Core elements
to develop a comprehensive database of undergraduate programme information
A cross-functional team Led by quality practitioners so that need drives the system
to permit extraction of data in a standard format (XCRI-CAP) suitable for a range of purposes including:
Wider contact with all faculties Approval and Review Processes
Additional fields in database(s)
programme or module approval and review; provision of information to prospective and current students; data returns to external agencies; other purposes including the Key Information Set (KIS) and the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR); integrate the database into online processes for approving and modifying programmes and modules:
Handouts and handbooks for students
SITS core information
Multiple fields
Drop down menus
Standard text
Web links—some standard and pre-set, others to be set by the programme leader Set maximum words for sections
Require fields to be completed before the document can be accepted
Facility to pull off any combination of fields for a particular purpose electronically or in hard copy (eg for handbooks)
Match of relevant field information to individual student data for ‘publication’– eg award titles on parchments, learning outcomes for the HEAR Robust management of students changing programmes so that the transcript can show (eg) Stage 1 marks from one set of modules but Stages 2 and 3 from the final award with the learning outcomes and award title from the final award.
Options analysis (extract) Solution right / requirement
Totally within SITS
a sense of urgency
a clear vision including articulation of the benefits External facing Website(s)
Transcript / H.E.A.R.
champions and supporters at institutional level and in relevant services and faculties broadening of the support base as the project evolved to increase understanding and buy-in on-going support to reinforce and adjust in terms of both process and culture
Extract from process mapping On-going development
This has many of the key features of change management including:
a guiding coalition
secure its currency (accuracy)
A clear vision engaging all main stakeholders Early exploration of the options and selection of a solution
draw on the database (efficiency)
Functionality required (extract)
Support from Tribal
Within SITS plus external specialist database
1 Stores and supports programme information
Not possible in current SITS core but can be done via tables in Document Manager which we already have. Having it in one system would ensure that a set of programme information can be printed / accessed as a single document / report.
The programme information which would need to be held in a separate database is probably marketing information in particular formats (images, videos) in which case the requirement to ‘link up’ with the fields in SITS is negligible and could be addressed individually when needed.
2 Stores and supports module information
Much already within SITS. Space for text fields believed to be available to cover the rest of the information required (but see 14). Complete coverage within SITS would ensure that the module outlines can be printed or accessed electronically as a single report which can be presented as a document.
The module information which would need to be held in a separate database would probably be the reading lists (in the library system). If so could module information including the reading list be printed/accessed as a single document / report? It is particularly important that reading lists can be accessed when needed as ‘part of’ the module.
Totally outside SITS (home-built, probably MySQL)
System could be built to provide for this. Main problems would be interface with SITS to prevent duplication of data already held; provision of workflow management (cf 12, 13 below) as well as on-going maintenance and development (cf 15).
System could be built to provide for this. Main problem would be interface with SITS to prevent duplication of data already held; provision of workflow management (cf 12, 13 below) as well as on-going maintenance and development (cf 15).
Project website Contact project manager
1. Academic Services adds Quality Assurance record
ADC considers - Reject - Approve - Request amendment reset to A11
2. Academic Services checks and requests any clarification, via Chair of Faculty ADC ‘request amendment’ reset to A11
Academic Services needs access to amend form if requested by the Faculty and email back to Chair FADC to confirm
Documentation amendments may be by one of a number of people
System build
Academic Services needs access to respond on behalf of DVC
Database populated
6. Amendments to documentation as required. Sign off by Chair of FADC
Quality processes implemented online (target August 2013)
Faculty briefings
4. Chair of FADC to request clarification
5. Secretary of FADC for info/chase up
Testing system build Discuss reports needed Edit programme specifications
Consultation by Chair of FADC as required but off line
Faculty action Academic Services Academic Development Committee
Update module outlines Review quality process guidance
Extract from edited programme specification (Plain English with student-friendly headings) How will I be taught? All modules will allow the tutor to explain to the whole class, a concept, to take questions, to outline areas of knowledge, indicate methods of tackling a problem and demonstrate methods of analysis and synthesis of materials. Audio-visual aids will be used as appropriate. You will be expected in the course of all modules to interact with each other and/or with the teacher to develop ideas, work on tasks, practice skills or explain material. At Stage 1, this might focus significantly on ensuring that a common understanding of basic principles and procedures exists amongst the student body. By Stage 3, the focus will become much more critical and will reflect the body of legal research which you will undertake in preparation for the session. All modules require you to engage in the research of both primary and secondary sources. The level, breadth and depth required for the completion of modules will increase as you progress. You will also engage in directed private study including reading, preparation for class or for assessment, group activities, revision, and carrying out assessment work. Case studies are common throughout and are intended to enable you to: identify accurately the issues in need of research and to bring that information together; apply subject specific legal knowledge to a realistic and/or practical context; make critical judgments of the merits of a particular argument; present and make reasoned choices between alternative solutions; and present that information in an appropriate manner according to the intended audience.