Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine- January 2019 issue

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Ch anges f or New Hope Humani tari an M agazi ne Bringing Compassionate People Around The World Together January 2019 Vol.3 issue 1

De-Wor m in g 10,000 ch ildr en in t h e Per u vian An des, on e gr ou p at a t im e.

Wel c o me Bac k

Hereiswhat youwil l beenjoyinginthisissue A New E-Book By Jim Killon Free for you for a limited time only.

Si l v er Li ni ngs Words of Encouragement, Love and Being Limitless.

The Crossfire Between My Heart and My Head The Pivotal moment for Changes for New Hope's new direction that will reach 10,000 children in Ancash Peru

Do n 't Be Bo r in g You can follow the crowd who isn't quite sure where they are going or you can blaze the trail of your dreams. 2019 it is time to break out and decide who you want to be.

Do i n g Go o d Fe e ls Gr e a t How can a simple cardboard tube and some rope make a great day for some children in the Peruvian outbacks?

LOREMIPSUMDOLOR SITAMET, CONSETETURNONUMY UTSED Elit r, sed diam nonum y eirm od t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo sed dolores et ea rebum dolore.

ELITR,SEDDIAM NONUMYEIRMOD TEMPORADASTRA VALARMUNDUMET VERADOLORESETEA REBUMDOLORE. Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et , conset et ur sadipscing elit r, sed diam nonum y eirm od t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo dolores et ea rebum . St et clit a kasd gubergren, no sea t akim at a sanct us est Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et . Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et , conset et ur sadipscing elit r, sed diam nonum y eirm od t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo dolores et ea rebum . St et clit a kasd gubergren, no sea t akim at a sanct us est Lorem ipsum dolor sit .

TRAVEL OF THE M ONTH: THAILAND LOREMIPSUMDOLORSITAMETDIAMVOLUPTUA.ATVEROEOSETACCUSAMETJUSTO DUODOLORESETEAREBUM.ADASTRATAKIMATAJUSTODUODOLORES. Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et , conset et ur sadipscing elit r, sed diam nonum y eirm od t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo dolores et ea rebum . St et clit a kasd gubergren, no sea t akim at a sanct us est Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et . Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et , conset et ur sadipscing elit r, sed diam nonum y eirm od t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo dolores et ea rebum . St et clit a kasd gubergren, no sea t akim at a sanct us est Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et . Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et , conset et ur sadipscing elit r, sed diam nonum y eirm od t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo dolores et ea rebum . St et clit a kasd gubergren, no sea t akim at a sanct us est Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et .

Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et , conset et ur sadipscing elit r, sed diam nonum y eirm od t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo dolores et ea rebum . St et clit a kasd gubergren, no sea t akim at a sanct us est Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et . Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et , conset et ur sadipscing elit r, sed diam nonum y eirm od t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo dolores et ea rebum . St et clit a kasd gubergren, no sea t akim at a sanct us est Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et . Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et , conset et ur sadipscing elit r, sed diam nonum y eirm od t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo dolores et ea rebum . St et clit a kasd gubergren, no sea t akim at a sanct us est Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et .

Edit or 's Cor n er

Jim Killon

Recipient of the David Chow Humanitarian Award 2019! You made it, congrats! I wasn't so sure I was going to but here we are. Now that we are here, what are we going to make of this year? In a world needing compassionate individuals and hearts that reach out to be of value to others, you pretty much have your choice of places and projects to make your mark. Consider last year with the successes and shortcomings that you experienced. Have you noticed that when you worked your regular drone job, the bills got paid, the days seemed longer and the quality of life that you hoped for year after year seemed just out of reach? This is your opportunity to launch into your own definition of greatness and to be limitless. I believe that the greatness, that is in each of us, craves expression and an outlet to share our thoughts and creativity. This year, I hope that books will be written, videos will be made, art projects will appear in nursing homes and children in orphanages will get an unexpected visit from compassionate guests. I hope that homeless faces in soup kitchens will see new servers and children in foreign places, that perhaps you never heard of, open packages with school supplies, shoes and new clothes and a card with a message of encouragement and love. Changes for New Hope is taking the aggressive position to jettison those that have pulled the ladder up behind themselves and determined to reach 10,000 kids currently suffering anemia because of parasites in their systems. Orphanages will be visited, schools will experience a new social movement that will motivate them to become their very best selves. We launched our first video with weekly encouragement planned. It is going to be an exciting year. I hope you are looking forward to it as much as I am. Live large my friends, live deliberately,

Jim Killon

Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

In your article, "The Glass is Half Full", I was inspired by your comment that our response, not our reactions to issues and problems would prevent the misery that most of us endure needlessly. Thanks for that.

