Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine Bringing Compassionate People Around the World Together March 2018 Vol.2 issue 3
Th e Tr u t h Abou t Th e Lies Th ey Told You You are better, bigger, stronger and brighter than what convinced you otherwise
What Can I Do? There are no small efforts It Needs To Be Said Another shooting at an American school Why?
Edit or's Corner
Jim Killon
I want to share our appreciation and gratitude for your joining us for our twelfth issue of Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine, completing our first year of publication. So many individuals with projects have shared with our readers about their amazing efforts to make their piece of the world a better place. The responses from you good folks about what you have read here has been encouraging and heartening. We look forward to adding more content to our magazine as Editorial Contributors send in their articles and opinion pieces. More humanitarians will be sharing their vision and solutions in future issues as well. In this issue , while solutions are celebrated, we take a moment to reflect on the tragedy that occurred at the Stoneman-Douglas school shooting that left seventeen dead and fourteen wounded. How do we change the environment of violence that our young people are exposed to almost hourly via media, video games and movies? Why is mental health care just out of reach for so many? Ironically, at the time of this incident I was 22000 words into my new e-book about this problem and what I consider an overlooked solution to gun violence in America. It is entitled, "Infringe Me?" and I am in the editing phase of it right now. In this issue we also wanted to offer solutions in the simple form of Legos, Albendazole and in our "Feel Good" article this month, you can read about your own value as a human being that may be in direct conflict with those whose negativity has tried to suppress your limitlessness. I hope that you look forward to each upcoming issue of this magazine with the same enthusiasm that we put it together for you. Please share it with your friends and contacts so we all may feel a sense of warmth and energy as the human family that we are. Live large my friends, live deliberately ~~~ Jim
L e t t e r s t o t h e Ed i t o r Dear Editor,
Dear Editor,
In your article "Getting Started" (Feb 2018) I had my eyes opened to why I never succeeded yet in business or even learning to play the guitar. I have had plenty of great ideas that would have died with me but now I know "the secret". I am now determined to get started and live my life, on my own terms and find my fulfillment. Thank you for this awakening. ~~~ Herbert C. Houston Texas, USA
Dear Editor,
In your article, "Fighting Terrorism, Instability and Disease with Humanitarian Prevention" (Feb 2018) do you actually believe that small NGOs dotted about the world actually can stem the tide of violence and disease from spreading? Can pencils, clean water and new shoes be more powerful that AK-47s, suicide bombers and the rampant spread of AIDs? Respectfully,
Reading Mr. Daud Costantine's Editorial Contribution, "It Is Our Time To Change" (Feb 2018) I was shocked b the incredible struggle of his project in the African cities he writes about. It takes the issue from there and put it in my face. I need to consider how to get involved. ~~ Maria F. Glasgow, Scotland
~~ Omar H, Manila, The Philippines Editor's Note, Obviously, one article can not be exhaustive, but yes, opportunities and education are far more powerful and attractive than the alternatives. We are betting the farm on it. Great question, thanks!
Dear Editor, Just curious but why is Jim Killon wearing an Army style jacket in every photo? ~~ George P. Valparaiso, Chile Editor's Note, I have three such jackets which I love because they have nine pockets. That is super handy when I am in the outbacks during campaigns visiting pueblos of children. I carry a thermal blanket, a cell phone, note paper and a pen, a utility knife, hand sanitizer, matches, magic tricks, a bag of candy, wristbands promoting Do the Right Thing, and extra packs of crayons.
Do you have a comment, question or something to get off your chest? Write to us at
What You Will Be Enjoying In This Issue....
T he Tr ut h Ab o ut T he L ie s T he y To ld Yo u
We heard a lot of things growing up. Those things molded us into what we are today, but is that serving us well today? Jim Killon's article suggests that we can break the orbit of negativity and become the person we always dreamed of developing into.
