Air journal

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AIR 812999 JInxia Wang Wed 6:15pm


I am Loraine, a third year uni student currently majoring architecture in university of Melbourne.

My interests for architecture starts from a trip in Cambodia when I still in high school. The visit of magnificent Angkhor Wat temples inspire my interests in architecture, since then, architecture becomes a glamour filed which in my mind gives building a ever-lasting charm. For me, the building is no longer only design to facilitates or accommodate people’s life like people used to say.

During my two-years study of architecture, the design of architecture is like the process of creating a piece of artwork, however, it inevitably involves many tedious work like drawings and fabrication. It takes times if they are all hand-draw, hand-craft, especially in first year study, It becomes more efficient and effective when we start digital design, laser cutting, 3-d rhino modeling and CAD drawing are incredible time-saving and excellent in final outcomes..

This design studio is slightly different to my previous design studios. The digital design becomes more dominate and it also requires more digital tool technique. Grasshopper is main focus both in Conceptualisation design and digital fabrication. It is a new challenge for me also a way for me to explore more idea in design and improve ability.



3 1. 2. 3. 4.

DIGITAL DESIGN AND FABRICATION Design earth Design Water OC tree Grasshopper



Although there are many debates arise in the past yeas, It is a undeniable fact we as human beings are facing a severe situation that our infinite demand has excess the limit of nature resource. The issues also include population explosion and climate change which is inevitable that we have to encounter in the near future. Especially in architecture field, those issues addressed may provoke more issues in future in terms of people’s living quality. For instance, It may requires more housing in the future in order to accommodate people.

Design, including architecture, as indispensable practice part no only aim to prefigure the future but also potentially provides possible solution. Fry suggested the designing the future is more like the process of redirection and helps human to move towards to the sustainable future.

“As change has to be by design rather than chance, design has to be in the front-line of transformative action.�

CASE STUDY 1 Project name: Oslo airport Architect: Nordic office of architecture Project year: 2017 Adress: Oslo, Norway

This project is claimed to the world’s first airport to achieve BREEAM rating. The designing of this project involves many advanced and innovative designing theory in terms of material selection, on-site energy use and future planing. Firstly, the entire project uses natural materials. The new docks all use wood from Scandinavian forests. Recycled steel and special environmentally friendly concrete mixed with volcanic ash have also been used extensively. By choosing environmentally friendly materials, the building's carbon dioxide emissions have been reduced by dramatically. It is the first steps towards sustainable future by selecting renewable materials in architecture design project especially in this large commercial building. More significantly, in Nordic’s design, the sustainability principle runs through the entire design. The use of geothermal technology provides heating in winter combines with the use of snow from airports as a coolant in summer, the building’s energy demand is extremely low. It is an innovative and creative design by utilising as much feasible on-site energy as possible. The future population expansion is also a concern for Nordic design, the design is aim to increase the airport capacity from 19 million passengers to the estimated 30 million passenger capacity in the future. The design need to accommodate as many people as they may expect in the future and design in advance. Nordic’s design takes the development of public transportation under consideration which to some extent promote people’s use of public transportation.

CASE STUDY 2 Project name: Residential building Architect: Zaha Hadid Architect Project year: 2017 Address: Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo, Mexico This project seeks to design a intergraded new residential community while preserve local wildlife and natural ground in order to minimise the impact to the local ecology. It is originally designed to accommodate rapidly developing population in this area. This project has to solve the problems that how to design a high-density apartment building in this nature reserve. They designed elevated footpath in this case is designed to allow the residents move in and out easily from the woodland coast without disturbing the animals and plants on the ground. Zara brings her concern of surrounding environment into the design of project. This is vital in terms of protecting local ecology and proposing a design theory of the possibility of symbiosis between human and nature. Building and natural ecology can share the same place. No only design for current environment but also make potential change to future world by design. Zaha Hadid Architects establish a woodland nature reserve during this project. They rebuild coastal wetlands in order to protect and enhance mangrove lagoon. Those changes were what they brought to make long-lasting benefit to the environment and further development.