Kristin Van Busum's Project Alianza in Nicaragua is a compassionate example of what a person can accomplish when motivated by love. Her credentials are impressive and she could have done anything but chose to help the people there in the coffee lands. What a lady to admire and emulate.

~~ Sharon G.

Adana, Turkey

~~ Greg L. Belfast Ireland

Dear Editor,

Dear Editor,

You have a photo of some kids in front of a shack with a caption that says, "Apathy is humanity's most profound humiliation."

Your article, "One of These Days Just Arrived" is a reminder that procrastination is a deadly disease and if we sleep on our dreams, children around the world suffer. Thanks for the nudge again!

So true, so sad and thank you for the reminder. We can all do something to reach the less fortunate, can't we?

~~ Kathy G. Daytona Beach, Florida

~~ Lindsay R. St. Paul, Minnesota

Let us know what you are feeling. Share your comments, thoughts and ideas with us a

A New E-Book For You From Jim Killon... Free For A Limited Time Only!

Ar e you finding it a lit t le difficult t o get t hr ough t he day somet imes? Of cour se we all do fr om t ime t o t ime. I t is for t his r eason t hat I have cr eat ed and published my 7t h book, Silver Linings for you. I t is fr ee for a limit ed t ime on I t o int r oduce you t o t he benefit s of t he encour agement and posit ive ener gies t hat have inspir ed me and got t en me t hr ough some t ough t imes. I t is coming t o you fr om a place of love in my hear t for ever yone who is open t o r eceive my wor ds, my encour agement and who dr eam of becoming limit less.

I t is wr it t en in a way t hat you can pick it up anyt ime and r ead a few pages t o bump you over t hat obst acles or nudge you t owar d your next vict or y. Many have consider ed t his new book a companion piece t o my pr evious wor ks Living Lar ge Living Deliber at ely and also The Changes That You Deser ve. I magine cr eat ing t he life you have always want ed for your self in your mind and t hen st epping int o it .

As par t of t he human family, we know t hat we have t he inner dr ive t o be par t of somet hing bigger t han our selves and we also feel t he need t o make sur e ever ybody in our t r ibe is all r ight . This is my offer ing t o you which will ser ve as a for er unner t o t he videos t hat will be soon coming via YouTube and ot her venues as well as live t alks t o shar e ideas for becoming limit less, how t o conquer fear s and obst acles and become t he per son you have always dr eamed of becoming.

Ch an ges f or New Hope is f ocu sin g on t h e an em ia epidem ic in An cash Per u . With numbers coming in at 54% across Ancash departmento (like a state or province) and substantially higher in the mountainous countrysides, our project's focus now is to address anemia issues caused by parasitic micro-organism, worms, that infect up to 95% of the children based on recent studies. Sanitation practices here are inadequate in most cases. Public restrooms routinely lack soap, paper products, and in many cases running water or toilet seats. In the Corderilla Negra pueblos, water is not available in many homes and must be carried in from distant pueblos. This is a perfect storm for parasites to infest a child's body and thrive, multiplying rapidly to infect a child with billions of new eggs which robs a child of what nutrition they receive from already inadequate food sources.

Th e Cr ossf ir e Bet w een M y Head an d M y Hear t Jim Killon For those of you who have read my first book, A Gringo in Peru- A Story of Compassion in Action (available on you understand that my reach into the Peruvian Andes was not limited to just one focus. In fact, I felt that NGOs that only addressed a single issue lacked compassion to do more. I saw NGOs that only helped children with their homework. Another only provided soap to dysentery affected areas around the world, and another only issues mosquito nets to malaria infested areas in Central America. I was intent to try to be the WalMart of NGOs and touch every base where I saw a need. My heart wanted to provide shoes, clothing, school supplies, correct medicine, vitamins, playgrounds, after school activities, toys and recreational equipment, eyeglasses, books for libraries, de-worm kids, create charity benefit concerts for victims of natural disasters and continuing talks in universities and schools about altrusim and compassion for our human family. I started with fifteen children in 2009 and by December 2018 we had reached four thousand.

