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Lantern, Sydney, Australia 2020

Design Studio 2021 I Li, Jinlong


Site tour / discrimination


Research for Atomasphere


Research for Components




Site Tour / Atomosphere


A photo described a story, three building on top with different style and a group below, in between, different group of people stand together without discrimination, a harmony revealed, they brings the fragile space come together.


Seven friends come to have discover the place, they see the pe fight for the rights of equality, fight for wiping out the prejudice.


Finally, they arrived, though the glazing on the door, They see the world into two different part: a physical space and a social agency related discrimination.

After getting off the train, the first man came to the entrance of the site. What he saw was a pigeon and a group of seagulls scattered on the square. Is this also a discrimination of species? He easily thought of the special red seats in the black and white scene next to him, which carried people of different faces, identities and countries, as if they were a community of shared destiny with the same habitat. He thought: Our architecture should also have this ability and sincerity to link different cognition and reduce the existence of discrimination.


Then, he walked to the opposite side, seemingly separate people and groups of people, it looks like "Human sorrows and joys are not interlinked, I just think they are noisy." These lonely and abandoned people seem to be out of place in the city. Marginal people, they may be homosexuals, they may be disabled or homeless people. How to make architecture show a positive environment and change people, so he continued to move forward.


Functionally, the St Andrews Cathedral and Cathedral school is interrelated. We, as trans passer, walk through the in-between space like walking through a tunnel. The façade of St Andrews Cathedral bended towards Cathedral school, forming the tunnel that create the sense of subtraction. The first character is the one underneath the tunnel, like us, walk through the space but never touched it. As the edge of the staircase forms the tension inwards, even though it’s an open space, the territoriality is created in a ambiguous way. The space itself seems belongs to the Cathedral school, not the one for citizens to stay. Hence, you can see a man pushing so hard on that wall. However, as a kid, the scooter can take him/her to anywhere regardless of the “invisible” boundary. Although the Steadfast building seems physically close to us, the glass façade is rejecting us away, like this man climbing on the ladder.

The solid sandstone wall feels way higher and heaver that it is during the nighttime. The flowing light of vehicle seems to create another world, to the modern civilization. While walking along the staircase of St Andrew Cathedral, with a headlight on, seems to be the character of the stage performance, dancing in the quiet night.

Then he continues walking and then he sees all these stairs. A disabled man was trapped up here because of the stairs with no ramp. Up here, he's alone with a tall and cold building, while down there, a group of people sitting on the grass, playing music, enjoying delicious food and talking to each other. All his wish is there comes a wave and brings him down to the utopia. The steps separate a world into two parts--one in depression while one in happiness.


In front of the cathedral, a group of heterosexual couples is expressing their love for each other freely. While this couple of two females can only stand away from each other and are not allowed to enter this holy cathedral because of their natural sexual preference. This cathedral separates a world into two parts--one in release while one in repression.


Both sides of the site are surrounded by modern buildings and old-fashioned buildings. Despite the changes of the times, the society’s attitude towards racial discrimination has changed from recognition to resistance, but in fact the problem of racial discrimination has not been resolved.

In a way-from being publicly persecuted by the once mainstream society to being isolated by the modern public.

When moving into here, we encounter the St Andrew’s Cathedral, the form and material make the building serious and full of the religious sense. There is a rainbow staircase in between the cathedral that allows people to get into a wonderland, and the dancer is leading everyone to dance on it. In the front square, passers-by, seabirds and beach people enjoying this area together. And two people in the lower right corner also tried to jump into the pool to break this frame. The pigeon is observing all this quietly.


And the school on the right-hand looks very harmonious on the site with the cathedral. With the addition elements of country, steam, indigenous and fantasy. Here has the opportunity to become a space that everyone could enjoy and share equally. And the feeling of the reconstruction of the built environment allow us to think and used in later designs.


Individual prejudice and difference caused discriminat dimensionality of the world that human can explor enough caused the prejudice and difference. However, heart and spiritual has no dimensionality in this 3-dim world. Let these facades of different building as mediu those differences to our spiritual to explore, understan love, to decrease those discrimination.

tion. The re is not human's mentional um, bring nding and

We Are The World

The inner mind of the individual is an integrated world. The way to achieve the degree of understanding between individuals is unfolding individual’s inner mind bravely. Let the world begin to interlace...


Research for Atomasphere


To see, to touch

Texture may infulence the human feeling of pscae. A rough texture may evoke the sense of tough.

Stay longly, Stay Darkless

Heart Start to broken 13

Confess A place for people to rethinking their behaviour which may gives other people discrimination.


Lightless, darkless

Darkless, lightless, and silencelss, a feeling of depression. Then, an experience of discrimination reveals. A space to think deeply, to epiphany, to confess.


Accumulating emotion Gustave Le Bon described that the Crowd have incredible power. We provide a space for people to writing their story, it becomes a skin of wall, a thought attached on wall. Then, a shocking power radiates.

- The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind



I'd love to have a wall, separated the dark side and light site, and bend in between. To feel to differencem to evoke the sympathy.



The people who suffering discrimination may have a tough experience in their life. For example, the disable people are very hard ascending the steps. I am wondering if an inconvenience can be provided to the normal people.




A monumental structure for identify the place.

Exhibition the story of discrimination.


Research for Component





People can shearing their experience of discrimination for attact the attention from socialty. The architecture use lighting contrast to strenthen this atomosphere.

Use the gaint scale to create pressure and sacred feeling to visitors. There would be a feeling of "you only have a small piece of sky."

Confess A small space with a volumn light for people to thinking their mistake.

Barrier The way toward lighting have a bridge as barrier and people stand on that - a metaphor

Difference Create a differen height. the people at the narrow lower place only can see the feet of other people.

Reverce Create a low door to let people bend to access, feeling the discrimination.





Circular form provide a possibility of view when ascending place

Lighting permeate trough the surface of building can attract people to discover inside.

Exhibition The ramp could become a space for exhibition

Celebrating The circular form provide a good space for gathering, and it cann bee the digital exhibition to providing an soaking experience.





A lighting flowing over the ground, a radiance hanging in the air: the lantern of the city. My dream is to have a “lantern” lighting the city. The Lantern build on George Steet, we design the building to remember the stories of discrimination happened in the city and connect the surrounding underground structure and train station. In the night-time, the panel diffused the interior lighting and illuminated to surrounding, which become an identity of the place, the soft diffused lighting attracts people to discover the inner of building. In the daytime, when tourist stand on the ramp, diffused daylight and blurry city images flood the panel. The polished concrete wall stands on the other side, reflect this light and display the artwork and story on the discrimination. At the top of tower, when a volume lighting enters the dark space though the dome like ceiling, a sensuous image of physical experience translates into the space and lighting and material. When finish the tour of the tower, I’d love to have a sunken garden for people to rest. a modern garden with water, the lighting reflects by the surface inspired the viewers’ thought. A feeling of peaceful, a space to re-think the problem of discrimination. Or there is a day, you have a lunch break, I’d love this place to become your first choose to spend time. I hope, people can realize the invisible boundary between groups of people and start to think the problem; the architecture experience could influence or educated the human’s though in a way.






Tower monumental form


Ramp gallery




Sunken garden


A lighting flowing over the ground, a radiance hanging in the air: the lantern of the city 34








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