What Can I do? In a w orld t hat st ruggles t o survive against all odds, t here are no small ef f ort s. W hen w e embrace our human f amily, live change and in t urn, a bet t er w orld emerges.
Solu t ion s- Alben dazole When 95%+ of children test positive for parasites, it's time for action. The medicine in the U.S. is over $380.00 In Peru the solution is a mere 12 cents. Humanitarianism catches a lucky break.
It Needs To Be Said It has happened again. Seventeen more students were gunned down mercilessly in a Florida school. Is there a solution anywhere to be found?
What Can I Do? It all starts with a question. "What can I do?"
Those of us who step into the game find our
Some are quick to say that their small
sense of purpose for our existence and we
acknowledge the modesty of their ability
Absolutely limitless, powerful beyond words
to move the human race forward but they
and what is inside of us, no one can ill-affect.
have an understanding that every effort,
Disappointments are stepping stones to the
every energy is embraced by others who
next victory. Critics are barking dogs that
also have that vision too. In this magazine I
we roll past on our way to the next solution.
have tried to share the vision that we all
Support from others means our vision can
have around the world. It is encouraging and
be a reality for even more people that call
inspiring to get to know so many amazing
upon us for help. The example of others is
people. It is a hard awareness that no one
what we emulate to become in our own
can do it all, as I once thought, but equally, it
work. The ripple effect of gratitude , that
is a relief to know that, dotted all over the
oh-so powerful force that fuels us daily,
world, are these small but powerful NGOs
goes out to those who are encouraging us .
scoring runs in the game by their little base
To get the right answer you have to ask the
hits. Amid there struggles, frustrations and
right question. What can I do is that
question. I would like to share the wise
successes, dozens, hundreds and ultimately
words of Marianne Williamson who said,
tens of thousands of people are living better
?"Our deepest fear is not that we are
lives because they embraced the vision with
inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are
what resources they had.
powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not
A community leader in Yungay Peru was
our darkness that most frightens us. Your
explaining to me that the lack of proper
playing small does not serve the world.
sanitary practices there were an issue. I
was able to provide them with small bars of
shrinking so other people will not feel
insecure around you. When we let our light
encourage washing hands regularly. It cost
shine, we unconsciously give other people
about $30, but I felt like a million dollars to
permission to do the same.?
be able to make that small base hit of
Live large my friends, live deliberately.
progress. No one can do it all but everyone of us can do something.
~~ Jim Killon
Each month you receive Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine in your email, social media or network connection. We share stories of great people, heroes, deep thinkers as well as informative, feel good articles to enhance your life. Judge us by our cover, please. Take us at face value because we are transparent in our efforts. Allow yourself to be engaged in our missions, our vision and purpose in life. What we have found is that we exist on this planet with a purpose . Nobody will take anything away from you, but what you are and what you can share with others can influence the world toward positive changes. This magazine is something that you don't just read, but experience, and eventually, with a little luck, you will become.
Solu t ion s-Legos Legos. We all grew up playing with hundreds of colorful interlocking blocks which kept us busy for hours. As it turns out, there are many cerebral benefits to develop children in their early years also. Here are just a few of the reasons why kids and Legos are a great partnership. * Creativity Enhanced- Legos allows limitless possibilities without a right or wrong way to do it. The sky is the limit for their inventiveness. * Self Esteem building- When children create something with their hands and see their finished product, their self esteem is boosted, the feel they can reach out to new possibilities, using Legos or in actual life situations. * Motor Skills are Developed- Eye hand motor skills by putting the blocks together, in patterns, coordinating colors and arranging shapes wires a child's brain in new ways, * Legos develop problem solving skills- Following instructions to assemble Lego also has a lot of benefits for children?s problem solving, focus and attention to detail. Ideas of symmetry, balance, shapes and sizes are explored during play with Lego. * Legos develop lateral thinking and planning skillsFollowing a set pattern on a layout, they may have to go back and correct mistakes, figure out what goes where and fill in the blanks to get the result they want. * Lego Building Develops Persistence- When a tower falls, children find new ways to make it better the next time, and the time after that. Improvement each time builds the much needed persistence that will be valuable in real life later. Legos can be a great mind building and fun way to enhance early childhood development inexpensively. I love solutions and Legos has been one of our favorites.
