Norvell University Training Manual 2018

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Norvell University’s

Fundaments Of Sunless Science Course Booklet 1

Welcome to Norvell University; This manual will cover all aspects of spray tanning using science, knowledge and extensive research from Norvell University established in 1983. We aim to give you the confidence and support to provide an excellent service to your clients using Norvell products.

This manual will be your reference key, should you need to refresh yourself in the future. Throughout this course, feel free to make as many notes as possible as this manual is your go to point. All of the information here is the theory and science segment of the training and you will also be assessed on your practical skills in sunless spraying. We recommend after leaving our course you practice your techniques taught today on your family and friends. This will enable you to memorise your training and build up your confidence. Today’s training aims to help you become a confident, fully qualified spraytanning technician. If you have any questions throughout the training day please don’t hesitate to ask. More importantly, just have FUN! Eloise Baskerville and Carrie Marsh – UK Norvell Training Ambassadors.


Course Contents: Welcome

Page 2

Course Contents

Page 3

Health and Safety

Page 4 – 5

How to make Money

Page 6

Patch Test

Page 7 - 8


Page 9 - 10

Skin Diseases and Disorders

Page 11 - 12

Contra Indications/ Contra Actions

Page 12- 14

How does a Sunless Tan Work?

Page 15 -16


Page 17

PH Levels

Page 18

The Science

page 19

Why Norvell?

Page 20-21

Cosmetic Bronzers

Page 22

Norvell Products and Solutions

Page 23 – 30

Equipment and Pricing

Page 31 – 32

Pre and Post Care

Page 33 – 34

Spray Tan Process

Page 35 - 37

Frequently asked Questions

Page 38 - 39


Page 40


Page 41 - 43


Health and Safety There are many health and safety factors to take into account when carrying out a spray tanning treatment to comply with salon health and safety rules and regulations set by the law. Failure to follow these rules could result in a serious accident. It is the legal responsibility of each person to promote the health and safety of themselves and others in the workplace. The Health and Safety at work Act must be adhered to at all times. All staff are required to have appropriate training and it must be displayed clearly within the premises. Here are some of the other important health and safety acts that should be adhered to: COSHH: known as the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations, are intended to protect people from ill health caused by exposure to hazardous substances. FIRST AID REGULATIONS 1981: There must be a visible and identifiable first aid kit on site that complies with this regulation. THE CONTROLLED WASTE REGULATION: Ensure that clinical waste (paper knickers, disposable headbands etc.) are collected and disposed of by the waste manager, and incinerated appropriately. ELECTRICITY AT WORK REGULATIONS 1989: All portable electrical appliances must be maintained on a regular basis, adhering to the regulations act. Pat testing on all electrical appliances must be done annually on mobile electrical devices and bi annually on static electrical equipment. EMPLOYERS LIABILITY REGULATION: (compulsory insurance) This must always be displayed as it states the protection of the employee against any disease or injury sustained during their employment. WORK PLACE HEALTH AND SAFETY REGULATIONS 1992: The Regulations expand upon the duties placed upon employers and those in control of premises by the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. Many of the requirements are being explicitly applied to education premises for the first time. They cover, among other things:


Health and Safety in relation to tanning It is your responsibility to ensure your working environment meets the health and safety legislations. Here are a few points to take into consideration to ensure yourself and your clients are not put at risk. • Work in a tidy environment- Clean up any spillages and make sure wires are not in the way to cause trips/ falls. • Check your equipment- check for pressure, correct solution used. • Wear protective equipment if required- Gloves, face masks if the therapist is asthmatic and doing multiple tans. • Extraction/ ventilating- reduces overspray and great if you or client is asthmatic. • Disposal of DHA Solution. - Follow manufacturer’s guidelines. • Clean equipment- filters on machine, clean gun to stop it clogging up. • Consultation forms/patch tests- patch test a minimum of 24hrs prior to treatment for a new customer. • Pre and post guidelines- to ensure the client receives a better result from their spray tan. • You’re insured! – When treating clients, whether at home or in a salon, it is important that you are insured. Norvell recommends The Guild, which offers great insurance packages. To enquire please call them on 01332 224830.


Where do we make our money? Name here some places you can spray tan. The first one is filled in for you. 1 2 3 4 5

In a salon


Sensitivity Patch Testing Before you spray tan a new client you must make sure that your client is not allergic or has any reaction to the DHA solution that you use. This is why it is advised to carry out a product patch test, whether you are mobile or work in a salon. This will help protect you as a professional in terms of making sure your insurance is valid should anything occur as a result of the treatment process and also shows the client that you are a professional. Spray tanning requires tanning the whole body with various products such as PH Primers and DHA solution so it is imperative that you find out if there is any reaction prior to a full application. The inconvenience of testing is far less inconvenient than a possible claim from a client who might experience an adverse skin reaction that needed medical assistance. Clients may argue; ”I simply do not have the time” You need to outline that the patch test is for their benefit. Provided that the client consultation card is filled out, up to date and stored safely, the client won’t need to do this again unless the solution brand or ingredients have since changed or if there is a lengthy period of time since the last treatment. “I have had a spray or sunless tan before and was fine” Ingredients vary between brands greatly. You shouldn’t put your business on the line just because your customer says they are usually fine with spray tans- This wasn’t carried out by you before and you have no record of this on your file. “I’m mobile, I cannot afford the time or money of patch testing 24 hours before treatments”

Check with your insurance what they require in regards to patch testing. 7

How To Test? Apply a small amount of Norvell Primer and /or DHA solution or product with a cotton bud to the inner crease of the elbow or behind the ear. We recommend one arm /ear for primer and the other for the DHA solution. Record which arm had DHA on the record card. Leave for 24hrs and if any contra-actions occur such as redness, swelling, inflammation or itching, avoid using the product, as this is a positive reaction for sensitivity. If no reaction occurs with either product then it is fine to proceed with the full body application. • Check with your insurer to see what their policy is on patch testing. • If the result is positive and they had a skin reaction then you must not do the treatment. • Always get a dated signature from your client on the consultation card and review this information regularly for changes to the clients’ health / lifestyle. • Ensure you give your client the relevant aftercare instructions. • Record on your client card when the sensitivity patch test was taken and if the result was Negative or Positive. • Only proceed with further tan treatments if the test result was negative and any updates have been recorded.


Consultation EVERY client that you tan MUST fill out, sign and date a consultation card. On this card will be some simple questions including medical history, Full Name, contact number and GP details. These cards enable you as a therapist to recognise any contra-indications that may prevent or restrict certain treatments. During the consultation you will discuss any worries and concerns that the client has, and any expectations and goals they want to achieve from their Norvell tan. This is a great time to work out which shade will best suit your client to make sure they leave feeling happy and confident with their treatment. The more information you receive from your client during this time, will make you stand out from your competition in offering professional tanning treatments. You will show that you have an interest in their results and your knowledge will restore trust in you, giving you repeat business and referrals. All information recorded on these cards MUST remain completely confidential and stored in a safe place such as a locked cupboard or password protected device. The Data protection Act 1998 lays down the legal guidelines that must be followed in protecting your clients. Every time the client visits you, you must record the tanning treatment- colour used and date on their record card. When communicating with clients from different cultural backgrounds, disabilities, age and gender, the therapist should be aware of changes needed to allow all clients to have tanning treatments without discrimination. Prior to treating an existing client, make sure you double check the medical history has remained the same on their card. If anything has changed you must update and date this information. If you are in any doubt ask the client for a GP consultant note, which permits them to be treated.



Skin diseases and disorders Skin diseases and disorders are the most common form of infections and can affect anybody of any age, sex, and race and health condition. You may want to research some of these disorders to help familiarise yourself. Skin diseases come in many forms. The main ones are: VIRAL: Herpes Simplex (cold-sores on face and around the mouth) Herpes Zoster (shingles) Warts Verruca FUNGAL: Ringworm Favus (chronic inflammatory of the skin) Tinea Corporis (localised ringworm of the arms and legs) Tinea Cruris (eczema of the groin) Tinea Pedis (Athletes foot) BACTERIAL: Impetigo Itching Skin Folliculitis Furunculosis (boils) Toxic shock syndrome (causes fever) Scarlet fever


PIGMENTATION DISORDERS: (do-not contra-indicate) Vitiligo / Leucoderma (loosing skin pigment) Chloasma (dark skin discoloration- pregnancy mask) Lentigo (small dark patches on skin/age spot) Moles (papilloma) Naevae (birthmark) Port wine stain (vascular birth mark)

CONTRA-INDICATIONS: Once the infection has been treated with medication and has cleared up, the treatment can then be carried out • Contagious skin diseases e.g. Scabies, Ringworm, Head lice, Impetigo, Cold Sores • Viral or fungal diseases e.g. Athlete’s foot, Verruca’s or Warts, Nail infections. Do not treat until the area is clear of infection • Septic wounds, Boils, Folliculitis,–do not treat until the infection has been treated and has cleared up as cross infection can occur • High Temperature • Digestive complaints e.g. Diarrhea 12

• Infectious diseases e.g. Flu, Measles, Mumps, T.B, Scarlet Fever, Chickenpox etc. • Cuts /abrasions /burns /severe bruising • Broken bones and recent fractures • Insect bites • High temperature, fever, swelling or inflammation • Recent injury, accident or surgery • Recent plastic surgery, skin peels, cosmetic micro-dermabrasion or tattoo’s. • Eye infections such as conjunctivitis as there is a high risk of cross infection clients must not be treated • Skin disorders e.g. eczema or psoriasis - If the client is suffering from a severe break-out, and is currently under the care of a consultant/ taking steroids • Cancer – Chemotherapy or Radiation treatment • Hypersensitive skins • Scar tissues (2 years for major operation and 6 months for a small scar) • Areas of undiagnosed pain or lumps • Botox/ dermal fillers (1 week following treatment) • Positive reaction to patch test


• Treatment must not go ahead in the first trimester of pregnan


How Does Tanning Work?

A natural tan works when the skin is exposed to UVA and UVB rays from the sun. The skin stimulates the production of a pigment called melanin from melanocytes in the basil layers. The pigment spreads to the skins surface through a process called ‘Rusting’ and the tan colour is seen on the surface off the skin. The tan is ultimately created to protect the skin from damage by UV rays by absorbing and scattering light. As the UV rays penetrate the skin the melanin darkens in colour, this is what we see as a ‘suntan’. 15

Spray tanning DOES NOT WORK in the same way and DOES NOT involve any reaction with Melanin. Sunless tan DOES NOT protect you from the sun, for this reason the FDA requires all sunless/self-tanning product manufacturers to carry the following warning statement on all products that claim to provide a colour change to the skin:

"Warning--This product does not contain a sunscreen and does not protect against sunburn. Repeated exposure of unprotected skin while tanning may increase the risk of skin aging, skin cancer, and other harmful effects to the skin even if you do not burn." (21 CFR 740.19) Web Source 2018

How Does Sunless Work? Tanning lotions contain an ingredient called Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) DHA is made from sugar cane/ beets which has been used in tanning products for over 30 years. DHA is clear in colour and over time can become sticky to touch. When you initially see a tan applied to the skin with a brown tinted bronze colour- THIS IS NOT the end result from the DHA in the tan, it is a guide colour only for the therapist to see where they’ve sprayed and gives an instant colour/ cosmetic make up for your client’s gratification. This guide colour is purely cosmetic and will wash away when you shower. When DHA or Erythrulose solution is applied to the skin there is a reaction between the amino acids in the skin and oxygen- this is called the Maillard Reaction. Over the next 8 + hours the Maillard Reaction causes the skin to produce a temporary browning effect. This browning effect, IS NOT a stain or a dye. It is a natural reaction that produces a colour change on all treated skin. 16

Once the skin changes colour from DHA/ Erythrulose you cannot wash this off. You can only wait for it to fade in the course of the skins natural and manual exfoliation when washing. DHA takes a full 24 hours to fully develop, however most people are familiar to allow a minimum of 6-8 hours before showering. New research shows that leaving your tan on for the 24 hours will give you a much deeper, darker longer lasting tan. We already know that DHA reacts on the outer layers of the skin and changes colour with time. When the DHA reacts with oxygen (oxidises) without the amino acids from the skin, the solution will turn green. This can be seen in the lids of bottles sometimes, and could affect their entire bottle! It is therefore extremely important to keep your solutions in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Try not to shake your solution prior to breaking the airtight security seal, as it will create air pockets, which will weaken the product. NEVER pour used solution back into the bottles, always store separately in your spare spray pots. Never store solution whether it has been opened or not in your fridge, this will also weaken your solution due to condensation.

DHA PERCENTAGES We are often asked by our customers what percentage (%) of DHA (Dihydroxyacetone) we use to manufacture our sunless spray solutions. Other than Sunless Inc. (The manufacturers) preferring to keep their formulas a secret, we cannot answer this without first saying “NEVER judge a product by the percentage of DHA someone tells you is in it”. The only realistic way to judge or evaluate the product is on the performance. A brand using a “proofed” percentage of DHA on the bottle does not actually mean that they have the same percentage or quality of DHA in the finished product. DHA is a very sensitive and reactive raw material to work with and there are many special techniques we have learned throughout our 25+ years of 17

manufacturing sunless products that ensure the highest quality of DHA is used and therefore allowing consistent results. PH Levels Another important factor when creating a natural looking tan is the PH level of your skin. In chemistry, PH is a measurement figure expressing the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. A high alkaline or high PH level in our skin causes the DHA to produce a colour that will be more “orange” in appearance. A slightly acidic PH reduces this colour problem creating a more “golden brown” tone. The optimal PH level of the skin for tanning will be between 4.8 and 6.0. We don’t measure everyone’s PH prior to a tanning so here at Norvell we have invented a special PH formula. This can be bought in the form of a mitt, spray or gel. The Formula not only levels out the PH of the skin, but it increases the amino acids (that the DHA and oxygen work with to change the skin colour) to give you the “just of the beach look”. Clients who tend to get an orange tone when using sunless products generally means that their skin Alkalinity is too high. As well as using Norvell’s PH balancing products, another great way to reduce this is to exfoliate prior to tanning. Exfoliation should be done 24-48 hours prior to a treatment. Norvell carries two types of exfoliator depending on your client’s needs. If your client does not have time to exfoliate prior to treatment then we also offer an in –salon body buff mitt that contains the PH balancing solution saturated into a lightly corrugated face and body mitt. Our body naturally sheds its skin and self-exfoliates every 28-42 days depending our age. Manual exfoliation using the exfoliators or mitts in the days leading up to your sunless tanning will just help prepare the skin with an extra boost to get rid of any dry, dead skin cells lying dormant on the surface of the skin.




WHY CHOOSE NORVELL? Norvell is America’s Award winning number 1 professional sunless tanning company. Norvell is brought to you by the JK Group in UK & Europe. Through extensive research and development, Norvell have enhanced their skin care and tanning products with advanced active ingredients that not only revitalize and nourish the skin, but also promote the skins ability to maintain its own natural moisture factor.

NATURAL COLOUR RESULTS FOR ANY SKIN TYPE Norvell® formulations offer a beautiful instant bronze with a smooth transition to a natural DHA tan. Results are natural across a broad spectrum of skin shades and tones.

NOT JUST A TAN, IT’S A HEALTHY SKIN TREATMENT TOO Skin firming formulas build and restore the skin’s matrix, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Highly concentrated antioxidant blends combat the daily signs of skin damage.

ADVANCED FORMULA Guaranteed Fast Drying, Non-Sticky and Streak-Free Formulas. No “Orange” Colour development and Odour Inhibitors control DHA after tan odour

LASTING RESULTS Clients can expect 5-7 days of gorgeous Just off the Beach™ Colour with advanced and unique professional maintenance products to provide an even colour fade to ensure complete customer satisfaction.


NORVELL’S NATURAL ACTIVES SUNLESS COMPLEX • Norvell’s Natural Actives Sunless Complex™ is a proprietary blend of natural ingredients combined together to optimise, build, and extend sunless tanning results like never before. • Time Release Micro Capsules hold and bind moisture within the skin to provide 24-hour hydration. • Natural Enzymes repair weak, dehydrated skin and promote the efficiency of the body’s own natural moisturisation. • Unique Dermal Barrier locks DHA within the top layer of skin, providing Longer Lasting, Deeper Colour Results. • Advanced DHA Odour Encapsulation molecules ‘trap’ and virtually eliminate common sunless odour. • Just off the Beach Colour™ patented blend of DHA and bronzers found only in Norvell® Professional Products. Norvell offers a range of premium professional spray tan and retail products now available directly via your area representative or on the main website

The range is Sulphate-Free, Paraben-Free, Gluten-Free, Cruelty Free, Nut Allergen Free and 100% Vegan


COSMETIC BRONZERS Norvell formulates a vast array of sunless products, both professional solutions and retail items for home use. Some of their DHA sunless products are CLEAR - which means they contain DHA only without any cosmetic bronzer , so have no immediate visual colour. The benefit to the client is that there is no transfer of cosmetic bronzer to clothing or bedding, making clear DHA products popular with brides and some men who don’t want bronzer on their clothing, especially shirt collars! Most sunless products contain a cosmetic bronzer for an instant visual result.Cosmetic bronzers offer a temporary make up effect. Cosmetic bronzers are used to simply add instant colour to the skin whilst the DHA is developing on the skin , which also helps even out the skin tone and helps hide inperfections. Technicians usually prefer a sunless product with an instant bronzer to aid their spray technque since it allows them to see immediately where the product has been applied to the skin. You may hear people use the term “Guide colour”. In some cases residual colour from the cosmetic bronzers may last on the skin for up to 3 days. Most cosmetic bronzers wash off with water and/or perspiration. Norvell cosmetic bronzers are water soluble and will wash out of most ordinary fabrics. However silk, satin and lycra can hold the tan and may not wash out, so it is always reccomended to advise your client to wear dark loose clothing immediately after their tan. The first wash after your tan should be a warm water rinse- no shower gels or soap! The first wash is to remove the cosmeic guide colour. You can if you wish, wash after 8 hours however as explained earlier in the handout new research has shown DHA takes a full 24 hours to completely develop. Most complaints from clients come from negative reactions and lack of education in regards to DHA and cosmetic bronzers and how they work. Give your client a reaistic expectation and they will return to you again happy! DO NOT BE SCARED TO TELL THEM THE TRUTH! 23

Norvell currently offer 8 professional DHA solutions.










Double Dark

Venetian plus Venetain one

As you can see from the table above we have different types of DHA solutions. Clear- No guide colour Premium- Guide colour Venetian- Guide colour with violet tones added Rapid- 1-4 HOUR Varies on the solution Competition- Extra Dark guide colour Our Venetian line contains violet tones in both the solution and the cosmetic bronzers. Violet is the opposite end of the colour spectrum to orange, therfore eliminates any orange/brassy tones on the skin. The guide colour in the cosmetic bronzer also contains violet so gives the effect of a more mediterranian glow.





STEP 1- PRIME Pre-sunless Ph Spray Xlatan Spray Norvell’s pH-balancing xLaTan™ pre-sunless spray works instantly on the skin to boost amino acid levels and maximize sunless colour results. Exclusive Active Natural Sunless Complex™ Time Release Micro Capsules bind moisture within the skin, for 24hr hydration. Unique Dermal Barrier locks in DHA. Boosts Amino Acid Levels, which work directly with the active sunless ingredient, DHA, to produce maximum colour results. PH Balancing Skin Primer balances out skin surface prior to tanning to minimize orange look for that natural just off the beach™ colour. Hydrates skin for even and maximum absorption of sunless solution. 26

Ultra Vivid Revive Skin Refining Scrub Turn your shower into a powerful opportunity to prep for your sunless tan. This creamy, yet effective formula is designed to discard dead skin cells and infuse antioxidants leaving skin refined and revived. Pre Sunless EXMITT Body Buff Handy is an understatement! The eXmitt is a convenient, fuss-free way to gently exfoliate the skin and balance pH levels prior to a sunless tan application. The elimination of dead skin cells along with the boost of amino acid levels, allows clients to maximize color results. Renewing Sunless Exfoliator Renewing Sunless Abrasive exfoliators, be gone! This creamy, yet effective body polish is exclusively formulated with gentle micro-exfoliants for self-tanning preparation - but it feels so good, you’ll want to use it every day. Be sure to save it for those times before a tan or between sunless tans.


STEP 2- BRONZE - Professional solution and retail Premium Solution – Clear plus. Applies clear - Contains no cosmetic bronzers. A custom designed sunless tanning solution that produces a, quick-drying, natural, long-lasting, “just off the beach”™ Colour! Radiant supple-bronzed skin is only one spray away! Norvell’s Award Winning Premium Solutions utilize micro nutrient technology to deliver a potent blend of vitamins and antioxidants to boost the skin’s Just off the Beach glow. The formula works with all skin types regardless of colour tone, creating a customized shade of bronze for each individual client. Premium Solution CLEAR PLUS/ DARK/DOUBLE DARK Get an extra colour boost with Norvell's Bronzing solutions. Norvell's Award Winning Premium Solutions utilize micronutrient technology to deliver a potent blend of vitamins and antioxidants to boost the skins just off the beach glow. The formula works with all skin types regardless of colour tone, creating a customized shade of bronze for each individual client. Scented formulas are fragranced with allergen-free essence of raspberry and almond extracts. Venetian Solution- VENETIAN/ VENETIAN PLUS Formulated using the best-selling mix of violet and brown tones found in the original VENETIAN™ base, this solution provides a darker DHA result. As spray tan industry leaders, Norvell works to address the issues of sunless tanning: finding the 28

perfect natural hue and making the spray tan colouring last longer. Their Venetian Spray Tan Solution uses a new discovery in sunless tanning technology. When violet hue is added to spray tanning solutions, it gives clients a tan that more accurately mimics a natural-looking deeply bronzed skin tone. When you properly apply this sunless tanning solution with your handheld, colour can last from 5-7 days. Most clients will notice one additional day of better colour with the Venetian Spray Tan solution. When you deliver a new and improved tanned look to clients, and it lasts for quite some time, you stand out from every other sun-tanning technician out there. One Hour Rapid One Solution and Venetian One. Allows the client to take control. You can wash these products off in as little as ONE HOUR! 1 hour- Light Tan 2 hours- Medium Tan 3 hours- Medium- Dark Tan 4 hours- Dark Tan Once you have opened your solution and the seal on the bottle has been broken you need to use your solution between 3-6 months- the back of the bottle will indicate this. Always store your solutions in a dry place out of any direct sunlight. Once opened do not keep your solutions in the fridge- this will cause condensation and may weaken your product. RETAIL PRODUCTS


Norvell have a variety of retail products in the premium and venetian line. The same rules apply… Premium has the brown base and the Venetian has the Violet base . The Vivid Collection is a combination of the two solutions.


ALL of the Norvell Optimze products are designed to maintain the PH in the skin, they are high in antioxidents and aloe based to keep the skin hydrated.


A great way to keep, maintain and top up your tan is to use an enhancing product. We have two similar products that both contain a small amount of DHA. Your customers can 30

choose to have an instant colour or a gradual build up tan with these two products. They are blended with a fruit cocktail with high antioxidants


The VIVID range: A combination range from the premium and the Venetian where the colours are combined to create a range suitable for everyone.

Equipment Norvell Recommended Spray Tan Machine

Allure Xena Spray Tan Machine ÂŁ189 +VAT This deluxe spray tan machine is now available for Norvell Spray Tan Therapists. In a gorgeous, gold high gloss finish for a professional look. The 31

machine is lightweight, Whisper quiet, has a Satin Air Spray Gun for even coverage and is perfect for salon or mobile therapists. Comes with a retractable hidden carry handle so it’s easy to transport. On board spray gun storage and power cord management so looks very neat and tidy. 25 uses daily/150 weekly.2 Year Warranty. Parts and engineering are done in the U.K and Germany You should clean the gun daily, and between uses with a water rinse. The front parts of the gun should be removed regularly and cleaned. This will be demonstrated. The motor is protected by a filter, it is your responsibility to check the filter is clean, free from obstructions/ hair / dust and solution residue. Failure to keep the filter clean invalidates your motor warranty. Specifications: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

Usage Rating: 25+ applications per day (or 150 per week) Power Source: 110v only Power Consumption: 280w Noise Rating: 72db Twist Lock Hose: 11.5ft Cup: 7oz System Total Weight: 3.5lbs 2 Year Turbine & Gun Motor Warranty Model: 0800B

Pop up spray tan cubicle - £99 +VAT

Norvell Spray Booth - £2,500 +VAT

Norvell Solutions- From £12.50


Sticky feet from 40p pair

PRICING In pricing your service you will need to consider the cost of the materials. Approx. costs Solution ……………………. £ (Approx. 20 tans per litre) (2-2.5oz per treatment) Sticky Feet……………………. £ PH spray/mitt…………………….. £ Extras (Thongs, Caps) …...£

TOTAL: …………………………..£

Example of pre and post care guidelines PRIOR TO YOUR NORVELL SPRAY TAN YOU SHOULD: • • • • • • • • • • •

Exfoliate your body & face, preferably 24/48 hours prior to treatment. Moisturise the day before treatment, but not on the day of your training. Allow all previous sunless tans to fade for best results. Shave and/or wax at least 24 hrs. prior to treatment. Remove deodorant, traces of make-up and perfume as these can affect end results and create a barrier. (we will provide wet wipes) Remove all jewellery except stud earrings, belly bars or rings that cannot be removed. Wear loose dark clothing or at least bring it with you to change into. We cannot guarantee tan does not transfer to your inner garments or underwear. Wear sensible footwear, no tight boots/socks. The bronzers can sometimes stain light undergarments, so please wear dark colours on the day or bring these with you to change into afterwards. If tinting eyelashes/eyebrows this should be done at least 48hrs prior/post spray tanning. Rarely, but occasionally if you have had a previous allergic reaction to any home use, or spray tan, you cannot have the treatment on the day.



Wait a minimum of 8hrs before showering the product off (24hrs if possible) You may experience a small amount of the cosmetic bronzer on the bed linen, this is water-soluble and will generally wash away on a 30-degree wash cycle. Avoid exercise or activities during development, which cause perspiration as the bronzer may spoil the effect & cause streaking. Avoid washing your hands for at least 2-3 hrs. post spray, care should be taken in the first 6-8hrs. Use anti-bac cleanser/wipes or spray where possible. Do not swim until the following day and the bronzers have been removed by showering. Swimming in chlorinated or salt water will inevitably reduce the lifespan of your tan. Avoiding hot baths and bath oils will lengthen the colour results. We recommend you warm water shower whenever possible to prolong the effects. Pat your skin dry, do not rub when drying yourself after a bath or shower. Use a recommended tan maintainer product like Venetian, 24 hr. moisturiser, Prolong OR the NEW BOOST gradual tanner to extend the life of your tan. The tan should last approx. 5-7 days. Sometimes longer if using the correct pre & post care products. Avoid reapplying your perfume/deodorant & make up directly onto your skin until after the tan has processed. Face powder, minerals & powder-based products are permitted with care.

PLEASE ADVISE US IF ANY OF THE BELOW APPLY TO YOU PRIOR TO YOUR TREATMENT. • Skin sensitivity • A previous adverse reaction to a home or self tanning product • A current skin disorder or infection requiring medical treatment or steroids. • Open wounds/recent tattoo or piercing (within 6 weeks) • You are less than 13 weeks pregnant. Failure to disclose any medical condition mentioned above or any medical or skin condition, which you suspect, could affect the outcome of your spray tan treatment or cause any adverse skin reaction knowingly will be discredited. Spray tanning results can vary and are partly dependent upon your presenting skin condition and colour. It is recommended you follow the pre & post care guidelines. No responsibility will be accepted for poor results where these are not followed.

The Spray Tanning Process

Spray tanning is the application of liquid tanning solution using a machine to spray thin layers of tanning solution directly on the skin. There are different applications of hand held or ‘self tan’ tanning by using a tanning mitt/gloves with a cream, aerosol or mousse. Norvell offer a wide range of retail products to help enhance a tan with “at home” application products. There are three stages to achieve a natural bronze glow and these are: 1. Preparation 2. Treatment 34

3. Maintenance As spray tanning technicians, we are only able to control stage two. Stages one and three are very important so you must ensure your client receives the best possible advice from you at the time of booking their treatment on how to prepare and maintain their tan. 1. Preparation Exfoliate the skin in the days leading up to the tanning treatment - we recommend the Norvell exfoliator. This process helps remove the dead skin layers, which helps to optimize the PH balance. Please pay extra attention to dry patches such as elbows, knees and ankles. After exfoliating, please advise the client to moisturize the night before. Make sure the moisturizer they use is not oil based. DO NOT MOISTURISE ON THE DAY OF THEIR TANNING TREATMENT Hair removal must be done 24-48 hours before a tan. Do not remove hair on the treatment day; this leaves pores open, and vulnerable to infections. Advise your client to wear loose dark clothing to their appointment with you and to remove all jewelry and make up (if they are having the face tanned). 2. Treatment When your client arrives at the salon firstly check through their consultation card, make sure nothing has changed if they are an existing customer. Discuss the type of tan they want to achieve including if they prefer an instant bronze look and how dark they want to be after the DHA has developed. Once they are happy, leave them to undress, offering them disposable thongs and head caps. When you re-enter the room explain to them the position you want them to stand in. We suggest you always start tanning from the back with your client facing away from you. After each section of the body is complete instruct them on the next position you wish them to stand. 35

Apply PH Primer or Amplify and allow the client to rub it into their skin. The therapist can then either finish the application on any hard to reach areas such as their back for them. The skin does not need to be completely dry after this process, but no wet areas should be left before spraying. We spray with one saturated wet coat when using Norvell DHA products. There is no need to apply multiple layers. Spray approx. 6 inches away from the body at all times apart from the hands, feet, face and inner arms. After the treatment you will leave the room and meet your client in the reception area when they are ready. If you are mobile wait outside the door. Some people are very conscious of their body so always make them feel comfortable and safe. 3. Maintenance With the correct application of tan, the maintenance should be a walk in the park. Whilst the tan is still developing make sure that the client is careful when washing their hands not to splash water on the rest of their skin as this will cause spot marks. Advise the clients not to touch himself or herself or pat themselves to avoid smudging, Advise that they can wash the tan off after 8 hours, however it takes 24 hours for a full development of DHA so they will get a much deeper and darker colour the longer they leave the tan on. The Norvell rapid solutions are manufactured in a different way. You can wash the tan off in as little as one hour. 36

Results- Light tan – 1 hour Medium tan – 2 hours Medium- Dark tan 3hours Dark tan- 4 hours Always remember the first wash after a tan application is ONLY A WARM WATER RINSE. For 24 hours after a tan application avoid anything that could compromise the results e.g. exercise. Also avoid swimming, steam and saunas for 24 hours until you have rinsed off the guide colour.

At Norvell we advise that every 5 weeks of continuous spray tanning you should give your skin a rest of 10 days this will help reduce the buildup of product to allow flawless natural looking tans without patchy skin.




MARKETING For any marketing support please contact our Head of PR and Marketing, Cat Quigley

0208 498 7284

Twitter: @norvelltan

Instagram: @norvelltanning



Exam Questions for Norvell Spray Tan Training Day Total of 40 questions. Spray tanning students must answer at least 28 questions correctly to pass this test and course. 70% 1


What are the main benefits of Norvell Tanning products? (Answer 3 minimum) What is the name of our Instagram for Norvell Tanning? What is the abbreviated term used for Dihydroxyacetone?


What is the advantage of using the Xlatan PH or Amplify balancing spray?


What three questions could you ask your clients at their spray tan consultation?


How long does it take for a regular DHA tan to develop?


What kind of activity should you avoid after tanning?


After how long can you shower to get a good result from a tan?


How long can you wash after using Rapid ONE tan to get the following tan?


A) Light =

B) Medium =

C) Dark =

10 What is the best way to prep your skin for a spray tan and how long before your tan should this be done?


11 How far away from the body should you hold the spray tan gun? 12 What is the average amount of solution that you should use for a standard spray tan session (Body of average size)? 13 We advise not to use moisturisers, shaving creams/gels for 24 hours prior to a tan. Why is this? 14 What is the best type of clothing to wear immediately after your tan? 15 What are the tanning solution ranges that Norvell promote? 16 What are the core 4 stages to the perfect Norvell tan? 17 Once a seal on a solution is opened why should you keep it out of the fridge? 18 What should you do with left over solution? 19 Why do you never leave solution open? 20 How often should you clean your gun? 21 How often should you clean the filter on your spray tan machine? 22 How long does a spray tan last? 23 What is DHA? 24 Does the skin need to rest between spray sessions? 25 How long after tanning can you use a pool, go in the sea or spa? 26 Can you be sprayed whilst pregnant? 27 Does a sunless tan help protect you from UV sunrays? 28 Do you need to have a patch test with a spray tan?


29 What is the website address for Norvell Tanning where you can login as a salon person to get your trade discount? 30 Name two pigmentation disorders that are still fine to spray tan the customer with?

31 Name three possible contraindications that might come up from a client consultation: 32 Is it ok to spray tan a child? 33 What kind of contra-indication infection is Tinea Pedia also known as Athlete’s foot? 34 What colour is added in to the Norvell Venetian range give a ‘non orange ‘ look? 35 Name the Norvell solution we use for competition tanning? 36 How many coats of the competition tan do they need to be “stage ready”? 37 Norvell use the phrase “just off the ____________ look”. 38 Where on the body do we spray first? 39 Where is the last place on the body to spray? 40 How long after a tattoo do you need to wait to have a spray tan?


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