Architecture developers from constructed craftsmanship to scales models and drawings in the previous historical process. In recent years, technological process enables the computer use more extensive, including architecture territory. Because architecture is a comprehensive field which innate involves analysis of problems and ideas of solving problems in design, therefore, it requires architects to have both analytical and creative capability during their design process. However, people makes mistakes, especially under incredible amount of information input. It becomes tedious work when searching and analysis information. Computers, on the other hand, has super rational and search ability which be a reliable partner to architect in assisting them with precedents and reference to deciding design ideas.

The computation allows the massive data to be easily analysis and evaluated which makes the architecture design more effective and efficient. It enriches the design representation and provides architects multiple ways to fabricate design. Parametric design provides an innovative and free ways for architects forming the initial ideas of design and allow them to chose the most suitable one. I think that when a final form formed by parametrisation is directly imagined by your brain and cannot be directly derived. The parametric design from this point of view is not just limited to streamlines or complex surfaces. After all, the result of parametric design can be: Everything is possible. But its source is very rational and logical.

CASE STUDY 1 Project name: Galaxy soho Architect: Zaha Hadid Architect Project year: 2012 Address: Bejing, China

This magnificent building is design by Zaha Hadid who is famous for parametric design. This building is a typical parametric design which involves streamlined surface and extensive use of curves and fillets. The projects has five continuous-flowing bodies linking together by bridges, coordinated with each other, and become a dead-end fluidity combination. On the ground floor of Soho there is no difference between front door and side door like usual building does. Visitors or pedestrians can access the building easily the fully open ground floor. In this case study, Parametric design took more considerations in functionality. It also allows the design to be more humanized and personalised. It becomes more adaptive to the convenience of modern lifestyles in terms of designing the circulation. It is undeniable that computation took a critical part in this project.


Project name: Louvre Abu Dhabi Museum Architect: Jean Nouvel Project year: 2017 Address: United Arab Emirates, Saadlyat island

The dome is the main defining feature in this building’s design concept. The repeated pattern various in sizes on the ceiling allows the light to penetrates from the roof to the interior space. The process to achieving this cinematic effect of “rain of sun” must involves many efforts of architect to define the perforation ratio of the dome. Computer aided technique helps designer to generates patterns in more free way without too much tedious work. Parametric design can simulate lighting effect in designing 8 different complex layers Ceiling. The data storage in computer memory allows designer to make alteration and optimise shading. The light intention, on the other hand can have a close relationship with building property. Final outcomes to this 180meters-diameter double dome provides horizontal outcomes and perfect radiation geometry which makes it one of the most innovative and challenging museum projects to be built in recent times.

Preliminary lighting simulation--definition of the lighting intention map-- inverse natural lighting--computing the dome perforation ratio--checking the dome configuration


The structure of architecture firm is start to shirt from compositional design to generative design under revolution of computation. Generic design can optimize the details, such as optimizing the structure and how to split the construction under digital software like Grasshopper. It provokes a new way of design thinking in architecture field. Brady introduces four approaches the computational designer are organised in architectural firm. The use of computational simulation tools can helps the architect to create more responsive designs and allow them to optimise design decision. However, there are argues arise in terms of the participation of generic design in architecture design among designers. The algorithm-based softwares may constrain architects’ design thinking to be only design building with appealing facade and appearance instead of taking functionality as a consideration into design. Through computation, the digital architectural design environment has both the ability to construct complex models of buildings and give performance feedback on these models

CASE STUDY 1 Project name: Water cube Architect: PTW Architect and ARUP Architect Project year: 2008 Address: Beijing, China

The building is a typical example of generative design. Digital simulation helps designer to precast and prefigure before actual fabrication especially designing the external building skin since the materials is a soft and irreqular. More significantly, the structure of the water cube is also optimised by algorithm-based digital design software. The digital design becomes a reliable assistant helping fabrication and structure design such as the number of the the bemas. It leaves the calculation to the digital softwares which makes the design more effective and efficient. The design of this project also involved the use of scripting which uses to create geometry.

structural frames optimieed


In designing future, the algorithm-based deign software is a powerful analytical and searching tools which can bring revolutionary change to the whole structure of architecture firm. There are many architects continue exploring new way of designing thinking and apply the parametric design into their project.


