d p lan s t hat serve t he children an d ot her disadvan t aged aroun d t he w orld. This m on t h w e f eat ure Miss Gem m a Lee of Lon don w ho join ed us in Peru. She shares her p assion f or b ein g a clow n an d t he hum an it arian b en ef it s t o t hose w ho her com p assion t ouches. This m on t h' s "Feel Good" art icle is sim p ly, "I Love Me. That is w hy I can love you." Wrap p in g your arm s aroun d ot hers requires a sen se of self love, an d value f irst . This art icle w ill def in it ely reson at e w it h you. Also, t he p rom ised n ew e- b ook, I nfringe M e? A Solution to Consider for Gun Violence in America w as p ub lished in March an d is n ow availab le t o t hose w ho w an t t o learn how t o alt er t he n at ure of violen ce an d sen seless deat hs in Am erica t hat all sides of t he issue can com e t oget her on . En joy t he excerp t . Fin ally, I am p roud t o an n oun ce t hat I have have b een hon ored w it h t he David Chow Hum an it arian Aw ard f or 20 17 alon g w it h six ot her alt ruist ic in dividuals. I am t ouched t o b e recogn ized f or t he years of com p assion in act ion w it h t he children of Chan ges f or New Hop e. The im p ossib le is p ossib le w hen w e at t em p t t o reach b eyon d t hose p erceived lim it s. Our m agazin e is b ecom in g a celeb rat ion of dream s t hat are b ecom in g realit ies. Join us...en joy.
Her e Is Wh at Yo u Wil l Be Enjo ying Th is Mo nt h Infringe Me? A Solution to Consider for Gun Violence in America is now published and ready for you. While the Second Amendment folks and the Gun Control folks battle for inches of ground focusing on the guns, can the solution be easily overlooked? Ho w Do W e Get Our Empa t h y Ba c k ? Our DNA wires us to care for everyone in our human family, just like every animal in the wild. What has caused us to become "lone wolves" seeking status, titles and a glut of accumulations? Jim Killon was presented with the 2017 David Chow Humanitarian Award with six other humanitarians around the world. Changes for New Hope grew from fifteen children obscured in the Andes of Peru to international recognition which we hope translates into credibility and support to further our vision.
Meet Gemma Lee of London England. How does she make the world a better place? She uses her talent as a clown to visit hospitals, prisons, and schools to share a little joy into the lives of those with too little. Her story is inspiring and heart warming which is why Gemma is our featured Humanitarian of the Month for April.
Letters to th e Edi tor Dear Editor, I am both happy and upset at the same time. Your article, Solutions-Albendazole that is eliminating parasites in children is what NGOs need to be doing in the field, action not just words. What upset me was that the same medicine that you obtain for pocket change in Peru is $400 in the U.S. The voracious greed of American pharmaceutical companies whose concern is profits over lives is repugnant. Imagine if you could not obtain medicine there in Peru, the children would either die or your NGO would go broke. Thank you for your altruism sir. Bert F. Santa Fe New Mexico.
Dear Editor, Dear Editor, Your condolences for the Stoneman-Douglas school shooting in your article,"It Needs to be Said", (Mar,2018) was insightful. Perhaps the issue is not guns alone but how we allow our children to play violent video games, watch graphic movies and television and expect them at young ages to differentiate between reality and fantasy. The solution will be a combination of attentive parenting, dedicated teachers and a society that doesn't sacrifice children for profits, whether that is the Smith and Wesson company or Paramount Film studios. You gave me a lot to think about. Calvin H. SSgt. U.S.Army Okinawa Japan
Just a quick email to say thank you for the suggestion that gratitude every morning is the path to a beautiful life. Your article "What Can I Do" made a shift in my life. I tried it, and I want to report that an attitude of gratitude, WORKS! Pamela D. Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Dear Editor, In your March 2018 article "Solutions-Legos" the idea that a simple toy such as a box of Legos would enhance the lives of children to such a great degree was eye-opening. We look for solutions as being so complicated and far out there and miss the obvious. Every child should have a meaningful childhood. Good job in providing this to them. Tanvi B. Jaipur, India
Send your Letters to the Editor to
I LOV E M E! T ha t is w hy I c a n lo ve YO U !
