Silver Linings ... Words of encouragement, love and being limitless

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Si l v er Li ni ngs Wor ds of en cou r agem en t , love an d bein g lim it less

Jim Killon

Si l v er Li ni ngs Wor ds of en cou r agem en t , love an d bein g lim it less

Copyright 2018 Jim Killon All Rights Reserved

The moral right of the author has been asserted. No part of this book may be copied, reproduced, stored or transmitted by any means- graphic, electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or by information retrieval system without prior written permission by the author, except where permitted by law.

This book is dedicated to those tenacious people who are finding their purpose in life, their Why and will not rest until they find it, develop it and become a person of value to their piece of the world because of it. and To Camila Lucero, an infant at the time, who arrived at my door in a Quechua style manta on her mother 's back, both were cold and wet in a downpour late one night in the Peruvian Andes... and has been my wonderful daughter ever since.

Other publications by Jim Killon: A Gringo in Peru- A Story of Compassion in Action (2013) The Best Damn Book About Sales That You Will Ever Read (2015) Atheists Don't Eat Their Own Children (2015) Living Large Living Deliberately (2016) The Changes That You Deserve (2017) Infringe Me? A Solution to Consider for Gun Violence in America (2018) Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine (2017- present, monthly)

Si l v er Li ni ngs Wor ds of en cou r agem en t , love an d bein g lim it less Jim Killon "Once a social movement has begun, it is impossible to reverse it. You can not un-educate a person that has learned to read. You can not humiliate a person who feels pride. You can not oppress those who are no longer afraid" ~~~ Cesar Chavez Mexican-American social activist, 1984

Pr ef ace What you see and hear, you become. It is inevitable. Back when I was a boy, television had just three channels. If you wanted to see a movie again after it was no longer at the theater, you had to wait for it to come on television a year later, and then, only in black and white. We cooked our food on stoves because microwaves had yet to be invented. Nor had, push button telephones, cable television, laptop computers, the internet, CDs, DVDs, GPS, central air conditioning, space travel, velcro, compact cars, video games or digital cameras. This gave us a lot of time to be creative, to think and use our imagination. We invented games, toys, read books and told stories. If we needed a solution to a problem we found a way to figure it out on our own. We created a solution and while it may fail miserably, it was a start toward what would work. We were tenacious, critical thinkers and developers. Nobody told us the answers because our parents' generation didn't know either. Education was not held in such high regard as it has been in recent decades so most of our parents only knew what their parents told them from what they learned growing up at the turn of the last century before this one. Most things were acomplished by trial and error. With the incredible advancement of technology over the last twenty or so years, critical thinking, being creative and personal discovery has been replaced by the double edged sword of convenience. You can literally live in reasonable comfort and convenience without ever leaving your home, or even your chair. Bills can be paid on line automatically, you can work from home, receive direct deposit income, buy anything that is for sale with a mouse click. Anything can be delivered to your door within minutes, groceries can be pre-ordered, prepaid and arrive whenever you'd like. Uber drivers will take you anywhere safely and inexpensively and you can diagnose your illnesses on medical websites with precision accuracy. Every bit of information on any subject is available at your fingertips via Google including music, NetFlix entertainment, YouTube, political views and opinions from "experts". People have thousands of "friends" that they have relationships with that live around the world and they will never meet face to face thanks to Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter. Speak to a device sitting on your table and appointments will be made for anything you might need or desire. We have surrogates for everything, friends, parents, children, managers, drivers, dog walkers, holiday food preparers, housekeepers, robotic vacuum cleaners and automatic dispensers for almost anything you can think of. This is the good life, one that was inconceivable to our grandparents just fifty years ago.

