The Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Awards Magazine
WELCOME Welcome to our first edition of the Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Awards Magazine. We want you to join us to recognize and spotlight those humanitarians, visionaries and dreamers who are tucked away in obscure locations around the world that are making their piece of the world a better place. We want their stories and voices heard and we want to raise awareness for their selflessness in developing projects that serve those who are disadvantaged. We want you to tell us about yourself or one such hero so we can encourage many more to follow these wonderful examples. At the end of this edition, we will tell you how to do that. We also will be awarding ten such individuals with the Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Award.
What's Your Story? What was it that moved you from the secure yet mundane life in the developed world to seek out the destitute and impoverished? We can only imagine that many thousands would follow in your footsteps if they only knew how. Those that may not be able to join you as "boots on the ground" would raise awareness and support for your project which is why we want this magazine and humanitarian award program to be a huge success. So, what is your story that we can share here to the world?
POVERTYPORN An exciting element that moves all of us to action is progress. When a project wins against all odds and reaches hundreds of children in despair, that is the stuff that makes hearts glow and the human spirit shine. Our stories in this magazine may share the challenges facing the disadvantaged around the world, but we want to focus on the solutions and victories. We want to share how stumbling blocks turned into stepping stones. We will share stories of turning tears into smiles. Poverty Porn are those late night infomercials showing kids with flies buzzing around their heads with sad music and guilt laden words spoken by a "past their prime" actor soliciting donations for an organization that is paying him. We want to be the voice of victory and success. Progress generates support and awareness. Everybody wants to be on a winning team!
We thought you'd never ask.
Changes for New Hope was founded by Jim Killon of the United States who came to the Peruvian Andes to respond to a passionate vision he had that would help destitute children. Initially thinking that he would be teaching English, he saw far more urgent needs that first needed to be addressed. Anemia was a huge issue, self esteem and personal development as well. Children needed warm clothes and shoes as well as school materials and moral direction. The first group of children numbered about fifteen in a run down adobe room. By 2015, over 2000 children have been reached and in May 2016, Changes for New Hope was recognized as "NGO of the Month for May 2016" in Living in Peru national e-magazine.
Some of our projects include the distributing vitamins to fight the ubiquitous anemia challenges. Also Albendozole medicine to address the parasites that most of the children are infected with. Our "Do the Right Thing - Haz lo Correcto" initiative teaches values and morals among the children. It's cool to be honest, it's cool to share and it's cool to be a good friend. This simple message has made an incredible impact among the children we work with. Art projects and exhibitions have developed a sense of self esteem within the children too. Even though they may inhabit a dirt floor adobe house with no heat or electricity, they consider themselves little artists. Jim did not speak Spanish when he arrived in Peru so art projects were a default way to share and communicate. To date six art exhibitions have been shown of their work, four of which have been in national museums.
The lessons Jim learned while developing this project led him to write his first book of his experiences entitled, "A Gringo in Peru- A Story of Compassion in Action". He shares stories of his own vision and creation of the project as well as his frustrations and disappointments as well. He learned that stumbling blocks can become the best stepping stones and perseverance, tenacity and love will ultimately lead the way to victory. Sharing the plight of the indigenous people became as much a part of the project as helping the children. A photo-journalism piece called "The Hidden People of the Peruvian Andes" was exhibited in the museum and shared internationally via social media and websites. Raising awareness is important. This magazine and humanitarian award program will serve to reach out for the benefit of many in need. The opposite of love is not hate but apathy and indifference.
SOLUTIONS We reach out to find solutions. The indigenous women in the Andes wash clothes for hours every day in cold glacier streams by hand. Sore backs, arms,knees and necks are not uncommon. Many have large families and need to spend time raising their children. We found a solution in a product called the Wonder Wash. It is about the size of a small tank of propane gas, made of durable plastic and runs by hand crank. An hour of laundry can be finished in just ten minutes and mothers can tend to their children and other chores better. This unit was first developed in South Africa, over fifteen years ago, for poor villages where water resources were minimal. The success of these washers with large families was immediate. You can find out more about these units by contacting the website at =
Wh at ar e w e goin g t o accom plish w it h t h is m agazin e an d h u m an it ar ian aw ar d pr ogr am ? 1. To recognize humanitarians and like minded individuals for their selfless work in the field. 2. To raise awareness for their projects by sharing their stories and projects with the world. Hopefully this will encourage fund raising efforts and support. 3. To draw corporate sponsorship to our program for mutual benefit. Corporate PR can be enhanced by their association. Funding for this program will be used as prizes to the winners of the award. Additional funding will support the projects throughout the world that meet criteria we believe is critical. 4. To develop an alliance among individuals to share ideas, challenges, "how to" support and stories of progress. To be there for each other in good times and bad. We are no longer alone. 5. To provide independent credibility to individuals leading projects for their further development. 6. To give you a platform and a forum for your ideas and thoughts. What you have learned, you can share.
We hope that you have enjoyed the first edition of our magazine. We want you to be part of the Team that will create a worldwide alliance. Dream big and big things happen. Now we would like to hear from you. Tell us what you think, what you like and what you want to share with the world. Let this become your magazine and alliance. Nomination and endorsement forms for the 2017 Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Award will be available starting in June. If you know of a company or corporation that would be interested in sponsoring this program please let us know. You can submit your stories and comments at; Here's looking forward to the beginning of something great!