Your Feel Good A r t icle of t he M ont h By Jim Killon
I love me. I absolutely LOVE myself. I consider myself amazing, handsome, intelligent, creative, compassionate, successful, wonderful, humorous, honest, passionate and what the hell, a great dancer too. I believe there are no obstacles that can stop me. Even the obstacles that deter me temporarily. I know I am great enough to find a way around, over, through them to embrace my vision into reality. I have a deep self assurance that what I am reaching out for is also reaching back to embrace me with equally deep passion. Conceited? Stuck on myself? Arrogant? Self Deluded? Nope, not even a litle bit. I do not believe any more about myself than what I already believe about you. Consider what people think about themselves and say about themselves everyday. I am ugly, dumb, I have no talent, I am worthless, I am not as good as them, weak, without resources or opportunities, uneducated and I can?t dance. They hear the words fired at them by defeatist parents, sadistic bosses, bitter significant others, apathetic co-workers and classmates accepting their familiarity as an authoritative source .
What would YOU rather think of yourself? Self defeating, self abusive and demoralizing thoughts that become true because you spoke it into action? It is just as easy to say the words that are empowering, self embracing, self loving and passionate. You can also speak these words into reality too. It is like you have been given a blank check to write any amount you desire on the line. Some may write enough to cover lunch. Some would write it for millions, some would throw it away believing it is too good to be true. Your mornings are your blank check. Write what you want on it every day. Greatness? Passion? Love for everyone around you? Personal success? Gratitude? Self Love! I love those around me. Even those that are not ?just like me.? I have compassion for those who won?t love themselves. I can love those I see because I LOVE me first. How can you feel compassion and love for others if you have none for yourself? Turtles can not teach eagles how to fly. Only other eagles can do that. If you lack self love, and I mean passionate self love, complete, forgiving of your shortcomings, you are good enough for any challenge, self love, then that is your first task. You can not fill up the lives of those around you if you are sitting on empty, can you? Be grateful every morning. Get up and move around, break old routines that no longer serve you well. Decide to feel great and be great. Let those brain chemicals flow throughout your body, endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. This is your life, the only one that you will ever have. Contrary to what others may say, you were not born to suffer, endure hardships, wait for some deliverance to pull you out. Make your own way. Be courageous, launch into the day with a sense of ?I CAN and I WILL!? Love yourself so that a loving environment can develop all around you. Whatever your past was, today is different, it is better and a better you is emerging. I love you.
The David Chow Humanitarian Foundation recognizes and rewards dedicated and caring humanitarians found among charitable, religious, scientific, literary, and educational organizations worldwide that promote man?s humanity towards man whose service of unselfish giving might otherwise go unnoticed.
Th e 2017 David Ch ow Fou n dat ion Hu m an it ar ian Aw ar d Recipien t Jim Killon Jim started Changes for New Hope in 2009, and has continuously grown ever since. In 2009 Jim relocated to Peru using his personal life savings, not knowing the Spanish language, culture, or customs of the Peruvians. Changes for New Hope focuses on less privileged children in the Peruvian Andes. Jim has made many changes using his value-based living motto ?haz lo correcto-do the right thing?. Shortly after in 2010, the mayor of Huaraz adapted Jim?s ?haz lo correcto-do the right thing? initiative and made it a city wide program. Jim is an example of compassion, selflessness in action and proving what can be done with determination and focus. Jim has also provided vitamins to thousands of children, as well as Albebdazole (an anti-parasite medication) for the children due to parasites causing anemia in the children he is surrounded by. He also requests donations for the local children such as school supplies, clothing, and recreational equipment. The children then receive these donations and are benefited greatly. He then expanded his project to begin empowering women who were in unhealthy situation. He saw the women washing clothes in cold glacier streams for hours at a time, so he then collected donations for a portable hand crank washing machine for the women, eliminating their back, neck, and shoulder pain. He is also the author of the books ?A Gringo in Peru-A Story of Compassion in Action? and ?Living Large, Living Deliberately?. His organization grew from 15 children to reaching over 3000 throughout the region of Ancash.
