Islamic Architecture Project 2

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Mosque Architecture APA References

Chikhaoui, N. The Minbar: Symbol of Verticality and of Elevation.

Arkoun, M. Spirituality and Architecture

Literature Review Keywords

Sacred Space, God, Heaven, religion, symbolism, elevation

Islamic, Mosque, Spirituality, Religious, contemporary world.

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Theme of Paper


Symbolism of Mosque architecture and its elements

The mosque is the symbol of the living faith of Islam: its religiosity, faith in God and in His all-powerfulness. This sacred space is a reflection of deep belief in the divine word. It is also the place of the offering of prayer and of all the rities and rituals of Islam.

Architectural language in spirituality of religious architecture

Critical approach to spirituality is particularly absent in Islamic contexts. Architects who endeavor to build mosques in the ‘spirit of Islam’ have neither a critical historical understanding of this concept.

Method The designation of the minbar as a pedestal or elevated support is linked to the history of the preaching chair, or pulpit, itself. The place reserved for him in the mosque of Medina is usually near a palm tree was subsequently cut, forming an elevated sear on which the Prophet sat amidst and faithful. Elevation and loftiness has always defined this piece of furniture. Facing the task of building a mosque in an urban setting largely shaped by modern city planning and pompous modern buildings, is exactly the same as searching for a new definition of the ‘personal status’ or expression of ‘orthodox’ forms, features and components of mosques.

Mosque Architecture


Literature Review


Mashhad, Iran. 12 – 17 May 2011. Sustainable Concepts in Mosques

A Review of Mosque Architecture

Mosque architecture, Worship, perfection, Light, Water

Mosque architecture, elements, House of Allah, God, Quran

Integration of natural symbolism to achieve perfection in mosque architecture.

Elements of mosque architecture that reflects the Al-Quran itself.

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Light and water are two elements that despite their material nature, due to Despite the variability and their transparency, multiplicity of the constituent brightness and immediacy elements employed in the illustrate and represent best construction of the mosque, the concept of perfection, and due to the pivotal and and are more associated symbolic function of light and with divine concepts and water as the embodiment of holy images in human mind spirituality and purity in such than their material aspects. a holy place, these elements Light and water have are utilized up to the best of eternal meaning and could their potentials. easily connect earthly humans to God. The mosque represents the heart of Muslim religion and community. It is the House of Allah "Beit Allah" where one of the five pillars of Islam are conducted namely the five daily prayers and Friday "Salah". Additionally, a large number of Pilgrimage "Hajj" rituals are also carried out in Al-Harem As-Sharif (Kaabah), the sacred mosque. Such importance is further

The mosque’s importance has been heavenly emphasised and its form has been divinely guided. The function is clearly established in Sura 24, Aya 36: "In houses which Allah has permitted to be exalted and that His name may be remembered in them, there glorify Him therin in the mornings and the evenings."

Mosque Architecture

Literature Review

TIOW TZE JINN 1101P13103 emphasised by the Quran in numerous verses (16 times in singular form and 5 times in plural), indicating "And that the mosques are Allah's therefore call not upon anyone with Allah" (72:18).

Behnam, G; Atefeh, F & Ali Taryirdi, N. 2013. Symbols and Signs in Islamic Architecture. (vol. 3 & 4, pp 62 – 78) ISSN 1647-3558

Islamic architecture, signs, symbols, signification, forms

Symbolism of ornamentation and decorations in Islamic buildings and mosque architecture.

The symbols and signs used in Islamic buildings did not always carry a religious message or meaning. Some of the forms were unclear and unspecific in meaning. The only design that contained a clear message was calligraphy.

(24:36) Another verse establishes the building principle: "Certainly a masjid founded on piety from the very first day is more deserving that you should stand in it; in it are men who love that they should be purified; and Allah loves those who purify themselves." (9:108) Islamic buildings are highly decorated with different colors. Though the designs include decorations for internal and external sections of the structures, most of the decoration is reserved for the interior sections. In most cases, the only decorated parts on the exterior are the entrances and the dome. The most common decorative techniques include calligraphy, geometry, animal figures, and floral designs.



