March 2017

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HI-LIFE | LEE’S SUMMIT MO | VOLUME 98 | ISSUE 8 | 3/31/17 | $0.50

Lee’s Summit Citizens decide April 4 whether or not to keep councilman Chris Moreno

p. 14

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How to make the most of your college touring experiences

From the editor A

s Senioritis sets in, 17 and 18 year olds the whole world over can begin to feel their motivations go down as caffeine consumption goes up.   Senioritis as a term confuses me; I have to be honest. Senior comes from the latin word senex, meaning old man. The suffix -itis is a greek term that means inflammation. Rather than a desire to sleep to an ungodly hour, you would think senioritis is some old person disease that you really do not want to find in your textbook. However the term itself was first found in 1950, and is an officially documented word according to the Oxford dictionary.   As evident by this letter itself, my own personal senioritis has began to kick in. I followed one of my favorite stories of the year this month, the recall story in the centerfold. I really learned serious career skills as I want to go into investigative reporting, and even got to make a couple Sunshine Law requests. However, while in my car after a long morning of work and interviews, I began to brainstorm all the ways you could use an armadillo in sporting events.     This abhorration of work and effort can translate to an often underperforming senior year, and for an IB/AP student like myself that can cause some complicated study habits. I have learned to like black coffee, literally due to laziness, and have picked up on subtle differences in coffee flavors at each local shop. For example, Post Coffee: great atmosphere, great chai, but the coffee tastes like baby wipes and socks. Whistle Stop: espresso from heaven, coffee from, well, under the railroad. Caribou: Five stars all around, and the lady that works on thursdays is my absolute favorite.   Coffee has been proven to help heart conditions, but red bull has been known to cause them. For this reason, I have kicked Red Bull to the curb, and I encourage all who read this letter to do the same. The taste is still obtainable in options like ICE sparkling water, and you can always just take caffeine pills.   Stream of Consciousness: a literary term describing a writer’s tendency to continue a thought into others and beyond without real connections. Please, dear reader, enjoy this issue of the Hi Life as you avoid your Calculus homework.

Carter Moore Editor-In-Chief












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NOW Students throw themselves into a new kind of spin class: pottery. These classes have existed since the beginning of time, but continue to not draw attendence.

IDEAS Senior Keiran Cunningham is a perfect example of someone that could benefit from more understanding, however the whole world could use some as well

12 27

FOCUS College may seem far away, but to pick a school that matches one’s personality, sometimes it just takes a visit.

PLAY America’s pastime means so much more for a close group of seniors, and the opportunity of a lifetime for some.



hi life



EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Carter Moore WEB EDITOR Garrett Stroginis

“I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well.” -Theodore Roosevelt

FEAUTURE EDITORS Cori Matney Johanna Holmberg Makenzie Kraxberger PHOTO EDITOR Julia Ngega

“Having faith does not mean having no difficulties, but having the strength to face them, knowing we are not alone.” - Pope Francis

OPINIONS EDITOR Madeline Antey COPY EDITORS Molly Goetz Angela Lenhardt MEDIA MANAGER Mathewos Keller ADS MANAGER Abby Ault “We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced.” -Malala Yousafzai

ADVISER Marc Russell

“The only source of knowledge is experience" -Albert Einstein

REPORTERS Sara Alley, Yonny Astatke, Audrey Badgerow, Ariel Benedict, Kaylee Blair, Ignacio Cabero, Nora Carrell, Keyara Conn, Clayton Couch, Gabrielle Cunningham, Izzy DeMarco,Aspen DePeralta, De’yhon Doughty, Britten Duet, Zack Easley, Kennady Elliot,Anna Erich, Christina Felix, Maggie Gadd, Charde’ Gahagans, Payton Gale, Cami Hager, Renee Haskell, Tommy Hicks, Makayla Holmberg, Mallory Huser, Emma Jenkins, Jada Johnson, Lauren Kroh, Brittany LeJune, Jonathan Marszalek, Mason Mackey, Da’Qoun McGee, Hunter Montgomery, Makenna Nickens, Ariana Pelzer, David Perkins, Mallory Rajer, Brooke Renfro, Samantha Schierholz, Savannah Setley, Mike Smith, Chris Teeter, Sierra Terry, Parker Tozier, Jordan Turner, Anthony Villarreal, Claire Wagner, Sydney Weyrauch, Tyler Williams, Jessica Winkler

