2011-2012 JLR Annual Report

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Annual Report 2011-2012

Engage. Inspire. Transform.

OUR MISSION JLR VISION e Junior League of Richmond is an organization of women committed to the mission of promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving the community through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.

e Junior League of Richmond empowers, educates, and enhances the quality of life for women, youth, and families, with an emphasis in the East End community, through effective programming and collaboration demonstrated by quality mentorship and family programs that build skills to reach educational goals, plan for the next phase of life, and generate pride in the community.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Laurie Cigal Elizabeth Ford Michelle Miller Amy Moghanaki C. Stinson Mundy Holly Raidabaugh Sally Starling

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Jennifer Pitts President Rachael Harrell President-Elect Michal Coffey Vice President, Community Beverly Brown Vice President, Events Erin A. Sutton Vice President, Membership Camilla Rohrbach Vice President, Sustainer Catherine Tomlin Director, Branding Cran Davis Director, Finance Patricia S. Loughridge Sustainer Advisor Christy Counts Assistant to President

COMMUNITY ADVISORY BOARD William Allcott Harold Fitrer Reginald E. Gordon Jeanine Harper Jennifer L. McClellan Robert D. Seabolt William Snyder Shawn P. Sweeney Lynne Washington Jeffrey L. Wilt

STAFF Britt Nelson, Executive Director Martha Ware Bryan, Office Manager Ann Michele Sweeny, Controller Mark Gaddis, Director, Retail Operations Tory Robertson-Susac, Store Manager, Stratford Hills

Dear Members, Donors, Partners and Friends, The Junior League of Richmond was built on dedication, hard work and tradition; for 86 years we have evolved into the organization we are today- where women blossom, grow, lead and serve. That made it easy to select a theme fitting for our work in 2011-2012: “Engage. Inspire. Transform.”

Engage: • Recruited one of the largest new member classes to date in servant leadership for the League • Engaged 339 Active Members in volunteering their time, treasure and talents to the Richmond community through committee placements and various project opportunities. • Nurtured our 592 Sustainer Members, members who have given 10 years or more of active member service • Held two General Membership Meetings in the East End of Richmond to strengthen our partnerships in the community and at the same time, showing our members how they can directly impact the East End families • Held our first Community Council training in partnership with SCAN • Moved our Kids in the Kitchen program to once a month which impacted a greater number of families in the East End than our annual program

Inspire: • Inspired our members with nearly 50 Past Presidents and their exemplary work as leaders in our League and our Greater community • Created core values to support our Mission and Vision while the Board worked to establish behaviors to show the importance of these values to our members, our donors and our community: In every action we demonstrate, commitment by honoring our promises to each other and the community compassion through unbiased care and respect for others integrity through honest and principled service stewardship through ethical and responsible management of our valuable resources

Transform: • Awarded a national grant for $2,500 from Kashi to support our Kids in the Kitchen program designed to fight childhood obesity • Provided quality, affordable merchandise to over 39,000 customers and sold over 156,000 items through the two Clothes Rack locations (Cary Street and Stratford Hills) • Hosted Graham Salisbury during our 8th year of the Junior Book and Author event, with attendance by 400 people during the evening event and 2,200 students served with free in-school presentations in addition to over 500 books provided to partner schools • Served our League and the Richmond Community with over 30,000 hours of volunteer time by members • Held our must successful Touch a Truck event to date, raising over $32,000 with over 3,000 attendees • Hosted our 67th Book and Author Dinner featuring seven nationally acclaimed authors and attracting over 1,000 attendees who helped to raise over $60,000, surpassing the fundraising goal by 20% Each of us holds in our hands the power to be great and to do great things. That is what makes the Junior League unique to other volunteer organizations. I could not be more proud of all we accomplished over the year and all we have given back to one another and to the Greater Richmond community. Thank you to our community partners, our donors, our family and our friends- our League could not be what it is today without the support of each of you. Best, Jennifer L. Pitts President 2011-2012

“Beautiful and graceful, varied and enchanting, small but approachable, butterflies lead you to the sunny side of life. And everyone deserves a little sunshine.” -Jeffrey Glassberg

Women of As part of its mission, the Junior League of Richmond focuses on creating a capable leadership pool for both the community and the League. Many of our members, as they complete their active years in the League, choose to take their skills and experience into a number of both non-profit and professional organizations in the community. Edie Cabaniss is a wonderful example of the lasting impact League training and support can have on its members. Eda “Edie” Hofstead Cabaniss transferred to the Junior League of Richmond in 1971 after moving from Nashville, TN. As an active member, Edi served in various placements including the Clothes Rack Committee, Testing Assistant with the Women’s Resource Center, Docent at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Assistant Chair of the Advocacy Center and Chair of Human Services of Community Affairs. While serving the community as a JLR volunteer, Edie also provided her talents to other community organizations including the American Cancer Society and the Kappa Alpha Theta Alumnae Chapter.

Distinction children that her love for the objects intensified. “The children responded to the collection with such awe and wonder,” she remembers, and she soon came to realize just how extraordinary VMFA’s collection was. Through its May 2010 Opening, then Picasso, and now Fabergé Revealed, Edie has supported the VMFA in becoming a world-class museum through her various roles including an appointment to the VFMA Foundation Board. The VMFA extended its appreciation in 2011 and named the Fabergé Gallery in Edie’s honor, in gratitude for her gift to the museum’s capital campaign, and her devotion to the collection.

As a Sustainer, Edi has continued her spirit of volunteerism and has dedicated her efforts to encouraging the arts through involvement with The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts (VMFA). VMFA’s permanent collection encompasses more than 33,000 works of art spanning 5,000 years of world history. Its collections of Art Nouveau and Art Deco, English silver, Fabergé, and the art of South Asia are among the finest in the nation. Edie says that her interest in Fabergé actually developed at VMFA, beginning with her service in the Junior League when she first moved to Richmond. It was during her intensive training as a docent and her tours of Fabergé for school


The Junior League of Richmond

2012 Service Awards

Pinkie W. Smith Community Award for Excellence in Volunteerism The Pinkie W. Smith Community Award was established in 1998 to commemorate the exemplary service and dedication to volunteering that was so evident in the life of Pinkie Smith. Elizabeth “Liz” Ford has held leadership positions in several roles within the League, including Vice President of Membership, Nominating Committee Chair, and Board of Directors. Liz works tirelessly to ensure others are successful while showing us how we, as busy women leaders, can effectively use our talents and serve for the good and wellbeing of others. She touches all those she encounters with her smile, her soft-spoken voice, and with her compassionate words of encouragement. Liz has also served on her school’s PTA as Chair of the Membership Committee and played President’s Awards for a key role in coordinating the school dance. In addition, the Brandermill Distinguished Service Church has benefitted from her selfless service and work ethic for its annual Consignment Sale for many years. Liz goes above-and-beyond Active: and truly is an inspiration to other members making her a deserving Sara Shelton Pinkie W. Smith award recipient. Jennifer McNeil Deb Pollack Outstanding Community Volunteer Award Katrina Amos The Outstanding Community Volunteer Award is given to a member Kim Daniel who has contributed significant, outstanding volunteer time and effort Susan Barney to improve the quality of life in the Richmond community. Christy Counts Lindsay LeGrand Pamela Hutzler has shown long-term commitment in her roles on Denise Leonard Good Sports and Recruitment while volunteering countless hours at the New Member: Hospitality House on a monthly basis. Additionally, Pamela volunteered Nicole Brenner numerous times for other Done In a Day initiatives, collected items for Morgan Carter our various partners, and leveraged her social media to promote Natasha Freeman volunteerism within and outside Junior League of Richmond. Her passion for community involvement and her dedication to the children Sustainer: and families we serve has been evident in everything she does. Pamela Patti Loughridge doesn't sit on the sidelines but dives in to each of her commitments Denise McHale demonstrating how good volunteers "show up."

Annual Report 2011-2012


Sue Ellen Childers Taylor has been a dedicated member since 1987 and is always the first to say, “Yes,” and the last one to go home after a long day of volunteering. No job is ever too large or too small for Sue and she always does it with a smile, a joke or a laugh that encourages all around her to continue until completed. Sue has been involved with the Sustainer Doers committee, volunteering at the Southside Child Development Center, the Fan Free Clinic or any other location where volunteers are needed. She also has been a dedicated volunteer outside of the League by giving her time to The Church of the Holy Comforter, The Women’s Club, Tuckahoe Garden Club, and the Feeding Program. When learning of the Impact 100 group, women in philanthropy, she joined to help make a significant impact in the community. Additionally, Sue is a past President of The University of Virginia School of Nursing Alumni Association where she extended her tenure to guide the association during its Centennial Celebration. She has been recognized for her efforts at UVA by being made a member of the prestigious Raven Society. Sue is a perfect fit the Barbara Ransome Andrews as she is a committed volunteer who gives quietly and without fanfare.

Above and Beyond

Barbara Ransome Andrews Award The Barbara Ransome Andrews Award, named for one of our most esteemed and beloved members, honors a sustainer member’s outstanding community service.


General Membership Meeting Celebrates JLR’s Commitment In putting the League’s mission into action, the first General Membership Meeting (GMM) of the year kicked-off with a community fair at the Robinson Theater Community Arts Center that brought together community agencies and partners to provide families in the East End with an evening of fellowship and fun activities. Jennifer Pitts, 2011-2012 President, chose the Community GMM as the setting for sharing her vision, Engage. Inspire. Transform., for the year’s work. “It’s a continual process we will work on during the course of the year,” Jennifer explains, “in which we’ll engage in new placements that will inspire change within ourselves and allow us to transform not just who we are as volunteers but also to transform our community.” Members from the East End community participating in the fair included the Richmond Fire Department (Station 5), Communities in Schools, Bon Secours, Blue Sky Fund, the YWCA, YMCA, and Peter Paul Development Center. Volunteers from the League’s Families First, Kids in the Kitchen, Literacy Through Arts Outreach, and Good Sports committees provided hands-on activities, games and healthy snacks for the neighborhood children. This was one of the most wellattended membership meetings on record, which only confirmed our members’ commitment to the East End Community!

Much like the Robinson Theater, the Junior League uses the power of its history to engage, inspire and transform the lives of its members and the communities it serves. The community GMM set the stage for the work to be done over the 2011-2012 league year in serving families and nonprofit partners in the East End while continuing to celebrate the League’s 85 year legacy. The Scope of Voluntarism The Junior League of Richmond makes an impact in the community in many ways, one being on-going relationships with the following Richmond organizations to deliver programs that enhance the lives of children and families. The League is a regular presence at these agencies, offering much-needed support for staff and the families they serve. Nearly 1,000 Junior League of Richmond members served the Richmond community and contributed over 30,000 hours of service.

Built in 1937, the Robinson Theater is a staple in the East End community and was named for Bill “Bojangles” Robinson, a native son of Richmond who grew up to be one of the most famous of all African American tap dancers to headline Broadway and to appear in Hollywood films. The theater’s glowing marquee was removed and the doors were boarded up in the mid-1980s after a period of unsuccessful uses as a disco, pool hall, and restaurant. In 2008, the theater underwent another reinvention – a return to its roots as an “icon of the transformation of this section of Church Hill”. The theater once again is looked to as a place for community life. 4

The Junior League of Richmond

The Bright Beginnings committee seeks volunteer and donor support to provide a backpack of educational supplies and a "back-to-school" shopping experience for children often involved in League program sites. In August, League members served 125 children over 4 nights of back-to-school shopping through JLR’s partnership with YMCA Bright Beginnings.

Good Sports promotes character development through athletics for elementary school-aged youth at Peter Paul Development Center. Members worked with approximately 50 boys and girls on trying a variety of sports while focusing on the six Pillars of Character as defined by the Character Counts! Program: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, and Citizenship. Lessons were delivered in partnership with groups like First Tee Golf and Richmond Kickers. The Kids in the Kitchen committee conducted nutritional outreach events at Woodville Elementary School to fight childhood obesity by promoting healthy eating habits and lifestyles. The events taught approximately 50 children the importance of nutrition through healthy snack and meal preparation. Read more in the following feature! Literacy Through Art Outreach provides workshops at Woodville Elementary School. Committee members provided a story and related art project to 250 children and 250 adults while providing over 220 books to participants. The programs were designed to inspire children’s artistic development as well as help families guide children’s creative play.

Annual Report 2011-2012


The Families First Committees provided programs and special events to 200 children and families at Southside Child Development Center and Woodville Elementary School. Interactive children programs focused on activities related to healthy eating, dental care, arts and crafts, and educational games. Adult programs focused on health care options, education and positive parenting.

Community Programs

The Done in a Day Committee collaborated with local community organizations to provide volunteers for halfday projects across the Richmond Metro Area. This year, 62 Done in a Day events were held with at least one in the East End each month. DIADs afford all JLR members the opportunity for hands on community involvement with projects benefitting partners such as St. Joseph’s Villa, Hospitality House, Swansboro Elementary School, Meals on Wheels and Central Virginia Food Bank.



Healthy Habits for Life

Kids in the Kitchen Goes Monthly The Junior League of Richmond’s Kids in the Kitchen program has operated for the past three years as a funfilled one-day event designed to provide educational information and hands on demonstrations to increase students’ awareness of the need for healthy habits. During that time, approximately 600 children and their families from elementary schools and after school programs in Richmond attended the annual events. Today, the Center for Disease Control reports that about one in three American kids and teens is overweight or obese, nearly triple the rate in 1963. Excess weight at young ages has been linked to high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and elevated blood cholesterol levels. There are also psychological effects resulting from low self-esteem, negative body image and depression. All of these alarming findings have escalated childhood obesity to the top of the charts as the No. 1 health concern among parents in the United States, surpassing drug abuse and smoking. In acknowledging this national epidemic, the Junior League of Richmond determined a more active role in educating children and families about nutrition and healthy meal preparation was needed. Building on the success and engagement from the annual Kids in the Kitchen events, JLR made the exciting decision to pilot Kids in the Kitchen on a monthly basis during the 2011-2012 League year. By regularly interacting with those who most need nutritional support, KITK seeks to make a lasting change on the future of area children and families.


“Food is symbolic and represents care, love, and family and friends,” shares Katherine Jones, 2011-2012 KITK Chair. “So much of what we do in everyday life is centered around food…in the buying, preparing, eating, and even the cleaning up process. As we cook with the students, we talk, learn, and work together which makes Kids in the Kitchen a great way for the League to respond to the need for promoting good health.” Through sponsorship from Bon Secours and a grant from Kashi, KITK committee volunteers work with third grade students at Woodville Elementary School during evening one hour sessions held concurrently with PTA meetings. The sessions include age-appropriate recipe preparation, cooking themed activities, and take-home items including snack bags and nutrition tips for the whole family. Highlights from the pilot year include an apron decorating project; herb tasting and salad station; healthy snack sampler featuring baked chips, pretzels and guacamole; cheese exploration with cheddar, blue cheese and parmesan; hummus station with carrots and crackers; smoothie tasting; and learning to read product labels.

The Junior League of Richmond

2012-2013 Welcomes Britt Nelson as our new Executive Director!

No other volunteer organization develops the potential of women leaders like the Junior League of Richmond and Britt Nelson is a perfect example of this legacy. Britt joined JLR in 2008 and dedicated her energy to the Touch a Truck Committee. In 2011, she chaired the Touch a Truck Committee and brought in new partnerships and ideas which produced one of our most successful Touch a Truck events ever. Most recently, Britt served as Vice President Elect of Events where she worked to develop a compelling and comprehensive fundraising strategy for all League events. In addition to her JLR experience, Britt brings over 12 years of grant writing and project development experience where she has worked to connect organizational and community needs with ideas and resources. Prior to joining JLR, Britt was the Grants Coordinator for Henrico County Public Schools and prepared grant proposals supporting a variety of educational needs, including literacy, mentoring, professional development, technology and health/wellness. Her grants development career is complimented by her experience as Grants Program Administrator and later Manager of Program Assessment with the Virginia Tobacco Commission where she evaluated and monitored grant funded projects. Britt is a graduate of Longwood College and earned a Master of Business Administration from Virginia Commonwealth University.

Annual Report 2011-2012


Enabling Funds in the Touch a Truck Through sponsorship support from Liesfeld Contractors, Inc., and UPS Freight, the 6th Annual Touch a Truck, held on October 1, 2011 at Richmond International Raceway, offered children and families the chance to explore their favorite bulldozers, cement mixers, dump trucks, utility trucks and delivery trucks as well as to climb aboard the National Guard Helicopter and to take a visual tour of the Bon Secours Medical Chopper. This year’s event featured for the first time a limited number of VIP tickets that enabled event fans to come an hour early and to skip the lines. The VIP hour sold-out and was a crowd favorite among parents. Radio Disney provided entertainment throughout the day with music, games, and prizes while Romp n’ Roll provided interactive performances. And Nutzy (Richmond Squirrels), Kickeroo (Richmond Kickers) and Bonnie the Bunny (Bon Secours) made special appearances. Another crowd favorite this year was the Home Depot craft station where children built bean bag games, tool boxes, and trucks. Over 20 vendors provided shopping opportunities for the adults while the children jumped in bounce houses nearby or took a few putts with First Tee Golf. The 2011 event was attended by over 3,000 people and raised over $33,000. Junior Book & Author The 8th Junior Book & Author literary event held on February 24, 2012 featured nationally acclaimed author, Graham Salisbury, a Hawaiian native who draws on his World War II-era childhood to write many of his novels. Salisbury visited schools in the City of Richmond, and counties of Henrico, Hanover, and Chesterfield schools, as well as the Collegiate

A Literary Event for



School in Richmond. Thanks to the support of the Verizon Foundation, Capital One, and Bon Secours, the event reached over 2,200 students with free inschool presentations and provided over 500 books to partner schools. In addition to presentations, Graham visited individual classrooms, signed books, and attended lunch and dinner receptions. Prior to Graham’s visit, JLR volunteers held Chat ‘n’ Chews, a book club style event, where students discussed the book and could learn about Hawaiian culture through a letter-writing station for WWII veterans, a hibiscus flower-making station, a hula hoop contest and a hula dancing station, and an "Aloha Theater", which showed videos about Hawaiian culture. Additionally, committee volunteers read almost 100 “Be a Junior Author” essay competition submissions which were narrowed down to the top 10 and Graham selected the top 5. Mitchell Gregory, of Chickahominy Middle School in Hanover County, won First Place in the competition. The evening presentation was held on February 23, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. at the Collegiate School’s Oates Theater and was attended by over 400 people. Through sponsor support, ticket sales, and book purchases, over $13,000 was raised while fostering a love of reading with area students. Book & Author The Book & Author Dinner celebrated its 67th year on May 1, 2012 with over 1,000 people in attendance. The JLR is most grateful to Dominion, Presenting Signature sponsor, as well as to Troutman Sanders and the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Paul Duke sponsors, for their outstanding support of this event. Fountain Books assisted the League as its book-selling partner and the Jefferson Hotel continued its partnership in hosting the authors in its Governor’s Suite. Author Bob Deans served as Master of Ceremonies for the author The Junior League of Richmond

panel featuring the following distinguished authors: Wiley Cash, Erin Duffy, Margot Livesey, Alice Medrich, Matthew Pearl, Sally Bedell Smith, and Adriana Trigiani. For the first time in the event’s history, tickets were made available for the Book & Author Luncheon which was held earlier in the day at the Country Club of Virginia. Approximately 100 guests enjoyed the luncheon which featured an extended book signing session and the opportunity to dine with visiting authors in a more intimate setting. The event raised more than $65,000.

2011-2012 Special Events The League was fortunate to benefit from several special events held in partnership with local businesses who helped to collect donations for The Clothes Rack while generously donating back a portion of event proceeds to support the League’s mission. This year’s special give-back events included: • J. McLaughlin paired with the League once again for a shopping event held on October 12, 2012, that featured drinks and hors’ devours provided by The Blue Goat. • Courture for a Cause on November 9, 2011 offered ticket holders a night of style, food, and fun as Saks Fifth Avenue at Stony Point Fashion Park closed to the public and opened its doors to the League. The night featured a special appearance by serveware designer Julia Knight!


Celebrating more than 60 years in the community, the Clothes Rack offers highquality, secondhand clothing and household goods donated by League members and the community. Proceeds from this on-going fundraiser go to support the mission of the Junior League of Richmond. In the last year, the two store locations (Cary Street and Stratford Hills) served over 39,000 customers and sold over 156,000 items. The combined revenue increased 3% from FY2011, which had previously been our best year.

Annual Events

Clothes Rack

• The Ann Taylor Shopping Event celebrated the reopening of the Ann Taylor at Short Pump Town Center on December 3, 2011 and was the perfect kick-off to the holiday shopping season. • On March 24, 2012, Hip to Be Round opened its doors for shoppers to bring gently used maternity clothes, infant & children's clothes, and pre-maternity items to be donated to The Clothes Rack. • Richmondmom.com’s Monthly Wine Down was held on April 4, 2012 at The Wine Loft in benefit of the League. Raffles, discounted wines, and delicious appetizers were enjoyed by guests.

Annual Report 2011-2012


A Dedicated Network of The Junior League of Richmond membership includes outstanding women from all walks of life, in all stages of their lives. While New Members are just beginning their introduction to the League, they have every opportunity to shine just like Actives and Sustainers. Many wonder what common ground League members have at such different stages of membership. It is a strong sense of service and dedication to the community that bonds League members together. The New Member class completed four Community projects for the Peter Paul Development Center. They collected and distributed stocking caps, scarves, gloves, food and school supplies to 80 children. The New Members also provided each of the Center’s 30 seniors with goodie baskets in the Spring. The Sustainer Doers provided enrichment activities for 75 children at Southside Child Development Center. They also supported teachers and staff at Christmas staff luncheons, a full week of treats and lunches during Teacher Appreciation week. The Doers were also busy at the Fan Free Clinic, providing 40 clients with dinners, bingo games, collecting food for the pantry among many other projects. The Hospital Hospitality House, which is always a favorite volunteer spot for many Junior League members, was treated to two ice cream socials which drew over 60 guests. Honoring Anne Folkes Miller Without the commitment of our volunteers, the League wouldn’t matter as much to this community. So many of our members, as they complete their Active years in the League, choose to take this experience into a number of both non-profit and professional organizations. One our beloved members who embraced this spirit of giving of one’s time and talents was Anne Folkes Miller. At 90 years of age, our beloved Anne passed away on September 24, 2012. Anne cherished her work and friends she made in the Junior League of Richmond, where she circulated with "smart, ambitious women 10


who wanted to do something in the community," her daughter says, and learned skills to get things done. She helped JLR raise funds to buy our Mayo Carter House headquarters at 205 W. Franklin St. During the 1970s, with racial tension mounting and Richmond city growth stagnating, Anne joined visionaries on a board that created Leadership Metro Richmond, devoted to uniting diverse young leaders in a network that would educate and inspire them to work together for the betterment of Richmond. Anne served as the organization’s first Executive Director, where membership today stands at 1,800. Anne’s legacy will live on within the League and the community given her contributions. In 1977, the League honored her dedication by awarding Anne with our first Barbara Ransome Andrews Award established to recognize outstanding service to the community.

BY THE NUMBERS • 339 Active Members volunteering their time and talents to the Richmond community through committee placement and various project opportunities. • 97 New Members completed a provisional year of study where they learned more about League and its role in the community as well as received volunteer training. • 592 Sustainer Members, member who have given 10 years or more of active member service, continue to support the League. • 33 is the average age of the Active Member and 28 is the average age of the New Member. • 75% of members work outside the home. • Metro RVA and Beyond are represented within the League as members come from Richmond, Henrico, Hanover, Goochland, Powhatan, Chesterfield, Chester, New Kent and James City County.

The Junior League of Richmond

Cortney Allen Brittany Anderson Caroline Ayscue Caroline Birgmann Allison Borovatz Kathryn Bradt Nicole Brenner Leslie Calder Morgan Carter Brittany Clyburn Melissa Collins Brittany Cox Lauren Cox Rebecca Deacon Allison Denton Chandler Dewey Jessica Durand Dawn Epley Courtney Fleming Natasha Freeman Juel Gadd Erin Gallagher Katie Gallagher Alexis F. Garlock Teal Geiger Katie Giegerich Sara Giegerich Victoria Hauser Meredith Helsel Shontae Hewlett Tamarah Holmes Reanetta Hunley Erin Jones Lorin Kain Ellen Kastelberg Hillary Keeton Brooke Lawsing Stephanie LeCompte Kelly Lehman Emily K. Long Meredith McLelland

Annual Report 2011-2012

Kelly McNeil Andreycak Kat Meng Krystal Minor Dana Moore-Wills Jonnelle Morris Jackie Nichols Katie Niemeier Jill D. Openshaw Alexandra Povlishock Erin Reibel Mary Douglas Rice Elizabeth Ridler Corbin Ryland Maha Saad Brett Shiflett Ola Sopilnik Nicole Sydnor Michelle Taggart Erin Tatum Laura Courtney Taylor Patreace Thornton Karin Trice Brooke Tudeen Amber Vernon Katie Watts Whitney Wellford Dekesha Williams Jenefer Williams Taylor Wilson

New Sustainers We thank our 12 sustaining members for their many years of commitment. Jennifer Barbee Rikki Dodson Deborah Gill Eva Hartmann Katy Haskell Niki Howard Heather Marshall Tiffany Metacarpa Meghan Monroe Dana Parsons Alison Reining Lee Unroe

New Transfers We welcome these women who have transferred their membership to the Junior League of Richmond. Sarah Ailsworth Alison Corazzini Dee Dee Cox Tanja Felton Claire Gershon Kathryn Gladysz-Millea Madeline Goldman Zandria Haines Anna Hatfield Amber Howard Zandria Ivy Teresa Jordan Meredith Lawton Jone Liuzza Nicole Marks Elizabeth Miller Lauren Moore Cassie Mozingo Leigh Peplinski Lacy Quarles Erin Ritter Rhonda Roberston Carrie Sheehan Stephanie Snyder Layne Summerfield Jayne Thatcher Tonnia Thomas Megan Wallace Linda Walter Katie Watts Katie Weaks Angie Williams Dekesha Williams

In Memoriam We will miss these members who dedicated their time and talents to building a stronger community.


New Members The Junior League of Richmond welcomed 97 women from across the Richmond community. These talented and professional women represent a variety of careers, including lawyers, financial planners, nurses, event planners, CPAs and teachers.

Ann Cary Sally Guerry Pic Hester Patricia Holder Mary Shumate Julia Williams


2011-2012 Gifts of $30,000 and above Dominion Gifts of $10,000 - $29,000 Bon Secours Richmond Health System, Inc. Richmond Times Dispatch Troutman Sanders Verizon Foundation Gifts of $5,000 – $9,999 J. E. Liesfeld Contractor, Inc. UPS Foundation Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999 Capital One Kashi McGuire Woods, LLP Wells Fargo Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499 Ann Taylor Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Atkins, Maestrello, and Associates Pediatric Dentistry, PC BB&T Edie and Bob Cabaniss Champagne Taste Catering Laurie Cigal Freeman Family Fund of The Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia Gillies Creek Mr. and Mrs. William H. Goodwin, Jr. Hancock, Johnson, Daniel, & Nagle, PC James River Equipment Mary Catharine Ginn Kolbert KPMG, LLP Stuart and Pepper Laughon Mercer Mercer Trigiani NewMarket Foundation Josephine J. Miller Mrs. George W. Norris Greta (Cherry) Brown Peters Jennifer L. Pitts St. Mary's College, Notre Dame, IN TFC Recycling Union First Market Bank Gifts of $500 - $999 Abbott Laboratories Employee Giving Campaign Barnes & Diehl, PC Lynda W. Beck 12

Donor Listing

Laura Boland James and Kimberly Daniel Molly Duffy Otis L. Harrell III Eva Hartmann Mrs. Jasper P. Horne III Jean W. Lane Patricia S. Loughridge Amy Nolan McGlynn Jennifer McNeil Michelle Miller Beth C. Moore Jason G. Noble Anne Poarch Saks Fifth Avenue S. B. Cox Ready Mix, Inc. Sara James Shelton Scott & Stringfellow Katherine L. Smallwood Jennifer Snodgrass Mrs. Robert Spratley Elizabeth Butterworth Stutts Travel with Martha, LLC William and Kay Tyler Barbara B. and James E. Ukrop Fund of The Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia Heidi Sigmon Vaiksnoras

Pamela Faircloth Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Frank Mark Gaddis Rachael Harrell Jane V. Helfrich Latosha Johnson Katherine Jones Denise & Patrick Leonard Theresa Lewis Elizabeth Terry Long Mary Maupai Mrs. William G. McClure III Mr. and Mrs. John E. McDonald, Jr. Denice McHale Stinson Mundy Mrs. Fred W. Palmore III Mrs. Chiswell D. L. Perkins Ginny Poindexter Debra R Pollock Kay Poynor Mrs. Holly Renee Raidabaugh Mrs. Clyde H. Ratcliffe Susan V. R. Reynolds Phil & Camilla Rohrbach Eugenia H. Roper Helen J. Ryan Sally Starling Mr. and Mrs. Brad Stora Mr. and Mrs. Shawn P. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Terry, Jr. Tammy West CarMax Car Pool Coca-Cola Refreshments Hip to be Round MeadWestVaco Foundation Old Dominion Electric Cooperative Romp n’ Roll Timmons Group United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg

Gifts of $250 - $499 Mrs. Philip J. Bagley III Patsy L. Barr Betsy Blevins Rachel E. Bowman Pauline Brickman Beverly Brown Mrs. William Hill Brown III Martha Ware Bryan Christy Counts Cran Davis Mrs. Lindsay Rachel Davis Molly Dreux The Junior League of Richmond

Gifts of $100 - $249 Mrs. Brian Richard Adams Ada-Marie Aman Elizabeth W. Baskin Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bates III Mrs. William W. Berry Dr. Virgie Binford Vickie W. Blanchard Deborah Blizman Susan H. Brewer Mrs. Alexander G. Brown III Mrs. Paul Douglas Camp III Kristie Lynn Chamberlain Mrs. Richard M. Clary Mrs. Mark Thomas Cox Mrs. B. Warwick Davenport Kathleen and Joseph Demro Alison W. Eckis Barbara Anne Elledge Sara S. Erickson Jane Fain Pamela Faircloth Sibyl FaJohn Fan District Association of Richmond Branch Harper Feagans Whitney Fero Lauren Elizabeth Fisher Sally Clay Estes Flinn

Casey Emery Elizabeth Ford Mrs. Terry K. Francis Nancy M. Frazier Cornelia Whittet Garrett Mr. and Mrs. William B. George, Jr. Mrs. Carter Glass IV Cathy and Jay Haas Mrs. R. Garnett Hall, Jr. Mrs. Mary Ann Harman Mrs. Anne Heath Gibson Hill Mrs. William Maury Hill Jennifer Hoover Annual Report 2011-2012

Myra Howard Mrs. Jackie Jamison Laura Jarrett Cristy Jarvis Mrs. Julia D. Kimbrell Kelly King Kathryn W. Knollmann Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Lane, Jr. Mrs. James H. Lowe Mrs. Cynthia Luke Alice Lynch Judith Malloy Dorothy Mayer Mrs. William H. McFaddin Mrs. Edwin B. Meade, Jr. Mrs. Amy Irene Moghanaki Mrs. Lois A. Just Myers Casey Nicholson Mrs. William M. Noftsinger Jean Oakey Paula and Jeff O'Flaherty Ms. Linda Orban Mrs. Peyton M. Pollard Ann Pushinsky Lillian S. Rasberry Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Reed, Jr. Emily Reid Jill Firmstone Reynolds Panny Rhodes Leslie Rising Elizabeth W. Robertson Mrs. Tory L. Robertson-Susac Mr. and Mrs. W. Randolph Robins Mariah Robinson Antiques & Fine Art Mrs. Caroline Rodenhaver Nancy Newton "Newnie" Rogers Cora Salzberg Jane Ann Schumann Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seabolt Katherine Thomas Secrist Mrs. Charles W. Sexton Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer Singleton Mrs. Lewis T. Stoneburner Ashley Swift Mary-Allan Smith Stephanie Sommers-Van Saun Brooks Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey L. Stone Tina Stoneburner Mrs. Douglas M. Sutton Mrs. Richard Sidney Sutton Ashley Swift Geoff Switz Sue C. Taylor Betty Anne Teter Donna Thompson Natasha Vance Mrs. C. Porter Vaughan III Courtney Wall Cabell Goolsby West Mrs. John H. Wick III Ms. Barbara G. Wiltshire Isabella G. Witt Mrs. Rosemary French Wood 67th Book & Author Committee The Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia Flemings J. McLaughlin Kelleher HVAC Tiffany and Company

Gifts up to $99 Ashley Abercrombie Katrina Amos Ellen Armstrong Mrs. Frances G. Armstrong Mrs. Debbie S. Barnett Susan Barney Lynda W. Beck Amber Berry Mrs. Anne Booker Mrs. Anedra Bourne Mrs. Bowlman T. Bowles, Jr. Rachel Bowman Mrs. John C. Brennan Mrs. Otis Allen Bristow, Jr. Jane I. Broadbent Mary Anna Broadbent John Brooks 13

2011-2012 Judy S. Brown Mrs. J. Paul Bullock, Jr. Anne Burnett Mrs. Marquis B. Burnett Mrs. Harold M. Burrows, Jr. Leslie Calder Caroline Cardwell Dianne Marie Carter Mrs. Douglas G. Chapman, Jr. Mrs. Guy Chapman Dr. Lindsay N. and Rhonda Childs Mrs. Langdon T. Christian IV Dr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Claiborne, Jr. Jessica Coburn Michal Zivan Coffey Lorie Coker Melissa Collins Amy Hutchinson Cook Mrs. Donald T. Cowles Deirdre Cox Janice L. Craft Elizabeth Cruickshanks Mrs. Colleen Warner Dennis Mrs. Eugene Desvernine Dana Dews Alison Dickinson Cara Dillard Stephanie Disharoon Cynthia A. Dowd Susan Parker Drean Mrs. John F. Dunlap Mrs. Harry Allen Dunlevy Tina Egge Audrey G. Eggleston Amanda C. Faircloth Brooke Farley Alison Fauls Erin Fitzgerald Mrs. Christine Fix Mrs. William W. Flowers


Donor Listing

Jackie Tate Foreman Mrs. Gregory A. Forman Mrs. R. Leigh Frackelton, Jr. Sarah Elizabeth Frydrych Joanne V. Frye Kathryn Michelle Gladysz Sarah Goad Mrs. Bruce C. Gottwald Susan Ware Graham Mrs. Calvin G. Gray Erin Green Mrs. Alexander C. Hall Ms. Carol Lindley Hampton Anne H. Hardage Mrs. Victor L. Harper Mrs. David A. Harrison, IV Emily Harrison Dorothy S. Hart Katy Haskell Mrs. J. Cary Hatcher Victoria Hauser Mrs. Sue Milam Heneberger Mrs. William H. Hoofnagle III Margaret Freeman Howerton Heather Houck Lindsay Sikes Horning Elizabeth Nikol Howard Jill S. Hrynciw Sarah F. Hubard Naureen Hyder Jackie Jamison Mrs. Anne Jensen Allison Jones Mrs. Danielle Jones Mrs. Joseph P. Jowaisas Ms. Jean DeShazo Jumet Jayda Justus Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kay, Jr. Miss Sarah D. Kay Bridget Kelley

Cecil King Kelly King Kindra Kirkeby Ashlee Kneip Jacqueline Kniska Usha Koduru Ashley Kuemmerle Leigh Kurland Meredith Lawton Mr. and Mrs. Clark H. Lewis Mrs. Tanina Frouge Linden Mrs. C. R. Lindenzweig III Wendy Lohr Hopp Angel Renee Lowe Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Luck III Sarah Lysher Mrs. Theodore Joseph Markow Mrs. Katie Ennis Marsh Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Marth Kristy Marshall Susan Grayson Martin Mrs. Lawrence E. Masters Mrs. John Gary Maynard, Jr. Meagan McDaries Mrs. William H. Mears, Jr. Monica Merchant Mrs. Edwin J. Merrick, Jr. Mrs. Charles B. Molster, Jr. Nancy E. Morris Mrs. Jack L. Mrozak Mrs. Frederica C. Mullen-Fenn Ms. Ginny Murphy Jennifer Leigh Myers Mr. and Mrs. Tayloe Negus Britt Nelson Mrs. Marshall Orr Karen S. Orville Susan Y. Patton Mrs. Edward A. Peck III Sarah Lovejoy Pennington Noelle Bisig Phillips Holly Powell Dr. Joyce B. Purnell Gayle and Randy Randol Mrs. Thomas C. Redford, Jr. Mary Douglas Rice E.A. Ritter Alice Rivas Caroline Rodenhaver N. Pendleton and Laurie Jarrett Rogers Helen J. Ryan Ms. Lindsay Ryland Ms. Bridget B. Salley Mrs. Savon Sampson Mrs. Wellford L. Sanders, Jr. The Junior League of Richmond

Mrs. Calvin Satterfield III Christine Nicole Sayed Mrs. Robert Bruce Scoggins Liza Scott Melinda Joellyn Scott Janie Whitt Sellers Amy Shutts Mrs. Scott A. Sirles Mr. and Mrs. William F. Slowinski Amy Shutts Meredith Snellings Brenda Spratley Jessica Stankus Pia Steinbrugge Jane Blanton Stout Heather Swinson Mrs. J. V. Taylor, Jr. Sandra Taylor Sue C. Taylor Betty Anne Teter

Jayne Thatcher Tonnia Thomas Maggie K. Tomlin Mr. and Mrs. William D. Thomson Mrs. Zach Toms, Jr. Terry S. Tosh Wrenn T. Trevarthen Betse S. Trice Sarah Gray Tullidge Allison Twente Brittany Tyler Mrs. Richard Upton Lyndsey VanCaster Amber Vernon Betty Byrne Ware Elizabeth S. Ware Mrs. J. Latane Ware Ms. Vicki Warren Mrs. Howard S. Whitehead Mrs. George Thomas Williamson The Reverend Amelie A. Wilmer Kara Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Wilson III Ms. Barbara G. Wiltshire Mrs. Beth P. Witt Mrs. Franklin S. Wood, Jr.

Annual Report 2011-2012

Sarah Wootton Jenny Wortham Kristi S. Wright Katherine Lewicki Zawada Mr. and Mrs. John G. Zehmer, Jr. Children’s Museum of Richmond Genworth Foundation Gray Holdings, LLC Richmondmom.com Seibert’s Towing In-Kind Gifts American Red Cross, Virginia Capital Region Barksdale Theatre & Theatre IV Blue Goat Bogeys Sports Park Bon Secours Health System Bottoms Up Pizza Bowl America Brio Tuscan Grille at Stony Point Byrd Theatre Can Can Brasserie Child’s Play Foods for Fun Children’s Museum of Richmond Lilliboo and Jack Cronly Decorus Hair Art Dick’s Sporting Goods Feed More The First Tee of Richmond & Chesterfield Five Guys Burgers & Fries The Fun Bus James River Bus Lines LaDifference, Inc. Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Little Caesar’s Pizza Mosaic Café & Catering Northside Grille

Peak Experiences Real Richmond Richmond Flying Squirrels Richmond International Raceway Richmond Magazine Richmond Mom.com The Salvation Army of Central Virginia Science Museum of Virginia TFC Recycling Thirty-One Total Printing Virginia Commonwealth University Athletics Virginia Museum of Fine Arts Virginia State Police Weinstein JCC Julie and Paul Weissend Willow House Honorary/ Tribute Gifts In Honor of Rachael Harrell Otis L. Harrell III In Memory of J. Taylor Hogan Mrs. William H. Mears, Jr. In Honor of Ashley Mann Dr. Lindsay N. and Rhonda Childs In Honor of Patti Loughridge Jane V. Helfrich In Honor of Julia Gray Michaux Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Terry, Jr.


JUNIOR LEAGUE OF RICHMOND, INC. Statement of Financial Position At May 31, 2012


Temporarily Restricted

Permanently Restricted

Total May 31, 2012

Total May 31, 2011

ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Contributions receivable Prepaid expenses and accrued revenues Investments Inventories Property and equipment, net of depreciation Total assets


799,675 1,209 9,770 8,214 387,251 9,724 505,837


500 14,225 -


43,484 -


799,675 1,209 10,270 8,214 444,960 9,724 505,837


696,701 885 20,692 7,425 462,909 10,881 527,225












13,616 111,301 222,385






13,616 111,301 222,385


15,079 106,704 240,245

LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Deferred revenues Notes payable Total liabilities Net assets: Unrestricted Restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets







1,374,378 -



1,374,378 58,209

1,314,198 50,492















The financial statements were reviewed by the accounting firm of Larry Saunders and Associates, CPAs, LLC. The Statement of Financial Position is part of a comprehensive financial statement package. The complete package, along with the corresponding IRS Form 990, is available at the Junior League website, www.jlrichmond.org.

JUNIOR LEAGUE OF RICHMOND, INC. Statement of Activities For the Year Ended May 31, 2012 2012 Revenues, gains, and other support: Contributions and gifts In-kind donations of goods and services Merchandise sales Membership dues Special events Other income


Total revenues Expenses and losses: Program services: Retail operations Other program expenses Special Events/ Outreach Management and general Total operating expenses Net (gain) loss on disposal of assets Net (gain) loss on sale of investments Net unrealized (gain) loss on investments Total expenses and losses Change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year Net assets at end of year


153,087 76,133 541,188 123,161 90,262 38,881

2011 $

166,069 80,483 514,323 128,438 86,490 35,121



400,859 135,717 248,985 143,748

381,400 180,559 226,492 195,746



2,006 3 23,497

1,003 (68,983)










The financial statements were reviewed by the accounting firm of Larry Saunders and Associates, CPAs, LLC. The Statement of Activities is part of a comprehensive financial statement package. The complete package, along with the corresponding IRS Form 990, is available at the Junior League website, www.jlrichmond.org.


The Junior League of Richmond

Junior League of Richmond 205 West Franklin Street Richmond, Virginia 23220 804.643.4886 www.jlrichmond.org

The JL logo is a registered trademark of The Association of Junior Leagues International Inc.


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