So, why are people absolutely miserable, depressed and so very alone in the world with no idea how to accomplish a life worth living? Millions are on anti-depressants, alcoholism and recreational drugs are people's go-to solution. People are so delicate they lose it when someone doesn't "like" a post on social media. Participation trophies for just showing up? Every comment is considered offensive by someone, somehow regardless of how innocuous and tame. A sense of humor could get you sued and asking a colleague at work for a date could get you fired for sexual harassment. People walk room to room carrying their cell phones and rush to it if it beeps with a new text message or photo because seeing it five minutes later would be too traumatic. Everything is a crisis and nobody knows how to deal with anything. If they lost their iphone their whole life and connection to the world is gone. Then I step into the mix. I suggest stepping away from the distractions, the annoyances, the controls and the noise that is polluting your head, though you may not see it as distractions just yet. It has become so commonplace it is your normal. I suggest meditation, clear your mind and over thinking with total peace and a sense of tranquility. I suggest deep breathing exercises, slowly and focused on just the process of calming yourself down. I write on social media, thoughts that I feel are of value because I am a man of value. How do I know that? Because people share back with me that they have been helped, stimulated and encouraged by the words I share. I believe that our primary purpose in life, wired into our DNA, is to be a person of value to the human family. I have no degrees, certificates nor any special pizazz to prove anything to anybody. I just know what has benefited me and enhanced my life. I know what works for me. I am no different than you. If it raises me above the challenges of life, I believe it will work for you too. I share my words of encouragement, love and being limitless to inspire you, to move you to a higher place, a safer and more secure place in your life. I wrote this book because I am overflowing. This is a simple read, thoughts and ideas I want to give you, with the belief that what you see and hear, you will become. Limitless. If you haven't heard my story, I am a humanitarian serving disadvantaged children in the Peruvian Andes since my arrival here, ten years ago. I am also an author and writer. This is my seventh book as well as publishing my monthly magazine, Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine. Changes for New Hope ( is my non-profit organization I founded in 2009. I am an exhibited artist and have held eight art and photo exhibitions in as many years, five of which were in national museums. Currently, my project is focusing on de-worming 10,000 children in the Ancash region of Peru. Proceeds from this book will be used to that end. Enjoy the following pages and become the person you have only dreamed of.

Jim Killon

Something that you need to know about winners. They did not win because of mere good fortune. They did not win because victory happened to be in their path. They did not win because they happened to be in the right place at the right time. Winners are people, no different than you or I, who saw a situation as it was and decided that a better situation had to be created. Winners made victories out of the trash that everyone else walked around. Be a winner.

" "

To be in a relationship so that you won't be alone, to work on a meaningless job so that you won't be unemployed, to clutch at anything regardless of how mindless and pedestrian as fun so that you won't be bored is escapism. Live your life with a goal, with a purpose and passion toward those goals. Don't let your default level be the worst possible option. Choose good or great. Nothing less. Live large, my friends, live deliberately....

There is no finish line. Progress is success. Day by day, step by excruciating step, you succeed and leave a footprint behind that inspires others who want to follow your path. There is only one Today. Make a footprint in it because once Today is gone, it is gone forever.

Th in gs t o r em em ber if you w an t t o h ave a beau t if u l lif e. 1. It's just a football game 2. The media is just trying to scare you into submission, it's their job. Nobody would watch the news if it was just cute kittens. 3. It's just 4 years, you can vote for somebody else next time. 4. No one you know personally has ever starved to death, you won't either. 5. There is a button on your laptop to scroll down past what upsets you. In Real Life that is called walking away. 6. They can't kill you and eat you. 7. Even a thousand haters with signs and shouting can not erase the love that we were born with. 8. Your brain can not focus on good things and bad at the same time, choose wisely. 9. Social media is not real life, go out and actually live in the Real World.Read a book, have a conversation using words and facial expressions with ideas that you create yourself. 10. As bad as it seems, more than a half of the world lives on less than a dollar a day, live in destitution and would trade your worst day for any one of theirs. Gratitude goes a long way. Be grateful.

What are you doing? Is your job a place where you feel you make a contribution to the betterment of the world or is it a place to park yourself for 8 hours so they will give you a pay check that enables you to buy that next shiny thing you saw on TV? Have we traded our lives, hour by hour, to be part of a nameless, faceless machine or system that generates money and forfeited doing something that we would love to be doing that adds value to the world around us? Something that we find personally satisfying? Reconsider folks, after all, it's your life and you only get one of those.

Your personal value as a human being can not be determined based on the opinions of others, comparatively how well or poorly others around you are doing, nor the circumstances of the day. Consider Charlie Chaplin, who in 1915, entered a Charlie Chaplin look-a-like contest and came in...20th. The only one who can value you as a human being is you.

How do you become a better, more valuable and ultimately happier human being? It is not in making more money that is for sure. Consider those who "Had it all" such as the Beatles. John Lennon and Paul McCartney were interviewed in the early 1960s about their goals. Quickly, they admitted they wanted to be rich. In later interviews they expressed their disappointment, having become worth hundreds of millions of Pounds, that they found no satisfaction in the wealth they achieved and had sought after for so long. Steven Jobs, as he lay on his deathbed, told his family, and the world, that the billions that he gained afforded him obvious comfort in life but he lacked the joy in life that he so desperately wanted. Actor Jim Carrey said ?I wish everybody could get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see that it's not the answer.?

George Carlin shared his view of materialism this way, "Trying to be happy by accumulating possessions is like trying to satisfy hunger by taping sandwiches all over your body."Value as a human being is what is important. The clock keeps ticking and whether you have an hour to live or sixty more years, you have to make it count. What I have learned living in Peru's high Andes and working with disadvantaged children is that my life has value, meaning and purpose. Most importantly, I could not purchase this, I could not order it on Amazon. Whether you live in a castle or a grass hut, what you are to those around you, how you add value to their existence and their own sense of value, becomes the contagious and beautiful purpose of Life. I could give a Lexus to a poor person and they'd still be poor. I could share opportunities and compassion with them and wealth becomes abundant. A backpack of school supplies, vitamin supplements, warm clothing and a child is ready to take on the world. Are you ready to add value to the hours of your Life?

There is no Perfection. People tend to procrastinate because they can not do something perfectly. People beat themselves up for not being the perfect _______ (fill in your favorite fear here) The notion of perfection is another manipulation either self inflicted or imposed upon you by a boss, spouse, friend, parent or significant person in your life whose own expectation of perfection has enslaved them too. Great things start to be accomplished in your life when you plow ahead without needing to have all the pieces first. I believe in you. Now I would like for you to believe in you too.

No one buys a house at Disney World. No one is a citizen of Disney World. People go there, enjoy the rides, see the sights, take photos of themselves with Mickey Mouse and go back home. They talk about the memories they had there for the rest of their lives. That is the difference between our own life experiences when we are committed to something, and those who are just passing through. Excitement is temporary. Passion is the stuff life is made out of. Live large my friends live deliberately.

Are you still accepting the labels that people are thumb tacking to you? Who knows better how to be the best you can be except...YOU? Your brain hears the words you say about yourself and accepts them as absolute truth! Remember? every word that you speak to yourself is an affirmation. So say them loud and say them with total confidence and love...

Your life is like a puzzle. All of the pieces that you need for success and happiness are there. Sometimes you just need help rearranging the pieces so that they will make sense and complete the picture.

Just for today.. take a break from yourself, your burdens and concerns. You can dive into all of them tomorrow. Be good to yourself today, there is only one YOU so be your best self. See how you feel by this time tomorrow Do you have any idea how much happier your life would be if you just stepped aside and let the crap blow right past you?

You just never know what might come your way in life. One thing is for certain though, what you focus your attention on is going to be a preview of what?s heading your way.

Failures do not show you what you are, they simply show you what you are not. Your successes and victories show you what you are.

Waiting for the perfect time, the right situation, the approval of others, is wasting your precious hours and days, called LIFE. If you have a plan, an idea, a solution, DO IT! Don't know how? Do what you can, where you are, with what you have and the rest will come to you. I built our project knowing almost nothing, unfamiliar with cultures and customs and with 1000 promises from "friends" that only 5% came through on. If I waited for the perfect opportunity to appear, 3000 kids would have never been helped. The world is waiting to see your action, not your reaction. Today, my friends, is your time, your opportunity and your moment. Trust me ... you will never be "READY"... Little birds learn to fly by being pushed off of branches, by their mothers. Go !

Cancer! It really sucks doesn't it? Imagine a doctor telling you that you have terminal cancer and you will be dead inside of a year. What would you do? Go to the office, keep on working your 9-5? Come home every night drink a beer and watch TV until it was time to go to bed? OR, would you decide to do all those things that you always wanted to do and never did? Write a book, learn to draw or paint, play a piano or guitar? Travel? Reinforce to your loved ones just how much you love and care for them? Reach out into the universe and become absolutely limitless because you know in a year you are toast? Question; Why wait until you have terminal cancer?

The R.A.S. or the Reticular Activating System is the part of your brain that allows you to see and hear things that you are looking for. Positive or negative. You notice things because you subconsciously are looking for them. Look for the good, the beautiful, the energizing and the opportunities that you deserve in your life and you will see them all around you. Try it for just one day and see if I am not right.

Would you like to have an easy life? It is available right outside your front door. It is dull, ordinary, it is crowded with millions of others also wanting an easy life and it only takes you where others have already been. Grab a piece of a life of passion, purpose and chances. Make great things happen that nobody has seen yet. Be an inspiration. Do that today and I promise you that your tomorrows will be spectacular...

I love those around me. Even those that are not ?just like me.? I have compassion for those who won?t love themselves. I can love those I see because I LOVE me first. How can you feel compassion and love for others if you have none for yourself? Turtles can not teach eagles how to fly. Only other eagles can do that. If you lack self love, and I mean passionate self love, complete, forgiving of your shortcomings, you are good enough for any challenge, then that is your first task. You can not fill up the lives of those around you if you are sitting on empty can you? Be grateful every morning. Get up and move around, break old routines that no longer serve you well. Decide to feel great and be great. Let those brain chemicals flow throughout your body, endorphins, dopamine and serotonin. This is your life, the only one you will ever have. Contrary to what others may say, you were not born to suffer, endure hardships, wait for some deliverance to pull you out. Make your own way. Be courageous, scream into the day with a sense of ?I CAN and I WILL!?

What would YOU rather think of yourself? Self defeating, self abusive and demoralizing thoughts that become true because you spoke it into action? It is just as easy to say the words that are empowering, self embracing, self loving and passionate. You can also speak these words into reality too. It is like you have been given a blank check to write any amount you desire on the line. Some may write enough to cover lunch. Some would write it for millions, some would throw it away believing it is too good to be true. Your mornings are your blank check. Write what you want on it every day. Greatness? Passion? Love for everyone around you? Personal success? Gratitude?

Do you ever consider how you walk? How your hips, knees and ankles coordinate and your feet and toes move so that you can walk? No, of course not, you just do it. Now, consider how you think. Same thing, usually people don't consider +++how+++ they think, they just do it. They react instead of respond, they say whatever thoughts were swirling around in their heads and deal with the reactions of others. When we take control of our thoughts, consider how we think, what we say and consequently do, becomes a value to our human experience.

The menu is not the meal. You never get satisfied looking at the pictures. Just like life isn't it? You have to roll up your sleeves, grab a fork and dig in.

Love yourself so that a loving environment can develop all around you. Whatever your past was, today is different, it is better and a better you is emerging. I love you.

I love me. I absolutely LOVE myself. I consider myself amazing, handsome, intelligent, creative, compassionate, wonderful, humorous, honest, passionate and what the hell, a great dancer too. I believe there are no obstacles that can stop me. Even the obstacles that deter me temporarily. I know I am great enough to find a way around, over or through them to embrace my vision into its reality. I have a self assurance that what I am reaching out for is also reaching back to embrace me with equal passion. That is how I win, not by luck or chance, and you can too.

If your Today is just a repeat of your Yesterday. If your Tomorrow is just going to be a repeat of Today, what is the point? Life must be filled with progress, every single day. Stretching yourself toward your goals and advances, even small wins are significant if it moves you forward toward a better life. Make some noise with your life, let somebody know you are here and what you feel, dream and care about matters. The alternative is simply a rehearsal for your own death.

Are you satisfied, comfortable, content right where you are in life? Be afraid, be very afraid, this is the first step toward a grave. Live large, my friends live deliberately. Take chances, risks, share ideas, if people don't laugh, dream even bigger.

For those who do not accept limitations, relationships grow, success becomes certain, profound happiness is assured and what was once considered bridges too far to cross shrink in rear view mirrors.

Do to others as you would want them to do to you.... ready for the next level? Try this on for size... Do to others as you are doing for yourself and your own....

When you play chess, it isn't enough to stare at the board hoping for a great move to happen. You have to reach deep within yourself and find the solution, and make the move. When you do it enough times, you become a winner. There is no better feeling than being a winner. Life is just like that. Let's all be winners.

I was in the graveyard the other day. Monuments and cement crosses all around me. People visiting their loved ones that had passed away, flowers and tears. Those in the graves were loved, had a life, maybe many decades to do great things. No doubt everybody has had great ideas, incredible solutions, ways to make life worth living for thousands. They waited for the perfect moment, the better time to do it, waited for conditions to be just right, then they died and their visions died with them. Do you have an idea? Maybe it is not clear or fully formed and maybe you haven't got the first clue how to start. So what? Launch, do, create, begin, jettison fear, try it, do not die with those incredible ideas still inside of you. Jump and you will learn to fly during your descent.

I have never allowed what has never been tried yet to interfere with what we are about to do. If it hasn't been attempted yet, nobody can say we are doing it wrong.... Everything is success..

Sometimes all you have to do is point someone in the right direction.

People who want a better life only need to be shown the way. Those who need to be carried never really wanted a better life unless you are handing it to them. I have adjusted my thinking from asking "How can I help you" can I help you to help yourself?" It has made all the difference in effectiveness to build lives here.

It is this simple: Your thoughts have made you what and where you are in life right now. Not exactly thrilled? Change your thoughts.. start thinking differently, do something differently and life will be different. Step into the life that you create for yourself.

How cool is it that you can fail 1000 times and not be a failure, (unless you quit, of course) but to be a winner you only have to win once. Life is great don't you think so?

If success was a cake walk, everybody would be a huge success. Anything outside of your comfort zone worth accomplishing is going to require sacrifice, discipline and dedication .Sadly, most can't set their iphones down long enough to start, but those who do, those that reach for greatness learn just how close it always was.

Ready for this? Science has determined that the average attention span of people is 5 seconds. The sad news, a goldfish has an attention span of 6 seconds. Fact.

The value that you are to the world has absolutely nothing to do with impressing someone or proving someone else wrong. Limitlessness is reaching your greatest potential.You can't do that when you are looking behind you to see who is watching and wondering what they think of you.

Here is the fact that nobody wants to acknowledge; There is no certainty in the world. None, zip, nada! People, by nature seek out a security in their jobs, their relationships, in their finances and among their tribe of friends. No one has successfully done it yet because, let me say it again for the people back there in the cheap seats, There Is No Certainty In The World!

Seeds can't grow on cement. If you are not prepared for significant changes for your own development, it won't matter if you are hearing the secrets of the Universe. Put yourself in a place where great things can grown within you.. Live large, my friends, live deliberately!

Solid gold bars have value. If you had a bar of gold in your pocket in a major city, you could exchange it for cash, to buy cars, houses, a country club lifestyle and boats. Same gold bar, but imagine being on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. It is still gold but it has no value. Food and water does however. Point; The value of anything depends on where you are in life. Putting yourself in a place where your talents and value can be appreciated and received by those needing it is the other half of the equation to being a valuable person. Equally, put yourself in a place where you can receive value from others. Get it now?

Familiarity and nostalgia is no substitute for genuine friendship. Successful people has a close and tight network of positive and goal oriented people who understand the value of their vision and goals.

Why accept your present situation as reality? Today is just a stop over for incredible tomorrow. Keep looking to dreams, goals and visions. They are reality very soon.

your your your your

We can lead a horse to water but we can not make them drink. Of course. Before our words can make positive and powerful changes in the lives of those we meet with, they have to be receptive to it and ready. In the meanwhile, they know where the water is when they are ready to drink. Changing the world is preparing the world to want to change. Positive influence is what changes the world

Being liked is not a goal, no matter what your endeavors in life are. Being a person of genuine value to humanity is however. People liked Adolf Hitler (of course they were all Nazis) and Charles Manson.. which did not make them, their message or acts justifiable. People were repelled by Van Gogh, and Steve Jobs. They laughed at Elon Musk, Richard Branson and the Beatles music was rejected by a record company as unpopular. Being liked by everybody is impossible. Stick with your vision, be a person of value and passion.

The value that you are to the world has absolutely nothing to do with impressing someone or proving someone else wrong. Limitlessness is reaching your greatest potential. You can't do that when you are looking behind you to see who is watching and wondering what they think of you.

Stop reacting to everything you see and hear else everyone becomes your master

Knowledge is knowing how to strike a match. Wisdom is knowing when to blow it out

Two Questions: 1) What makes you a spectacular person? 2) What do you really suck at? If you stalled to answer the first question and quickly knew the answers to the second question, then you need a shift in your self esteem. It is a beautiful world with you in it. Get in a place where good things that are due to you, flow to you.

Being limitless can not be accomplished if you are throttling your opinions, activities and dreams down to appease the limitations of others. Condors fly alone, high in the sky. Chickens gather together pecking at the ground waiting to be eaten.

One reason why you don't get the answers you need is because you think you already have them and you stopped asking the right questions. Stay open, be aware and jettison preconceived ideas.

Th r ee Wor ds M ake Bet t er Ch oices!

What you do during 1% of your entire day can make all the difference how the other 99% will go. Your brain is most open to positive and encouraging self talk the first thing in the morning. 1% of your day is just 14 minutes. Take care of yourself first. Then the rest of the day is on your terms. Live large my friends, live deliberately.

Have you ever seen a lazy tiger? A monkey that only eats a few bananas? Have you ever seen a tree that only grows half as tall as it could? Human beings are the only creatures on the planet that do just enough to get by, makes excuses not to be their very best everyday and talk themselves out of the idea of living large. Are we the smartest creatures on the planet? I am wondering....

Have you noticed that the greatest achievers among us are not the carbon copy of someone else? We are unique, unusual because we march to our own drummers. No one can say that we are just like the last person who did it. We blaze trails. We can't imagine duplicating someone else's footprints. Do we make mistakes? Oh hell yes, but no one seems to notice because no one knows what we imagined this new development was supposed to look like and also because, we travel our amazing journeys, alone. It is because we don't look like everybody else's idea of success that we are criticized for being different. We cherish that as confirmation that we are getting there. Most important of all, we live in gratitude.

You eat everyday, don't you? Shower? Dress yourself presentably? But did you feed your head today? Are you living your life or is your life adrift in the current of arbitrary happenings?

From 30,000 feet above the Earth in a jet coming back from Toronto, I couldn't see borders, boundaries, differences, lines, walls or separations. Maybe if we allow love to lift us above what tries to make us all on one side or the other, we would see the insignificance of the things that divide us as one humankind. What do you think?

You can not grow, achieve, love or live beyond your own image that you have of yourself. Dream way beyond your current circumstances.

People are so afraid of making the wrong decision that they choose to do nothing to better their lives. That is a decision too. People tell me, "What if goes wrong?" I respond, "What if it doesn't?" People tell me, "What if I fail?" I tell them, "What if you succeed beyond your wildest imagination and live the life of you have always dreamed of?" These same people will blow a few hundred dollars at a casino, marry a "Beats a blank" spouse, work a "at least it pays the bills" job, drink all weekend with friends who will reinforce their misery and wonder why their life sucks. If you are designing a life that sucks, don't expect any better than a C- life because it is exactly what you carved out for yourself. You can start re-creating the life you want for yourself starting to day, if you want it. Ready? No more safe harbors, it is time to sail into your greatest adventures.