what we think H

ere's a headline no one saw coming; The world loses power for a whole hour. The loss of the power grid caused no uproar among political world leaders, nor did anyone in charge of the light switches even bat an eyelash. Saturday, March 25, over 186 territories and countries voluntarily switched off their biggest landmarks to make a statement about climate change. Dubbed the Earth Hour, this 60 minutes served to unite the world around the major issues with our changing energy consumption. Landmarks like the Empire State Building and the Eiffel Tower participated. The Parthenon in Greece lost all Greek fire for an hour, while Time Square lost advertising revenue for 60 minutes. Well-known landmarks like the Statue of Liberty went dark, all the way down to the capitol building of Paraguay, without even a lamp for 60 minutes. In the time Steve Kroft can make one feel connected to the politics and inner-workings of America, the rest of the world was actively pursuing the change of energy policies that have the potential to make or break our little blue marble's future. However, unfortunately the Earth Hour made hardly any headlines this past Saturday. Despite over 3.5 Billion engagements on Twitter alone, and 7 countrywide top trends, top news sources missed the story. Of the 12 million world citizens participating, The Hi-Life Staff ventures to guess that few, if any, were Lee's Summit students. Is this due to a complacency with the trend of the energy market? A sort of thrown in towel, declaring that whatever may be will be? We however propose the Earth Hour can provide a grassroots solution to the energy crisis, especiallly here in our own building. A dark hallway during classtime could save 15% of LSHS's million dollar electric bill. After all, if one has ever been in the building afterhours when the hallways have gone dark, they are still navigable beyond belief. If during 1st-7th hours the lights in the hallway were shut off, besides the ghost lights that always remain, We could cut down on students wandering during class hours, while also saving our electricity funds, and the earth at the same time. The lights would be turned back on for the six minute passing periods, to provide much needed navigation. We could similarly replace light switches with motion detectors, so that uninhabitaed bathrooms do not remain lit. The Lee's Summit School District needs to look to other districts with energy saving protocols in place, while in turn setting an example for districts to follow. While politicians may have been in the dark, busy fighting over nominations and who went golfing first, a grassroots effort to turn off the lights may just be the thing we need in order to shine a light on the growing energy consumption in Lee's Summit, America and around the globe.




+F E A T U R E


his semester there have been some new faces in classrooms. Student teachers Johnny Rotalo and Lauren Hanrion want to further their experience and knowledge. Rotalo is majoring in music education. “ I am currently studying at the University of Missouri in Columbia,” Rotalo said. Past experiences in school pushed him to become a teacher and he wants to affect students in a positive way. “I decided to become a teacher because of experiences with previous teachers of mine. One of my high school band directors who also taught me trumpet lessons was a big inspiration for me wanting to become a teacher. He took stock in me and pushed me to be my best. You could tell he really cared about me and

all of his other students. I was inspired by his passion for music and how he affected the lives of his students in a positive way, and I wanted to do the same,” Rotalo said. He likes the unique questions students ask. “The funniest moments from student teaching have been having conversations with my fifth grade students. I’ve been asked random questions ranging from “Are you married? Why not?” to “Are you from Cuba?.” They’re always so full of energy and ask the most unique questions,” Rotalo said. Rotalo participates in the classroom by teaching and observing. “ I participate in various ways in the classroom. I team teach, teach by myself, and observe while playing trumpet. I also teach smaller ensembles (sectionals) in addition to

Student teacher Johnny Rotalo sounds his trumpet with the jazz band. “Mr. Finch gives me opportunities to help out whenever he can,” Rotalo said.

full ensembles,” Rotalo said. Student teaching has benefited Rotalo by teaching him new techniques. “I have gotten to observe new teaching techniques and try them out in my own teaching. Also, I have received tons of valuable feedback regarding my teaching from my host teacher, Mr. Finch and my university supervisor,” Rotalo said. New techniques are the best things he has learned. “The best things I have learned through student teaching so far have been various teaching techniques I had not been aware of. As a young teacher, it is important to build my “tool box” of teaching, and this experience has definitely helped,” Rotalo said. He hopes to continue learning more throughout the rest of student teaching. “I would like to soak up what is left of this experience! As a teacher, I am always learning with my students. I hope Written by: CHRISTINA FELIX Photographed by: MASON MACKEY Designed by: SIERRA TERRY

to learn more from experienced teachers and continue to improve my own teaching,” Rotalo said. Hanrion is a student teacher that is currently studying at Missouri State University. “I’ve graduated with a BA in Art History/ Anthropology, and recently finished my MA in History,” Hanrion said.   She wants to be a teacher because the academic environment she was raised in. “My dad was an art and communications/ newspaper teacher, so I grew up in the academic environment,” Hanrion said. Students create new memories and an interesting environment for her.   “A lot of my good memories relate to the students. I love getting to know who they are and getting to spend time with them every day,” Hanrion said.   She is now teaching all six classes.   “Before, I was observing for half the day and then teaching for the other half of classes. Now, I am generally teaching all six