Photo courtesy: The Guardian
I t Needs To Be Sai d... It happened again. Another school incident that took the lives of 17 innocent children in Florida on February 14th. We don't know any of them nor their families but as a human family we all feel some sense of sorrow for them and the anger of the senselessness that an individual, in need of mental health care, could do the unthinkable. Whether he used a box cutter on a commercial flight, a rock or an AR-15 is not the issue. Our society is sick, depleted of emotional stability and walks around in an almost sociopathic haze. What we see and hear we become. What our youth see and hear, they have become. Maybe it is time to control gun violence by managing the glorification of violence that they are expose to. Movies, television, and video games have become more graphic and violent with each passing year.
A Commentary by Jim Killon A Quentin Tarantino movie is graphically violent and exciting. You and I will finish our popcorn go home and read a book. Others, take notes, for them it was a training film. Hollywood is screaming FIRE in a movie theatre from the screen. Can we dial back the violence that our kids are exposed to? Can we get adequate mental health for those in need of it, more than the five insurance covered visits? Can we de-stigmatize the issue of mental health issues? Can we all be a little more human. My condolences to the families of the victims and injured.... sadly, this won't be my last condolence. If kids become their environment, we need to change their environment. Until solutions start moving in the right direction, we already know it is a matter of time before it happens again.
You r Feel Good Ar t icle f or M ar ch By Jim Killon
T he Tr ut h Ab o ut T he L ie s T he y To ld Yo u Who is correct? The left or the right? The north or the south? The east or the west? Them or us? A better question, "Is there "A right answer?" Doesn't it depend on how we choose to see things? Then it gets a little tricky. How we choose to see things is a matter of perception that we gathered from.... who? Our parents and teachers and religious leaders and bosses and family members and our community. Then, unless you were one of the fortunate few that always grew up in a nurturing environment, it all goes straight to hell in a hand basket from there. Why? It is because parents tell you a lot of negative things in your up bringing usually in brackets that say,"How stupid can you be?" out of their frustration. Teachers in school reinforce that with, "Why can you be as smart as the other kids?" Then you get older and religious leaders confirm that you are a sinner, bad, with a book of rules that nobody could possibly follow to perfection, leaving you in a toxic pool of self denigration, guilt and defeatism. All you need to round out your complete and total collapse is a sadistic boss on a job you hate that reminds you daily that you are near useless and he ought to terminate you but he doesn't
because you make good coffee. incarcerated in their offices, Sound familiar? This is a blend schools and communities. I of many stories that I have believe that apathy is humanity's heard over the years with my most profound humiliation. To own added in for confirmation awaken a sense of compassion that it are universal. How in for each of us circling this bright the hell can anyone expect to blue orb is as important as be happy under these feeding the hungry, digging wells condition? I remember people in Uganda, or providing mosquito shouting at me the moment I netting in Nicaragua. It is because was born, "It's a Boy!!!" I was we see our lives distorted in a twenty seconds old, how was I carnival funhouse mirror that we supposed to know it was a get this notion that the dysfunctional is normal, the way shout of joy and celebration? it really is. But it isn't. Our If we pause a moment and purpose in life is to be a global consider that every one of community, made so much easier those people who unwittingly with the internet, and make sure reinforce negativity in us are that the most vulnerable of our reacting to the negativity that human family is taken care of. their parents, teachers, bosses, The left, right, north, south, spouses, religious guides and thems and us's are imaginary community instilled in them lines drawn by those whose own and they know no other way to warped images were accepted as express themselves. People are real. But it isn't. It never was. lemmings running off the cliff knowing that it is to their You are valuable. You have a death but everyone is doing it purpose in this life, albeit and we know no other way to currently, obscured by illusions go. That needs to change right perhaps. You are not your past, not what others said about you NOW! out of the abyss of their own As humanitarians, we do not darknesses. You are living in just reach out to the abundance and resourcefulness disadvantaged in 3rd world even though resources may not countries. I believe that we be quite evident just yet. From a also have a responsibility to recognized and accepted position touch the abject destitution of of strength your best self will those in developed countries emerge. From that best self, many tooling around in their cars, thousands will be carried to wired into their social medias, deliverance. Trust me. Live large, lounging by their pools, live deliberately, my friends.
