February 2014

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Volume 95 + Issue 07 + 02.19.2014 Lee’s Summit, Missouri

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It is now month two of the New Year. There is so much left to do and every day is speeding by.   It is time for enrollment, whether it be high school or college. Now is the time to make possibly life-altering decisions. One class could change your focus on life and alter your direction. Now is the time to explore, in high school, while it is still free. Besides enrollment, homework is still due, that math test is still next week, and that essay should have been started by now.   It is important to remember to take a moment to pause and smell the roses or, more accurately, the snow. Yes, the future is very important but so is now. Memories are being made now. Lessons are being learned now. Focusing on the future too much distracts from enjoying the present.   Everyone knows the saying: “You only live once.” It has become cliché and a little annoying but it is true. Every day should be lived to its fullest.   Disclaimer: the Hi+Life does not endorse stupid and reckless behavior. Life is meant to be lived, not thrown away.   Take a minute to help someone else. Just one minute. They will do the same and a chain will be formed. Start a group. Advocate for a cause. Take a well needed nap.   Though it may not be overly pleasant, school is a part of life. Yes, that means homework is too. Think of it as the foundation of a house. It is not the fancy part that everyone sees, and it certainly is not the most beautiful area of the house, but without it, the house would crumble. Without the foundation, there would not be a pretty house to show off and incite jealously amongst the neighbors.   Now is the time to build a strong, sturdy, and durable foundation. Feel free to paint a few flowers on it or add a little bit of spice but be aware that the really pretty stuff goes on top of the foundation. Goals reached, awards won, money earned, smiles had, these all go on top of the foundation.   Work hard now because YOLO.   Life is far from simple. Happiness is not a black and white term. Work and planning must be done. The key is to find a balance between work and fun, planning and relaxing, running forward and stopping to smell the flowers.








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French is considered the language of love. Find out what draws so many to this latin based language and delve into the folds of the French Club. Everyone is talking about it. The Olympics are halfway over. Every day brings something new. See how the countries rank and learn a little bit more about the games. High school days seem to drag on. The young students are restless and wanting to get out into the world. Youth is often taken for granted. How important is it really?

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Lee’s Summit High School teamed up with Pleasant Lea Middle School, Pleasant Lea Elementary, and Lee’s Summit Hospital teamed up as Tigers on Ice to take the plunge. Television shows allow viewers to escape into another world. These shows have captured the attention of thousands. Everyone is talking about the latest gaget. How is the iPhone 5 different from the 4s or 4c? Which is better Android or Apple?


Stay up to date with upcoming news and events. Participate in our poll and submit your thoughts for a chance to be published.

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They came from afar and now they call the crowded hallways home. See how the foreign exchange students are doing midway through their American experience.



Before laying down for the night it is important to remember a few facial beauty tips that will help keep skin looking fresh all day, everyday. Meet the Chinese teacher who goes above and beyond for his students drawing on his expirences from his travels to China. Take a look beneath the ice covered lake that the team Tigers on Ice bravely ran into this past January. Photo by Julia Ngega.


IN THE KNOW Lights, Camera, Action!

The theatre department’s next production is Clue the Musical – that’s right, a musical based on the very popular board game. It is considered to be a very interactive play. Each night, the audience chooses the killer, weapon, and room that the crime was committed in. None of the performances will be the same, with over 200 combinations of possible outcomes for this murder mystery.   Senior Andrew Wright explained that there are many things that go into a successful show. He said that lines must be memorized, you must plan where you are

Find out the latest see what is to come. Make sure to follow @Jlabmag to say in the now all the time. Got an event that we should cover? Email us at administrator@jlabmag.com Written by Chance Copeland

to move on the stage and how you get there, and you must do some character work and know the character you are playing inside out. All of the crews must also be on top of their game to make sure that everything runs as smoothly as it possibly can. Wright himself is responsible for the lights, while Rachel Walker is responsible for the sound, Trevor Todd has the stage crew, and Taylor Snyder has props.   Something special and slightly unusual about this performance is the number of underclassmen that are in the cast. There are eight people in the cast in total, and four of them are sophomores.   “It’s a great opportunity for the younger kids to be in a bigger role and really stretch their legs,” Andrew Wright, who plays Mr. Green, said.   Kirsten Myers, a sophomore, also had some information to share about the upcoming performance. She explained

Book Club Adventure

Graphic Novel Expansion   A group of students get a whole day out of school to go to the art gallery and then to the bookstore.   The Graphic Novels Club will be getting this wonderful opportunity on February 21.   They will begin their day going to the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art to view different exhibits, and then they will head to Barnes & Noble.   There, they will be given a budget with which they can make purchases for the

that due to the winter weather conditions Lee’s Summit has been faced with recently, the cast was required to pull the play together quickly. The success that they have had in such a short amount of time is a testament to their dedication to making this performance a good one. Kirsten plays Mrs. White, who is essentially a hilarious drunken maid. She described her character as a “blunt” woman with a strong desire for men to be attracted to her, and works diligently to get their attention. Other members of the cast include junior Sage Houck, who plays Mr. Boddy, junior Casey Kennedy as the detective, junior Emily Walker as Scarlet, sophomore Abby Gast in the role of Mrs. Peacock, sophomore David Musgrave as Professor Plum, sophomore Joey Murphy as Colonel Mustard, and as previously listed, senior Andrew Wright as Mr. Green.   There are several showings of this musical. It is playing Feb 21, Feb 22, Feb 28, and Mar 1 at 7:30 PM and again on Mar 2 at 2:30.

graphic novels section in the library.   Bree Short, the president of the club, wanted to explain why they are going to the art museum.   “We’re going to the art museum because manga is another form of art. It’s the connecting link to nearly everyone [in the club],” Short said.   Make sure to keep an eye out for the new books in the graphic novel section of the library in the next few weeks.

On Feb 28, the Book Club will be taking a joint field trip with clubs from Lee’s Summit West and Lee’s Summit North to Union Station.   They are basing this trip off of The Best Night of Your (Pathetic) Life by Tera L. Altebrando.   The book is about a scavenger hunt that is done as a competition. The Book Club sponsors plan to tie that into the hunt they will do on the field trip.

National Honor Society’s Annual Blood Drive   On Feb 21, there will be a blood drive sponsored by The Community Blood Center and National Honor Society. Anyone over 17 who weighs more than 115 pounds is eligible to donate. 16 year-olds meeting the weight qualification are eligible to donate with a signed parent permission slip.   All blood donated will stay local; the CBC

does not sell any blood to areas outside of Kansas City. Trained professionals from the CBC will be taking the blood and Mrs. Wilson, the lead NHS sponsor on the Blood Drive, had a few words of encouragement for anyone considering donating.   “There is nothing to be afraid of,” Keli Wilson said. “Donors are well taken care

of. Some people think everyone gets sick or passes out; this is far from the truth.”   She explained that the key to a successful donation is staying hydrated. She said anyone donating should drink lots of water prior to donating and eat a good breakfast and lunch.   A goal of 190 pints has been set for the blood drive.

UPCOMING EVENTS - MARCH 10-14 Spring Break Not long after Winter Break Part 2, students will enjoy a planned week off. JLABMAG.COM HI+LIFE NOW 06

4 & 6 Enrollment Conferences It is that time of the year again. The field house will be sectioned off by grade as students visit with their advisors.

21 Mr. Tiger The annual all male talent show saves the day this March with this year’s theme: MarveLS. Tickets will be on sale during lunch the week prior for $7 and $10 at the door.