M eet Gemma Lee A Shy Clow n w it h an Bold H ear t f or t he Disad vant ag ed of t he W or ld She arrived as a f rien d of a f rien d here in t he Peruvian An des af t er f in ishin g a t our w it h Dr. Pat ch Adam s in Ecuador in a p roject called "Clow n in g an d Carin g. Gem m a Lee reached out t o us w it h her sidekick,"Ben guin " her han d p up p et p en guin an d w as p rep ared t o share her clow n in g w it h t he children of Chan ges f or New Hop e an d b eyon d. Her hom e in Lon don En glan d w as f ar aw ay b ut she w as right at hom e w it h us. A gen t le sp irit w ho at t ract ed sm iles like a cat w ould yarn . Savin g t he w orld is n o sim p le f eat . I t t akes all kin ds of im agin at ion an d creat ivit y, an d she has p len t y of b ot h. I n her sim p licit y an d com p assion , Gem m a has en t ert ain ed children in hosp it als, t een s in rehab cen t ers, in m at es in p rison , t he elderly an d schools. What m ot ivat es a lady t o st ep out side of her com f ort zon e t o com e t o Sout h Am erica just t o b right en t he lives of t hose w ho are are suf f erin g in in st it ut ion s an d live in sub st an dard con dit ion s? She exp lain s t hat even as a youn g girl, she alw ays cared f or children > >
>> who needed a little extra in life. For fifteen years life, earning a living, got in the way but when the opportunity became available, she leaped into action. She joined Dr. Patch Adams (Medical doctor, comedian, author, social activist) and learned a deeper compassion while clowning with his program. I asked her about going into prisons and rehabs, places where people seemed to be the throw aways of society according to some, her response was moving,"Everybody has a right to compassion and forgiveness." A simple yet profound observation that escapes many. In Yungay Peru we had been invited to a new school opening for special needs children. Some were deaf, blind, wheelchair bound, profoundly mentally challenged and after the ceremonies, Gemma was on the floor with them with Benguin at her side, entertaining, blowing up balloons, being the joy in their day that they will not be forgetting. Her plans after returning to London is to continue her passion with clowning, entertaining between working. I got the clear impression that Gemma has found her beautiful niche in life, she will never be the same. again.
The issue of gun violence in the United States has touched the lives of everyone. Over 10,000 preventable deaths occur each year because of firearms. Two sides have argued for years. One,
Amendment of the Constitution guarantees the right to keep and bear arms. The other side avers that stronger gun control laws and changes in the Amendment may be the only hope. I believe that there is a third option and it is a solution that we can all agree on and live with.
What if we take a closer look at why people grab a gun to resolve their issues? What has motivated and indoctrinated people to this gun mentality in America? What we see and hear is what we become. We are all products of our environment so what if we change the environment? What if video games were not so graphically violent? What if movies and television dialed back the gratuitous gore and bloody images that our youth are exposed to? What if guns became "un-cool" like smoking cigarettes that are no longer a symbol of maturity and sexiness, as it was in the 1950s and 1960s? What if the media stopped exploiting the stories of mass shootings? What if mental health care was available beyond insurance covered five visits? These ideas and many more are covered in Jim Killon's new e-book, "Infringe Me? A Solution to Consider for Gun Violence in America" There has to be an end to the tens of thousands of senseless killings each year whether by murder, suicide, accident or police shootings. Get your copy of this provocative or
A n ex cerpt f rom th e book Maybe if we took a closer look at individuals purchasing weapons, we may be able to prevent much of the tragedies that have occurred at rates that rival a war zone. Would a psychological test be infringing on the rights of Americans? Would the mandatory sale of gun locks or trigger guard locks with every purchase be treading on our rights to heavily? Is the government over stepping by requiring safety classes? No one manufacturing and selling cars has ever protested the government enforcing that all purchasers of cars have a valid driver ?s license and proof of insurance. We don?t seem to have any issue with our meat products being government inspected before we are allowed to purchase them. You can buy all the beef you want, after it is inspected for your safety. You can buy every car on the lot, after your show proof of insurance and a driver ?s license. Why is it then such an outrage when the first hint of government interference is suggested on a product that we hope to never need to use? I bought my guns, parked them in a drawer and did not look at them for years at a time. I would bet that most gun owners have done the same. Could some middle ground be that tall of an order? What if a solution was created that would allow everyone to maintain all the guns they care to own, and at the same time, those who fear a rise of gun violence because of those guns were persuaded that violence would decrease at the same time? I think we can all agree that zero violence is impossible. There are no absolutes in any field of endeavor. However, a decrease is a move in the right direction. If we can all agree that guns, in and of themselves, are not the problem but the attitude about guns is what has caused so much conflict, caused millions of dollars to be spent in lobbying efforts, billions in medical and funeral costs and has torn America apart. The gun issue, second only to the abortion issue, is the biggest concern of most Americans.