While I had done a hell of a job scratching the surface in dozens of pueblos and towns throughout Ancash and even winning the David Chow Humanitarian Award for my efforts, it was disappointing in too many areas. Hundreds received new shoes but not thousands. Three schools received books for their libraries but not dozens. Nine tons of materials have been distributed which reached several hundreds of kids but thousands more still went without. Most would consider this a success by any standard. I didn't however, not when I see so many more lacking. Not when I see wealthy individuals who know me personally and have met the children themselves, ignore our project. Not when young volunteers arrive to "save the world" whose self-centeredness creates more obstacles than solutions for me. I had to reconcile my head and my heart. I had to readjust and set aside my depressing disappointment to pivot from my WalMart attitude because, neither the sufficient funds nor the dedication of volunteers were going to materialize. Some things are out of my control >>>

The Light Bulb Moment The "Light Bulb Moment" occurred as an antithesis to my final disappointment of 2018 a few months ago. Unwilling to forfeit my goal of reaching thousands of children in need and forced to accept the apathy of parsimonious individuals, I decided that Changes for New Hope would specialize on the biggest issue facing the kids. Parasites that are causing anemia in thousands of children will be eradicated starting with an initial objective of 10,000 children. In 2019 I will go into dozens of schools throughout the outbacks of Ancash and share presentations educating children of the dangers of parasites and how to prevent re-infestation. I will provide albendazole to kill the present worms ubiquitously present in the children and issue hand soap bars to teach the importance of washing hands. I have already begun this program and have reached almost 10% of our goal. I have met with community leaders and directors of schools who feel this is a solution that they have wanted for a very long time. I use a short magic show to begin the presentation to gain the interest and attention of the children. I have the teachers helping me to distribute vitamins, albendazole and soap bars to the children. I no longer need international volunteers because the teachers have a vested interest in the well being of the children, something volunteers largely lacked. The cost of the program will be in the neighborhood of $2000 per year which I will cover out of my own pocket if necessary. The idea that Changes for New Hope can be effective, in a measurable way, using less funds and less time to reach more children than we ever have before is going to be a benchmark for our future efforts here in Peru.

I Love Solu t ion s!

Do n 't Be Bo r in g Conversations. We have lots of them. Most will float out into space and never be remembered. Text messages, social media photos, up to the second, oh-so-important expressions will be forgotten almost as soon as they are read. 20-somethings decide for themselves what is urgent. 30-somethings, having endured their 20's now know what is really important. Everyone older seems to endure them all and they are the ones who know what is actually important and urgent. Why then are graveyards filled with people who never left a single footprint behind? Why is it that the important issues that stopped people in their tracks to respond to have amounted to so much white noise? Why are there still 785 million people going to bed hungry tonight? Why is money considered the only measure of wealth? Why is love and kindness reserved for only those with your own last name or among a small circle of your friends? I would challenge you to create a conversation, to text a message, to send a photo that inspires and motivates those around you. Do we even know how? Have we actually become that boring, led by social media and television to determine what is worth talking about? Have we forgotten how to think?

What Did Yo u Mis s In o ur Pr evio us Is s ues o f t he Chang es f o r New Ho pe Humanit ar ian Mag az ine?

Enjoy Every Issue of Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine at Absolutely Free! Commentaries, Articles That Will Rebuild Your Life, Photography From Places You Need To Know About, Feel Good Stories and Heroes In The Field Around The World That Are Making Your World Better. Available for free at

Bef ore Long..... You'l l Bel ong.... You want to know why?

It is because you can only be happy with your new purchase for a week before your mind is accustomed to seeing it. A new pair of shows, a watch, even a new car, after awhile, it's just a watch, shoes or a car. What you do to bring joy outside of yourself, to others and the power of your love in motion is why we ride this bright blue orb. The people who are so attached to their stuff will one day realize that it was the joy given to others, not their stuff,that really mattered. Sadly, for most, it is a lesson learned too late.

Wr it e For Us Wh et h er you ar e a special per son ... or an aver age per son ... Ever ybody h as a st or y t o sh ar e, som et h in g t h at you k n ow t h at ot h er s w ou ld ben ef it f r om h ear in g. So let 's h ear it ! Wr it e t o u s an d sh ar e you r br illian ce... Sen d you r t h ou gh t s, com m en t s, you r f eelin gs or r an t s t o u s at cn h m agazin e@gm

What we ar e accomplishing wit h t his magazine?

1. To recognize humanitarians and like minded individuals for their selfless work in the field. 2. To raise awareness for their projects by sharing their stories and projects with the world. Hopefully this will encourage fund raising efforts and support. 3. To draw corporate sponsorship to our program for mutual benefit. Corporate PR can be enhanced by their association. Funding will support the projects throughout the world that meet criteria we believe is critical. 4. To develop an alliance among individuals to share ideas, challenges, "how to" support and stories of progress. To be there for each other in good times and bad. We are no longer alone. 5. To provide independent credibility to individuals leading projects for their further development. 6. To give you a platform and a forum for your ideas and thoughts. What you have learned, you can share. 7. To provide transparency for NGOs so that donors and sponsors understand that each partner is fully vetted and contribution can be sent with confidence. 8. To melt the indifference and apathy in the world that enables suffering in 3rd world countries to continue. 9. To present nominated NGO leaders with a humanitarian award for their selfless service toward the disadvantaged, under-served and destitute. 10. To ultimately alleviate the desperation, the destitution and suffering that countless thousands endure which we encounter each day and restore human dignity, compassion in action and well being for everyone.

Join u s in ou r pr ogr ess an d devel opm en t to br in g sol u tion s to th ose wh o wou l dn 't h ave a ch an ce with ou t u s. W e can al l be h er oes.. Now is your tim e. Th is is a Social M ovem en t! Lear n h ow at an gesfor n ewh

Do i n g Go o d Fe e ls Gr e a t !

A heavy cardboard t ube and some rope st rung up t o make a sw ing f or children in t he Peruvian out backs. So simple but t he joy it creat ed f or t hem w ill be remembered as a gest ure t hat someone cared about t hem w ho didn't really have t o. Smiles all around!

The Final Thought

Im agin e if you h it t h e m ega-lot t er y! People dr eam abou t it all t h e t im e an d w it h ou t h esit at ion , r u n dow n t h eir list of all t h e lu xu r iou s t h in gs t h at t h ey w ou ld bu y. M or e valu able t h an t h e m ega-lot t er y an d alr eady in you r possession r igh t n ow is you r ow n lif e. Tim e is t h e m ost pr eciou s asset t h at you w ill ever h ave. Wh en w e ask people w h at t h ey ar e doin g w it h t h eir lives, w h at t h ey w ill be in f ive year s, or even n ext w eek ... Th ey cou ldn't t h in k of an yt h in g of r eal valu e. Be a per son of valu e, dr eam big an d st ar t livin g.

Changes for New Hope is a registered NGO, non-profit organization with the Peruvian government since 2010. Our focus is to help children living in destitution and inadequacies in the Andean region. This magazine is expanding that focus to partner with other NGOs and their leaders around the world. The project creator is Jim Killon, an American born humanitarian, author/writer, exhibited artist, and life enhancement speaker.

His writings, articles and publications can be seen on The Good Men Project, Living in Peru magazine, Inspire Me Today, as well as self publishing: "A Gringo in Peru-A Story of Compassion in Action," "Living Large- Living Deliberately" "The Changes That You Deserve"

"Infringe Me?" and the recently published "Silver Linings" Jim Killon is a recipient of The David Chow Humanitarian Award . He is available for speaking engagements and interviews. For more information, contact him through our email at cn h m agazin e@gm Changes for New Hope is a 100% donation supported NGO project and is not affiliated with any religious or political organization. Copyright 2019 All Rights Reserved. Photo: Cecilia Falco Hirt

Ch anges f or New Hope Humani tari an M agazi ne

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