Over the River, and Through the Woods to LSHS We Go The foreign exchange students are checked upon after experiencing the first semester.

Imagine leaving everything and going to a strange place full of NFL watching, beer drinking, and double cheeseburger loving Americans. This is what ten foreign exchange students decided to do when they came to LSHS.   “Thousands of students all over the country applied to be a foreign exchange student in my country and only fifteen people passed. Then one day I got a call and there was an American voice saying congratulations and that I was going to America,” said foreign exchange student Tatyana Trufanova.   Trufanova is one of these students and has really dived into what this school has to offer.    “I was the stage manager for White Christmas. I’m in the graphic novels club. I look forward to doing more things in the school,” Trufanova said.   She is also taking an art class and is a very talented artist.

“This is my first art class I have been able to take. I just go into my own little world when I draw. I also like writing and illustrating the pictures for my stories I write,” Trufanova said   America is very different from her home country of Turkmenistan.   “People here are always smiling. People smile at people whether they know each other or not. I learned to smile here and my cheeks hurt at the end of the day. I really miss my ten cats back at home though,” Trufanova said.   Marta Sanz has also taken the brave task of leaving her home country Spain and coming here to America.   “I’m involved in swim team, Spanish club, tennis for 3-4 weeks, and I will do girls soccer,” Sanz said.   Not having a license or a car can make going to and from practice a real pain.   “In America you can’t really walk anywhere, there is no subways or cheap

buses,” Sanz said.   Fellow foreign exchange student Amelia Kovalenko from Ukraine agrees with this statement, as she is also involved in lots of things at Lee’s Summit High School.   “I’m on the Tigerettes dancing team. Now we are preparing for LSN and state competition,” Kovalenko said.   Ukrainians also have a different and much healthier approach to eating than Americans.   “We eat a big breakfast and lunch and can skip dinner and our food is healthier,” Kovalenko said.   That eating style is quite the opposite than American eating. That is why there is a lot of differences from America than other countries, and coming here not knowing a single soul can be very scary. These ten student rose to the occasion though and now are thriving. Designed by Jesse Butler Written by Angela Lenhardt Photos by Angela Lenhardt 07 NOW HI+LIFE JLABMAG.COM

Le Club Français L’amour est dans ‘air, (love is in the air) and so is the romantic language…French. Designed by Jesse Butler Written by Essence Vertreese Photos by Jessica Brammer


rench is the second language of about 20 years,” say Hayles. love right after Spanish. Learning   In taking on a language it’s new languages can of course can also important to be sure it’s be difficult and a little frustrating, a language that you will be but it all depends on how much patience and dedicated to learning. time you’re wiling to give. Now of course   “Pick a language you would we all have seen those “ Rosetta Stone” be useful in, instead of doing commercials with the varieties of CD’s, and because you think it would be even the cheesy translation apps, but who fun, or because you have to,” doesn’t want to make a new opportunity fun, said Hayles. and worth while.   The French “Pick a language   “Mrs. Hayles is class is full of you would be useful surprises, starting with stories, weird, but in a cool kind of weird way,” in, instead of doing to puppets, to a famous well said senior Cara known hippo that the class is because you think McCauley. very familiar with. There is a   This is Hayles first it would be fun, or big stuffed hippo that lives in the year here at LSHS, French class to help students and we welcome her because you have to,” become more comfortable and with open arms. just to have fun with story said Hayles.   “I started speaking telling in the language being French in highshool, I started studying for learned.


“Telling stories with student actors depends on the class or if we just bring out the good old hippo to be our main target in storytelling rally helps the students understand and remember more words by a visual look,” Hayles said.   We all have our little techniques when it comes to studying, using flash cards, or just repeating a word more than once to be able to understand the meaning, or even little songs, there are also other ways to be able to start adapting to a new language. Watching videos In that language, and putting subtitles on English, and vice versa.   “Trying to pace yourself as much as possible will be a very great way to be able to remember even the smallest things,” Hayles said.   The French class is always up to something new, fresh, and fun. A celebration for learning all the new things in the class will be held right after school until 3:30 in the French Class in the Art Hallway room B130.   “If you learned how to speak English, you can obviously learn how to speak another language,” Hayles said.   So try new things, have a latte, wear Mardi Gras and lets party! The Frenchie Way!

A Morning Regimen Waking up becomes much easier when adding exercise into the mix.

An Easy Yoga Workout

Having something that can boost metabolism, wake up the body, and is easy is hard to find. Finding something that seems so hard, can be easy. People have already begun and don’t even know it.   Stretching is a starter for other morning exercises. When waking up, many people do an odd stretch. If transforming that stretch into more the body benefits very much. For example, turn that stretch into yoga. Yoga helps with sleep, sickness, and relaxes you. Yoga also builds muscle and increases flexibility.   Doing morning exercises will make people more alert and get the blood flowing. From doing these simple tasks when waking up, people may also boost their metabolism. From doing morning exercises it also gives you a break from the world, and you can think about the planned activities for the day. Doing so also improves the disposition at that particular moment.   Morning exercises will benefit you physically and mentally. They are easy and many people are already on their way to them. Start with a stretch.   To begin, sit cross-legged on the floor, back straight and hands relaxed in your lap. Close your eyes and breathe deeply and evenly through your nose for two minutes. Slowly bend your torso from side to side for 15 breaths, exhaling to each side. That was the warm up, now to the god stuff.   Start on the hands and knees. For cow, arch the back and press the shoulders down and back, away from the ears, and open the chest. For cat, round the back, lower the head, lift the belly, and look at the thighs. Try to create space between both shoulder blades. From the cross-legged warm-up pose, move into cow pose on an exhale. Inhaling, switch to cat pose. Alternate between cow and cat poses for 15 breaths. ner All

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Design by Annelise Hanshaw Written by Summer Given Photos by Payton Semour

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Bringing Home the Medals

The Olympics are halfway through, and medals have been By Carter Moore awarded to the best of the best. Photo Courtousy of AP Images Designed by Sydnee Pointer


s the first week of the most looked forward to winter sporting event comes to a close, the cold weather athletes from around the world wait anxiously for their medals and honor in their home countries.   For the United States, Sage Kotsenburg took a gold medal home in the Men’s Slope Style Snowboarding. Slope Style is a new event in the Olympics, consisting of 3 hills and a choice between hills and rails that contestants do flips, tricks and other super human stunts on. Judged on a scale from 1-100, the event is a sport that requires perfect form and great risks for athletes hoping for a medal. In the Women’s Slope Style, American Jamie Anderson also took the gold, creating a clean sweep for both men and women in the new event. For 5000m speed skating, Russian Sven Kramer got the coveted gold medal with fellow Russians, Jan Blokhuijsen and Jorrit Bergsma with the silver and bronze behind.   The triple threat in Ski Moguls, sister Canadians Justine, Chloe and Maxime Dufour-Lapointe all placed in the finals, but Maxime was left out of the podium while Justine and Chloe took home the first and second place titles. In the Men’s Moguls, Canadian Alex Bilodeau won the gold with countryman Mikael Kingsbury right

1. Germany 2. Canada 3. Norway 4. United States 5. Netherlands 6. Switzerland 7. Russia 8. Poland 9. Austria 10. Slovenia JLABMAG.COM HI+LIFE Play 10

behind. Russian Alexandr Smyshlyaev rounded out the podium with a third place win.   Alpine Downhill Skiing in the men’s category concluded on Monday, February 9. The gold medalist was Austrian Matthias Mayer with Italian Christof Innerhofer in 2nd and Norwegian Kjetil Jansrud bringing up the bronze.   Then on Tuesday, February 10, the Dutch took all medals in the Men’s 500m Speed Skating Race. With Michel Mulder bringing home the gold, this .5 km race was dominated solely by the Netherlands.   Cross country skiing, an event typically dominated by Northern European countries, was won by woman Maiken Caspersen Falla from Norway. Fellow Norwegian,Ola Vigen Hattestad took home the gold in the Men’s category.   Overall, Russia’s 2014 Sochi Olympics has had it tribulations but has been successful in the heart of the sport. Northern Europeans and North America have dominated most events, but with many events still to come, there is still many opportunities for other countries and athletes to put their mark on history.





