The Producer’s Advocate A real advocate for agents and brokers in California’s tough economic & regulatory environment !
Newsletter, Volume 6 October 29, 2010
This is a message from Mike Villines to the Producer’s Advocate Readers, in his campaign to be California’s Insurance Commissioner:
Greetings! I am in the home stretch of my campaign to be California’s Insurance Commissioner and I need your help to bring me across the finish line! With only few days to go before the General Election I have begun my TV and mail program and am working hard to stay on the air and in voter’s mailboxes through election day. In order to do this through the final stretch of my campaign, I need your help! In order to get my message out and defeat my opponent, Dave Jones, I need to raise as much money as possible between today and Election Day to communicate to the people of California!
Villines: “I will promote a more competitive insurance market, helping to create more jobs”
OP ED: Media fails to reveal both sides of CA Insurance Commissioner’s Contest By Joe Jimenez, President of IABAC
T Without help from my friends I won’t be able to stop my opponent who believes: we should repeal ALL of the workers compensation reforms we achieved in 2004: that Obamacare is a good “first step” on the way to single payer-government run universal healthcare; and most alarming, receives the majority of his money from trial lawyers and public employee unions. As Insurance Commissioner, I will promote a more competitive insurance
Tuesday November 2, 2010
is Election Day Let your voice be heard...
market helping to create more jobs, a more efficient Department of Insurance which will save consumers more money, affordable insurance for individuals and businesses, more competition and choice in the insurance markets, faster approval of new and innovative insurance products, keeping workers compensation prices low and cracking down on insurance fraud. As the November General election fast approaches it is a critical time for us to look at what is important for our families, our businesses, and our way of life. I am asking you to join my campaign through a financial contribution and helping me reach my fundraising goals!
he race for Insurance Commissioner in California is heating up with Election Day less than a week away. Some in the state media are anxiously pointing out political contributions to Republican candidate Mike Villines, while virtually ignoring more notable contributions to Democrat, Dave Jones. On October 18, 2010, the Insurance Journal printed a story written by Don Thompson criticizing Villines for receiving contributions to his campaign from the business community. The story however, failed to sufficiently highlight who is contributing to Democrat Dave Jones’ campaign and how much. According to the Civil Justice Association of California (CJAC) , Jones is the next largest recipient, after gubernatorial candidate, Jerry Brown to receive money from trial lawyers throughout the state and country.
Thank you so much, Mike Villines
Joe Jimenez, CSIS Insurance, CEO of the Insurance Agents and Brokers Association of California (IABAC).