classes,” Hanrion said. Other teachers have been very supportive as well.   “There is an immense amount of feedback that I receive on a daily basis. LSHS teachers from all different types of classes have been extremely supportive of my student teaching,” Hanrion said.   She has also learned how to be more studentcentered. “The best thing I’ve learned here is how to be more student-centered with my lessons. I’ve discovered more fun and engaging activities to get key points in history across during class,” Hanrion said. She wants to continue improving her teaching skills. “I still hope to improve my abilities to differentiate instruction for students with diverse needs. I’m still becoming more familiar with the fact that every student learns differently,” Hanrion said. Student teaching has furthered both of their knowledge and experience. They are grateful for the opportunity to student teach and are excited to continue learning the rest of the semester.





+F E A T U R E


Students pursuing military careers have to pass through one test that strikes fear into all who enter: basic training.


fter high school, students have many options in terms of post-secondary education. For many, the military is one that many aim for.   There are plenty of benefits of serving in one of the four military branches that will be of use from the time a future cadet finishes high school to the time one finishes their military service and embarks on another journey.   However, before these hopefuls receive the honor of serving their country, most of these brave men and women have to enlist into basic training.   There are many misconceptions about basic training that keep potential applicants from undertaking the process. One of these miscommunications is the rumor that boot camp was designed to make cadets fail.

According to Livewire. com, “All branches of the military understand that most people entering into the service are not physically or even mentally prepared. Basic training is a way to help prepare those people to become soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines.”   Next, here are many misconceptions about life on whichever military academy you decide to arrive to.   Another common misconception is that is prominent is the rumor that you spend all of your time doing mind numbing exercises to get in shape.   According to, “The fitness routine helps prepare your muscles for basic training, so by the time you arrive, your miles ahead of the pack.”   Finally, one of the largest misconceptions are that drill sergeants are

trained to be mean. "It's more of a tough love-type story. There is a time for discipline and a time for praise, and where I am from, everyone gets both,” staff sergeant Stephanie Ramirez said via Army. com.   “I feel as if I went to basic after I graduate, I would be prepared and I feel like it is the best choice because there are so many perks of being in the US military that are too many to count,” sophomore Andrew Huggins said.   Huggins is currently a cadet captain in the LSHS AFJROTC. He aspires to join the Air Force as an officer.


> HI+ LIFE | 07



+F E A T U R E


J HEALTHY & HAPPY Bending Into Shape


have always wanted to find an activity thaat promotes both mental and physical health. Yoga can be both physically demanding, as well as relaxing. This month I decided to do yoga more frequently. I have not been to any classes, so what I do can be found on Pintrest, and they are basic poses[1]. When the weather is nice I love to go to the park or in my backyard [3], but yoga is something I can easily do in my bedroom as well. For me yoga is really calming, it is a good way to decompress. I find it funny when I try more


1 complicated poses. I always end up falling over because it is a lot more difficult than people imagine. I personally have really bad hips and lower back pain. Yoga has helped with both.  There are a variety of poses that stretch different areas. One of my favorie routines is a night one that I do before I go to bed. After finsihing the sequence I

feel better and fall asleep faster. Whenever you workout it is always good to have a few things with you. I alwasy have water and comfy clothes that I can move in [2]. I also have athletic bands that I use for my hips and knees. Overall, yoga has beefitted my mood and body.

+ It has given me a more proactive way to get rid of stress. + Yoga has encouraged me to have a healthier lifestyle. + A lot of my friends love yoga as well so it is something we

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Written, Photographed, and Designed By JOHANNA HOLMBERG


can do together.






+F E A T U R E


OF SPIN CLASS Fine art classes have a class for everyone. There are choir classes, orchestra, band, theatre, and IB art; but ceramics is not as popular as the others.