Su ppor t t h e pr oject s t h at w e f eat u r e ar ou n d t h e w or ld gen er ou sly. M ak e you r con t r ibu t ion at ou r w ebsit e w w an gesf or n ew h ope.w an d click on t h e Don at e bu t t on . Th an k you k in dly.
Wr it e Fo r Us You know you are already thinking about it..... what you could say to share your ideas and thoughts with others who care as much as you do. Now is your chance to get your story, your article, your impressions out. We need to hear what you want to say. Reach out to our readers and let them reach back to you. That is the community that we are building. Write it, Share it. Send it. cn h m agazin e@gm
Every back issue is available on the free online library.
Don't M iss An Issu e of Ch an ges f or New Hope Hu m an it ar ian M agazin e
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Why not make it yours? Become part of our solutions? Share this magazine with your friends on social media. Let's go viral! Do you have a topic you would like to share? Write for us, whether it is a comment to "Letters to the Editor" submit an article for publication or a photo where you are that expresses your feelings about humanitarianism, altruism and making the world a better place. Write to us at
Finding Our Empat hy Again Drawing Lines. It makes it easier, doesn't it? They are <<< over there... and we are >>> over here. But the human conscience continues to gnaw away at you. The 5-star restaurant dinner with champagned friends couldn't drown out their cries. You Facebook, Instagram the new car, all bright and shiny, to the world of friends who you will never meet, show off the success, the wealth, yes you have certainly "Made It!" And the cries get louder. Cries from the thirsty villagers in Tanzania, from hungry children in Cambodia, from malaria infested women in Honduras. How do you make it stop? You see it on television infomercials, see it in magazine ads, the statistics pop up everywhere. 785 million people go to bed hungry every night, most of them are little children. Your doctor says you are overweight, creeping up on being obese. The contrast between your life and theirs is tapping on your shoulder, you don't know what you will eat tomorrow, they don't know if they will eat tomorrow. Try to imagine how that feels. Their cries continue. How do you make the cries of the destitute stop? You could do what others have done, justify yourself. "I earned all this, so it's mine.I don't owe it to anybody." "Those aren't my kids, I didn't make them starve, live in a country without water or food, or where war lords are beheading their parents." Rev up the engines on the new boat, the churning of the sea under you will help to drown out their desperate cries. Those damn cries of the destitute. Why should you help them, how could they ever return the favor, Right?
De- Humanizing Them Makes it Easier To Ignor e Their Suf f er ing De-humanize them, maybe? Make them as different from yourself as possible, that way you couldn't possible be attached to them in any way. They are black, yellow, brown, they don't speak English, their culture is so different, they wear weird clothes, their customs are ridiculous. But the cries get louder. Like a pebble in your shoe because human empathy is ingrained in your DNA. The reason you can not drown out their cries is because it isn't coming into your ears, it is coming from deep inside of your conscience, your human heart. You can not push away your own nature which tells you that we are all one people, all one family. You see, you weren't born to make money, or own a boat, or drive a status symbol, or gain prestige. Your family is larger than those with your last name. The black, brown, yellow kids? They are yours too. Those women in those grass huts grinding meal with stones, the men who work for a dollar a day, yes, they are your family too. You "Made It", congratulations, what you need now is something money can not buy, your empathy,and human compassion. You can get it back but you have to want to. And so my friend?
785 mil l ion peopl e ar e st ar v ing whil e you ar e ov er weight ?
D o in g G o o d Fe e ls G r e a t Get Involved With The Progress That is Making Positive Changes Around the World. You are already THISCLOSE ! Learn how.
