Rejuvenation - Integration - Migration
... the missing piece in the jigsaw for single NHS patient records ...
One of the world’s largest Integration companies ... ... with the world’s best Integration product ...
Now you can:
• Rejuvenate applications • Integrate disparate systems • Migrate data
Technology that’s: • fast • simple • non-intrusive • re-usable
International Business Centre, Delta Crescent, Warrington WA5 7WQ t: +44 (0)1925 715132, f: +44 (0)1925 715177, e:,
World-Class Technology for NHS Systems Integration “The question of how electronic patient records systems are finally going to be delivered to the Trusts and Healthcare communities that need them is fundamental to the future of the NHS.” Many NHS Trusts still operate legacy ‘green-screen’ core patient record systems. Many other Trusts are using modern applications like Lorenzo, Emis or SystemOne. They also have disparate ‘silos’ of data across the Trust. Combining the data from these sources is the aim of ‘single patient records’. We use Verastream to communicate with and model legacy backend systems. This non-intrusive approach allows us to expose the legacy applications as re-useable Objects that can be used and modernised in any standards-based environment. If your Data resides on the ‘spine’, Verastream can re-model this as re-usable Objects to combine with other Data sources to create a single record. This allows fast implementation of new applications or creation of front-end systems such as Web discharge summaries, remote Mobile access or Pharmacy links. This can be your only Integration layer. It can act as a tool for Rejuvenation of old applications, can aid Migration of data to new applications and can Integrate disparate sources into one data set. You can do any combination of these. This is not simple screen-scraping like many competing technologies. It is designed to be easily scalable to handle many thousands of concurrent users. That’s why our technology is in use in most of the top 2,500 companies in the world, as well as in Healthcare in many countries.
“ All NHS organisations can deliver key business drivers ; ensure greater capacity and functionality ; enhance patient reporting ; improve control and risk management and realise best value - TODAY ! ”
• secure • Standards Based • Non-Intrusive • Re-Usable • scalable • fast to implement • fast throughput • affordable NHS Integration
CONtact us We would love to hear from you. If you have any questions or suggestions or would like an on-site demo, please call Good4Health International Business Centre Delta Cr, Westbrook Warrington WA5 7WQ w: e: t: +44(0)1925 715132