Architecture Portfolio
Ronghao Jin Fall 2022

01. Mycelium pavilion

This is a pavilion that displays different types of mycelium. I made a display model first to analyze the optimal way to display the mycelium, and research the best living conditions of the living mycelium. For my final pavilion, I designed the display area underground to avoid direct sunlight and preserve moisture for the living mycelium.

02. Primitive figures - Part 1

In this project, I created physical and digital models based on combinations of primitive shapes. I arranged triangles, squares, rectangles, and circles together with simple rules and formed four 2D collages. Then I designed the physical models that built upon these collages.

02. Primitive figures - Part 2

In part 2, I designed 3D digital models that built upon the physical model's section diagrams designed by my classmates. Then experimented with the material and sunshine effect in Rhinoceros.

03. Cube exploration
In this project, I explored voids and filled spaces of the simple cube by subtracting blocks on a 2D flattening surface. I designed multiple rules of how I will subtract blocks on the 2D surfaces. Then I rolled the experimental surfaces several times and finally reached a valid rule that can form a complete cube with voids.

Unrolled surface drawing
Skeletal structure
Cube model04. Object animation
This project investigates the movement of a specific object when people interact with it. I chose acrylic paint and did an orthographic drawing of the object first to get more familiar with the object I chose. Then I created four layers of drawing and stacked them together in sequence, including the initial position of my object, the trajectory of the movement, sequential positions, and the final position of the object.
Orthographic drawing Animation drawing

05. Grandola meeting center
Diagram analyzation

In this project, I analyzed holistically an architecture that I am interested in by drawing analytical plans and sections. The result was two digital analytical drawings of the Grandola meeting center.

Geometric organization

Digital plan

Structural languages
Meeting users
Building workers
Identifying different users
These are some practice and analytical sketches drew in 2022. Sketches include house plan analyzation, charcoal drawing, copy from life, combined objects drawings in different views, and project drawing.

Plan drawing Rearranged plan Axonometric drawing

Still life sketches Project drawing