he hands-on class is one of the more intermediate art classes, along with painting, and drawing that has more than one level.   Angela Hays is one of the ceramics teachers in our art department, working with students of all ages on one of her favorite art forms. She started her ceramics career in North West State University, when she took a ceramics one class and helped load a kiln and unload a kiln and slowly fell in love with the kiln process. She has been working here many years helping students with their craftsmanship, but a teacher has to start somewhere. She is passionate about her job and wants her students to know that there is always room to grow when creating.   “I was not the best in my class when I first started, but by the time I graduated, I was. I understand how it feels to not be good at something and not be able to throw on the wheel, to not be able to make a box well or when it caves in, what to do. I too had to be the student that would push through.” Hays explained. Her students are in good hands when they come to Hays for advice along the lines of ceramics and pottery, because she has been through it all.   Her inspiration comes from other artists she sees in Ceramics Monthly, a magazine for pottery artists to show off their skills on the throw wheel or hand building. She still takes classes to improve her skills with clay and the techniques she has yet to learn or improve on. She gets inspiration from galleries and art shows, taking it back to her own art. She has her favorite artists she looks to for creative ideas, Bobby Tso being one of them, along with Kelly Daniels. She takes these techniques these artists use and put them into her work.   “My favorite type of technique when making pottery? Layers. I love Kelly Daniels layers, and sgraffito is my favorite for my own work, lots of texture and rubbing dark inside low recessed areas.” Hayes told, sgraffito being when a sharp or pointy object is pushed into the soft clay to makes designs and texture around the area.   Ceramics is a love and passion for many people, Mrs. Hays being one of them, and she enjoys teaching it to everyone She encourages people to sign up for the class and try something new while enjoying what they are doing. To take ceramics, a student has to take visual arts, or foundations of drawing and design to sign up for the class. She said it’s a very hands on class, her students offering praise to her teaching skills.

Pottery students and teachers show off their pieces

Each week the pottery students and their teachers spend hours on their detailed and fragile pieces. Three of these projects are shown below

Leaves by Katie Laddish


Bowl by Angela Hays

Birds by senior 2012

> HI+ LIFE | 09


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treet style is any personalized style that someone is wearing that people can see walking in city streets. However, chic style includes clothes that show a level of sophistication. Common themes of street style are logos, bright colors, such as red, blue, and yellow, patches, and mixed patterns with a similar color scheme. Some trendy items that people see on the street are heavy jackets, hoodies, t-shirts, skinny black jeans, and boots. “Some outfits are more laid back while others are more outlandish,” fashion blog Misssteviegiovanni said. Typical traits of chic style are mixed brands, unique outfits that do not

RUNWAY READY | Senior Kelsey Reynolds demonstrates a chic outfit with a simple offthe-shoulder crop top, a red knee length skirt, and a pair of black heels.

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follow trends, rolled up sleeves and shirts tied in the front. Pieces often found in chic inspired looks are wool pants, and collared shirts or blouses. Accessories that are used can be belts, ties, or scarves. “Find what suits you and also fits your shape by keeping it simple with a few stylish touches,” fashion blogger Kamal Jahid said. Chic style and street style have very few differences, the biggest being brands and t-shirts. One is more casual, whereas the other is more elegant. Written By JORDAN TURNER

TIED UP | Junior Zach Burton shows off a navy blue cardigan, a red bow tie with white polka dots and a button up white collared shirt, black jeans, and black shoes.

Photographed by JORDAN TURNER Designed By TYLER WILLIAMS

LET IT BE | Sophomore Afton Lin models a casual look for street style with a bright red flannel, a Beatles t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and brown combat boots.




SNEAKERHEADS “My mama always said you can tell a lot about a person by their shoes, where they going, where they been.” -Forrest Gump


eing a sneaker head is not just about having the shoes. It is not just knowing the name of the shoe it is knowing where they came from. It is about knowing the culture and knowing how to rock them. There are benefits to being a sneakerhead like reselling to the hunt for a rare sneaker or camping out on a release day. Being a sneakerhead allows for self-expression to the culture by having an old

Jordan to a rare unseen LeBron sample. The shoes that sneaker heads strive for called unicorns. Unicorns are shoes unseen or just known about. The sneaker game is a competition. It is a battle every day just to be stepping in the freshest sneakers.   The sneaker heads will do whatever they have to do in order to get that sneaker, weather it is camping until it releases in the store, or paying

extra to buy it from a reseller. Being a sneaker head is a way to show off. A sneaker head is not a person or a joke it is a way of life. Some will spend their whole allowance or paycheck just for one shoe because, in their mindset, that sneaker is a necessity. Rare shoes have a variety of consumption and every sneaker head is on the hunt right now itching to get their hands on that shoe. Written By ANTHONY VILLAREAL Photographed by MALLORY HUSER Designed By MALLORY HUSER

+F E A T U R E


NEW BALANCE 574 $79.99

NIKE COMMUTER 2017 $109.99



NIKE AIR $119.99

REAL FAKE • X stitching on the back center is neat and thick. • Lable on the sole is dark grey • Bottom of sole is black and grooved

• X stitching on the back is thin and messy. • Label on the sole is white • Bottom of sole is grey and flat

NEW BALANCE 574 $85.99



> HI+ LIFE | 11




+F E A T U R E


A fun filled, eye opening journey.

