2010-2011 JLR Annual Report

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2010-2011 YEAR


Impacting the Community Everyday. . . For 85 Years and Counting!

Mission The Junior League of Richmond, founded in 1926, is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers.

Vision The Junior League of Richmond empowers, educates, and enhances the quality of life for women, youth, and families, with an emphasis in the East End community, through effective programming and collaboration demonstrated by quality mentorship and family programs that build skills to reach educational goals, plan for the next phase of life, and generate pride in the community.

From Our 2010-2011 President Dear Members, Donors, and Friends, Every day, since its beginning in 1926, the Junior League of Richmond has inspired positive change throughout the Richmond community. Though the work that we do has evolved through the years, our commitment to at-risk children and families has remained steadfast. Not only are we dedicated to those most in need today, but we are grounded in the idea that our members will use their League experiences to foster a lifetime of volunteer leadership. I have been honored as our 85th President, to be a part of this phenomenal legacy of service, and am so very proud of all that we have been able to accomplish throughout the past year. Some highlights from our 85th year: • We have officially begun to transition our primary focus impact area to the underserved east end of Richmond. We are so proud to be a part of a community-wide effort to strengthen this vital Richmond region. • 1,114 Junior League of Richmond members served the Richmond community and contributed over 30,000 hours of service through our community programs, which included Done in a Day, Families First, Literacy Through Art Outreach, Good Sports, Bright Beginnings, and Kids in the Kitchen. • Thousands participated in the Junior League of Richmond’s innovative fundraising events, which include the 66th Book & Author Dinner, the 7th Junior Book & Author, and the 2010 Touch a Truck. These events raised more than $90,000 to support the Junior League of Richmond’s volunteer efforts in the community. • Our two Clothes Rack stores combined (Cary Street and Stratford Hills) provided quality, affordable merchandise to over 38,000 customers, selling over 154,000 items. The combined revenue increased 10% from FY 2010 which was our best year of growth ever for the Clothes Rack store and helped to drive the overall financial success of the Junior League of Richmond. • In addition, the Clothes Rack partnered with Richmond Public Schools in the Work Experience Program, providing vocational education to students with intellectual disabilities, as well as re-donating thousands of unsold items to other organizations in need. • Finally, we had one of our strongest financial performances since 2003, setting the course to ensure financial sustainability for the future. We could not have done this without the support of our members through cost containment and reduction efforts in spending across all of the Junior League. We are proud that our hard work and efforts more than paid off! Every day this work continues and our impact grows. Thank you for all that you do on behalf of the Junior League of Richmond to make these efforts possible. We are so grateful to our membership, donors, supporters, and partners and look forward to all that we can achieve together. Sincerely, Rikki Dodson President, 2010-2011


EVERYDAY – Committed to the power of voluntarism...

In 2010-2011 Junior League of Richmond volunteers completed more than 30,000 hours of service in the Richmond community.


Serving those in need...

The Junior League is committed to at-risk youth and families throughout the Richmond Region, with priority focus on the underserved East End.Through programs like Good Sports, we promote character development through athletics for elementary school-aged youth. In 2010-2011, 42 children from Peter Paul Development Center participated in this program, which focused on activities including tennis, soccer, and mixed martial arts coupled with literacy and healthy eating.

The Junior League of Richmond is proud to partner with the Greater Richmond YMCA Bright Beginnings program. Bright Beginnings is a community outreach program designed to provide back-to-school clothes and educational supplies for disadvantaged children. In 2010-2011, JLR raised over $17,460 for this program, enabling 125 children to participate. 3

EVERYDAY – Making a lasting difference...

Eighty-five years and we know that our legacy has just begun! In 2011-2012 JLR welcomed 98 new members. Every day, our impact is growing.


Sharing the gift of literacy...

In February 2010, the Junior League of Richmond, in partnership with the Verizon Foundation, presented children’s writer Kate Klise. More than 1,200 students from 17 Greater Richmond area schools had the opportunity to interact with the nationally– acclaimed writer through author presentations, book signings, and writing workshops. The Junior League of Richmond demonstrates an ongoing commitment to Literacy throughout all of our community programming, and greatly values the difference a life–long love of reading can make in any person’s life.

The Junior League of Richmond’s Book & Author Dinner is the oldest of its kind in the nation. In 2011, JLR hosted its 66th Dinner, which was attended by more than 1,000 individuals and raised more than $50,000 for the League’s community efforts. JLR was proud to partner with Dominion who served as the Title Sponsor.


EVERYDAY – Honoring our past...

In 2010-2011, the Junior League turned 85 years old! More than 5,000 women have been members of this Richmond institution—known for initiating programs for children and families in need throughout the Richmond community, and often serving as a model for community partnership and collaboration.


Bringing our community together... Each year, the Junior League of Richmond hosts Touch a Truck, a unique hands-on opportunity for children to explore heavy machinery and to meet the people who build, protect and serve the Richmond community. In 2010, JLR partnered with more than 50 Corporations and community organizations to present this event, which was attended by more than 2,000 and raised over $20,000 to support the League’s work in the community.

The Junior League of Richmond has a long history of building creative partnerships. In 2010-2011, JLR partnered with more than 100 local organizations and corporations to facilitate its community programming, which includes initiatives Kids in the Kitchen, Done in a Day, Good Sports, Literacy through Art Outreach, and Families First. At the 2011 Kids in the Kitchen event, children from Richmond’s underserved east end, learned about healthy living from some unconventional instructors, including Richmond Squirrels mascot Nutsy and The Stavna Ballet Company.


EVERYDAY – Celebrating those who give...

The work of the Junior League of Richmond would not be possible were it not for substantial corporate and individual support. In 2010-2011 nearly 40% of JLR’s members contributed beyond their dues obligation to support the JLR Annual Fund, now called the Community Fund. 8

Developing the potential of women...

An essential aspect of the Junior League of Richmond’s mission is developing the potential of women. Leaders of each committee and council participate in the Junior League of Richmond’s Operating Committee (OPCO), which meets monthly to coordinate the Leagues’s many community efforts. OPCO often serves as an essential training ground for some of our strongest leaders–many of whom will use those experiences to take on prominent roles with other community organizations in addition to their work with JLR.

The central focus of the Junior League of Richmond’s Training Institute for Leadership Impact is to prepare women to be impactful volunteer leaders. In 20102011,TILI marked its 5th year of providing consistent, quality learning opportunities for the Junior League of Richmond membership. More than 300 members participated in sessions which included topics like situational leadership, public speaking, non-profit fund-raising, and motivating volunteers to serve. 9

Junior League of Richmond Statement of Financial Position May 31, 2011 With Comparative Totals for May 31, 2010

ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Contributions receivable Prepaid expenses and accrued revenues Investments Inventories Property and equipment, net of depreciation Total assets LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses Deferred revenues Notes payable Total liabilities Net assets: Unrestricted Restricted Total net assets Total liabilities and net assets 10


Temporarily Restricted

Permanently Restricted

Total May 31, 2011

Total May 31, 2010


696,701 885 20,692 7,425 412,417 10,881 527,225


7,008 -


43,484 -



$ 1,676,226





$ 1,726,718

$ 1,861,885








15,079 106,704 204,245

696,701 885 20,692 7,425 462,909 10,881 527,225

15,079 106,704 240,245

897,282 1,423 4,750 4,707 389,336 14,431 549,956

12,633 112,269 467,000






1,314,198 -



1,314,198 50,492

1,219,199 50,784







$ 1,726,718

$ 1,861,885

$ 1,676,226




The financial statements were reviewed by the accounting firm of Larry Saunders and Associates, CPAs, LLC. The Statement of Financial Position is part of a comprehensive financial statement package. The complete package, along with the corresponding IRS Form 990, is available at the Junior League website, www.jlrichmond.org.

Junior League of Richmond Statement of Activities Year Ended May 31, 2011 With Comparative Totals for the Year Ended May 31, 2010

Revenues: Contributions and gifts In-kind donations of goods and services Merchandise sales Membership dues Special events Other income Total revenues Expenses and losses: Program services: Retail operations Senior Center Other program expenses Total programs Management and general Special events/outreach Total operating expenses Net (gain) loss on disposal of assets Net unrealized (gain) loss on investments Total expenses and losses Change in net assets Net assets at beginning of year Net assets at end of year



$166,069 80,483 514,323 128,438 86,490 35,121 1,010,924

$153,650 81,606 488,488 109,828 96,409 39,731 969,712

381,400 180,559 561,959 195,746 226,492 984,197 1,003 (68,983) 916,217 94,707 1,269,983 $1,364,690

425,024 9,818 166,461 601,303 137,070 261,549 999,922 251,000 (45,695) 1,205,227 (235,515) 1,505,498 $1,269,983

The financial statements were reviewed by the accounting firm of Larry Saunders and Associates, CPAs, LLC. The Statement of Activities is part of a comprehensive financial statement package. The complete package, along with the corresponding IRS Form 990, is available at the Junior League website, www.jlrichmond.org.


Donor Listing Gifts of $30,000 and above Dominion Resources Gifts of $10,000 - $29,000 Richmond Times Dispatch Troutman Sanders Verizon Foundation Gifts of $5,000 – $9,999 Bon Secours Richmond Health System Capital One Champagne Taste Catering Community Ideas Station J. E. Liesfeld Contractor, Inc. Morgan Keegan & Company, Inc. WWBT-TV (NBC) 12 Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stanton Dodson, Jr. Capital One Gillies Creek The NewMarket Foundation RichmondMom.com Union First Market Bank UPS Freight Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499 Edie and Bob Cabaniss Sally Clay Flinn Margaret Freeman Howerton Stuart and Pepper Laughon Denise Leonard Patricia S. Loughridge

Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Luck III Amy McGlynn Cherry Peters Dale Schultz Mr. and Mrs. William D. Thomson Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield BB&T CapTech Fidelity Chartable Gift Fund JA Cole Associates, LLC James River Landscaping KPMG McGuire Woods LLP MWV Saks Incorporated Gifts of $500 - $999 Laura H. Boland Lindsay Davis Molly and Brian Duffy Katy Haskell Mary Catharine Ginn Kolbert Tucker McNeil and Jennifer Eason McNeil Jean W. Lane Beth Gindin Miksa Josephine J. Miller Stinson Mundy Anne Poarch Kay Poynor Katherine L. Smallwood Jennifer Snodgrass Mrs. Robert Spratley Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ukrop

Heidi Vaiksnoras Abbott Laboratories Employee Giving Campaign CarMax Car Pool Dankel, Inc. The Hartwell H. Roper Family Fund Hoover & Strong S.B. Cox Ready Mix, Inc. J. McLaughlin United Way of Greater Richmond & Petersburg Gifts of $250 - $499 Mrs. Philip J. Bagley III Elaine Baker Betsy Blevins Rachel E. Bowman Beverly Brown Mrs. William Hill Brown III Nancy Cheely Chris and Laurie Cigal Mr. Damon L. & Mrs. Monica Brinkley Davis Mrs. Douglas Donald Cynthia A. Dowd Mr. and Mrs. Mark Steward Dreux, Jr. Nina Encin Jane B. Fain Christine Fix Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Frank Freeman Family Fund of The Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia

Mark Gaddis Michael Godin, MD Kim Gottwald Catherine and Jay Haas Mrs. R. Garnett Hall, Jr. Rachael Harrell Mrs. J. Cary Hatcher Mr. and Mrs. John S. Helfrich Michelle Horgan Mrs. Jasper P. Horne III Katherine Jones Richard and Kathy Knollmann Ms. Kari Teagno Hyman and Mr. J. Heath Hyman Theresa C. Lewis Miss Elizabeth Terry Long Denice McHale Mrs. Harry G. Moore, Jr. Stinson Mundy Mrs. George W. Norris Mrs. Fred W. Palmore III Mrs. C.D. L. Perkins Jennifer Pitts Mrs. Clyde H. Ratcliffe Mrs. Charles L. Reed, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Q. Rhodes Angela M. Robinson Phil and Camilla Rohrbach Sara Shelton Tory L. Robertson-Susac Mr. and Mrs. Shawn P. Sweeney Kay Tyler Mrs. C. Porter Vaughan III Jared and Courtney Wall

Gifts of $250 - $499 (continued) Isabella G. Witt Bon Secours Health System MeadWestvaco Old Dominion Electric Cooperative Tastefully Simple Timmons Group The Tuckahoe Woman’s Club US Food Service Walmart Gifts of $100 - $249 Happy Anderson William Allcott Em Bowles Alsop Ada-Marie Aman Edward Auriemma Meghan Barger Patsy Barr Mrs. Robert P. Baskin Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bates III Lynda Beck CJ Biddle Dr.Virgie M. Binford Vickie and Larry Blanchard Pauline Brickman Susan H. Brewer Martha Ware Bryan Caroline and John Cardwell Kristie Chamberlain Dr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Claiborne, Jr. Kathryn H. Clary Mrs. Ruth A. Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. James M.Daniel, Jr.

Kathleen and Joe Demro Alison Wood Eckis Audrey and Morton Eggleston Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Erickson Pamela Faircloth Sibyl FaJohn Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Fauls Katherine Jones Mrs. Terry K. Francis Nancy M. Frazier Jane Blanton Garland Connie Garrett Mr. and Mrs. William B. George, Jr. Mrs. Carter Glass IV Nancy H. Gottwald Anne H. Hardage Branch Harper Eva M. Hartmann Mrs. Anne Heath Mrs. William Maury Hill Megan Holt Niki Howard Heather Huff Erin A. Sutton Laura Jarrett Danielle Johnson Katy Johnson Mr. and Mrs. John F. Kay, Jr. Mrs. Julia D. Kimbrell Kelly I. King Joy Lansing Katharine T. Lowe Mrs. Charles W. Mack Judy Malloy

Mrs. John Gary Maynard, Jr. Robert K. McArdle Laurie McCarthy Wycliffe G. McClure Mary K. McDonald Mrs. Edwin B. Meade, Jr. Michelle Miller Miggie Mustian Mrs. Lois A. Just Myers Mrs. William M. Noftsinger Ms. Linda Orban Susan Y. Patton Mrs. Peyton M. Pollard Debra Pollock Holly Raidabaugh Lillian S. Rasberry Jill Reynolds Susan V. R. Reynolds Panny Rhodes Leslie Rising Elizabeth W. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. W. Randolph Robins N. Pendleton and Laurie Jarrett Rogers Helen J. Ryan Cora Salzberg Diane C. T. Schettini Jane Ann Schumann Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seabolt Katherine Secrist Mrs. Erin Eisele Shafer Steve and Amy Shutts Mr. and Mrs. Brad Stora Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M. Sutton Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sidney Sutton

Diane K. Taylor Sue C. Taylor Johnnie Lou Terry Leslie Thompson Mrs. Zach Toms, Jr. Whitney Wallin Betsy Ware Cabell West Tammy West Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wick III Gunston Restoration & Construction, LC Independent 4x Kool Smiles Mariah Robinson Antiques & Fine Art Master Cho’s World Class Tae Kwon Do LLC Network for Good River City Rubbish Soul-Ice Vending Inc.

For a complete list of JLR contributors at all levels visit www.jlrichmond.org 13

2010-2011 Board of Directors President: Rikki Dodson President-Elect: Jennifer Pitts Vice President, Community: Niki Howard Vice President, Events: Rachael Harrell Vice President, Membership: Monica Davis Vice President, Sustainers: Kathy Knollmann Director-Branding: Mel Hannan Director-Finance: Cran Davis Director-TILI: Amy Moghanaki 2010-2011 Community Advisory Board William Allcott Harold Fitrer Reginald E. Gordon Jeanine Harper Jennifer L. McClellan

Caroline Cardwell Lindsay Davis Kari Teagno Hyman Ashley Mann C. Stinson Mundy Holly Raidabaugh

Robert D. Seabolt Shawn P. Sweeney Lynne Washington Jeffrey L. Wilt

Junior League of Richmond Staff Director: Suzannah Stora Office Manager: Martha Ware Bryan Controller: Ann Michele Sweeney Director of Retail Operations: Mark Gaddis

205 West Franklin Street Richmond,Virginia 23220 804.643.4886 www.jlrichmond.org

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