It is crucial for us to be master certain computation technique in order to adapt the rapid changes in this industry due to rapid development of computation. They are no only assist us to optimise the design outcome but also can helps us forming the initial idea of design. Allowing us to freely manipulate design ideas and complete our final outcome. In the meantime, it is also necessary to have critical thinking during whole designing process.


CONTENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

B1 research field B2 case study 1.0 B3 case study 2.0 B4 technique development B5 technique prototype B6 technique proposal B7 learning objective and outcome Appendix Algorithmic sketch

RESEARCH FILE 1.0 SECTIONING Sectioning is an effective and efficient method for architect to articulate complex surface profile or architectural element in parametric design simply by using a series of section profiles. Nowadays, By the emerge of computer aid geometric design modelling software, it only requires several simple commands to achieve unexpected appealing outcome. The rigidity of material is no longer an essential element need to take under design consideration since the element is no bending. The other benefits brought by sectioning is most of the surface geometric can be fabricated by computational tools. The forms of wall, building faรงade and ceiling can therefore have a continuous design methodology.

RESEARCH FILED 1.1 2. DCM with Robert Owen, web bridge 1. Sectioning to formulate arch 2. Knot and joints to defined the design form


DECOi - OneMain Street

1. Sectioning through two plan --the wall and ceiling 2. “continuous surface inflected by function� 3. Regenerate the idea of floor and ceiling as a 1

one part

3. ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010 1 Involve the consideration of material property 2. Designed through grasshopper




1. We can articulate the space simply by sectioning through the surface. Complex surface can be fabricating though multiple strips. I extrude the curve that intersects with each other. The sectioning can therefore produces a sense of heaviness. 1

2. The more direction we made the section, the more complex and dynamic geometry we will get. In this iteration, I use the curve that loft the surface to sectioning the surface and add one more direction to the sectioning. The overall effect is lightweight and elegant. 2

3. By adding the extra line to cut the surface based on the last iteration, the geometry starts to change and becomes more dynamic. The lines seems radomes but still have certain routines.


4. More regular sectioning cut produce more regular outcome but also easier fore later fabrication stage. This iteration creates a waffle like grid. 4

CASE STUDY 3.0 RESEARCH FIELD: Building ICD/ ITKE Research Pavilion 2010 Introduction

The pavilion builds from several elastically-bent plywood strips to form the space and the design process and fabrication are mainly made through computational technique. The material behaviour feature is main drive force to the whole design. Therefore, the first stage is to test the material property and use it to determine the angle of bending force under the load. These data can be input into the grasshopper definition to form the overall shape of the structural form. Also, the fabrication becomes easier with the help of computation design. For example, the connection joints and details can be easily achieved by grasshopper command. the connection details

material behaviour features/ bending property

REVERSE ENGINEERING 3.1 FIRST APPROACH Stage 1 After the experiment of the material bending quality we create a series of rough points to present the moment that material bended. Using interpolate to joints the points and create two bending curves. By revolve the curve we can have a preview of the overall form Stage 2 We extrude the curve that we just created in x direction to form a strips

1. The points according to the bending moment

2. The form funding

Stage 3 Rotate two surface according to the points we created from the curve divided from the circle Stage 4 DEAD END the strips are no rotating around by the divided points. And we also realize the length of top end and bottom end is not the same size

3. Rote the curve by curve divide of the circle

4. The strips is thinner in the top and thicker in the bottom

SECOND APPORACH Stage 5 We fix the problem that we encounter in the stage 4 by rotating the curve to the centers in 3.6 degree and loft them. The overall shape of the coupled stripes is thinner in the top and thicker in the bottom Stage 6. Rotate the strips around the strips by series of 49 copy to form the overall shape 5. Rotate the lofted surface

6. Rotate by series of rotation

THIRD APPROACH Stage 7. We attempt to design the detail joints of each adjacent strips. The upper strips need to sit on the cut gap of the lower strips. First we overlapping the strips. The breb/breb command allows us to find the intersection points and curve on the surface. Stage 8. DEAD END we attempt use the command of project and considerate it may cut the lower strips away. We fail to create trim the overlapping parts