MOSQUE ARCHITECTURE QUESTIONNAIRES 1. In your own words, what does a mosque means to you? Everything, a sanctuary and a school. The mosque provides shelter to the homeless and it also teaches those who are always praying in the mosque. 2. Did the mosque change in any way during the period that you worship here? If yes how so? The mosque is changing in physically wise. The change of physical form is permissible to meet the challenges of the constant transformation of the modern world. However, the growth and change must not jeopardize the meaning and value of the mosque. 3. Which place of the mosque makes or brings you feel closer to your God? Every place in the mosque makes the Muslims feel closer to God due to the fact that the mosque is built and design according to the 7 principles of Islam. 4. What craftsmanship in this mosque that reminds you about the spiritual value of your mosque? The craftsmanship in this mosque are mainly the star of Islam, they are a constant reminder of the spiritual value of Islamic. 5. What are the things or elements in the mosque that makes you feel spirituality when you are doing your prayers? From the building itself to the ornamentation, the feeling of spirituality is undeniable in the mosque itself. 6. Would you define a mosque by its spiritual value or its building design? Both spiritual value and its building design are equally important for the mosque. Without the building design, the spiritual values have no container to contain it, without the spiritual value, the building design is merely a design of a building which has no meaning or values to it. 7. How does the 7 principles of Islamic architecture heavily influence and spiritually expressed in mosque architecture? o Tawhid: Unity and Uniquity o Ihtiram: Respect o Ikhlas: Sincerity o Pursuit of ‘Ilm: Knowledge o Iqtisad: Balance o Haya’: Modesty o Dikr: Remembrance Using the 7 principles, the mosque is design accordingly to the principles. The architect would express the building design with these principles to show the spiritual values and beliefs in their God. The ornamentation, craftsmanship, building planning are designed to fit to the 7 principles.



8. How do you feel when you are entering the mosque? Upon entering the mosque if those who always have ethics on them, will feel peace and content. Every step walking towards the mosque they would feel rewarded, every step has its own meaning. 9. What do you think / feel when the sunlight / natural light penetrate into the mosque? The natural light that is coming into from the glass windows makes the place looks spiritual, comfortable and spacious. 10. How do you feel if the mosque you used to worship in has changed drastically from a heavily ornamented mosque to an elegant mosque with no ornaments just to adapt to the modern world? The basic human need yearns for beauty. Both parts - the external beauty and the spiritual value of the mosque, both enhances the presence of each other without each other, the mosque would not exists.

Application of 7 Principles Principles

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Architecture as Tawhid: Unity and Uniquity of Allah

The oblong massive prayer halls consists of rows carpets which allow worshipers to pray one of the 5 pillars – praying as a daily routine unites all the communities around Subang Jaya.

Architecture of Ihtiram: Respect, propriety or adab (good manners) to God, fellow man and oneself.

The internal prayer halls are in a rectangular layout form, subtracting a square in the middle which allows the Muslims who are praying upstairs to be able to pay their respect to their God.

Architecture with Iklas: Sincerity

Architecture through Integration of Mathematics-Geometry – embodiment of geometric proportion, harmony, balance. From afar, the minarets are standing out in among the residential area of ss15, both octagonal shaped minarets re placed on both sides of the mosque. This is to spread their prayers equally to both sides of the mosque.

Architecture for Iqtisad: Balance

Moderation and balance, the ss15 mosque has essential consideration of how nature of aesthetic has a profound impact on architecture. By adding a gateway garden, it seems like it is a pathway to heaven. There are a lot of arches seen in the mosque as well as at the exterior of the mosques. This is to achieve Islamic composition for aesthetics:

Application of 7 Principles

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Ta’lif (composition) I’tidal (harmony) Nizam (order) Nature Harmonious Ratio (Golden Ratio)

Architecture as Pursuit of ilm: Knowledge

Knowledge is the light of truth. The metaphysical strength of Islam arch is a driven of the quality of light and shadow which are determining perception of our senses. According to Philosopher Ibn Rush draws, it is parallel between the soul and light: “The soul is closely similar to light: light is divided by the divisions of illuminated bodies and is unified when the bodies are annihilated, and this same relation holds between soul and bodies.”

Architecture of Haya: Modesty

The mosque has preserved the dignity of the Muslim women. By separating the women and men praying quarters as well as the entrance to the mosque itself. There are geometrically decorated privacy screens in the mosque. This is to achieve the right “to see” and not “be seen”.

Application of 7 Principles

Architecture as Dikr: Remembrance

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The symbolic Islamic star can be found in the mosque. It has been used for decoration around the mosque, interior and exterior as well. These decorations show the constant remembrance of God that is to believe exist in the mosque.

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