Never accept that you can not do something that will change your life for the best. What you believe to be true is true for you. It becomes your reality. You don't need anyone's permission to live the life that you want for yourself.

No one ever tripped over success. They pursued it, grabbed it with both hands, and made it work. Sometimes with naysayers on both sides of them. Sometimes with half-hearted well wishers. But it is the people that focus on their goals with a burning desire to succeed, the ones that never forgot the reason they started in their journey in the first place, that step into that special place in life that few will ever know.

Define yourself. Define your place in the world. Clarify the footprint that your existence on this bright blue orb will remember you for. If you don't know, then someone else will surely tell you and you may not like what they have to say.

Fear only exists in your mind. To allow it to paralyze your dreams is a tragedy. To use it as an excuse to not strive for your dreams is conscionable.

It may not always be easy but if you have passion and focus, it is always worth it.

Touch a life today. It could be any life, any life, even the life of a dog. Make something better happen around you. Watch how your own feelings and awareness will change. Sharing, my friends, is what makes us the human beings that we were intended to be.

Satisfaction is for those who have finished dreaming, done hoping and surrendered their passion to reach out for what could be.

Standing in front of an open door and not going through it and standing in front of a brick wall is exactly the same. When the door of opportunity swings open, you must go through it. You never know what is on the other side if you never explore.

I have yet to meet a woman or person of color that was not my equal and vice versa

Love is formless, boundless and without frontiers. It touches on every level or else it is just a word.

So many people live their lives like reading a three day old newspaper, re-reading everything and missing the action of today. Three day old newspapers belong on the bottom of a kitty litter tray.

A better life is a matter of making it happen. Troubles? Challenges? You can not pick up a brick wall but you can if you pick it up one brick at a time. Why make things harder than it has to be?

Say it only if you mean it, promise it only if you intend to do it, start it only if you intend to finish it and love it only if you intend to keep it. Life becomes simple and beautiful and you can stay forever happy.

If you plant an apple seed, you are going to grow an apple tree. You may not know how many branches it will have nor how many apples it will bear, but no doubt you will have an apple tree. Life is just like that.

Stumbling blocks? If you are facing one right now be glad for two reasons. One, it landed in front of you and not on top of you. Secondly, you now have something to climb on top of so you can see farther than you ever could before.

No one ever got full eating an "I Wish" sandwich. Dream big but also get your hands and feet moving. The only thing that ever landed into your lap without any effort on your part came from an overhead bird.

Everybody starts at the starting line. Not everybody makes it to the finish line. Give a nudge of encouragement to those who may be struggling to get there. Tomorrow it may be you needing a nudge.

Give yourself full credit for every accomplishment, however humble. Then reach for the next star.

Animals have the natural ability to run from danger and blend into their environment to hide. Humans are not born with those qualities. We were not created to hide, blend in and run but to be the developer, creator and help to others around us. It is wired into our DNA to be great people. Live large my friends live deliberately

Are you one of those people who live a "Hit or miss" life? You step into the day and try something that you think might make you happy, maybe it does and maybe it doesn't. Either way it is a surprise. Why not consider a life by design? Create the image in your mind, let the thought become your reality and step into it. We all have that ability. Some use it and others live a life of chance, hit and miss.

Do you remember all those things that you heard as a child about what you can't do, will never be good enough for, aren't smart enough and won't happen ever for you, maybe by people who were very familiar to you? That was THEN, this is NOW! It is time to become limitless. Live large my friends, live deliberately!

Before 1954, no one believed that the human body could run a four minute mile. Before 1903, no one ever flew a heavier than air machine, not many understood why it was necessary. Before 1967, if your heart was diseased, death was the only option. Before 1998, if you wanted to know various public information, you had to go to the library. Impossible just means it hasn't been done or invented yet. You are only limited by your own thinking, be limitless!

Never give up on your dreams. Do you know what White Star Lines was doing the day after the Titanic sunk? Selling tickets for the next cruise.