What we ar e accomplishing wit h t his magazine and humanit ar ian award progr am? 1. To recognize humanitarians and like minded individuals for their selfless work in the field. 2. To raise awareness for their projects by sharing their stories and projects with the world. Hopefully this will encourage fund raising efforts and support. 3. To draw corporate sponsorship to our program for mutual benefit. Corporate PR can be enhanced by their association. Funding for this program will be used as prizes to the winners of the award. Additional funding will support the projects throughout the world that meet criteria we believe is critical. 4. To develop an alliance among individuals to share ideas, challenges, "how to" support and stories of progress. To be there for each other in good times and bad. We are no longer alone. 5. To provide independent credibility to individuals leading projects for their further development. 6. To give you a platform and a forum for your ideas and thoughts. What you have learned, you can share. 7. To provide transparency for NGOs so that donors and sponsors understand that each partner is fully vetted and contribution can be sent with confidence. 8. To melt the indifference and apathy in the world that enables suffering in 3rd world countries to continue. 9. To present nominated NGO leaders with a humanitarian award for their selfless service toward the disadvantaged, under-served and destitute. 10. To ultimately alleviate the desperation, the destitution and suffering that countless thousands endure which we encounter each day and restore human dignity, compassion in action and well being for everyone. Note; We are seeking to hire a Digital Sales Manager and sales team shortly. If you are interested in an opportunity that combines your sales skills, altruism and connecting companies with NGOs for mutual benefit, contact us at; cn h m agazin e@gm
Edit or ial Con t r ibu t ion
Whether its what dress we?ll be wearing to prom or if we had calculus homework, teens nowadays and in their own cloistered bubble, untouched by the problems of the world. We grew up raised by loving parents, in a first world country where we had a multitude or resources and opportunities handed to us at a very young age. It is through this privileged upbringing that we have lost touch with the struggles of others and the boundaries others face in their day to day life. Once the realization hits that there are children with no home, no family, and no food, it becomes evident that change must occur. These innocent lives deserve so much more than begging on the streets. My name is Maria Cercedo and this year, I decided to create Smiles for Miles, a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping impoverished children in Peru. In the beginning, I was terrified I would not be able to do it and make a change. However, my best friend became the ultimate support system, being with me every step of the way. My generation has lost touch with true volunteering, with community service hours being mere fluff pieces for college applications. The impact we make by donating our time and effort is unimaginable. This is why it?s so important to realize that you can make a change. No matter how small the idea, or how understaffed you feel, with enough determination, you can make a difference. The children of Peru are too young to speak for themselves and fight for their rights, it is up to us to give them as much support and help we possibly can. These beautiful, tiny human beings will grow up to do great things, and it is a privilege to be able to help make their days a bit happier. ~~~ Maria Cercedo Miami, Florida, U.S.A.
Changes for New Hope is a registered NGO, non-profit organization with the Peruvian government since 2010. Our focus is to help children living in destitution and inadequacies in the Andean region. This magazine is expanding that focus to partner with other NGOs and their leaders around the world.
The project creator is Jim Killon, an American born humanitarian, author/writer, exhibited artist, and life enhancement speaker. His writings, articles and publications can be seen on The Good Men Project, Living in Peru magazine, Inspire Me Today, as well as self publishing
"A Gringo in Peru-A Story of Compassion in Action," "Living Large-Living Deliberately" "The Changes That You Deserve" .
and the newly published "Infringe Me?" Jim Killon is available for speaking engagements and interviews. For more information, contact him through our email at cn h m agazin e@gm Changes for New Hope is a 100% donation supported NGO project and is not affiliated with any religious or political organization. Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved. Photo: Cecilia Falco Hirt
The Fin al Tho ught
Ever Feel Like This ? The lines get longer, the supplies get depleted. We are humanitarians doing what others can't, or won't. That includes international organizations, families, f riends and government agencies. We are in remote areas, sometimes miles f rom civilization and years away f rom f riends and family where we came f rom. We can never leave, there is still so many needing our help. That said, we need your help! We are not a magazine that begs and pleads but we are going to ask now. This is because so few actually step up and actively support us. We can all be heroes. How about you? Please send your support in any amount through our website It won't hurt we promise.
Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine