September 2018

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28 September 2018 | Volume 94 | Issue 1



NO Voice | Talk | BREAKING BORDERS RECEPTION The new school year offers new opportunity for district border changes.

An inside look on the recent phone ban in schools all around the world.

whats inside


YOU BE YOU Evaluate the schools’ newest efforts to provide students with the resources they need for mental health.



Assessing the effectiveness of the schools safety precautions in the case of an intruder.


06 23


Our junior sports director gives his thoughts on politics in the sports world.


Investigate the overall worth of completing the International Baccalaureate program, and hear what students who have done it or plan to have to say about it.

Investigate the human trafficking world of Kansas city with editor-in-chief Makenzie Kraxberger, managing editor Audrey Badgerow, and assistant photo editor Makayla Holmberg.



Connect with us | @jlabmag

from the editor


rom an early age, I was dead set on doing something important with my life. At the time, it was something like being a princess, but eventually I got here: determined to impact the world as positively as I can. In truth, I have always been pretty good at talking, but I found listening was far more worth my while.   I never wanted to be a journalist. In fact it sounded like the most irritating, stalker job of all time. The idea of following people around, begging for them to talk to me was practically a dent to my ego, but that all changed when I attended a workshop at Mizzou and experienced what real journalism really was.  My misconception about journalism stemmed from an era of ‘fake news’, and the lousy headlines clouding the checkout lines at any local grocery store, and I never really thought beyond that. To me at least, journalists were just payed celebrity trackers.   The first day of the camp, we were asked to walk around the campus and listen in on conversations and observe our surroundings for a potential story idea. I came back with some subpar ideas, and was absolutely blown away by the other students findings.   They weren’t necessarily smarter than I was, or better listeners or really anything different than myself, but they knew what journalism was and they knew how to produce it. Through them, I was able to discover it myself.   These errors in journalism were

brought about by journalists themselves, who have created these harsh misconceptions about their profession through half truths and opinionated works, but I think there’s still hope for the previously noble career.   Journalism is not trashy headlines with over-edited photos of misshapen celebrities, journalism is change. It’s about the human experience, the sometimes brutal, and sometimes beautiful honesty of truth.   I think another mistake a lot of aspiring journalists and readers make is this stark idea about taking down ‘the man’, which for me is not at all what it’s about either. There is no enemy in journalism, and honestly I am not entirely sure there is ever truly a all good or all bad guy in any story, but that should not be up to the journalist to decide.   Social media makes almost everyone sort of a journalist: anybody can put anything out there for anyone to see, for better or for worse. With this in consideration, and my improved understanding for the concept of journalism, I hope to inspire my staff to inspire others, and most importantly, to do something that makes a positive change. This issue we covered a lot of sensitive topics like human trafficking and school shootings, with the intent to make a positive change. I may not be a princess anytime soon, but I know now at least I’ll be doing something important.

Makenzie Kraxberger Editor in Chief

STAFF Editor-In-Chief Makenzie Kraxberger

Managing Editor Audrey Badgerow

Managing Editor Design Editor Tyler Williams

Photo Editor

Renee Haskell

Sports Director Clayton Couch

Content Editor Jordan Turner

Jr. Sports Director Mike Smith

Online Editors Christina Felix Jessica Winkler


Max Almaguer, Amari Childs, Megan Curless, Izzy DeMarco, Chloe Doak, Leah Haskell, Micaela Helvey, Mackenzie Henks, Makayla Holmberg, Tommy Hicks, Cheyanne Kennedy, Blake Lemon, Alana Makowski, Lilian Mann, Kate McKitterick, Jaeden Miller, Faith Roach, Alana Rogers-, Cesar Rutiaga, Daltyn Schafer, Samantha Schierholz, Rachel Schouten, Camera Schulenberg, Bianca Stewart, Abbie Thurman, Maggie Tuck, Veta Wareing, Emma Wesseldine, Lyric Westley, Ava Whitney, Jordan Wilson, Kenna Witske Advisor: Mr. Marc Russell

Thoughts from the staff.

surge of school shootings may have also had an impact on the new precautions. “I think that school shootings have become way too frequent, and I am glad the school recognized that and took action against the possibility” junior Makayla

measures and improvements could be taken for the benefit of convenience and safety. “I think that every door having a buzzer, or at least a lot more doors having buzzers would make things a lot easier on students,” Williams said. Some staff members do not feel as though the doors impacted their attitude towards safety whatsoever. “I feel pretty much the same about coming to 79% of staff members said yes school now as I did before, but I did not really feel unsafe 21% of staff members said no before,” Holmberg said. Though the locking 43 staff members were polled doors may not be the perfect answer towards a national problem, one thing is for sure; the school is making an effort in light of student safety concerns.

I do not feel safer in the event of a school shooter, because most of them are from the school itself and know procedures. Plus we are locked in with them.

Holmberg said. However, not all staff members are convinced. “What are locked doors honestly going to do?” Childs said. Many staff members feel as though the locked doors are a step in the right direction, but think other

Written by: Makenzie Kraxberger Photographed by: Makenzie Kraxberger Designed by: Makenzie Kraxberger

Amari Childs Makayla Holmberg


Mike Smith

Tyler Williams



he deafening bell sounds throughout the hall cueing all the doors to lock in sync, stopping students fast in their tracks. Freshman Amari Childs sighs and spins around to make the extended journey from B-building to the library. He could have walked outside and shortened his walk exponentially had he been two minutes earlier. “There was a lot of pressure on the school districts around the country to take action and this was the best thing our school district could do at the time,” senior Tyler Williams said. The door locking system was implemented to combat safety issues the school faced, many students feel as though this was long overdue and necessary, whereas others express their critique for the system. “I do not feel safer in the event of a school shooter, because most of them are from the school itself and know procedures. Plus we are locked in with them,” junior Mike Smith said. The March for our Lives movement and the recent

Are you content with the safety measures at LSHS?



What we Think


The new school year brings opportunity for district border changes.


he noisy bell rings, students flood the hallways, shoes glide across the marble floors, laughter and voices fill the air. Students hurry to their next class, and the ringing bells greet a new hour of class to begin. There is a small, but growing problem starting to develop in these classrooms.   “You just have an issue where West and Summit Lakes both are just filling up and the issue is you just run out of classrooms. For instance, West has had to put two mobile trailers,” principal John Faulkenberry said.   The mobile trailers both have two classrooms, yet construction of new neighborhoods continues around the schools.   “The school has held as many as 3,000 people before and right now we have about 1,700 here on the campus.” Faulkenberry said.   With West filling up, one possible idea would be to fill up the capacity

of LSHS, by adjusting boundaries and moving students. More students would also mean teachers having less plan times, and lunch shifts with more students.   “There can be some difficulty that goes along with that. You know you may have to leave some friends in another building,” Faulkenbery said.   With more students means more money coming in for transportation. The transportation system is based off of a per pupil basis, meaning the amount of money that comes in is based on the amount of students. With more students, budgets for transportation will be increased. Fortunately, budgeting on most activities will not be affected, and shall remain the same.   “The whole study is just getting started, and there are no preconceived ideas.” Faulkenberry said.   The districtis not just focusing on changing boundaries. The district is also focusing on changing the classroom. The idea is to change the classroom to help fit the modern workplace. Instead of classrooms with rows of desks and a teacher giving a lecture to the class, the classroom would be a more open environment with more comfortable seating, and students becoming more active in this open environment.   “ The learning environment can positively affect how kids learn, and we want to make sure we are meeting individual student needs. If you learn


best as an introvert by yourself and need some quiet space, if you learn best in a collaborative space work on a project or presented in an open space we went have some flexibility for students to meet them where they are.” executive director of public relations Kelly Wachel said.   With these ideas in mind, the district continues to plan for the future and are always open to new ideas, that can be submitted through email or online. The district has had three meetings already, discussing how the future play out. Students are welcomed to join and express how they feel at the next four.meetings. The next meeting is October 8th, in North’s commons.   The final bell rings, and footsteps fill the hallways. Students struggle to find room in the tight hallway, and yet the problem still exists. Students rush outside, the last student leaves, and at last, the school day is over. No one knows what needs to be done, but something needs to be done.


BENEFITS OF A BACCALAUREATE Often, students stray from the IB diploma due to its rigorous nature, despite its benefits.


he opportunity of achieving the IB Diploma is often neglected by a majority of students around the globe. Those who may be unknowingly prepared to take the intellectual challenge of IB courses are often frightened away by the prospect of aggressive workloads and draining tests. These horror stories are often passed around like a cautionary tale, told for years upon years. However, the graduating class of 2019 offer an update long overdue.   “School is not about getting the grade, but getting the concept” senior Aidan Clark said.   A recurring lesson many IB students will express is how the program is much more than just obtaining a satisfactory grade; Rather, many students have shared that the best approach to obtaining success is fully comprehending your work.     “Ultimately, if you retain the knowledge, it means so much more than just getting good grades.”            Colleges seek out students who have an undying crave for knowledge and genuine passion for collecting the information around them. IB courses helps expand your ability to desire answers to questions pondered but never pursued. With IB courses, you’re always pursing the pondered.           Ultimately, the ability to soak in information and ask questions is much more powerful than any grade could

ever be.   “You’ll learn valuable skills such as time management, and organization” said Clark. Skills that can be applied to much more than college are thrusted upon the student, sending them into the world with a sturdy sense of independence and the gusto of a well rounded adult. Connor Keiter says     “You’ll train your mind to understand different ways of thinking.”   IB’s effect on one are everlasting; traits such as the ability to persist, work with passion, are question the world around you are traits that undertone the IB experience. Preparing your mind to seek answers deeper than those given at face value, before using them to understand the views and concepts of the people around you.   “It is a lot, there are some up days, and some down days, but you become a stronger person through it,” senior Nicholas Walker said.   Students may still feel that IB courses aren’t for them. That the seemingly daunting task has for comes with too much risk. But sometimes the most rewarding experiences in life begin with taking risks. Letting this grand opportunity pass you up would be a disservice to your own ability to learn and create. All in all, the effect IB courses have on a student is much more than just gaining a higher education on specific subjects, rather it is also a phenomenal way for building up the vigor to push yourself to success in a life past high school.



Written by: MAX ALMAGUER Photographed by: LEAH HASKELL Designed by: AUDREY BADGEROW

PREPARING FOR COLLEGE Students prepare for college stress by using high school as a major step in the process.


he stresses of high school students fills the room, making the atmosphere stuffy with tension as they sit through another “what do you need to do to go to college” lecture. With uncertainty in the air, students may need some help. Luckily, students have the guidance of counselors and college students to help them through the process of getting to college successfully and easily. Sally Sabata, a school counselor, lends her advice to any student who is willing to listen. “ Some of the stressors for students going into college are you know how do I pick the right College how do I know this is the


right one for me how am I going to pay for college and then if they even want to go into college, but you know it’s there’s nothing magic about picking your college you just have to do your research,” Sabata said. One way to prepare for college is having an idea of what you want to do for your career, but it is totally acceptable if you do not. The first couple years of college are usually core classes, such as math, english, and so on. Use that time to pick a major that you like and if even then if you lack confidence, there’s always an option to change classes and work towards that new major. “ If you ever change your mind, You can take

different classes the next semester or next year until you have enough credits for the major you want” Sabata said. Often times, teens are constantly stressing about attending college, but asking questions and researching what best fits, can answer a lot of questions. Written by: VETA WAREING Photographed by: FAITH ROACH Designed by: MAKENZIE KRAXBERGER



of graduates go on to college

according to the Bureau of Labor


Acceptance Rate | 78.1% Typical ACT Score | 23-29 Graduation Rate | 69.5%


Acceptance Rate | 93.5% Typical ACT Score | 23-29 Graduation Rate | 60.1%


Acceptance Rate | 62.7% Typical ACT Score | 21-28 Graduation Rate | 52.2%



CARA CARA Sophomore Cara Cha shoots for success in and outside of her school activities.

DRAWING IT BACK: Sophomore Cara Cha alignes her body to make the shot, making sure to follow through. “Archery is a huge part of my life.”

STAYING IN FOCUS: Cha draws back the arrow and bow string, aiming to get the perfect shot.


s she wakes up in the morning, the sounds of not one, but two languages reverberate around her head. For sophomore Cara Cha, this is no dream - this is reality. Cha’s parents arrived in America, from South Korea, not knowing a bit of English. Cha went to preschool and started learning. “It was really difficult. My parents would teach me one thing, and then there were completely different rules for English,” Cha said. She had a hard time to begin with because she would have to go to school and practice in one language. Then come home and listen to a different one. That did not mean she would not try her hardest. “I am a competitive Olympic archer,” Cha said. She is still in her first year of archery, and it is her main focus to be the best. When she was younger,


she did not have enough time to invest into archery, but now she is investing everything she has into this. “Archery is a huge part of my life,” Cha said. She does many things other things such as dancing, photography, DECA, and FBLA. She wants to be a teacher. “I would enjoy teaching college kids,” Cha said. She feels as if she has a disadvantage compared to the others because she only started last year, but her family is helping her to get on the right path. “I am investing every effort I have into this,” Cha said. Clearly, Cara has the determination and skills to go far, and her parents have worked hard, overcoming obstacles from their past in order to give her the most opportunities possible.

The Inquiry


s soon as the seventh hour bell rings on Wednesday students dash to A233 excited for the next LGBTQ+ meeting to start.   Everyone wants a place to belong at high school, and this club can be just the place for LGBTQ+ youth and allies. The club would love for anybody to stop by, and check out what all they can do to enhance their experience at high school or others.   “The goal of this group is to give a group of students a place to belong and feel safe,” GSA sponsor Sally Sabata said.   The requirements for students to join is to have an open mind and the time to listen and contribute. At this club they create positive posters that try to spread education on what LGBTQ+ terms actually mean.   “The students in this club must present positive messages with the goal to educate those who may be misinformed about

A look into the reformed GSA.

LGBTQ+ issues,” Sabata said. This club is mostly led by students with the goal of providing a safe place for LGBTQ+ teens and allies.   Everyone is given a voice in this club and encouraged to speak up about the different day to day injustices they experience.   “The vision of this club is led by students but I put out the initial parameters,” Sabata said.   This club is willing to welcome somebody who doesn’t believe in LGBTQ+ issues. The club is more than willing to educate somebody that is willing to learn.   “We might even welcome a non supporter if we can make a difference in their opinion,” said Sabata.   This club was brought back by Mrs. Sabata because she realized the struggle that LGBTQ+ students go through when she went into a counseling meeting then she wanted to make it easier for students at LSHS.   “We had a speaker at a meeting that had a transgender daughter and she shared about her

experience being LGBT,” Sabata said.   People outside of the club can try to not use offensive word choice in reference to LGBTQ+ people, along with supporting the club through helping our fundraisers.   “The people outside of the club can support us through fundraisers and spreading a positive message,” Sabata said.   The club is growing with every meeting by at least one person. The mission statement is being set but will always remain mostly fluid.   “The start up of the club could be difficult until we set our mission statement in stone and with the growing size of the club,” said Sabata.  The most pressing issue for the LGBTQ+ club is

trying to find a company that is willing to donate to the club because they are lacking the funds to act on their goals and initiatives. With a donation to the club they would be able to accomplish more large scale projects with a larger impact on the school.

“Right now we are trying to find someone that is willing to donate to our club so we can move forward without the restrictions of a small budget,” Sabata said.   Students with questions can email Sally Sabata at sally.sabata@ or stop by the counseling office for more information but the best way to get informed is by stopping by the club every other Wednesday


Written by: LILLIAN MANN Photographed by: CHANA OSTRANDER Designed by:AUDREY BADGEROW



If people knew how common sex trafficking was in Kansas City, they’d be a lot more scared on a regular basis

of KCStreetHope is to mobilize local churches against sex trafficking in Kansas City. We have local partners that do direct service with people that are coming in from other states that need a place to stay, or they just need a place to stay from where they currently are,” Rucker said.   Recently, some local tweets have surfaced, vividly describing human trafficking situations,

City area appears to be indefinite, both programs are already working on solutions to the problem.   “There are not enough consequences for the buyers, the people paying for these people need to have different consequences. Often times, even the seller gets away with nothing more than a ticket, and that’s a problem.” McDonald said.   Organizations like the Restoration House and KCStreetHope are just a couple of many communities mobilizing activism and awareness for human trafficking on the local scale. Though Kansas City still remains one of the top five cities in the country for domestic sex trafficking, and stories like Christine’s are all-too-common, there is still hope in restoring the safety of our streets.











McDonald has devoted her life to assisting victims rebuild their lives, while also taking time to educate the public on trafficking.   “The idea of serving women in the very city where I was bought and sold for 17 years and educating the community that drove past me everyday as if I were invisible and nobody identified me, for me was full circle. I am going to be back in the same community where nobody saw me, yet I was visible, every single day being paid for,” McDonald said.   The cause of the horribly frequent nightmare is almost too simple: demand.   “If we didn’t have people paying for sex, we wouldn’t have traffickers exploiting and selling people,” McDonald said.    Though the experience many young women and men like Mcdonald endured in the Kansas







listening, they want to know more about you, because we all like to talk about ourselves. They keep listening, you tell them more, and now they know how to manipulate you,” Rucker said.   Cases like this range from boyfriend and girlfriend, husband and wife, or parents and children.   “People are getting lured and they feel trapped and they don’t know what to do,” Rucker said.   After escaping, victims face a new series of adversities.   “It is a nightmare in that world that cannot even be defined by words. The struggle is equally horrendous on this side, by social stigmas and by lack of understanding. It is a life sentence, you carry that trauma for the rest of your life,” Restoration House codirector and trafficking survivor Christine McDonald said.


which has led to panic over the internet, causing a peaked awareness, primarily among young women.   “Sometimes it is someone following you in a car, sometimes it is someone waiting outside a store, yes that is very true. It is far more likely that the person is going to invest an unbelievable amount of time getting to know you. By tricking you into trusting them, and they are good at it. They want to make you feel special. Then, it escalates,” Rucker said.   Rucker and others at KCStreetHope tries to ingrain the fact that a trafficker is much more likely to be someone known by the victim, rather than a stranger.   “Traffickers will ask questions, they are great listeners. They will ask you all these questions about yourself so now you feel like you have a relationship with someone because they’re


KCStreetHope speaker Geony Rucker said. KCStreetHope is a faith-based organization to combat sex trafficking with prevention, advocacy and awareness.   “The entire purpose


hey stand on the corner and exist, overlooked by onlookers. Foot traffic is ample, yet they remain unnoticed and invisible. They cannot vocalize their longing for liberation, and the nightmare repeats it self day after day.   While slavery is conventionally thought of to be long departed, a different breed lingers in the background. Human trafficking can be loosely defined as illicitly transporting and selling, generally for commercial exploitation of labor or sex. This modernized form of slavery exploits vulnerable groups such as minors, immigrants and the impoverished. People can fall into this deadly cycle in a number of ways.   “If people knew how common sex trafficking was in Kansas City, they’d be a lot more scared on a regular basis,” trafficking awareness group


Trafficking is more common than you Things you can buy for think.






Forced Labor advantage of gaps in law enforcement to exploit vulnerable workers. These workers are made more vulnerable to forced labor practices because of unemployment, poverty, crime, discrimination, corruption, political conflict, and cultural acceptance of the practice.w



The form of force or coercion is the use of a bond, or debt, to keep a person under subjugation.

Domestic workers may be trapped in servitude through the use of force or coercion, such as Any child who is subject physical (including to involuntary servitude, sexual) or emotional debt bondage, peonage, abuse. or slavery.




Prostitution and any related activities, including pimping, pandering, or maintaining brothels as contributing to the phenomenon of trafficking in persons. source:


FIGHT According to UNICEF every two minutes a child is being prepared for sexual exploitation.

BRANDING Using barcode tattoos is a method traffickers use to keep track of their victims.


The Restoration House is in need of donations of items such as: notebooks, toliet paper, feminine products paper towels and storage bins with lids. Volunteer information can be found at: https://rhogk.z2systems. com/np/clients/rhogk/ account.jsp


CHRISTINE MCDONALD A survivor of human trafficking herself, McDonald has devoted her life to helping people who were in her position.

GEONY RUCKER Rucker works in the education division of KCStreetHope, working to educate the community into a deeper understanding of trafficking in Kansas City.

KCStreetHope is in need of giftcards to HomeDepot or Lowe’s. Volunteers are always needed and information can be found at





$16 LEATHER PANTS Target Target $29.99 HEELS

he flashy material dances through the crowd catching everyone’s attention, the black speckles decorating the tan material had become a new and popular trend.   People use their clothing and accessories to express themselves with what words cannot do, there are so many different ideas forming everyday for fashion. Sometimes designers come up with new ideas, but most of the time they recycle older trends. Popular trends that repeatedly pop up are usually iconic. Such as animal print. Totally iconic.   Animal fur, such as leopard pelt, (a very popular pattern) started trending in the 20’s after WWII. It became a “ new look”, where it was known as a wild character kind of look.   Later on it became trendy in the 50’s and 60’s where it became a symbol for trophy wives, very posh and promiscuous. Later on in the 60’s there was an anti-fur movement where animal furs became less popular and animal prints began to gain popularity. Moving forward to the 70’s and 80’s fur became a whole new thing, instead of being a major symbol for trophy wives and wealth.   Women used it as a power move (leopard print was most popular because they used it as a symbol to signify they were not easily domesticated), it became known as a racy design.   Animal print became a well-known item in punk rock and for pushing the society’s norm. Eventually in Written by: VETAWAREING the later 80’s animal Photographed by: RENEE HASKELL print became a pattern everyone wore, Designed by: MAKENZIE KRAXBERGER not just bold women and men.


CULTURE SHOCK Foreign exchange students share some of their favorite foods.


ggs sizzle as they crash into the pan and the olive oil crackles on the burner beside them. The traditional aroma wafts throughout the American home, filling it with the scents of foreign cultures. For Ane Gutierrez-Sierra this is nothing but a typical evening meal, but this recipe is hardly ordinary for her host family.   Gutierrez-Sierra, a spanish foreign exchange student says her favorite food is something that holds such a glorious memory of her youth, “tortilla de patata”. The dish is traditionally made with olive oil, potatoes, eggs, salt and sometimes onions. Gutierrez-Sierra loves tortilla de patata because her family has been preparing this for years.

Daniel Lobo

“My mom and my grandma are really good cooks and they made it for me and my sister when we were little,” said Gutierrez-Sierra. According to Gutierrez-Sierra, tortilla de patata is very popular in Basque Country but is difficult to find in the United States. Despite this, it is something that Gutierrez-Sierra has, and always will love.   Vanya Konovalov, a Ukrainian foreign exchange student talks about borscht. The maroon dish takes on a sour flavor, making it one of the most popular meals from Ukraine.   “I love it because it is delicious and it reminds me of home, it is traditionally made from meat or bone stock, sautéed vegetables and fermented beets,” said Konovalov. While borscht is a traditional ukrainian dish,

Konovalov just happens to love to a brazilian style steakhouse. the American classic; mac and Although to Daniel only one cheese. person can cook steak better   “It is special to me because than any steakhouse. my mom made it for me.” said   “No one can make it better Konovalov. Ukrainian culture is than my dad. My dad makes it usually not readily available in the best!” said Lobo. the United States.   From the Philippines to “You can’t really find any France, there are many different Ukrainian cuisine in America.” cultures and cuisines. When said Konovalov, who hopes to we learn about our country, bring some of his culture into with its history and culture. We the American kitchens. usually forget about the amazing   Daniel Lobo, a brazilian food and culture of other foreign exchange student says his countries. As foreign exchange favorite food is steak. students walk the halls they are “I think that it is pretty normal experiencing culture shock but because people eat so much of it they are here to learn about us in Brazil.” Lobo said. and we are here to learn about   Getting it here in the United them too. States most of the time the Written by: KENNA WITZKE destination is a steakhouse here Photographed by: MACKENZIE in Lee’s Summit, but in Brazil HENKS they have rodizios, which refers Designed by: MAKENZIE KRAXBERGER

Ane Gutierrez-Sierra

Vanya Konovalov






The once prominent gun protests movements seemingly disappear.


hey hold their colorful banners high, and raise their voices. The shouting does not stop. They work hard for months to prepare for the march. As tragedies continue to happen, they want to see a change. The members of March For Our Lives want to make changes happen, but now that the march is over, what are they doing to help?   “March For Our Lives was a protest against gun violence and for regulating guns and increasing public safety,” senior Aly Alvarado said.   It started two days after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, and the actual march took place March 24, 2018 across the world.   “We paid tribute to the victims of gun violence and

talked about the change we want,” Alvarado said. “It was and always will be one of the best experiences of my life, and I felt like the community was able to come closer together to resolve this issue. Everyday this country comes closer and closer to ensuring safety for everyone, and I’m always on the lookout for more to do.”   They want guns to be regulated and for people to treat them with respect.   “They do not have to be dangerous, many people are cautious and safe with their guns,” Alvarado said.   “March For Our Lives has changed me a lot as a person. We made our voices heard and like I said at the march during my speech, I’ll stop making noise when the guns do,” Alvarado said.   Voting is one way for



individuals to make a change.   “Don’t forget to register to vote,” Alvarado said. Being with other people who wanted to see the same changes made them feel at home.   “It was really awesome to see so many people coming with the same ideas and hopes for the future that aly and I have,” senior Sage Morgan said.   “Currently we are still talking about it and thinking about what we will do but have been focusing time on other present issues such as suicide awareness for the month of September and how that is talked about in schools,” Morgan said.





An inside look on the recent phone ban in schools all around.   March For Our Lives might have been in March, but it is not over yet.   “More empowerment amongst children and teens to use their voices for a good purpose and to have more people join and help us get more ideas to higher authority,” Morgan said.   People in this event definitely enjoy being a part of it.   “I think what we are doing will truly make a change if we keep up and don’t let our voices go unheard,” Morgan said.

Months after the march happened, members of March For Our Lives continue researching and working hard to make a difference. They will not stop until they see a change, and they will not be silenced.

Written by: SAM SCHIERHOLZ Photographed by: KENZIE HENKS Designed by: TYLER WILLIAMS



s the students enter their classroom, the teacher presents a bucket to them. They know what they have to do, and they are not happy about it. The students form a line and drop their cellphones into it, thinking about how they will have to do this in every hour of the day. The bucket fills with a mix of Samsung’s, iPhones, and other brands, as kids settle at their desks   “The phone ban is simply a stricter enforcement of what has been for a long time. The setup at Lee’s Summit High School is that students can use their phones in the hallways and lunch, but the classroom has always been a pristine environment,” Lee’s Summit High School principal John Faulkenberry said.   Phones have been a controversial subject since the cellphone was invented. Many people see it as a distraction, while others see them as a useful tool. Many schools have begun to enforce a total phone ban, meaning teachers have to take their phone once they have entered the classroom, and some do not even allow them at lunch Written by: JAEDEN MILLER Photgraphed by: FAITH ROACH Designed by: AUDREY BADGEROW

or the hallways.   “According to our school, they banned phones in an attempt to stop the sale of drugs and stop cyberbullying. But, banning phones in school is not going to stop these things from happening outside of it,” Ray-Pec junior Kate Cornelius said.   Ray-Pec has begun to enforce the rule that teachers have to take phones from students. Once they walk in the class, the phones are taken and put into cubbies or on the teacher’s desk. While these things do help prevent distraction, it can pose many problems as well.   “Without phones, we aren’t able to call anyone in an emergency. We also can’t take photos of important notes or problems the teachers want us to do,” Cornelius said.   As the hour comes to an end, the teacher retrieves the bucket of phones and allows students to come back and take them. The kids all leave the class, and prepare to give up their phones once again for the next one.




Dive into the schools’ new effort to help students in need.


cross America, physical health has been a major concern. Whether it’s ‘foolproof diets,’ or ‘miracle workouts.’ However, LSHS and several other schools have been trying to incorporate mental wellbeing protocols and movements. With the You Be You theme being introduced this year, many have questions for the movement.   “No, we’re hoping for it to be a new theme much like ‘tradition, pride, excellence’ theme.” You be You Board member Caitlyn Riley said. You be You is not a club, it’s not an extracurricular activity, it’s being introduced as a way of life for LSHS students and staff alike.   “There are some people that are taking it one hundred percent seriously. There are some people that take it one hundred percent as a joke. However, the majority is somewhere in between. When I spoke at the assembly I was trying to get across that this is a real thing and that it affects everyone.” Riley said. Many students have taken this movement as a joke, whereas others believe this could work. However, they believe it’s only going to work if the student body lets it work.

“Mr. Ringen emailed 15-17 kids specifically for the you be you movement based on what peers and teachers said about them, much like the optimism award in elementary school,” Riley said. You be You is student ran, Assistant Principle Shane Ringen doesn’t have a lot of say in regard to what You be You does. He chose the board members based on their kindness and willingness to work with others.   “I didn’t necessarily start it, it was a team decision, a team effort. The last couple of years we have a little bit more focus on mental wellness and mental wellbeing, the overall wellbeing of our students. So we just wanted to take it to the next level.” Ringen said .   After the recent unfortunate events our district has experienced the past 5 years, it makes sense our school would take the next step to improve the outlooks our students have.   “They all kind of have their own unique attributes that contribute to the group, but this group is a student led initiative so I don’t have a whole lot of say into what they do, it’s mainly kind of what they come up

with.” Ringen said.   They plan to paint positive murals in the bathrooms and on the walls leading up to stairways. They don’t have a whole lot planned as of right now, but they plan to make an impact one way or another and hope LSHS can be themselves. Be Happy: Walking through the hallways junior Brooke Fraizer greets everyone with a smile to encouraging them to be themselves. “I would like to see our school be more positive and have more people be happy with themselves,” Fraizer said.

Leadership: Junior Caitlyn Riley was chosen to help lead the You be You program at our school. “I’m passionate about what I do... if a leader is passionate about what they say and do then... others will follow,” Riley said.

Bring your student ID for $5 off!

Written by: TOMMY HICKS Photographed by: CHEYANNE KENNEDY Designed by: CHEYANNE KENNEDY


Popular shows receive mixed reviews on the messages they are trying to get across.


he TV flickers on, showing a new world of possibilities of entertainment.   However, some of these options in the world of TV may be less enticing than many people may want.   In the new age, finding fresh and exciting new media can be hard, especially with the increase of media censorship slowly increasing, causing many people to give a backlash against these types of shows.   Recurring topics about substance abuse, rape or suicide are becoming much more evident in the world of media.   But in addition to that, LGBT material is also facing the same backlash as those said shows. The question arises of whether this material should be shown to the public eye.   Many young adults these days see themselves being affected by this media often, causing some people to make decisions to end their own life because of what they watched. The media industry is struggling to try and censor these graphic instances, even if what is presented is seen

as morally right.   Such instances, such as the 2017 show 13 Reasons Why, which is notorious for its theme of suicide amongst other dark tones.   In the show, there are multiple scenes where there is physical and verbal abuse, rape, and substance abuse occuring to the main character, Hannah Baker, as well as a two minute long sequence of the suicide, showing graphic images of the girl slitting her wrists in a bathtub.   The San Diego State University conducted a study that summarized the impact of the show on the viewers, and revealed that the searches online on how to commit suicide increased by 26% following the show’s release.   This is dangerous for the current audience because it includes many affected by mental illness and addiction to substances.   According to a study from the American Academy of Pediatrics, two out of three teens today that are suffering from depression do not receive treatment, and

therefore exposure to this type of media can be very dangerous for endangered people.   However, on the other side of the spectrum, many shows these days are receiving censorship not for violence or abuse; but for broadcasting LGBT couple on the air.   Many shows are portraying LGBT characters more and more often, and even delving into the cartoon industry Shows such as Steven Universe or Adventure Time on Cartoon Network, and Andi Mack and Star vs. The Forces of Evil, shown on Disney Channel and Disney XD respectively, are showing LGBT characters or plotlines, causing an uproar in the media community due to the lack of representation the demographic has had in the past.   Many of these shows have shown same-sex couples or genderless characters in their stories, or followed storylines about to discovering different orientations.   The christian anti-LGBT group, One Million Moms, has ordered a petition against

these shows, claiming that that Disney is stepping towards adult content by displaying same-sex couples.   These are not actions that are uncommon, as portrayal of these instances had been across media many times before and have had similar backlash against these communities.   However, that does not stop the industry from showing these occurrences of presumably graphic scenes.   As the industry increases, it does not diminish the fact that there is an increase in the influx of riskiness in media, as well as censorship against it, so it is all up to the viewer on their input on this rise of controversial portrayals.   So the question now remains in the public’s head whenever they on the TV in the modern day of new media; Is it safe to watch? Written by: MICAELA HELVEY Cartoon by: LEAH HASKELL Designed by: TYLER WILLIAMS



Assessing the school safety features and drills.


he buildings slowly begin to drown in silence and darkness as students are instructed over the intercom to silently and quickly conceal themselves, almost as if on autopilot.   “Part of what you are thinking as you are doing the drill is that there is no guarantee that it is going to happen that way and there are a million other ways this could all happen,” principal

John Faulkenberry said.   In the wake of the student-led March for Our Lives rallies, school administration has been welcoming student safety concerns with open arms.   “I think they have eased a lot of people’s minds, especially the doors locking during class hours, has put a lot of worry about intruders to rest,” student-activist Chris Teeter said.   Student Resource Officer

safety safety stats stats 1969

UCLA 2 Killed.

Sims finds that the school has made many improvements in is time at LSHS. “When I first got here, there was not a locked door here,” Sims said.   Despite the recent additions, students may be subconsciously compromising school safety.   “When someone chooses to prop open the door or to open the door for someone they do not even recognize; that is a safety concern. We


all want to be safe, but that means we have to commit to safety, even when it is not the most convenient. We have to be all in on safety,” Faulkenberry said.   While most American students have the drills down to a tee, some schools have begun to implement certain processes to optimize safety.   “We have this four-step process; we are supposed to examine the scene, flee if safe, if not, we are supposed




33 Killed.

to barricade the doors and hide, and if we encounter the shooter, we are supposed to fight back with whatever we find,” Rockhurst High School student Cole Vacek said.   While drills are simply drills, Faulkenberry stresses the importance of taking these seriously.   “What you are trying to get out of a hard lockdown drill

is that sense of urgency, that unfortunately these things happen. These are limited action drills and the teachers go through an additional level of training before school. Police actually come in, run the scenario and the teachers are made to be the students; with officer trying to get into the classroom,¨ Faulkenberry said.

A final announcement chimes in and students check back into reality. Realistically, preparations are limited, however, the more discussions had and increased levels of awareness will help schools be more prepared in the long run.


SANDY HOOK 27 Killed.








The mental effect coaches have on their players.


hat does the typical athlete do when their coach tells them they have a very important game and how do they react. Players like junior Quarterback Darrias Pearsall said that these kind of things do not affect him, because he wants to win the game just as much as his coach.   “ It makes me work harder but it’s fun hearing people say we’re gonna lose,and people asking me if we’re gonna win,” Darrias said. For most players it does

not make things harder because it can boost their confidence when they win and were told they would lose.   “Of course he says we gotta win this game it’s usually when it is a big game and we have a chance to prove a lot of people wrong,” Darrias said.   Sometimes even media says that the players will not win their game but they still push through and prove them wrong the players always seem to try their hardest to win and be the best team they can be. They also have a lot of support from their coaches so they can keep on going

and not give up during the game.   “ That’s not necessarily a great coaching strategy just from outside looking in everyone wants to win games but as a student athlete they need to go out a prepare their best for the game,”   Players should always work to see how much better they can get so when it game day they can player their best a represent their school at the best ability they possible can. There are many opinions about whether it good to do tell players they have to win their next game.



-About 10% of athletes claim they have major stress. - 30% of students who quit a sport is due to negative attitudes from coaches or parents. -20% of Soccer players claimed they feel stressed before games and even worse if they lose the game

Source: Ohio University Online Master of Athletic

MIKE’S MIKE’S MIKE’S MOMENT MOMENT Ripping, buring and throwing out dollars because of one kneel.


olin Kaepernick is no longer in the NFL, but his influence is still spreading about police brutality and social injustice. As the new ‘Face of Nike’, Colin has sparked a new wave of angry customers, who are taken to defacing Nike products because they do not agree with his way of protesting.   I am not concerned with what others support because that is all about them, but defacing Nike products does not do anything to the brand. If you have already bought the product and given your money. If people do not want to support them anymore then do not buy anything else.   Do not go ruining perfectly good clothing

that could be donated been doing something to the less fortunate or just as disrespectful.   just in general be used for their intended I am not concerned purpose.  with what others   Nike is support because not a political statement, it is that is all about a clothing line, them, but defacing and the Colin Kaepernick Nike products does ad is part of the not do anything to anniversary of the brand. If you the ‘Just Do It’ campaign.   have lredy bought   They support the product, you many people of many different have already given viewpoints, them money. even Lebron James supports the move also, if we go onto another issue of the fact   The Chiefs’ version that people think he was of the national anthem disrespecting the country has not once been said and our military, then all right, that should bother of the fans in our local you more than a player area of the Chiefs have taking a knee to respect

Written by: DALTYN SCHAFER Photographed by: MEGAN CURLESS Designed by: JORDAN TURNER

a group of people who were wrongfully killed by the system that was supposed to be protecting them. No matter the opinion, people like to pick and choose when things are disrespectful or harmful to someone or a group of people, and that is the bigger issue.   Opinions are like butts, everyone has one, but it does not need to be shown. Some things may affect some people differently than others and we have to understand that as a collective group to help understand our fellow peers.

Written by: MIKE SMITH Photographed by: MIKE SMITH Designed by: JESSICA WINKLER




SHOUT OUT: Junior Peyton Lee jumps in happiness

when the buzzer went off signaling that the Tigers have won the game. “In that moment I felt excited and proud to be supporting the winning team” Lee said.

RADIANT ROYALTY: Senior Tyler Williams

is crowned king at the Homecoming game.“It was probably the best moment of my high-school experience. I was actually kind of shocked”

ALL SMILES: Junior Payge Stewart (right) smiles at the camera after cheering for the football team. “I’m proud of our school and happy to spend time with my friends.”Stewart said. Photographed by: MAKAYLA HOLMBERG Designed by: TYLER WILLIAMS

CROWNING QUEEN: Senior Kierstin Larue is crowned queen at the Homecoming game. “I felt like I had just conquered the world, it was such an amazing feeling. I felt so loved by everyone,” Larue said.


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