Synopsis No X:________________ Name: TIOW TZE JINN 1101P13103; OOI SHIN TZE 0302058, WONG CHEA YEE 0302420, LOOK KIT YEAN 0300432, RAYMOND SENTAMU 0308270
Text: Towards a new architecture: guiding principles Author: Le Corbusier Year Written: 1920
Purpose of the theory (Please tick X; you may tick more than one box)
Identifying an issue or problem within the contemporary context Analyzing an architecture to identify a problem or solve a problem Solving an issue in a broader context outside of architecture: presenting a theory/manifesto Solving an issue within the context of architecture: presenting a design method Solving an issue within the context of architecture: presenting a theory Others:
Please complete the following: What are the issues addressed?
Restriction to the classical methods, theories and principles. Shortage of buildings Inconsiderate of building functions
What are the design methods/strategy/theories proposed?
Mass production houses Appreciating simple geometrical forms in architecture Creating buildings that address the needs of the people, relating buildings to function.
Relate the text to architectural/urban forms by illustrating one key image. Justify the selection.
Mass Production Advantage: Basic Facilities Dsadvantage: - Does not meet the society need –Loss of identity
Advantages: -Meeting the necessity of people – Respond to the spirit of time Disadvantages: - Too much emphasizes of the structure
-Testing complicated geometrical form -It doesn’t respond within its urban context because as it is too contrast to the Victorian style to the neighbourhood.
TI OW TZEJI NN1 101P13103