fter leaving bright and early Monday morning, I knew I was about to embark on the trip of a life time. The first college I went to visit was Northern Colorado at Greeley. I was pretty nervous and did not prep as well as I should have. I learned that next time I need to actually right down the questions that are most important to me, instead of just having a few “ok” questions in my head. I also made the mistake of going into the school with some judgements I had heard from others. Many people complain about the smell on campus, and to be honest I could barely notice it. This really goes back to the keep an open mind. I have heard it time and time again, and it could not be more true. This was the only school Sarah and I talked to financial aid at. We learned a harsh reality that we wouldn’t actually know much about scholarships until after we had been

accepted. A big thing that affected us though at all three colleges, was cost. Out of state tuition can be crazy high, and the bigger school you like, the higher tuition. For me I learned how important that truly is. I won’t be making a ton of money in the career field I want so I’m going to have to make financial sacrifices. From both CSU and CU I learned what size really means. Going and experiencing different sizes of schools is so important because seeing it and reading numbers on a piece of paper are so different. It was also nice finding out the little things about each school that make it special. One of the colleges had a dorm that allowed pets. One had a state of the art rec center with an ice skating rink. And one was right next to the town that inspired Disney. Every school is has similarities and differences. From this trip I was really able to understand what’s most important, and what I’m willing to give up.


Ashley Ekochu- LS Counselor

Sarah Gauger- LS Student

Bridgett Neff- CSU Freshman

“I reccomend going with a list of questions that relate to what is most important to you, and ask questions to everyone you meet. If you can, visit a class or talk to a proffesor in the department you are interested in. Go to the places on campus where the students are, like the cafeteria, dorms, and library. The tours are awesome, but time away from them help you see what the school is really like. Talk to the studets, ask them about what they like and what they would change if they could. It may be a great school, but it may not be a great school for you.”

“I learned that I want to go to a smaller school. The bigger schools were kind of overwhelming to me. Before the trip I thought about the town and if the school had specific majors that I liked, now I’m thinking about the size and price. And how far away from home I really want to be. I would tell people to keep an open mind when going. You never know until you actually see the school in person if you’ll like it or not. This trip really opened my eyes to that”

“Definitely keep an open mind, if you do a ton of research about the school before you go it’s going to potentially dampen your experience. Go in with questions, know kind of what you want out of the school. The town (my school) was in really felt homey and I knew I would feel comfortable living here for four years. This is no fun, but definitely take the cost into consideration. Be prepared to know where you are going to stand financially after school. Know what you are getting yourself into.”

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ADVENTUTRE | (clockwise) 1.Night time view of downtown Fort Collins. 2.Sarah Gauger next to Colorado State entrance. 3.View of classroom buildings and mountains on CU Boulder campus. 4.Tour guide taking prospective students through the main dining hall. 5. Johanna Holmberg and Sarah Gauger pose with traditional statue at UNC.













*based on voluntary 2016 senior survey



Written, Photographed, and Designed By JOHANNA HOLMBERG

> HI+ LIFE |13





+F E A T U R E

“Any good school will give you all the tools students need to succed, such as in-clasroom experiences, internship opportunities, and career assistance. In order to take advantage of all that a school has to offer, the student must be happy there,” Webster University admissions counselor Meghan Higdon said.

“What students learn at Saint Louis University will be important, but what they do with what they were taught will be even better. No matter what a student studies they will ll be able to experience that matters,” Representitive from Saint Louis University said.

“Washington University urges our students to esplore all on their interests. Students are able to choose a traditional single major, or combine with a minor, secnod major, or a preprofessional program, all within the four year undergraduate experience,” Representitve from Washington University said.

Students are rounding the corner to success, and it is a good time to start searching for their dreams.


14 | HI+ LIFE <

he end of the year is nearing, and while it is scary and a little disquieting, it can be quite exciting to begin scouring the internet to find the right college with the perfect opportunities. “All I can really say is get as many scholarships as possible from any colleges you are accepted to,” junior Robert Bruce said. Finding the right college can be tough. The perfect cost, location, living style, and majors are very hard to find. “What I am mainly wanting to go into when I’m in college is definitely music education and play viola and/or sing,” Bruce said.

Going after a major that interests oneself and not someone else is most likely going to make it easier to find a college. It will also limit the options of universities that cannot offer a student their major. “I have definitely been looking at some colleges like Mizzou, University of Indiana in Bloomington, and Boston University,” Bruce said. Another important thing is cost. Attending a college in state will offer students a cheaper tuition, but attending a college that is out of state will cost more. “The most expensive college

may not be the best college to go to,” Bruce said. It is important to remember that although it might not be the perfect adventure because it is the first few years as an adult, finance is very tricky. Above are particular options that are in state, most likely unheard of, offer excellent majors, and can still be a fun experience less than three hours away from home.