Do in g Go o d Feel s Gr eat ! But Why Take Our Word For It? Join Us! Get Involved. Care To Share. Reach Out and Grab A Piece Of Life !
Reebok gets it! It is more that making profits, making quotas, satisfying shareholders and grabbing a bigger market share. Social responsibility with a simple message is a powerful and effective way for companies to give back that costs nothing. Kudos Reebok!
What we ar e accomplishing wit h t his magazine and humanit ar ian award progr am? 1. To recognize humanitarians and like minded individuals for their selfless work in the field. 2. To raise awareness for their projects by sharing their stories and projects with the world. Hopefully this will encourage fund raising efforts and support. 3. To draw corporate sponsorship to our program for mutual benefit. Corporate PR can be enhanced by their association. Funding for this program will be used as prizes to the winners of the award. Additional funding will support the projects throughout the world that meet criteria we believe is critical. 4. To develop an alliance among individuals to share ideas, challenges, "how to" support and stories of progress. To be there for each other in good times and bad. We are no longer alone. 5. To provide independent credibility to individuals leading projects for their further development. 6. To give you a platform and a forum for your ideas and thoughts. What you have learned, you can share. 7. To provide transparency for NGOs so that donors and sponsors understand that each partner is fully vetted and contribution can be sent with confidence. 8. To melt the indifference and apathy in the world that enables suffering in 3rd world countries to continue. 9. To present nominated NGO leaders with a humanitarian award for their selfless service toward the disadvantaged, under-served and destitute. 10. To ultimately alleviate the desperation, the destitution and suffering that countless thousands endure which we encounter each day and restore human dignity, compassion in action and well being for everyone. Note; We are seeking to hire a Digital Sales Manager and sales team shortly. If you are interested in an opportunity that combines your sales skills, altruism and connecting companies with NGOs for mutual benefit, contact us at; cn h m agazin e@gm
WRI TE FOR US... Everybody has a story to tell. Whether it is your own or a story about great things that are happening all around you. Share with us so we all can be engaged with you. Not a writer? Neither was I at one time, now you see I write most of the content for this magazine... for now. The biggest leap of faith is to simply begin. Your photos, stories, articles and points of view will help us to make this magazine even better for everyone who is reading it around the world. Nobody is born a great anything. Nobody would ever be great if they never started. So, feel free to share with us. Send us your submissions to our email address at We can all be heroes.
Jim and Frank bringing vitamins, school supplies, clothing and Albendazole to classrooms of children in a remote area of Ancash Peru.