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Super Bowl   Every year, the Super Bowl is the most watched event in American television. The final game of the NFL season where the two best teams of the year face off against one another.   This iconic event was first created in 1967 to be a part of a merger agreement between the NFL and its then-rival league, the American Football League (AFL). The very first Super Bowl was played between the Green Bay Packers and the Kansas City Chiefs in an agreement to merge the two leagues. Green Bay won with a score of 35 to 10. Because of this, the winner of each Super Bowl receives the Vince Lombardi Trophy, named after the coach for the Green Bay Packers who led his team to victory in each of the first two Super Bowls. Since the construction of the combined league, former AFL teams have won 10 Super Bowls while original NFL teams have taken 23. Only two Super Bowls have been won by teams that were created after the merger. Now the league is split into two divisions, the AFC and NFC.   Not all fans watch the Super Bowl for the football, though. The commercials and the halftime show are just as big a part as the actual game. The very first Super Bowl halftime shows consisted of marching bands from local colleges or high schools; but as the popularity of the game grew, popular singers and musicians performed for the halftime show. The NFL has used the halftime show to even further increase the Super Bowl’s

Design by Anna Myers Story by Tanner Schulenberg Photos by Aaron LaPaz

popularity, and amount of viewers. Not everyone enjoys the halftime as much as watching the game though. “I really enjoy the commercials and think they are really creative, but the halftime show is too drawn out and I just want to get back to the game,” senior Corey Sherlock said.   The game is always one of the most exciting of the year, because the energy of the player and crowd create an electric atmosphere in the stadium.   “I always enjoy watching the two most skilled teams of the year try and prove that they are the best and try and win what they have worked so hard all year for,” Sherlock said. “I love it when both teams make a lot of big plays.”   The Super Bowl has many traditions, and many of the fans that watch it have traditions of their own. It can be one of the most exciting times to spend with the people you care about, with each person rooting for what team they want to win.   “Every year for the Super Bowl my mom makes really good food, especially chips and cheese dip, and my family and some friends all watch the game together,” Sherlock said.   Football has been evolving since it was first created, and the players and coaches of the current age are much different from the players and coaches of twenty years ago. The Super Bowl will always remain there though, allowing the two best teams in the league to have a chance they maybe they are the best of all time.


The most Super Bowl games ever won were won by the Pittsburgh Steelers. Is the number of the most touchdowns in the Super Bowl and the player to get it was Jerry Rice.


Franco Harris has rushed a record breaking yards in





Sports Stars Tess Herder //Sport: Tennis //Years Playing: nine //Why: Mom put her in tennis camp and she enjoyed it; she became very good at it and started playing for the school.

Sheldon Ledbetter //Sport: Steppers //Years Involved: Two //Why: Saw them perform in middle school and liked it. //College: Northwest for computer programming.

Taylor Gilkey //Sport: Basketball //Years Playing: Eleven //Why: Brother and sister played it. //College: Tennessee for baskeball. JLABMAG.COM HI+LIFE PLAY 12

These successful seniors are topping the leaderboards.

Jaun Castaneda //Sport: Wrestling //Years Involved: Five //Why: Friends wanted him to join and he ended up liking it. //College: UCM for pole vault and personal training.

Jake Wood //Sport: Soccer //Years Playing: Fourteen //Why: Older brother and his dad played it. //College: IWU to become an athletic trainer.

Amelia Kovalemko //Sport: Dance //Years Involved: Fourteen //Why: Both parents teach at a dance studio and she liked it. //College: Design or marketing but undecided which college.

Casey Snow //Sport: Bowling //Years Involved: Twelve years //Why: Family bowls //College: Texas A&M for bowling

Aubrey Hirsch //Sport: Cross Country //Years Involved: Two //Why: Mr.Heeney wanted her to try it out. //College: Missouri Southern for soccer.

Grant Robbins //Sport: Basketball //Years Playing: Fourteen //Why: Dad played. //College: Mizzou for football. Story by Miranda French Photos by Aaron Hagan Page design by Grace Rogers

STOP In The Name Tips to Try Of Chips Written by Morgan Jenkins Photos by Morgan Jenkins Design by Anna Myers

To eat or not to eat? That is the question.


he plastic crinkles manically and whispers, “Take another bite,” as a little pool of grease spreads from fingers to shirt hem. Sodium moves like little soldiers, camouflaged by crispy goodness; stealthily, it invades the throat. Do not even notice the concealed calories, hidden on the back label, nor see the lack of fiber and vitamin C.   After all….It is just a bag of chips. Well students might want to hold on, er, let go of those potato chips because things are about to get nasty. Though, “Most students know the foods they are eating are unhealthy,” said culinary foundations teacher, Ashley Hillier.   These candy bars, chips, and pop are innutritious because they are high in empty calories or calories from solid fats/sugars according to MyPlate.gov. Yet these foods not only affect waistlines but brains as well.   “Eating habits definitely have an impact on the brain and a big effect on your mood and your wellbeing,” said psychology teacher, Debbie Baanders. “For example, foods like carbohydrates give you energy for a little while, and then you crash, or go down. People with depression sometimes crave carbs for this reason.”   Some typical simple carbohydrates are honey, juice, and candy, which all consist of single-unit sugars as stated by MyPlate. gov. This abundance of sugar can cause some problems. For instance, according to Paul J. Kenny in an article entitled the food

addiction, recent scientific studies have shown that overeating does not concern behavior or hormonal imbalance, but in fact the foods themselves. Foods containing much sugar and fat target the brain’s feelings of reward/fulfillment, which can subdue the brain’s response that tells the individual to stop eating. So when absentmindedly munching on ‘junk’ foods people are more likely to overeat and gain weight.   On the flip side, “Studies have shown protein foods are good for increasing a sense of wellbeing,” Baanders said. When eating a healthy diet and digesting lean meats, greens, grains, and other nutritious foods it’s a start to better moods, more attentiveness, and quite possibly more willingness to learn. “You are more energized when you eat healthily. You can do better in school because you’ll be more focused, not as lethargic,” Hillier said.   So next time potato chips turn on the stomach, turn it off with some carrots or other healthy food choices. Greasy fraudulence of unhealthy foods may satisfy hunger for a little while, but soon the empty calories will be calling for more. At least analyze those mid-fourth hour vending machine craves, the teen brain and body will give thanks.

For Healthy Living: Everything in moderation.

Eat balanced meals. (MyPlate.gov principals)

Be active, stay active. Do something.

SLEEP. Take care of oneself.

Tips from Ashley Hillier

For Teens on the Go: Keep hydrated it helps the brain start functioning at a quicker pace.

Prepare good, homemade meals in advance and freeze them. Then, just pop them in the oven.