Written by: MAGGIE GADD Photographed by: ARIANA PELZER Designed by: MAGGIE GADD and JOHANNA HOLMBERG




+F E A T U R E


Written, Photographed, and Designed By MAKAYLA HOLMBERG

A classic Irish delicacy gets loaded with American treats

* Serves 4 Ingredients

Meat 4 strips Bacon, crisp cooked 1 Ib Ground beef,lean Produce 1/2 tsp Garlic powder 4 Green onions 2 Ibs Potatoes Baking & Spices 1pkg Gravy mix, brown 1 tsp Salt Dairy 1/2 cup Cheddar cheese, sharp

Brown ground beef, drain fat, add brown gravy pkg and garlic powder.

16 | HI+ LIFE <

Peel and boil the potatoes. Mash then add buutter, milk,salt and pepper to season. Mix in Bacon and cheese

Fry bacon to a crisp. Cut it down into small pieces. Save on top for garnishing on a napkin to soak up excess grease

Put meat mixture into pan. Top with the potatoe mixture. Bake 400 degreees for 20 minutes. Top with onions, bacon and cheese if desired.


Tour our state-of-the-art facilities and residence halls, learn what it’s like to be a student at American’s most influential art and design school, and experience the energy of Chicago, our urban campus. To reserve your space or to tour SAIC’s campus online, visit: Undergraduate Admissions | 312.629.6100 |




ANXIOUS ALTOS Music students send hundreds of pieces to contest each year, all hoping for a spot at state.


cello resonates through the halls of LSWHS while the sounds of a wooden piano slices through the air. These sounds are very familiar throughout the C building year-round. These tones become more frequent during the months of February, March, and April. Contest is a way of driving musicians. District contest took place at Lee’s Summit West, and those fortunate musicians who received one ratings at Districts will go on to State contest on the campus of the University of Missouri April 28th. Some will go onto Lee’s Summit Contest which is on April 13th and it takes place here at Lee’s Summit High School. The musicians entering pieces into contest have been working diligently to get that coveted one rating. “I’m really excited. This is my third district contest so I’m very excited to perform,” junior Amy Tippin said. Tippin is performing a vocal

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solo, a horn solo, a piano solo, and she will be in two vocal ensembles. She says that she feels pretty prepared. She isn’t as prepared as she had hoped to be, but she feels good overall. “I’m not super nervous now, but I will be when I perform. I deal with nerves by just remembering that I love what I do and the nerves motivate me. I would love to go to state. It would be the third year in a row that I have gone so it would be pretty awesome,” Tippin said. Student-musicians have dedicated lots and lots of time after school to preparing for contest. “For the most part I feel prepared. There are some things in both of my pieces that I need to work on, but for the most part I feel pretty good about it,” sophomore Madelyn Brooks said. Brooks is performing a violin solo, a vocal solo, and she will be singing in two ensembles.

This will be her second time attempting to go to State. “I’m really nervous to perform. Just performing and going to contest always freaks me out because I want to do good. To ease my nerves, I always listen to music in the car on the way there and then before I go in, my mom, my sister, and my family will always pray for me. Going to state would be really exciting for me. I went last year and it was so much fun. All the hard work always pays off once I know that I’m going to state in the end and I get to go to Columbia,” said Brooks. For those who went to Districts on March 15th, the end goal was clear. Columbia. They hope that their hard work will pay off in the end with a trip to state. Written by: YONNY ASTATKE Photographed by: RENEE HASKELL Designed by: MASON MACKEY

+F E A T U R E


50 Minutes in class

20 Minutes dedicated to contest work

2 songs per person/ ensemble

6: Average number of people in an ensemble


The score achieved by all Sounds of Summit ensembles





riendships are a big part of high school. They determine what activities you join, what your reputation is, and how you spend your time outside of school. This month in particular has been very stressful, but also very rewarding for me in the realm of friendship. I feel like I’ve become closer with my primary group of girlfriends especially after adopting the newest member, who I feel I really connect with. On the