Victor or victim, you will face adversities in life. Whether you fall as a victim or rise as a victor depends on how much power you give to those that bring you the adversities. It is entirely up to you. It always was.

I would rather play hopscotch in a land mine field than to ignore the lessons to be learned in everyday life.

It's ok not to be everyone's best friend. You can't be anyway so why set yourself up for that disappointment? Just be yourself and those that can appreciate that will migrate toward you. Those are your friends.

I never gave up trying. I gave up quitting. life became empowering right after that.

If you see someone else accomplishing the goal you want, never envy them. Instead emulate them. Do what they are doing and inevitably you will acquire their results.

We have a choice. We always have a choice t o see t he wor ld as a beaut iful place full of oppor t unit ies even in t he dept hs of awkwar d failur es or t o see t he wor ld full of awkwar d failur es wit h a glimpse of happiness her e and t her e. Ther e is power in t he decision t hat you make for your self. I t affect s ever yone ar ound you because no one is on a deser t ed island. We ar e social animals, t r ibes of people and clust er s of communit ies. Your at t it ude at wor k will affect your per for mance, t umbling int o your effect iveness, t umbling fur t her int o your int er per sonal r elat ionships t her e, which leads t o your possibilit y for pr omot ion or t er minat ion. Thought s ar e t hings.

Though it is convenient t o blame someone else for your miser y, you need t o accept t hat it is complet ely your choice and decision.








cont r ol

t he

cir cumst ances t hat occur in our lives we sur e as hell can cont r ol our r eact ion and r eflect ion of it . Response t o anyt hing we exper ience is our choice. Maybe t his sounds simplist ic but if mor e people consider ed t hese wor ds 50% of mar r iages wouldn' t end in divor ce, people would look for war d t o Monday mor nings, childr en would be r aised in nur t ur ing homes wit h loving, pat ient par ent s, jails and cour t syst ems wouldn' t be over loaded, addict ions would end and a sense of ser vice t o ot her s, even st r anger s, would seem like a nor mal t hing t o do for each ot her . We can cr eat e, a beaut iful wor ld.

If you want to see the impossible accomplished, attempt the impossible.

My Dear Friends, I trust that you have found value and inspiration in the preceding pages. What these years in the Peruvian Andes have taught me, through experiences that have been both challenging and awesome, filled me with gratitude and love that I want to share with you and so this book is my simple offering. I believe that greatness, dynamic power of love, compassion and success is within each of us. Why some of us aspire to levels of wealth, leadership and service to our human family while others drag through each day with bitter resentment is a matter of simply realizing what is possible. Envisioning the life you desire, regardless of how impossible it seems at the moment, and step into it. Solutions are indiscriminate, blind to everything but passion to succeed. Almost none of the great people that we read about in their fields were born out of the "Lucky Embryo Club".They became who they are as a result of many years of struggle, miserable failures and isolation from their contemporaries. They had a powerful "Why" that drove them, so powerful that nothing could stop them. Success was inevitable. I read their stories and I believed that if they can do it, so can I. My success, my victories, as an ordinary man who gave an extraordinary damn, can be your hindsight as you journey toward your own limitless life. It is my deepest hope for you to become everything that you believe possible. Live large my friends, live deliberately,

Jim Killon

Abou t t h e Au t h or

Jim Killon

Jim Killon is an American born, humanitarian, an exhibited artist, author and writer of several books and magazine articles. He publishes the monthly, Changes for New Hope Humanitarian Magazine. He created Changes for New Hope, an NGO located in the Peruvian Andes, where he has lived for ten years as of this writing. He was presented with the 2017 David Chow Humanitarian Award. His project's primary objective is to focus on the eradication of anemia issues in children caused by parasitic micro-organisms as well as finding school supplies, clothing and other humanitarian aid. To date over 4000 children have been reached and 10,000 more are the target objective through 2019. He studies and practices personal development, awareness and mindfulness as solutions for the betterment of the children of his project. He expanded his reach to social media, videos, speaking events and writing to share limitlessness for all those who want a life beyond their current situations. Jim can be contacted through his website at, and also on Facebook at

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