Avoid preservatives. Tips from Angela Oswald (L) THIS IS HOW THE COOKIE CRUMBLES. Cave to the crave and the empty calories. Cookies hold the power to target the brains reward system and slow the brain’s response that’s saying “stop eating”. “Most students know the foods they are eating are unhealthy,” Ashley Hillier said. So make the healthy choice and ignore the crave. (R) FIND A FRUIT OR VEGETABLE TO EAT. A bowl of miscellaneous fruits and veggies waits in trepidation to be eaten. Great sources of energy, they are not high in empty calories. “You are more energized when you eat healthily,” Ashley Hillier said. 13 PLAY HI+LIFE JLABMAG.COM

HI+LIFE Editor in Chief

Wendy Hayworth

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Aaron Hagan

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Ashley Hagan Hannah Nickles

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Writers/Photographers: Aaron LaPaz, Amber Gates, Angela Lenhardt, Bre Porter, Carter Moore, Chance Copeland, Dia Sims, Eden Fitzgibbons, Esse Vertreese, Gabe Spaudling, Garrett Stroginis, Haley Townley, Jessica Brammer, Julia Ngega, KayLee Roumas, Kennedy Potter, Keyann Lesui, Maddy Jones, Maddy Wylie, Makenna Nickens, Mariah Walkenhorst, Miranda French, Morgan Jenkins, Nick Gardner, Payton Seymour, Sage YoungStreich, Summer Given, Taelor Oller, Tanner Schulenberg, Zach Boyle

Dear Hi+Life Readers,

Equality is something all students strive for, however not every student is treated equally. As students we can change that, we have the power to spread equality throughout the school. Students need to keep in mind that they should treat people the way they want to be treated. For example, a person can’t get upset when they get caught cheating in a relationship when they would get just as mad if they found out their partner was cheating. Double standards need to be abolished because they do not promote a healthy and equal society. As people we tend to see things okay for us to do, but not for others to do. We need to keep in mind that if we wouldn’t want someone to do it to us, then we probably shouldn’t do it. In todays society it is hard not to constantly find a judgment at every corner, and judgment leads to the belief that some people are better than others. To get any where in life, people need to understand that equality isn’t something that is just handed out. Equality must be worked for and everybody has to try his or her best to receive it.   Everyone makes judgments; we all do it regardless of status. When someone passes us by we all begin to profile them based on

how they dress, the color of their skin, or the way they walk or speak. The problem is not that we make judgments, but the fact that people act on or voice these judgments. We also fear judgment; we are at an age where we are afraid of what people think of us. The first step to reaching equality is to remove that fear, to take people’s thoughts about us in stride because the only way to achieve equality is to be accepting of ourselves.   One person alone cannot bring change; it takes the vast majority of us to bring equality into our lives. We have to accept others, and share our ideas and culture; we have to embrace our differences. The only way to truly be equal is to accept that there are things that some people can’t do but that doesn’t mean that they are any less than those that can.   All of these things aside, the most important part of creating equality is togetherness, the sharing of feelings, ideas, culture, and experiences. This can help to create a more whole world and a happier, healthier humanity. The Hi+Life Staff

Account with AP Images POLICY: The Hi+Life is an open forum to provide up to date and pertinent information compiled by high school journalists. The Hi+Life is a student led publication. None of the opinions in our publication reflect the views of the Lee’s Summit R-7 School District. JLABMAG.COM HI+LIFE VOICE 14

Lee’s Summit High School 400 SE Blue Parkway Lee’s Summit, Missouri 64063

Maddy Jones

Marijuana People are talking about Marijuana and taking their opinions and research more publicly, it has a lot to do with the changing political and mass media landscape. Many people are confused on what to believe when the argument of marijuana’s cognitive effects are brought up. Cannabis itself is a flowering plant that is often used for a fabric material, called hemp, due to its high fiber. Cannabis is used for more than hemp, it can be turned into an oil and is used for treatment for things like multiple sclerosis, nausea From chemotherapy, Crohn’s disease, HIV, and bronchitis. Cannabis is also used for recreational use, Cannabis has negative and positive effects that most people do not consider or even know about. Marijuana’s known cognitive effects are the interactions between cannabinoid receptors in our brain and a psychoactive chemical in the plant known as tetrahydrocannabinol or THC for short. When the THC interacts with our receptors it interferes with the receptors original job, monitoring over our five senses and thought process. When the receptors are in alteration our brain makes the user feel a slowed sense of time, and the increased blood flow gives us a relaxed feeling. The reaction also causes the brain to release a chemical called Dopamine, the same chemical the brain uses as a reward system, along with euphoria. Marijuana’s researched effects also include, heightened sensory perception which is our brain’s reaction to bright colors, and a rapid increase of appetite. The influence of marijuana over our sensors is relatable but not exactly like the influence of alcohol, a similarity between the two is that operating a vehicle is not suggested because of the delay in reaction time and output of logical thought that could be critical on the road. Although there has been no reported crashes under the pure influence of marijuana it’s highly recommended that it not be tried, the motor skills and reactions it takes to operate a motor vehicle should not be under any sort of outside influence. Cannabis is used for treatment in many cases and medical marijuana use cases has increased due to its recent legalization in some states. Marijuana’s medical purposes has been positively reinforced by many medical treatment centers, but the question is, is it good for the recreational user. Marijuana increases your heart rate which increases your risk of heart attack by a small degree and is not suggested for use in anyone with a heart condition because it could be harmful for their overall health. One of the more positive traits of this possible medicinal herb is it’s a non-addictive substance, although many medical articles say having any sort of smoke in your lungs for prolonged periods of time is bad for your long term health and may lead to build up and blocking in the lungs. Due to receptors that are involved in retrograde signaling and are extensively distributed on presynaptic terminals in brain regions that are involved in cognition, particularly learning and memory are affected when the receptors are overtaken by THC, under the influence the user may experience slight memory loss. Marijuana will hopefully be researched truthfully to the fullest extent, and all of the public will be cleared of any misinformation.

Dia Sims

Importance of Youth Youth is defined as the condition of being young, typically teenagers. Most don’t understand the importance that comes along. From the viewpoints of adults, to teens, the truth unravels about the importance of youth.   Te’a Oliver is a sophomore who participates in dance and focuses on singing outside of school. “I think that teenagers should have the correct mindset, so we can influence the generation under us to be better,” Oliver said. Younger kids below this generation, do mimic certain actions that they see. It is important to set a good example for them in order to partially help raise a successful generation. Tehya Smith, another sophomore at LSHS is active in a local organization for African American girls who enjoy running track. “I think that we are sometimes out of hand and will do things just to get noticed, even though the things we do aren’t really needed. Overall we are caring about one another,” Smith said. It is no surprise that teenagers can get a little out of hand at times, but at the end of the day, we all share a common bond for the most part. Senior Carmeka Wright has some strong opinions about this topic as well. “I feel that the importance of youth is to fulfill every dream you have, no matter what it is. Be young and dumb. Make mistakes, learn from them,” Wright said. Although it is important to keep sight of who you really are at a respectable level, it’s also necessary to make a few regrets here and there.   Teens often feel like adults put us in a such a limelight, making it impossible to live a normal life. “Yes, they expect us to be like they were when they were kids, but times have changed,” Oliver said. Meaning, a while ago circumstances for different for adults, society wasn’t as pressuring. Smith thinks differently though. “No, because we are capable to do whatever they ask us too, otherwise they wouldn’t ask,” Smith said. Adults ultimately only want the best for us, they surely wouldn’t try to put more us on than we can bear. “To an extent, yes. I feel adults want what’s best for us but lose sight of how much we can actually handle.” Some kids can only take so much and adults are so driven by the fact that we pretty much have to become successful. It’s like compressing a glass until it shatters.   Being a youth should focus on fun, success and all around support from our peers and adults.