other hand, some of my other friends have in society should stop dismissing high school been much more difficult to work with lately. friendships as unimportant. Our friends are our   As I was discussing the problems I had whole world. Let us have fun with the people been having friendship wise with my mom, we have a connection with now. Who cares if she recited something that I have heard we won’t keep in touch after we graduate? As since before the long as we are having a beginning of my good time in the moment freshman year. it should not matter. “The friends you Becoming an have in high school upperclassman has made will not even me take a step back and matter in your post realive just how much high school life.” these friendships mean   That saying has to me. As my favorite “The friends you have always irritated seniors go off to college in while growing up help me to no end Kansas, Utah, Colorado because I am the and beyond, my heart shape you into the adult kind of person will ache as I am stuck person you end up as” that believes here in Missouri, left to that everything miss them. And next year happens for a when I go off to college reason. So in too, leaving my younger my opinion, friends, Audrey and every friendship I have ever been a Makenzie, behind will break my heart once part of matters in the grand scheme of more, but we had fun while it lasted and that is things. what matters. I am not saying that I am still friends   When it comes down to it, having friends with everyone I have ever been friends is supposed to coincide with having fun and -with. “They” always say that “you do aside from grades -- that is what high school is not walk out of high school with the supposed to be about. same friends you walk in with” and that So stop saying that the friends we make in high may be true, but that does not mean school do not matter, because they do. that the friends you used to have do not Friendships come and go, but the impact they matter at all now that you’re no longer leave you with lasts a lifetime. friends.   The friends you have while growing up help shape you into the adult person you end up as, and I think that is important. If you pick bad friends in high school, there is a good chance you will not be a very good person yourself.   Furthermore, I feel like the adults

> HI+ LIFE | 19



LSHS WITHOUT IMMIGRANTS A brief but insightful look into how the school would look without this indispensable group of people.


erily empty hallways, teachers preaching to an empty classroom, no echo of footsteps rumbling; that is what the school would be like if there were no immigrants.   “LSHS would be empty without immigrants. Unless someone is 100 percent native american they probably have immigrant or slave heritage. It is essentially impossible to

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undersell the immigrant story. To me, immigrant and America are synonyms,” history teacher Allison Black said.   Along with their empowering stories, these immigrants have just about always faced persecution. “Xenophobia [ the fear or dislike of people from other countries ] is very American. From a historical perspective, anytime there is a new immigrant group, you will see xenophobia. People fear the unknown, something as benign as catholics. When that happened, it


was viewed as other, different and people were persecuted,” Black said.   At some times, these xenophobic tendencies may seem more tame than others, but some events make these tendencies more visible.   “There is a rise of xenophobia now and I think that that it is fear based. I think that this new wave could be traced back to September eleventh. That is the first time in my life I saw it,” Black said.   Just like in 1620, when the pilgrims, the original American immigrants arrived, all of these other immigrants are looking for a fresh start and somewhere new to go. They could have been forced out of their country for various reasons, like economic and religious freedom, or they could just be looking for all of the opportunities that America has to offer. If America was without these indispensable immigrants, it would be largely uninhabited.


Nataly Mallma immigrated from Lima, Peru in 2008. “I remember some things but not much; like the food, my family and the awful traffic,” Mallma said. Written by: AUDREY BADGEROW Photographed by: KAYLEE BLAIR Designed by : AUDREY BADGEROW




UNDERSTAND | Collecting bottle caps is one of senior Keiran Cunningham’s many unique interests.“Treat others the way you want to be treated. Respect and understand other people. People are mean because they misunderstand and don’t know the whole thing. Listen to what they have to say,” Cunningham said.



There are 7 billion people in the world, but most of them are unknown to us.


t has been seen before, an argument between friends, a twitter battle between enemies, or harmful words spoken between complete strangers. These instances might have spiraled out of control, leaving a trail of hurt feelings and negative emotions, but there are solutions to this unnecessary battling.     Finding a common ground and allowing minds to be opened can be hard to do, but a few people who have an idea of understanding are here to enlighten. Understanding other people is not just philosophy, there are many levels to what understanding means, and without it things can get hairy.   “There are definitely problems of students not understanding each other,” counselor Chris Homan said.

Lack of understanding can be credited to many factors, whether it is lack of information or sheer ignorance. But, it is no excuse. There are ways to cooperate with others.   “Try to communicate effectively, if you listen to what people have to say and talk less, understanding will come easier,” said Homan.   Recognizing differences in other people is hard. There are attributes to people that seem so foreign that they choose to address it with anger and fear. Instead of harsh feelings, listening and recognizing that not everything is what is normal to certain people. That even if it is not comfortable.   “I wish people would understand that not to judge me quickly, they should take the time until they experience me for who I am,” senior Keiran Cunningham said.

