Delivering Real Benefits for People with Diabetes
GlucoMON®-ADMS™ seamless, simple, safe
TeleHealth Diabetes Monitoring
“improving patient outcomes”
Diabetech™ has developed a unique, mobile, TeleMonitoring system that offers real benefits to Patients with Diabetes and been proven to help reduce A1c levels International Business Centre, Delta Crescent, Warrington WA5 7WQ t: +44 (0)1925 715132, f: +44 (0)1925 715177, e:,
TeleHealth Diabetes Monitoring A Unique solution to modify the behaviour of self-monitoring and administering Diabetes patients. Simply plug the test equipment into the GlucoMON® system - results automatically uploaded and managed - alerts sent, advice given, data saved
Clinically proven methods - GlucoMON® - success guaranteed
Developed by Diabetech® in the USA and already the subject of successful clinical trials and now in wide use, our GlucoMON®-ADMS™ system features the following • Sophisticated WEB-Based back-end system, collecting, applying rules and informing patients, relatives, clinicians and supervisors - GlucoDYNAMIX™ • GSM-Based GlucoMON® device, that connects to your Blood Glucose meter and sends the results automatically back to the Monitoring service • Support for a range of Blood Glucose meters
GlucoDYNAMIX-ADMS™ Featuring • A rules engine that uses extensive patient profile information, testing history, remote diagnostic information, temporal analysis and anticipated data inputs to assist the patient with their daily choices • Deliver timely and relevant information to the right person, at the right time in the right format • Deliver QuickTips™ Dynamic Education by SMS • Determine Relevant Interventions
Affordable : safe : simple : proven In use Already, the GlucoMON®-ADMS™ system has undergone trials in the USA - where it has been proved to help lower A1c readings by between 1 and 2 points. It is now approved and in widespread use. The system is so easy to use - simply plug your test device into the GlucoMON® and the results upload themselves - no buttons, no setup NHS TeleHealth Monitoring