Designed by: Megan Terry Illustration by Gabe Spaulding



Freeze Dried Special Olympics

Students and community members wade through the cold for a good cause.

  Thousands of cars, thousands of cheers, thousands of people all gathered in promotion of the Special Olympics on Saturday, Jan 25, at Longview Lake. Some braved the frigid water, while some bundled up to bolster and encourage. Still others organized and oversaw the massive event. The most important individuals, though, were the athletes. These Special Olympians, surrounded by roars and chatter, witnessed every face arriving in their support.

Written by Morgan Jenkins Photos by Julia Ngega Design by Wendy Hayworth



out there to support them. [The athletes] understood that these people believed they are exceptional individuals.”   Attending an event like the Polar Bear Plunge allows the parents and teachers, who support and love these students every day, to witness this larger community.   “There is a bigger picture,” said White, “I think that is what is most important.”   Finally, time for the nitty-gritty question: What was the water like?   “The water was a little deeper this year.

You push through it. Then, you warm back up and feel good about yourself because you helped a great cause and had a great time doing it.

“Special Olympics reaches a large group of kids and lets them know that just because you have special needs, does not mean you cannot be active, and you cannot participate,” said special education teacher, Kevin White.   White was one of the many in attendance, along with Officer Mark Wiesemann, a Polar Bear Plunge participant for ten years. Wiesemann just received the Unsung Hero’s Award, an honor dedicated to those who exceed in their support of the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics Missouri.   “It was a very humbling experience and also very gratifying,” said Wiesemann, in regards to receiving the award.   Taylor Walker also joined and represented with the LSHS Student Senate. She has been a part of the Plunge for four years.   “I absolutely love the event,” said Walker. “I get to know the athletes through different Special Olympics volunteering that [Student Senate] does. The Plunge is a way to pay [the athletes] back for all the fun they allow us to have.”   Additionally, the Polar Bear Plunge is great team bonding time. Many other groups gathered, from Willy Wonka and the Oompa Loompas, to the Kansas City Police Department, to the Ninja Turtles.   “Create a team, get some costumes, and make it a social event that you will remember for a lifetime,” said Wiesemann.   Still, the exuberant and vivacious were not the only ones swimming in fun. Lee’s Summit’s Special Olympians seemed to have had a blast as well.   White said, “So far, our students there were very, very excited. These people were

Mark Wiesemann I think we went a bit farther out, and I had to kind of swim; it was up to my chest…of course I am short, but the water was cold,” said Walker.   As expected, nearly everyone thought the lake was frosty but running in with a group seemed to take the edge off the ice. Facing the water, people pranced, tiptoed, and screeched into the cold, high fiving firemen along the way.   Wiesemann said, “You push through it. Then, you warm back up and feel good about yourself because you helped a great cause and had a great time doing it.”

Many participants recommend that future Plungers should start fundraising early. The online Polar Bear Plunge registration is opened in mid October, or volunteers can also contact a Student Senate representative. The amount an individual needs to raise is $75.   This year’s Polar Bear Plunge event collected $291,821.   “The money is used to provide year round sporting competitions for our 2,200 local KC Metro Special Olympics athletes,” said Polar Bear Plunge planner, Kami Delameter.   The Special Olympics have their own set of seasons including basketball, volleyball, bowling, track, and others. The program encompasses many athletes, and they can participate in these sports throughout school into adulthood.   The Kansas City Polar Bear Plunge began in 2005 and started quite small. Over a short period of time, though, it has developed into one of the most attended Plunges within the state.   “[Event coordinators] are excited each year when our number of participants grows,” said Delameter, “And the amount of money raised for athletes increases also.”   Maybe this time you did not participate, but the good news is there is always next year. Be one of the faces the Special Olympians see in 2015, be one of the faces that play a pivotal role in a great cause.   As White said, “It is just a ton of fun when you can get people together and do something that is crazy but also safe.”   So join in with the cold, the crazy, and the amazing. Take the Plunge.

RIGHT: Coltin Billings gears up to take the plunge. Many plungers donned war paint before running down the beach towards the icy water. MIDDLE: Students and teachers of Tigers on Ice race through the frigid water, highfiving the Kansas City Firefighters along the way. BOTTOM: Tigers on Ice before the plunge.

SCAN BELOW to take the plunge yourself

TAKING THE PLUNGE Photos by Julia Ngega Design by Wendy Hayworth

Tigers on Ice raised a total of $12,386, making them one of the top fundrasing school teams. This year Tigers on Ice raised over $1,000 more than last year.

ABOVE: Principal John Faulkenberry leads the way through the chest-deep water. This was his second year taking the plunge. He was one of the top fundraisers for Tigers on Ice having raised $393. LEFT: Junior Devin Mart took it a step further, throwing off his shirt and donning his own team themed war paint. Despire the 34 degree water, Mart braved the water shirtless. He was joined by Junior Devin Mart as seen on the left. 19 FOCUS HI+LIFE JLABMAG.COM

NEW TUNES Written by Jared Shepard Photos by Eden Fitzgibbons Design by Cara McCauley

To keep an eye out for... Johnny Cash Out Among the Stars March 25

2013 was a fantastic year for music, and 2014 is turning out to be just as good, if not better. Here are a few albums that might spark the interest of a seeker of new music.

Against Me!


Hail of Bullets 311 Sterolithic March

Lacuna Coil Broken Crown Halo April 1


These days, it is quite hard to find any death metal that distinguishes itself from the rest of the stale, mediocre pack. Hail of Bullets however, is able to break the trend with their third album, III The Rommel Chronicles, which centers around the German World War II tank commander, Erwin Rommel. Bringing together some of death metal’s biggest names, The Rommel Chronicles is heavier and more polished than almost anything else around today. With brutally heavy guitar chugs, progressive riffs, and surprisingly good hooks.

Broken Bells   The dynamic duo of Brian Burton, better known as Danger Mouse, and James Mercer, frontman for the Shins, comes together once again to create a successor to their 2010 self-titled experiment. After the Disco is a slight move away from the band’s previous album, but Mercer’s solid vocals still remain. With the likes of Daft Punk, and Arcade Fire dabbling in dance sounds, it is hard to create a record that stands out, but Mercer’s rock influence is able to help After the Disco distinguish itself from the rest of the pack.

Recently coming out as transgendered, Laura Jane Grace, the frontman turned frontwoman of the punk band Against Me! is experiencing a transition with her voice that many fans find a bit unsettling. That said, it doesn’t change the fact that Transgender Dysphoria Blues delivers what is to be expected of the band: a wall of sound that hits like a truck. Grace’s changing voice actually isn’t bad, and the incredibly angry lyrics that she is known for are even angrier and quite unsettling at times, but the anger makes for a great album.

Periphery   While the members of the progressive metal band, Periphery, insist that Clear is a full length album, it really isn’t. At under thirty minutes, Clear is a pretty long EP, and is unique among most bands in that every track was written by a different member of the band, but with all of the songs dealing with a central theme. The songs all have a different sound, but all work cohesively together. Going from temperamental, guitar heavy sounds to more mellow, drum and bass heavy songs flows surprisingly well on this experiment.


With a television series, the viewer gets attached and involved with the characters and must watch episode after episode to find out what happens next. When bored on the weekend and craving something good to watch, these are the must watch television series.

Written by Garrett Stroginis Photos by Zach Boyle Design by Cara McCauley

CHUCK   Chuck Bartowski is not the average secret agent. Working a low-end job as tech support at an electronics store, Chuck’s entire world is about to turn upside down when he becomes the CIA’s number one asset. Packed with action and many laugh out loud moments, Chuck is one of the best shows of the spy genre ever made, and has recently made its way for people to view on Netflix.



reaking Bad is the definition of a perfect television series. The show features an extraordinary cast that give astonishing performances backed by flawless writing. Creator Vince Gilligan pulled off the most unthinkable act— making the bitter idea of a chemistry teacher turned fearless meth-cooking

king such an enticing experience for its viewers. The first episode captures the series’ entire ambience and immediately pulls the viewer in. There’s something about this show that gets the viewer hooked, and entertained through each and every episode. The series is an intense ride from start to finish, and is capped off with

one of the most acclaimed series finales of any show of all time. For its life of five seasons, Breaking Bad was the absolute king of television, taking home loads of awards and shattering records for weekly television ratings. Breaking Bad is by far one of the best shows to have ever been on the air, and can now be found on Netflix.

Each of the family member’s lives turn upside down when Michael’s father—the head of the company—is sent to prison for fraud. Now Michael must put up with his family’s crazy antics and do everything he can to bring this truly dysfunctional family together. Arrested Development is one of the cleverest and genuinely hilarious shows ever made and is now a popular feature

Fans of science fiction are surely in for a treat. Helix is a new science fiction series, taking place in the Arctic. Scientists from the Centers for Disease Control are sent to investigate a possible disease breakout. Little do these people know they are in for an experience that puts the salvation or obliteration of mankind itself in their hands. Be sure to tune into this thrilling new original on the SyFy channel.


ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT Arrested Development is one of the most undervalued television shows ever produced. It has exactly what any fantastic comedy needs, likeable characters and a well-written script. This being said, the show still is not one that a lot of people have seen. Arrested Development follows Michael Bluth, a hard working father who is after the top spot of his family-owned business.


shown on Netflix.

Sherlock is a different kind of show, twisting off of a classic. Each episode is a short movie at one and a half hours long. The show follows the infamous detectives Sherlock Holmes and John Watson. The two encounter many adventures together and grow to be best friends through each investigation. This PBS show is a must-watch that will keep anyone on the edge of his or her seats. 21 BEAT HI+LIFE JLABMAG.COM

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Future Phones

Story by Julia Ngega Photos by Kennedy Potter oday society is such a rush. As soon as you get the next big thing something more amazing is coming out. It is almost completely impossible to stay up to date these days.   “With so many phones coming out I choose to stay with my phone because as soon as you buy one phone a new one comes out. So I decide to keep my phone until it’s all controlled by ” said Mary Rooks Even though we might not be at the point where you can answer the phone by just thinking about it. Apple, Microsoft, LG,and Samsung are working hard to get out the next best thing in the cell phone industry.   When it comes to the next iPhone Apple, isn’t too comfortable sharing with the media. But with the little information company has given us many people are working hard to fill in the holes that Apple has left. ConceptsiPhone created one of the most viewed rumors. They has created a trailer on youtube revealing what he believes the iPhone 6 will look like. In the trailer Concept states that the iPhone 6 will have a 4.6 widescreen display which will provide a bigger screen with bigger icons. Also the screen will go from edge to edge. They also state, “In the new iPhone 6 he edges of the screen


are super smart. You can hold the iPhone in your hand and not have to worry about accidental touches, they are recognized and ignored.” Concept also makes the assumption that the iPhone will not have a home button, but an all new Touch Home Button with fingerprint sensor included. Last they states that the iPhone 6 will be the same size as the iPhone 5S but thinner and lighter.   Not much is said about the LG g3, but one rumor is that the new device will have eye and fingerprint recognition for. Beyond that LG is believed to announce their new phone in the summer of   Samsung is known for its Galaxy S phone. The rumor about the Galaxy S5 is that it will have an ultra-sharp screen (possible 2k). Also the phone is believed to have a 16 MP camera compared to the Galaxy S4 13 MP, providing A clearer picture. Unlike the believed rumor that the iPhone will have a fingerprint scanner the Galaxy is believed to have retina. The Galaxy’s release date is unknown, but it’s believed to be reveal during the Mobile World Congress event in Feb. 2014.   With all of these new phones coming out you can only imagine what amazing devices that are coming out in the near future.

e By Th s e n Pho ers Numb


The first phone was invented in

The first cell phone weighed

2 lbs and cost....

$3,995 In 2013, Apple sold

In six months, there were

33.8 million

40 million


Galaxy s4 phones sold worldwide




Steps to becoming an outstanding writer





“Brainstorming and outlining are great ways to organize thoughts. I think a lot of students know about these, but don’t use them. A lot of times students just want to dive in without a lot of pre-writing. For some students that works, but it doesn’t hurt to brainstorm,” Stacy Allison said.   “There is not one way to become a better writer and not one magic elixir that will turn a novice writer into an expert. After gaining some traction learning the basics of sentence construction, grammar, and the like, aspiring writers can turn to a number of avenues to hone their craft,” Mathew Nash said.


“A good way to pick a strong topic is to find something the writer can relate to. If someone chooses a topic he or she doesn’t feel strongly about, then that person will not do his or her best job. On the flip side, if a person chooses a topic he or she feels TOO strongly about, he or she won’t be able to write objectively. A student should also choose a topic he or she knows something about, but not a lot. If a student can’t learn something from writing the paper, he or she shouldn’t choose that topic,” Allison said.

3 [

5 Written by: Haley Townly Photo by: Nick Gardner Design by: Megan Terry









“A lot of times people see revising and editing as the same things, but they aren’t. Revising is changing the ideas. Editing is looking for grammar and punctuation errors,” Allison said.   “Good writing is good writing, so even if your favorite writers are fashion bloggers and post modern novelists, you can still transfer lessons from their writing to an academic composition; you just need to take time to reflect on the purpose and audience of the academic piece of writing that you are composing and tailor your writing to fit these needs.

PROOFREAD. PROOFREAD. PROOFREAD   “Published writers don’t write a first draft of a novel or article and get it published; they have to do multiple drafts first. I know students dislike doing rough drafts, but it’s key in order to produce something worthwhile. I make my students edit their own papers before a peer does. For most, it’s the first time they’ve actually read their paper,” Allison said.






“If you’re really serious about becoming a better writer for your eventual profession, academic future, or just for fun, remember to never stop writing. No one is an amazing writer from birth. Writing is a skill that must be improved over time. Do not get frustrated because your work is not yet as good as it could be, but rather get excited because you know what good work looks like and if you keep working on your craft you will reach your goals. In short, never stop writing,” Nash said. 25 TRENDS HI+LIFE JLABMAG.COM

Written by Maddy Wylie Photos by Carter Moore

s p i T y t u a e B

ortant to night it is imp e th r fo n w ep skin o d at will help ke Before laying th s p ti ty u a e w facial b ay. remember a fe all day, everyd looking fresh

5. The Tiger Sleeps Tonight The best way to keep a healthy, fresh looking face is by getting plenty of sleep. While asleep the body works to repair and refresh the body. Sleeping gives the face it’s shiny and full look while lack of sleep can cause dark bags under the eyes. Lack of sleep also causes stress which can lead to anger and sadness. These negative side effects take a toll on the face creating wrinkles and sunken in cheeks. Basically, beauty sleep is real and very much needed to stay beautiful in every way.

1. Ice Ice Baby An ice cube can do so much more than just be a frozen block of ice. In fact it is great to rub ice on the face right before bed. Ice helps tighten up pores, smooth skin, increase blood circulation, reduces eye puffiness, and keep blemishes at bay.

2. It’s Getting Hot in Here Steam has many uses in today’s society, which is why is shouldn’t come as a shock that it has quite a few benefits for the skin. Simply microwave a large bowl of water for about 1 to 2 minutes, then hover the face over the bowl while the steam hits it for about 5 minutes. Steaming helps reduce acne, boost circulation and brighten skin.

3. Behind The Mask

4. POPular Many a times has the average teenager been warned against popping those pesky pimples, but rarely is an explanation given as to why it shouldn’t be done, and the perks of not popping. Popping zits can cause harm to the face in multiple ways, the big one being that it can spread bacteria from the hands around the face resulting in more unsightly zits. Another reason to avoid the urge to pop is because popping can cause scars that can last for years and cause embarrassing moments. In order to safely remove zits it is recommended that an over the counter acne treatment is purchased, preferably one with salicylic acid in it. If the acne is bad and persistent a dermatologist appointment should be set up, there better medications can be given to reduce or even get rid of the acne. In conclusion, in order to be POPular don’t pop the zits.

Facemasks are common in the world of facial beauty, and not without reason. With so many types and scents floating around, including homemade ones, it is easy to find one that is good for each skin type. Certain types of masks focus on different facial issues, so it is important to find one that fits the right criteria. When looking for a face mask try finding one that clears acne, exfoliates skin, and refreshes the natural look. JLABMAG.COM HI+LIFE TRENDS 26

6. Princess Pat Moisturizing has never ceased to come to facial rescue, however when applying it many make a fatal flaw. Moisturizing nightly before bed helps the face attract and trap moisture, which keeps the face hydrated and soft. There are two major rules when it comes to moisturizer though. Find the right one for the skin type at hand and two, pat don’t rub. Rubbing can often lead to uneven distribution of the moisturizer, and the clogging of groups of pores, which leads to acne. Patting on moisturizer is beneficial because it circulates blood and spreads things out more evenly. It is suggested, though, that the instructions are always read before applying moisturizer just to double check that patting is the way to go with that kind.

7 Romance Movies Designed by Anna Myers Written by KayLee Roumas Photos by Julia Ngega

10 Things I Hate About You   Cameron, the new kid in school, has a crush on Bianca Stratford but she cannot date unless her shrewd, feminist sister, Kat gets a date too. So Cameron pays off Patrick, a roughedged outsider, to try and win over Kat.

Dirty Dancing   Baby and her family went to a holiday camp for the summer, there is a lot to do at that camp, including dance lessons. When one of the dancers cannot perform at dinner and a show restaurant, Baby steps in to help. Over the course of the week Johnny, the best male dancer they have, teaches Baby how to dance and they fall into a forbidden love.

Benny & Joon   Benny has spent his whole life taking care of his mentally ill sister, Joon, and was wondering if he should put her in a home. When Benny loses a poker game and has to take his buddy’s eccentric and odd cousin Sam, who models himself after Buster Keaton, home, Joon and Sam start to take a liking to each other.

Edward Scissorhands   In this dark fantasy, an artificial man who has scissors for hands is taken in by a suburban family and falls in love with their teenage daughter, Kim. It all takes a dramatic turn though, when Kim’s ex- boyfriend tries to get back at her for dumping him for the ‘freak’ Edward Scissorhands in a very violent way.

The Titanic   For those who have never seen this hit 1997 movie, it is about an aristocratic girl named Rose who falls in love with a low class gambler named Jack on the supposedly unsinkable ship, The Titanic.

10 Cute and Nerdy Pick Up Lines 1.

“Was that cannon fire or is that just my heart pounding?” -Casablanca(1942)


“I couldn’t help but notice that you look a lot like my next girlfriend.” -Hitch(2005)


-Keeping the Faith(2000)


The Notebook   The romantic movie to trump them all, The Notebook. In this movie, a poor young man and a rich young woman fall in love, but are separated at the end of the summer because of war and her parents disapproval of their daughter’s boyfriend. So they both move on with their lives and then run in to each other years later when their teenage love sparks again.

“Are you stalking me? ‘Cause that would be super.” -Van Wilder(2002)


A Knights Tale   In this cult classic, William Thatcher, a merchant who desperately wants to follow his dream of becoming a knight finally gets his chance when the knight he is working for dies. William enters himself as a knight under the false name Sir Ulrich von Liechtenstein and it turns out, he was very good and won tournaments all across the land, and the heart of the princess.

“God was showing off when he made you.”

“I see you’re drinking 1% is that ‘cause you think you’re fat? ‘Cause you’re not, you could be drinking whole if you wanted to” -Napoleon Dynamite(2004)


“I don’t have a library card but do you mind if I check you out?”


“Are you religious? Because you’re the answer to all my prayers”


“Are you a Power puff girl? Because you’re made of sugar, spice and everything nice.”


“I thought happiness started with H? Because mine starts with you” Roses are red, violets

10. are blue. If you were

a Pokemon, I’d choose you.


{A Star Pupil} From Suburban Streets to Hollywood Blvd Megan Leonas is rising to the top.


unning into Johnny Depp, Meghan Leonas’ dreams flashed before her eyes. How surreal would it be to run into an elder heartthrob like himself, just by doing what you love?   Leonas’ career began at the age of ten during an open call at the Oak Park Mall. She chose an agency by the name of I&I. Everyone went into a huge room after the audition and the agency narrowed it down to a few people they wanted to take. Fortunately, she was one of those people. However, she wasn’t ready to begin her career right then and there, she had to take runway, acting, and modeling classes to get her start. She then went on a cruise to a convention of twenty-five agencies world wide, and was required to do a monologue as well as a scene. Some agencies were interested in her, but thought she was too young, so she had to take on some more age appropriate roles. In her already impressive career Leonas has done Price Chopper, Build-A-Bear, and Google Fiber commercials.   Recently, Disney came for a big casting for everybody of all ages and types. She went in at 6:00 a.m. and didn’t get into a room with them until 7:00 p.m. Each participant had to do a script and a scene. Casting director and producer, Judy Taylor, took a liking to Leonas. Ever since then Taylor has been sending out scripts for Leonas to record and send back through email. Another agency known as CESD (Cunningham Escott Slevin Doherty) decided that they wanted to sigh Leonas, which is the very same agency that signed Miley Cyrus and Jennifer Lawrence. Leonas is currently in Los Angeles for a month and a half doing auditions for television shows on Disney Channel, Nickelodeon, and ABC family in her search for opportunities.   Her modeling and acting has also given her the chance to meet many people. In the seventh grade, she was able to attend a screening of a Disney movie on the Red Carpet and got to meet Justin Timberlake as well as the cast of Glee. She was recently able to meet with Johnny Depp, the cast of Meet the Thundermans and Tiffany Thornton. Thornton met with her at Starbucks and gave her pointers on the industry as well as tips to succeed.   Although she has not booked anything yet for sure, it’s not a secret that people will be seeing more of her. Johnny Depp, Justin Timberlake, and the cast of Glee certainly will not be the last of Leonas’ celebrity encounters. Designed By: Jude Spaulding Photos Provided by Megan Leonas Written by: Breonna Porter JLABMAG.COM HI+LIFE TRENDS 28

Megan Leonas stands with Johnnuy Depp.