Cunningham is a guy with a strong love for Deadpool and his bottlecap collection. He does not seem like an ordinary senior. What makes him different is his lovable personality, his toothy smile, and his mild autism. Cunningham recognizes when others do not understand him and knows that people may not get what he is about, so he shares his wisdom on understanding other people.   The next time someone says something that is different from the usual, try to be open. Everyone is different with different opinions and personalities. Listening, keeping an open mind, and staying focused on building bridges not walls is what leads to better understanding. Written By GABBY CUNNINGHAM Photographed By PARKER TOZIER Designed By JOHANNA HOLMBERG

> HI+ LIFE | 21




+F E A T U R E



he students lean in with anticipation waiting for each newly crafted word to fall out of their educators mouth. Every now and again there’s a controlled laughter among the students, while staying engaged and ready to learn all that they can.   “I think the most important thing a teacher should look for is to relate to the students and try to look at things through their point of view,” Mady said.   Teachers all around constantly look for new ways to engage their students and make their learning experience the best it possibly can be, but there seems to be a disagreement gap between students and teachers.   “Teachers should be able to know about student out of school lives and understand personal situations that may be a challenge to the student,” senior Jared Newell Said.   Students often agree that what determines if a teacher is phenomenal or not so great is often how connected they are

with the students outside of school, as well as their teaching style overall.   “All of my past favorite teachers have all been so passionate about what they teach, As soon as class starts you can tell how excited they are to talk about their subject,” Mady said.   While students argue that the main deciding factor in a teacher’s successfulness is how committed they are to their students and love for their subject, teachers look out for other things.   “Often at teacher meetings when they give us tips they mention how we should crack down on cell phone use, late work, and students acting up over all,” Art teacher Mrs. Woody said.   Teachers are on the look out more for keeping the students disciplined than caring for the students and their preferred teaching style.   “The things all my least favorite teachers had in common was not accepting late work and

repetitive teaching,” Adelle said.   Teachers should be able to change up their teaching style so The students don’t know exactly what’s going to happen that day, rather it be a fun learning activity or a new form of media to display their subject.   “Some classes I’ve had in the past have been repetitive with recurrent curriculum and busy work. I can’t stand busy work, teachers should be able to teach their students effectively with minimum homework,” Jared said.   Rather te teaching style of the teacher or the diverse student population, teachers try to adopt the subject as their own and influence the student’s mind to the best of their ability.   “No matter how a teacher teaches, Every teacher cares about their students and want wants best for them,” Woody said.

Written by: CHRIS TEETER Photographed by: JULIA NGEGA Designed by: ELIZABETH MARSZALEK

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taring down the pitcher, waiting for the wicked pitch, the delivery, feeling the ball pop off the bat, soaring over the center fielder’s head and over the fence.   “The differences between high school baseball and outside teams is on outside teams you have more exposure to colleges,” senior catcher Austin Sawyer said.   The MLB has the ability to draft players fresh out of high school, unlike basketball which has a requirement for the prospects to attend at least the first year of college. The Kansas City Royals actually drafted a pitcher straight out of Lee’s Summit North last year.   “The difference I see in high school baseball from competitive baseball is high school is more laid back,” sophomore third baseman and pitcher Justin Hopson said.   Players are allowed to play baseball in the offseason with a team outside of school, such as a competitive or recreational team.   “Baseball doesn’t have a huge affect on school. We just have practices everyday and if you have bad grades you aren’t eligible to play on varsity,” Hopson said.   Academics are a huge part of a student athlete’s playing time and career. If the athlete does not have good grades it could affect the prospect’s college scholarships and award nominations the athlete may receive.   “Baseball does not affect my grades in a negative way, if anything it makes them better because I know if I do not have good grades I can not play,” Sawyer said.


Written by: ZACK EASLEY Photographed by: MIKE SMITH Designed by: MIKE SMITH

The NCAA has regulations for student athletes GPA and what it has to be in order for the

athlete to continue playing at the collegiate level.   “I have been playing baseball for about eleven years,” Hopson said. Most young athletes play the sport of baseball before kindergarten. “I have played for about 12

years,” Sawyer said.   The average career of a professional baseball player is 5.6 years. The baseball greats have long, successful careers making millions a year and becoming all-stars.   Baseball is America’s pastime and a very popular game across the globe. Most Americans are

> HI+ LIFE | 23









Two TRUTHS and a

Written by: De’yhon Doughty Photographed by: Aspen DePeralta / Mallory Huser Designed by: Izzy DeMarco





-Lived in foreign country -Aspires to be a professional fisherman

-Have sisters appendix scar, even though she didn’t have the surgery

-Was the kicker in High School

-Leaves for school at 4:45 in the morning

-Pet a wild tiger in Africa -Was a cheerleader

24 | HI+ LIFE

-Highest IQ in state for a teacher

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