6. The connection joints fails to support the structure and didn't trim the overlapping element.

DIAGRAM 3.2 The points two sets of curve from the bending force diagram (material behaviour)

The curve created by jointing the points from previous stage

The surface created from lofted curve by one curve and the rotated curve


The iterations of the technique is very limited to the shape of circle since it is been rotate by the by a curve around the circle. This iteration allows me to produce a new regular shape based on the technique. There is potential development on this iteration in terms of change the grid to resize the whole structure, adding extra technique in the internal to make it more comprehensive

PROTOTYPE 5.0 After we have our 80 iteration created from our design field. We have the chance of ground work to collect our best ideas and combine them and integrate them into a new structural form.

Jamie’s iteration from B2

The idea of section that can cut any surface into rigid element

The lunchbox articulate the space by divide different size of

can allow it to fabricated. Multiple direction sectioning allow

block. The surface is defined by the algorithm so that we can

the geometry become dynamic and complex

produce multiple various surface.

We combined two technique simple put one on the other. The strips created by the sectioning can become the formwork and grid can be hidden inside.

Our first approach is to lay the the grid under the sectioning. The thinner strips used to presents the cut sectioning of the surface that the form articulate. (image2 )The result terms to be normal and unappealing. We start to explore the possibility of form that lunchbox can create. The curve allow us to produce more dynamic form simply refer to the graph mapper. The image 3 and image 5 below shows our exploration of first attempt using the curve to cut the surface in two direction.





We pick up the idea of form cut in one direction of heavy curve and the other direction of straight sectioning. The images below are the exploration of other materials. we may achieve this later by the 3d print. The two main research field of structure are integrates smoothly. the surface defined by the graph and sectioning give a sense of unpredictable and rigidness


TECHNIQUE PROPOSAL 6.2 DESIGN BRIEF: SOUNDSCAPE GENERAL BACKGROUND: The violation and collision of the private space becomes more serious nowadays, sound as a media of transmission takes a quality of information that may spread to the surrounding especially the neighbourhood. Human and their living surrounding has an imitate relationship in terms of privacy, felling and emotion. BRIEF: Design an apartment prothetic for a client who interesting in playing loud music and aimed to provide an enclosure and soundproofing environment for the client. The design need to take the client daily routine use of house and sound making in each area under the consideration.

Diagram 1 on the frequency of the sound in each area by the location of music instrument

Diagram 2 on the usage of the footprint of daily routine and the movement in each area

DESIGN BRAINSTORMING We come up with the idea of using the using the foam as a soundproofing material and apply it on to the wall and the ceiling. The ideas of soundscape is that the landscape or building structural from can be built according to the sound wave. The diagrams can help us to identify the profile of the ceiling and then we can infill the ceiling with soundproofing materials. The collage on the bottom right presents our design idea of corporates music violation to the change of surrounding environment

Diagram 3 on the influence of sound to the surrounding neighbour according to the timeline.


Use the curve to generate the wall

Different height level for the grid according to the function of the room

the various depth of the grid to absorb the sound in overall effect

The grid on the ceiling around to the sound wave

the waffle grid warp the whole apartment

The waffle grid from the shape of the celling

The continuous grid from the ceiling to the wall

Slight change in the ceiling to absorb the sound

One direction sectioning provides a sense of uniform



The materiality of the soundproofing foam is taken under our consideration, The black foam can produced a visual influenced on the human emotion also extract it from the wall and floor which destined as living area. The grid almost enclose the whole apartment to provide a relative


private environment and isolate it from the surrounding neighbourhood. The extruding grid on cover the windows on the bedroom and living balcony. It is no only function as a barrier to the external sound but also avoid the noise created inside affect the neighbourhood.


Diagram 1 on the relationship of apparent and prothetic

Diagram 2 on the relationship of apparent and prothetic






DESIGN APPROACH : In three sections drawing to the left, it is easer to see the different level on the ceiling. The foam on the ceiling and wall will absorb the noise coming from all direction and the shape the foam is varying


according to the frequency of the sound and the diagram for the sound wave. The foam is been cut by sectioning technique for easier fabrication and more dynamic change to the ceiling profile. REFLECTION: Overall, the design roughly meet the brief of soundscape. however, we didn't do enough research on how the actual sound or noise been absorb by the foam and how to determine the specific celling height for soundproofing. There is still many research need to carry on in the further development of the design. Also , it will be great if we have a continuous


design from the ceiling to the walls and even the floor and furniture.


In this intensive learning period, we create about 4 independent projects. Working with group mates and integrating different design technique, we have great opportunities to explore parametric design and master the basic modelling technique simply learning from each other and creative brainstorming. Each project has its own brief and we are asked to design a project based on the brief assigned. As a group, we produce as much iterations as possible to explore the passibility of the each technique. Therefore, this is a brief oriented design but we sometimes ignore the presence of brief and sometimes misleading to the focus of the technique. The question of how we made this and why we design this way becomes more important and should become the main driven force to our design.

CASE STUDY 8.0 Appendix Algorithmic sketch




Interim Feedback In the midterm presentation, we proposed an design project called soundscape. The design of soundscape is intend to provided client with a comfortable musicmaking environment. The volume is been cut and subtracted by a complex curved surface which generated by two mathematical function curve. This is a successful design in terms of design practicability and complexity. However, the design lacks a significant relationship between physical models and digital technique. The further development will be how we generate the physical models into digital process.

Extend Technique Further improvement on detailed design will focus on closer response to design brief, for example, the design language can be continuous and adaptive to the whole apartment design,like furniture design and zoned celling design. More importantly, we need to find a solution on how to digitally control the curve by using customised curve rather than using mathematic function curve.It allows us for more design possibility and adaptability.

Construction Process The first step will be finalised the final design and add refinement to the furniture and connection. After that we need to move to the digital fabrication and testing different materials and different digital modelling technique such as CNC Milling, 3d modelling. The final step will focus on transitional part such as the detailed connection design and refinement of fabrication.

Loft two surfaces and form the general volume of soundscape units.


Customised curve allows more design fl e x i b i l i t y a n d change adapt to soundproof needs

Project the units on to the flat plane which can seen as walls/ ceiling in this case.

Curve Generated According By sound curve

One surface generated by two curve. It is adjustable and controllable by Grasshopper Divide the surface in x&y direction, we can control the size and number of each units.

The entire surfaces been divided into several small units.

Final Modle

Detail Final Design

Site Analysis

Client Profile



The Digital Fabrication will become the centre part and focus point in our further development. It

is the critical linkage between the digital design and final exhibition model. In order to achieve this, multiple tests and researches need to carries on in this stage.


Our client is an young musician ,age 27. The apartment are designed to accommodate him and his partner. He has multiple

music instruments, including piano,guitars and drum sets. He spends his most time indoors and occasional holds parties.He considers himself as a

noise maker.



The diagram to the left shows the hierarchy of our design consideration, The most critical part is the apartment plan, The design needs to have strong relationship with apartment plan which means it is intimately associate with the analytical diagram floor plan we produced in part B. The other considerations includes the surroundings and practical function use of the plan.


Our site is located in the Merri Creek, Northern part of Melbourne.The majority of places are surrounded by natural environment. According to our research, the noise mainly comes from the Merri Creek trail, transportation and CERES Environment Park. The design may considerer surrounding environment and could provide soundproof solutions for noise coming from the n e i g h b o u r h o o d environment. file 59aa5499-3052-4c59-870f-927983cc542a











SITE PHOTOS 1. CERES Environment Park. 2.Traffic noise from the High way 3 Cyclist on the trial 5.Pedestrians 4. bicycle rental centre






Sound curve diagram is adapted from the real life noise collection, we use digital technique to formulate same shape and volume of the soundscape. The entire celling is been cut into several units for easier fabrication. Therefore, we can model one piece of the celling at 1:20 scale either in CNC MILING OR 3D modelling

Different type of representation

Celling Profile

Customised Design


We only need to fabricate one piece of selected celling panelS. Models can be fabricated in 1:20 scale to present the overall effect and experience that final design can achieve. Our expected model will be made out of form since it is easy to cut from form and also a great material for soundproof insulation.




C3.1 CNC MILLING LIMITATION CNC Milling is a giant and powerful machine controlled by computers software. It can cut and mill various material such as foam and wood. It gives us more possibilities to explore. MSD fablab only have one Two-way CNC machine which means it can only subtract materials from top to bottom.It has its limitation for us to be able to fabricate something that it is in three axis. For example, we can’t fabricate wall and celling in the same model. In addition, The height of materials also restrains our exploration of other materials. For example, there need to be multiple layers of plywood glued together to achieve certain minimal height.



1. Two way CNC Milling machine cutting the model 2. The size of the drills used to cut the model 3 CNC wood texture

The texture created naturally by drills is an interesting. It becomes our inspiration that some design language can be made in both large scale and small scale. The fluctuant patterns made by fabrication follow some design concept of the soundscape. It is now can be considered as a detail of overall design.







After the development on the digital technique, we are able to p r o d u c e various design iteration .


Section A




Section B

The height of the wall in the kitchen is half height of the wall in living area. The reason is that dining area need more space.

The final design including the design of celling and partition walls in the bedroom and living area. The overall shape of design is formulated according to the apartment plan. Different patterns and density of units are used accommodates various function of each space in the apartment.

Wall design including a seating place. The patterns on the wall stimulates the sound wave

The patterns in the celling is different between the bedroom and living room. The living room requires more sound proof strategy since daily activities are normally happening here.



The design took the consideration of the practical use of sound proof strategy. The function includes the sound absorption. The material of foam of other soft material can absorb the noise directly. The other function includes the sound penetration and sound reflection. the other consideration is that the more waved the surface are, the more noise the more noise will be broken.

View from bedroom

View in kitchen



Different lighting technique are applied in the bedroom and living room to accommodate different use of place


Different lighting technique are applied in the bedroom and living room to accommodate different use of place



In our final detail model, we chose 3d printing as our fabrication technique. The reason is that 3d provides more passibility than CNC Milling. and more important, it still has the printing pattern similar to CNC. The model is 1:20 scale which is used to represent the wall design of kitchen in the apartment.




The model is made out of two parts, the wall panel and floor panel. The reason is that there is limitation on the size of the model. It can not exceed 20mm in width. The other reason is that the model units on floor panel excess the maximum slender ration of 1:4. The model is more likely to fail since it is doesn't have enough support area to allow it to stand. Therefore, the floor panel need to be print laying flat.

failed model

It takes 2 times fail to have the final model completed. The base is still unable to print in 3d printing. It usually takes 10 hours to print the base/wall.And the rest of the model takes about 10 more hours. The reason that it fails is because the base is quite a large piece, the heat grain throng machining makes it tilted in the edge. Print out Wall panel

ADAPTABILITY OF THE DESIGN The building to the left shows how the design adapt to different apartment plan and different client requirement. The design can accommodate various needs and brings benefits for people with customised design. The apartment will no be longer a repetitive and bored single box design, but instead, with more personalised designed living environment.


OBIECTIVES GRASSHOPPER Digital technique ability has been largely improved during the entire project. There is many details problems will encountered in the process of optimisation of the design. Tedious work can be replaced by Grasshopper, however, the computer crash is a big issue.

FABRICATION CNC Milling and 3-d printing are both new to us. The outcomes of each modelling method may turns out unexpected to us. However, it also means more chance we can have unexpected inspiration on the exploration.

TEAMWORK Teamwork includes the discussion of design, task allocation and mutual help .

FURTHER IMPROVEMENT MATERIAL The design can be further improved by testing more materials, such as wood and plastic. Different materials may have different outcomes.

DESIGN The feedback given by crits in the last presentation discuss about the direction of the etrusion of each units. We can have further improvement on having a more radiated extrusion direction of individual units. Therefore, we may have more refined design in the details such as the furnitures.

TECHNIQUE The junction detail of each panel haven't resolve yet. Celling panel and wall panel still no looks like one integrated part. More detail design need to carried in further development


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