{Putting his ‘Hart’ in Teaching}

Teacher brings life experience to his foreign language classes.

As he stands in front of the class and explains in great detail a few Chinese traditions, his mind is circling around itself trying to remember just what date the students from China are to be visiting.   “I have been teacher for about 35 years now, since 1979, and I love it,” Chinese teacher Gary Hart said. “I think that as a teacher I am always learning and of course I enjoy getting to know the students.”   Hart has spent many years sharing his vast knowledge with whomever he can, and always hopes to gain more. So far, he has been quite successful in this quest and has learned 8 languages.   “I know 8 languages. I am really only fluent in Chinese and English, but I have studied a little Greek, Hebrew, Spanish, Arabic, Swahili, and Japanese.” Hart said.   With 8 languages and lesson plans floating around his mind, it is no surprise that Hart would need some time off every now and then. Luckily, he has been fortunate to find a place he loves visiting. “I first went to China to teach English when I first started teaching. I ended up living there for about 9 years and since I left I have made 9 trips back. I have gone to China every summer for the last 6 years,” Hart said.   When Hart first went to China he spoke almost no Chinese, and had never left the

country. Suddenly being thrown into a whole new world was a real eye opener for Hart.   “When I first went to China I had never been out of the country and I grew up in the country in a real little town with one traffic light and 75 in my graduating class. So, going to China really broadened my perspective on the world,” Hart said,   “I didn’t have the opportunity to learn Chinese before I went and I really believe it is better to learn now while you can.” Thanks to the on going efforts the school board Chinese is now offered as a foreign language in all three high schools and 8th graders in middle school can be bussed to the high school to get credit for the class. Due to the small class numbers and limited number of Chinese teachers in Lees Summit, Hart has the task of teaching in more than one location.   “I teach at Lees Summit North High School in the mornings, Lees Summit High School in the afternoons and on Thursday nights teach ESL at a community center,” Hart said.   When the final bell rings and the last student saunters out of the room Gary Hart finally has some time to himself. He thinks, while packing up his bags, how grateful he is to have such a multicultural and diverse life.

ABOVE Chinese teacher Gary Hart holding proudly holding up a chicken during a visit in China. BOTTOM LEFT Gary Hart posing for a picture with a person visiting from China. BOTTOM RIGHT Gary Hart and the family he was staying with while visiting China.

Designed by Jude Spaulding Written by Maddy Wylie Photos by Carter Moore and provided by Gary Hart.


Written by Morgan Jenkins Photos by Morgan Jenkins and Makenna Nickens Design by Annelise Hanshaw

Characters in the Crowd »Everyone has a story. Just listen.

Autum Diggs

Part Two

Zach Moore

A song that has changed my life is Sixteen at War by Karina Pasian, and it is basically about being 16 years old, living a normal teenage life. The song made me realize that there are people who actually do not have the ‘life’: the given, happy, everything’s handed to them; there are people around who are really struggling. Life is not just about the movies and stuff like that.

I play bass guitar and drums very well, and I am learning how to play the electric guitar. I became musically influenced because my dad plays the drums and my grandpa plays guitar. Actually, everyone in my family plays an instrument. It is crazy and pretty loud around our house. Everyone practices his or her instruments all at the same time, so [music] is kind of a family thing.

So did the song encourage you to go out and do anything like charity or did it make you think more about those people?

Do you plan on pursuing a career in music?

It opened my eyes on life. If somebody walks by looking a little sad I now know to just be there for him or her. If I have [something they need], I will give it to them. That is just how I look at things now. Have you ever had those experiences from the song in your life? I am not going to say I live a terrible, terrible life, but I am not the most fortunate either. I do have possessions I do not necessarily need; I get most things I want. Yet, everything I do have I have worked extra, extra hard for. My mom was a teenager when she had her first child. She had all of her children before she was 21, so it made her work harder for what we have had. That makes me work harder for what I want.


That has always been one dream, but it is not really realistic. [A career in music] would cost a lot of money… if I could do anything, though, that would probably be it. I would love to be in a band or to be able to record. What is one of your favorite songs to play on each of those instruments? I love to play a lot of 90’s rock and roll like Nirvana on the drums. With bass guitar, I enjoy playing more upbeat music or modern rock and roll, but I do not have a specific song I prefer. I am still learning to play electric guitar. Bands that influence my music are groups similar to Nirvana because they play real music and sing about real life. Also, songs I listen to at church, like “Amazing Grace”, have had an effect on me, and I actually play at church sometimes. I find playing an instrument is a really good outlet. It is a great way to put your mind and your heart into something.

I rock climb avidly. My parents signed me up for a summer camp at Ibex in Blue Springs, and I took a liking to it. I also go to different climbing locations whenever I am traveling.


Rory Smith

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What are some experiences you have had while rock climbing? Well, amidst a ton of falls, probably the most amusing was a 70 ft. drop. A bunch of carabineers, loops of metal with a hinge on one end that holds the rope when rock climbing, just started popping out of the wall. The carabineers themselves were not rusty, but the actual bolts in the wall were a bit worn.

Ashley Hunt

So you fell 70ft? Give or take. What was it like falling 70ft? It was exhilarating to say the least, painful when I finally hit the end of the rope. I did not see my life flash before my eyes or anything. I was confident climbing, but when I fell, I felt a rush of excitement… then disappointment. I swung out away from the wall, since there was a bit of an overhang, and then I swerved back in [towards the wall]. How was the fall stopped? The carabineers and the rope caused enough friction to halt me. I stopped 10ft above the ground, and I was not seriously injured. When you take a 70 ft. fall, it hurts around your leg and hip joints for a while, which is not very fun. I did not go to recovery…I just sat down and rested for most of the day until I felt better. Were you climbing by yourself ? I was with a group of friends I had made through rock climbing. I usually climb with other people. [My companions] patted me on the back and said, “Good fall man. Want to try again?” I also participate in rock climbing competitions. They are difficult and intended to be harder than what a person has ever climbed. I placed first in one [competition]. How many people usually attend these competitions? At the national level there are usually 100-150 competitors and around 300 or so spectators. The girls love it.

I lived in Oregon for fifteen years. While I resided there, I went to the smallest school. It had about fifty kids per grade, my academy was only two hallways, and I took all of my dance classes there. From just the dance classes I received an art credit, a gym credit, and an elective credit, every kind of credit from those classes. My dance classes were called modern movement, and my teacher always told us it does not matter if you are a good dancer, it does not matter if you are coordinated, and it does not matter if you trip every day; just move. What was it like in a small school environment? It was really cool because [the school] was separated into academies: Renaissance (art), science, health, and lastly, business. Sophomore year I focused on natural science as well, so I left campus for three hours of the day. I went to a separate learning lab, which was interesting because of its salmon hatchery. We would produce salmon for the surrounding creeks. 31 TRENDS HI+LIFE JLABMAG.COM

By Sydnee Pointer

amount of money spent on Valentine’s Day

The Cost of Cupid’s Visit spa sells go up



of cards are bought by


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married men

men in a commited relationship

of cards are bought by women

single men who go on dates

73% of flowers are bought by men

a dozen roses can cost

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spent on gifts purchased from pharmacies on the way home RESTURAUNT SELLS EXPECTED TO BE $9.5 BILLION from work Sources: Bloomberg, Statistics Brain, Men’s Health, Time, and CNBC


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