I am a strong advocate that everyone deserves to be healthy as a human right. To be able to get through the fragile first five years of life is the most critical time. In developed nations there is a pretty fair chance that infant and child mortality will be a rare event. In third world countries, not so fortunate. The tragedy is that most of these deaths are preventable. According to studies, more than 50% of children under age five in the third world that die, are killed by smoke inhalation from unventilated in home cooking from open fires. Next was water borne illnesses and parasitic micro-organisms. Washing hands is the simple and easiest solution, where there is available clean water. In the Peruvian Andes anemia, in part caused by parasites, affects over 95% of all children that were tested. I had been involved in three such studies. In pueblos and villages, trying to change sanitation practices with photos of parasites and the effect they have on humans is a short term ineffective 'finger in the dike' solution. We pass out bars of soap to children to encourage using them. The single best attack on parasites is a medicine called Albendazole. I checked prices internationally and was totally astounded by the contrast. The average price in the U.S. was $382.10. for a daily dose. Canadian prices at pharmacies were about 16% that. I went to the pharmacies in Peru and found the exact medicine, same 200mg. dosage for just $6.17 for a box of 100 tablets. That was enough to eradicate this health concern for fifty children, or said another way, 12 cents per child. Much of our donated funds goes to this medicine and we bring it with us on every campaign to each outback pueblo we go to. Because sanitation practices are not likely to change regardless of our pleas, we re-dose when we return. Our blood tests for anemia have proven the effectiveness of this medicine. When combined with multiple vitamins, it is a powerful weapon against early childhood deaths and the effects of anemia. No child should have to suffer the ravages of parasitic micro-organisms. ~~~ Jim Killon
Cost co Albenza 2 tablets 200mg
Coupon Price $382.10 Kr oger Ph ar m acy Albenza 2 tablets 200mg
Coupon Price $382.40
Saf ew ay
The prices to the lef t represent a one day, 2 tablet, 200 mg. dosage of Albendazole, also sold under the name Albenza at pharmacies in the United States. While Canadian pharmacies sell the same medicine for 16% of these prices, averaging between $50.00 and $65.00, the cost at any local pharmacy in Peru for the same two tablets is just 12 cents.
Albenza 2 tablets 200mg
Coupon Price $382.45
Walm ar t Albenza 2 tablets 200mg
Discount Price $385.92
Rit e Aid Albenza 2 tablets 200mg
Coupon Price $391.42
CVS Ph ar m acy Albenza 2 tablets 200mg
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*********** There is no reason why every child within our reach and care should not be treated and parasites completely eradicated. Humanitarianism goes far beyond the notion of caring, but putting into action, plans to provide solutions. Over the past several years many hundreds of children have been given this life saving medicine. Every single dosage was purchased with f unds donated by good folks like you. Thank you so much.
Walgr een s Albenza 2 tablets 200mg
Coupon Price $399.51
We can all be Heroes!
Did you miss a back issue of Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine? No worries. You can see every issue published at, the f ree on line library...
Lear n about the solutions we seek out to make your wor ld a better place. Read about our gr owing gr oup of humanitar ian par tner s f r om Tanzania, Kenya, Camer oon, Scotland, Miami, Haiti, Chicago, Per u, Cambodia and Ecuador .
Do you have a her o or or ganization that you would like to see f eatur ed in our magazine? Wr ite to us at the link below. We'd love to hear f r om you.
Changes for New Hope is a registered NGO, non-profit organization with the Peruvian government since 2010. Our focus is to help children living in destitution and inadequacies in the Andean region. This magazine is expanding that focus to partner with other NGOs and their leaders around the world.
The project creator is Jim Killon, an American born humanitarian, author/writer, exhibited artist, and life enhancement speaker. His writings, articles and publications can be seen on The Good Men Project, Living in Peru magazine, Inspire Me Today, as well as self publishing "A Gringo in Peru-A Story of Compassion in Action," "Living Large-Living Deliberately" and "The Changes That You Deserve" . Jim Killon is available for speaking engagements and interviews. For more information, contact him through our email at
Changes for New Hope is a 100% donation supported NGO project and is not affiliated with any religious or political organization. Copyright 2018 All Rights Reserved. Photo: Cecilia Falco Hirt
The Final Thought Are w e doing our very best everyday? Really? Try t his experiment . Reach as high as you can right now , st raight up. Go! ..... Now st ret ch just a lit t le bit more, just an inch or so. Your perceived highest is not your highest . W hat if w e all st ret ched ourselves t o be a bet t er human being everyday. Imagine if w e added just a 10% value t o our lives and t o t hose around us...
What a wonderful world.....
Some places in the world never heard of Uber, Home delivery grocery shopping, refrigeration or clean water.
Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine