February 2019

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30 February 2018 | Volume 94 | Issue 6




Discuss the benefits and limitations in the advancements of car technology.

Voice | SEBASTIAN Follow one students’ journey towards musical success.

whats inside



Discuss the limitations and restrictionsstudents face with new car technology.




Visit Lee’s Summits SEBASTIAN newest coffee Follow the journey addition, certain of one students to become the passion for music. homework home for students.



STEM SCIENCE Discuss students involvement in STEM programs throughout the school.

Investigate the nature of STEM education with managing editor Audrey Badgerow, photographer Makayla Holmberg, and editor-inchief Makenzie Kraxberger.



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from the




’ve had the privilege of serving the journalism department for all four years of my highschool career. It has had its highs and lows, but I was always able to produce something that I worked on, that I was proud of and that I cared about; unfortunately not everyone can say the same.   A rise in censorship and fake news over the course of the past few years has left student media tied up in court case after court case. Ironically, the rulings are not always consistent, cases side with the school sometimes, but side with the students other times.   A recent local case that ruled in favor of the student brought up a lot of dicussion within the class, and I began to realize how lucky I was to be a part of this district.   Out of respect for the administration, we do run the publication past them before we print, however I have never been told I could not print despite the controversial things we have written about. The administration dilligently works with us to ensure both the students are content with there work, but also not endangering themselves for backlash they aren’t prepared for or potential court cases regarding themes of slander or being sued.   Dr. Faulkenberry has worked with me personally and helped modify certain aspects of my own stories, but they were never drastic or unfair things to change. If anything needed to be modified, faculty was also very quick to relay that back to me so I could print on time.   Oftentimes we get caught up in our own problems without really looking at it from a birds-eye view; but we are so lucky to be apart of LSR7’s student media, because not all students are able to make their voices heard. Makenzie Kraxberger

Editor in Chief

STAFF Editor-In-Chief

Makenzie Kraxberger

Managing Editor Audrey Badgerow

Design Editor Tyler Williams

Photo Editor

Renee Haskell

Sports Director Clayton Couch

Content Editor Jordan Turner

Social Media Editor Tyler Williams


The 20172018 staff proudly shows off at J-Day in front of Jesse Hall.

MEET JESSICA Jessica Winkler is a third year editor who’s conquered it all. “I was able to branch out and really express myself in three different ways, all while telling the stories of people I love” said Winkler. Winkler will pursue Northwest Missouri State to further her journalism and education career.

Max Almaguer, Amari Childs, Megan Curless, Izzy DeMarco, Chloe Doak, Leah Haskell, Micaela Helvey, Mackenzie Henks, Makayla Holmberg, Tommy Hicks, Cheyanne Kennedy, Blake Lemon, Alana Makowski, Lilian Mann, Katie McKitterick, Jaeden Miller, Faith Roach, Alana Rogers, Cesar Rutiaga, Daltyn Schafer, Samantha Schierholz, Rachel Schouten, Camera Schulenberg, Bianca Stewart, Veta Wareing, Emma Wesseldine, Lyric Westley, Ava Whitney, Jordan Wilson, Kenna Witske Advisor: Mr. Marc Russell

WHAT WE THINK Thoughts from the staff.


he school offers a wide variety of STEM courses and opportunities for students looking to pursue that field, however not everyone feels as though efforts are being evenly distributed.   “Personally, think the STEM program is very beneficial to all the students that are seeking out that as a future career field, but I do feel like it’s time for our school to widen their funding towards other fields as well” media editor Jessica Winkler said.   With multiple campuses for all sorts of other practical career fields, the schools appears to cater to a vast population of student needs and aspirations.   “I feel as though the district does an excellent job of providing opportunities for students from all walks of life,” managing editor Audrey Badgerow said.   One thing is for certain, most STEM career pathways require longer time in school and skill sets typically obtained from post-secondary education.   “The STEM career field is one that students need to start preparing for in high school because of the amount of knowledge and time that is required for that field, so I definitely feel as though everything the school is putting into STEM fields is extremely beneficial” Winkler said.   A lot of students in STEM classes complain about the difficulty of them. “I think the difficulty of the courses now

helps students understand how much dedication it takes to thrive in that particular field,” sports director Clayton Couch said.   The field is expected to grow by 13% this year, and provides diverse and high paying jobs.

It doesn’t neccesarily interest me, but it is an important and growing field that our district has done a pretty good job of catering to,

“STEM is a growing and important field because it’s universal, and I think STEM is a vital part of our education system due to the importance of STEM outside of school,” Couch said.   Students looking to get involved in STEM fields can pursue classes ranging from physics to nursing, and anywhere in between. Some students even have the opportunity to go off campus for a better environment targeted towards that type of learning.

“I think Summit Tech is unbelievably beneficial for people going into the STEM program because they have more to offer than we do here, the facility is much more advanced and provides better technological opportunities for students looking to pursue STEM options,” Winkler said.   Many students already have an idea of what they want to pursue as a career, and for many students that involves STEM.   “I think giving students the opportunity to try out the fields in depth allows them to get a headstart on building their portfolio, and figuring out if it is actually a good fit for them before they get to college where the stakes are much higher and more expensive,” Badgerow said.   There is a bit of a misconception surrounding what STEM equates to, and what it can actually be applied to.   “I think a lot of people think that STEM is purely a science lab sort of career path, when it really applies to all sorts of careers,” Winkler said.   STEM careers could be anything from engineering to medical pursuits, and 6.2% of US employment is STEM related.   “It doesn’t neccesarily interest me, but it’s an important and growing field that our district has done a pretty good job catering to,” Couch said. Written by: MAKENZIE KRAXBERGER Photographed by: RENEE HASKELL Designed by: MAKENZIE KRAXBERGER


SAFETY FEATURES Assessing the new car features that keep students safe.


he car slowly drifts out of its lane, about to hit a car beside it. The driver is on her phone, trying to pick a new song to play through her radio. Suddenly, her car beeps loudly at her, warning her to get back into her own lane. Technology has come a long way in cars, and a lot of safety features are mandatory on newer cars. While modern technology makes cars safer to drive, it does not mean that motorists should pay less attention. Technology fails sometimes, but still helps with lowering the amount of car accidents. “Today, safety goes beyond seat belts, anti-lock brakes and front air bags,” highway patrol Sergeant Scott White said. Forward Collision Alert warns drivers when something is in front of their car. “These camera or radar based systems can save you from rear ending that driver ahead who just stopped suddenly or prevent you from hitting other things that decide to get in front of your car, from animals to walls,” Kelley Blue Book said. If danger is sensed, the driver is alerted via an audible or visual warning or even a vibration in


the steering wheel. “More advanced systems can apply the brakes for drivers if a collision is imminent,” Kelley Blue Book said. Backup cameras show video of what is behind a driver’s vehicle to prevent them from hitting anything and giving them a full view behind them, and make parallel parking easier. “With a backup camera, pedestrians, vehicles or any otherwise unseen danger is immediately revealed,” Kelley Blue Book said. Parking assist uses sensors that will beep loudly when a car gets too close to another object, usually with an option to turn it off as well. “We used to be dependent on just rear-view or side mirrors, but now backup cameras and sensors help us even more by beeping or being able to actually see what is right at your rear bumper,” White said. It is best for a driver to still look behind them and not just rely on a camera video. Lane detection systems help distracted drivers

by beeping or vibrating if someone starts to go over a painted lane marker. “If the car drifts from its lane, the driver is alerted via audible, visual or tactile warning, similar to forward-collision alerts, and higherend systems have the ability to steer the car back into its intended lane,” Kelley Blue Book said. Newer vehicles have blind spot warning lights on the side mirrors. Even with properly adjusted mirrors, it can be harder to

Today, safety goes beyond seat belts, anti-lock brakes and front air bags, see other cars. “With Blind Spot Warnings, lights near the side mirrors automatically illuminate when a vehicle occupies either of your blind spots,



Tickling the Ivories

Senior Sebastian Mayhugh makes a name for himself with his passion for music.


he soft sound of piano emanates from the practice rooms with the notes dancing off into the lobby. Inside is senior Sebastian Mayhugh, tediously working on his latest composure. Mayhugh is well known for his passion towards music around the school, and is often seen carrying a guitar on his back or playing piano in an orchestra concert. However, the uncommon thing about Mayhugh is that he is almost completely self taught in music. “I have been playing the piano since sixth grade, and always felt like I had an aptitude towards music, but I still had to develop my ability and practice,” Mayhugh said. Mayhugh is a CA for Philharmonic Orchestra, as well as being an IB Music student. He spends most of the day striving towards his music, but keeps up a social and friendly figure around others. “Music has never changed the friends that I have and does not ever play a role in who I hang out with,”

Mayhugh said. Mayhugh also focuses around making his own composers, taking inspiration from movie and video game scores in order to progress his understanding in music. “I feel like there is a lot of importance behind video game and movie scores, when I was younger, I heard music I liked and I wanted to know how to play songs like that,” Mayhugh said. Mayhugh is also involved in a band, usually backing up as a guitarist, on top of his more personal study of piano. “When I am making piano music I prefer to work by myself, but in a band or with other instruments, I am very much a people worker,” Mayhugh said. Mayhugh works to gain music scholarships for college and eventually major in composing music. He hopes to work for movies and other big figures, even though he is only a self taught musician, inspiring many students who want to take up the art of learning music and

try it out themselves. “You can get started whenever, you do not need some starting point to make you do it. You do not always need a teacher, though it does help. You have Youtube and so many other different outlets in order to develop your techniques for music,” Mayhugh said. Mayhugh aspires to go into a music college to major in composing, and hopes to leave a mark to those who wish to partake in the art of music.

Piano Man: Senior Sebastian Mayhugh writes music and talks about how he does not feel limited when playing the piano. “ I started playing piano because it was this huge instrument that sounded so beautiful. It’s special because it has so many possibilities,” Mayhugh said.


Written by: MICHAELA HELVEY Photographed by: AMARI CHILDS Designed by: JORDAN TURNER

Ahadu C ffee

New coffee shop warms locals’ hearts.


utting on his apron, as senior Yonny Astatke prepares for his next shift at Ahadu Coffee. Astake’s parents opened the new shop in January 2019 in hopes of bringing a sense of community into their culture of being Ethiopian.   “It was my parents dream to open a coffee shop. Coffee is a really big part of who we are as Ethiopians. It is in our DNA. Legend has it that Ethiopia is the birth place of coffee,” Astatke said.   Ethiopia is known for being where coffee originated. Coffee is derived from the same root as Kaffa, Ethiopia, the first place coffee was made.   “Coffee was discovered in a little village called Kaffa by a goat who ate beans and became hyper based off the caffeine and the sheppard roasted the beans and harvested them into what we know as coffee today,” Astatke said.   Ethiopian beans are fruitier than other beans, therefore Ahadu Coffee has a sweeter taste as opposed to other local businesses. They also try to keep their prices reasonable   “Our coffee is all fair trade. My uncle roasts it at his warehouse in Overland Park. He owns the coffee shop, Revocup. They roast the coffee and we prepare it here. I feel like you get a sense of family and community here that you will not find anywhere else,” Astatke said.   Due to the sense of community customer Maddie Murrow has become a regular.   “I have only been to Ahadu 3 or 4 times, but I want to go there more often,” Murrow said.

The coffee shop often has many students due to the availability to do homework.   However people of all ages can be seen enjoying a cup of coffee.   “Their coffee is really good, it is not overly expensive, and I like the feel of the place. It is not too busy all the time and Yonny’s family is so nice. My friends and I also like the big tables there to do homework,” Murrow said.   Most Saturdays they have a traditional Ethiopian coffee ceremony that takes place from 2:00-2:30. They have someone come in and take the customers through the process of a coffee bean. This is just one other way Ahadu Coffee brings in support from the community. As the day wraps up Astatke leaves with a satisfaction of helping his parents achieve their dream in owning a coffee shop.

Vanilla Latte


Coffee Break: Senior Yonny Astake works at the coffee shop that his family owns. “I love being able to work with my family because we are on the same page about a lot of decisions at the shop. Plus, it helps our relationship at home a lot,” Astatke said.




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The new year brings a new principal.


s Doctor Faulkenberry tidies up the rest of the things in his office, he closes the door ready to hand the school off in the right direction.   “My biggest hope is that whoever sits here next loves this school as much as I did. I have loved this school almost as like a child, and I’ve tried my very, very hardest on behalf of the kids, the families, and on behalf of the teachers,” principal John Faulkenberry said.   The main wish from Faulkenberry is for the next principal to be as passionate as he is about the school and the teachers. He also knows that the staff will make a good choice when picking a new principal. “I think that the thing that students can take to heart is that a big part of the hiring team are several of the teachers who work here and those teachers have students interest at heart, and

so I think that what students want, and what people want will show,” Faulkenberry said.   Students voices will be represented through the teachers at this meeting. A diverse array of teachers were compiled to get the best possible results. “The interview team was comprised of a representative from each department at LSHS,” english teacher Keli Wilson said.   This process creates a team of individuals from different departments and brings them together, making the strongest group possible, because that person represents the best in their department. Every department will have their say in what they want. “In those groups, we came up with a list of critical

attributes that we would like the next principal to exhibit,” math teacher Melissa Warden said. On February the twelfth, a meeting was held to gather what the people wanted to see in a new principal. At this meeting staff was asked to get into groups of four or five and determine their main traits they wanted to see in the new principal.   “Sometimes you look back on what you could have done different to make it feel better or be better for everybody; like any of those times that you couldn’t get something to a winwin,” Faulkenberry said.   Around sixteen years ago, Dr. John Faulkenberry went through a similar hiring process. He is excited to see the new principal and how they will handle the school. He hopes the new principal does


not make similar small mistakes that Faulkenberry made. “In those groups, we came up with a list of critical attributes that we would like the next principal to exhibit,” Warden said.   As each one of the larger lists got tallied up it eventually created a smaller list of the most desired attributes. This list will be used in comparison to the next principal to see if they will be a good fit.   “Our new principal will likely be named at

the March board meeting,” Wilson said. Though we do not know when; we do know that sometime during March our new principal will be announced. Making it possible for us to know who our principal is before the school year is over.   As the new principal finishes unpacking their belongings, they open the door and keep one thing on their mind: progress.




once saw a video about recreating Disney princess looks through makeup. I happen to love Disney princess looks and now I want to do the same thing, but with clothing. I love Disney and I feel like it would only be appropriate to show that through clothing. I have decided to recreate Belle’s look, but in a modern way. For as long as I can remember I have loved the movie, Beauty and the Beast, which taught me that being my own person is the best thing I can do. With this look I wanted to go very simple with jewelry and makeup. I felt as though Belle was more based off a simple appearance since she was not into looks and more into what the personality was like. It is only fitting her appearance and attire fitted that as well. Even with her ball gown it was not decorated heavily with jewelry. Makeup wise I decided to just go with some natural eyeshadow and mascara, and accessorized with some small hoops and a silver necklace. My hairstyle is a practical style with hair clips pulling the hair away from my face. Which is an easy fix to keep the hair out of the eyes. For the top I decided to go with a blouse, a casual, but classy looking top that works for most occasions. An easy top to pair with because there are many things that go with it. The bottoms on the other hand were more difficult to decide on, in the movie Belle wears a dress, but that is most likely due to the fact the movie is based off of the 1700’s, so assuming that Belle would wear jeans I would imagine them being mom jean styled, comfy, casual, and efficient, but still looks nice with the blouse. My choice of shoes are flats, since they are so comfy and easy to walk around in all day if I am busy, keeping me at the top of my game because I am not having shoe issues. This is what I would consider my modern recreation of Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Being able to come up with a look that I felt represented Belle was fun, I would recommend to everyone to try finding an outfit to represent their favorite character from a movie.

Written by: VETA WAREING Photographed by: RENEE HASKELL Designed by: MAKENZIE KRAXBERGER



& STEM STEM The STEM field (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) has become the focal point of career and vocational conversations.


s college and career conversations roll around once more, it is clear that certain age-old professions are left in more of a shadowy area. While the old is left unfocused, it is clear that there is a new realm of opportunity that has inherited the spotlight. STEM, otherwise known as, science, technology, engineering and math is an academic and vocational field that has transcended the average level of attention. Recently, schools and academic counselors have began stressing the turn in opportunity. The LSR7 school district has done a remarkable amount of work in adding curriculums that support these fields. The high schools´ biology, chemistry, math, computer science, and engineering courses serve a tremendous amount in boosting

this field, and the Summit Technology Campus adds the extra diversity with its aerospace engineering, software development, biomedical innovation and other beneficial courses.

“Our district is working and redefining what learning could be for the future,” ¨I got involved in the STEM field in college by investing myself into the class and labs and really just enjoying studying how things work. The STEM field matched my personality and my interests, so it was well-matched for me.I think there are a lot of opportunities in the district for exposure to STEM, from robotics to legos, to the large number of course

offerings in engineering, industrial technology and science and math classes,” Summit Tech Biomedical Science teacher Kevin McCormick said. McCormick feels that the exposure to this field should be starting much earlier on. “I think it is beneficial for students to receive early on for the reasons I started above. I think that there can be exposure to STEM principles that expand the focus of reading, writing and math to include some situational learning. The characteristic I like to see in the classroom is that students continue to try new things and keep trying. Building legos, bridge building, and making observations about animals, etc, are all easy ways to incorporate STEM into a classroom and see if students keep at it or if they stop after it does not go the way they expected. Students an intuitively explore with these topics and take those experiences with them as the benefit, “ McCormick said.


stem jobs will go unfilled



$38.85 WAGE


Recently, Lee’s Summit North student Sydney Soukup constructed the idea for Girls Who Code, an exclusive club for young girls throughout the district to learn and explore various aspects of the computer science field. This club aims to promote this early STEM and engineering exposure. ¨ I was thinking about how not a lot of girls are in the computer science field, which is a really high-growing field and the idea grew from there. I really just wanted to get more involvement in it. So far, these girls have learned so much, and this really helps us and them help others,¨ Soukup said. Soukup´s mother, LSHS computer science teacher Deanna Soukup, took the opportunity to become the club´s adviser. ¨The main focus of the group is community. The girls have chosen their focus to be outreach, this means reaching out to the girls and engaging them with the technology, and getting creative in new, fun ways,¨ Deanna Soukup said. Soukup´s main goal in advising the club is to let the girls take charge and to build a

welcoming sense of community amongst themselves and the field itself. ¨The data shows that there is a lot less women in STEM fields, than men. There is a need for more people in the workforce to make cool things, and if you are missing half the population, you are missing half the creative force. Technology is being in a position to make things for your world and women should not miss out on that because of the lack of opportunity. The research behind that is that at this age group and beyond, that women are more apt to try something out when they are just around a welcoming group of other women,¨ Soukup said. Girls Who Code has a team of mentors that assist in teaching the programs, including Lee´s Summit West student Sydney Trull. ¨I am a mentor, and basically what we do is we talk to the kids at meetups and recruit them. At these meetings, we talk about how important and nice getting involved is, and also about the coding itself. Recently, we have been talking about planning some elementary school pop up events,” Trull said.

For students without the space for one of these STEM classes, can join the robotics team, Team Driven. “We have six weeks to build a robot and during these six weeks, students are in the Team Driven shop almost everyday until nine working on or prototyping the robot for competition,” robotics driver Payton Stropes said. Summit Technology Academy meshes these STEM classes, with inquiry-based learning that improves students’ ability to problem solve. “STEM is so important because it is such a high-waged, high-demand career area. With the greater need, comes the higher salaries. The majority of the careers focused on, here at STA, are those STEM based ones. We have a lot of opportunities with STEM, not only with our capstone courses but also with our extracurricular clubs and teams. For example, CyberPatriots, which is a cyber

security competition, then BattleBots, which is something similar to robotics,” Summit Technology Academy Director Jeremy Bonnesen said. Throughout the district, there is a wide array of opportunities for both STEM and nonSTEM oriented learners. “Our district is working and redefining what learning would look for the future. This initiative is called FutureReady Learning, much of that is STEM. It is extremely important that our district is working on that, above and beyond what we are doing here,” Bonnesen said. The STEM field is a very high growing one, however, it is important to keep in mind, while these principles that it is based on can be beneficial, it is not for everyone. It is important that during these vocational discussions, students keep in mind what they are passionate about, and not what will give them the most lucrative pay.

Photo courtesy of: George Mullinix (Gould Evans)


let’s talk Students hunger for off-campus lunch only grows.




of high school districts had a closed campus policy.

for a period of time.   Of course, this is a school and there crowds fill the will always be halls after the limitations. first bell rings Yet it has been and she rushes constantly to the cafeteria, discussed wishing that she between faculty could just go to and students. Quick Trip for Whether a bag of chips students should and a soda with be allowed to her friends, and leave campus forget all the during their other jerks at lunchtime to lunch. Senior get whatever Misty Shook they want from spends most neighboring of her time at restaurants. home with her   “Safety is family, then important as work, then far as driving. school, leaving It’s bigger little time for than what a social life. they think. Delving deeper It’s running into that matter, over to the every student gas station or looks forward running over to to lunch to Schlotsky’s. If gossip about a parent called what happened we would have the first half no way of of the day, or getting ahold even to relax of you and we


are responsible for them,” Lee’s Summit North High School vice principal Ria Moses said.   One of the biggest points most students do not take into account is that while they are at school, teachers are responsible for students and they are worried for their safety and as a mother, Moses expresses that deeply. LSHS vice principal Michelle Edwards agrees that safety is important. Edwards has been assistant vice principal for six years and as far back as she can remember no student has ever been

able to leave without having serious repercussions.   “ Lunch is only 23 minutes, so there is not enough time to get to their car, get their food, eat, then get back safely. If there was a system with more time it would be more doable,” Edwards said. Students have trouble seeing and understanding this point.   “ The choices are always there. They don’t have to make that choice. We have evolved as 17 years ago, the choices have gotten bigger,” Moses said.   When asked if

Moses believed students had matured in her seventeen years as an administer at LSNHS, she knows that times are changing and choices have to change along with those times.   At the moment, students are bound to the school grounds for their safety and by time constraints. If the lunch period were extended that would mean a longer school day, then everyone would complain, so for now, everything is perfect as it should be, relaxed and safe, leaving students like Misty Shook with all the stress she can handle.

Opportunity to learn responsibility

Ability to learn time management.


More Lack of time opportunities in the current for tardiness schedule.



SLEEP DEPRIVED Teenagers troubled trying to stay awake in class.


s they sit in class trying to learning, students can not seem to focus, this could be a cause of not getting enough sleep at night and needing some rest. “Trying to stay awake, low energy not able to think clearly ,not able to focus,” said Angela Oswald. Sleep deprivation makes it very hard for students to focus while at school, most people do not get the required amount of sleep due to having homework or work and having to wake up early in the morning for school. “I think the recommended amount of sleep is 7 to 8 hours a night but most teenagers do not get the correct amount,” said Oswald. Most teenagers have too much to do at night so they can not get the right amount of sleep, this makes it very hard to focus in class and can affect the learning ability of students. “People that are always tired do not have their best thought process if they got the right amount of rest they would have significant amount of progress in their learning, “said Oswald. Not getting enough sleep can impair teenager’s judgement and make it hard to focus while in school this can also just make the difference on how a student feels and decide whether they have a good day or a bad day. “If teenagers got the sleep they needed they

would show significant changes in their in there daily routine in life,” said Oswald. If student would get the required amount of sleep every night they might have a better daily life, and might not be as tired while they are trying to focus on their lesson plans. Written by: DALTYN SCHAFER Photographed by: FAITH ROACH Designed by: MAKENZIE KRAXBERGER


LOUD CROWD LOUD CROWD HYPES UP HERTZOG STADIUM. As the Tigers score a touchdown, the Loud Crowd starts a chant that gets everyone at the stadium hyped up.   “I’m glad I was apart of Loud Crowd my senior year because it was a fun experience and it’s cool being able to represent our school and to cheer on all my friends that put in the work in any given sport,” senior Brady Atkins said. Loud Crowd is a group of seniors that attend each sporting event and cheer on the teams.   “Loud Crowd is fun and I like being able to root for all my friends, plus I always get the best seat,” senior Trent Gibson said.   Loud Crowd consists of thirty seniors and requires an application to be involved in the group.   “I think Loud Crowd is a selective group because not everyone is cut out to be apart of this group. It takes dedication and being able to attend every game and not letting people down,” Atkins said.


PATRIOTIC TIGERS: Loud crowd seniors cheer on the team with school spirit and patriotic spirit. Loud Crowd has their own twitter account with the intention of bringing attention to students and to get them engaged in sports and activities around school.   “I think Loud Crowd is beneficial because everyone that plays sports wants their friends and their school to be there and support them come game day. It really helps me play better when I see my friends screaming for me and my team,” senior Keenan Johnson said.   Many athletes at Lee’s Summit High School are supportive of Loud Crowd and believes it pushes them to perform better. “Loud Crowd is selective and requires an application because they only want the best

ALOHA:Loud crowd cheers for the hometeam on Hawaiian night.

and loudest people to be apart of it. We represent the student section at games and it’s imperative that we are the loudest,” Gibson said. Written by: ALANA ROGERS Photographed by: RENEE HASKELL Designed by: CHEYANNE KENNEDY




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